headlines,outcome "A post claims compulsory vacination violates the principles of bioethics, that coronavirus doesn’t exist, that the PCR test returns many false positives, and that influenza vaccine is related to COVID-19.",0 A photo claims that this person is a doctor who died after attending to too many COVID-19 patinents in Hospital Muñiz in Buenos Aires.,0 Post about a video claims that it is a protest against confination in the town of Aranda de Duero (Burgos),0 "All deaths by respiratory failure and pneumonia are being registered as COVID-19, according to the Civil Registry website.",0 The dean of the College of Biologists of Euskadi states that there are a lot of PCR false positives and asymptomatic don’t spread coronavirus.,0 "Households with COVID-19 patients in Porto Alegre, Campo Grande and Santo Antônio da Platina must put a red ribbon on their garbage bags. Garbagemen are instructed to handle them in a safer way",0 A chain lists recommendations to prevent and treat coronavirus.,0 "60,000 Argentinian companies have closed due to COVID-19; also, all companies receiving government aid during the pandemic will be expropriated by the government",0 Social media posts criticize a photo from smiling president of the Goverment Pedro Sánchez during his holidays after thousands died from COVID-19,0 CDC has released an update on how the novel coronavirus can be transmitted,0 Good oral hygiene destroys the coronavirus and prevents its spread,0 A video shows Pakistani minister of Health slapping those who do not obey official measures,0 "A Brazilian deputee says the pandemic has started to decrease in his state, Rio Grande do Sul",0 WHO warns against consuming cabbage to prevent COVID-19,0 A picture shows hydroxychloroquine is being sold on public trains in Rio de Janeiro,0 There is evidence that chlorine dioxide cures COVID-19,0 A video shows Pakistani minister of Health slapping those who do not obey official measures,0 A picture shows hydroxychloroquine is being sold on public trains in Rio de Janeiro,0 Coronavirus does not settle in air but is grounded – UNICEF,0 Coronavirus does not float in air but is grounded – UNICEF,0 "Axel Kicillof (Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina): “Right now [there is] a strict quarantine in Barcelona”",0 A list of alleged remedies to treat coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus (COVID-19) is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason any mask may prevent its entry – UNICEF,0 COVID-19 is being controlled in Africa because of widespread distribution of ivermectin,0 A post claims that PCR test “cause damage to the blood-brain barrier” or “create a direct entrance to the brain for any infection.”,0 Supposed tweet form Berlin Police claims there was 3.5 million people at an August 1st rally in Berlin against coronavirus meassures.,0 Covid – 19 is a bacteria amplified by 5G technology,0 A post spreading on WhatsApp claims there are 50 hospital guards job oppenings at IFEMA hospital in Madrid.,0 A photo shows hand sanitizer being sold in a vitamin D box,0 "There was a 78% fall on Chinese product sales in Brazil due to a boycott motivated by the pandemic, acording to INCINT",0 A photo collage claims to show images taken during a protest against coronavirus restrictions in Germany in August 2020.,0 Police can raid private spaces in Medellín for breach of the Dry Law,0 A post showing a health worker from the Muñiz Hospital (Argentina) who died from treating patients with COVID-19,0 Fact Check: Neither The Viral Post On Coronavirus (COVID-19) Is From UNICEF Nor It Is Accurate,0 COVID-19 vaccines will cause infertility – do not get vaccinated,0 A video supposedly showing a dead COVID-19 victim raising his hand while being lifted away by health workers proves the global pandemic is a hoax.,0 COVID-19 has its own pH value,0 ‘Doctors for the truth’ make claims about the coronavirus.,0 Chinese vaccines contain a microchip that receives 5G signals and allow Chinese government to interfere with your RNA,0 "There was a 30% fall on Chinese product sales in the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina, due to a boycott motivated by the pandemic",0 A photo of a beach with lots of boats and a message that says there are infected inmigrants in Argelia preparing to travel to Spain.,0 The WHO said “there is no solution and perhaps never will be” for coronavirus.,0 "Fact Check: No, COVID-19 Doesn’t Have Its Own PH Value, Experts Advice Boosting Immunity To Fight Against Coronavirus",0 An image states that mask use causes pneumonia and hypoxia,0 A picture allegedly showing a crowd in Berlin on August 1st protesting agains German government meassures against COVID-19.,0 A photo of a beach with lots of boats and a message that says there are infected inmigrants in Argelia preparing to travel to Spain.,0 A picture allegedly showing a crowd in Berlin on August 1st protesting agains German government meassures against COVID-19.,0 "Pedro Sanchez, president of government of Spain, spoke about a Scientific Committee and now the government recognize that committee never existed.",0 "Mask can cause a lot of diseases, the WHO has said, and asymptomatic patients don’t pass on the virus. Also, there is a lot of false positive PCR tests.",0 An image from an episode of Futurama claims the show forbade time to travel back to 2020.,0 Photo from the demonstration against meassures by the German government to stop the pandemic.,0 Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez told people to invest in Bitcoin during the pandemic,0 "A video shows a mannequin being taken out of an ambulance, and claims the media is trying to fool the audience to make them think it’s a COVID-19 patient.",0 "A picture allegedly showing a large crowd gathered in Berlin on August 1st, 2020 to protest against the restrictive measures imposed by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic.",0 "Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim Washington’s mayor exempted members of Congress from a 14-day quarantine after they traveled to the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis in Georgia, which the city considers a “high-risk” state for the coronavirus.",0 "A picture allegedly showing a large crowd (more than a million people) gathered in Berlin on August 1st, 2020 to protest against the restrictive measures imposed by the government during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 A photo collage has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim the images were taken during a protest against coronavirus restrictions in Germany in August 2020.,0 A photo has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter which claim it shows a protest against coronavirus restrictions in the German capital of Berlin in August 2020.,0 "A picture allegedly showing a large crowd gathered in Berlin on August 1st, 2020 to protest against the “Health dictatorship” imposed by the government to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.",0 "List of substances that cure coronavirus, according to a Cali doctor.",0 Adidas is giving away face masks.,0 A street protest criticizing Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government is the source of the “night life city cluster”,0 63 intensive care beds were occupied by infected protesters,0 A publication that claims that a doctor from the Muñiz hospital named “Marcos Vargas” died from treating patients with coronavirus,0 An image published by the Argentine journalist Viviana Canosa of two people not respecting social distancing at the Casa Rosada,0 "Axel Kicillof (Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina): “The North American economy suffered a drop in its GDP of 33%. It is the biggest drop in the last 70 years ”",0 "Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Prize in Medicine, said that the coronavirus “is not natural”",0 The vaccine against the new coronavirus has existed since 2001,0 A publication that claims that a doctor from the Muñiz hospital named “Marcos Vargas” died from treating patients with coronavirus,0 A post that claims that cigarette smoke transmits the coronavirus,0 Adidas is giving away face masks.,0 "Axel Kicillof (Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina): “The North American economy suffered a drop in its GDP of 33%. It is the biggest drop in the last 70 years ”",0 South Korea study finds quarantines useless in combating COVID-19,0 Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim “viruses do not harm or kill [people]” and that any “harm and death” caused by a virus can be attributed to “the overreaction of a weakened and dysfunctional immune system”.,0 63 intensive care beds were occupied by infected protesters,0 The new coronavirus vaccine has “digitizable RNA” that is “activated by 5G” and can reactivate the virus.,0 "Children vaccinated against the flu are at a significantly higher risk of contracting other respiratory infections, including coronaviruses.",0 "Eduardo Leite, governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, is taking hydroxichloroquine and ivermectin against COVID-19",0 "A combination for hydroxychloroquine, azitromicin and zinc that is guaranteed to cure 99.9% of any COVID-19 patient",0 "Lojas Americanas, a Brazilian retail company, is offering free gift cards for families in distress caused by the pandemic",0 The vaccine against the new coronavirus has existed since 2001,0 Facebook posts claimed that British Columbia’s top health officer warned about the risks of asbestos poisoning from plywood boards used as barriers against COVID-19 transmission during certain types of sex.,0 "Brazilian City Halls receive R$ 19,000 in federal funding for each recorded COVID-19 death.",0 Facebook posts claimed that British Columbia’s top health officer warned about the risks of asbestos poisoning from plywood boards used as barriers against COVID-19 transmission during certain types of sex.,0 "Herman Cain, one-time Republican presidential candidate, died of colon cancer, not COVID-19.",0 "Ziraldo, Brazilian cartoon artist, stated that all mayors who ordered lockdowns will not be reelected",0 Gargling water mixed with salt or vinegar will get rid of the novel coronavirus from one’s throat.,0 A doctor claims most Belgians are immune to COVID-19,0 "Critics say it is wrong to use of PCR tests for to detect COVID-19 since, in theory, this is not specific to SARS-CoV-2. It is a non-specific test in which genetic material from any organism can be detected and can potentially misidentify another virus as COVID-19.",0 An image claims that an immigrant who tested “positive for COVID-19” and “arrived in a boat yesterday” has fled in the Calpe area (Alicante). The alleged escapee’s full name as well as the photo of the alleged escape appear in the image. It also claims the man fled the El Matorral detention center.,0 "Andrés Fabián Hurtado, the Mayor of Ibagué, says his city lost four million jobs due to the coronavirus",0 "During COVID-19 PCR test, microships are integrated to human bodies",0 Chloroquine is the cure for COVID-19 and masks should not be used.,0 The flu vaccine caused the spread of COVID-19.,0 A post claims several medicine combinations cure COVID-19,0 Chlorine dioxide removes the coronavirus from the body within 48 hours,0 "A video shows a group of doctors calling itself “Doctors for the truth” defend and justify claims that masks don’t work, lockdowns won’t stop the virus, and the flu vaccine spread SARS-CoV2.",0 Wearing a mask lowers the blood oxygen level.,0 "Philippine Education Secretary Leonor Briones is shown quoted as saying classes will resume on Aug. 24 amid the COVID-19 pandemic and that “if we die, we die.”",0 "Critics say it is wrong to use of PCR tests for to detect COVID-19 since, in theory, this is not specific to SARS-CoV-2. It is a non-specific test in which genetic material from any organism can be detected and can potentially misidentify another virus as COVID-19.",0 "A video shows a group of doctors calling itself “Doctors for the truth” defend and justify claims that masks don’t work, lockdowns won’t stop the virus, and the flu vaccine spread SARS-CoV2.",0 Wearing a mask lowers the blood oxygen level.,0 "Andrés Fabián Hurtado, the Mayor of Ibagué, says his city lost four million jobs due to the coronavirus",0 "A doctor recommends the use of ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, chlorine dioxide and interferon to cure coronavirus.",0 CoronaVac uses cells from aborted fetuses.,0 "Stella Immanuel claims that the drug combination of hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin is a cure and preventative for COVID-19 and that people don’t need to wear masks or practice physical distancing in a Breitbart video featuring a group called America’s Frontline Doctors.",0 A group called America’s Frontline Doctors are featured in viral video claiming hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 "A news article claims 30% of Ukrainian patients who participated in an American COVID-19 vaccine trial died. The test took place in the area of Lugansk, an Ukrainian separatist region",0 "Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, said this Monday, July 27 in an interview for ‘Informativos Telecinco’ that [min. 1:19] “in most of the [Spanish] territory the accumulated incidence of the virus is still very low, lower than I insist […] on the average also for the United Kingdom”.",0 An image shows a traffic accident where the driver allegedly died from hypoxia from wearing the mask.,0 The COVID-19 vaccine causes bad alergic reactions.,0 "A photo of a young man with a swollen face. Allegedly, he was a volunteer for Coronavac, a Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 being tested in Brazil",0 "A Facebook post that claims that the COVID-19 is a “fraud,” because the mass media used the same photo of a portuguese boy in multiple stories about children who died from COVID-19.",0 A photo of man with swollen face shows side effect of CoronaVac in Brazilian volunteer,0 "Lemon, ginger and garlic cures coronavirus.",0 "The truck depicting the god of death Anubis is aimed at testing and then infecting people, which eventually ends with human microchipping.",0 An image that casts doubt on the tools used in rapid tests for coronavirus.,0 "A news article claims 30% of Ukrainian patients who participated in an American COVID-19 vaccine trial died. The test took place in the area of Lugansk, an Ukrainian separatist region",0 "Spanish Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, said this Monday, July 27 in an interview for ‘Informativos Telecinco’ that [min. 1:19] “in most of the [Spanish] territory the accumulated incidence of the virus is still very low, lower than I insist […] on the average also for the United Kingdom”.",0 The COVID-19 vaccine causes bad alergic reactions.,0 Video of a doctor at a press conference who said: Hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID-19. He also said that masks are not necessary.,0 A group called America’s Frontline Doctors are featured in viral video claiming hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 A post claimed that photos of a man in a gold mask are of a religious leader who “asked his congregation for a gold mask because God revealed it to him in a dream.”,0 "Brazilian regulatory agency Anvisa labeled ivermectin a controled substance, because it’s cheap and helps save lives.",0 The border between France and Belgium will be closed,0 There’s chloroquine and ivermectine on lemon and orange peels,0 Brazilian CoronaVac volunteer reported body pain and fever after vaccination.,0 Doctors cannon lose their professional license for refusing to prescribe hydroxychloroquine.,0 "Multiple posts shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter claim that four Ukrainian soldiers died after participating in American COVID-19 vaccine trials in the northeastern Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. The claim, published in several languages across different posts, was attributed to a police spokesperson in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People’s Republic.",0 Lawsuits filed against Fauci and Gates for creating and artificially disseminating the virus,0 A post claims to show three medications to prevent coronavirus.,0 A post from the Russian Virology Center that recommends an alkaline diet to fight coronavirus.,0 There’s chloroquine and ivermectine on lemon and orange peels,0 Masks pores are too large to block virus,0 "A Facebook post claiming that the Italian minister for Education Lucia Azzolina wants to buy school desks at €300, while it’s possible to find the same product online at €30.",0 The President of Ghana revealed that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory.,0 Masks Can Be Sanitized In Microwave,0 The border between France and Belgium will be closed,0 The nasal swab test for COVID-19 damages the “blood-brain barrier” and can therefore lead to brain infections.,0 The World Health Organization announced that SARS-CoV-2 can stay in the air for eight hours.,0 "Multiple posts shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter claim that a woman contracted pleurisy, a lung inflammation condition, after wearing a face mask for an extended period of time. According to the posts, the unidentified woman caught the disease because she was breathing in carbon dioxide and her own bacteria.",0 Pictures of a flooded NMCH hospital in Patna,0 COVID-19 Means ‘See A Sheep Surrender’ In Latin,0 "Publications that state that “the new vaccine contains digitizable ‘RNA’”, an alleged “replicant that is activated by 5G” and that is why “the virus can be reactivated after the patient recovers”",0 A ship carrying Honduran mobile hospitals caught fire,0 Oxford University’s vaccine is made using the cells of aborted fetuses.,0 "The Governor of Jujuy (Argentina), Gerardo Morales: “In the Metropolitan Area [of Buenos Aires] 20% of those infected are health personnel”",0 "A post uses an image of an “undocumented Nicaraguan” and claims he tested positive for COVID-19, and is “spitting on doors”",0 A video stating that in Brazil hospitals receive €3.000 for each Covid-19-related death.,0 A photo claiming to show Jair Bolsonaro hospitalized for coronavirus.,0 The economic bonus for those who have low electrical energy consumption collects personal data and the government does not explain how it could be used.,0 "A general treatment for the new coronavirus includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids.",0 Cuba’s low number of COVID-19 deaths is due to its use of hydroxychloroquine to treat patients,0 Boyacá scientist says he can cure patients with COVID-19 through biology.,0 The active ingredients in chloroquine and ivermectin are also found in lemon and orange peels.,0 A photo claims to show a prescription list of medications to treat coronavirus at home.,0 "A randomized, double-blind study by Henry Ford Health System proved that hydroxychloroquine is effective against COVID-19",0 "A viral video where an interview from the Tierra Pura portal is disseminated to the doctor Mariana Colombres Garmendia, who denounces the overregistration of the numbers of people infected and killed by the COVID-19 disease in Argentina, and says that the Buenos Aires government pays the doctors or institutions for doing so for the alleged purpose of extending the quarantine",0 "A general treatment for the new coronavirus includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids.",0 Oxford University’s vaccine is made using the cells of aborted fetuses.,0 "A post uses an image of an “undocumented Nicaraguan” and claims he tested positive for COVID-19, and is “spitting on doors”",0 The economic bonus for those who have low electrical energy consumption collects personal data and the government does not explain how it could be used.,0 "It s good to catch COVID-19 in the summer, as it is less aggressive",0 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made a mistake and has lowered its COVID-19 case count in Florida.,0 5G generates the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in human skin cells.,0 The picture shown in the post is of Dr Sundar Tolani who died due to coronavirus,0 "The Government offered an economic bonus for those households that consumed less electrical energy. The process reflected problems and due to some amendments, the bond changed its objective.",0 COVID-19 Means ‘See A Sheep Surrender’ In Latin,0 A Facebook video claims that a new oral spray “deactivates 98% of the coronavirus” in the mouth. This effect is believed to be partly due to the ability of trypsin to sever proteins on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.,0 Viral pictures show organ trafficking of COVID-19 patients dead bodies.,0 The president of Ghana said that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory,0 "The World Health Organization suspended production of an American COVID-19 vaccine, and promoted the Chinese version.",0 The COVID-19 vaccine being developed in China is more effective and cheaper than the one developed by Oxford University.,0 "The Government offered an economic bonus for those households that consumed less electrical energy. The process reflected problems and due to some amendments, the bond changed its objective.",0 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made a mistake and has lowered its COVID-19 case count in Florida.,0 The picture shown in the post is of Dr Sundar Tolani who died due to coronavirus,0 A claim that facemasks restrict breathing and cause hypoxia.,0 Ivermectin cures the new coronavirus.,0 "Coronavac, a Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 being tested in Brazil, is made with aborted fetus cells",0 COVID-19 Means ‘See A Sheep Surrender’ In Latin,0 "Video shows that the first volunteer to be vaccinated with CoronaVac, a vaccine produced by chinese Sinovac Biotech, didn’t have the arm punctured, which proves that the drug is a scam.",0 "Chlorine, bleach, or corrosive should be flushed down the toilet to prevent expansion of the coronavirus",0 The COVID-19 vaccine being developed in China is more effective and cheaper than the one developed by Oxford University.,0 "A video shows a candidate in the upcoming New Zealand elections claiming that the country’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, authorised the military to enter private residences in order to enforce COVID-19 quarantine measures. It has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook in July 2020.",0 "A video from family doctor Natalia Prego Cancel criticizing PCR, the test used to detect coronavirus in active infections.",0 RNA-based COVID-19 vaccines can turn humans into genetically modified organisms.,0 A post claims the COVID-19 swab test can cause brain inflamation.,0 The EPS tested less than 5% of the inhabitants of Córdoba for COVID-19,0 A video shows the execution of a journalist who denounced wasteful spending in city hall’s work to combat COVID-19 in the Brazilian state of Pará,0 RNA-based COVID-19 vaccines can turn humans into genetically modified organisms.,0 "According to the Brazilian Civil Registry, there were more deaths in 2019 than in 2020, considering the first semester only.",0 "A video from family doctor Natalia Prego Cancel criticizing PCR, the test used to detect coronavirus in active infections.",0 A post that has a list of recommendations to prevent and treat the new coronavirus.,0 A post claims the COVID-19 swab test can cause brain inflamation.,0 "A video that supposedly shows medical staff protesting because the pandemic is a “fraud”, something not real.",0 "The Brazilian federal government dismissed 396,000 civil servants who received fraudulent COVID-19 emergency assistance.",0 A post shared thousands of times on Facebook claims the novel coronavirus does not affect people who are very fit or thin.,0 Masks can be sanitized in microwave,0 "The first person to received a Chinese COVID-19 vaccine that is being tested in Brazil was not actually vaccinated. The video was just a simulation, since the cap of the injection was still on.",0 "Non-contact thermometers emit infrared rays, which damage the pineal gland just behind the forehead.",0 An image that supposedly shows the results of vaccination campaigns on children in Sierra Leone,0 A post that shows a doctor from Santiago del Estero (Argentina) who is fighting against the coronavirus.,0 "Drinking water boiled with turmeric powder, ginger, carom seeds and coriander seeds can cure COVID-19.",0 An image that supposedly shows the results of vaccination campaigns on children in Sierra Leone,0 The government has ordered re-opening of schools and colleges.,0 "A chain indicating that a newborn named Martín Sosa is admitted to the Children’s Hospital (CABA, Argentina).",0 Authorities discreetly re-authorised hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19,0 A post that indicates that Spanish doctors say that face masks don’t work outdoors.,0 "Supporters of ABS-CBN, including actor Gerald Anderson, gathered together and violated quarantine rules by not wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Brazil recorded more deaths in the first half of 2019 than in the first half of 2020.,0 "A post shared more than a thousand times on Facebook claims that a corpse of a COVID-19 positive person is 100 times more “toxic” 72 hours after death — and that because undertakers are not burying bodies within this prescribed period, funerals have become hotspots for further infections.",0 "Comedian Michael V, also known as “Bitoy,” died after contracting the new coronavirus.",0 "Masks do nothing to prevent the spread of pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, and cause oxygen deficiency",0 "A student for Pondicherry University found a home remedy cure for COVID-19 which was accepted by WHO. Mixing black pepper powder, ginger and honey and consuming it for 5 days will cure the person of the new coronavirus.",0 "The Federal Government fired 396 thousand public servants who received, illegally, the emergency COVID-19 allowance.",0 Authorities decided to close the French-Spanish border,0 Inhaling eucalyptus prevents or eliminates the new coronavirus,0 Ghana’s president backs conspiracy theories about COVID-19.,0 "Uruguay gave 55,000 doses of medecine for Brazil to fight COVID-19.",0 "An audio that denounces the falsification of death certificates at the Hospital de Clínicas (CABA, Argentina) to increase deaths from coronavirus.",0 Authorities decided to close the French-Spanish border,0 Brazil recorded more deaths in the first half of 2019 than in the first half of 2020.,0 "All those who registered for the government’s emergency subsidy program (ESP) via the ReliefAgad app will have to claim their cash aid via GCash, regardless of the payout method they selected in the app.",0 The government has ordered re-opening of schools and colleges.,0 "A post shared more than a thousand times on Facebook claims that a corpse of a COVID-19 positive person is 100 times more “toxic” 72 hours after death — and that because undertakers are not burying bodies within this prescribed period, funerals have become hotspots for further infections.",0 "Comedian Michael V, also known as “Bitoy,” died after contracting the new coronavirus.",0 "Gasoline or diesel can be used to disinfect surfaces and hands to kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19.",0 Authorities discreetly re-authorised hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19,0 "Masks do nothing to prevent the spread of pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2, and cause oxygen deficiency",0 "The video of a huge crowd not maintaining social distancing is from All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Patna (a city in the state of Bihar).",0 Raisin prevents clotting thus helps to fight COVID19,0 "An ordinance that punishes minors and their parents for violating quarantine rules took effect on Monday, July 20.",0 "A claim has been shared repeatedly in multiple posts on Facebook, Instagram and other websites in July 2020 that top medical experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The New England Journal of Medicine have warned against wearing face masks because they can cause “severe health issues”.",0 "Ivermectin has had good results in the COVID-19 treatment in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, New Zealand, Australia, and African countries.",0 "A claim has been shared repeatedly in multiple posts on Facebook, Instagram and other websites in July 2020 that top medical experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The New England Journal of Medicine have warned against wearing face masks because they can cause “severe health issues”.",0 "Multiple Facebook posts shared tens of thousands of times claim the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, has infected far fewer people than the H1N1 virus, or swine flu, but “media hysteria” has prompted an overblown response.",0 "A viral message that says that “those over 60 years of age” can get from pharmacies “a pack of three masks per month (…) from Wednesday 29 July.” The text is shared as coming from the Spanish regions of Andalusia, Catalonia, Castilla y León, the Valencian Community or the Basque Country.",0 Nokia distributing free phones to students amidst coronavirus pandemic,0 A graph that correlates greater vaccination against influenza in those over 65 years of age and a higher mortality rate compared to COVID-19.,0 "The video of a huge crowd not maintaining social distancing is from All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS), Patna (a city in the state of Bihar).",0 Raisin prevents clotting thus helps to fight COVID19,0 French doctors protest after discovering COVID-19 pandemic is a fraud.,0 "A picture showing the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the French President Emmanuel Macron and the German Chancellor Angela Merkel having a drink together, with no masks and not respecting social distancing measures.",0 "A person who visited Badusha Hypermarket, Perambra was found COVID-19 positive and hence all those who have visited the hypermarket on 16th July 2020 are asked to report to Perambra Taluk Hospital.",0 "Obama, Dr. Fauci visited Wuhan lab in 2015",0 Neem tea is the ‘solution’ for COVID-19,0 Covid 19 : ‘Achha Chalta Hu’ Boy breathed his hast after singing a Hindi song.,0 "A publication that claims that in 1918 the American city of Philadelphia “prematurely ended its quarantine of the Spanish flu and launched a demonstration against the measures of staying at home”, which led to a peak of infections, hospitalizations and deaths.",0 Covid 19 : ‘Achha Chalta Hu’ Boy breathed his hast after singing a Hindi song.,0 A picture of the coronavirus-infected patient’s throat.,0 An image in which two people turn their backs to the State ceremony that took place this July 16 in honor of the victims of COVID-19. He moves with a message that they are members of Podemos who turned around while King Felipe VI spoke.,0 "A car blew up in Belém, Brazil, because the driver cleaned his key with alcohol-based hand sanitizer.",0 COVID-19 asymptomatic carriers transmit antibodies to other people.,0 WHO changed its directives: No need to isolate infected people.,0 A photo that shows Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro hospitalized with a tube coming out of his nose. The caption links this photo to COVID-19.,0 There is no evidence that Mentholatum and eucalyptus prevent the development of COVID-19 in the human body.,0 Podemos politicians turned around at the state ceremony for COVID-19 victims,0 "Porto Feliz, a Brazilian city in the state of São Paulo, doesn’t register deaths from COVID-19 since it adopted a treatment protocol with chloroquine.",0 "The governor of Bahia, Rui Costa, determined that all hydroxychloroquine tablets were confiscated from pharmacies around the state.",0 "A quote by doctor Alberto Zangrillo, saying that Covid-19 is a consequence of immigration.",0 For a couple of days a message has been circulating in which users are invited to make a request for help to the National Government through a form in the Colombian government,0 "The “Mozheme” coalition is connected to the newly infected COVID-19 patients, although it has nothing to do with this issue.",0 A map of Sri Lanka was shared with certain cities highlighted as the places visited by close contacts of Kandakadu COVID19 cluster,0 A map of Sri Lanka was shared with certain cities highlighted as the places visited by close contacts of Kandakadu COVID19 cluster,0 For a couple of days a message has been circulating in which users are invited to make a request for help to the National Government through a form in the Colombian government,0 A photo that shows Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro hospitalized with a tube coming out of his nose. The caption links this photo to COVID-19.,0 A picture of the coronavirus-infected patient’s throat.,0 Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim that the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is offering hazard pay compensation to individuals who worked during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Doctors can steal your fingerprints or data with the pulse oximeter,0 Extensive mask wearing weakens the immune system because you can’t breathe properly through them,0 Some statements by the American political scientist and activist Susan George in which she says that “Spaniards are laboratory rats: let’s see how much punishment they tolerate without rebelling.” The phrase is shared related to the current coronavirus pandemic.,0 Singapore’s Health ministry issued an advisory about the day-to-day progression of COVID-19 symptoms in patients during the first nine days of infection.,0 US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said children are “stoppers” of coronavirus.,0 The city of Manizales estimated its cycloband during COVID-19 greatly reduced greenhouse gas emmissions.,0 French Prime Minister and Health Minister were expelled from the government after banning chloroquine in the country.,0 Chinese scientists have publicly stated that the coronavirus is lab-made,0 "A video with text that claims to offer information about the coronavirus that “comes from the Japanese Ministry of Health.” It claims that when the first symptoms of the infection appear, the lungs already show 50% fibrosis.",0 PCR tests damage hemato encephalic barrier,0 COVID-19 hospital flooded in Bihar,0 US Education Secretary Betsy DeVos said children are “stoppers” of coronavirus.,0 PCR tests damage hemato encephalic barrier,0 5G technology creates coronavirus in human cells,0 Singapore’s Health ministry issued an advisory about the day-to-day progression of COVID-19 symptoms in patients during the first nine days of infection.,0 Extensive mask wearing weakens the immune system because you can’t breathe properly through them,0 Some statements by the American political scientist and activist Susan George in which she says that “Spaniards are laboratory rats: let’s see how much punishment they tolerate without rebelling.” The phrase is shared related to the current coronavirus pandemic.,0 A supposed doctor recommends in a video inhaling “antiseptic alcohol” to “fight the new coronavirus”,0 A video of a man attacking a cashier at a McDonald’s restaurant has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it happened in Singapore.,0 The private health system began offering antibody tests to detect COVID-19. At the same time that the Ministry of Health said it would buy antigen tests.,0 A video claims Italy discovered that COVID-19 is bacteria not a virus,0 Video says face masks are ineffective in mitigating transmission of COVID-19 and are harmful to the wearer.,0 "Anthony Fauci is married to the sister of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested in the U.S on charges of human trafficking.",0 The swabs used in COVID-19 RT-PCR testes can damage your blood-brain barrier.,0 Average daily deaths recorded in Brazil in 2020 is lower than 2019.,0 The swabs used in COVID-19 RT-PCR testes can damage your blood-brain barrier.,0 Video says face masks are ineffective in mitigating transmission of COVID-19 and are harmful to the wearer.,0 The coronavirus is an amplified bacterium and is related to 5G.,0 Average daily deaths recorded in Brazil in 2020 is lower than 2019.,0 A video of a man attacking a cashier at a McDonald’s restaurant has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it happened in Singapore.,0 A text that ensures that the guava tree leaf can “prevent or reverse” the effects of COVID-19.,0 An article stating that 25 police officers tested positive to Covid-19 after assisting positive migrants.,0 A student from Pondicherry University has found a home remedy for COVID-19 that has been accepted by World Health Organization (WHO),0 Ghana’s president said the coronavirus was created in a laboratory.,0 A supposed doctor recommends in a video inhaling “antiseptic alcohol” to “fight the new coronavirus”,0 Ecuador found the cure for coronavirus.,0 "Anthony Fauci is married to the sister of Ghislaine Maxwell, who was arrested in the U.S on charges of human trafficking.",0 "The new vaccine contains “RNA” Digitizable replicator that is activated with 5g, so that the virus can reactivate after the patient recovers",0 Nasser Ziberi tested positive for COVID-19,0 "A photo claims to show Dr. Fauci, Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.",0 "An image that claims that an alleged therapy called biomagnetism is capable can wipe out “all kinds of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites”, including the coronavirus “quickly and effectively.”",0 "The new vaccine contains “RNA” Digitizable replicator that is activated with 5g, so that the virus can reactivate after the patient recovers",0 Nasser Ziberi tested positive for COVID-19,0 A web article stating that Kazakhstan is dealing with a new outbreak of a particular kind of pneumonia which is “more