Cepheus sp.

Geographic Location and Habitats: YT: interglacial and mid Wisconsinan fossils (Matthews & Telka 1997); AB: Kananaskis Valley, Lodgepole pine litter (Powell & Skaley 1975); 35 km north of Fort McMurray (2 spp.) (McAdams et al. 2018); ABMI Sites (3 spp.); Moose Pasture Research Site, Narrow Lake (54°35’ N, 113°37’ W) (Walter et al. 2014); ABMI Sites (2 spp.) (Meehan et al. 2019); QC: Gatineau Park, Polyporus bracket fungi (Pielou & Verma 1968); Mont Tremblant (Behan et al. 1978); NB: Polyporus bracket fungi (2 spp.) (Pielou & Verma 1968); NS: Cape Breton Highlands NP (Behan-Pelletier 2010; Behan-Pelletier et al. 1987).

Genus Conoppia Berlese, 1908