COLUMN NAME,DESCRIPTION ID,Unique Id number por each dam Name of the dam,Name of the dam Other Name,"Alternative names given to the dam (aliases, former names)" Height,Height of the dam above foundation expressed in meters Length,Length of the dam measured at the crest expressed in meters Reservoir Capacity,Capacity of the reservoir expressed in million cubic meters Reservoir Area,Area of the reservoir expressed in square kilometres Reservoir Name,"Name of the reservoir or water body, if different from the dam name" Catchment area,Area of the upstream catchment expressed in square kilometres River,Name of the river in which the dam is located International,Indicates if the dams or reservoirs lie within more than one country Year of Completion, Flood Control,Use of the dam for Flood Control Irrigation,Use of the dam for Irrigation Hydroelectricity,Use of the dam for Hydroelectricity Navigation,Use of the dam for Navigation Recreation,Use of the dam for Recreation Water Supply,Use of the dam for Water Supply Other Use,Use of the dam for other purposes Country,Name of country Nearest Town,Name of the nearest town or city to the dam location State / Province,Additional information about the location of the dam Decimal degree latitude,Latitude coordinate of point location of the dam in decimal degrees Decimal degree longitude,Longitude coordinate of point location of the dam in decimal degrees Note,Specific comments of importance , HYDROLOGICAL INFORMATION, WATERSHED AREA,Calculated watershed area per dam expressed in square kilometres NEAR SURFACE TEMPERATURE,Calculated average precipitation value derived from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU TS 4.03) time-series dataset per each dam watershed in degrees Celsius PRECIPITATION,Calculated average near surface temperature value derived from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU TS 4.03) time-series dataset per each dam watershed in millimetres per month POTENTIAL EVAPOTRANSPIRATION,Calculated average potential evapotranspiration value calculated using the Pen-Monteith method derived from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU TS 4.03) time-series dataset per each dam watershed in millimetres per day RUNOFF,Calculated average runoff derived from the University of New Hampshire Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) composite runoff field per each dam watershed expressed in millimetres per month POPULATION,Calculated population data from the Global Rural-urban Mapping Project (GRUMP) per dam watershed expressed in dwellers IRRIGATION,Calculated irrigation area from the Global Map of Irrigated Area dataset per dam catchment expressed in hectares. ARIDITY INDEX,Calculated aridity index per dam catchment. The aridity index is unitless. RESIDENCE TIME,Calculated residence time index per each dam reservoir. The residence time is expressed in years. DEGREE OF REGULATION,Calculated degree of regulation index per dam stream reach. Degree of regulation is expressed in percentage.