dangerous than Covid-19”.,0 A student from Pondicherry University in India has found a home remedy for COVID-19 that has been accepted by World Health Organization (WHO).,0 "The mayor of Porto Alegre, Brazil, removed the benches of Redenção Park as a measure against people meeting up.",0 "A photo claims to show Dr. Fauci, Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.",0 Deaths from other causes are ‘passed’ as COVID-19.,0 "A 15-minute video in which the President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Akufo-Addo, allegedly reveals that the coronavirus has been created in a laboratory and spread throughout the world.",0 "Biggest public hospital in Fortaleza (Ceará, Brasil) has no covid-19 patients.",0 A press release from the Chinese Embassy in Kazakhstan alerting to an alleged new pneumonia whose case fatality rate is “much higher” than that of COVID-19.,0 "The WHO approved a Chinese vaccine against COVID-19 that costs US$10000 per dose; it also forbade tests with an American vaccine, which would be given at very low cost.",0 Doctors perfoms a c-section in COVID-19 pacient and give birth to a baby without cuttin the membrane that protects him as a way to prevent contamination,0 "Photo shows former President Barack Obama, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Melinda Gates at the “Wuhan lab in 2015.”",0 Masks produce hypoxia and hypercapnia.,0 "Photo shows former President Barack Obama, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Melinda Gates at the “Wuhan lab in 2015.”",0 Video claims that Brazilian media outlets choose irrelevant scientists to talk about the pandemic.,0 The U.S. government has approved a second round of coronavirus stimulus payments to everyone who signs up — and that the money will be forthcoming in “5-7 business days.”,0 The WHO claimed that “maybe there was no need for a lockdown”.,0 Claim that Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said ‘only’ .02% of kids are likely to die when they go back to school during the pandemic.,0 WHO warns that wearing masks is unnecessary for healthy people.,0 "Fiocruz, a Brazilian state-owned science institute, developed the ChAdOx1 nCov-2019. Then, they offered it to Oxford University, because they were not getting any support from Jair Bolsonaro.",0 "Home treatment based in ivermectin, chloroquine, azithromycin and vitamins can cure the infection caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "Manuel Elkin Patarroyo, a famous Colombian scientific, wrote a message about the coronavirus and sided against the WHO.",0 A claim that a video Amitabh Bacchan praising Nanavathi Hospital COVID warriors was just released.,0 Masks are dangerous,0 Africa managed the pandemic by prescribing ivermectin.,0 Covid-19 test using a swab is used to “collect DNA” from the population.,0 Seasonal influenza vaccination will be mandatory in Georgia this fall. COVID-19 mortality rates are significantly lower than the fatalities caused by other viruses.,0 A video shows monkeys attacking Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad,0 Seasonal influenza vaccination will be mandatory in Georgia this fall. COVID-19 mortality rates are significantly lower than the fatalities caused by other viruses.,0 Claim that Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said ‘only’ .02% of kids are likely to die when they go back to school during the pandemic.,0 Covid-19 test using a swab is used to “collect DNA” from the population.,0 "Telangana celebrity, lyricist Suddala Ashok Teja died due to a coronavirus infection.",0 "The youngest patient who died from COVID-19 in Macedonia, at the age of 24, was actually a victim of medical negligence.",0 Deaths from COVID-19 are nearing zero in the U.S.,0 Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University in Russia has completed the clinical trials for the “world’s first COVID-19 vaccine.”,0 "Mayor of Cali, Colombia, will close the city for 14 days due to coronavirus.",0 Pistol shaped infrared themometers are dangerous and can burn neurons.,0 A fake document which says that the Italian government is extending the state of emergency until Spring 2021.,0 The COVI-PASS mobile application is collaborating with the Portuguese Government.,0 "PAHO, the PanAmerican health organisation, has conducted studies of Ivermectin and there is scientific evidence of its efficacy against Covid-19.",0 Publications suggest it would be better to test for COVID-19 with saliva than through the nose,0 Adidas is donating shoes in a campaign against the new coronavirus.,0 Telangana Chief Minister is being treated for COVID-19 infection in Yashoda Hospitals,0 The new coronavirus settles faster in a dry throat.,0 Helicopters will fly over the entirety of Luzon to spray unspecified substances against the coronavirus.,0 "While everyone was worried about COVID-19, the Chamber of Deputies approved two bills which legalize abortion.",0 "Masks are causing us to breathe the waste from our own body, which favors cancer, causes hypoxia or intoxicates the blood.",0 Lemon Juice cures COVID-19,0 UK nurse gives recommendations for treating coronavirus.,0 French doctors protested by throwing away their vests after finding out COVID-19 is a fraud.,0 "Ivermectin, chloroquine and nitazoxanide (sold in Brazil under the name Annita) prevent the multiplication of the novel coronavirus if taken at the beginning of Covid-19 symptoms.",0 The new coronavirus was created in a laboratory.,0 "The cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, is not real and was planned by US billionaire Bill Gates to push the use of vaccines and microchip implants.",0 Consuming alcohol beverages or vodka will reduce risk of COVID-19 infection.,0 Eiffel tower reopens with hommage to COVID-19 deaths.,0 "Edouard Philippe, France’s ex-prime minister, is being sued because he forbade hydroxychloroquine in the country.",0 Publications suggest it would be better to test for COVID-19 with saliva than through the nose,0 Adidas is donating shoes in a campaign against the new coronavirus.,0 Wearing a mask can cause a fungal infection.,0 "‘Dr. VK Srinivas, Vice-President of Bharath Biotech, He is taking first injection of COVID-19 vaccine. They have confidence in their product’",0 "‘Dr. VK Srinivas, Vice-President of Bharath Biotech, He is taking first injection of COVID-19 vaccine. They have confidence in their product’",0 Post claiming coronavirus affected patients in Chinniyampalayam and Vellalore get cured within a day by consuming this herbal Mysore pak,0 Consuming alcohol beverages or vodka will reduce risk of COVID-19 infection.,0 "‘Dr. VK Srinivas, Vice-President of Bharath Biotech, He is taking first injection of COVID-19 vaccine. They have confidence in their product’",0 Senior officials of Rajasthan police visited Ajmer Sharif Dargah,0 A viral pamphlet claims Herbal Mysore Pak (a south Indian sweet) can cure COVID-19.,0 The bubonic plague is airborne and can spread when an infected person coughs.,0 A WhatsApp message says that coronavirus is being transmitted in wastewater.,0 Post claiming coronavirus affected patients in Chinniyampalayam and Vellalore get cured within a day by consuming this herbal Mysore pak,0 "A text about how no one is to be blamed for the pandemic in Brazil written by Mario Sergio Cortella, a Brazilian writer and philosophy professor.",0 Senior officials of Rajasthan police visited Ajmer Sharif Dargah,0 Consuming alcohol beverages or vodka will reduce risk of COVID-19 infection.,0 Using nasopharyngeal swabs for COVID-19 testing is unnecessary; saliva samples from mouth swabs is an equivalent substitute,0 1918 flu’s second wave was more letal than the first but it was not because people stooped all precaution measures,0 "‘Dr. VK Srinivas, Vice-President of Bharath Biotech, He is taking first injection of COVID-19 vaccine. They have confidence in their product’",0 A publication in Macedonian claims that “COVID-19 IS NOT A VIRUS” and that the Italians are the first to find the cure.,0 "A picture of Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro in a hospital bed, which would show his condition after testing positive for Covid-19.",0 "A video of an excerpt from an American television program in which the presenter criticizes the use of masks and, as part of that criticism, supposedly measures the oxygen levels inside the mask that a child is wearing.",0 Nasal swabs used to obtain samples for COVID-19 tests reach the blood-brain barrier and may damage it.,0 "Health authorities recommend that you throw a teaspoon of bleach inside every toilet, sink and drain. This helps preventing the SARS-CoV-2 to enter your house through the sewer.",0 There is a pharmaceutical cure for COVID-19.,0 "Health authorities recommend that you throw a teaspoon of bleach inside every toilet, sink and drain. This helps preventing the SARS-CoV-2 to enter your house through the sewer.",0 Coffee cures the coronavirus.,0 A publication in Macedonian claims that “COVID-19 IS NOT A VIRUS” and that the Italians are the first to find the cure.,0 "A painting in which people with face masks of the flags of different countries appear, assuring that it is a “mural of the Denver airport painted in 1994”, as if it had predicted the current coronavirus pandemic.",0 "A video of an excerpt from an American television program in which the presenter criticizes the use of masks and, as part of that criticism, supposedly measures the oxygen levels inside the mask that a child is wearing.",0 "Claim that Universidad de Antioquia (UdeA), in Colombia, predicted ‘almost a thousand deaths per day’ at the peak of COVID-19.",0 Wearing a mask can cause a fungal infection.,0 5G spreads the new coronavirus.,0 The Universal Church of the Kingdom of God published a note stating that healing sessions were suspended due to COVID-19.,0 "An image circulating via WhatsApp discloses false information about the dates on which, supposedly, the Protect bonus will be deposited in accounts of Costa Rican citizens.",0 Eating highly alkaline foods can defeat COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 has a pH level of between 5.5 and 8.5.,0 Nasal swabs used to obtain samples for COVID-19 tests reach the blood-brain barrier and may damage it.,0 Pandemics occur once every century.,0 Prisioners temporarily released because of COVID-19 were responsible for 13.9% of all murders in Brazil in April 2020.,0 Articles shared hundreds of times on Facebook in multiple countries claim that holy communion has been banned in Toronto as part of the Canadian city’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 5G spreads the new coronavirus.,0 Eating highly alkaline foods can defeat COVID-19. SARS-CoV-2 has a pH level of between 5.5 and 8.5.,0 "If you have symptoms of Covid-19, take azithromycin, ivermectin and acetylcysteine.",0 Dr. Bilgehan Bilge’s claims about the use of masks,0 David Icke says the pandemic was caused by 5g technology.,0 Governor of the Brazilian state of Bahia dismissed a doctor who appealed to President Jair Bolsonaro for chloroquine.,0 A text circulating in Macedonian that says that “new research has shaken the world and that something terrible has been discovered about coronavirus and the human immunity.”,0 The low number of deaths from COVID-19 in Japan is due to the “difference in the level of ‘social standards’ between Japan and other countries”.,0 An image in which it is stated that kisses and hugs do not increase the risk of transmission of covid-19.,0 A video claims COVID-19 patients are sitting in the hospital corridor of Gandhi Hospital in Hyderabad,0 The Philippines does not have the fastest rising number of COVID-19 cases in the Western Pacific Region as classified by the World Health Organization.,0 Flamingos gather in Venice as there are no tourists around the water channels due to the pandemic.,0 A COVID-19 sensor or “tracker” has been inserted in Android cellphones and iPhones.,0 The vaccine for coronavirus is ready (as of July 7).,0 Dr. Bilgehan Bilge’s claims about the use of masks,0 An article claiming that “Bill Gates’ vaccine” would modify human DNA.,0 A spike in COVID-19 cases in the U.S. seen in June 2020 is due to increased testing.,0 An image that states that the Costa Rican government prohibited the sale of liquor due to the pandemic.,0 Democrats to blame for Covid-19 related deaths. They control the drugs against the virus.,0 Banana blocks the entrance of the coronavirus in cells,0 A post is circulating on Facebook of a supposed page of the argentine bank “Banco Provincia” that requests access to a link to re-enter personal data for alleged problems in home banking linked to the COVID-19 crisis.,0 "A study proves that ivermectin helped the number of COVID-19 cases decrease in Natal, Brazil.",0 "Infant deaths decreased dramatically during the lockdown, when the number of vaccines administered was reduced; vaccines are a cause of sudden infant death syndrome",0 "A message claims many physicians of Chang Gung Hospital, in Taiwan, are secretly under quarantine for COVID-19, indicating the local transmission and the lack of transparency of government data.",0 US builds biological labs only on the territories of other countries.,0 Coronavirus comes from a laboratory in Wuhan and is a commercial strategy of China.,0 WHO backtracked and released a document stating masks are not efficient to protect healthy people against COVID-19.,0 No one has died from the coronavirus; there are no antibodies that identify SARS-CoV-2; pathologists have no means of verifying whether a person was infected with SARS-CoV-2; SARS-CoV-2 has not fulfilled Koch’s postulates.,0 "If you have symptoms of COVID-19, you should self-medicate with chloroquine and azithromycin and take zinc and vitamin C and D supplements.",0 WHO backtracked and released a document stating masks are not efficient to protect healthy people against COVID-19.,0 US builds biological labs only on the territories of other countries.,0 Face masks don’t “protect against covid19 and other viruses.”,0 Prosecutor Fatime Fetai tested positive for COVID-19,0 The leaves of the guava tree prevent and reverse the new coronavirus.,0 "Homeless man in Punkunnam, Kerala, India, tested positive for COVID-19.",0 "As part of vaccine trials, Dr. V.K. Srinivasan of Bharath Biotech took the COVID-19 vaccine",0 A post stating that a local magazine in Ecuador revealed corruption in test purchase for COVID-19.,0 "There is a Nipah Virus outbreak in India amidst coronavirus pandemic, according to a warning form the WHO.",0 Actor Chuck Norris died of COVID-19.,0 There is microchip that will be implanted in the future coronavirus vaccine to control the population for political and economic purposes.,0 Antibodies for the common cold produce a positive COVID-19 test. False-positive results from COVID-19 antibody testing are behind the COVID-19 cases reported in the U.S.,0 Audio message circulating on WhatsApp saying that clinics and hospitals are looking for asthma patients to get sick from COVID-19.,0 Brazilian congressman João Campos denied using elections fund in measures to prevent COVID-19.,0 "Doctor says chloroquine cures COVID-19 and wearing masks can turn your blood into acid, which can help the proliferation of the novel coronavirus.",0 IMSS training on prevention must be paid COVID-19,0 Infrared thermometers cause brain damage.,0 "Liquigás, a Brazilian energy company, is giving out free propane canisters to people who lost their income because of COVID-19 lockdowns.",0 Henry Kissinger said that population reduction should be done by vaccines “for the common good”.,0 "Banana contains a lectin that is a powerful anti-COVID19 agent, blocking the virus from entering the cell. Eating a banana a day is recommended.",0 "A phrase that is attributed to the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, who allegedly said that “the deaths from coronavirus are the fault of the doctors and not mine.”",0 There is microchip that will be implanted in the future coronavirus vaccine to control the population for political and economic purposes.,0 Messages stating that King Felipe VI of Spain has bought a new car of more than half a million euros “in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis” or “in the midst of a pandemic”.,0 "Bolivia approved the use of chlorine dioxide, amid the fight against covid-19.",0 "There is a Nipah Virus outbreak in India amidst coronavirus pandemic, according to a warning form the WHO.",0 Vibrations heal and prevent coronavirus.,0 Brazilian congressman João Campos denied using elections fund in measures to prevent COVID-19.,0 "A new pandemic has started in China, and there are already cases in Europe and in other Asian countries. A type of swine flu is spreading to humans.",0 "Raissa Soares, a doctor in Bahia, was fired from a state hospital under orders from Rui Costa, Bahia’s state governor. She was dismissed becaused she favoured the use of hydroxychloroquine against COVID-19.",0 Oximeters can take your fingerprints and therefore steal your personal data.,0 "A new pandemic has started in China, and there are already cases in Europe and in other Asian countries. A type of swine flu is spreading to humans.",0 Dabangg-3 actor Javed Hyder is selling vegetables for a living due to lockdown.,0 Melon and orange are effective medicines against COVID-19.,0 A post claiming a COVID-19 treatment available for just Rs 600 in India.,0 A post against vaccines and a future coronavirus vaccine shows the Prime minister of Australia pretending to get a vaccine but not actually getting it.,0 "São Paulo’s mayor bought 38,000 coffins with no public bidding.",0 "The Covid-19 protocol at Évora Maternity, in Portugal, consists of “covering the patient’s head with a bag”.",0 U.S. hospital laboratories falsify COVID-19 tests to inflate the number of positive results. Nurses sent unused swabs for COVID-19 testing and they all came back positive.,0 The presidente of Salvador said that prisioners have no rights during coronavirus pandemic.,0 Doctor’s Claim That ‘No One Has Died From The Coronavirus’ In Europe Is NOT True,0 5G base stations were created in Izmir during the new coronavirus epidemic period,0 The prime minister of Australia was caught on video pretending to receive a vaccine against COVID-19.,0 "A graphic that the Argentine president, Alberto Fernández, showed about the fall in GDP and the deaths by country.",0 "A post, shared as a tale on COVID-19, featuring a photograph of a soldier carrying a donkey on his back claims the image is from World War II and the serviceman is carrying the animal through a minefield.",0 "A picture allegedly shot in Brazil which would show a row of black bags containing corpses, and a man who is easily moving one of them using just one arm.",0 "A picture allegedly shot in Brazil which would show a row of black bags containing corpses, and a man who is easily moving one of them using just one arm.",0 "São Paulo’s mayor bought 38,000 coffins with no public bidding.",0 A videos shared on social media saying that drinking methanol prevents the spread of COVID19.,0 Xiaomi is distributing free smartphones to students who are currently under lockdown and need a phone to study.,0 A video claiming that Italian newscasts broadcasted fake pictures and/or videos of coffins in Bergamo during the Covid-19 pandemic.,0 COVID-19 exposure notification from Google & Apple is a sensor inserted to trace every phone.,0 Brazilian Supreme Court ruled that President Bolsonaro couldn’t determine actions to combat the pandemic of the new coronavirus.,0 An email from the Colombian Ministry of Health informing citizens they must take a compulsory COVID-19 test.,0 Video shows the dead bodies of Covid-19 patients being dumped in the ocean in Mexico.,0 Gas sensors show that wearing a face mask leads to oxygen deficiency and carbon dioxide toxicity.,0 Video of a doctor hitting a COVID-19 patient. The doctor’s blows are believed to have killed him,0 The UN wants to ‘impose’ abortion using the coronavirus as an excuse.,0 A website URL being circulated to claim Rs.2000 aid from the Indian government to its population as COVID-19 relief.,0 Brazilian Supreme Court decided that the federal government has no responsability in combating the COVID-19 crisis; this should be done by state and municipal governments.,0 A video on social networks in which you can see how two policemen removed a person from inside a grave. The message with which the images are shared claim that this is a man who had allegedly died with a coronavirus in Brazil and who had been buried alive.,0 An email from the Colombian Ministry of Health informing citizens they must take a compulsory COVID-19 test.,0 Xiaomi is distributing free smartphones to students who are currently under lockdown and need a phone to study.,0 "Denis Mukwege, Nobel Award laureate, resigned his post as head of a commitee to deal with the pandemic after being asked to forge the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths.",0 Livfavir and Fabiflu are both medicines that can be used to treat COVID-19.,0 Brazilian MPs unveiled the biggest COVID-19 hoax so far,0 Hydroyichloroquine prevents patients from developing the worst kind of COVID-19,0 A Facebook post by a “Serena Williams” has been interpreted by some as being from the tennis champ.,0 Gargling with baking soda kills coronavirus.,0 "A nurse is mistreating elders in Antioquia, Colombia.",0 Publications that claim that a Brazilian deputy has uncovered “the great farce of the sick and deceased of COVID-19” when discovering an empty field hospital.,0 A WhatsApp message that the European Union wants to relax vaccination regulations so that the COVID-19 vaccine is available more quickly since “Gates and his accomplices seem to be in a rush to administer it” although “it probably equates to a genocide”.,0 Video from old city Hyderabad shows COVID-19 patients being treated outside the hospital.,0 A video which claims that infrared thermometers would be “killing us” by altering our central nervous system.,0 A Salvadoran doctor published a protocol for patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and the care they should take to avoid visiting a doctor and how to take medication if they tested positive.,0 "Video of a hospital crowded with COVID-19 patients in a Barranquilla hospital, in Colombia.",0 A video which claims that infrared thermometers would be “killing us” by altering our central nervous system.,0 A WhatsApp message that the European Union wants to relax vaccination regulations so that the COVID-19 vaccine is available more quickly since “Gates and his accomplices seem to be in a rush to administer it” although “it probably equates to a genocide”.,0 "Coronavirus dies in 26-27 degrees temperature, according to UNICEF.",0 A WhatsApp chain offering food aid in Spain called the “2020 social plan” for the COVID-19 health crisis.,0 WHO says that covid-19 has become endemic.,0 Suicides have increased 200% in the COVID-19 lockdown period.,0 "The German parliament (Bundestag) decided to keep the containment measures (state of emergency) until March 31, 2022.",0 "A picture shows people walking in the streets with no masks and not respecting social distancing, which would prove that Covid-19 was a hoax.",0 "Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom “present zero cases” of Covid-19 to attract tourists.",0 Dexamethasone cures covid-19.,0 "Bruno Covas, Mayor of São Paulo, admited using chloroquine. He banned the drug in São Paulo.",0 "A Facebook post claiming that the “50 million people” who died during the second wave of the Spanish flu (1918) had just got a vaccine. The post compares this situation with the new coronavirus, and warns people against getting a vaccine for Covid-19 when it will be ready.",0 The pandemic was a giant scam since only 56 deaths from COVID-19 caused the collapse of the global economy.,0 Masks are dangerous,0 Masks pose serious health problems,0 "Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom “present zero cases” of Covid-19 to attract tourists.",0 The pandemic was a giant scam since only 56 deaths from COVID-19 caused the collapse of the global economy.,0 A post claims a COVID-19 vaccine has already been developed and will cause widespread infertility.,0 "A Facebook post claiming that the “50 million people” who died during the second wave of the Spanish flu (1918) had just got a vaccine. The post compares this situation with the new coronavirus, and warns people against getting a vaccine for Covid-19 when it will be ready.",0 Television anchor Omkaar infected with coronavirus.,0 Media uses photos of puppets on patient stretchers to scare the public.,0 The herb called mugwort cures the coronavirus in three days.,0 A publication asks for financial help to save the Los Pollos Hermanos restaurant in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.,0 A “face mask exempt card” shared on social media invokes the Americans with Disabilities Act and claims to excuse people from wearing face masks.,0 The Argentine Electoral Chamber announced that the legislative elections of 2021 will be eliminated.,0 "Leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, was inficted with Covid-19, and died in Beirut.",0 COVID19 can be transmitted through mosquitoes.,0 Breathing in the scent of an eucalyptus leaf strengthens the bronchi.,0 The plant known as luisa grass kills the coronavirus.,0 Video showing dead bodies of coronavirus patients in Osmania Hospital’s mortuary.,0 COVID19 can be transmitted through mosquitoes.,0 "From June 26, Taipei Veterans General Hospital implements strict access control, including a ban on patients visits. The local transmission in Taiwan is worse than what the Taiwan health ministry reported.",0 Vice President Leni Robredo says the lockdown imposed due to the coronavirus should have been enforced as early as October 2019.,0 Story claims to show a little girl who died of COVID-19.,0 "Drinking a mixture of turmeric powder, cloves, lemon and ginger called kashayam cures COVID-19",0 A test on video with a gas detector shows that face masks result in dangerous oxygen levels for the wearer.,0 "An image with a text urging citizens to stay away from Villa Pamphili area, in Rome, due to a recent new outbreak of Covid-19.",0 "The first Syrian doctor dies in the Syrian capital, Damascus, as a result of infection with coronavirus.",0 Infrared thermometers kill neurons.,0 WHO says that asymptomatic people don’t transmit coronavirus.,0 On the building of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the inscription “center for the global reduction of the human population”.,0 "A painting depicting children in face masks was created as a mural for the Denver airport in 1994, proving the COVID-19 pandemic was planned.",0 "An Egyptian doctor publishes a picture of the hands of his colleague who works in the first line of defense to treat coronavirus patients in a hospital, and how it was affected by the long period of wearing protective gloves.",0 WHO said that the novel coronavirus is losing potency.,0 "As of June 26, there is no scientific study proving that masks protect against the novel coronavirus.",0 On the building of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the inscription “center for the global reduction of the human population”.,0 A grocery store worker who wore a mask for hours at a time got a lung infection from “breathing in her own bacteria”.,0 Infrared thermometers destroy neurons.,0 Scientists found that 80% of world population is immune to COVID-19.,0 "An Egyptian doctor publishes a picture of the hands of his colleague who works in the first line of defense to treat coronavirus patients in a hospital, and how it was affected by the long period of wearing protective gloves.",0 China has been the source of four epidemics since 2006.,0 "The ban on motorcycle backriding, or having two people ride a motorcycle, has been lifted in the Philippines.",0 "An image with a text urging citizens to stay away from Villa Pamphili area, in Rome, due to a recent new outbreak of Covid-19.",0 "In 2011, the movie Captain America, shows the image of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19",0 Hospital in Pakistan is overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients,0 The Minister of Health in Colombia has confirmed that hospitals and clinics have a “macabre business”.,0 "The first Syrian doctor dies in the Syrian capital, Damascus, as a result of infection with coronavirus.",0 The WHO has warned of an outbreak of Nipah in India “deadlier than the coronavirus”.,0 "Tamil National Alliance leader Sampanthan states that Tamil Nadu COVID-19 patients should be sent to Sri Lanka, as there are less patients in the country.",0 WHO said that the novel coronavirus is losing potency.,0 WHO said that the novel coronavirus is losing potency.,0 WHO says that asymptomatic people don’t transmit coronavirus.,0 "Brazilian hospitals receive R$ 18,000 for each death registered with “suspected COVID-19”",0 "A video circulating on social media proves that there is no COVID-19 patient in a hospital in Brazil where authorities claimed there were over 5,000 patients and 200 dead people from the pandemic.",0 "Bolivia approved the use of chlorine dioxide, amid the fight against covid-19.",0 "According to Bill Gates, the COVID-19 RNA vaccine will permanently alter our DNA. RNA vaccines can also cause autoimmunity.",0 The coronavirus the “Muy Interesante” Spanish-language magazine talked about in 2014 is the current one.,0 A clip from Mexico depicts the dumping of coronavirus patients corpses into the sea.,0 "Coronavirus dies in 26-27 degrees temperature, according to UNICEF.",0 The book named Ahbarüz Zaman predicted coronavirus epidemic beforehand.,0 Coronavirus is found inside Pepsi and Cola bottles in China.,0 "Mayor of São Paulo, diagnosed with COVID-19, used chloroquine, the same drug that was banned by the municipal government.",0 India’s AYUSH Ministry has certified Coronil medicine.,0 Ministry of AYUSH has removed Dr. Mujahid Hussain from service because he banned Baba Ramdev’s medicine Coronil.,0 The woman shown in this photo holding a baby is COVID-19 positive.,0 "Bolivia approved the use of chlorine dioxide, amid the fight against covid-19.",0 "A video circulating on social media proves that there is no COVID-19 patient in a hospital in Brazil where authorities claimed there were over 5,000 patients and 200 dead people from the pandemic.",0 Ministry of AYUSH has removed Dr. Mujahid Hussain from service because he banned Baba Ramdev’s medicine Coronil.,0 WHO recently alerted to a flare-up of Nipah virus (NiV).,0 Dead bodies of COVID-19 victims are thrown in the sea off Mexico.,0 "A video that compares the progress of hospitals in La Matanza (Buenos Aires, Argentina).",0 "Brazilian hospitals receive R$ 18,000 per death registered due to COVID-19.",0 The book named Ahbarüz Zaman predicted coronavirus epidemic beforehand.,0 The Chinese embassy advised its citizens in a neighbourhood of Madrid to close the shops after new coronavirus cases in China.,0 Masks are dangerous and do not protect against viruses.,0 The Philippines has the lowest number of COVID-19 cases and fatalities in Asia.,0 Coronavirus is found inside Pepsi and Cola bottles in China.,0 "Coronavirus dies in 26-27 degrees temperature, according to UNICEF.",0 A clip from Mexico depicts the dumping of coronavirus patients corpses into the sea.,0 Nebulisations with drugs for bronchitis and natural remedies cure COVID-19.,0 "A video that compares the progress of hospitals in La Matanza (Buenos Aires, Argentina).",0 India’s AYUSH Ministry has certified Coronil medicine.,0 Dead bodies of COVID-19 victims are thrown in the sea off Mexico.,0 "There is no pandemic: the number of deaths evidences this, says Ostap Stakhiv.",0 "By revoking the permission to use chloroquine in hospitalized patients, the FDA expanded the use of the drug in the USA.",0 "A blog post has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claim it shows a video of a baby who died after being infected with the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 COVID-19 patients are roaming around in Pune,0 Video from Pune shows COVID-19 patient collapsing on the streets and being taken away in an ambulance.,0 You can self test coronavirus by a 10-second self check test.,0 "The number of deaths in Ukraine in 2020 is less than in 2019, so there is no pandemic, and the lockdown was not needed.",0 "The mayor of Pereira hit the number of active cases of COVID-19 on May 24, but its comparison with previous dates is not accurate.",0 Meme shows Florida Surgeon General saying: Everyone should STOP wearing masks as they have now been found to be harmful to your health.,0 Colombian oil company Terpel is giving away fuel because of the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Pereira (Colombia) Mayor’s Office applied mandatory isolation before the National Government and did pay public service bills.,0 "Video shows a doctor from Breach Candy Hospital of Mumbai claiming that If you can hold your breath for a longer period without discomfort, you don’t have Coronavirus.",0 Pereira (Colombia) Mayor’s Office applied mandatory isolation before the National Government and did pay public service bills.,0 "The number of deaths in Ukraine in 2020 is less than in 2019, so there is no pandemic, and the lockdown was not needed.",0 Video from Pune shows COVID-19 patient collapsing on the streets and being taken away in an ambulance.,0 You can self test coronavirus by a 10-second self check test.,0 Meme shows Florida Surgeon General saying: Everyone should STOP wearing masks as they have now been found to be harmful to your health.,0 The photo shows the heart of someone who has COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 patients are roaming around in Pune,0 A Whatsapp message claiming that Covid-19 was transmitted to people through the 2019-2020 influenza vaccine.,0 "Video from Pune, India shows COVID-19 patient collapsing on the streets.",0 "A blog post has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claim it shows a video of a baby who died after being infected with the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 "By revoking the permission to use chloroquine in hospitalized patients, the FDA expanded the use of the drug in the USA.",0 "The mayor of Pereira hit the number of active cases of COVID-19 on May 24, but its comparison with previous dates is not accurate.",0 Infrared or “pistol” thermometers can cause ophthalmic and neuronal damage.,0 Colombian oil company Terpel is giving away fuel because of the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Article circulating on social networks and that alerts about the supposed detection of rats destined for human consumption infected with coronavirus (56% of those analyzed) in some restaurants in Vietnam.,0 An image claims that deaths of coronavirus are not real.,0 Article circulating on social networks and that alerts about the supposed detection of rats destined for human consumption infected with coronavirus (56% of those analyzed) in some restaurants in Vietnam.,0 "In North Carolina, “you can be charged with a class H felony for wearing a mask and concealed carrying.”",0 "Video reveals a secret vaccine for the novel coronavirus, in the White House.",0 A “face mask exempt card” allows you to cite the ADA and not wear a mask.,0 Doctor says on video that prolonged use of masks acidifies the blood.,0 Samsung is giving free phones to students during coronavirus pandemic for online studies.,0 Bill Gates said that the COVID-19 vaccine will permanently change your DNA.,0 "A video with theories about the coronavirus during an anti-quarantine march in the Obelisk (Buenos Aires, Argentina).",0 WHO said coronavirus is losing potency.,0 "A video of the doctor linked to the anti-vaccine movement, Chinda Brandolino, on the origin of COVID-19.",0 COVID-19 cases are “up only because of our big number testing” in the United States.,0 "The WHO alerted about a new outbreak of “Nipah” virus, which is more lethal than the novel coronavirus.",0 "The coronavirus will fade away on its own, so no vaccine is needed.",0 Claim that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted that U.S. governors should extend COVID-19 restrictions on businesses “until after the November Elections.”,0 Samsung is giving free phones to students during coronavirus pandemic for online studies.,0 "A video refers to a supposed “NASA anticovid necklace”, a device that theoretically ionizes the air around the head, disinfecting it.",0 "Bill Gates has said that the COVID-19 vaccine could kill 700,000 people.",0 "Video reveals a secret vaccine for the novel coronavirus, in the White House.",0 "In North Carolina, “you can be charged with a class H felony for wearing a mask and concealed carrying.”",0 "A man in Argentina makes claims like “in the US, doctors are paid $13000 thousand to say they got sick from COVID-19 and $39000 to put that ventilator on, the artificial respirator.”",0 Doctor says on video that prolonged use of masks acidifies the blood.,0 An image claims that chroma screen panels are being used to make up coronavirus deaths.,0 COVID-19 vaccine candidates will insert microchips in humans.,0 A video in which the man introduces and dubs another video from an interview with Stefano Montanari in the Byoblu video blog. Montanari calls himself a “nanopathologist” and claims that masks cause us to inhale the carbon dioxide that we expelled by breathing. This supposedly produces hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide).,0 "Two photos which show human throats have been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts warning about the seriousness of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 A scientific study shows that cannabis is more effective at preventing and treating COVID-19 than hydroxychloroquine.,0 "A short portion of an interview given by discredited researcher Judy Mikovits, in which she claims that a vaccine for COVID-19 will be deadly, warns against immunization, and advocates for a five-year