Arctoseius haarlovi Lindquist & Makarova , 2011

Arctoseius haarlovi Lindquist, 1964 a: 103; 1964 b: 3895; Farrier & Hennessey, 1993: 24; Makarova, 2000 c: 914; 2000 d: S 139; 2000 e: 1046; 2000 f: S 144 (nomen nudum).

Arctoseius haarlovi Lindquist & Makarova, 2011 a: 935.

Arctoseius haarlovi.— Lindquist & Makarova, 2011 b: 1066; Makarova & Lindquist, 2013: 23.

TYPE DEPOSITORY: Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Ottawa, Canada.

TYPE LOCALITY AND HABITAT: Spitsbergen, Advent Bay, near Longyearbyen, Norway, dry substrate sparsely covered by Carex subspathacea [Plantae: Cyperaceae].

NOTES: (a) this species was described in an unpublished thesis (Lindquist, 1964 a: 103), which was not produced in numerous identical and durable copies (ICZN Article The mention of this name in Lindquist (1964 b: 3895) was not accompanied by a description (ICZN Article 13.1); (b) specimens mentioned as Arctoseius laterincisus Thor by Weis-Fogh (1948: 257), Evans (1955: 288), Chant (1963: 249) and Karg (1971 b: 268, 1993: 267) were re-identified as A. haarlovi by Lindquist & Makarova (2011 a: 935).