Maechidius konjo sp. nov. EEEEC581-5447-42AA-9CAC-144395EB5C9C

Figs 49, 131, 222, 313, 386, 480, 629–631

Differential diagnosis

This new species is undoubtedly very close to other Sulawesi congeners, primarily in the shape of the aedeagus in combination with the V-shaped emarginate male labroclypeus and the lateral margin of the pronotum being somewhat obtuse angulate postmedially.


The new species is named after Konjo, a group of South Sulawesi native languages (Coastal Konjo and Highland Konjo) spoken in the area where it occurs. Noun in apposition.

Type material


INDONESIA • ♂; “ INDONESIA, S Sulawesi: Gowa Distr.; 6 km E of Malino, Gn. Bawakaraeng Area, border gardens and mixed forest (dominant Pinus) nr Lembanna Base camp 05°15.4’S, 119°54.5’E, 1520 m; J.Hájek & J.Šumpich leg. 11-13.ii.2015 // coll. general National Museum Prague, Czech Republic”; NMPC.


INDONESIA • 1 ♂; same labels as for holotype; NMPC.


MEASUREMENTS. Male holotype, total body length 7.30 mm. Head 1.40 mm long, across eyes 1.60 mm wide. Pronotum 1.70 mm long, maximum width 2.55 mm. Elytral length 4.20 mm, maximum combined width 3.40 mm. Paratype6.90 mm long.

Dorsum and venter uniformly black to black-brown, labroclypeus, antennae and legs castaneous brown. Male labroclypeus (Fig. 131) shallowly emarginate on anterior margin, its lateral margins sinuous in both dorsal and lateral views. Anterolateral angles of labroclypeus obtuse, strongly protruding. Frons convex dorsally. Compound eye moderately large, less than half head length. Head punctures ovoid to irregularly hexagonal, dense. Intervening spaces glossy, generally smaller than punctures. Head setae appressed to suberect, inconspicuous, sparse; each seta rises from anterior margin of corresponding puncture, surpassing its length. Pronotum broadly emarginate on anterior margin, basal margin broadly rounded. Lateral margin of pronotum broadly rounded, with very obtuse postmedian angulation, shallowly emarginate prebasally, crenulate all along (Fig. 222). Long erect seta present between every two crenulae. Pronotal punctures elongate ovoid, deep and dense. Intervening spaces glossy, smaller than punctures, in part wrinkled. Lateral and basal margins, antero- and posterolateral angles partly covered with microscopical velvety pubescence. Setae generally as on head, but with numerous minute ones not surpassing midlength of corresponding punctures. Elytron with tracks of two flat glabrous longitudinal carinae, sutural carina not indicated. Elytral punctures irregularly ovoid, deep and dense. Intervening spaces glossy, generally larger than punctures (Fig. 313). Elytral setae appressed to suberect. Minute setae rise from anterior margin of corresponding punctures, not surpassing their midlength. Longer suberect setae arranged in 5–6 irregular longitudinal rows on each elytron. Male pygidium with moderately large sparse annular punctures, intervening spaces glossy, variably large (Fig. 480). Setae of pygidium rise from anterior margin of corresponding punctures, generally suberect to erect and longer than corresponding punctures. Several minute setae not surpassing length of corresponding punctures located along anterior margin of pygidium. Male protibia widened distally, with two obtuse distal teeth on external margin (Fig. 386). Male protibial terminal spur strongly curved. Aedeagus as in Figs 629– 631.

Sexual dimorphism

Female is unknown.


Occurs in lower to mid-montane mixed rainforests (altitude ~ 1500 m a.s.l.) dominated by Pinus sp.


Hitherto only known from South Sulawesi.