Sideritis hyssopifolia Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 575. 1753.

"Habitat in Hetruria, Pyrenaeis, Thuiri." RCN: 4194.

Lectotype (Obón de Castro & Rivera Nuñez in Phanerog. Monogr. 21: 221. 1994): Herb. Clifford: 313, Sideritis 3 (BM-000646111).

Generitype of Sideritis Linnaeus (vide Green, Prop. Brit. Bot.: 164. 1929).

Current name: Sideritis hyssopifolia L. (Lamiaceae).

Note: Sideritis hirsuta L. was treated as the generitype by Britton & Brown (Ill. Fl. N. U. S., ed. 2, 3: 111. 1913; see McNeill & al. in Taxon 36: 385. 1987). However, under Art. 10.5, Ex. 7 (a voted example) of the Vienna Code, this is a type choice made under the American Code and is to be replaced under Art. 10.5b by Green’s choice (Prop. Brit. Bot.: 164. 1929) of S. hyssopifolia L.