moratorium to test all vaccines, has been watched tens of thousands of times on YouTube and Facebook.",0 Despite the crisis the German government is taking two months of holidays.,0 Samsung is giving free phones to students during coronavirus pandemic for online studies.,0 Coronavirus is the most massive scam and is a robbery of Ukrainians.,0 Photo claimed to show a child who has COVID-19.,0 "A photo of a list of purported symptoms and treatments for the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The purported remedies include a daily dose of vitamins; exposure to sunlight; and a diet of alkaline foods.",0 "Bill Gates-funded vaccine got 1,200 girls sick in India.",0 "A picture of the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte eating pizza in a crowded space where no one is respecting social distancing measures or wearing protective masks. The picture would have been taken during the Stati generali conference, which took place in Rome in June 2020.",0 "A picture with a quote attributed to the Nobel Prize Dénis Mukwege, where he says that he was obliged to classify all the recent demises as Covid-19 related deaths.",0 "Information circulating across social media platforms claims that Nigeria’s Federal Government has approved to disburse 30,000 to citizens as Covid-19 lockdown funds.",0 Quarantine is a special operation to create a concentration camp in Ukraine.,0 Samsung is giving free phones to students during coronavirus pandemic for online studies.,0 A scientific study shows that cannabis is more effective at preventing and treating COVID-19 than hydroxychloroquine.,0 "Nurses from hospital Messejana, in Brazil’s Ceará, record a video celebrating the closing of COVID-19 room due to lack of patients",0 COVID19 dead patients are dropped from a plane in Mexico.,0 "Coronavirus is a global fraud, and lockdown is genocide.",0 "Video shows Elisa Carrió, former deputy of the Nation for the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, calling for a march for freedom.",0 "In the Philippines, the Office of the Vice President (OVP) donated spoiled food to frontliners at Diliman Doctors Hospital in Quezon City.",0 "“Break the quarantine and this will be our future. Then don’t cry. (Photo from Ecuador) ”, says a photograph that shows piles of human bodies on the ground.",0 "Social media posts shared thousands of times in the United States contain multiple false or misleading claims about face masks used to stop the spread of COVID-19,",0 "Coronavirus is a global fraud, and lockdown is genocide.",0 "The Corona Cooking Survey shows that both men and women bake more often, that men enjoyed cooking more before quarantine, but that the difference with women has narrowed in recent weeks. Women in particular continue to find dining together more important.",0 EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen proposed for workers to do without their salary in solidarity with the economy.,0 Infrared thermometers damage neurons.,0 "Thyroce lab in Thane, India is sealed over false positive covid-19 testing.",0 "Alberto Fernández (President of Argentina), on the increase in cases in Buenos Aires: “They wanted to go running, go running. This is the consequence.”",0 "“Joe Biden and the Democrats want to prosecute Americans for going to church, but not for burning a church.”",0 "Tunisia announces in the coming hours that its sea, air and land borders will be closed again to counter Covid-19.",0 A Facebook post which would list the ingredients for the Covid-19 vaccine.,0 A Facebook post names several claims about the name “COVID-19” including that is an acronym for ‘See a Sheep Surrender’.,0 The title of an article suggests the low-cost steroid dexamethasone will heal anybody with COVID-19.,0 Salty and sour foods cause the “body of the COVID-19 virus” to explode and dissolve.,0 Biomagnetism cures coronavirus.,0 "The Corona Cooking Survey shows that both men and women bake more often, that men enjoyed cooking more before quarantine, but that the difference with women has narrowed in recent weeks. Women in particular continue to find dining together more important.",0 The President of Madagascar said he received a bribe from the World Health Organization for having a cure for the coronavirus.,0 The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) says masks don’t work and violate OSHA oxygen levels.,0 Don’t buy fish in Egypt because it contains a new virus called SARS-COV-2.,0 Top Georgian health official Gamkrelidze said there will not be a second wave of the coronavirus.,0 "Few people have died of the new coronavirus, so one should not be afraid of it.",0 "A video claims to have been recorded at the Hospital La Margarita, in Puebla. Images of patients in the hallway allegedly with COVID-19 and a hospital floor full of bags containing dead bodies.",0 "A picture which would show a mother and her premature baby in a hospital, both infected with Covid-19.",0 Congolese Nobel Prize Denis Mukwege said he doubted COVID-19 was real,0 Consuming seawater with lemon prevent the spread of COVID-19.,0 "A picture from Beirut, the capital of Lebanon in 1918, as if history repeats itself during the days of the spread of the Spanish flu.",0 "Fighting COVID-19, the authorities have banned everything favorable to health.",0 "The cure for coronavirus: ginger, lemon, onion and garlic.",0 "When symptoms of COVID-19 appear, people should take azithromycin, ivermectin and Anitta.",0 A German doctor revealed a global terrorism conspiracy that employed the COVID-19 pandemic as a tool.,0 Senegalese doctor says chloroquine is the secret for a very low number of deaths by COVID-19 in Senegal.,0 "A picture which would show Vicenza football team supporters partying in the street after the team’s promotion, during the Covid-19 emergency in Italy.",0 "A viral image of a doctor who died from treating patients with coronavirus at the Llano de Corrientes Hospital, Argentina.",0 "A picture which would show a mother and her premature baby in a hospital, both infected with Covid-19.",0 "The cure for coronavirus: ginger, lemon, onion and garlic.",0 "Legislator from Nuevo León, Mexico says there are inconsistencies in COVID-19 tests.",0 Top Georgian health official Gamkrelidze said there will not be a second wave of the coronavirus.,0 "Iván Duque Márquez, president of Colombia, compares COVID-19 figures with other countries without due context.",0 The President of Madagascar said he received a bribe from the World Health Organization for having a cure for the coronavirus.,0 "WHO says Coronavac, vaccine produced by Sinovac Biotech, hasn’t been tested anywhere in the world before Brazil.",0 "An article stating that Italian authorities knew about a promising drug that could cure Covid-19, but they ignored it.",0 Boldo tea and quina quina tea prevent and even cure COVID-19.,0 "Bill Gates, who is supporting COVID-19 vaccine research, visited in New Zealand during May.",0 WHO warned of a new Nipah virus outbreak.,0 Nurse says Brazilian states and municipalities earn federal funding for every death recorded for COVID-19.,0 "A picture which would show Vicenza football team supporters partying in the street after the team’s promotion, during the Covid-19 emergency in Italy.",0 "Two photos: one, of a swollen amygdala, the other, a healthy one. The caption says the first one is from a COVID-19 patient.",0 "Joice Hasselmann, brazilian federal deputy, appears without a mask in a photo in the hospital even after a positive diagnosis of COVID-19",0 President Trump’s claim that he inherited no ventilators from the Obama administration.,0 ‘Laser’ thermometers damage the retina.,0 "A text by C. S. Lewis, from 1942, talks about a “pandemic of fear”. It says the devil took many souls to hell because they became too attached to their earthly lives, through fear.",0 A German journalist is angry at the Tunisian government because it risks its people to save the tourism season.,0 Gov. Gavin Newsom “has no legal authority” to make wearing face coverings mandatory in California.,0 "5G antennas are being installed in Popayán, Columbia.",0 Doctors of a hospital in New Zealand are cheering in this video after they cure the last COVID-19 patient of their country and shut the COVID-19 ward.,0 "A picture stating that the governing parties in Italy voted against a proposal, supported by the League and other right-wing parties, to offer an economic reward to nurses and doctors who fought against the Covid-19 epidemic",0 "A picture of the Egyptian doctor, Mohamed Hashad, carrying an oxygen cylinder in an attempt to save the lives of Covid-19 patients in an isolation hospital in Egypt. He died after contracting coronavirus.",0 “OSHA says masks don’t work” to reduce COVID-19 transmission “and violate OSHA oxygen levels.”,0 "While the world was worried with COVID-19, Chinese companies were able to purchase Volvo, Pirelli, Thomas Cook and part of Mercedes Benz.",0 "Video of a man dressed in white who recommends taking ivermectin, aspirin, and ibuprofen to treat COVID-19. That’s the formula they used in Australia.",0 "From June 24, Ukraine is going to restore strict lockdown.",0 "This photo shows protective masks during the Spanish flu, in 1918",0 "A picture of the Egyptian doctor, Mohamed Hashad, carrying an oxygen cylinder in an attempt to save the lives of Covid-19 patients in an isolation hospital in Egypt. He died after contracting coronavirus.",0 Doctors of a hospital in New Zealand are cheering in this video after they cure the last COVID-19 patient of their country and shut the COVID-19 ward.,0 "To be able to manipulate the lockdown measures, Ukraine has classified data on the general mortality rate.",0 A German journalist is angry at the Tunisian government because it risks its people to save the tourism season.,0 ‘Laser’ thermometers damage the retina.,0 "CoronaVac, vaccine that is being developed in China and will be tested in Brazil, was not tested anywhere else in the world.",0 "Video of a man dressed in white who recommends taking ivermectin, aspirin, and ibuprofen to treat COVID-19. That’s the formula they used in Australia.",0 Gov. Gavin Newsom “has no legal authority” to make wearing face coverings mandatory in California.,0 "5G antennas are being installed in Popayán, Columbia.",0 Patricia Bullrich (former Minister of Security in Argentina): “Only 25% of Argentinian companies have come to have some help from the State”.,0 The Argentinian company La Campagnola closed due to quarantine measures.,0 "A picture stating that the governing parties in Italy voted against a proposal, supported by the League and other right-wing parties, to offer an economic reward to nurses and doctors who fought against the Covid-19 epidemic",0 "A text by C. S. Lewis, from 1942, talks about a “pandemic of fear”. It says the devil took many souls to hell because they became too attached to their earthly lives, through fear.",0 Doctors of a hospital in New Zealand are cheering in this video after they cure the last COVID-19 patient of their country and shut the COVID-19 ward.,0 "To be able to manipulate the lockdown measures, Ukraine has classified data on the general mortality rate.",0 Video shows police seizing money diverted from respirators at the home of the health secretary of the Brazilian city of Belém.,0 "An alleged statement from a College of Physicians of Spain in which the population is warned about COVID-19 and what is involved in assisted ventilation, and there is a “call for common sense” in the lack of confinement.",0 "Brazilian MPs revealed the hospital claiming it treats 5,000 COVID-19 patients.",0 "Mixing Suavitel, vinegar, Clorox and water helps neutralize the coronavirus.",0 Gates Foundation planting microchips during COVID19 swab testing.,0 United Nations established the use of a microchip to identify people.,0 "A picture showing Italian politicians eating together, not wearing masks and not respecting social distancing measures. The picture was alledegly taken during the “Stati Generali” conference in June 2020.",0 The EU has confirmed that 5G networks are harmful to people’s health.,0 This video of the Eiffel Tower shows a tribute to victims of Covid-19.,0 This is the Russian doctor called Dahrov who invented the COVID19 vaccine.,0 "A widely shared video claims to show Brazilian lawmaker Filippe Poubel erupt in anger as he breaks into a field hospital that had claimed to have 5,000 novel coronavirus patients and finds it empty.",0 The coronavirus is an amplified bacteria related to 5g.,0 Inhaling clove is a treatment for any virus that affects lungs.,0 "Photo shows cremation ovens being transferred to Yopal, Colombia.",0 Inhaling clove is a treatment for any virus that affects lungs.,0 A vaccine-test volunteer became sick and was censored by media,0 "Burglars are pretending to be healthcare professionals. They visit houses offering free COVID-19 tests, and take the opportunity to ransack homes.",0 The federal police found thousands of reais inside the house of Pará state Health secretary. This money was supposed to go to COVID-19-related equipment.,0 "Cardinal Antonio Cañizares, from Spain, has assured that one of the vaccines that is being investigated against COVID-19 is made from cells of aborted fetuses.",0 The coronavirus causing COVID-19 has been existing since 2003.,0 This is the Russian doctor called Dahrov who invented the COVID19 vaccine.,0 United Nations established the use of a microchip to identify people.,0 "A picture with a quote attributed to Bill Gates, stating: “The vaccine won’t be safe, but let’s get it out quickly anyway, and worry about the consequences later”",0 "Mixing Suavitel, vinegar, Clorox and water helps neutralize the coronavirus.",0 "A video shows Camilo Santana, governor of Ceará in Brazil, saying expletives to explain why he is prorrogating lockdown measures.",0 "Bill Gates, who has led harmful vaccination campaigns in developing countries, now plans to use COVID-19 vaccines to surveil the population.",0 SARS-CoV-2 mutated and became 10 times more infectious.,0 Video with the claim that members of Brazilian Parliament broke into a hospital and found it had no coronavirus patients.,0 An audio where an unidentified person links the virus that causes COVID-19 with the massive flu vaccination campaign.,0 "Suicides ‘have increased 26% during quarantine in Medellín’, Colombia.",0 "Video of the president of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), José Luis Mendoza, in which he falsely assures that the coronavirus was predicted at the 2012 London Olympics.",0 The Chinese authorities dumped dead bodies in the sea. These bodies were of patients who had died of coronavirus. The bodies are now washing up on the Hong Kong and Taiwan coasts.,0 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation building says “Center for Global Human Population Reduction” on its front.,0 Video with the claim that members of Brazilian Parliament broke into a hospital and found it had no coronavirus patients.,0 SARS-CoV-2 mutated and became 10 times more infectious.,0 The new app to track infections in Germany (Corona Warn-App) is using your personal data and contacts on your smartphone in order to track and identify people.,0 A 19 year old was diagnosed with a respiratory illness that was caused by a daily and prolonged use of a face mask at work that was imposed for COVID-19 protection.,0 WHO President Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus dances at a nightclub during the quarantine period.,0 “WHO has changed its rules to call the coronavirus situation a pandemic.” – Dr. Jaroslav Belsky.,0 "This coronavirus has an aversion for heat, humidity and UV rays.",0 "A post circulating on Facebook claims the latest research shows the mutation of COVID-19, D614G, makes the disease ten times more infectious.",0 Belgian doctors turn their back on WHO director.,0 "Bill Gates, who has led harmful vaccination campaigns in developing countries, now plans to use COVID-19 vaccines to surveil the population.",0 "This coronavirus has an aversion for heat, humidity and UV rays.",0 "A post circulating on Facebook claims the latest research shows the mutation of COVID-19, D614G, makes the disease ten times more infectious.",0 Egypt Ministry of Education says it will give the family of any student who dies of COVID19 5 thousand egyptian pounds.,0 "Supreme Court released 32,000 prisoners because of COVID-19.",0 Facebook is using your pictures and posts in lawsuits against the company amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Argentine President Alberto Fernández said that he respects distancing from people and that “all” his selfies are “one and a half meters away”.,0 Brazilian Supreme Court denied order for army hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients.,0 "A picture of the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, allegedly taken at the “Stati Generali” conference organized in Rome during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the picture Conte is eating pizza while not respecting social distancing norms or any other safety measure",0 "João Doria, governor of São Paulo, signed a contract with Sinovac to develop a vaccine against COVID-19 in August. Therefore, he knew all about the disease and is part of a Chinese conspiracy.",0 A newspaper article stating that the Italian newspaper “Il Fatto Quotidiano” illicitly benefited from public fundings linked to COVID-19.,0 Viral posts circulating in Africa claim Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege resigned from the leadership of two COVID-19 task forces in DR Congo because he was told to manipulate patient numbers.,0 News stories referencing the number “322” and COVID-19 are proof cases tolls are being “synchronized”.,0 "“If we stopped testing right now, we’d have very few cases, if any.”",0 Brazil’s health minister says cases with no confirmation of COVID-19 won’t be considered on death toll.,0 "According to a statement appearing to be coming from WHO “There is no pandemic. The epidemic does not exist. No vaccine is needed. Healthy people do not need gloves, face masks and other protective equipment. There was no need for a lockdown and a curfew as well as the so-called contact tracing. The virus cannot survive on surfaces – such an isolation was only the demand of governments. Each and every organisation, fitness clubs, theatres, restaurants, cafes and bars can work at full capacity.”",0 Tata Digital Health is issuing a COVID-19 health kit that should be available in every household,0 "“In a very real sense, (Oklahoma has) flattened the curve. … The number of cases in Oklahoma — it’s declined precipitously.”",0 Viral posts circulating in Africa claim Nobel Peace Prize winner Denis Mukwege resigned from the leadership of two COVID-19 task forces in DR Congo because he was told to manipulate patient numbers.,0 "COVID-19 expenses reports have been set on fire in a Nuevo León building, Mexico.",0 A Twitter post titled “Sakam da kazam”: “July 15 Elections Will Be Used for Vaccinating Voters Through the Project of Bill and Melinda Gates”,0 The Hague Tribunal has accepted a complaint against Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez for “genocide”.,0 "A picture of the Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, allegedly taken at the “Stati Generali” conference organized in Rome during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the picture Conte is eating pizza while not respecting social distancing norms or any other safety measure",0 There are reports circulating on social media that Bill Gates said that a new experimental mRNA vaccine could change patients’ DNA.,0 A video showing people in hospital beds on a street has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows coronavirus patients who were moved outside a hospital in Pakistan because of an overflow of patients.,0 "Schools will not open on September 1. In Ukraine, September 1 is the beginning of the school year.",0 Argentine President Alberto Fernández said that he respects distancing from people and that “all” his selfies are “one and a half meters away”.,0 "According to a statement appearing to be coming from WHO “There is no pandemic. The epidemic does not exist. No vaccine is needed. Healthy people do not need gloves, face masks and other protective equipment. There was no need for a lockdown and a curfew as well as the so-called contact tracing. The virus cannot survive on surfaces – such an isolation was only the demand of governments. Each and every organisation, fitness clubs, theatres, restaurants, cafes and bars can work at full capacity.”",0 A newspaper article stating that the Italian newspaper “Il Fatto Quotidiano” illicitly benefited from public fundings linked to COVID-19.,0 Brazil’s health minister says cases with no confirmation of COVID-19 won’t be considered on death toll.,0 Brazilian Supreme Court denied order for army hospitals to treat COVID-19 patients.,0 “George Floyd’s ‘murder’ filmed before COVID-19.”,0 Patients dancing in NSCI Quarantine center in Mumbai.,0 Tunisian dancer Nermine Safar is honored by the National Anti-Corruption Commission for its efforts to fight Covid-19.,0 Maharashtra (India)’s CM Uddhav Thackeray announced reimplementation of lockdown.,0 "COVID-19 is disseminated intravascular coagulation, or pulmonary thrombosis, and ventilators and intensive care units (ICUs) were “never needed” in treating the disease because it can be fought with “antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants.” The disease is also caused by a bacteria that gets amplified by 5G technology.",0 “FREE HORSES!!!! 52 thoroughbred horses need homes. Will go to Sugarcreek this Sat. for slaughter. Gentleman died due to COVID-19 and his son wants nothing to do with them.”,0 "“Six months before the COVID ‘plandemic,’ Bill Gates had negotiated a $100 billion contact tracing deal with (the) Democratic congressman sponsor of bill.”",0 Brazailian parliament went to a hospital that should take in COVID19 patients and found it was empty.,0 A post shared thousands of times on Facebook claims to show a map comparing the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States and Canada.,0 “There is no pandemic. Terrorists Gates and Soros arranged the quarantine for world domination”.,0 Telangana (India) Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav said lockdown will be extended.,0 "A picture showing Copacabana beach, in Brazil, full of crosses which make it look like a graveyard.",0 A message claims that ingredients in coffee can cure COVID-19 and that the deceased whistleblower Li Wenliang found its cure,0 "Tunisian actress Sophia Sadiq died in Egypt, after she was infected with Covid-19.",0 Mumbai’s KEM hospital prescribed list of medicines to self-medicate for COVID-19,0 A message claims that ingredients in coffee can cure COVID-19 and that the deceased whistleblower Li Wenliang found its cure,0 Philippines Vice President Leni Robredo questioned President Rodrigo Duterte’s imposition of a curfew in Metro Manila amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Image shows a policewoman who died of COVID-19 on the street, after she was refused a request to go home.",0 "A purported government resolution has been shared in multiple Facebook posts in June 2020 claiming that the Philippine government has approved a motion to reimpose strict lockdown measures in Metro Manila, Cebu and Laguna.",0 Facebook is using your pictures and posts in lawsuits against it amid COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "A doctor at the SGRH hospital in New Delhi, India prescribed hydroxychloroquine tablet to prevent COVID-19 infection.",0 Video shows COVID-19 patients lying dead on the ground in India.,0 German doctors called the pandemic fake.,0 "A picture titled “The American Spring, People Revolt Against Trump, The Question Comes to Mind Where Coronavirus Has Gone?”",0 "Quarantine has only worsened the situation, vaccination against coronavirus is pointless and harmful, says infectious disease specialist Nadiia Zholobak.",0 Taiwan Education Ministry has budgeted a relief package that included sending of up to 9000 New Taiwan dollars to every college student.,0 "Vaccines, chips, and 5G are interconnected and needed to establish control over people",0 "Singer Mohamed Abdo has been infected with the novel coronavirus, and isolates himself in a hotel in Jeddah.",0 "“There is no coronavirus pandemic, there is only an epidemic of coronavirus tests” – David Crowe",0 Doctor from Delhi hospital prescribes a list of preventive medicines against COVID-19,0 Two persons with coronavirus escaped from a hospital in Bogota.,0 The WHO banned autopsies and Italy changed the protocols for the coronavirus.,0 Dexametazone could cure severe ill COVID-19 patients.,0 "A photo of a handwritten letter which shows an Indian hospital’s letterhead has been shared in multiple Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp posts alongside a claim that it is a genuine prescription issued by a doctor at the hospital for a COVID-19 patient.",0 Government of Colombia launched a survey on social media called “Return to face-to-face classes in schools and universities”.,0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows an Islamic call to prayer in Berlin after black clouds appeared in the sky. The posts claim the call was heard despite there being “no mosque” in the area.",0 German doctors called the pandemic fake.,0 "Singer Mohamed Abdo has been infected with the novel coronavirus, and isolates himself in a hotel in Jeddah.",0 Indian boy predicted the coronavirus in 2019.,0 "A picture titled “The American Spring, People Revolt Against Trump, The Question Comes to Mind Where Coronavirus Has Gone?”",0 A photograph shows a baby breastfeeding on her dead mother who lost her life due to food scarcity during the lockdown.,0 Britain forbids sex between people who don’t live together.,0 Video shows the last COVID-19 patient exiting from the hospital in New Zealand.,0 "Photo of a man trying to ressurect his grandmother through mouth-to-mouth breathing. According to the caption, the photo was taken in Minas Gerais, Brazil.",0 "H1N1 caused more deaths during the 2009 pandemic than COVID-19. Yet, nobody talked about it.",0 "Photo of a man trying to ressurect his grandmother through mouth-to-mouth breathing. According to the caption, the photo was taken in Minas Gerais, Brazil.",0 Britain forbids sex between people who don’t live together.,0 "H1N1 caused more deaths during the 2009 pandemic than COVID-19. Yet, nobody talked about it.",0 "A photo of the facade of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation building that reads, in English, “Center for Global Human Population Reduction.”",0 The WHO banned autopsies and Italy changed the protocols for the coronavirus.,0 "A Facebook post that says that masks incubate cancer and that the risks of using them are hypoxia (lack of oxygen in the body) and hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide), which could “cause poisoning in the flow blood, as well as physical and mental disorders.”",0 Video shows the last COVID-19 patient exiting from the hospital in New Zealand.,0 The text claims that there are 9 newly infected with coronavirus in Bitola.,0 Fewer than 100 people have died from COVID-19 in Ireland.,0 Mouthwash prevents COVID19,0 False positive result rate in PCR tests is 50 percent.,0 A video that appears to show a woman being attacked has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple YouTube posts and on various websites alongside a claim the footage shows a COVID-19 frontline nurse who was raped and stabbed to death.,0 "Last year, in China, a vaccine was compulsory and that vaccine supposedly hosts a digitized virus, is the one that causes COVID-19 and can be activated through 5G antennas.",0 Two persons with coronavirus escaped from a hospital in Bogota.,0 "There are only 2 people infected with COVID-19 in clinic 2 of the IMSS in Monterrey, Nuevo León, Mexico.",0 Project approved by the brazilian Chamber of Deputies requires the use of masks inside homes.,0 "Singer Mohamed Abdo has been infected with the novel coronavirus, and isolates himself in a hotel in Jeddah.",0 Mouthwash prevents COVID19,0 "COVID patients playing cricket, dancing to ‘Lungi dance’ in Gachibowli stadium in India.",0 Taiwan Education Ministry has budgeted a relief package that included sending of up to 9000 New Taiwan dollars to every college student.,0 "Claims from Spanish singer Miguel Bosé on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that he made last Tuesday, June 9 through a Twitter thread on his personal account.",0 "People who arrived at Tirur, Kerala (India) from Mumbai in train, escaped from the sight of the authorities to avoid quarantine.",0 Spanish singer Miguel Bosé accused Gates Foundation to be expelled from India for their vaccines.,0 "A police officer in Bhagalpur Jail, India contracted coronavirus.",0 Indian Health Minister is playing a game during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Images of a man dressed in a hospital gown who seems to run away jumping a wall of the building. According to the caption, this man reported that he had gone to the health center to heal a wound in his hand when they assured him that he should be admitted for COVID-19 and that when “they were going to connect a ventilator, he decided to jump from the second floor and escape”.",0 "The German government reopens its airspace and excludes all Arab countries from the procedure, except for Tunisia.",0 BJP leader shares fake ads of Japanese novelist saying COVID-19 is man-made,0 Using cypress and eucalyptus vapor as a treatment against COVID-19 works.,0 "Claim that Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s ‘odd’ that the ANTIFA insurgency happened just as COVID-19 loses steam It’s ‘odd’ that COVID-19 happened the moment impeachment failed. It’s ‘odd’ that impeachment happened the moment Russian hoax failed. The Russian hoax happened because Hillary lost? Notice the pattern?”",0 Spanish singer Miguel Bosé accused Gates Foundation to be expelled from India for their vaccines.,0 The image shows COVID-19 patients and the state of coronavirus isolation ward in Pakistan.,0 Image of patients lying on rope-beds out in the open in a COVID-19 isolation ward in Pakistan.,0 Indian Health Minister is playing a game during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 A message stating that temperature checks can be dangerous for the eyes.,0 "A police officer in Bhagalpur Jail, India contracted coronavirus.",0 "Spiritual leader cuts off tongue of a young girl as an act of sacrifice to ward off COVID in Banda, Uttar Pradesh, India.",0 "Prominant National news channel (Zee News) newscard stating Lockdown will be extended again from June 15th, 2020.",0 Bill Gates faces trial in India for illegally testing vaccines.,0 "Claims from Spanish singer Miguel Bosé on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that he made last Tuesday, June 9 through a Twitter thread on his personal account.",0 "People who arrived at Tirur, Kerala (India) from Mumbai in train, escaped from the sight of the authorities to avoid quarantine.",0 Using cypress and eucalyptus vapor as a treatment against COVID-19 works.,0 "Facebook posts claiming to show vintage photographs taken during the Spanish flu pandemic more than 100 years ago have been shared thousands of times in Africa, Asia and the United States.",0 "The German government reopens its airspace and excludes all Arab countries from the procedure, except for Tunisia.",0 "Claim that Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s ‘odd’ that the ANTIFA insurgency happened just as COVID-19 loses steam It’s ‘odd’ that COVID-19 happened the moment impeachment failed. It’s ‘odd’ that impeachment happened the moment Russian hoax failed. The Russian hoax happened because Hillary lost? Notice the pattern?”",0 "“Corona Virus claims a black belt. Chuck Norris, Dead at 80.”",0 A message stating that temperature checks can be dangerous for the eyes.,0 A TV news screenshot says the home ministry of India has indicated that the country will be under lockdown after 15 June.,0 OMS says people infected with COVID-19 without symptons do not transmit the disease.,0 Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar is going to the Supreme Court to make the coronavirus vaccine mandatory for all people living in Ireland.,0 "Spiritual leader cuts off tongue of a young girl as an act of sacrifice to ward off COVID in Banda, Uttar Pradesh, India.",0 "“The ‘biological’ lab in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus was created was ‘funded’ by President Barak Hussein Obama in 2015 to the tune of $3,800,000 American dollars.",0 The video of doctors singing “Resistiré” with guitar and face masks happened in Mexico.,0 Video shows man holding bodies in sacks with only one hand.,0 "Claims from Spanish singer Miguel Bosé on the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, that he made last Tuesday, June 9 through a Twitter thread on his personal account.",0 Zee News claims that lockdown will apply again from 15 June in India.,0 "According to a Greek journalist COVID-19 is not a pandemic since the dead count has only been 300,000 people and the WHO was defrauded by a private company to impose social distancing measures.",0 The World Health Organization considers Tunisia the best African country to have succeeded in handling Covid-19.,0 COVID-19 is mutating and is now more contagious than before.,0 "Former candidate for the presidency of Brazil from the Workers’ Party, Fernando Haddad, posted a photo celebrating his birthday with guests during the pandemic.",0 The Brazilian National Congress approved a law which demands you to wear maks inside your house during the COVID-19 pandemic. Police officers will be allowed to enter your house to verify if you’re wearing a mask or not.,0 "An audio that claims that a group of criminals disguised as doctors robbed 3 houses in Flores, Argentina.",0 COVID-19 is mutating and is now more contagious than before.