Suplementary files from Porro et al. study "Horizontal acquisition of Symbiodiniaceae in the Anemonia viridis (Cnidaria, Anthozoa) species complex" The host animal SNPs can be found in vcf format files N197dataset.vcf N65dataset.vcf SNPs were obtained by RADsequencing from Anemonia viridis smaragdina The symbiont ITS2 sequences from SymPortal analysis are available in fasta format ITS2_seq-TempA.fas Sequences of ITS2 rDNA were obtained by Illumina sequencing An additionnal file is given (Names_table-Symbiont_composition.xlsx) with the correspondence of the individual names between the vcf files, the article and the files analysed with SymPortal (sheet1). It contains also the occurence table of the ITS2 sequences (sheeet2) and the relative frequencies for microsatellite markers (sheet3). The name of microsatellite reads is locus_name.XXX. After the ".", the first digit is the total number of substitution found in the microsatellites (max 1). The two last digits are the number of repeats