The associated file includes the raw data of the pollination networks used in the article titled “Relative effects of anthropogenic pressures, climate, and sampling design on the structure of pollination networks at the global scale” by Doré M., Fontaine C. and Thébault E. The data file is .txt with tab-separated values. Each row corresponds to the presence of an interaction between a plant (identified by its genus and its species name with the columns “plantgenus” and “plantspecies”) and a pollinator species (identified by its order, genus and species name with the columns “pollinatororder”, “pollinatorgenus” and “pollinatorspecies”). Each interaction was reported at a given site by a given publication, the full reference of the publication being given in the column “Complete_ref” while the source of the data is detailed in the column “Source”. “id_network” corresponds to the id of a local network as reported in the source dataset. “id_network_aggreg” corresponds to the id of the aggregated networks at the larger spatial scale as used in the article by Doré et al.