Zalutschia Lipina (Figs 70, 71)

Head capsule yellow with brown occipital margin. Antenna with 6 segments, sixth segment vestigial. Premandible bifid apically with one inner tooth. Apical mandibular tooth shorter than combined width of 3 inner teeth. Mentum usually dark with double median tooth and 6 pairs of lateral teeth, first lateral reduced, occasionally with 2–3 light coloured median teeth and first and sixth lateral teeth reduced. Ventromental plates well developed extending beyond mentum with fine beard.

Remarks: Zalutschia is a distinctive genus. It resembles Hydrobaenus which has similar shape of mentum however without beard. Zalutschia may be confused with Psectrocladius due to distinct ventromental plates and beard, however mentum of Psectrocladius has only five lateral teeth.

Zalutschia tatrica (Pagast, 1935) is considered to be typical inhabitant of small, acidified Tatra Mts. lakes (Bitušík et al. 2006a; Kownacki 2011). Recently, larvae belonging to tornetraeskensis species group were found (Novikmec et al. 2015).

Subfossil Zalutschia remains were recorded from small number, mostly acidified lakes.

Two morphotypes were recognized.