Platorchestia platensis (KrØyer, 1845) BOLD:AAA2949

As Orchestia platensis KrØyer 1845, p. 304, fig. 2; Platorchestia platensis (KrØyer 1845), Bousfield 1982, p. 26.

Material examined

From the following sampling locations: 8C, 14A, 14C, 16B (see Table 1 and Figure 2 for further details).


Found on similar sand beaches and under similar wrack piles as P. monodi. Found in single species samples (that is all three individuals analysed = BOLD:AAA2949), all on the northwest coast of Bermuda at Bailey s Bay (8C), Tynes Bay (14C) and Lagoon Park (16B). One other sample at Tobacco Bay Park (14A) was a mixed sample containing one P. platensis and two P. monodi. Other locations on the northwest coast consisted of single species P. monodi, e.g. Coot Pond (14B), Gibbon s Bay (7A) and Stovell s Bay (5B).


During this study this species was first recognized by its distinct molecular signature, which matched specimens identified as P.platensis from BOLD and GenBank. The same species is common on the Atlantic coast of North America, north of Charleston, North Carolina to New Brunswick (Radulovici 2012). Formalin-preserved specimens have not been checked for the possible occurrence of the two species of Platorchestia by morphological criteria, with the exception of sample 8C.