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim it shows that Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan received an international award for “the best governor” in handling the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A video of an Indian boy who predicted the coronavirus in 2019.,0 "An image of a man that measures the fever with his hand in Quilmes, Argentina.",0 Tanzania has developed a coronavirus drug called COVIDOL that can cure COVID-19.,0 World Health Organization announcing that COVID-19 is losing its potency.,0 Egypt Ministry of Health says it has 600 thousand plasma donors for COVID19 patients.,0 "Former candidate for the presidency of Brazil from the Workers’ Party, Fernando Haddad, posted a photo celebrating his birthday with guests during the pandemic.",0 "“Plandemia”: This video claims that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory, and that it is a plan to reduce the population where vaccines and abortion are involved, among many other claims.",0 Brazilian company owner who laid off employees because of the pandemic commits suicide.,0 "According to a Greek journalist COVID-19 is not a pandemic since the dead count has only been 300,000 people and the WHO was defrauded by a private company to impose social distancing measures.",0 The World Health Organization considers Tunisia the best African country to have succeeded in handling Covid-19.,0 The video allegedly predicted what would happen in 2020 beforehand.,0 "Former candidate for the presidency of Brazil from the Workers’ Party, Fernando Haddad, posted a photo celebrating his birthday with guests during the pandemic.",0 "“Plandemia”: This video claims that the coronavirus was created in a laboratory, and that it is a plan to reduce the population where vaccines and abortion are involved, among many other claims.",0 The World Health Organization considers Tunisia the best African country to have succeeded in handling Covid-19.,0 Homeopathic doctor in Colombia gives out a prescription that according to him cures the coronavirus.,0 World Health Organization announcing that COVID-19 is losing its potency.,0 COVID-19 is mutating and is now more contagious than before.,0 "According to a Greek journalist COVID-19 is not a pandemic since the dead count has only been 300,000 people and the WHO was defrauded by a private company to impose social distancing measures.",0 The video allegedly predicted what would happen in 2020 beforehand.,0 Brazilian company owner who laid off employees because of the pandemic commits suicide.,0 Ugandan President Kaguta Museveni and Prime Minister Ruhakana Rugunda have tested positive for COVID-19.,0 There has been no death due to COVID-19 in Israel as they mix lemon and baking soda in their tea. This combination kills coronavirus.,0 China is now using special glasses instead of laboratory equipment to screen for coronavirus.,0 An article stating that utility bills will be increased with a “Covid tax” aimed at helping people in need in Italy.,0 "Travel restrictions between Denmark and Sweden are debated at the moment, and several Danish and Swedish politicians claim that the infection pressure for COVID-19 is lower in SkÃ¥ne in Sweden than in the Capital Region of Denmark.",0 A video of a 14-year-old Indian boy named Abhigya Anand who was alleged to have predicted the coronavirus in 2019.,0 The WHO stated that asymptomatic cases of COVID-19 do not contribute to the spread the disease.,0 Emmanuel Macron decided that African people couldn’t enter the European terroritory anymore unless they have been vaccined with the European vaccine.,0 DPS (Delhi Public School) is selling masks with its logo printed on it to students for Rs.400 each.,0 UV rays from the sun can cure COVID-19.,0 Video shows celebrations in Tunisian hospitals because Tunisia is free from COVID19.,0 Bill Gates was expelled from India due to his Polio vaccines.,0 CNBC reported that “Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of the virus” based on remarks by a WHO official at a press briefing on 8 June 2020.,0 A video of a 14-year-old Indian boy named Abhigya Anand who was alleged to have predicted the coronavirus in 2019.,0 The body in this video is a COVID-19 patient whose internal organs have been removed.,0 Using laser thermometers to detect fever can damage the retina.,0 Daddy Yankee gives out his money and created the charity ‘COVID-19 Pandemic’.,0 China is now using special glasses instead of laboratory equipment to screen for coronavirus.,0 An article stating that utility bills will be increased with a “Covid tax” aimed at helping people in need in Italy.,0 Germany’s government has sent China a €149 billion charge for damage caused by the pandemic.,0 Vodka can reduce the risk of Coronavirus infection.,0 Vodka can reduce the risk of Coronavirus infection.,0 COVID-19 vaccines from the US will have microchips.,0 “Bald men are at greater risk of getting infected with coronavirus”,0 WHO said that asymptomatic patients don’t transmit the new coronavirus.,0 WHO says it never advised the application of lockdown as a measure to fight coronavirus.,0 Emmanuel Macron decided that African people couldn’t enter the European terroritory anymore unless they have been vaccined with the European vaccine.,0 CNBC reported that “Coronavirus patients without symptoms aren’t driving the spread of the virus” based on remarks by a WHO official at a press briefing on 8 June 2020.,0 Asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus are not the source of infection.,0 Children are able to develop a “natural” herd immunity against COVID-19.,0 "Wearing a mask, when the temperature is above 26°C is strictly prohibited.",0 Prime Minister of Latvia claims that one third of Covid-19 EUR 2 billion recovery budget is planned for unemployment support and other benefits.,0 "A message accompanied by a photo of a poster from the Government delegation in Navarra, Spain, stating “international vaccination center”. According to the message that is circulating, “these ‘International Vaccination’ posters are beginning to be placed in government delegations, it will be the protocol of the new normal” after the quarantine of the coronavirus. It also says that the virus “was only an excuse to get us a mRNA (genetic software) vaccine synchronized to a digital identity.”",0 A video of a 14-year-old Indian boy named Abhigya Anand who was alleged to have predicted the coronavirus in 2019.,0 French president Emanuel Macron announced a vaccine mandate for Africans willing to travel to Europe,0 "A video of a “baile funk”, a kind of Brazilian party. On the caption, it is stated that the party was from last week, after the Supreme Court suspended police operations on Rio’s favelas during the pandemic.",0 "A hot environment, ginger, and ginger can prevent a COVID-19 infection.",0 The body in this video is a COVID-19 patient whose internal organs have been removed.,0 Kerala (India) temple offers special Puja for curing COVID-19 and a rate card for the specific COVID-19 prayer (rituals) has been created by the temple.,0 UV rays from the sun can cure COVID-19.,0 Drinking pigeon membrane slurry can cure COVID-19.,0 "Wearing masks for the coronavirus “decreases oxygen intake, increases toxin inhalation, shuts down immune system, increases virus risk, scientifically inaccurate, effectiveness not studied.”",0 "Ginger, honey, onion and aspirin recipe cure COVID-19.",0 "Former Brazilian presidential candidate Fernando Haddad threw a birthday party, with guests, while advocating for lockdown.",0 Wearing masks increases one’s risk of coronavirus infection.,0 The Brazilian Ministry of Health forbade the expression “COVID-19 suspect” to be used on death certificates.,0 Healthcare workers in this video turn their backs when the WHO director appears,0 "Asian giant hornet have been killing people in several countries, in an attack worse than the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "ID2020 program is looking for world control and the mayor of Medellín, Colombia, is part of the plot.",0 Onion cures and prevents COVID19.,0 MMS is the treatment for COVID19 and is available now in pharmacies in Iraq.,0 German Chancellor Angela Merkel apologizes to German children because of the quarantine.,0 Onion cures and prevents COVID19.,0 "Wearing masks for the coronavirus “decreases oxygen intake, increases toxin inhalation, shuts down immune system, increases virus risk, scientifically inaccurate, effectiveness not studied.”",0 Latvian conspiracy web site uses Norway’s decision to suspend the smartphone app Smittestopp (“infection stop”) and claiming that similar app in Latvia is invading people’s privacy too.,0 The influenza mortality rate is higher than the COVID-19 mortality rate.,0 An image of the Argentinian President Alberto Fernández with officials during the pandemic without masks and without respecting social distancing.,0 The vaccine against the new coronavirus has existed since 2001.,0 The Brazilian Ministry of Health forbade the expression “COVID-19 suspect” to be used on death certificates.,0 "Donald Trump published on his Twitter account that Brazilian president “Javier” Bolsonaro is a “great guy”, but that his COVID-19 policies are leading to a “genocide”.",0 "A picture with an old man sitting on the ground, and a caption saying that while he was hospitalized for COVID-19 his house was occupied by a Roma family.",0 "A message that states that “An asymptomatic person is a HEALTHY person. He is someone who has a virus but his body developed antibodies. This is called” attenuated virus “, which means that he dominated the virus thanks to his healthy lifestyle habits. This person does not spread the virus, but communicates antibodies to the rest of the people and generates herd immunity.",0 "Former Brazilian presidential candidate Fernando Haddad threw a birthday party, with guests, while advocating for lockdown.",0 "The WHO stated that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is “very rare”, therefore physical distancing and face masks are not necessary.",0 Drinking pigeon membrane slurry can cure COVID-19.,0 Those fake mortuary bags prove COVID-19 is a hoax,0 "The WHO stated that asymptomatic spread of COVID-19 is “very rare”, therefore physical distancing and face masks are not necessary.",0 "Ginger, honey, onion and aspirin recipe cure COVID-19.",0 A WhatsApp message that states that COVID-19 means “Certificate of identification of vaccination with artificial intelligence”; which is intended through the disease to carry out an international plan for the control and reduction of populations.,0 "A message that states that “An asymptomatic person is a HEALTHY person. He is someone who has a virus but his body developed antibodies. This is called” attenuated virus “, which means that he dominated the virus thanks to his healthy lifestyle habits. This person does not spread the virus, but communicates antibodies to the rest of the people and generates herd immunity.",0 "A picture with an old man sitting on the ground, and a caption saying that while he was hospitalized for COVID-19 his house was occupied by a Roma family.",0 Ramakrishna Hospital is sealed after its staff tested Covid-19 positive.,0 An image of the Argentinian President Alberto Fernández with officials during the pandemic without masks and without respecting social distancing.,0 A meme posted on Facebook claims South Africa’s president and ruling party politicians recently celebrated a high-profile birthday and flouted lockdown rules in the process.,0 A school in Delhi is selling Facemasks for 400 rupees to students,0 "Fisiol, mucosolvan and fluimucil are reccommended for COVID-19 treatment.",0 Multiple posts shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter claim COVID-19 means “see a sheep surrender” in Latin.,0 Doctors from all over the world have elected hydroxychloroquin “most effective treatment against Covid-19”.,0 Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim the coronavirus pandemic is a cover for a Gates Foundation-funded effort to implant microchips when patients’ noses or throats are swabbed during COVID-19 testing.,0 Nanochips were found in COVID-19 vaccines.,0 In photos circulating social media we see a woman carrying body bags of COVID-19 cases with extreme ease thus proving that COVID-19 deaths are staged.,0 Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) cures the bug that worries the governments all around the world so much.,0 Dawood Ibrahim died of Covid-19.,0 Forbes magazine ranked Tunisia as the most important tourist destination in the world after the Covid-19 crisis.,0 Text claims that “two epidemiologists from the Institute of Public Health of the Republic of North Macedonia tested positive for coronavirus.”,0 Coronavirus is actually an expanded exosome caused by 5G.,0 "Multiple posts shared repeatedly on Facebook state Android users in Australia have been automatically signed up to COVIDSafe, the government’s COVID-19 contact tracing app, through an application programming interface (API) operated by Google.",0 Aerial footage of a large procession of people has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook alongside claims that the video shows protests in the US during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Dr Uma Kumar of AIIMS gave an interview on coronavirus.,0 Boldo tea prevents COVID-19.,0 "Face masks cause hypoxia; wearing it causes one to inhale too much carbon dioxide, which can make you sick.",0 COVID-19 is not new and an old textbook gives out its treatment.,0 A video where a man accuses the Italian Civil Protection and the government of Regione Piemonte of having distributed protective masks “poisoned” them with zinc pyrithione.,0 "Audio warns residents of Barranquilla, Colombia, that hospitals are infecting people with COVID-19 to collect compensation.",0 It is possible to “boost” our immune system.,0 Vice President Leni Robredo is shown in a quote card saying basketball can now be played under a more relaxed quarantine setup as long as players are three meters away from each other.,0 "Tasuku Honjo, Nobel prize winner, stated that the SARS-Cov-2 was made in a lab in Wuhan, where he used to work.",0 A chain on plasma donation of recovered COVID-19: any person who has recovered can donate plasma to 9 people.,0 A man says that coronavirus was created to keep people inside homes and install 5G antennas.,0 Dr Uma Kumar from AIIMS Delhi gave interview regarding immunity boosting tips.,0 Data showing that socialist countries handle coronavirus better.,0 Facebook post claiming that the government of Germany is giving €300 bonus a month for every child with their €130 billion stimulus package following the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Boldo tea prevents COVID-19.,0 "The Anhembi field hospital, in São Paulo, Brasil is empty. A video allegedly proves it.",0 COVID-19 is not new and an old textbook gives out its treatment.,0 List of recommendations from US virologist Robert Ray Redfield that has spread on social media.,0 A WhatsApp message that warns about the installation of an application called “COVID-19 ABTraceTogether”. The chain message asks the reader to to unfriend their friends on Facebook as well as delete their contacts’ phone numbers if they intend to use it because by doing so “everyone your contacts will be known “against” your will and knowledge”.,0 Dr Uma Kumar of AIIMS gave an interview on coronavirus.,0 Hand sanitiser can go on fire if left in a car in hot weather.,0 The death of the Egyptian actress Rajaa El-Gedawy after contracting Covid-19.,0 Vice President Leni Robredo is shown in a quote card saying basketball can now be played under a more relaxed quarantine setup as long as players are three meters away from each other.,0 “COV 19” was found inscribed on a circuit board for a 5G mast.,0 A chain on plasma donation of recovered COVID-19: any person who has recovered can donate plasma to 9 people.,0 Azithromycin and ivermectin are efficient medicines to cure COVID-19.,0 A WhatsApp message that warns about the installation of an application called “COVID-19 ABTraceTogether”. The chain message asks the reader to to unfriend their friends on Facebook as well as delete their contacts’ phone numbers if they intend to use it because by doing so “everyone your contacts will be known “against” your will and knowledge”.,0 Guatemalan Health Minister Hugo Monroy assured that the consumption of Red Bull mixed with alcohol was one of the causes of death in young people diagnosed with COVID-19.,0 "Yopal, Colombia, already has deaths from coronavirus",0 Italy has discovered that COVID-19 is a bacterium rather than a virus.,0 Gargling by salt water and inhaling hot water cures COVID19.,0 "A picture taken in Colombia which shows a girl who fainted. The caption claims that the vaccine for COVID-19 is starting to be distributed in poorer countries, but 200 girls fainted after the injection.",0 "David Icke’s claims that 5G poisons cells, and Bill Gates plans to control population with an invisible ink",0 "“N95 masks block few, if any” COVID-19 particles due to their size.",0 "Horrific pictures of large numbers of victims of Covid-19. “Today, America’s Game has been exposed, a young man with an enveloped doll to look like a victim of the virus, but in reality they are all just dolls that have been wrapped and spread on the streets of America”, says the caption.",0 "Maria Virgínia Casagrande, first lady of the Brazilian State of Espirito Santo, was cured of COVID-19 after being treated with a protocol of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.",0 "A video claims to show a “deadly insect attack” in China, India and Iran, in which the insect can supposedly kill a person with just one bite.",0 "A meme shared thousands of times on Facebook claims people can suffer from reduced oxygen to their blood and brain, possibly leading to death, if they wear a disposable mask for too long.",0 "A picture taken in Colombia which shows a girl who fainted. The caption claims that the vaccine for COVID-19 is starting to be distributed in poorer countries, but 200 girls fainted after the injection.",0 Guatemalan Health Minister Hugo Monroy assured that the consumption of Red Bull mixed with alcohol was one of the causes of death in young people diagnosed with COVID-19.,0 "A video claims to show a “deadly insect attack” in China, India and Iran, in which the insect can supposedly kill a person with just one bite.",0 96.3% of the deaths registered in Italy by COVID-19 died from other pathologies.,0 A text message states that Facebook would have taken advantage of the chaos created by COVID-19 to gain permission to use our personal pictures.,0 "Pedro Sánchez, President of Spain, said this Wednesday, June 3 in the Congress of Deputies, that “today we have 0 deceased in our country as a result of COVID” and that Pablo Casado should be happy that “we haven’t had any death by COVID-19 over the past two days”.",0 Gargling by salt water and inhaling hot water cures COVID19.,0 Bill Gates’ coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford researchers caused all test subjects to get coronavirus.,0 Claim that Indian prime minister Modi said one crore (ten million) COVID-19 infected patients have been treated for free.,0 "Maria Virgínia Casagrande, first lady of the Brazilian State of Espirito Santo, was cured of COVID-19 after being treated with a protocol of hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin.",0 Italy has discovered that COVID-19 is a bacterium rather than a virus.,0 "Yopal, Colombia, already has deaths from coronavirus",0 This video shows a 5G antenna component with Cov-19 mentioned on it,0 "Claim that despite the fact that the crisis headquarters in the North Macedonian town of Stip announced that the textile factories in Stip will be closed due to established cases of coronavirus infections, some of the factories are still working.",0 "A federal investigation in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, made number of daily recorded deaths fall 90%.",0 "Claim that despite the fact that the crisis headquarters in the North Macedonian town of Stip announced that the textile factories in Stip will be closed due to established cases of coronavirus infections, some of the factories are still working.",0 Drinking pigeon membrane slurry can cure COVID-19.,0 "Indian Home Minister Amit Shah said that the government transferred financial aid of Rs 530 million into the bank accounts of 410 million people during the coronavirus pandemic, which means Rs 1.29 for each person.",0 "A scientific study about the new coronavirus according to which asymptomatic people would not be contagious. The study was conducted in China and it monitored 455 people who got in touch with a 22-years-old asymptomatic patient who tested positive for COVID-19, claiming that none of them caught the disease",0 A cure for COVID-19 was discovered in Italy.,0 "There were no COVID-19 deaths in Belém, Brazil, on May 30 and May 31.",0 "Despite the fact that the government has not reported a possible resumption of work at the airport, there are airlines that already sell tickets for commercial flights.",0 The US are working on secret biological weapon in Tbilisi-based Lugar Lab. Its researchers conducted reserch on bats back in 2014.,0 French “Stopcovid” case-tracking app has been secretly installed on smartphones.,0 “She’s just casually carrying a body with 1 hand..? Sure.. More evidence of coronavirus being a complete hoax with props & street theater.”,0 "Madagascar’s president, Andry Rajoelina, accused the WHO of promising bribes if he “poisoned” an alledged local COVID-19 treatment.",0 The herb named “holy leaf” or “momo” cures COVID-19 and helps patients breathe.,0 President proposes pet tax to cover expenses for Covid-19.,0 Japanese Nobel laureate Dr. Tasuku Honjo has said China manufactured coronavirus and he once worked at the Wuhan lab which later produced it.,0 A Facebook post makes a series of claims about Italy “defeating” COVID-19 inclduign that it “nothing but intravascular coagulation (thrombosis)”.It also alleges that Italian doctors who performed autopsies “discovered” that COVID-19 “is not a virus” but a bacteria that causes death and the formation of blood clots.,0 The US are working on secret biological weapon in Tbilisi-based Lugar Lab. Its researchers conducted reserch on bats back in 2014.,0 President proposes pet tax to cover expenses for Covid-19.,0 Google is secretly installing a COVID-19 app on mobile phones to monitor user’s movements in Spain.,0 "Bill Gates says that the COVID-19 vaccine could kill 700,000 people.",0 Smelling vinegar is not a definitive test to detect symptoms of COVID-19.,0 "A report drafted by a scientific panel appointed by Germany’s Interior Ministry, declaring the COVID-19 pandemic is a “global false alarm”, was leaked by a former employee.",0 Philippines Vice-President Leni Robredo said that playing basketball is allowed but a distance of 3 meters between each player would be required.,0 Japanese Nobel laureate Dr. Tasuku Honjo has said China manufactured coronavirus and he once worked at the Wuhan lab which later produced it.,0 "A viral message circulating on WhatsApp claims that a vaccine would be available in September 2020, “thus ending speculation that the vaccine would not be available until 2021”.",0 "An article circulating on Facebook and Twitter claims that Nigerian schools will reopen on July 13, 2020, according to a government official.",0 Alkaline water prevents coronavirus contagion.,0 German Commission says the coronavirus is a global false alarm.,0 This table shows death figures in France from January to April.,0 "A federal investigation in the city of Fortaleza, Brazil, made number of daily recorded deaths fall 90%.",0 "Ivan Arias, Bolivian Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing claims “[citizens] have to remove [their beards and mustaches] for their health and that of their families”, in order to protect themselves from Covid-19",0 Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani said that his government provided ration to 650 million people during the lockdown.,0 These images show bodies of COVID-19 patient dead in the streets in America.,0 "Italy did not follow WHO protocol and did an autopsy on a corpse that died from COVID-19 and realised that coronavirus is actually not a virus but a bacterium which gets amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia, and multiple other claims.",0 A photo of a person carrying an alledged corpse with a single hand. The caption states this was a forged funeral.,0 Alkaline water cures the coronavirus.,0 "A video has been shared thousands of times on social media, claiming that circuit boards with “COV-19” inscribed on them are being fitted to 5G towers.",0 "A beverage with aspirin, lemon and hot water cures the coronavirus.",0 "Text claims that the mayor of Stip (North Macedonia), Blagoj Bochvarski accused the citizens of Stip for the increased number of people infected with coronavirus in the town.",0 Coronavirus is defeated. There is a cure using antibodies.,0 "Ivan Arias, Bolivian Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing claims “[citizens] have to remove [their beards and mustaches] for their health and that of their families”, in order to protect themselves from Covid-19",0 "President of Mexico proposes to collect a tax of 500 pesos for each pet, to pay for social programs related to COVID-19.",0 India Today Ticker that says PM Modi has stated that India has treated 1 crore (10 million) COVID-19 patients for free.,0 "Donald Trump has stopped 5G, has canceled Bill Gates’ ID2020 and H.R. 6666 COVID-19 Trace bill.",0 "Ivan Arias, Bolivian Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing claims “[citizens] have to remove [their beards and mustaches] for their health and that of their families”, in order to protect themselves from Covid-19",0 "A COVID vaccine was developed in Naigaon, in the state of Assam (India).",0 India Today Ticker that says PM Modi has stated that India has treated 1 crore (10 million) COVID-19 patients for free.,0 Coronavirus is defeated. There is a cure using antibodies.,0 "Ivan Arias, Bolivian Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing claims “[citizens] have to remove [their beards and mustaches] for their health and that of their families”, in order to protect themselves from Covid-19",0 Spain corrected their number of deaths by Covid-19 from more than 26.000 to 2.000.,0 Gujarat CM Vijay Rupani said that his government provided ration to 650 million people during the lockdown.,0 "President of Mexico proposes to collect a tax of 500 pesos for each pet, to pay for social programs related to COVID-19.",0 A photo of a person carrying an alledged corpse with a single hand. The caption states this was a forged funeral.,0 Sungkai leaves can treat COVID-19 patients.,0 "Italy did not follow WHO protocol and did an autopsy on a corpse that died from COVID-19 and realised that coronavirus is actually not a virus but a bacterium which gets amplified with 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia, and multiple other claims.",0 These images show bodies of COVID-19 patient dead in the streets in America.,0 Uganda Red Cross Society in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).,0 "An Egyptian cleaning worker died while working, wihtout knowing that he had Covid-19.",0 "A Facebook page shared a post announcing that the United States of America will grant 5,000 Nigerians free work Visa for two years.",0 A video claims to show Philippines Sen. Grace Poe heavily criticizing Pres. Rodrigo Duterte and his administration for their “inefficient COVID-19 response” compared to that of the private sector.,0 "In Ukraine, the quarantine measures are gradually being lifted, and the number of infected decreases.",0 "President of Mexico proposes to collect a tax of 500 pesos for each pet, to pay for social programs related to COVID-19.",0 Deaths in Brazil by pneumonia are registered as COVID-19.,0 "There were no COVID-19 deaths in Fortaleza, Brazil, on May 29.",0 "Wearing a face mask caused a 19-year-old grocery store worker to be hospitalized for an lung infection, due to breathing in her own carbon dioxide and bacteria.",0 "Video shows 106 dead bodies in Delhi’s Loknayak hospital, in India.",0 The use of masks for COVID-19 causes hypoxia.,0 COVID-19 is not new and an old textbook gives out its treatment.,0 The video of terrible conditions of a COVID-19 ward is from Delhi’s hospital.,0 "Publications on social networks that claims that a coronavirus outbreak after the protests in the Barrio de Salamanca, Madrid, Spain.",0 A picture claiming that Lidl is offering free shopping vouchers for €180 in Italy.,0 Egyptian actor Amir Karara was infected with Covid-19.,0 The COVID-19 pandemic caused the death of 0.003% of the world population.,0 "Orange, lemon and honey prevent from being infected by coronavirus.",0 WHO has declared COVID-19 an endemic disease.,0 "The Spanish flu pandemic happened in 1914, before the First World War, according to the president of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte.",0 "There were no COVID-19 deaths in Fortaleza, Brazil, on May 29.",0 The use of masks for COVID-19 causes hypoxia.,0 WHO has declared COVID-19 an endemic disease.,0 Photo of several members of the Government without maintaining social distance.,0 "Wearing a face mask caused a 19-year-old grocery store worker to be hospitalized for an lung infection, due to breathing in her own carbon dioxide and bacteria.",0 Deaths in Brazil by pneumonia are registered as COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus stays in the throat for four days.,0 "A Facebook page posted that temporary hospitals in Guatemala would be closed, as people diagnosed with COVID-19 could isolate themselves at home. A statement they attributed to an authority in the Ministry of Health.",0 "A photo from the funeral of a recently deceased Sri Lankan politician, Arumugam Thondaman, has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts. The posts claim the image shows one of Thondaman’s daughters violated Sri Lanka’s mandatory coronavirus quarantine policy for travelers by attending the ceremony shortly after returning to the country from overseas.",0 "Multiple Facebook posts shared thousands of times by Filipino Facebook users make several false claims about a future vaccine for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. The posts also make claims about a link between a potential vaccine and the rollout of 5G technology.",0 "The fire incident at Rohini flyover in Delhi, India is caused by hand sanitiser.",0 "Egypt finds the cure for COVID-19, which is Redmisivir and starts manufacturaing the drug to distribute it to the public.",0 Lionel Messi said “there was a planetary coup d’etat” with the coronavirus pandemic.,0 WHO introduces online tests to detect new cases of Covid-19 in Egypt.,0 "COVID-19 is the common flu, and the cure for coronavirus pneumonia is easy and cheap.",0 "Facebook posts questioning the existence of the coronavirus, as no supermarket employee has been infected in the world.",0 Lionel Messi said “there was a planetary coup d’etat” with the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "The fire incident at Rohini flyover in Delhi, India is caused by hand sanitiser.",0 "Video shows migrants looting food packets at Hyderabad Railway station, in India.",0 Tamil Nadu (India) government approved Thanikasalam Siddha medicine for COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 can be cured with eucalyptus oil.,0 A photo of a woman wearing an alleged body bag with only one hand is shared as a proof that the pandemic has been faked.,0 Dr Anthony Fauci said a COVID-19 vaccine must be delivered to people without ‘proper studies’ being carried out.,0 Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim that Bill Gates’ “ultimate goal” is to “microchip the [COVID-19] vaccine” to create “virtual IDs”. The posts also claim the billionaire philanthropist was in New Zealand in May and June 2020 “to test and trial the COVID-19 vaccine”.,0 "Coronavirus was created artificially. Actually, people are dying from the effects of 5G technology, according to Leonard Caldwell.",0 "A WHO conference with no distancing, no gloves, no masks.",0 Italian politician asked to take Bill Gates to the International Criminal Court.,0 "The coronavirus is a bacterium that causes thrombosis, Italy defeated the disease and you should take Aspirine, Apronax, zinc and in general drugs that lower your blood pressure.",0 CO2 emissions have been reduced by 8% in the first four months of 2020 because of COVID-19 related lockdowns.,0 Dr. Leonard Coldwell: coronavirus was created artificially for mass chipping.,0 Ivermectin is a drug that cures and prevents COVID-19.,0 "Image claims that a family committed suicide in Jodhpur, India with its picture going viral during lockdown.",0 Man seen in viral images was a COVID-19 patient who fell in love with his lady doctor. The two got engaged in the same hospital in Egypt.,0 COVID-19 can be cured with eucalyptus oil.,0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter which claim it shows US infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci admitting vaccines are “toxic” and can “make you worse” during a press conference about the novel coronavirus.",0 Italian politician asked to take Bill Gates to the International Criminal Court.,0 A video purporting to show several dead bodies lying beside coronavirus patients in a hospital ward has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it was filmed in the Indian capital of Delhi.,0 Dr. Leonard Coldwell: coronavirus was created artificially for mass chipping.,0 "The coronavirus is a bacterium that causes thrombosis, Italy defeated the disease and you should take Aspirine, Apronax, zinc and in general drugs that lower your blood pressure.",0 "A WHO conference with no distancing, no gloves, no masks.",0 Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim that Bill Gates’ “ultimate goal” is to “microchip the [COVID-19] vaccine” to create “virtual IDs”. The posts also claim the billionaire philanthropist was in New Zealand in May and June 2020 “to test and trial the COVID-19 vaccine”.,0 The Palestinian Ministry of Health publishes a segmented map of Palestine in proportion to the terms of the deal of the century.,0 The Italian parliament has called on to arrest Bill Gates.,0 A post claims the plastic packaging containing COVID-19 masks began to decompose under the influence of chemicals in the masks.,0 "São Paulo’s governor João Doria said 215 countries have cases of COVID-19. As there is only 193 countries, the speech of the governor shows the numbers of pandemic are made up.",0 "São Paulo’s governor João Doria said 215 countries have cases of COVID-19. As there is only 193 countries, the speech of the governor shows the numbers of pandemic are made up.",0 "A picture, allegedly published by the press agency Adnkronos, shows a passenger car with the inscription: “COVID-19 deportation plan”.",0 A post claims the plastic packaging containing COVID-19 masks began to decompose under the influence of chemicals in the masks.,0 A Facebook post claiming that the Ugandan government is offering grants to local businesses in an effort to cushion its citizens against the effects of COVID-19 has been shared hundreds of times.,0 United States has given the Ugandan government USD 25 million to pay every adult USD25 a month for 3 months.,0 A vaccine for the coronavirus has been discovered.,0 "An excerpt from a document from the Ministry of Health with the following message: “This document of March 5, from the Government of Spain, requires nursing homes to keep the elderly with COVID-19 symptoms, locked in their rooms, preventing them from going to the hospital to be treated. So they died alone! Tremendous! “",0 Man found alive in burial bag in the Brazilian state of Bahia.,0 Chewing raw onions can cure coronavirus.,0 "Bill Gates, Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci and the WHO are being charged with genocide.",0 Scientists develop a vaccine that cures COVID-19 in three days.,0 "A video which would show that the Immuni app (the application for contact tracing sponsored by the Italian government) is already active on our smartphones and, therefore, Italian people are being traced without their consent.",0 Portuguese energy company Galp is offering 3 months of free fuel to “help the needy”.,0 Vickvaporub eliminates coronavirus.,0 "The fifth phase of lockdown will be more harsh and strict in the state of Gujrat, India.",0 Man found alive in burial bag in the Brazilian state of Bahia.,0 Scientists develop a vaccine that cures COVID-19 in three days.,0 "South Sudan had recorded 481 COVID-19 cases by May 20, after the announcement of 134 new cases in Juba.",0 "Facebook post claims that the Latvian app Apturi Covid (Stop Covid) which was created to warn people who have been close to an infected person, will be used so the government can track all the people from the contact list and record their locations.",0 Chewing raw onions can cure coronavirus.,0 "An excerpt from a document from the Ministry of Health with the following message: “This document of March 5, from the Government of Spain, requires nursing homes to keep the elderly with COVID-19 symptoms, locked in their rooms, preventing them from going to the hospital to be treated. So they died alone! Tremendous! “",0 "A female overseas Filipino worker (OFW) in Saudi Arabia was beheaded after testing positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "The fifth phase of lockdown will be more harsh and strict in the state of Gujrat, India.",0 A study by Bartomeu Payeras i Cifre shows a direct correlation between 5G networks and COVID-19 outbreaks and “demonstrates clearly the most likely probability that the COVID-19 hypoxic injuries and hospital admissions are directly related to electromagnetic radiation exposure by 5G networks”.,0 COVID-19 is just common flu and was produced to make a profit.,0 5G towers have a ‘VOC 19’ component and cause coronavirus.,0 "COVID-19 is primarily a circulatory disease and can be cured without intensive care and use of respirators, a widely spread claim suggests.",0 Asymptomatic infected people “do not infect” other people.,0 Italian doctors have confirmed that COVID-19 is a bacterial disease and not caused by a virus as claimed by a number of authorities.,0 "A Kenyan Facebook page bearing the name and image of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya with a post claiming to offer cash relief of Ksh15,000 to Kenyans in distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 An article shared on Facebook claimed that the virus is fake and proven only by faulty testing.,0 French meterologists announced an historically hot summer with waves of heat.,0 "Ameera al-Taweel, a former Saudi princess and philanthropist, has partnered with the World Health Organization (WHO) to give out COVID-19 relief money on social media.",0 Italian doctors have confirmed that COVID-19 is a bacterial disease and not caused by a virus as claimed by a number of authorities.,0 The contact-tracing app “StopCovid” is installed on the sly on users’ phones.,0 Clarín anticipated the pandemic of the virus that caused COVID-19 in 2003.,0 "“Vaccines are dangerous,” says the German homeopathic organisation Ärzte für Aufklärung, which campaigns against the coronary measures and against vaccines. They give four cases on her website that would show that vaccines can be dangerous. Three of the four cases are misleading, one is uncertain.",0 COVID-19 is in reality the result of inflammation cause by a bacterium and therefore that can be cured by use of antibiotics.,0 "The mayor of Barranquilla, Colombia, said that the district has more ICUs per 100,000 inhabitants than Germany. Also that Barranquilla and Santa Marta together have more ICU beds than Peru.",0 The COVID-19 lockdown measures were a waste of time. It caused more deaths than it saved.,0 Photo of a Syrian doctor who was beaten by the quarantined in a quarantine center in Damascus.,0 "COVID-19 is primarily a circulatory disease and can be cured without intensive care and use of respirators, a widely spread claim suggests.",0 "A Kenyan Facebook page bearing the name and image of Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya with a post claiming to offer cash relief of Ksh15,000 to Kenyans in distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "Tocilizumab is a drug that can cure 90% of COVID-19 patients, including critical patients.",0 The enhanced community quarantine or ECQ in several regions and cities in the Philippines has been extended until 6/15/2020.,0 French meterologists announced an historically hot summer with waves of heat.,0 Photo of a Syrian doctor who was beaten by the quarantined in a quarantine center in Damascus.,0 "Italian doctors discovered that COVID-19 causes thrombosis instead of pneumonia by doing autopsies on the dead, which is prohibited by the WHO.",0 Image showing how roads to Dubai are covered with sand due to the spread of coronavirus and the imposition of curfews.,0 The Japanese government will finance part of the costs of travelers to it in order to encourage tourism after the end of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Kerala government is providing free quarantine service only to religious minorities.,0 One person has been stabbed during a protest against the government in the neighbourhood of Moratalaz in Madrid.,0 Clarín anticipated the pandemic of the virus that caused COVID-19 in 2003.,0 The contact-tracing app “StopCovid” is installed on the sly on users’ phones.,0 The COVID-19 lockdown measures were a waste of time. It caused more deaths than it saved.,0 "COVID-19 is primarily a circulatory disease and can be cured without intensive care and use of respirators, a widely spread claim suggests.",0 An article stating that Moderna vaccines had “catastrophic results”.,0 "“Vaccines are dangerous,” says the German homeopathic organisation Ärzte für Aufklärung, which campaigns against the coronary measures and against vaccines. They give four cases on her website that would show that vaccines can be dangerous. Three of the four cases are misleading, one is uncertain.",0 "An Instagram post claims Microsoft founder Bill Gates said up to 700,000 people could die from a COVID-19 vaccine.",0 "Rio de Janeiro’s City Hall revised data after Federal Police operation and decreased 1,177 deaths from official COVID-19 records.",0 Images show that Congress party ex-president Rahul Gandhi’s interaction with migrants was a preplanned photo-op,0 A Bolivian doctor found the cure for the novel coronavirus.,0 Clarín anticipated the pandemic of the virus that caused COVID-19 in 2003.,0 COVID-19 tests can be purchased to do the test at home with sanitary guarantees.,0 "An image of the Argentinian president, Alberto Fernández, with the governor of Tucuman (Argentina), Juan Manzur, that was taken during the quarantine.",0 Mumbai and Pune is going under military lockdown,0 "“According to the CDC, so far this year, Florida has had 1,762 deaths from COVID-19 and 5,185 from pneumonia. Average pneumonia deaths in Florida from 2013-2018 for the same time period are 918.”",0 "A jail in Villavicencio, Colombia, has 95 percent of confirmed COVID-19 cases.",0 Sanitiser bottles inside a parked car triggered fire due to heat wave in Bhopal.,0 "Thaddée Ndikumana, Minister of Health of Burundi, contracted COVID-19.",0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim it shows an empty church in Italy after almost all of its congregants died from the novel coronavirus.,0 "An image of several bodies laying on the ground went viral on social media, where it is claimed that they are victims of the coronavirus in Ecuador.",0 "Former interior secretary and 2016 presidential candidate Mar Roxas urged mass testing in light of the coronavirus pandemic, but also said those who fall sick should be brought to an island. He also supposedly chided medical frontliners and told them to do their jobs.",0 "A chain message circulating through various social media communities in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) claims that the city’s mayor, Víctor Hugo Vidal, received “the first complaint from the Office of the Attorney General for poor performance of functions (sic)” facing COVID-19. There was a “lack of authority and public administration,” says the publication.",0 "Vaccines against the novel coronavirus are dangerous. Moreover, a mutation in the virus will make them ineffective.",0 Masks cause hypoxia or oxygen deficiency and also poisoning by inhalation of CO2.