Lichen cylindricus Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 1144. 1753, nom. cons.

"Habitat in Pensylvania, Lapponia. D. Montin." RCN: 8226.

Conserved type (Jørgensen & al. in Taxon 43: 651. 1994): Sweden, ad flumen Kamajock, prope Qvickjock (= Kvikkjokk) Lapponiae Lulensis, 1871, P.J. & E.V.M. Hellbom (UPS).

Current name: Umbilicaria cylindrica (L.) Delise ex Duby (Umbiliculariaceae).

Note: Jørgensen & al. (in Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 115: 301-302. 1994) provided a detailed investigation, and concluded that the only extant original element, that of Dillenius (see their f. 23), is based on material of Parmotremaperforata (Jacq.) Hale. They successfully proposed the conservation of the name with a conserved type.