Atmospheric profiling data collected from radiosondes in the Southern Ocean in the austral summer of 2016/2017 during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition. Data file(s): aceNNNflt.dat, aceNNNpre.dat header: 17 lines of metadata with additional 2-line column headers Time [min]: time of measurement [min] Press [hpa]: pressure [hPa] Alt [km]: altitude [km] Temp [deg C]: corrected temperature [deg C] Traw [deg C]: raw temperature [deg C] Theta [K]: potential temperature [K] RH [%]: relative humidity [%] Tfp V [deg C]: frostpoint temperature [deg C] TvaisI [deg C]: iMet internal temperature [deg C] Fl: not relevant GPS lat [deg]: radiosonde latitude [degree_north] GPS lon [deg]: radiosonder longitude [degree_east] GPS alt [km]: radiosonde altitude [km] Wind [m/s]: wind speed [m/s] Wind Dir [deg]: wind direction (from) [deg]