Zachvatkinibates maritimus Shaldybina, 1973

Geographic Location: AK: Kotzebue; Nunivak Is.; Glacier Bay, 15 km SE Lituya Bay (Behan-Pelletier 1988a); YT: Herschel Is., Herschel Spit; Running River, 68°57.5’N, 137°17’W (Behan-Pelletier 1988a, 1997); BC: Vancouver Is.: SE end of Long Beach; Cowichan Lake Experimental Station, Mesachie Lake (Behan-Pelletier 1988a).

Habitats: Elymus on sand dunes; supratidal meadow; Stellaria, Potentilla and grasses on upper shore; woody debris thrown by tide on shore; wet root mat by lake edge.

Distribution: Holarctic.