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim it shows an empty church in Italy after almost all of its congregants died from the novel coronavirus.,0 "“According to the CDC, so far this year, Florida has had 1,762 deaths from COVID-19 and 5,185 from pneumonia. Average pneumonia deaths in Florida from 2013-2018 for the same time period are 918.”",0 Sanitiser bottles inside a parked car triggered fire due to heat wave in Bhopal.,0 The coronavirus is a bacteria which expands with 5G.,0 The Taiwan government will lift the mask-rationing plan on June 1. The price will rise from 5 to 7-12 New Taiwan Dollar per mask.,0 "The French StopCovid App is tracking all your contacts, hence “you should delete my phone number if I’m in your phone’s contact”.",0 "A chain message circulating through various social media communities in Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca, Colombia) claims that the city’s mayor, Víctor Hugo Vidal, received “the first complaint from the Office of the Attorney General for poor performance of functions (sic)” facing COVID-19. There was a “lack of authority and public administration,” says the publication.",0 One of the people infected with the coronavirus in Egypt seeks to marry his doctor.,0 "A Facebook post listing COVID-19 “survival rates” as 99.983% for the US, 99.956% for Spain, 99.944% for Germany, 99.957% for Italy,” 99.9655 for France, 99.972 for the UK and 99.75% for Russia.",0 "“We’re down near the low end of per capita deaths … Most places are at 60 deaths per 100,000. We’re at 29.”",0 "An image of several bodies laying on the ground went viral on social media, where it is claimed that they are victims of the coronavirus in Ecuador.",0 A photo shows the installation of a hidden 5G antenna.,0 Qatar canceled all Air India Flights in their Vande Bharat Mission (Tto bring back Indian citizen from Qatar).,0 Bill Gates said ‘thousands of people will die with the COVID-19 vaccine’,0 "People given Murga punishment in Uttar Pradesh, viral during lockdown.",0 "A Facebook post listing COVID-19 “survival rates” as 99.983% for the US, 99.956% for Spain, 99.944% for Germany, 99.957% for Italy,” 99.9655 for France, 99.972 for the UK and 99.75% for Russia.",0 "The French StopCovid App is tracking all your contacts, hence “you should delete my phone number if I’m in your phone’s contact”.",0 Goverment to announce Military Lockdown in Mumbai and Pune,0 "Video shows Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) members paying respect to doctors in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.",0 "According to an Italian MP, Bill Gates had millions of women in Africa sterilized and “caused” a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India.",0 The Gates Foundation wall has a sign of “center for the global reduction of the human population”.,0 Maharashtra (India) Governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari facilitated the travel of a model from Maharashtra to Dehradun during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A viral video of about 20 minutes long about the masks and the coronavirus uploaded to the YouTube channel of the family doctor Natalia Prego Cancelo.,0 "A statement attributed to the Coordinating Committee of Agricultural, Commercial, Industrial and Financial Associations, from Guatemala, circulated on social networks, which guaranteed a convocation to a caravan against the measures that President Alejandro Giammattei has taken due to the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Vitamin supplements will protect you against COVID-19.,0 Multiple online articles and social media posts published in May 2020 claim the Japanese government is set to subsidise trips for foreign tourists visiting the country by up to half of the cost after it lifts its coronavirus lockdown.,0 C5N released foreign images of the coronavirus as if they were local,0 A photo of a person with several puncture wounds on their arm has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts that claim China and Iran were hit by a deadly insect “pandemic” during the coronavirus crisis.,0 An image of a surgical mask with various messages. The main one is that using it makes you breathe your own carbon dioxide.,0 "“We’re down near the low end of per capita deaths … Most places are at 60 deaths per 100,000. We’re at 29.”",0 "According to an Italian MP, Bill Gates had millions of women in Africa sterilized and “caused” a polio epidemic that paralyzed 500,000 children in India.",0 "In a mall in Saudi Arabia, there was a sale and as soon as the shutter was opened, many women entered together flouting social distancing norms.",0 "During the quarantine, the Black Pope died, Bill Gates was arrested, Benjamin Netanyahu was convicted of spreading the coronavirus, and Vladimir Putin and the FSB are arresting governors.",0 C5N released foreign images of the coronavirus as if they were local,0 "People given Murga punishment in Uttar Pradesh, viral during lockdown.",0 The Gates Foundation wall has a sign of “center for the global reduction of the human population”.,0 A photo shows the installation of a hidden 5G antenna.,0 Image showing actions taken by Italy on the beaches to reduce the spread of coronavirus infection.,0 Chlorine dioxide healed 100 Covid-19 patients in Ecuador according to a study by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker. The article also states that Covid-19 is no lung disease but thrombosis and 88 percent of the patients given artificial respiration with ventilator die.,0 "WHO said vegetarians will not be affected by COVID-19, because COVID-19 need to have animal fat ��in order to �survive.",0 96 percent of the people who died in Italy died of other causes than Covid-19.,0 Squadron of aircraft paints the flag of Italy to celebrate the registration of zero cases of coronavirus in the Italian city of Milan.,0 "An image shared on social media claims vaccines are dangerous because they contain potassium chloride, the chemical used to stop the heart in lethal injections.",0 "In Japan, upon rexamination of the “Abenomasks” everyone was fussing about, only 12 were actually defective.",0 "False: South Sudan's Chief Justice, Family Refused Testing For",0 Facemask Video Ad Claims Stock Image Personnel As Virus Infected,0 Quarantine Detector Dog' Assaulted During Coronavirus Pandemic?,0 False 'Fact' Lists On The United States Postal Service Resurface,0 "No, Neem Leaves Cannot Treat The Novel Coronavirus Either",0 School Textbook Lists Cure For Coronavirus? A FactCheck,0 Video Of Black Friday Sale Shared As Panic Buying In Malaysia Lockdown,0 Musicians In New Zealand Recite Allah's Name Against Coronavirus?,0 False: Afghan Nationals Enter Pakistan Without Testing For COVID-19,0 Still From Grey's Anatomy Shared As Medical Staff Dead In Italy,0 Philippine Hospital Dismisses Claim Linking COVID-19 To Groceries,0 Children In Senegal Did Not Die After Receiving 'Coronavirus Vaccine',0 False: South African President Asked Foreigners To Leave The Country,0 Wearing Shoes Indoors Spiked COVID-19 Cases In Italy? A FactCheck,0 "False: Muslims Ignore COVID-19 Curfew, Convene At Mosque In Sri Lanka",0 1869 Poem Reprinted During Spanish Flu Pandemic Resurfaces In 2020?,0 Video Of Orangutan Washing Hands Falsely Linked To COVID-19 Pandemic,0 Italians Sing Chinese Song To Thank China For COVID-19 Aid? Not Really,0 False: Chinese People Topple Down 5G Towers As They 'Cause,0 "No, The Queen Did Not Test Positive For COVID-19",0 "Did A Biological Researcher Ask Ronaldo, Messi To Find COVID-19 Cure?",0 "Quotes Attributed To Trump, Biden Traced Back To Author Hemingway",0 "No, China And Japan Are Not Free Of The Novel Coronavirus",0 Old Video Revived With False Claims Of Mass Friday Prayers In China,0 A US Patent On The Novel Coronavirus? Conspiracy Theories Brew Online,0 Australian Authorities Dismiss Rumours Of Ice Rink Converting To,0 "False: Images Show Boy Crying, Parents Infected With COVID-19",0 "No, Food Donations Were Not Made In Turkey During COVID-19 'Lockdown'",0 Were Ventilators For COVID-19 Stuck In A Warehouse In New York?,0 "Viral Posts Falsely Claim Coronavirus Vaccine, Drugs Developed In Asia",0 False: Video Shows COVID-19 Victim's Bodies Removed From Iran Hospital,0 "No, Singapore Is Not Fining Those Flouting Social Distancing Rules",0 Rescue Packs For Citizens With Respiratory Conditions In Australia?,0 World Health Organisation Report Did Not Say Coronavirus Stays In...,0 False: Thai Police Can Fine People Who Fail To Wear Masks In Public,0 "No, China Did Not Send Doctors To Malaysia To Combat COVID-19",0 Did A Melbourne Factory Hoard Essential Supplies To Export To China?,0 Image From Current Year Purported To Be From 2009 Swine Flu Outbreak,0 How Public Distrust Is Hampering Africa's Fight Against Coronavirus,0 False: Rail Tanker Stamped With 'COVID-19',0 Does This Infographic Show The Correct Timeline Of the COVID-19...,0 Corona Outbreak: Did Zimbabwe Police Beat Up Churchgoers?,0 Old Video Edited To Show Jack Ma Praising China's Response To COVID-19,0 "No, A Coronavirus Quarantine Hotel Did Not Collapse In China",0 Did China Ban Korans During The Coronavirus Outbreak? A FactCheck.,0 This Photo Of The Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari Shaking Hands Is ...,0 Colour Coded Soaps & Handkerchiefs To Prevent Coronavirus? Not Really,0 False: Animal Vaccines Prove COVID-19 Is Not A New Viral Disease,0 "No, The UK Hospital Did Not Issue These Guidelines To Prevent COVID-19",0 Corona Outbreak: Did An Alcohol-Based Disinfectant Cause An Explosion?,0 "No, A US Soldier Didn't Wipe His Saliva On A Subway Train In Wuhan",0 Can Bathing In Hot Water Prevent COVID-19?,0 Can Bitter Gourd Help Cure Coronavirus Within Two Hours?,0 False: Salt Or Vinegar Warm Water Gargle Eliminates The Coronavirus,0 Did A US Biotech Company Already Develop A COVID-19 Vaccine?,0 "Breathing In Hot Air From Sauna, Hair Dryer Does Not Treat COVID-19",0 7 Things The Coronavirus Fears? Thai Paper Publishes Misleading Report,0 Do Major Disease Outbreaks Always Coincide With US Election Years?,0 "No, Refugees In Malaysia Are Not Resisting COVID-19 Testing",0 Video From Iran Shared As Body Bags Of Coronavirus Victims In Italy,0 False Report Claims Water Ablution Ritual Kills The Novel Coronavirus,0 Old Video Shared As Novel Coronavirus Induced Panic Buying In Germany,0 "Coronavirus Testing: 9.2 Tests Per Million, Experts Say Too Low",0 Australian Prime Minister Did Not Order A National Shutdown,0 "WHO: Volcanic Ash Does Not Kill Novel Coronavirus, Hazardous To Health",0 Ancient Medicinal Herb Drink To Treat Coronavirus? A FactCheck,0 "No, Parents Are Not Getting Free Formula Amidst COVID-19 Panic Buying",0 Australian News Report Edited To Show Bananas Defend Against COVID-19,0 Vegan Food Shelf Untouched In Panic Buying Post Coronavirus Outbreak?,0 False: The COVID-19 Fits Pattern Of Viral Outbreak Every 100 Years,0 Death Toll Chart Comparing Other Epidemics With COVID-19 Is Misleading,0 "Smoking Increases Risk Of Developing Severe Coronavirus, Warns WHO",0 False Posts In Sri Lanka Claim Poultry Infected With Coronavirus,0 Consuming Silver Particles Does Not Prevent Or Treat COVID-19,0 Donating Blood In The US Does Not Get You A Free COVID-19 Test,0 Italians Quarantined In Brothel? Satire News Goes Viral,0 "No, Employer Did Not Hide Work From Home Advice On COVID-19 Poster",0 Misleading Message Claims Anti-Malaria Drug Cures Coronavirus,0 Drinking Water Every 15 Minutes Does Not Prevent Coronavirus Infection,0 Inaccurate COVID-19 Details Falsely Attributed To Thai Doctor,0 US Radio Host Rush Limbaugh Falsely Likens COVID-19 To Common Cold,0 Video Falsely Shared As Wuhan Residents Collecting Death Certificates,0 Drinking Warm Water With Lemon Does Not Protect You From Coronavirus,0 Coronavirus: Philippines Refutes Fake Advisory On Visiting Malls,0 "No, Holding Your Breath Is Not A Test For Coronavirus",0 "No, Tom Hanks Not Gifted A Volleyball In Coronavirus Quarantine",0 "Is This How The Coronavirus Looks Magnified 2,600 Times? A FactCheck.",0 Coronavirus: Facial Hair Recommendations Not Shared By The CDC,0 "Iran: No, Officials Didn't Visit Coronavirus Infected Vice President",0 Nigerian Driver Threatening To Spread Coronavirus Across The Country?,0 False Coronavirus Prevention Claims On Social Media Viral In Sri Lanka,0 US Health Authorities Advice Against 'Coronavirus Protection' Masks,0 "No, Man Who Ate Bat In Video Does Not Have Coronavirus",0 Were Dead Bodies Left On Wuhan Streets After The Coronavirus Outbreak?,0 False: Cambodian PM Hospitalised After Contracting Coronavirus,0 Video Shared As Chinese Fleeing To Vietnam Post Coronavirus Outbreak,0 Contagion' Film Scene Shared As Mass Burial Of Coronavirus Victims,0 Did Sulphur Dioxide Levels Rise In Wuhan Post Coronavirus Outbreak?,0 Old Video Shared As Chaos in Chinese Supermarkets Due To Coronavirus,0 Map Of Global Flight Paths Falsely Reported As Spread Of Coronavirus,0 Busting False Claims in Viral Clip of US Docs Talking About COVID,0 Has WHO Advised Against Isolation & Social Distancing? Not Really!,0 Suicide Case From 2017 Viral as ‘Exposé’ on Govt’s COVID-19 Relief,0 WebQoof Recap: COVID-19 Fake News on Tomato Virus and Camphora 1M,0 "Govt Giving Rs 1.2 L to Workers Employed From 1990-2020? Well, No",0 Video of COVID-19 Mock Drill in Colombia Shared as Real Incident,0 Sambit Patra Shares Clipped Video of Rahul Gandhi to Mock Him,0 "No Link to Ramzan, Viral Clip Shows Argument Between Cops & Abuser",0 Viral Clip of Mayhem Outside Delhi Liquor Store – It is From Feb,0 IAF Helicopter Showered Petals on Migrant Workers? Not Really,0 Surat Video Viral As ‘People Gathering Near Mosque in Delhi’,0 ‘Fake’: Jio on Viral Message Claiming 25 GB Free Data For 6 Months,0 Muslims Attacked Cops in Maharashtra’s Malegaon? It’s Fake News,0 BMC’s Appeal in 2018 to Drink Boiled Water Shared Amid COVID-19,0 WebQoof Recap: Fake Claims Around Bandra Migrant Crisis & More,0 Still From TV Show Used to Claim Over 200 Medics Died in Italy,0 Old Video Shared As Collapse of Lockdown Situation in South Africa,0 "No, a US Prof Wasn’t Arrested for ‘Selling’ Coronavirus to China",0 "Bodies of COVID-19 Patients Dumped in Sea? No, Video is From 2014",0 Can a WhatsApp Admin Be Arrested for Sharing Info on COVID-19?,0 Does 5G Tech Spread Coronavirus? Miscreants Set UK Towers on Fire,0 Burning Candles Kills Coronavirus? PM’s Message Given False Spin,0 CAA Protest Video Shared as Hyderabad Muslims Defying Lockdown,0 "COVID-19: Old Report Shared as Azim Premji Donating 50,000 Cr",0 "Is This a Prank to Keep Goans Inside Amid Lockdown? No, Old Clip",0 "This is Not Corona-Hit Italy, the Photos are of Croatia Earthquake",0 "No, Kanika Kapoor Did Not Infect Prince Charles With COVID-19",0 Did Indian Army Set Up 1000-Bed Quarantine Facility in Barmer? No!,0 "No, This Isn’t the Italian President Crying Over COVID-19 Deaths",0 Did Saddam Say US Threatened Iraq With Coronavirus in 1990s? No!,0 COVID-19: Did Naresh Trehan Say India Will Declare Emergency? Nope,0 "No, a Chinese Officer Did Not Say Coronavirus Was Created in a Lab",0 Fact Check: Trump Misrepresents Obama’s Actions on H1N1,0 WebQoof Recap: From Delhi Violence to Fake News Around Coronavirus,0 Message on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Neither From UNICEF Nor Accurate,0 Coronavirus: Wuhan Video Shared Falsely As People Crying for Help,0 Hoax Website Claims China Planning to Kill Coronavirus Patients,0 Video of Woman Collapsing Shared as ‘Death Due to Coronavirus’,0 Busting False Claims in Viral Clip of US Docs Talking About COVID,0 Has WHO Advised Against Isolation & Social Distancing? Not Really!,0 Suicide Case From 2017 Viral as ‘Exposé’ on Govt’s COVID-19 Relief,0 WebQoof Recap: COVID-19 Fake News on Tomato Virus and Camphora 1M,0 "Govt Giving Rs 1.2 L to Workers Employed From 1990-2020? Well, No",0 Video of COVID-19 Mock Drill in Colombia Shared as Real Incident,0 Sambit Patra Shares Clipped Video of Rahul Gandhi to Mock Him,0 "No Link to Ramzan, Viral Clip Shows Argument Between Cops & Abuser",0 Viral Clip of Mayhem Outside Delhi Liquor Store – It is From Feb,0 IAF Helicopter Showered Petals on Migrant Workers? Not Really,0 Surat Video Viral As ‘People Gathering Near Mosque in Delhi’,0 ‘Fake’: Jio on Viral Message Claiming 25 GB Free Data For 6 Months,0 Muslims Attacked Cops in Maharashtra’s Malegaon? It’s Fake News,0 BMC’s Appeal in 2018 to Drink Boiled Water Shared Amid COVID-19,0 WebQoof Recap: Fake Claims Around Bandra Migrant Crisis & More,0 Still From TV Show Used to Claim Over 200 Medics Died in Italy,0 Old Video Shared As Collapse of Lockdown Situation in South Africa,0 "No, a US Prof Wasn’t Arrested for ‘Selling’ Coronavirus to China",0 "Bodies of COVID-19 Patients Dumped in Sea? No, Video is From 2014",0 Can a WhatsApp Admin Be Arrested for Sharing Info on COVID-19?,0 Does 5G Tech Spread Coronavirus? Miscreants Set UK Towers on Fire,0 Burning Candles Kills Coronavirus? PM’s Message Given False Spin,0 CAA Protest Video Shared as Hyderabad Muslims Defying Lockdown,0 "COVID-19: Old Report Shared as Azim Premji Donating 50,000 Cr",0 "Is This a Prank to Keep Goans Inside Amid Lockdown? No, Old Clip",0 "This is Not Corona-Hit Italy, the Photos are of Croatia Earthquake",0 "No, Kanika Kapoor Did Not Infect Prince Charles With COVID-19",0 Did Indian Army Set Up 1000-Bed Quarantine Facility in Barmer? No!,0 "No, This Isn’t the Italian President Crying Over COVID-19 Deaths",0 Did Saddam Say US Threatened Iraq With Coronavirus in 1990s? No!,0 COVID-19: Did Naresh Trehan Say India Will Declare Emergency? Nope,0 "No, a Chinese Officer Did Not Say Coronavirus Was Created in a Lab",0 Fact Check: Trump Misrepresents Obama’s Actions on H1N1,0 WebQoof Recap: From Delhi Violence to Fake News Around Coronavirus,0 Message on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Neither From UNICEF Nor Accurate,0 Coronavirus: Wuhan Video Shared Falsely As People Crying for Help,0 Hoax Website Claims China Planning to Kill Coronavirus Patients,0 Video of Woman Collapsing Shared as ‘Death Due to Coronavirus’,0 App Using Phone Camera for Measuring Oxygen Levels Not Reliable,0 Viral Video of Amitabh Bachchan Thanking Nanavati Medics is Old,0 Old Video From Texas Shared as ‘Bird Attack in Saudi Arabia’,0 Mohan Bhagwat Never Said He Lost Faith in Religion Amid COVID-19,0 Video From Kathua Passed Off as Residents Protesting in Surat,0 Overcrowded Train Carries Migrants From Mumbai to WB? Video is Old,0 Gujarat Woman Killed Daughters & Self Due to Hunger? Fake Alert!,0 "Mumbai Under Military Lockdown From Sat? CM, Army Say Fake News",0 Old Video of Boris Johnson Shared as Footage After COVID Recovery,0 COVID-19: Another Fake Quote Attributed to Ratan Tata Goes Viral,0 Muslims Threatening Cops to Open Mosques Amid COVID Lockdown? No!,0 "Trump’s Bizarre Claims: ‘Disinfectant, Sunlight Can Kill COVID-19’",0 WhatsApp Message on Raghuram Rajan’s COVID-19 Webinar is Fake,0 Currency Notes Strewn in Indore to Spread COVID-19? It’s Fake News,0 Bihar Confirms Chicken as COVID Source? Fake Clipping Goes Viral,0 Video of Pak’s JUI-F Leader on Lockdown Being Shared as From India,0 Video of Woman in Pak Quarantine Facility Falsely Shared as Indian,0 Audio Blaming Kejriwal for Migrant Crisis Falsely Linked to Salve,0 ‘15 UP Districts To Be Sealed Entirely’? Fake Message Goes Viral,0 BJP MP Falsely Claims COVID-Infected Tablighis Misbehaved in Wards,0 Old Video Shared as ‘Train Supplying Essentials’ Amid Lockdown,0 "Trupti Desai Buying Alcohol Amid Lockdown? No, It’s An Old Video",0 Audio on COVID-19 ‘Cure’ Falsely Linked to Medanta Hospital’s MD,0 Financial Year Changed to 1 July? Finance Ministry Says It’s Fake!,0 Fake Audio Clip Shared to Claim 59 New COVID-19 Cases in Nagpur,0 How TikTok Influencers Are Fuelling Fake News on COVID-19,0 "No, Image Of Cop Punishing Lockdown Violators is Not From India",0 Is Govt Doing Enough to Fight Corona On Health & Economic Fronts?,0 "Russia Using Lions to Make People Stay Indoors? No, it’s Fake News",0 COVID-19 Fact Check: Trump Falsely Claims Drug Approval for Virus,0 "No, Dr Devi Shetty Hasn’t Released an Audio Note on Coronavirus",0 "No, PM Modi Isn’t Giving Free Masks Under Swachh Bharat Mission",0 Coronavirus Is the Reason India Needs ‘Inter-Agency’ Systems,0 Turmeric and Lemon Help Fight Coronavirus? Doctors Say No Proof,0 Will Drinking Water Every 15 Minutes Save You From COVID-19?,0 Unrelated Videos Used to Show Coronavirus Patients Killed in China,0 "Wuhan Market Where Coronavirus Originated? No, This is Indonesia",0 "FIT WebQoof: Can China’s Coronavirus Spread via Ice-Cream, Colas?",0 App Using Phone Camera for Measuring Oxygen Levels Not Reliable,0 Viral Video of Amitabh Bachchan Thanking Nanavati Medics is Old,0 Old Video From Texas Shared as ‘Bird Attack in Saudi Arabia’,0 Mohan Bhagwat Never Said He Lost Faith in Religion Amid COVID-19,0 Video From Kathua Passed Off as Residents Protesting in Surat,0 Overcrowded Train Carries Migrants From Mumbai to WB? Video is Old,0 Gujarat Woman Killed Daughters & Self Due to Hunger? Fake Alert!,0 "Mumbai Under Military Lockdown From Sat? CM, Army Say Fake News",0 Old Video of Boris Johnson Shared as Footage After COVID Recovery,0 COVID-19: Another Fake Quote Attributed to Ratan Tata Goes Viral,0 Muslims Threatening Cops to Open Mosques Amid COVID Lockdown? No!,0 "Trump’s Bizarre Claims: ‘Disinfectant, Sunlight Can Kill COVID-19’",0 WhatsApp Message on Raghuram Rajan’s COVID-19 Webinar is Fake,0 Currency Notes Strewn in Indore to Spread COVID-19? It’s Fake News,0 Bihar Confirms Chicken as COVID Source? Fake Clipping Goes Viral,0 Video of Pak’s JUI-F Leader on Lockdown Being Shared as From India,0 Video of Woman in Pak Quarantine Facility Falsely Shared as Indian,0 Audio Blaming Kejriwal for Migrant Crisis Falsely Linked to Salve,0 ‘15 UP Districts To Be Sealed Entirely’? Fake Message Goes Viral,0 BJP MP Falsely Claims COVID-Infected Tablighis Misbehaved in Wards,0 Old Video Shared as ‘Train Supplying Essentials’ Amid Lockdown,0 "Trupti Desai Buying Alcohol Amid Lockdown? No, It’s An Old Video",0 Audio on COVID-19 ‘Cure’ Falsely Linked to Medanta Hospital’s MD,0 Financial Year Changed to 1 July? Finance Ministry Says It’s Fake!,0 Fake Audio Clip Shared to Claim 59 New COVID-19 Cases in Nagpur,0 How TikTok Influencers Are Fuelling Fake News on COVID-19,0 "No, Image Of Cop Punishing Lockdown Violators is Not From India",0 Is Govt Doing Enough to Fight Corona On Health & Economic Fronts?,0 "Russia Using Lions to Make People Stay Indoors? No, it’s Fake News",0 COVID-19 Fact Check: Trump Falsely Claims Drug Approval for Virus,0 "No, Dr Devi Shetty Hasn’t Released an Audio Note on Coronavirus",0 "No, PM Modi Isn’t Giving Free Masks Under Swachh Bharat Mission",0 Coronavirus Is the Reason India Needs ‘Inter-Agency’ Systems,0 Turmeric and Lemon Help Fight Coronavirus? Doctors Say No Proof,0 Will Drinking Water Every 15 Minutes Save You From COVID-19?,0 Unrelated Videos Used to Show Coronavirus Patients Killed in China,0 "Wuhan Market Where Coronavirus Originated? No, This is Indonesia",0 "FIT WebQoof: Can China’s Coronavirus Spread via Ice-Cream, Colas?",0 Bharat Biotech Vaccine Available From 15 August? Not So Fast!,0 No Evidence to Suggest ‘Alcohol Consumption Cures COVID-19’,0 "No, This Mumbai Constable Wasn’t Suffering From COVID-19",0 "Sambit Patra Accuses Cong of ‘Bus Fraud’, But Gets His Facts Wrong",0 Unrelated Clip Shared to Claim ‘Migrants Robbing People for Money’,0 Old Video Used to Claim DMK Leader Assaulted Lady Doctor on Duty,0 Viral Post on ‘Dr Devi Shetty’s 22 Steps Against COVID-19’ is Fake,0 Video of Migrants Throwing Stale Food Shared with Misleading Claim,0 100 Nurses in Jhalawar Resigned Over Misbehaviour by Jamaatis? No!,0 "Aamir Khan Anonymously Donated Rs 15,000 in Wheat Sacks? Nope.",0 Jammu Picture Passed Off as Navaratri in Delhi Amid COVID Lockdown,0 Old Picture Used to Claim Pregnant Woman Tested Positive for COVID,0 Hydroxychloroquine For COVID-19: Miracle Drug or Premature Claims?,0 Old Image Used to Claim Thousands Flouted Lockdown in Kalaburgi,0 Video of Man Violating Lockdown in Dehradun Given Communal Spin,0 Old Video From Pakistan Shared to Claim Tablighi Man Roaming Naked,0 No Data to Support: Experts on Claims Kalonji Seeds Cure COVID-19,0 WebQoof Recap: Of Communally Charged Claims and Alarmist Messages,0 Action Against WhatsApp Admins Over COVID-19 Jokes? Hoax Alert!,0 Old Video From Philippines Shared With ‘Corona Jihad’ Spin,0 "Rahul, Priyanka Gandhi Violating Lockdown? No, It’s an Old Video",0 "COVID-19: No, MCI Hasn’t Asked Hospitals To Recruit MBBS Interns",0 COVID-19: Message on Army Being Deployed in Telangana is False,0 "No pH Value of COVID-19, Experts Deny Its Link With Alkaline Food",0 Old Video Used to Claim ‘US Accepts Quran’ to Fight COVID-19,0 Video of UK Patient Shared as Pak Doctor’s Appeal Before Death,0 Photo of Couple at Airport Shared as Italian Doctors' Last Moments,0 Old Heatwave Map Used as Sound Waves Recorded During Janata Curfew,0 Fake Audio Clip on WHO Asking for 2 Month Lockdown Creates Panic,0 WebQoof Recap: From COVID-19 Infodemic to BJP MP on Delhi Violence,0 Coronavirus: How Tech Companies Are Dealing With Fake News & Lies,0 "No, Trump Didn’t Say Roche Medical Announced Vaccine for COVID-19",0 Coronavirus Tracker: LIVE Number of COVID-19 Cases And Recoveries,0 Daniel Radcliffe Tested Positive for Coronavirus? Here’s the Truth,0 Dettol Products Work Against Novel Coronavirus? Here’s The Truth,0 Video of Bats in Miami Roof Viral as Coronavirus’ Source in China,0 FIT Webqoof: Did Coronavirus Come From Chicken?,0 "Photo of People Who Died of Coronavirus? No, It’s an Art Project!",0 Bharat Biotech Vaccine Available From 15 August? Not So Fast!,0 No Evidence to Suggest ‘Alcohol Consumption Cures COVID-19’,0 "No, This Mumbai Constable Wasn’t Suffering From COVID-19",0 "Sambit Patra Accuses Cong of ‘Bus Fraud’, But Gets His Facts Wrong",0 Unrelated Clip Shared to Claim ‘Migrants Robbing People for Money’,0 Old Video Used to Claim DMK Leader Assaulted Lady Doctor on Duty,0 Viral Post on ‘Dr Devi Shetty’s 22 Steps Against COVID-19’ is Fake,0 Video of Migrants Throwing Stale Food Shared with Misleading Claim,0 100 Nurses in Jhalawar Resigned Over Misbehaviour by Jamaatis? No!,0 "Aamir Khan Anonymously Donated Rs 15,000 in Wheat Sacks? Nope.",0 Jammu Picture Passed Off as Navaratri in Delhi Amid COVID Lockdown,0 Old Picture Used to Claim Pregnant Woman Tested Positive for COVID,0 Hydroxychloroquine For COVID-19: Miracle Drug or Premature Claims?,0 Old Image Used to Claim Thousands Flouted Lockdown in Kalaburgi,0 Video of Man Violating Lockdown in Dehradun Given Communal Spin,0 Old Video From Pakistan Shared to Claim Tablighi Man Roaming Naked,0 No Data to Support: Experts on Claims Kalonji Seeds Cure COVID-19,0 WebQoof Recap: Of Communally Charged Claims and Alarmist Messages,0 Action Against WhatsApp Admins Over COVID-19 Jokes? Hoax Alert!,0 Old Video From Philippines Shared With ‘Corona Jihad’ Spin,0 "Rahul, Priyanka Gandhi Violating Lockdown? No, It’s an Old Video",0 "COVID-19: No, MCI Hasn’t Asked Hospitals To Recruit MBBS Interns",0 COVID-19: Message on Army Being Deployed in Telangana is False,0 "No pH Value of COVID-19, Experts Deny Its Link With Alkaline Food",0 Old Video Used to Claim ‘US Accepts Quran’ to Fight COVID-19,0 Video of UK Patient Shared as Pak Doctor’s Appeal Before Death,0 Photo of Couple at Airport Shared as Italian Doctors' Last Moments,0 Old Heatwave Map Used as Sound Waves Recorded During Janata Curfew,0 Fake Audio Clip on WHO Asking for 2 Month Lockdown Creates Panic,0 WebQoof Recap: From COVID-19 Infodemic to BJP MP on Delhi Violence,0 Coronavirus: How Tech Companies Are Dealing With Fake News & Lies,0 "No, Trump Didn’t Say Roche Medical Announced Vaccine for COVID-19",0 Coronavirus Tracker: LIVE Number of COVID-19 Cases And Recoveries,0 Daniel Radcliffe Tested Positive for Coronavirus? Here’s the Truth,0 Dettol Products Work Against Novel Coronavirus? Here’s The Truth,0 Video of Bats in Miami Roof Viral as Coronavirus’ Source in China,0 FIT Webqoof: Did Coronavirus Come From Chicken?,0 "Photo of People Who Died of Coronavirus? No, It’s an Art Project!",0 Pics of Cremation in UP Falsely Shared as Organ Trafficking Racket,0 COVID Awareness Drive By Ajmer Police Shared With Misleading Claim,0 Do Masks Help Prevent COVID-19? Here’s What Experts Have to Say,0 TV9 Bharatvarsh Falsely Claims Tomato Virus Worse Than COVID-19,0 Muslims Flouting Lockdown by Offering Namaz in Group? Clip is Old,0 "India’s Roadmap for Exiting Lockdown in 5 Phases? Nope, Not Really",0 "Cop Extorting Money from Migrant Caught on Cam? No, Video is Old",0 TN Police’s COVID-19 Awareness Video Viral With Misleading Claim,0 Is It Safe to Use Air Conditioners at Home? Experts Weigh In,0 Mustard Oil Helps Fight COVID? Ramdev’s Claim Lacks Medical Proof,0 First Volunteer in UK COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Dead? Hoax Alert!,0 Old Kumbh Mela Clip Viral as Maharashtra Sadhus Protesting Palghar,0 Message on COVID Has Been Falsely Attributed to Ganga Ram Hospital,0 "Hotels to Remain Closed Till 15 October? No, Circular is Fake",0 Bandra Migrant Crisis: From Misreporting to False Communal Claims,0 Andhra Temple Turned Into Quarantine Facility for Muslims? No,0 "No, This Man Wasn’t Seen Spitting on Fruits in Delhi’s Bawana",0 "No, Kenyan Govt Hasn’t Deployed Maasai Tribe to Implement Curfew",0 900% Increase in Fact-Checks Around COVID-19 in 3 Months: Study,0 A Priest’s Followers Thrashed Cop Amid COVID-19 Lockdown? No!,0 "No, Maps Don’t Show ‘Satellite View’ After PM’s 9 PM Candle Call",0 "No Lockdown Extension Announcement Yet, Fake Bulletin Goes Viral!",0 "No, People Aren’t Throwing Money in Italy Amid Coronavirus Scare",0 Fake Message Linked to MHA Claims Posting on COVID-19 is Illegal,0 COVID-19: Fake Bulletin Used to Claim PM Ordered Internet Shutdown,0 FIT WebQoof: Does COVID-19 Transfer by the Air?,0 "Docs Say No Data to Claim Tea Can Cure COVID-19, It’s a Fake Msg",0 "No, China’s Xinhua News Did Not Mock India’s Coronavirus Response",0 COVID-19 Misinformation Is Keeping Fact-Checkers on Their Toes,0 Viral Image of PM Modi’s Address With Lockdown Message Is Fake,0 Morphed AajTak Pics Used to Say Jat Community Immune to COVID-19,0 "Chinese Police Crackdown on COVID-19 Patients? Nope, Video is Old",0 Ronaldo Isn’t Turning Hotels to Hospitals for Coronavirus Patients,0 FIT-WebQoof: Has Israel Discovered a Vaccine For Coronavirus?,0 Corpses of Wuhan Coronavirus Patients Dumped on Roads? Fake Alert,0 "Doctored Screenshots Claim China’s Coronavirus Deaths Over 24,000",0 Old Video Shared as Chinese PM Praying Amid Coronavirus Scare,0 Notification' on Coronavirus Neither From Health Min Nor Accurate,0 Pics of Cremation in UP Falsely Shared as Organ Trafficking Racket,0 COVID Awareness Drive By Ajmer Police Shared With Misleading Claim,0 Do Masks Help Prevent COVID-19? Here’s What Experts Have to Say,0 TV9 Bharatvarsh Falsely Claims Tomato Virus Worse Than COVID-19,0 Muslims Flouting Lockdown by Offering Namaz in Group? Clip is Old,0 "India’s Roadmap for Exiting Lockdown in 5 Phases? Nope, Not Really",0 "Cop Extorting Money from Migrant Caught on Cam? No, Video is Old",0 TN Police’s COVID-19 Awareness Video Viral With Misleading Claim,0 Is It Safe to Use Air Conditioners at Home? Experts Weigh In,0 Mustard Oil Helps Fight COVID? Ramdev’s Claim Lacks Medical Proof,0 First Volunteer in UK COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Dead? Hoax Alert!,0 Old Kumbh Mela Clip Viral as Maharashtra Sadhus Protesting Palghar,0 Message on COVID Has Been Falsely Attributed to Ganga Ram Hospital,0 "Hotels to Remain Closed Till 15 October? No, Circular is Fake",0 Bandra Migrant Crisis: From Misreporting to False Communal Claims,0 Andhra Temple Turned Into Quarantine Facility for Muslims? No,0 "No, This Man Wasn’t Seen Spitting on Fruits in Delhi’s Bawana",0 "No, Kenyan Govt Hasn’t Deployed Maasai Tribe to Implement Curfew",0 900% Increase in Fact-Checks Around COVID-19 in 3 Months: Study,0 A Priest’s Followers Thrashed Cop Amid COVID-19 Lockdown? No!,0 "No, Maps Don’t Show ‘Satellite View’ After PM’s 9 PM Candle Call",0 "No Lockdown Extension Announcement Yet, Fake Bulletin Goes Viral!",0 "No, People Aren’t Throwing Money in Italy Amid Coronavirus Scare",0 Fake Message Linked to MHA Claims Posting on COVID-19 is Illegal,0 COVID-19: Fake Bulletin Used to Claim PM Ordered Internet Shutdown,0 FIT WebQoof: Does COVID-19 Transfer by the Air?,0 "Docs Say No Data to Claim Tea Can Cure COVID-19, It’s a Fake Msg",0 "No, China’s Xinhua News Did Not Mock India’s Coronavirus Response",0 COVID-19 Misinformation Is Keeping Fact-Checkers on Their Toes,0 Viral Image of PM Modi’s Address With Lockdown Message Is Fake,0 Morphed AajTak Pics Used to Say Jat Community Immune to COVID-19,0 "Chinese Police Crackdown on COVID-19 Patients? Nope, Video is Old",0 Ronaldo Isn’t Turning Hotels to Hospitals for Coronavirus Patients,0 FIT-WebQoof: Has Israel Discovered a Vaccine For Coronavirus?,0 Corpses of Wuhan Coronavirus Patients Dumped on Roads? Fake Alert,0 "Doctored Screenshots Claim China’s Coronavirus Deaths Over 24,000",0 Old Video Shared as Chinese PM Praying Amid Coronavirus Scare,0 Notification' on Coronavirus Neither From Health Min Nor Accurate,0 Unrelated Images Shared as Current Situation of Bihar’s COVID Ward,0 "No, This is Not Bharat Biotech VP Being Injected With ‘Covaxin’",0 "No, Govt Isn’t Giving Rs 5,000 For Free as COVID-19 as Relief Fund",0 "Old Video Resurfaces, Claims to Show Saudi Mall Post Lockdown",0 "Gadkari Says Corona an Artificial Virus, But Where’s The Evidence?",0 Old Picture Used to Falsely Claim ‘KCR Distributing Ramzan Gifts’,0 Pak Clip Passed Off as Air India Flouting Social Distancing Norms,0 WebQoof Recap: Trolls Target Safoora; Experts on AC During COVID,0 2018 Image From UP Shared as Namaz Offered in TN Amid Lockdown,0 WebQoof Recap: TISS Prof Falsely Targeted; Ramdev’s COVID-19 Cure,0 "India Suing Bill Gates? No, Viral Facebook Post Makes False Claims",0 "WebQoof Recap: HCQ as COVID-19 Cure, Virus Covered Notes & More",0 "No, Germany Hasn’t Sent a £130 Bn Bill to China for COVID Damages",0 Yet Another Mock Drill Shared as COVID-19 Case in Jail Premises,0 Satyendar Jain Misquoted to Claim None From Markaz COVID Positive,0 Tablighi Chief Donated Rs 1 Crore to PM’s Relief Fund? Fake Alert!,0 Mock Drill Video Shared as COVID-19 Case in Bihar’s Hajipur Jail,0 "Hoax: No, a COVID-19 Doctor Wasn’t Killed by an ‘Islamist’ Mob",0 Old Video Shared as Call to Boycott Muslim Businesses in K’taka,0 Video of Man Spitting at Subway Rider Falsely Linked to COVID-19,0 Fake Memo on Disaster Management Act Says COVID-19 Posts Illegal,0 "No, PM Modi Is Not Heading an International Task Force on COVID-19",0 Dead COVID-19 Patients in Italy? Pictures are Old & Unrelated,0 COVID-19: Old Video from Azerbaijan Shared as Lockdown in Spain,0 WebQoof Recap: From COVID-19 Being Airborne to Misleading Cures,0 Hot Water Gargles Cure COVID-19? Claim Not Medically Corroborated,0 ‘Beware of Rumours’: PM’s Warning Against COVID-19 Misinformation,0 "COVID-19 Vaccine Ready, Can Cure Patients in 3 Hours? Fake Alert!",0 Old Video Shared as COVID-19 Suspects Landing in Ethiopian Airport,0 COVID-19: Advisory on PMO ‘Restricting Movement’ is From Malaysia,0 "No, Chennai Hasn’t Shut