Orthopyxis frigida Stechow, 1923 (*)

Campanularia everta — Hickson & Gravely, 1907: 24 –25. Orthopyxis frigida Stechow, 1923a: 104; 1923b: 107.

Remarks. Hickson & Gravely (1907) assigned to Orthopyxis everta (Clark, 1877) material from McMurdo Sound. However, the presence of this species in Antarctic waters is uncertain. Hickson & Gravely (1907: 25) themselves indicated “we have some hesitation in assigning these specimens to the species C. everta of Clark, as they differ in many respects from the original description of the type”. In fact, Vervoort (1972a) and Blanco (1976) excluded from this species the specimens described by Hickson & Gravely (1907: 24).

Stechow (1923a) considered highly unlikely that Orthopyxis everta occurs in Antarctic waters and concluded that the material studied by Hickson & Gravely (1907) actually represented a new species, which he named Orthopyxis frigida.