Reseda canescens Linnaeus, Species Plantarum 1: 448. 1753.

"Habitat in Salmantica." RCN: 3482.

Lectotype (Heywood in Feddes Repert. 69: 42. 1964): [icon] "Sesamoides parvum Salmantic." in Clusius, Rar. Pl. Hist. 1: 296, 295. 1601.

Current name: Sesamoides clusii (Spreng.) Greuter & Burdet (Resedaceae).

Note: This has been treated as a nomen ambiguum by some authors (e.g. López González in Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 42. 320. 1986; 45: 368. 1988; 48: 97-98. 1990), and placed as a possible synonym of Sesamoides clusii (Spreng.) Greuter & Burdet. However, no formal rejection proposal appears to have been made.