Poecilimon harveyi Karabag, 1964 (armeniacu s-group)

TURKEY: Erzurum, Gölyurt Gecidi, southwest of Ispir (40.35ºN, 40.783ºE), 2300 m, 7.08.1983, leg. K.-G. Heller; 2 males recorded, stridulatory file studied.

The song is quite similar to that of the closely related (Ünal 2010) P. armeniacus. In the short recording two males produced overlapping series with durations of ca. 8 s each. In these series they showed a SRR of 12.5 Hz (T =27ºC; Fig. 6). The syllables had a duration of 46 ms and contained 4–6 impulses, resulting in a mean interval of 11.5 ms between the impulses.

For details of the stridulatory file see Table 2, Fig. 5.