Aleochara (Xenochara) rambousekiLIKOVSKÝ,1964 (Map 6)

M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Iraq: 1♂, 11 exs. [det. Feldmann], S Rawandoz, Akoian valley, 36°30'N, 44°36'E, ~ 1400 m, pitfall trap, 17.-25.IV.2017, leg. Reuter (cFel).

C o m m e n t: The distribution of A. rambouseki ranges from the Balkans (Greece, Croatia, Macedonia) across Turkey eastwards to Azerbaijan and Iraq (ASSING 2009a, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017a, b). The currently known distribution is illustrated in Map 6.