Rugiluclivina julieni LESNE, 1896 comb.nov. (Figs 12-15)

Clivina julieni LESNE, 1896: 240.

Clivina julieni LESNE, 1904: 68.

Clivina julieni LESNE, 1896, BALKENOHL 2001: 15.

Clivina julieni LESNE, 1896, LORENZ 2005: 143.

Clivina julieni LESNE, 1896, BALKENOHL 2017b: 255.

T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype: ♀, with labels and data: beige, circular, handwritten with black ink "1036 75", backside yellow / light-brown, rectangular, printed " MUSEUM PARIS COCHINCHINE JULIEN 1875 " / handwritten with black ink " Clivina Julieni Lesne Type" / red, rectangular, printed " TYPE " / beige, rectangular, handwritten with black ink and printed " Julieni Lesne det. K. Kult 57 TYPE "; labels as in Fig. 13 (MNHN).

A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l seen by LESNE: 1♂, with labels and data: brown, rectangular, printed " MUSEUM PARIS TONKIN CENTR. RIVIÉRE CLAIRE RÉG. DE TUYEN-QUAN ET DE BAC MUC A. WEISS 1901 " / beige, small, rectangular, printed "oct.-dec." / beige, rectangular, handwritten with black ink and printed " Clivina Julieni Lesne P. Lesne vid. 1901 (MNHN). 1 spec., with labels and data: beige, circular, handwritten with black ink "1036 75" backside yellow / light-brown, rectangular, printed " MUSEUM PARIS COCHINCHINE JULIEN 1875 " / beige, rectangular, handwritten with black ink and printed " Clivina Julieni Lesn. P. Lesne vid. 1901; pronotum and head missing (MNHN). 1 spec., with labels and data: beige, circular, handwritten with black ink "1282 75" backside purple / beige, rectangular, handwritten with black ink " Auckland M. Hutton " / beige, handwritten with black ink " Clivina Julieni Lesne " / beige, rectangular, handwritten with black ink and printed " Clivina Julieni Lesne P. Lesne vid." (MNHN).

D i a g n o s i s: A medium sized piceous Rugiluclivina species with multiple fine carinae on the frons of the head, and finely but completely irregularly reticulated pronotum and elytra. Distinguished from the most similar species R. puncticollis BALKENOHL by the darker colour of the body, the irregular reticulation of the elytra and pronotum, and the convex lateral margin of the pronotum. In addition, the intervals of the elytra are flattened, the striae are narrower and not as deep as in R. puncticollis, and interval five shows also a tubercle at base. Moreover, the base of the elytra is not as distinctly concave, the apical carina of stria seven is not developed, and the front tibia shows dorsally a complete carina and sulcus. Moreover in both sexes the terminal sternite exhibits in the apical half a different pattern of the surface.

R e d e s c r i p t i o n:

Measurements: Holotype: Body length 7.99 mm; width 2.16 mm; ratio length/width of pronotum 0.97; ratio length/width of elytra 2.03.

Other material: Body length 7.31 / 7.62 mm; width 1.93 / 1.86 / 2.10 mm; ratio length/width of pronotum 1.01 / 1.00; ratio length/width of elytra 2.03 / 2.03 / 2.05 (in one spec. head/pronotum missing, see material).

Colour: Pronotum and elytra subopaque, ventral surface dull; piceous; mandibles piceous; mouthparts and antennae fuscus, intermediate and hind legs fuscus. Reflexed lateral margin of pronotum translucent.

Head (Fig. 12): One fourth smaller than pronotum. Outline subsquare. Clypeus relatively wide, straight anteriorly, with two acute teeth anteriorly, reflexed margined, separated from frons by deep transverse furrow, distinctly separated from wings by notches, surface with three to four irregular and convex carinae. Wings wider than teeth of clypeus, as far projecting anteriorly as teeth of clypeus, surface smooth. Supraantennal plates vaulted, laterally reflexed margined, projecting widely laterally up to mid-eye level, with obtusely rounded angle anteriorly, projecting anteriorly less far as wings, separated from wings by distinct notches, surface with irregular longitudinal carinae. Furrows between clypeus, wings, supraantennal plates joining posteriorly. Two clypeal setae situated at joining point of furrows, joined furrows prolonged posteriorly and joining with transverse furrow at level of mid-eye. Supraorbital furrow deep, wide, diverging posteriorly and running to level of posterior third of eye. Supraorbital carina invisible, bilaterally with two distinct supraorbital setigerous punctures. Frons distinctly convex, surface completely covered with longitudinal carinae. Neck constriction indistinct. Eyes subglobose, projecting laterally, genae indistinct. Antenna elongated but not reaching posterior setigerous puncture of pronotum, ratio length/width of segments four onwards 1.73, scapus with isodiametric reticulation, seta on scapus situated dorso-frontally at apical tip, segment two attached eccentrically, segment three pubescent in apical three-fourths, fully pubescent from segment four onwards. Labrum as wide as clypeus, bilobed, conspicuously excised at middle, amargined, six-setose, ciliate laterally, surface with irregular reticulation. Mandible distinctly shorter than head, slender in apical third, acute, apical half bent dorsally, with few longitudinal carinae. Maxillary palpus slender, two apical segments bent laterally. Apical segment of labial palpomere fusiform, segment two tumid, with one seta. Ligula long, wide, spatulate, rounded laterally, with one apical setigerous puncture.

