Bulboctenus mundurukusp. nov.

Figures 13–14, 17, 19

Type material. Male holotype from Santarém, Pará, Brazil [-2.45062, -54.70092], N. Abrahim coll., deposited in MPEG (ARA)036743. Female paratypes from Santarém, Pará Brazil, ([-2.45062, -54.70092]), N. Abrahim coll., deposited in MPEG (ARA)002411.

Etymology. The species name is a noun in apposition that honors the Munduruku indigenous people from the state of Pará. The term “Munduruku” is used by neighboring tribes rather than the Munduruku people themselves, and it means “red ants”.

Diagnosis. Males of Bulboctenus mundurukusp. nov. resemble those of B. itunaitatasp. nov. by the apical projections of the MA well differentiated and the RTA enlarged (Figs 12 A–C, 14A–C, 16A–C, 17A–C), but can be distinguished by the apical projection of the MA elongated, strongly curved anteriorly (Figs 14 A–C, 17A–C), while B. itunaitatasp. nov. presents the apical projection of the MA slightly curved anteriorly and pointing prolaterally (Fig. 12B). Females of Bulboctenus mundurukusp. nov. resemble those of B. itunaitatasp. nov. by having the copulatory ducts separated (Figs 12 D–E, 14D–E, 16D–E, 17D–E) but can be distinguished by the posterior lateral projections (PLP) of the MS distally narrow and pointed, the lateral projections (LP) of the lateral sectors as wide as long, distally curved, and the copulatory ducts well separated, at least by the width of a copulatory duct (Figs 14 D–E, 17D–E), while B. itunaitatasp. nov. presents the copulatory ducts relatively close to each other, the LP enlarge and straight and the PLP distally rounded (Figs 12 D–E, 16D–E).

Description.Male (MPEG(ARA)002411). Total length 6.21 (Fig. 13A). Carapace 3.65 long and 2.85 in wide. Clypeus 0.24 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.22, ALE 0.13, PME 0.28, PLE 0.31. Leg measurements: I: femur 3.08 / patella 1.40 / tibia 2.95 / metatarsus 2.51 / tarsus 1.18 / total 11.12; II: 2.78 / 1.38 / 2.55 / 2.37 / 1.10 / 10.18; III: 2.57 / 1.23 / 2.33 / 2.51 / 1.06 / 9.7; IV: 3.27 / 1.23 / 3.0 / 4.02 / 1.35 / 12.87. Leg formula 4123. Leg spination: tibia I v2-2-2-2-2, r1, p0, II v2-2-2-2-2, r1, p1, III–IV v1-1-1-1-2, r1-1, p1-1; metatarsus I v2-2-2, r1, p1, II v2-1-1-1-1, r1-1, p1-1, III v2-2-2, r1-1-1, p1-1-1, IV v1-1-1-1-1-2, r1-1-1, p1-1-1. Palp (Figs 14 A–C, 17A–C): wide embolus, with rectangular base and rounded apex; median apophysis with a long apex, curved anteriorly and strongly pointed; conductor with narrow base and large apex, not covering the tip of the embolus.

Female (MPEG(ARA)002411). Total length 7.80 (Fig. 13B). Carapace 3.96 long and 3.07 wide. Clypeus 0.22 high. Eye diameters: AME 0.21, ALE 0.14, SME 0.30, PLE 0.32. Leg measurements: I: femur 3.14 / patella 1.58 / tibia 2.94 / metatarsus 2.47 / tarsus 1.10 / total 11.23; II: 2.91 / 1.52 / 2.70 / 2.30 / 1.06 / 10.49; III: 2.77 / 1.33 / 2.24 / 2.49 / 1.10 / 9.93; IV: 3.60 / 1.42 / 3.15 / 4.09 / 1.42 / 13.68. Leg formula 4123. Leg spination: tibia I–II v2-2-2-2-2, r0, p0, III v1-1-1-1-2, r1-1, p1-1, IV v1-1 -1-1-2, r1-1-1-1, p1-1; metatarsus I–II v2-2-2, r0, p0, III v1-1-1-1-2, r1- 1-2, p1-1-2, IV v1-1-1-1-1-2, r1-1-1, p1-1-2. Epigyne (Figs 14 D–E, 17D–E): hexagonal median sector with pointed posterior lateral projections, shaped like an arrow; lateral projections of the lateral sector short, as wide as long; straight copulatory ducts; small fertilization ducts.

Distribution. Santarém, Pará, Brazil (Fig. 19).