Geographic Location: AK: Denali NP; Fairbanks Region (Behan 1978a); YT: Coast Mtns (Behan 1978a, Behan-Pelletier 1997b); NT: Mackenzie Delta (Behan 1978a); BC: Interior (Battigelli et al. 2004); Sicamous Creek (Berch et al. 2007); Isaiah Creek study site (Lindo & Stevenson 2007); Vancouver Is., Walbran Valley (Lindo & Winchester 2006, 2007); ON: Chalk River (Marshall 1972); QC: Morgan Arboretum (Marshall 1968); Timmins 54°60’N, 67°00’W (Behan 1978a); Mont Tremblant (Behan et al. 1978); Abitibi (Déchêne & Buddle 2009, 2010); NF: between Corner Brook and Little Grand Lake (Dwyer et al. 1997, 1998).
Habitats: shrub tundra; mixedwood boreal forest litter including hemlock, Balsam fir, beech and aspen; Western redcedar canopy suspended soil.
Distribution: Holarctic; Oriental.