Prenanthes repens Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 2: 798, Err. 1753.

"Habitat in Sibiria." RCN: 5836.

Type not designated.

Original material: Steller, Herb. Linn. No. 952.9 (LINN); [icon] in Linnaeus, Amoen. Acad. 2: 360, t. 4, f. 23. 1751.

Current name: Lactuca repens (L.) Benth. ex Maxim. (Asteraceae).

Note: The specific epithet is given as “altissima” in the protologue on p. 798 (duplicating that in P. altissima L. on p. 797), but is corrected to “repens” in the Errata.

Merrill (in J. Arnold Arbor. 21: 389. 1940) stated that this is based wholly on the Kamchatka plant described and figured by Linnaeus (in Amoen. Acad. 2: 360, t. 4, f. 23. 1751). There is, however, also a Kamchatka specimen in existence (952.9 LINN).