Down Fruit Marts Because of Coronavirus",0 OpIndia Runs Fake News On Muslims Refusing to Be Tested in K’taka,0 COVID-19: Blanket Holidays Declared In 4 States? Fake Alert!,0 FIT WebQoof: Can Cow Dung or Cow Urine Treat COVID-19?,0 FIT WebQoof: Did China Create the Wuhan Coronavirus in Its Lab?,0 FIT WebQoof: Could Weed ‘Kill’ the Novel Coronavirus?,0 "FIT Webqoof: No, Garlic Water Cannot ‘Cure’ Coronavirus",0 Homeopathy For Coronavirus? We Fact Check AYUSH Ministry Claims,0 Unrelated Images Shared as Current Situation of Bihar’s COVID Ward,0 "No, This is Not Bharat Biotech VP Being Injected With ‘Covaxin’",0 "No, Govt Isn’t Giving Rs 5,000 For Free as COVID-19 as Relief Fund",0 "Old Video Resurfaces, Claims to Show Saudi Mall Post Lockdown",0 "Gadkari Says Corona an Artificial Virus, But Where’s The Evidence?",0 Old Picture Used to Falsely Claim ‘KCR Distributing Ramzan Gifts’,0 Pak Clip Passed Off as Air India Flouting Social Distancing Norms,0 WebQoof Recap: Trolls Target Safoora; Experts on AC During COVID,0 2018 Image From UP Shared as Namaz Offered in TN Amid Lockdown,0 WebQoof Recap: TISS Prof Falsely Targeted; Ramdev’s COVID-19 Cure,0 "India Suing Bill Gates? No, Viral Facebook Post Makes False Claims",0 "WebQoof Recap: HCQ as COVID-19 Cure, Virus Covered Notes & More",0 "No, Germany Hasn’t Sent a £130 Bn Bill to China for COVID Damages",0 Yet Another Mock Drill Shared as COVID-19 Case in Jail Premises,0 Satyendar Jain Misquoted to Claim None From Markaz COVID Positive,0 Tablighi Chief Donated Rs 1 Crore to PM’s Relief Fund? Fake Alert!,0 Mock Drill Video Shared as COVID-19 Case in Bihar’s Hajipur Jail,0 "Hoax: No, a COVID-19 Doctor Wasn’t Killed by an ‘Islamist’ Mob",0 Old Video Shared as Call to Boycott Muslim Businesses in K’taka,0 Video of Man Spitting at Subway Rider Falsely Linked to COVID-19,0 Fake Memo on Disaster Management Act Says COVID-19 Posts Illegal,0 "No, PM Modi Is Not Heading an International Task Force on COVID-19",0 Dead COVID-19 Patients in Italy? Pictures are Old & Unrelated,0 COVID-19: Old Video from Azerbaijan Shared as Lockdown in Spain,0 WebQoof Recap: From COVID-19 Being Airborne to Misleading Cures,0 Hot Water Gargles Cure COVID-19? Claim Not Medically Corroborated,0 ‘Beware of Rumours’: PM’s Warning Against COVID-19 Misinformation,0 "COVID-19 Vaccine Ready, Can Cure Patients in 3 Hours? Fake Alert!",0 Old Video Shared as COVID-19 Suspects Landing in Ethiopian Airport,0 COVID-19: Advisory on PMO ‘Restricting Movement’ is From Malaysia,0 "No, Chennai Hasn’t Shut Down Fruit Marts Because of Coronavirus",0 OpIndia Runs Fake News On Muslims Refusing to Be Tested in K’taka,0 COVID-19: Blanket Holidays Declared In 4 States? Fake Alert!,0 FIT WebQoof: Can Cow Dung or Cow Urine Treat COVID-19?,0 FIT WebQoof: Did China Create the Wuhan Coronavirus in Its Lab?,0 FIT WebQoof: Could Weed ‘Kill’ the Novel Coronavirus?,0 "FIT Webqoof: No, Garlic Water Cannot ‘Cure’ Coronavirus",0 Homeopathy For Coronavirus? We Fact Check AYUSH Ministry Claims,0 Old Blood Donors' List Viral as Plasma Donors Amid COVID Pandemic,0 "No, Nostradamus Did Not Predict The Spread of Novel Coronavirus",0 ‘Plandemic’ – 26-Min Film on COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Debunked,0 "Old, Unrelated Clip Viral as Migrants Stranded at Delhi-UP Border",0 Fungus on Leather Goods in Malaysian Mall Claimed to Be From India,0 2017 Image of Rohingya in B’desh Shared as Migrants Walking Home,0 PNB Staff Test Positive for COVID-19? Video Taken Out of Context,0 IANS Falls for Satire; Claims Imran Read COVID Curve Upside Down,0 Old Video From Pak Shared as Women Flouting Norms Amid Lockdown,0 Old Video Used for False Claim of Muslims Flouting Lockdown in Guj,0 Nobel Laureate Tasuku Honjo Didn’t Say COVID-19 Was Made in China,0 "US Students Sing India’s National Anthem to Thank For HCQ? Uh, No.",0 Tricolour on Matterhorn to Thank India For HCQ Supply? Fake Claim!,0 Message Claiming Vinay Dubey’s Father’s Name is Mahmood is False,0 "People Violating Lockdown in Gujarat? No, Image is from Malaysia",0 "Punjab’s Golden Temple Bearing PPEs, Ventilators’ Cost? Fake News!",0 "No, Ratan Tata Did Not Say ‘Economy Will Bounce Back’ After Corona",0 Old Video Shared as Man Killing Self After Losing Kin to COVID-19,0 Video of Mock Drill by UP Police Shared With a ‘Corona Jihad’ Spin,0 "No, WHO Has Not Released a Global Lockdown Timeline For COVID-19",0 Video of Man 'Spitting on Food’ Does Not Show 'Corona Jihad',0 Possible Cures & False Advisories: Fake News in Times of COVID-19,0 Unverified Message Claims Israel Has Found the Cure For COVID-19,0 "Bodies of COVID-19 Victims Being Dumped in Italy? No, a Film Scene",0 COVID-19 Strain Less Virulent in India? Experts Deny Swamy’s Claim,0 "4G Internet Being Restored in Jammu? No, the Order Is Fake",0 Film Scene Shared as Mass Graves in Italy Due to COVID-19 Deaths,0 Justin Trudeau’s Wife Releases Video Warning Against COVID-19? No!,0 FIT WebQoof: Will 14 Hr Janta Curfew Make India COVID-19 ‘Safe’?,0 Govt Spraying Medicine in the Air to Kill COVID-19? It’s Fake!,0 "No, Amitabh Bachchan Did Not Say He Has Been Home Quarantined",0 Muslims Rejoicing the Quran Ban Being Lifted in China? Fake Alert!,0 COVID-19: Morphed Image Used to Claim ‘Wilson’ Gifted to Tom Hanks,0 FIT WebQoof: Will You Get COVID-19 From Chinese Products on Holi?,0 "MythBusters: No, Eating Spicy Food Will Not Give You Coronavirus",0 "China Govt Killing Pigs Over Fear of Coronavirus? No, Video is Old",0 Facts Twisted to Link Bill & Melinda Gates to Coronavirus Outbreak,0 "Ramdev Infected With Coronavirus? No, Image Is Old & Unrelated",0 Old Blood Donors' List Viral as Plasma Donors Amid COVID Pandemic,0 "No, Nostradamus Did Not Predict The Spread of Novel Coronavirus",0 ‘Plandemic’ – 26-Min Film on COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Debunked,0 "Old, Unrelated Clip Viral as Migrants Stranded at Delhi-UP Border",0 Fungus on Leather Goods in Malaysian Mall Claimed to Be From India,0 2017 Image of Rohingya in B’desh Shared as Migrants Walking Home,0 PNB Staff Test Positive for COVID-19? Video Taken Out of Context,0 IANS Falls for Satire; Claims Imran Read COVID Curve Upside Down,0 Old Video From Pak Shared as Women Flouting Norms Amid Lockdown,0 Old Video Used for False Claim of Muslims Flouting Lockdown in Guj,0 Nobel Laureate Tasuku Honjo Didn’t Say COVID-19 Was Made in China,0 "US Students Sing India’s National Anthem to Thank For HCQ? Uh, No.",0 Tricolour on Matterhorn to Thank India For HCQ Supply? Fake Claim!,0 Message Claiming Vinay Dubey’s Father’s Name is Mahmood is False,0 "People Violating Lockdown in Gujarat? No, Image is from Malaysia",0 "Punjab’s Golden Temple Bearing PPEs, Ventilators’ Cost? Fake News!",0 "No, Ratan Tata Did Not Say ‘Economy Will Bounce Back’ After Corona",0 Old Video Shared as Man Killing Self After Losing Kin to COVID-19,0 Video of Mock Drill by UP Police Shared With a ‘Corona Jihad’ Spin,0 "No, WHO Has Not Released a Global Lockdown Timeline For COVID-19",0 Video of Man 'Spitting on Food’ Does Not Show 'Corona Jihad',0 Possible Cures & False Advisories: Fake News in Times of COVID-19,0 Unverified Message Claims Israel Has Found the Cure For COVID-19,0 "Bodies of COVID-19 Victims Being Dumped in Italy? No, a Film Scene",0 COVID-19 Strain Less Virulent in India? Experts Deny Swamy’s Claim,0 "4G Internet Being Restored in Jammu? No, the Order Is Fake",0 Film Scene Shared as Mass Graves in Italy Due to COVID-19 Deaths,0 Justin Trudeau’s Wife Releases Video Warning Against COVID-19? No!,0 FIT WebQoof: Will 14 Hr Janta Curfew Make India COVID-19 ‘Safe’?,0 Govt Spraying Medicine in the Air to Kill COVID-19? It’s Fake!,0 "No, Amitabh Bachchan Did Not Say He Has Been Home Quarantined",0 Muslims Rejoicing the Quran Ban Being Lifted in China? Fake Alert!,0 COVID-19: Morphed Image Used to Claim ‘Wilson’ Gifted to Tom Hanks,0 FIT WebQoof: Will You Get COVID-19 From Chinese Products on Holi?,0 "MythBusters: No, Eating Spicy Food Will Not Give You Coronavirus",0 "China Govt Killing Pigs Over Fear of Coronavirus? No, Video is Old",0 Facts Twisted to Link Bill & Melinda Gates to Coronavirus Outbreak,0 "Ramdev Infected With Coronavirus? No, Image Is Old & Unrelated",0 Says the coronavirus has a “99.9% recovery rate” in Texas.,0 “Herd immunity has been reached.”,0 “3.8% of Wisconsin’s coronavirus funding has been spent.”,1 Photo shows Bill Clinton among others not wearing a mask at John Lewis’ funeral.,0 "“Mark Kelly criticized the (Paycheck Protection Program), then turned around and took money for his own multi-million dollar company.”",0 Children are “almost immune from this disease.”,0 There’s a “direct correlation” between North Carolina’s mask requirement and COVID-19 stabilization.,1 "“There have been five randomized controlled, placebo controlled trials that do not show any benefit to hydroxychloroquine.”",1 “At John Lewis funeral Obama told a room full of people that rooms full of people is too dangerous so we must mail in vote.”,0 “Five veterinary labs have their CLIA certification to officially test human patients. There are a lot of labs who are doing surveillance testing that don't need the CLIA certification.”,1 "Says Bill Gates said, “We need to develop a digital certificate that shows who has received all the vaccinations. Only those with all the required vaccinations may travel, visit churches, participate in sports and music events, get a job, etc.”",0 A photo shows a large crowd in Berlin protesting the “covid hoax.”,0 "“You know what’s in this bill? No medical malpractice suits until 2024, even if they’re not COVID related.”",0 A study from the CDC and the WHO “proves face masks do not prevent the spread of a virus.”,0 "Says Herman Cain died of cancer, not COVID-19.",0 "“Mississippi got 10,145 warrants for unemployment fraud!!”",0 “Florida is doing over five times better” than New Jersey and New York in COVID-19 deaths per million people.,0 Says Donald Trump was caught on a hot mic insulting his supporters.,0 A common cold can cause a positive COVID-19 test.,0 "Say Wisconsin Republican lawmakers have done nothing ""while neighboring states like Minnesota, Illinois and Michigan have already implemented safety precautions like requiring individuals to wear masks.""",1 "Says he opposes statewide mask order because it would require him to “wear a mask in my house, or walking my dog.”",0 Says wearing masks has been “proven ineffective.”,0 "“If you have worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Labor has finally authorized up to $4,800 in hazard pay for qualified essential workers.”",0 “American coronavirus vaccine killed five Ukrainians.”,0 "Says 1 in 5 Texans did not have health insurance coverage before the pandemic, and now “nearly 1 in 3 Texans under the age of 65 don’t have access to health care insurance.”",1 “Local governments are making these (COVID-19) decisions on inaccurate data because the negatives are not being entered … across the state of Wisconsin.”,1 Says the NIH “15 years ago published a study on chloroquine. It is effective against COVID-(1).”,0 "Social media posts claim the U.S. Postal Service “says you should give mail in ballots at least 14 days roundtrip. So, if you plan to vote by mail, election day isn’t November 3. It’s October 20th.”",1 "“This virus has a cure. It is called hydroxychloroquine, zinc, and Zithromax. I know you people want to talk about a mask. Hello? You don’t need (a) mask. There is a cure.”",0 "The CDC said it “made a mistake” and reduced its count of Florida COVID-19 cases from 90,000 to 11,000.",0 "“Under the leadership of @WVGovernor Justice, West Virginia now has the highest rate of COVID-19 spread from person to person than any other state.”",0 The Trump administration has had “zero unfulfilled equipment and supply requests from state governors.”,0 Says Sen. Thom Tillis “doesn’t think restaurant workers should have to wash their hands.”,0 "Quotes Anthony Fauci as writing, “I reject the notion that it’s ‘just a virus’ and we’ll all get it eventually. What a careless, lazy, heartless stance.”",0 "“Taxpayers spent $70,000,000 to develop this drug ( remdesivir).""",1 "“I, all the way back in January, warned (President Trump that) this pandemic was coming. I talked about what we needed to do.”",1 "Quotes President Donald Trump as saying, “Everybody says I’ve done a tremendous job with COVID… I think a little gratitude would be nice. Maybe a big ‘Thank you Mr. President’ is called for.”",0 “We have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world” from COVID-19.,0 Says Joe Biden has said 150 million Americans died from guns and another 120 million from COVID-19,1 If you maintain social distancing indoors “there's no reason to have an additional mask on top of that.”,0 "Opening the schools “is a local determination, but it’s not a state determination.”",0 “Cal Cunningham criticized (the Paycheck Protection Program) while his company benefitted.”,1 "“You must apply to get your second stimulus check! I’ve already filed for mine and will be receiving $2,000 a month for the rest of the year.”",0 “All the books” have been removed from the classrooms of a Minnesota middle school because administrators “claim that the books cannot be cleaned.”,0 "Photo shows “Dr. Fauci, Melinda Gates and Barack Obama at the Wuhan Lab in 2015.”",0 New study: The flu vaccine is 'significantly associated' with an increased risk of coronavirus,0 "Wrong COVID-19 case count by Orlando Health ""explains the 'outbreak' in Florida.""",0 "“Kids are less likely to get it (COVID-19). You know, they’re less likely to spread. So I think there’s some pretty good data out there that will help alleviate some of the concerns.”",1 "Says FEMA is giving essential workers $1,000.",0 “The Supreme Court ruled today NO VOTING BY MAIL !!!”,0 "Only 56 coronavirus deaths a day was enough to collapse the world economy, even though thousands of people die daily from tuberculosis, hepatitis B, and other diseases.",0 “No other country” is having a “second wave” of COVID-19 “because they are not trying to unseat a President in November.”,0 Quotes Dr. Denis Mukwege as saying he resigned from the Congolese coronavirus response team because he was ordered to fabricate COVID-19 case and death numbers.,0 "“To children and the vast majority of young and middle-aged adults and the vast majority of teachers, (the coronavirus) poses virtually zero threat.""",0 "Says COVID-19 testing could be done with mouth swabs, so maybe deeper swabbing is “implanting something.”",0 Lists eight wealthy politicians and public figures who “got millions (or close to it) in PPP loans.”,1 “The CDC may have to stop calling COVID-19 an ‘epidemic’ due to a remarkably low death rate.”,0 “There is no science or data to suggest that kids are at risk from COVID.”,0 "“New Zealand let health experts” rather than politicians make decisions about how to deal with COVID-19, “and as of today they have zero COVID cases.”",1 Wearing mask causing fungal infection,0 Says BBC prematurely reported “Ghislaine Maxwell moved to intensive care as coronavirus symptoms worsen.”,0 A study “showed that over 1 million people in North Carolina have now been exposed to the virus.”,0 "“The CDC tried to develop clear guidelines about what the stages of re-opening should look like — the administration delayed and scaled them back.""",1 "Donald Trump used farmers’ struggles “to push through a multi-billion dollar bailout program that was nothing more than a handout for large agricultural companies.""",0 "COVID-19’s “contagion probability” between two people is 70% if the carrier is not masked, 5% if the carrier is masked, and 1.5% if both parties are.",0 “Four kids who took the coronavirus vaccine died immediately.”,0 Says Gov. Tony Evers “removed the American flag from the Capitol building”,0 "If you are licensed to carry a concealed weapon, wearing a face covering for coronavirus ""removes your conceal carry ability.""",0 "Says Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted, “It’s ‘odd’ that the ANTIFA insurgency happened just as COVID-19 loses steam It’s ‘odd’ that COVID-19 happened the moment impeachment failed. It’s ‘odd’ that impeachment happened the moment Russian hoax failed. The Russian hoax happened because Hillary lost? Notice the pattern?”",0 "In North Carolina, “you can be charged with a class H felony for wearing a mask and concealed carrying.”",0 A “face mask exempt card” allows you to cite the ADA and not wear a mask.,0 Hays County in Central Texas has seen an “incredible 845% increase in (COVID-19) cases since June 7.”,1 Google and Apple “put a covid tracker on every phone.”,1 “OSHA says masks don't work” to reduce COVID-19 transmission “and violate OSHA oxygen levels.”,0 North Carolina is one of four states that hasn't opened gyms.,1 "As of June 23, the COVID-19 death rate is “way down.”",1 COVID-19 cases are “up only because of our big number testing.”,0 "Says President Trump said coronavirus testing makes the U.S. look bad, ""so I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down.’""",1 Gov. Gavin Newsom “has no legal authority” to make wearing face coverings mandatory in California.,0 "Says Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed.”",0 "“Joe Biden and the Democrats want to prosecute Americans for going to church, but not for burning a church.”",0 "“Six months before the COVID ‘plandemic,’ Bill Gates had negotiated a $100 billion contact tracing deal with (the) Democratic congressman sponsor of bill.”",0 Significantly more people died of Covid-19 in two months than died of overdoses all of last year or the year before.,1 "“If we stopped testing right now, we'd have very few cases, if any.”",0 "There are state workers who are ""idle"" at home during the coronavirus pandemic.",1 Says news stories referencing 322 and COVID-19 are proof cases are being “synchronized”,0 "In COVID-19 crisis, “only 20% of African Americans had jobs where they could work from home.”",1 “The CDC just confirmed a 0.2% death-rate for COVID19.”,0 "In a very real sense, (Oklahoma has) flattened the curve. ... The number of cases in Oklahoma — it's declined precipitously.",0 “FREE HORSES!!!! 52 thoroughbred horses need homes. Will go to Sugarcreek this Sat. for slaughter. Gentleman died due to COVID-19 and his son wants nothing to do with them.”,0 “George Floyd’s ‘murder’ filmed before COVID-19.”,0 "“Corona Virus claims a black belt. Chuck Norris, Dead at 80.”",0 "“N95 masks block few, if any” COVID-19 particles due to their size.",0 “Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.”,0 "Wearing masks for the coronavirus “decreases oxygen intake, increases toxin inhalation, shuts down immune system, increases virus risk, scientifically inaccurate, effectiveness not studied.”",0 "“Infection rates in Allegany, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua counties have consistently been among the lowest in the state.”",1 The World Health Organization “now admits that asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 is very rare.”,1 “How many of you are aware that the female governor of Michigan is the niece of George Soros?”,0 "In voting by mail, “hundreds of thousands of ballots have been rejected for defects and millions more end up missing or in landfills.”",0 “Research illustrates a clear correlation between vitamin D deficiencies and (higher) COVID-19 mortality rates.”,1 “She’s just casually carrying a body with 1 hand..? Sure.. More evidence of coronavirus being a complete hoax with props & street theater.”,0 “You see suicide rates are skyrocketing now…”,0 "“According to the CDC, so far this year, Florida has had 1,762 deaths from COVID-19 and 5,185 from pneumonia. Average pneumonia deaths in Florida from 2013-2018 for the same time period are 918.”",0 Says Nancy Pelosi tried “once again” to include abortion funding in the latest coronavirus bill.,0 "“The new Dane County lockdown policy… (has) effectively killed Badger football, hockey, and basketball for 2020.”",0 “Two-thirds of Americans disapprove of Donald Trump not wearing a face mask in public.”,1 Says President Donald Trump “took more than a month to allocate Congress’ emergency funding to tribes — and only did so after tribes sued.”,1 "“With retail, people are moving around and you don’t have as much a chance to spread the virus (as you do) when people are sitting or standing indoors” for long periods of time.",1 The Trump Administration is trying to take food assistance away from Wisconsin families when people are out of work and struggling.,1 "“For the World Health Organization, the international entity whose sole responsibility it is to alert the world of global pandemics like this, to miss this, is a huge problem.”",0 Says researchers found a “fabric that kills coronaviruses”,1 Michigan governor reopened Traverse City “so she could have her daughter's open house.”,0 "Says Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine released 4,300 prisoners and is now warning residents of a possible crime wave.",0 "Says President Donald Trump is trying to make $451 billion in Medicare cuts ""in the middle of a deadly pandemic.""",0 "“We’re down near the low end of per capita deaths ... Most places are at 60 deaths per 100,000. We're at 29.”",0 “This is what Bill Gates and George Soros want to do… secretly stick you with a chip while testing you for the coronavirus... the Dems have a bill on the House floor ready to vote on it to require this.”,0 "Says the state “health secretary says don't go to hospitals or clinics, now the tourism secretary says don't recreate.”",0 "Italy “went against the WHO's ‘law’” against COVID-19 autopsies and “discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium” that “clots the blood and reduces the oxygen saturation.”",0 "“Cases, numbers and deaths (of COVID-19) are going down all over the Country!”",1 The flu didn't kill any Americans this year.,0 A photo shows three men on crosses who “feel like they’re being crucified by being required to stay at home.”,0 "Says Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s family spent May 20 at her second home, breaking her own stay-at-home orders.",0 A photo shows Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “on Mackinaw Island today ignoring mask and social distancing rules.”,0 "Nancy Pelosi said ""Congress shall not vote remotely because it is not secure!"" while also saying that “Americans should all vote for president by mail!”",0 "“[U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb] said he would NOT vote for [Nancy Pelosi] for Speaker, and did.”",0 Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,0 "Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, “Minnesota now has the highest unemployment rate in U.S. history.”",0 “Children don’t seem to be getting this virus”,0 "“While California is dying … Gavin (Newsom) is vacationing in Stevensville, MT!”",0 “The COVID-19 future vaccine will come with the ID — a mark. The ID tells everyone you are free of COVID.”,0 "Says if you're refused service at a store for not wearing a mask “call the department of health and report the store. Masks are suggested, not required.”",0 “Italian Parliament Calls For The Arrest of Bill Gates”,0 A long list shows “new CDC guidelines for reopening schools.”,1 "Says Joni Ernst ""claims she ‘pushed for’ new funding for hospitals and COVID-19 testing after opposing It for weeks.”",1 "The U.S. had 44 CDC staffers “in China to observe what was going on. (President Trump) brought home the vast majority of them, I think left only four in place.”",1 "“If you have had a flu shot in the last 3-5 years, you will probably test positive” for COVID-19.",0 “80% of the people” want the option of vote by mail,1 Says a warning label on a box of disposable masks shows that they are ineffective at protecting against the spread of COVID-19.,0 “Almost 75 percent of the deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Texas are a result of people contracting COVID-19 who are age 65 and older.”,1 The novel coronavirus was “man-made.”,0 “Half the workforce in the country may have just been idled” by coronavirus.,0 "“Due to the large number of people who will refuse the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccine because it will include tracking microchips, the Gates Foundation is now spending billions to ensure that all medical and dental injections and procedures include the chips.”",0 "“VA Democrats authorized for early release over 4,000 inmates, 60% of which are incarcerated for violent offenses.”",1 "“A lot of people can get an additional $2,400” from the CARES Act “and they can do it every month!”",0 "“If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.”",0 "If you paid rent in March or April, “they got to give” you your money back.",0 “Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA”,0 "All Missouri businesses can open Monday, May 4, under our new Order as long as new guidelines are followed.",0 Says President Donald Trump is “morbidly obese.”,0 "“Autopsies prove that COVID-19 is” a blood clot, not pneumonia, “and ought to be fought with antibiotics” and the whole world has been wrong in treating the “so-called” pandemic.",0 “Gov. Wolf is not allowing companies that distribute U.S. flags to ship out orders to be placed at veteran’s graves for Memorial Day.”,1 Says wearing face masks is more harmful to your health than going without one.,0 "States like New York, Illinois and California have been vocal in their demands for funding to bail out their pension systems, which were failing long before the COVID-19 outbreak, and other programs that aren’t related to this crisis.",0 Dr. Fauci says every American should be microchipped.,0 Says kitchen worker in viral video is potentially spreading coronavirus by blowing into food containers.,0 "If masks prevent coronavirus, governors would have given them to prison inmates instead of releasing them.",0 Anthony Fauci was on the Clinton Foundation board for 20 years and “currently serves on Gates Foundation.”,0 “Bill Gates admits his COVID-19 vaccine might kill nearly 1 million people.”,0 “Hydroxychloroquine cures this ‘virus.’ It just so happens this is the treatment used for radiation sickness!!”,0 "Hospitals get paid $750 for patients who die from the flu, $17,500 for COVID-19.",0 "“Pelosi’s new coronavirus bill allows illegals to receive billions in relief funds in past, current, and future payments.”",1 "“Cannabis may stop coronavirus from infecting people, study finds.”",0 "Bill Gates worked to end livestock production, and is pushing lab grown meat.",1 "Says only certain face masks are effective and others, such as cloth masks, are not.",0 "Nancy Pelosi said, “if you accept a check from Trump, you might as well vote for him.”",0 "“Beachgoers trash Florida beaches with 13,000 pounds of litter after beaches reopen.”",1 Says Wisconsin has not had a spike in coronavirus cases that was “statistically significant related to the fact that they had voting.”,1 “You have areas of Pennsylvania that are barely affected and [the governor wants] to keep them closed.”,0 Says Gov Tony Evers’ administration deemed dentists non-essential,0 "$100B contact tracing bill “is about controlling/tracking population, not about coronavirus.”",0 "“It’s not that there’s a virus shield between Canada (4,500 deaths) and the U.S. (80,000 deaths). What exists is a difference in leadership.”",1 "“Since the reopening of (Georgia), we’ve seen our COVID rate skyrocket by 40%.”",0 "“Clearly, the Obama administration did not leave any kind of game plan for something like this.”",0 93% of the (COVID-19) cases in the state of Illinois have come from Chicago.,0 Gates Foundation stands to make nearly £31.5 billion on a coronavirus vaccine in U.K.,0 "$3 trillion for federal coronavirus stimulus packages is ""being borrowed basically from China.""",0 “It’s not the coronavirus that’s killing people. It is the economy.”,0 "“Guess what, [children are] not at risk unless they have an underlying medical issue.”",0 "“Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people, which, frankly, to me, that's perhaps the most important number there is.”",0 "Says President Donald Trump implemented “a travel ban that just didn't work, 400,000 people got in from those countries that were subject to the restrictions.”",0 "New York City could pay to house its homeless population in hotel rooms currently sitting vacant, but Mayor Bill de Blasio “has absolutely to this point refused to do that.”",1 Says gloves shouldn’t be worn in public because “if you are wearing the same set of gloves all over town you are only spreading germs everywhere you go.”,1 “Nearly half of (Missouri) counties have not reported positive (COVID-19) cases.”,0 "Under an 1866 Supreme Court ruling, stay-at-home orders are illegal and can be disregarded with impunity",0 "Young people ""have a greater chance of being killed by the HPV vaccine than COVID-19.”",0 "Mitch McConnell said he wanted states to go bankrupt instead of the federal government providing relief. Today, Thom Tillis agreed.",0 “The CDC has recommended mail in voting. That’s what this whole pandemic is about: the election!”,0 "Says Dr. Anthony Fauci's name appears on ""4 U.S. patents for a key glycoprotein” used to “create the current COVID-19 epidemic.”",0 “The mainstream media pretended there was a deadly surge in COVID cases thanks to Wisconsinites voting.”,0 Technology coming to Virginia allows COVID-19 personal protection equipment to be “decontaminated and reused 20 times without degrading performance.”,1 Barack Obama “is the first ex-president to ever speak against his successor.”,0 “Dr. Fauci sat on Microsoft’s board of directors.”,0 "Regarding the risks of coronavirus transmission on an airplane, “It’s as safe as an environment as you’re going to find.”",0 Black cats in Vietnam are being killed and consumed as a COVID-19 cure.,0 Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp “mandates restaurants reopen”,0 Central Park hospital tents housed thousands of abused children released from underground captivity.,0 “New autopsy reports suggest Jeffrey Epstein most likely died from COVID-19 complications.”,0 Says Mike Pence was caught on a hot mic delivering empty boxes of PPE to a nursing home and pretended they were heavy.,0 A photo shows Brian Kemp posing with Gregory McMichael.,0 “Texas ranks 3rd highest among states for the number of people who have recovered from” the coronavirus.,1 "North Carolina’s health department is ""telling hospitals that if they decide to do elective surgeries, they won’t be eligible to receive (protective equipment) from the state.”",0 “So 2 doctors from Bakersfield discover that coronavirus mortality rate is 0.03%. 13x less deadly than what was previously thought! Their analysis has since been banned from YouTube.”,0 "Under the mayor’s COVID-19 order, Kansas City “churchgoers must register with the government.”",0 Says the current survival rate for COVID-19 in the U.S. is “98.54%”,1 “Immigrants make up a majority of essential workers in places like New York City.”,1 "Media outlets reported that the same boy died 3 times from the coronavirus, in 3 countries.",0 A photo shows Rob Cantrall at a recent Michigan protest.,0 "Gas is under $1 in 13 states, but $2.27 in Pennsylvania, because of the governor.",0 "Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.",0 Models projecting COVID-19 deaths “are talking about without mitigation.”,0 We’ve still had more deaths to the flu this year than we've had COVID-19.,0 "There was no real scientific basis for believing that social distancing would be necessary, ""since it had never been studied.""",0 "Dr. Anthony Fauci ""has known for 15 years that chloroquine and … hydroxychloroquine will not only treat a current case of coronavirus but prevent future cases.”",0 "“Governor Andy Beshear has authorized Kentucky teachers to make in-home visits. With parental approval, teachers will inspect the bedroom of each student currently enrolled in K-8.”",0 Congressional candidate Chris Jacobs “voted against paid leave for COVID-19.”,1 "“The flu killed 80,000 people in the U.S. last year”",0 “First volunteer in UK coronavirus vaccine trial has died.”,0 "“At the end of the year, we put into that federal pot $116 billion more than we take out,” while Kentucky “takes out $148 billion more than they put in.”",1 “I see no time in the history of this country when perfectly healthy people have been basically confined to their homes or only able to do essential things as in Kansas City or St. Louis.”,0 “New York Times editor admits Biden sexual assault story was censored at behest of Biden campaign.”,0 “The (corona)virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.”,0 Says Joe Biden has “written a letter of apology” for calling Trump’s travel restrictions from China “xenophobic.”,0 Why did the US (NIH) in 2017 give $3.7m to the Wuhan Lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did Pres. Obama grant an exception?,0 Says President Donald Trump is selling coronavirus-themed commemorative coins through the White House Gift Shop.,0 "Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target and Costco “have not had any reported (coronavirus) cases in the news.”",0 "Says Wisconsin measures have ""prevented the death of at least 300 Wisconsinites, and perhaps as many as 1,400 lives.""",1 The existence of a canine coronavirus vaccine casts doubt on statements that there isn’t one for humans.,0 "Says President Barack Obama ""signed the medical appliance tax bill that forced companies to outsource manufacturing of masks, gowns, gloves and ventilaors [sic] to China, Europe and Russia to avoid the tax.”",0 The CDC recommends that only people with COVID-19 symptoms should wear masks.,0 “Pelosi was in (Wuhan) China 6 days after the impeachment HOAX failed.”,0 "“President Trump just announced that the ‘biological’ lab in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus was created was ‘funded’ by President Barak (sp) Hussein Obama in 2015 to the tune of $3,800,000 American dollars!”",0 “We’ve tested more than every country combined.”,0 “Trump and McConnell are blocking stimulus checks for Americans married to immigrants.”,0 COVID-19 is “here to stay” and “we need to accept that and be prepared to deal with COVID long term.”,1 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “has just been stripped of her emergency coronavirus powers by her state legislature.”,0 "“Some states, like Montana and Nebraska, are getting more than $300,000 in federal stimulus money per reported COVID-19 case. New York is the hardest-hit state and yet we are getting only about $12,000 per case.”",1 “We’re also using a sterilization process ― some great equipment that will sterilize masks up to 20 times per mask. So that’s like ordering 20 times more masks.”,1 “Small trials” to test convalescent plasma therapy for coronavirus patients “seem to have had some degree of success.”,1 "Dr. Anthony “Fauci told us there’s nothing to worry about. That’s his quote, ‘There’s nothing to worry about.’”",1 “Ultraviolet Radiation is administered into the body as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and viruses and this has been used for a while now.”,0 "“Sweden has zero lockdown” and “is in no worse shape than Denmark or Norway,” which are in lockdown.",0 The government must have planned the coronavirus pandemic because the coronavirus relief bill had been introduced three years earlier.,0 Mosquitoes can transfer COVID-19 “from person to person”,0 “People defying stay-at-home order fill Arizona beaches.”,0 Says the April 22 jump in COVID-19 cases was related to the election.,0 "Even with no shutdown, Sweden has a lower COVID-19 infection rate than UK, Italy and Spain.",1 "In 1986, the founder of the Times Square Church prophesied that he saw “a plague coming on the world and the bars and church and government will shut down,” with New York City especially hard hit.",0 “Trump said ‘hundreds’ of governors are calling him…& we only have 50.”,0 "During the 1918 flu pandemic, San Francisco residents formed the “Anti-Mask League.” San Francisco “was ultimately one of the cities that suffered the most with a high death rate.”",1 Says Texas “either is near the bottom or at the very bottom when it comes to testing per capita.”,1 “Governor Gretchen Whitmer spent the past weekend at her VACATION COTTAGE at Birch Lake. Violating her own EXECUTIVE ORDER.”,0 "A banner with a swastika, “Trump” and “Pence” is from a Michigan coronavirus protest.",0 "North Carolina is ""in the small minority of states that requires an absentee ballot to be signed by two witnesses or a notary public.""",1 "“Hundreds and hundreds of labs are ready, willing, and able.”",0 "The Gates Foundation ""tested a polio vax in India between 2000 & 2017 and paralysed 496,000 children.""",0 Says Bill O'Reilly wrote a post claiming that the coronavirus was created as a bioweapon by the Chinese government.,0 Photo shows packed beach of re-opened Jacksonville Beach on CNN.,0 "“Face masks being manufactured in China, for example, went to domestic consumption and their own fight against the virus” while the U.S. was “largely unable to import supplies from China.”",0 "“The Democrats are pushing for an implanted microchip in humans, and everyone to be vaccinated.”",0 "“The Trump Administration promised 27 million tests by the end of March. As of now, only 4 million have been completed.”",1 "Racial comparisons on coronavirus statistics in Monroe County, N.Y., show that the impact on minorities is “basically on par, a little bit up, from the population numbers,” meaning that “we don’t see that disparity as much here.”",1 "The Gates Foundation ""has the patent for this coronavirus.""",0 "Trey Gowdy said, “I’m not saying COVID-19 isn’t real…. But pay attention folks, there’s much more going on here than what meets the eye.”",0 Nigerians are “burning Chinese stores.”,0 Virginia has “lagged behind other states when it comes to (covid-19) testing.”,1 "“Until this week, they [OSHA] weren’t even enforcing these guidelines [for coronavirus]. Still today, OSHA is not specifying which rules employees must