Anthericum calyculatum Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 311. 1753.

"Habitat in alpibus Helvetiae, Lapponiae, Sibiriae." RCN: 2455.

Lectotype (designated here by Jonsell): [icon] " Phalangium alpinum, palustre, Iridis folio " in Séguier, Pl. Veron. 2: 61, t. 14. 1745.

Current name: Tofieldia calyculata (L.) Wahlenb. (Liliaceae/Tofieldiaceae).

Note: Linnaeus’ concept of A. calyculatum was broad, and included what are now recognised as four distinct species. Stearn (in J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 53: 194-204. 1947; Introd. Linnaeus’ Sp. Pl. (Ray Soc. ed.): 130-132. 1957; in Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 5: 9. 1973) has provided a detailed analysis of this problem, concluding that the name should, in accordance with long usage, be restricted to the species known to Linnaeus from Gotland. Stearn treated Hau, in Gotland, as the restricted type locality, nominating topotype material, but did not designate either a specimen (none of the original specimens belongs to this species) or an illustration as lectotype. Stearn (1947: 197, f. 3B) reproduced the cited Fl. Lapponica (1737: t. 10, f. 3) illustration. However, the cited Séguier plate, depicting material from Monte Baldo in northern Italy, corresponds with traditional usage of the name and is designated as the lectotype by Jonsell.