Ice Nucleating Particle number concentration from low-volume sampling over the Southern Ocean during the austral summer of 2016/2017 on board the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Data file(s): ACESPACE_ice_nucleating_particles_number_concentration_from_LoVol_filters.csv name_of_filter_sample: Name of filter sample. [-] datetime_of_start_of_sampling(UTC): Date and time at the start of sampling of respective filter in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. [UTC] latitude_at_start_of_sampling(degree N): Latitude of the vessel’s geographical position at the start of sampling of respective filter. [degrees North] longitude_at_start_of_sampling(degree E): Longitude of the vessel’s geographical position at the start of sampling of respective filter. [degrees East] datetime_of_end_of_sampling(UTC): Date and time at the end of sampling of respective filter in ISO 8601 format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00. [UTC] latitude_at_end_of_sampling(degree N): Latitude of the vessel’s geographical position at the end of sampling of respective filter. [degrees North] longitude_at_end_of_sampling(degree E): Longitude of the vessel’s geographical position at the end of sampling of respective filter. [degrees East] concentration_of_ice_nucleating_particles_at__degreeC(m^-3): Number concentration of ice nucleating particles on filter sample at given temperature T. [reciprocal cubic meter] Null values: NaN