Cypris pincta Straus, 1821
Cypridopsis obesa Brady and Robertson, 1869
Cypridopsis helvetica Kaufmann, 1900
Cypridopsella tumida Kaufmann, 1900
Cypridopsis parva G.W. Müller, 1900
Cypridopsis mariae Rome, 1943
Cypridopsis parvoides J.M. Martens, 1977
Cypridopsis biwaensis Okubo, 1990a
This widespread species was previously reported from the Korean Peninsula (Chang et al. 2012). Similar to the previous Korean report, the longest seta of the antennal exopodite is long, reaching beyond the distal end of the second endopodal segment. On Jeju Island this species was encountered only once, from the lower reaches of a river (locality 35).