Murina huttoni [Peters, 1872]

Harpyiocephalus huttonii Peters, 1872: 257; Dehra Dun, Kumaon, northwest INDIA (Collector unknown; BM(NH) 1879.11.21.685) [195].

Murina huttoni [23].

Common English name: Hutton’s Tube-nosed Bat

Barcode Index Number: DNA barcodes of M. huttoni are associated with three BINs, BOLD: AAC 6107, BOLD: AAC 6108 and BOLD: AAC 6109, but there are no DNA barcodes from Peninsular Malaysia.

IUCN status: Least Concern

Remarks: Francis and Eger [33] commented that M. huttoni may be the only Murina species that occurs in both Peninsular Malaysia and Indo-Burma after M. peninsularis was separated from M. cyclotis. The large divergence among the DNA barcodes in our NJ tree suggest that M. huttoni is also a species complex (S7 Fig). Simmons [98] recognises two subspecies: M. h. huttoni. (type locality: India) and M. h rubella (type locality: Fokien, China). Whether the M. huttoni in Peninsular Malaysia represents either of these subspecies remains to be determined [33].

Recorded at:Pahang: Gunong Benom in Krau Wildlife Reserve [23]. The only specimens of M. huttoni from Peninsular Malaysia was trapped at 1400 m [23].