follow or how to keep their workers safe and healthy.”",1 "Kennedy Center, PBS donated to Democrats after getting COVID-19 stimulus money.",0 Joe Diffie’s death was labeled “as a COVID-19 death and it wasn’t!”,0 Covid-19 is now the leading cause of death in the United States.,1 Wisconsin is “clearly seeing a decline in COVID infections”,0 Herd immunity is probably why California has far fewer COVID-19 deaths than New York.,0 Says Democrats are on vacation until May 4 and “refuse to come back” to sign a bill to help small businesses.,0 Hospitals get paid more to list patients as COVID-19.,1 "A photo taken by a journalist showing a beach in Jacksonville, Fla., isn't from after the government reopened the beach as news reports have claimed.",0 “My wife is suffering from coronavirus and she is pregnant. The doctor said she won’t survive it.”,0 Stay-at-home orders “actually are the law of these states.”,1 Says Wisconsin’s in-person election has caused a “surge” in new coronavirus cases,0 "“The poor are, ironically, the most likely to be employed in the industries deemed ‘essential’ while their upper-class peers are freed to bunker down for weeks until the first death wave passes.”",1 "Says a photo shows the ""SAME EXACT PEOPLE"" at ""two different beaches"" in Los Angeles County and Jacksonville, Fla.",0 News photo from stay-at-home protest was doctored to add Confederate flag.,0 "“Go look at other countries that went through exactly this, started to reopen, and then they saw the infection rate go back up again.”",1 "There are “360,000 (deaths) a year from swimming pools. But we don’t shut the country down for that.”",0 "“During the flu pandemic of 1918, some cities lifted social distancing measures too fast, too soon, and created a second wave of pandemic.”",1 "“Per order from @GovWhitmer, people in Michigan are now banned from purchasing a new baby car seat in stores.”",0 NC liquor stores were deemed essential “because we have a lot of people who are chemically dependent on alcohol and if we suddenly cut off their access they would go into withdrawal and flood the emergency rooms.”,0 "“Obesity is, like, the No. 1 factor in whether you really get hit hard by COVID-19.”",1 Says House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted a video of her telling people to go to Chinatown.,0 “Africans living in China now being forced to sleep outside in the cold” as “Chinese nationals blame them for the rising number of new coronavirus cases in the country.”,1 "Republicans “have shown themselves willing to cut millions off their health insurance and eliminate preexisting condition protections for millions more, even in the middle of this public health crisis.""",1 "If you ask Amazon’s Alexa about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, it says “the government planned” it.",0 "Says all Vegas hotels but Trump’s have donated food, rooms in COVID response.",0 "“In a matter of days, and in some cases the moment may even have passed, that we’ve reached the peak of the rate of infections.”",1 Says Dr. Anthony Fauci “stands to lose 100 million dollars on Bill Gates ‘vaccine’ for the coronavirus. Because he invested in this vaccine.”,0 "This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks. And so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that.",0 "The $1,200 coronavirus relief checks this year are “just an advance on your next tax return. … Next year, you're automatically going to owe $1,200 come tax season.”",0 Says Michigan COVID-19 order bans gardening and the sale of vegetable seeds and fruit.,0 Says 44 senators “voted NOT to send stimulus checks.”,0 A photo shows two Italian nurses in a hospital a few days before they got COVID-19 and died.,0 "“Illinois lags way behind all of our neighbors and certainly we’re in the bottom tier of states that are doing testing.""",1 Hochul writes history with ventilator claims,0 “Everyone is only dying of coronavirus now.”,0 "The president looks like he was ahead of the curve – as you know, he talks about this all the time – on shutting down travel from China.",0 "“Church services can’t resume until we’re all vaccinated, says Bill Gates.”",0 "Say televangelist Pat Robertson said some young people “are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs. When people do that, they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies’ private parts and that’s where I think the (corona)virus came from.”",0 "It is the decision of the President, not governors, to ""open up the states.""",0 "Says CEOs got advance notice of COVID, then resigned to dump stock.",0 Says video of body bags being dumped in a ditch shows the “situation in Italy” due to the coronavirus.,0 “Mass vaccination for COVID-19 in Senegal was started yesterday (4/8) and the first 7 CHILDREN who received it DIED on the spot.”,0 45 nations had already moved” to enforce travel restrictions with China,0 Suggests Trump urged sick people to get out and vote during COVID-19 pandemic,0 "“It has been estimated that only 12% of workers in businesses that are likely to stay open during this crisis are receiving paid sick leave benefits as a result of the second coronavirus relief package.""",1 “Same little boy died of COVID-19 in three different countries. Still don’t believe the media is #fakenews?”,0 “‘Private’ messages sent to individual people during a Zoom meeting show up in the end-of-meeting transcript along with all other public messages.”,1 Says a photo shows South Carolina after stay-at-home orders were announced.,0 Says Robin Vos wore protective gear that “election workers he forced to work … do not have.”,0 "This particular pandemic is one where I don’t think nationwide, there’s been a single fatality under 25.",0 Says fluid milk production limitations mean grocery stores are short on milk even as farmers are dumping it,1 "Says Donald Trump ""himself has a financial stake in the French company that makes the brand-name version of hydroxychloroquine.”",1 "“The CDC issued its first warning on Jan 8. Trump held campaign rallies on Jan 9, Jan 14, Jan 28, Jan 30, Feb 10, Feb 19, Feb 20, Feb 21, & Feb 28. He golfed on Jan 18, Jan 19, Feb 1, Feb 15, Mar 7, Mar 8. The first time he admitted the coronavirus might be a problem was Mar 13.”",1 Says a pandemic occurs exactly every 100 years.,0 "Says “Bill Gates and other globalists, in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies, are reportedly working to push tracking bracelets and ‘invisible tattoos’ to monitor Americans during an impending lockdown.”",0 "Says Rudy Giuliani ""bought $2M in shares of Novartis, a primary supplier of hydroxychloroquine"" in early February.",0 "“While all COVID-19 news has been going on, the U.S. Government has been sneakily trying to remove end-to-end encryption” which means “the government will be able to see all of your messages and listen to all of your calls.”",0 People are handing out masks “doused with chemicals which knocks you out cold” so they can rob you.,0 "“In Italy, they have thrown their money on the streets. A clear message to the whole world that money is not enough when health is in danger.”",0 "Says a California surfer was “alone, in the ocean,” when he was arrested for violating the state’s stay-at-home order.",0 "“North Carolina & Virginia State line is closed. Nothing in or out.""",0 Says this poem about people staying home was written by Kathleen O’Mara in 1869.,0 "Says of the coronavirus threat, “there was not a single suggestion by anyone, a doctor, a scientist, a political figure, that we needed to cancel Mardi Gras.”",1 "“Non-essential people get to file for unemployment and make two to three times more than normal,” but essential workers still on the job get no pay raise.",0 “59 people die as pastor gives them dettol to drink in church to prevent coronavirus.”,0 The Obama administration left Trump with a “stockpile with a cupboard that was bare.”,0 "“If you’ve let somebody claim your kids for income tax purposes, you will not receive a stimulus check. The person who claimed your kids is gonna get it.”",1 Says video shows “the Chinese are destroying the 5G poles as they are aware that it is the thing triggering the corona symptoms.”,0 Says Goodwill used the pandemic “to fire all of their employees instead of laying them off.”,0 Says Queen Elizabeth said Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte “is the kind of leader who knows the way .... Filipinos are very lucky to have him.”,0 “The Chinese Communist Party is using Zoom as a way to spy on our citizens.”,0 Photo shows a crowded New York City subway train during stay-at-home order.,1 “Pelosi tried to block voter ID/absentee ballot protections.”,1 "“Now, they’re doing tests on airlines — very strong tests — for getting on, getting off. They’re doing tests on trains — getting on, getting off.”",0 “Rivers in Oklahoma are full of catfish carrying the virus.”,0 Says the NBA is asking Donald Trump to “resign or we’ll never play again.”,0 "“Unemployment now pays $24/hour, even if your wages were lower. Why don’t ‘essential’ people forced to still work get $24, too?”",1 Says Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus in a 1551 passage about a plague spreading from the east.,0 "The government is closing businesses to stop the spread of coronavirus even though ""the numbers are nothing compared to H1N1 or Ebola. Everyone needs to realize our government is up to something ...”",0 “Joe Exotic tests positive for coronavirus in prison. It’s been confirmed.”,0 Says a “5G LAW PASSED while everyone was distracted” with the coronavirus pandemic and lists 20 symptoms associated with 5G exposure.,0 "Says for otherwise healthy people “experiencing mild to moderate respiratory symptoms with or without a COVID-19 diagnosis … only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high,” but not over 103 or 104 degrees.",0 Pictures and reports of “empty hospitals” prove COVID-19 spread is “fake crisis for real government planned agendas.”,0 "“There was no effort” to get American experts into China after it announced the coronavirus, and “we had one person in-country (and Trump) pulled him out of the country.”",0 Says Nancy Pelosi’s “daughter is on the board of the Kennedy Center so that’s why it was so important to send them all that money.”,0 "“In Chicago, Covid-19 actually LOWERED the death rate.”",0 "“This lady here applied sanitizer to her hands/forearms & went to the kitchen to cook. The moment she turned on the gas stove, her hands caught fire due to the alcohol contained in the sanitizer.”",0 "“We were slow with the testing, but very quick with the travel ban. And that's been much more critical in saving lives.”",0 Says the U.S. is developing an “antivirus” that includes a chip to track your movement.,0 "Says for the coronavirus, “the death rate in Texas, per capita of 29 million people, we're one of the lowest in the country.""",1 "Says the governors of Michigan, New York and Nevada “have issued orders banning the prescription of hydroxychloroquine to patients with COVID-19.”",0 "Says Italy arrested a doctor “for intentionally killing over 3,000 coronavirus patients.”",0 "“On February 7, the WHO warned about the limited stock of PPE. That same day, the Trump administration announced it was sending 18 tons of masks, gowns and respirators to China.”",1 “Queen Elizabeth tests positive for COVID-19.”,0 Says COVID-19 remains in the air for eight hours and that everyone is now required to wear masks “everywhere.”,0 “if your child gets this virus their going to hospital alone in a van with people they don’t know...to be with people they don’t know… you will be at home without them in their time of need.”,0 “They’re furloughing nurses in hospitals in western New York state.”,0 "Says President Donald Trump will announce that a scientist ""finally found vaccine to cure corona virus.""",0 "Says Ron Johnson said Americans should go back to work, because ""death is an unavoidable part of life.""",1 "Says North Carolina ""hospital beds are typically 85% full across the state.”",1 "Says Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, “We have lost control, we have killed the epidemic physically and mentally. Can’t understand what more we can do, all solutions are exhausted on ground. Our only hope remains up in the Sky, God rescue your people.”",0 “My mask will keep someone else safe and their mask will keep me safe.”,1 "“We’ve got to give the American public a rough estimate of how long we think this is going to take, based mostly on the South Korean model, which seems to be the trajectory that we are on, thankfully, and not the Italian model.”",1 "Shows a waitress saying, ""I lost my job. But I'll sleep better knowing” that the coronavirus relief bill included funding for the Kennedy Center, refugee resettlement, PBS, and congressional salaries: “Thanks, Democrats”",0 Says students have to repeat the same grade next year.,0 "Says a study projects Wisconsin’s coronavirus cases will peak on April 26, 2020",1 “We inherited a broken test” for COVID-19.,0 Says certain states are banning the sale of alcohol.,0 "Says the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act gives members of Congress a pay increase.",0 "“I didn’t say that” some of the medical equipment that governors are requesting, they don't actually need.",0 “COVID literally stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.”,0 "Says imposters in hazmat suits are going door to door in Stockton, Calif., saying they are checking residents for fever or COVID-19, but they “will enter your home and physically attempt robbery.”",0 "Says Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak ""has banned the use of an anti-malaria drug that might help cure coronavirus.”",0 "Speaking of his restriction on travel from China, “I had (Joe) Biden calling me xenophobic. … He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in.”",0 Says to leave objects in the sun to avoid contracting the coronavirus.,0 "Says that under order from Gov. Tony Evers, he and his eight children can’t legally have dinner together anymore.",1 Says the CDC now says that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.,0 Says truck drivers are being turned away from fast-food restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic.,1 "“China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that's why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu and now the coronavirus.”",0 “Donald Trump would receive $17 million for three hotels closed for four days under Republican bill! How in the hell is this right?!”,0 "“All schools in Canada are closed for the rest of the school year, each family will receive $950 every two weeks for the next 15 weeks, banks were notif(ied) to suspend mortgage payments for at least 6 months, and student loans deferred.”",1 “Australia Closing Borders in a few hours for 6-months”,1 An audio message lists five ways people can prevent the novel coronavirus.,0 “Bill Gates told us about the coronavirus in 2015.”,1 Says a military Humvee labeled “COVID-19 quarantine team” was on Interstate 696 in Michigan.,0 "If you are in Las Vegas and you get a knock on your door from NV Power, 2020 Census or CVD-19 testers, do not open your door. They are robbing people at gunpoint.",0 “Boil some orange peels wit cayenne pepper in it stand over the pot breathe in the steam so all that mucus can release from yo nasal… MUCUS is the problem its where THE VIRUS LIVES!!!”,0 "Says N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lotteries instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”",0 Says Gov. Tony Evers is “pushing firearm confiscation orders”,0 Says Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus bill includes “tax credits for solar and wind energy … retirement plans for community newspaper employees … $300 million for PBS … climate change studies” and more.,1 “Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus.”,0 Slices of lemon in a cup of hot water can save your life. The hot lemon can kill the proliferation of the novel coronavirus.,0 Says Russia unleashed more than 500 lions on its streets to ensure that people are staying indoors during this pandemic outbreak.,0 Says it was “unquestionably” not within his “legal authority” to postpone Illinois’ primary election by changing the date or shifting to vote-by-mail.,1 “Putin has stated: Russian citizens (have) 2 options: Stay home for 15 days or in jail for 5 years.”,0 "U.S. deaths since 1/22 (2020): COVID-19: 27, flu, 4,700; abortion: 118,000.",0 Quotes Joe Biden as saying “people who have never died before are now dying from coronavirus.”,0 "Says ""special military helicopters will spray pesticide against the Corona virus in the skies all over the country.""",0 Says businesses will give you free baby formula during the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Huge! Results From Breaking Chloroquine Study Show 100% Cure Rate For Patients Infected With The Coronavirus.,0 "“So Oscar Health, the company tapped by Trump to profit from covid tests, is a Kushner company. Imagine that, profits over national safety.”",1 “Go to 2020census.gov and fill out this census form so you can get your stimulus check.”,0 Says longstanding Food and Drug Administration regulations “created barriers to the private industry creating a test quickly” for the coronavirus.,1 “Wisconsin is the only state where all Republicans voted against protecting its citizens.”,1 “No city in the state can quarantine itself without state approval.”,1 For coronavirus cases “in the U.S. 38% of those hospitalized are under 35.”,0 "The federal government is “preparing to mobilize the national guard,” “dispatch them across the US with military” and “announce a nationwide 1 week quarantine for all citizens.”",0 “Sunlight actually can kill the (novel coronavirus.)”,0 "2019 coronavirus can live for ""up to 3 hours in the air, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.”",1 “People are going door to door in Colorado Springs stating they are COVID testing so they can rob people!!!!”,0 "Says ""there is no"" COVID-19 virus.",0 "Says that “over a 45-minute period that we had the press conference” on the coronavirus on March 13, 2020, the stock market set ""an all-time record.""",1 Says coronavirus is just “the damn flu.”,0 "The coronavirus ""snuck up on us,” adding that it is “a very unforeseen thing.”",0 "Says President Donald Trump said, “People are dying who have never died before.”",0 "George Soros owns the WuXi PHARMA LAB located in Wuhan, China where COVID-19 was developed and conveniently Broke Out.",0 Says the New York Times exposed the “real reason behind coronavirus hype: Crash the market to harm Trump’s re-election chances.”,0 "Says Donald Trump tweeted, “I ordered the Treasury secretary to send checks to Americans! First however, we will go through your social media history from the last 4 years and search for any post with #NotMyPresident in it. I wouldn’t think of offending you with a check if I’m not your president! #MAGA”",0 "“I've always known this is a real, this is a pandemic. I've felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”",0 "“President Trump, COVID-19 coronavirus: U.S. cases 1,329; U.S. deaths, 38; panic level: mass hysteria. President Obama, H1N1 virus: U.S. cases, 60.8 million; U.S. deaths, 12,469; panic level: totally chill. Do you all see how the media can manipulate your life.”",0 “Italy has decided not to treat their elderly for this virus.”,0 "“All US citizens are entitled to $700 USD per week to stay at home to avoid the spread of COVID-19 novel coronavirus, starting from March 17.”",0 "Says Anthony Fauci’s statement that the coronavirus death rate is 10 times that of the seasonal flu is “a claim without any scientific basis.""",0 COVID-19 started because we eat animals.,0 "“Now, as it stands, our health care system has adequate ventilators, ICU beds, medical professionals.”",0 “MSNBC actually said on air ‘I hope enough people die from coronavirus that it harms Trump’s re-election.’”,0 "Says ""most"" NC legislators are in the ""high risk age group"" for coronavirus",1 The WHO coronavirus test “was a bad test.”,0 In South Florida “all children and adults must remain in their homes” due to coronavirus.,0 President Donald Trump “will evoke (sic) what is called the Stafford act” and “order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation.”,0 "Says Donald Trump “cut funding to the CDC,” “fired the Pandemic Response Team,” “refused WHO tests” and “wasted two weeks calling this outbreak a ‘Democrat hoax.’”",0 Donald Trump is “announcing tomorrow that the US is going into quarantine for the next 14 days.”,0 Says Spectrum will provide free internet to students during coronavirus school closures.,1 "Silver Solution used on strains of coronavirus ""totally eliminate it. Kills it. Deactivates it.”",0 The World Health Organization offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them.”,0 “Coronavirus — 22. Clintons — 39.”,0 Says COVID-19 came to the United States in 2019.,0 “The CDC can detain anyone with a fever — indefinitely. … Vaccination (is) a way people could get out of detention.”,0 “‘The Simpsons' predicted Tom Hanks getting coronavirus in 2007.”,0 Says Nancy Pelosi was “caught trying to include abortion funding in bill to combat coronavirus.”,0 Drinking “water a lot and gargling with warm water & salt or vinegar eliminates” the coronavirus.,0 Video shows President Donald Trump saying COVID-19 is Democrats’ “new hoax.”,0 "Says Joe Biden “was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings & a 78% Approval Rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!""",0 "“Some states are only getting 50 tests per day, and the Utah Jazz got 58.”",1 "Says 80% of novel coronavirus cases are ""mild.""",1 "“During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, Biden made reckless comments unsupported by science & the experts. The Obama Admin had to clean up his mess & apologize for his ineptitude.”",1 Says you can monitor yourself for COVID-19 with a breath test.,0 "“U.S. hospitals are preparing for 96 million coronavirus infections and nearly half a million deaths, leaked documents reveal.”",0 “It’s actually the safest time to fly.”,0 "Says if you donate blood, “they HAVE to test you” for coronavirus.",0 "Akira’ is a 1988 movie about an apocalyptic event taking place months before Tokyo 2020 Olympics, showing the (World Health Organization) advising Japan to postpone the Olympics because of a pandemic risk",0 "Of the Trump administration’s European travel restrictions that exempt the U.K.: “Well, you can just get into the Chunnel, and you’ll be in the U.K.”",1 "“(Barack Obama) set up anti-pandemic programs in 47 vulnerable countries as a way to protect against something like the coronavirus, exactly. Do you know that Trump closed 37 of them?”",0 Says Tom Hanks has a volleyball to keep him company while he’s quarantined.,0 The health insurance industry has “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.”,0 “NYC man drops dead in middle of street — suspected coronavirus!”,0 “Whole of Italy goes into quarantine.”,1 Says Harvard scientists say the coronavirus is “spreading so fast that it will infect 70% of humanity this year.”,1 “Anybody that wants a test (for the coronavirus) can get a test.”,0 "If the coronavirus gets in your mouth, ""drinking water or other liquids will WASH them down through your esophagus and into the stomach. Once there in tummy ... your stomach ACID will kill all the virus.""",0 Being exposed to the sun for two hours kills the 2019 coronavirus.,0 Says Daniel Radcliffe has the coronavirus.,0 “More people have died from knowing Hillary” than coronavirus.,0 “Every election year has a disease” ... SARS in 2004; avian flu in 2008; swine flu in 2010; MERS in 2012; Ebola in 2014 and 2018; Zika in 2016 and the coronavirus in 2020.,0 “You’re more likely to die of influenza right now” than the 2019 coronavirus.,1 Says Nancy Pelosi delayed coronavirus funding so “Dems could campaign on it.”,0 “President Trump has come into contact with a potential coronavirus sufferer!”,0 “The coronavirus was invented and patented in the USA and then planted in China.”,0 “People Of Color May Be Immune To The Coronavirus Because Of Melanin.”,0 The coronavirus is “simply the common cold.”,0 “Coronavirus Hoax: Fake Virus Pandemic Fabricated to Cover-Up Global Outbreak of 5G Syndrome.”,0 "“With regard to the cost, let me be very clear: HHS has designated the coronavirus test as an essential health benefit. That means, by definition, it's covered in the private health insurance of every American, as well as covered by Medicare and Medicaid.""",1 "Says Donald Trump tweeted, “Corona vaccine from Israel! Stock market up! Economy even stronger now! Besides US, Israel best at inventions: Judaism, olives. Wonderful vaccine, will stop Corona DEAD around world. Can’t make vaccines when being bombed, not have been possible without peace I created in Israel!”",0 "The Obama administration ""didn't do anything about” swine flu.",0 “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing” on the coronavirus.,0 "The media “pulled down an entire shelf of goods so that they can present the news of people buying stuff in a hysteria over the coronavirus.""",0 Starting in March if you travel outside of the United States you won’t be allowed back in the country “due to high risk of the coronavirus.”,0 "“The State of Florida has announced measures that all workplaces with 10 employees or more are to have paid mandatory leave to avoid the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus starting on March 6, 2020. All schools are to close for 2 weeks also from March 6th.”",0 Says the Vatican reports that Pope Francis tested negative for the coronavirus before a second test came back positive.,0 Quotes Sen. Lindsey Graham as saying President Trump “probably knows more about medicine and specifically viruses than any of the so-called scientists at the NIH and CDC.”,0 "The United States is “actually screening fewer people (for the coronavirus than other countries) because we don't have appropriate testing.""",1 "“The blood test for coronavirus costs $3,200.”",0 "“Man visited Albany, N.Y. days before dying from coronavirus.”",0 Says President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”,0 "Says two patients at Valley Regional Medical Center in Brownsville, Texas, “are being looked at” for possible coronavirus infections.",0 Says no one has died from the coronavirus in the United States.,0 Says President Donald Trump spawned the “Wuhan super virus outbreak under code name ‘zyphr.’”,0 “Shands Hospital of Gainesville Florida has confirmed its first case of coronavirus.”,0 “The coronavirus has made it to Mississippi and the lady that caught it wasn’t around nobody with it which means it is airborne. That means if the wind blows it your direction you’ll have it also.”,0 Says a photo shows a man wearing a “government issue Saint Laurent hazardous materials suit.”,0 “In ‘Resident Evil’ the Umbrella Corporation releases a virus that infects the people of Raccoon City. A biological research lab with the exact same logo as the Umbrella Corporation can be found in the city where the coronavirus outbreak originated.”,0 Sanitizer will do nothing for the coronavirus.,0 "”America has been vaccinating cattle for coronavirus for years, yet the news tells you it’s new and gunna kill you all so go buy mask.”",0 Says the Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,0 “Florida hospital reports a coronavirus ‘infestation’ with multiple confirmed patients.”,0 Poll Finds 38% of Americans Say They Will Not Drink Corona Beer Because of Virus.,0 The mortality rate for the flu is “right around” that of the new coronavirus: “It’s right around 2%.”,0 “Hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,0 Says the coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,0 “Three Chinese nationals were apprehended trying to cross our Southern border illegally. Each had flu-like symptoms. Border Patrol quickly quarantined them and assessed any threat of coronavirus.”,1 “Corona virus: Florida man arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.”,0 "Says of President Donald Trump’s actions on the coronavirus: “No. 1, he fired the pandemic team two years ago. No. 2, he's been defunding the Centers for Disease Control.”",1 Says the CDC recommends men shave their beards to protect against coronavirus.,0 "“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”",0 “If you have the Flu… get these two items… Sambucol (and) Oscillococcinum… in 48 hours you will feel better. In 72 hours you will be almost symptom-free.”,0 Says “The Simpsons” predicted the coronavirus.,0 "High levels of sulfur dioxide in Wuhan “may be a sign of mass cremations of victims of the coronavirus.""",0 "Coronavirus patients are being ""cremated alive"" in China.",0 Says the 2008 book “End of Days” predicted the current coronavirus outbreak.,0 Says 20 million Chinese converted to Islam after it’s proven that the coronavirus doesn’t affect Muslims.,0 “Breaking: UK Prepares For Full Lockdown After Hundreds Of New Cases — Wuhan Super Virus Updates.”,0 "Scientists ""are shocked to discover that weed kills corona virus”",0 “When using a medical mask you’re supposed to use… white side out (this is the filter part) for when you’re not sick.”,0 "Says the 2019 coronavirus ""causes sudden death syndrome.""",0 Says the coronavirus is “a MILITARY BIO-WEAPON Developed by China's Army.”,0 "“Cocaine kills corona virus, scientists is shocked to discover that this drug can fight the virus.”",0 "Says ""the coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab.""",0 Says the coronavirus isn’t new because “Lysol has it listed as one of the viruses that it kills.”,0 Event 201 “gave out stuffed souvenir coronavirus toys” to “commemorate” Novel coronavirus outbreak,0 Says drinking a bleach solution will prevent you from getting the coronavirus.,0 "Says a ""Clorox bottle claimed it could kill (the 2019 coronavirus)... before it was developed.""",0 "Says the Chinese Communist Party ""will finally admit that the real source of the coronavirus is from ‘a lab in Wuhan’ linked to its covert biological weapon programs.""",0 "CORONAVIRUS: Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China.",0 "Says China ""stole Coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it into a Bioweapon.""",0 "Says a coronavirus patent expired just as there is a ""sudden outbreak"" and, despite ""media fear-mongering,"" there is already a vaccine available.",0 96 percent of the people who died in Italy died of other causes than Covid-19.,0 "WHO said vegetarians will not be affected by COVID-19, because COVID-19 need to have animal fat ��in order to �survive.",0 "The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines is giving away P5,500 for every Facebook user due to the coronavirus crisis, according to a website link posted on Facebook.",0 Italy wants to charge Bill Gates with crimes against humanity.,0 Image showing actions taken by Italy on the beaches to reduce the spread of coronavirus infection.,0 "The Tunisian Foreign Minister announces the imposition of a visa for Tunisians returning from abroad, whose value is 100 euros.",0 PCR Tests cannot show the novel coronavirus.,0 "In Japan, upon rexamination of the “Abenomasks” everyone was fussing about, only 12 were actually defective.",0 Dr. Rashid Buttar stating Dr. Anthony Fauci is responsible for causing the new Coronavirus pandemic; there are no deaths recorded caused by COVID-19.,0 Man is buried alive in Brazil after being falsely diagnosed with COVID-19; video shows his rescue.,0 "A Facebook page, bearing the name and image of Kenyan Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe with a post claiming to offer cash relief of Ksh18,000 to Kenyans in distress as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Migrant labourers in the state of Gujarat are protesting amidst the lockdown.,0 Chlorine dioxide healed 100 Covid-19 patients in Ecuador according to a study by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker. The article also states that Covid-19 is no lung disease but thrombosis and 88 percent of the patients given artificial respiration with ventilator die.,0 "An image shared on social media claims vaccines are dangerous because they contain potassium chloride, the chemical used to stop the heart in lethal injections.",0 Shi Zhengli announced a new epidemic.,0 Chlorine dioxide healed 100 Covid-19 patients in Ecuador according to a study by Andreas Ludwig Kalcker. The article also states that Covid-19 is no lung disease but thrombosis and 88 percent of the patients given artificial respiration with ventilator die.,0 96 percent of the people who died in Italy died of other causes than Covid-19.,0 A predisposition to dementia increase the risk of a severe course of COVID-19.,0 "Mixing aspirin, paracetamol, honey and lemon cures COVID-19.",0 "The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) in the Philippines is giving away P5,500 for every Facebook user due to the coronavirus crisis, according to a website link posted on Facebook.",0 "Italy “went against the WHO’s ‘law’” against COVID-19 autopsies and “discovered covid is not a virus, but a bacterium” that “clots the blood and reduces the oxygen saturation.”",0 "Video of Migrant workers escaping from a train carrying them to Assam in Nagaon, India by stopping the train.",0 Man is buried alive in Brazil after being falsely diagnosed with COVID-19; video shows his rescue.,0 The United Nations are promoting a website with a political and economic project called “New World Order”.,0 Italy wants to charge Bill Gates with crimes against humanity.,0 "Video shows police officer shooting a surfer who disregards isolation measures in Fortaleza, capital of the Brazilian state of Ceará.",0 Cannabis can cure COVID-19.,0 A lady police constable in Mumbai is suffering from coronavirus.,0 "An image shared on social media claims vaccines are dangerous because they contain potassium chloride, the chemical used to stop the heart in lethal injections.",0 "Says the state “health secretary says don’t go to hospitals or clinics, now the tourism secretary says don’t recreate.”",0 "Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, Central Govt. has started the online processing of GST Refund.",0 "Brazilian states receive a R$ 16,450 extra funding from the federal government for each COVID-19 death.",0 "Brahma Bar, one of São Paulo’s most famous bars, is going to close after going bankrupt during the pandemic.",0 A video shows a group of police officers saluting anti-lockdown protesters in São Paulo.,0 "A WhatsApp message claiming that “COVID-19” would be an acronym for a program aimed at reducing the world’s population, with the aid of Artificial Intelligence. The program would have been presented at the World Economic Forum 2020, in Davos (Switzerland).",0 "Video shows a doctor claiming that If you can hold your breath for 10 sec without discomfort, you don’t have coronavirus.",0 COVID-19 is a bacteria causing death due to thrombosis.,0 "A poem signed by K. O’Meara beginning with the verse “and the people stayed at home”, supposedly written “about 220 years ago”, during the plague epidemic in 1800.",0 "Images of a protest in Villa Azul, Argentina, against the quarantine.",0 "“[U.S. Rep. Conor Lamb] said he would NOT vote for [Nancy Pelosi] for Speaker, and did.”",0 "Autopsies performed in Italy showed that COVID-19 is not pneumonia, but a blood clotting disorder (disseminated intravascular coagulation). Doctors have been treating COVID-19 wrongly, because ventilators and intensive care units were never needed; COVID-19 should instead be treated with antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anticoagulants.",0 Mumbai policewoman felt dizzy and fell down as she tested positive for COVID-19.,0 A study shows that COVID-19 asymptomatics are not contagious.,0 Migrants in isolation in India threw away food because it was cooked by a Dalit cook.,0 People in Saudi Arabia thronged store after lockdown was lifted.,0 Mumbai Police congratulated a couple for marrying inside their house amidst the coronavirus lockdown.,0 COVID-19 is a bacterium that is easily treated with aspirin or a coagulant.,0 A study of 455 contacts of an asymptomatic carrier showed that none of the 455 were infected. The results prove that asymptomatic people cannot transmit COVID-19 and masks are therefore unnecessary. Some also claim that this shows COVID-19 is not contagious.,0 Italian doctor accuse WHO of misleading the world about COVID-19 as COVID-19 is caused by bacteria not virus.,0 "A quote supposedly from Plato on freedom of speech went viral in China in February after the death of Li Wenliang, a medical doctor in Wuhan who tried to alert others to the coronavirus threat late last year. The same quote again became popular in Hong Kong in May, attributing it to Plato as well.",0 "The World Health Organization began in May to discourage the use of masks in public spaces, concluding that the coronavirus is not transmitted by air.",0 Thermal water treatments cure people infected with COVID-19.,0 A pavilion will be opened in Fraga (Huesca) due to an increase in the number of COVID-19 cases.,0 "The radio station Sonora announced in a program that the President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei, would close the country for 15 days. The audio began to circulate on WhatsApp and went viral.",0 "Social media commentaris claim a murder of a 37-year-old Chinese researcher studying COVID-19 at the University of Pittsburgh in early May could be a cover-up as he was about to reveal important findings, possibly the U.S. origin of the coronavirus.",0 "Facebook and Instagram posts shared thousands of times claim that vaccines directly violate the Nuremberg Code, a set of research ethics principles for human experimentation established after World War II.",0 "Photos of lung show four stages of pneumonia, along with the descriptions of symptoms of each stage.",0 The situation in Tokyo remains critical with utilization rate of hospital