We report the focal mechanisms (FPS) of earthquakes that occurred in the southeastern Alps and surrounding areas (latitude 45°N-47.5°N and longitude 10°E-15°E) from 1928 to 2019. The FPS have been collected and revised from literature or, depending on data availability, newly computed both by first polarities inversion or by means of seismic moment tensor. For more details about the catalogue refer to the paper: Saraò A., Sugan M., Bressan G., Renner G., Restivo A. 2021: A focal mechanism catalogue of earthquakes that occurred in the southeastern Alps and surrounding areas from 1928 to 2019 (submitted). For each solution we report # Event number ID ID of the event. Multiple solution of the same event are ID.nn Ps Preferred solution flag P=preferred; otherwise blank MT Moment tensor flag; MT=solution obtained by moment tensor; otherwise blank Date Date of the event (yyyy-mm-dd) Time Origin time (hh:mm:ss) Lat Latitude (North in degrees) Long Longitude (East in degrees) Dep Depth (km). Asterisk (*) when the depth is fixed Ml Local magnitude MD Duration magnitude MS Surface wave magnitude Mb Body wave magnitude M Magnitude Mw Moment magnitude Str1 Strike angle direction measured clockwise from the North - first plane (degrees) Dip1 Dip angle down to the right of the strike direction down from horizontal - first plane (degrees) Rak1 Rake in degrees - first plane (deg) Str2 Strike angle direction measured clockwise from the North - second plane (degrees) Dip2 Dip angle down to the right of the strike direction down from horizontal - second plane (degrees) Rak2 Rake in degrees - second plane (degrees) P-Azm P axis azimuth (degrees) P-Pln P axis plunge (degrees) T-Azm T axis azimuth (degrees) T-Pln T axis plunge (degrees) B-Azm B axis azimuth (degrees) B-Pln B axis plunge (degrees) kag Kagan angle (degrees) Ft1 Fault type classification by Zoback (1992) Ft2 Fault type classification by Alvarez Gomez (2019) Authors - Reference of the paper/dataset from which the solution is taken; Cor Correction flag. 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