Bimeria corynopsis Vanhöffen, 1910

(Fig. 2 A –B)

Bimeria corynopsis —Peña Cantero, 2015: 370–373, figs 1A, 2A –B, 3A –B (synonymy).

Material examined. Stn 139, a few polyps, on Staurotheca nonscripta Peña Cantero, Svoboda & Vervoort, 1997 and bryozoans (MNCN 2.03/526); Stn 140, a few stems, with up to three polyps, on Hydrodendron arboreum (Allman, 1888) and Staurotheca nonscripta (NIWA 117472).

Measurements (in µm).Cnidome: microbasic euryteles (seen discharged) [range 8.5–9.5 x 5.0, mean 9.1±0.3 x 5.0±0.0 (n= 7); ratio, range 1.7–1.9, mean 1.8±0.1 (n=7)], desmonemes [range 5.5– 6 x 3.5].

Remarks. Stems with up to three polyps, pedicels undulated and polyp tentacles with distinct distal knob (Fig. 2 A).

Ecology and distribution. Shelf species collected at depths from 385 (Vanhöffen 1910) to 527 m (Peña Cantero 2014a); present material between 231 and 240 m, epibiotic on Hydrodendron arboreum and Staurotheca nonscripta.

East Antarctic distribution (Peña Cantero 2014a), hitherto only known from the Davis Sea (Vanhöffen 1910; Peña Cantero 2014a). Present material, which constitutes the third record for the species and the first one for the Ross Sea, off Moubray Bay, extending considerably its geographic distribution.