Pronotum (Fig. 12): Subquadrate, flattened on disc in basal two thirds (lateral view), distinctly convex in frontal view. Anterior angles acute, slightly projecting. Posterior angles distinct, obtusely toothed. Reflexed lateral margin slightly but distinctly convex at middle part, more rounded to angles in anterior fifth and posterior quarter. Lateral channel moderately wide, of same size in whole length, anterior setigerous puncture connected with channel, posterior seta removed from channel by diameter of pore. Base moderately produced at middle. Reflexed lateral margin subcrenulated (80 times), running from posterior angles to base as slightly concave line. Anterior transverse line deep,

reaching anterior margin, not joining lateral margin. Median line distinct, complete, joining with anterior transverse line, narrow towards base. Dorsal surface covered with irregular reticulation (best visible at 80 times), with distinct transverse rugae, with longitudinal cloud of punctures bilaterally in basal half, rugae at anterior transverse line longitudinal, with transverse reticulation baso-laterally. Basal impressions short.

Elytron (Fig. 12): Cylindriform, slightly transversally depressed in anterior half in lateral view, distinctly convex in frontal view. Slightly dilated in apical half, contracted to humerus. Humerus rounded, obtuse-angular. Base indistinctly concave at declivity, margined from humerus to peduncle, declivity slightly overhanging over parts of peduncle, setigerous puncture at base of first stria, with one small tubercle at base of interval two to five. Scutellar stria short, indistinct, with carina-like margin at suture. Striae narrow, not deep, punctuate-striate, punctures distinct, one to four free at base, one and two, three and four, five and six joining at apex. Intervals flattened, seventh and eights carinate at humerus, eights carinate at apex, carina of stria seventh at apex indistinct or missing. Interval three with three setigerous punctures, situated at third stria. Reflexed lateral margin smooth. Whole surface covered with fine irregular reticulation (structure best visible at 80 times).

Hind wings: Fully developed.

Ventral surface: Proepisternum covered with distinct irregular to isodiametric reticulation, with transverse rugae laterally, submarginal furrow complete. Epipleuron with distinct isodiametric reticulation. Abdomen laterally with isodiametric reticulation, smooth and with slight transverse rugae at middle, the two apical setigerous punctures widely separated.

Legs: Protibia with distinct and complete carina and sulcus dorsally, lateral upper spine ensiform, turned distinctly ventrally and slightly laterally; movable spur shorter than spine, ensiform, turned slightly ventrally. Three preapical lateral denticles distinct, obliquely truncated. First segment of protarsus longer than segments two to four together, with rows of setae dorsally. Intermediate tibia with distinct spur preapically, furnished with seta, inner side with few setae.

Sexual differences: Male: Apical half of terminal sternite with a sharp transverse carina subapically, with second short and blunt carinae in apical third, laterally with longitudinal rugae. Female: Apical half of terminal sternite with two transverse carinae at middle situated in apical third, laterally with some short and rough longitudinal carinae.

Male genitalia (Fig. 14): Median lobe elongated, slender, slightly arcuate in middle part, distinctly arcuate towards apex, laterally flattened. Endophallus strongly folded, with group of small knobs laterally. Both parameres slender, dorsal one arcuate, somewhat distorted, both with three long nematiform setae at apex and one seta subapically, in the ventral one the subapical seta is minute, in the ventral one smaller than the other setae.

Female genitalia (Fig. 15): Coxostylus short, sturdy, slightly arcuate at apex, with one big peg-shaped seta in apical part, two medium sized nematiform setae in middle part, and one baso-laterally.

Variation: In the holotype, interval seven shows at apex an indistinct carina at the right and no carina at the other side. In other material, interval seven shows no apical carina.

D i s t r i b u t i o n: The holotype and one other specimen was collected in ‘Conchinchine’, today the South of Vietnam and parts of Cambodia. Another specimen is recorded from the North of Vietnam. An additional specimen is labelled " Auckland ". Without further records it cannot be decided if the species really occurs in New Zealand as well or if this is a labelling-error.