Primula veris Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 142. 1753.

"Habitat in Europae pratis." RCN: 1150.

Lectotype (Richards in Jarvis & al., Regnum Veg. 127: 79. 1993): Herb. Burser XIII: 137 (UPS).

Generitype of Primula Linnaeus (vide Hitchcock, Prop. Brit. Bot.: 128. 1929).

Current name: Primula veris L. (Primulaceae).

Note: The original elements for this name represent a number of different taxonomic entities and Richards therefore designated Herb. Burser XIII: 137 (UPS) as lectotype, since it corresponded with var. veris of usage. However, he was unaware of an earlier type designation, made by Halda (Genus Primula: 49. 1992) tying the name to Herb. Linn. 198.1 (LINN). In the opinion of Richards, this specimen is identifiable as subsp. canescens (Opiz) Hayek ex Hegi, sometimes recognised at species level as P. canescens Opiz. Confirmation of this identification and acceptance of Halda’s type choice would cause P. veris to become the correct name for what has been called P. canescens, and require a new name to be found for the latter. It seems that a conservation proposal may be necessary, but in the meantime, P. veris is not to be used in a sense that conflicts with current usage (Art. 57).