Coelorinchus caelorhincus (Risso 1810) —Hollowsnout grenadier

Taxonomy. First record from Lebanon as Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus (Risso 1810) by Mouneimné (1979: 110); subsequently recorded as Coelorhynchus coerhynchus (Risso 1810) by Mouneimné (2002: 94); recently recorded as Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus by Colloca & Lelli (2012; 13); as Coelorinchus caelorhincus by Aguillar et al. (2018: 81). Recent unpublished records from Tripoli (April 2015) and Batroun (3 May 2010). Material in collection: AUBM (OS3858; OS3859).

Distribution. Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Marmara, eastern Atlantic: Greenland, Iceland and Faroes south to Cape Verde Islands.

Conservation. IUCN: Global (LC: 14 May 2013); Med. (LC: 13 November 2007). Capture and threats: Unknown. Occurrence: Rare. Low priority for conservation action.