Pogoro siren Rosenmejer & Enghoff sp. nov.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act: 90399199-DF61-47B0-8D5E-B01AAAF16DE2

Figs 2, 5E, 10–11


Differs from other species of the genus by the shape of the postnodal telopodite and by the non-enlarged tubercles on the hypoproct.


The name is a Latin noun in apposition, meaning mermaid, and refers to the mermaid tail-like shape of the postnodal telopodite when seen from the mesal side.

Material examined


TANZANIA • ♂; Morogoro Region, Udzungwa Scarp Catchment Forest Reserve, Chita, plot 18; 08°29′19.5″ S, 35°54′27.3″ E, 1531 m a.s.l.; 2 Nov. 2014; J. Malumbres-Olarte leg.; pitfall traps; NHMD 621674.


Male SIZE AND SHAPE. Body length ca 55 mm. Maximum width 7.8 mm. W/L ratio 13%. Height of body ring eight 6.5 mm. H/W ratio = 83%.

COLOUR (Fig. 10). Collum and dorsal surface of metaterga dark brown. Face, legs and antennae medium brown. Prozona and ventral surface lighter brown.

STERNAL PROCESS ON BODY RING 6 (Fig. 5E). Transverse across sternum with dark brown edge and long setae.

HYPOPROCT. Almost semicircular, without median projection, paramedian tubercles not projecting beyond edge of sclerite.

GONOPOD (Fig. 11). Gonocoxa with paracannular setae. Telopodite mesonodal. Process M twice as wide at base and slightly longer than process L; both curved laterad. Postnodal teleopodite relatively short, curved dorsomesad, with curved narrow subapical lobe with rounded apex on lateral side. Uncate subapical lobe on mesal side. Solenomere of telopodite curved inwards against apex of uncate subapical lobe.


Known only from the type locality in the Udzungwa Scarp FR (Fig. 2).