beds as of May 11th at 91%.,0 Several posts on social media and online articles claim that COVID-19 is caused by a bacterium and can be treated with aspirin and blood thinners.,0 "Consuming 3 times a day a mixture of the juice of 10 lemons, honey, ginger, onion and 10 garlic cloves is the recipe that “prevents the coronavirus” and helps “recover from the virus”.",0 Thrombosis is the main cause of death for COVID-19 patients. Antibiotics can treat coronavirus patients.,0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows police in India beating a man to death after he violated a nationwide coronavirus lockdown by “venturing out for food”.",0 A meme on Facebook shows the number of currently infected people in the German states in percent.,0 An warning that a contact tracing app in Sweden that was secretly tracking friends and contacts of its users.,0 Montenegro is targeting Serbian citizens; as it reopens borders post COVID-19 restrictions to all except Serbian nationals.,0 Coronavirus multiplies in sewage and pouring bleach in the sewage water would help.,0 "Axel Kicillof (Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires): 80 days after the first case, Argentina has 10,000 cases; Chile, 60 thousands and Brazil, 200 thousands.",0 "The video shows a man kissing a bat in a cave in Bursa, Turkey, regardless of the coronavirus.",0 A video claiming that the Immuni app (the contact tracing application sponsored by the Italian government) is already operative and it has been installed and activated on people’s smartphones automatically.,0 "A nurse from the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, was attacked with stones by people who said she was going to infect them with COVID-19.",0 Indian government is giving 5000 rupees as relief funds for every citizen during the lockdown.,0 A photo shows Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “on Mackinaw Island today ignoring mask and social distancing rules.”,0 Video shows brazilian military police officers saluting protesters against isolation measures in São Paulo.,0 PCR tests cannot detect a new coronavirus.,0 "COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, is a form of bacteria that can be cured by aspirin.",0 "Multiple posts shared thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube claim that salt is an effective remedy against the novel coronavirus.",0 There were “only 48” PCR tests in Tokyo on May 19th.,0 Mulitple Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim the Italian health ministry has discovered COVID-19 is caused by bacteria. The posts go on to claim the health ministry discovered COVID-19 is exacerbated by 5G technology and can be cured using painkillers and antibiotics.,0 Ukrainians over 60 will not be allowed to work anymore. They should be under lockdown.,0 Facebook user suggests that confirmed cases are suspected cases of COVID-19 whereas those declared positive are people who actually have the novel coronavirus.,0 "Because of the coronavirus economic crisis, Adidas went into bankruptcy.",0 Prolonged use of face masks causes hypoxia.,0 A photo shows a baby named Kyle who was recently diagnosed with COVID-19 after getting open-heart surgery five days after being born.,0 Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl was diagnosed with COVID-19.,0 An image of a cactus-shaped antenna claiming that it is a 5G antenna and that they hide them so that “people do not realize that they are radioactive and emit electromagnetic frequency waves”.,0 Video shows Dean of Kasturba Hospital telling gargling with salt water kills coronavirus.,0 Video shows migrants vandalizing public property in Surat during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 "Video shows a large crowd in the marketplace at Muhammad Ali road, Mumbai, violating lockdown.",0 Video shows women shopping in Delhi’s market during lockdown.,0 "Video shows a large crowd in the marketplace at Muhammad Ali road, Mumbai violating current COVID-19 lockdown in India.",0 Video shows migrants staying in quarantine facilities in India refused to eat the food because it was cooked by a Dalit woman (low-caste group).,0 A video shared on Facebook showed the current situation in China as it battles the second wave of coronavirus infections.,0 "The mayor of the municipality of Socorro, in Santander, Colombia, was arrested for manipulating contracts in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.",0 RSS (a right-wing group in India) chief Mohan Bhagwat said that coronavirus has shaken his belief in religion.,0 A video which would show a “desperate mother” who lost everything during the pandemic.,0 The chloroquine study published in the Lancet cost 50 million dollars.,0 Horse meat infected with coronavirus is imported to Kazakhstan from Kyrgyzstan.,0 "The experts at Nanavati Hospital are giving four common treatments to all patients: Vitamin C, dry ginger, turmeric and steam.",0 People in USA march and call for the arrest of Bill Gates.,0 182 truck drivers who had tested positive for COVID-19 in Kenya were re-tested and found to be negative in Tanzania.,0 Aspirin cures COVID-19.,0 Facebook posts shared hundreds of times in South Africa claim that criminals posing as government officials are going around to people’s homes and distributing face masks that are laced with chemicals to knock them out and rob them.,0 Russia raises the image of Christ to help it ending the pandemic.,0 "The experts at Nanavati Hospital are giving four common treatments to all patients: Vitamin C, dry ginger, turmeric and steam.",0 People in USA march and call for the arrest of Bill Gates.,0 "A video from the American news channel Fox News in which the presenter says that the President of the United States, Donald Trump, has tested positive on COVID-19 after taking a test.",0 "95 coronavirus deaths recorded in Ghana and total confirmed coronavirus cases jump to 6,989 on May 22.",0 The survival rate for COVID-19 is over 99.9%.,0 People with COVID-19 have been misdiagnosed as having pneumonia and have been dying of thrombosis,0 A post of Cronica with statements by the President of Sweden on the Argentinian Government.,0 An image of a doctor who found the cure for the coronavirus.,0 "The President of Guatemala, Alejandro Giammattei assured that the case-fatality rate of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country was one third of that of the world.",0 "A video is circulating on social networks showing an alleged death in Chiquimula, Guatemala.",0 Lactancy is not recommended because of risks to COVID-19 transmission from mother to child.,0 “Paraguay is the only Latin American country where virtual education is free during the pandemic”.,0 "President Donald Trump tweeted, “Some oldies will have to die. We’re in God’s hands, folks! Liberate America!”",0 Italy found the cure to the coronavirus and the illness is due to 5G.,0 A Spanish study with 60 thousand subjects proved that lockdown policies are ineffective.,0 "People knew about coronavirus even in 2003. However, unlike today, there was no panic, fines, or quarantine back then.",0 Brazilian state of Minas Gerais has fewer deaths than São Paulo even though it has not adopted quarantine measures.,0 Flu shots are contaminated with dogs’ coronaviruses.,0 Cannabis could help prevent coronavirus infection.,0 A photo shows three men on crosses who “feel like they’re being crucified by being required to stay at home.”,0 Sloth bear seen in a house garden in Sri Lanka during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A video shows a fight to get seating on the terrace of a bar in Spain under the state of alarm.,0 "Dolores Cahill claims in an interview on TheHighWire that there is already a preventive strategy and treatment for COVID-19 through “nutrition, vitamins and hydroxychloroquine”, therefore social distancing is unnecessary.",0 Video of a lockdown lifting celebration in Saudi Arabia.,0 COVID-19 is harmless and does not cause death.,0 Text claims that the North Macedonian Minister of Health Venko Filipce at a press conference held that day (21 May 2020) said that the patients infected with COVID-19 may have to pay a fee (co-payment) for hospital treatment.,0 "People in the city of Mumbai, India are not following social distancing, and have gone outside their homes to shop for the festival of Eid.",0 "Dr. Vele Markovski claimd that ventilators and quarantines are doing great harm in treating coronavirus, and that contamination level of SAR-Cov-2 is extremely low",0 People living in quarantine centre refuse to eat food as it was cooked by lower caste women.,0 There is a link betweek 5G networks and COVID-19.,0 5G wireless technology created the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 20% of human volunteers for the test for a COVID-19 vaccine developed by Moderna have suffered serious adverse effects.,0 Maroole Online Forum website claiming that 14 of the 25 confirmed cases of COVID-19 announced on May 7 are Oromo political prisoners.,0 Lesotho has launched a COVID-19 remedy.,0 People in Jama Masjid market breaking Indian COVID-19 lockdown due to Eid.,0 "Starting on May 20 this year, the Egyptian Minister of Health has placed herself in measures to isolate herself at home, as a result of suspected infection with the novel coronavirus.",0 A team of experts and scientists from the Faculty of Medicine in Rabat announce that a vaccine for Covid-19 is coming soon.,0 The outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Saudi Arabia will end on the 5th of Shawwal (June 2 2020).,0 People living in quarantine centre refuse to eat food as it was cooked by lower caste women.,0 A video on Youtube claims that European Commission’s implementing regulation (EU) 2020/666 gives ways to implant microchips to humans in the EU. The theory is linked to mass vaccination that “surely awaits” after the pandemic will receed.,0 The prolonged use of masks can cause hypoxia.,0 Decreeing the state of alarm because of Covid until June 30 would extend it throughout the summer.,0 The Federal Government created voucher for poor people to buy gas canisters during the COVID-19 pandemic. This message was shared on WhatsApp with a link to the alledged online form people need to fill out to be eligible for the benefit.,0 "A video show a corridor of healthcare professionals turning their backs to a passing car. On the subtitles, it says they were protesting against Bruno Covas, mayor of São Paulo.",0 "The son of William Bonner, one of Brazil’s most well known anchorman, received a R$ 600 COVID-19 emergency allowance, destined to the poor, despite being the son of a wealthy man.",0 "Chloroquine was invented by Gaspar Vianna, a scientist from Pará, Brazil.",0 "99% of all COVID-19 patients in Itaperuna, Rio de Janeiro state, have been cured after being treated with chloroquine.",0 A post about the doctor Marcos Vargas of the Santojanni Hospital died from treating patients with coronavirus.,0 Muslims flouting social distancing norms in Hyderabad.,0 A blog article stating that the WHO paid the president of Madagascar to “poison the cure for coronavirus”.,0 Video shows police forces beating a man on roadside during lockdown.,0 "To talk to India’s main opposition party (Congress) former president Rahul Gandhi, the Congress had hired people dressed as migrants who are facing trouble to travel to their homes amidst the coronavirus lockdown.",0 "People in the city of Hyderabad, India are not following social distancing, and have gone outside their homes to shop for the festival of Eid.",0 The COVID-19 pandemic “was set up in a meeting” in 2019 sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.,0 "A picture quotes pharmacist Stefano Montanari saying that wearing protective masks would make people breathe excessive levels of carbon dioxide, leading to respiratory acidosis and cancer.",0 A blog article which says that the Italian doctors and experts in charge of the coronavirus emergency are the least respected ones in the international scientific community.,0 COVID-19 is being listed as the cause of death for people who did not have the illness when they died in Ireland.,0 "In 2003, the media talked about the coronavirus and we already have a cure for the virus.",0 Member of Indian parliament Rahul Gandhi hired actors to act as migrants who he was helping during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 "Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, reported 220,000 new coronavirus cases in 72 hours.",0 Japanese Nobel laureate Dr. Tasuku Honjo said the new coronavirus was engineered in a Chinese laboratory.,0 Facebook allegedly removed a video criticizing Dutch social distancing rules.,0 A photo shows a Turkish MP wearing knitted mask in the Turkish parliement.,0 Colombia ranks first in corruption in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Pathogenic viruses do not exist, as the German biologist Stefan Lanka proved in front of a court.",0 Madagascar is leaving World Health organisation and encourages other countries to do so.,0 Worldwide research shows that hydroxychloroquine is the most effective drug against COVID-19.,0 Son of brazilian anchor Willian Bonner requested and received COVID-19 emergency aid of R $ 600.,0 Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci seen walking in close proximity without mask during the coronavirus pendemic.,0 There is nothing called “coronavirus” and it is just a hoax to pass Bill Gates’s vaccine.,0 Georgian doctor created medicine Corvirant which treats coronavirus.,0 Wearing a mask during physical activity causes hypercapnia syndrome.,0 The COVID-19 pandemic “was combined at a meeting” in 2019 sponsored by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.,0 "Claims infrared thermometers to measure temperature of potentially infected with COVID-19 are hazardous, since they damage the so called “Third eye”.",0 Lithuanian parliament member said that there are some very serious reasons to believe that virus was made artificialy in a laboratory and everything is related to Gates and other millionaires plan to create artificial virus just to sell vaccines afterwards.,0 The use of face masks increases the risk of developing COVID-19.,0 Claim that official data show that there were more deaths in Italy in 2019 than in 2020.,0 A viral video shared on multiple social media platforms shows a woman outside a US store making several misleading claims about the use of face masks including that they do not protect from COVID-19 and that their use makes you sick.,0 "Video shows an overcrowded Madina market in Hyderabad, India, where people are shopping for Eid.",0 "Kenyan First Lady Margaret Kenyatta is giving out Ksh30,000 grants to help Kenyans during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "South Sudan President Salva Kiir and his first deputy Riek Machar recently became targets of tit-for-tat claims on Facebook alleging they had flown to foreign countries for COVID-19 treatment. For four days, rumours about the two men — bitter rivals since the 2013 civil war — flew thick and fast on social media.",0 "A celebration in Belgium of the Tunisian doctor, Mohamed Mourad, after recovering from the novel coronavirus, which he contracted while working at a hospital in Brussels.",0 Wuhan has imposed a second lockdown after a resurgence of COVID-19 cases.,0 Japan is suffering a second wave of COVID-19 cases after lifting quarantine measures.,0 “Bill Gates Explains That The COVID Vaccine Will Use Experimental Technology And Permanently Alter Your DNA”.,0 Fox News Report on US President Trump testing positive for COVID-19.,0 French champion of chloroquine Didier Raoult is leaving France to teach in China.,0 Video and photo show that Indonesian President Jokowi attended a concert during the COVID-19 Pandemic,0 Top White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci served on the Clinton Foundation’s board of directors for 20 years.,0 The image shows Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Director Dr. Barbara Ferrer looking sickly.,0 People who have received flu vaccines in the past three to five years will “probably test positive” for COVID-19.,0 "A blog article stating that COVID-19 has been misdiagnosed, as the deaths would be caused by problems linked with thrombosis in the first place. According to the article, the two scientists who discovered this have received an “international prize”",0 A Whatsapp message stating that Ikea is giving out €250 gift cards for free.,0 German police can enter homes and forcibly vaccinate people.,0 Hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 Video shows health professionals turning their backs on the mayor of the city of São Paulo.,0 Brazil has a 99.995% COVID-19 survival rate.,0 "After resigning from his post as Minister of Health, Nelson Teich said he could not work with Jair Bolsonaro because he couldn’t work with someone who put his own mediocrity and ignorance before science.",0 The Brazilian mainstream media did not say anything after former president Lula said “fortunately nature created this monster called coronavirus”.,0 "João Doria, governor of São Paulo, said people need to choose between “lockdown or food” in an interview on Brasil Urgente, a national TV show.",0 RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat said he has lost faith in religion due to coronavirus pandemic.,0 A family friend of prominent playwright Ratnakar Matkari said he was infected with coronavirus through outside mild packages.,0 US President Donald Trump tested positive for coronavirus.,0 The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has issued guidelines about the post-lockdown phase.,0 "A doctor from Kasturba Hospital suggested to not wear masks all the time because otherwise, it could cause death.",0 Mall in Saudi Arabia is crowded after the lockdown has been lifted.,0 RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwant’s said that COVID-19 shook his faith in religion.,0 "No one died from COVID-19, but due to other previous illnesses, says a German doctor.",0 Video claiming news channel Fox News reported that Donald Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.,0 The Philippines was the first country to declare a lockdown in Southeast Asia.,0 A post says that a bottle of alcohol gel left in a car caused a fire that damaged one of its doors.,0 "A photo shows the a Turkish imprisoned COVID-19 patient, who is in intensive care unit.",0 The very first detailed report shows Turkey’s coronavirus outbreak was published in NEJM.,0 Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous.,0 "A microphone accidentally turned on in the White House recorded a discussion between journalists, revealing the whole truth about the new coronavirus.",0 A WhatsApp message claims that Italy announced the cure for COVID-19.,0 The WHO said that Colombia is the most organized country in the prevention of coronavirus in America or the second in the world.,0 "Doctors give their backs to São Paulo’s mayor, Bruno Covas, as protest against quarantine measures.",0 The first test results for the Moderna vaccine are disappointing.,0 Bill Gates admitted that he wants to vaccinate everyone because he makes 2000 percent profit with vaccines.,0 Amazon is delivering economic help in Venezuela because of the pandemic spread of COVID-19.,0 "Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s family spent May 20 at her second home, breaking her own stay-at-home orders.",0 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was appointed as a chairman of WHO.,0 EUMM (European Union Monitoring Mission) is collecting biologial materials for dangerous experiments in the Lugar Lab alongside South Ossetian border. This is provied by the photos of medical car accompanying the mission patrols.,0 Text claims that a family of four from North Macedonia should pay 680 euros for coronavirus tests if they want to travel to Greece.,0 "Claim that two-week isolation measures do not apply to North Macedonian President Stevo Pendarovski as they do to the leaders of SDSM and VMRO-DPMNE, Zoran Zaev and Hristijan Mickoski, after they were in contact with a journalist positive to coronavirus.",0 Michigan governor reopened Traverse City “so she could have her daughter’s open house.”,0 The President of the United States of America Donald Trump has been tested positive for COVID-19.,0 "Dr. Anthony Fauci said: “as soon as a COVID-19 vaccine is manufactured, it must be delivered to healthcare professionals for immediate human injection. Proper studies can be done later.”",0 Several social media and streaming services are continuously trying to remove a video with an interview with American virologist Judy Mikovits. It happens on the grounds that the video spreads false claims about the coronavirus. Now the video also appear with Danish subtitles.,0 A video claims that Bill Gates made a presentation to the CIA on COVID-19 vaccines for modifying the brain of religious fanatics.,0 Dr Robert Gallo confessed to being forced to create a virus to wipe out the African race.,0 "Uhuru Kenyatta Foundation is giving out Ksh10,000 to each Kenyan as lockdown relief funds.",0 Wearing a face mask for a prolonged period of time causes hypoxia and/or hypercapnia.,0 Leopard is seen roaming in Delhi’s dwarka during the lockdown period.,0 “Why did the state do that with COVID patients in nursing homes? It’s because the state followed President Trump’s CDC guidance.”,0 "Photo of the Algerian doctor, Wafaa Boudissah, while he is working on admitting Covid-19 patients.",0 The President of the United States of America Donald Trump has been tested positive for COVID-19.,0 "Amid COVID-19 pandemic, Bosnian Croats were targeted and penalized at the state border upon entry into Bosnia and Herzegovina",0 The German government billed China for 130 billion pounds in “coronavirus damages.”,0 "The Workers Party (PT) filed a lawsuit against the government, on the STF (Supreme Court), that demands the Federal Government stop purchasing chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.",0 A video shows a man calmly lying down in a hospital bed and being tucked into an ambulance. The caption says this is proof that Brazilian authorities are forging COVID-19 cases,0 Metro Manila had an 83% rise in COVID-19 cases in one day.,0 A piece of news claiming that the Italian government led by Giuseppe Conte would have “banned private property until 31 July”.,0 A picture claiming that “Bill Gates’ vaccines” would have paralyzed 496k children in India.,0 A text claiming COVID-19 can be transmitted by mosquitoes.,0 "A chain that circulates through WhatsApp that says that the coronavirus is not a virus, “as we have been led to believe”, but is “a bacterium, amplified by 5G electromagnetic radiation that also produces inflammation and hypoxia”.",0 A content that claims that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has been detained by the FBI for “biological terrorism” since “he created the coronavirus to control us.”,0 A video where a young man who speaks English with a British accent and who claims to be a telecommunications engineer who installs 5G towers claims to have found a piece on an electronic circuit that bears the inscription “COV-19”.,0 "“If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.”",0 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Wuhan, China, six days after “the impeachment HOAX failed.”",0 The Express used a photo from before coronavirus lockdown to suggest people in Brighton were breaking social distancing rules.,0 We have not heard of a single police officer dying from COVID-19 across the world.,0 A post claims that the 1918 influenza out had a deadly second wave after quarantine restrictions were lifted.,0 The survival rate for COVID-19 is 98.54% in the UK.,0 The body produces more cortisol when someone is wearing masks.,0 WHO has banned autopsies of people killed by COVID-19.,0 "“A lot of people can get an additional $2,400” from the CARES Act “and they can do it every month!”",0 Photo shows empty COVID-19’s service room at the Military Police Central Hospital in Rio de Janeiro.,0 Substances present in the boldo and in the quina plant treat COVID-19.,0 Video shows a paramilitary force unit taking charge in Mumbai to control the lockdown situation.,0 Popular Indian film actor John Abraham was caught violating lockdown while roaming in his Lamborghini.,0 Image of worn-out feet with blisters shows the plight of a woman migrant worker in the lockdown.,0 High dosage of Vitamin D is found to be effective as a cure or prevention measure for COVID-19.,0 Povidone Iodine is found to be effective in preventing COVID-19 infection.,0 US President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Migrant labourers stuck at the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh border as they try to return home.,0 India’s main opposition party (Congress) general secretary Priyanka Gandhi arranged 1000 buses to take home the migrants stuck in the state of Uttar Pradesh.,0 A Rohingya Muslim was terrified thinking a doctor had placed a gun on his head when the doctor was actually doing a thermal scan using a machine.,0 Portuguese university discovered the cure for COVID-19.,0 Venezuela has the lowest rate of COVID-19 cases from Antarctica to the North Pole.,0 Priyanka Gandhi has started buses to help migrants travel during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Multiple allegations on the bill drafted to Turkish congress named H.R. 6666.,0 A photo of a queue of buses in India has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim they were organised by a leading opposition politician to transport migrant workers who were left stranded after a nationwide coronavirus lockdown.,0 President Donald Trump “cancelled” the U.S. House bill on contract tracing and “expelled WHO.”,0 The UN is asking for help from Donald Trump for serious human rights violations in Italy during the management of the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Video of leopard roaming on road during lockdown is from Delhi, India.",0 Claim that President Donald Trump is trying to make $451 billion in Medicare cuts “in the middle of a deadly pandemic.”,0 Daughter of Santander’s CEO in Portugal shared a message about her father’s death from COVID-19.,0 São Paulo’s governor João Doria ordered a recall of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine from dugstores.,0 There are no antibiotics to cure the coronavirus.,0 "“The new Dane County lockdown policy… (has) effectively killed Badger football, hockey, and basketball for 2020.”",0 Travel in public transport in Kyiv will rise after the lockdown is lifted.,0 Renowned cardiac surgeon Dr Devi Shetty has issued a list of 22 suggestions to be followed for one year to protect oneself against coronavirus.,0 Family of poor migrant commited suicide during lockdown in India.,0 Bill Gates spreads viruses to profit on vaccines.,0 ID2020 is a criminal experiment. Elon Musk is responsible for making everyone wearing masks. The coronavirus was drawn in the computer program.,0 Articles shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter claim Rwandan President Paul Kagame censured the World Health Organization (WHO) for rejecting a herbal tonic touted by the Madagascan government as a cure for COVID-19.,0 "South Sudan’s president and senior ministers have appeared in public in recent weeks wearing so-called “virus removal cards”, clip-on tags marketed as prevention against infectious diseases. AFP Fact Check found the items for sale online in various countries, including Lebanon, Malaysia and the Philippines.",0 "The Algerian President, Abdel Majid Taboun, awarded the National Order of Merit to the family of the martyr doctor Wafaa Boudissa, and her name was given to a hospital in the country.",0 "A Jordanian health minister testifies before the millions, telling the world the truth about Covid-19.",0 The World Health Organization shockes the world: alcohol does not kill the virus!,0 "A man sells snacks to Covid-19 patients in Ibn Zahr Hospital in Marrakech, without respecting health safety conditions.",0 Social media posts claim that actors were caught in the act staging fake COVID-19 cases.,0 A video from Portugal proves that there are no deaths due to COVID-19. In the coffin of an alleged victim there were only sand and rocks not a body.,0 Morgan Freeman says wearing facemasks is an experiment to identify the followers; a photo meme circulating on social media alleging that to be actor’s stance on facemasks during the pandemic,0 "A video shows health workers turning their back in protest as an official car passes. Supposedly as if it were a protest against the Minister of Health of Spain, Salvador Illa or against the Minister of Equality Irene Montero at the Gregorio Marañón hospital.",0 Coronavirus remains in the throat for 4 days.,0 "A study states that people with blood type A are more vulnerable to get infected COVID-19, therefore those from this blood group need more protection.",0 A national radio claimed that the mayor of a municipality in Guatemala reported about 600 new cases of COVID-19.,0 Video shows thousands of migrants gathered near Uttar Pradesh state Border violating social distancing.,0 Video of migrants in a overcrowded train from Mumbai to West Bengal on 10 May 2020 amid COVID-19 social distancing restrictictions.,0 Viral message showing roadmap to ease restrictions during COVID-19 is from India.,0 Chinese scientist who asked for the closure of Wuhan warned that the COVID-19 virus mutates every month.,0 Bill Gates is doing “population control” with the coronavirus vaccine.,0 Cannabis may prevent coronavirus from entering the body.,0 The World Health Organization (WHO) said that no vegetarian has contracted COVID-19.,0 Children in Oregon may be taken away if their parent or legal guardian tests positive for COVID-19.,0 The video shows people celebrating the end of Saudi Arabia’s coronavirus lockdown.,0 "A video shows an evangelical pastor offering an invisible spiritual mask against COVID-19, H1N1 and HIV.",0 "STF, Brazil’s Supreme Court, forbade military hospitals to treat civilian COVID-19 patients. Five political parties opposed to Bolsonaro made the request.",0 "A photo of a pile of money. On the caption, it is stated that this money was meant to fund temporary hospitals in Rio, but it was stolen by an aide of governor Wilson Witzel.",0 "A photo of an empty hospital room. On the caption, it says that this used to be an “isolation room” for COVID-19 patients at the HCPM Hospital, in Rio. It says, also, there was now only one COVID-19 case in this hospital.",0 "Humans are getting sick because the “bioengineered” coronavirus in one’s body is reacting to 5G, and a coronavirus vaccine “with an RFID chip” will be introduced as the cure for the disease, called “mark of the beast.”",0 New evidence shows wearing a face mask can help coronavirus enter the brain and pose more health risk.,0 "Tasuku Honjo, a medicine nobel prize winner, said that COVID-19 is a synthetic virus that was made in china",0 Claim that Fox news said that Trump tested positive for COVID-19.,0 "Switzerland banned vaccination and someone named “Father Escobar” said that through vaccination, “Satan inserts a code into a human body.”",0 "A video shot in Lugano (Switzerland) on May 15, 2020, where people are not wearing no masks or PPI. The video would confirm that the new coronavirus is not lethal.",0 Myanmar traditional medicine can cure the coronavirus.,0 A picture claiming that the UN would have accused the Italian government of “violating human rights” during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A new virus in tomatoes is more dangerous than the novel coronavirus.,0 Photo of an Indonesian plane full of passengers while it’s forbidden to take a flight home at the moment.,0 "Video of West Sumatra residents, in Indonesia, throwing off Chinese tourists and burning their belongings during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Brazilian states receive federal funding for each death from COVID-19 registered.,0 A traditional medicine from Myanmar was found to be effective in curing or preventing COVID-19.,0 Letter issued from the Sri Lankan Ministry of Defense stating that there will be a pay cut from the May month’s salary of Armed forces based on the request letter from President’s Secretary.,0 "Deputy Inspector General Ajith Rohana has received his daughter who arrived from Kiev to Colombo, Sri Lanka, from airport runway and taken her home neglecting the quarantine measures.",0 Video shows migrant workers raising “long live Pakistan” slogans when returning their home state during lockdown.,0 Image shows long queue of buses of migrants that were denied permission to enter Uttar Pradesh by the state government.,0 French government changed the law as to prevent citizens from suing it for its mistakes during the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 People in the city of Mumbai were raising “Pakistan Zindabad” slogans in front of a political party member Abu Azmi.,0 A Rohingya Muslim believes that the thermal scanner for testing COVID-19 is a gun that is being pulled at him.,0 A post says that the flu vaccine increases the risk of being infected with COVID-19.,0 Twitter posts accuse Dutch government ministers of flaunting social distancing rules.,0 Reopening schools has caused a flareup of contaminations in France.,0 "Dolores Cahill in Computing Forever interview claims that taking vitamins C and D as well as zinc boosts the immune system against COVID-19, that hydroxychloroquine has been proven effective against COVID-19, and that COVID-19 patients who recover are immune for life, among others.",0 The prolonged use of masks can cause hypoxia.,0 "There was never any masks shortage in France, and this topic was absent from public debate in January, February, and even March, according to French president Emmanuel Macron.",0 An article claims that a nearly $50 million United Nations humanitarian aid package to Ecuador is conditional on the South American country legalizing abortions.,0 "A video showing hundreds of frogs being sold from the back of a truck has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim that it was taken in China after the country lifted its coronavirus lockdown.",0 Two photos have been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claim that Kawasaki disease is spreading among babies during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Photos of Australian $10 banknotes have been shared multiple times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that the note features images representing coronavirus and the billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates.,0 A video shows the situation in the Indian slum being extremely acute. No COVID-19 tests nor genuine figures are available there.,0 A video in Facebook claims that drinking seawater helps to prevent COVID-19 contagion.,0 The coronavirus sticks faster on men with shaved heads or recently shaved heads.,0 "“While California is dying … Gavin (Newsom) is vacationing in Stevensville, MT!”",0 Texas and Florida have a “balanced budget” while California is “in debt $54 billion and New York is “in debt $6.1 billion.”,0 "Image showing crowds gathering in Wadowice, Poland, to celebrate 100th birthday of John Paul II, breaking the social distancing rules.",0 Video showing “COV-19” writings on a piece of equipment installed in 5G towers in United Kingdom.,0 The police joined a demonstration in the German city of Dresden against the coronavirus rules.,0 COVID-19 deaths in Lombardy are due to flu vaccines.,0 An Italian politician says that according to the science journal Nature the vaccine against COVID-19 is not needed because the virus changes rapidly.,0 "300 Monks found positive to COVID-19 in Jaipur, India.",0 Influenza and coronavirus vaccines are more likely to cause upper respiratory tract infections. All COVID-19 tests shows positive result.,0 Vitamin D Supplements prevent health problems after coronavirus infection.,0 Face masks cause COVID-19 infection in the brain.,0 "UV-C lamps can kill 99.99% of all bacteria, viruses, and mold on any surface in ten seconds, yet is 100% safe for humans and pets.",0 The salt wáter of beaches and chlorine used in swimming pools could stop COVID-19.,0 German doctor Gérard Krause says lockdown measures kill more than coronavírus itself.,0 "Herbal tea made of malunggay and kamias leaves is a cure for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 Indian government has created a roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in five phases through a three-week review process.,0 Footage of a large crowd has been shared in multiple Facebook posts claiming to show migrant workers who were stopped at the Delhi-Uttar Pradesh state border during India’s nationwide COVID-19 lockdown in May 2020.,0 "United States and China bribed Madagascan President Andry Rajoelina to poison COVID-Organics, a remedy devised by Madagascan researchers against COVID-19.",0 "Tanzania has reported 16,467 COVID-19 cases, 1,293 deaths, and 118 recoveries as of May 18.",0 "A mixture of lemon, ginger, and hot water can cure COVID-19.",0 "Northern Ireland was testing for COVID-19 at a rate 10 times that of Scotland, reported on 9 May 2020.",0 "A private plane is carrying Nabila Obaid and Nadia El-Gendy, who have remained in Beirut due to the novel coronavirus crisis.",0 Indian government has created a roadmap to ease COVID-19 restrictions in five phases through a three-week review process.,0 Illegal immigrants are strolling around the country; however Bosnia-Herzegovina citizens with dual citizenship are deprived from entering the country,0 Migrants are beating people up for money in Delhi.,0 The Indian government is not providing food to migrants. They are eating leftovers.,0 A post that shows the level of radioactivity of 5G antennas in Argentina.,0 Argentinian doctor Mühlberger has the cure against COVID-19,0 Video shows doctors and nurses turning their back to the Health ministry of Spain as he arrives to a Hospital.,0 "The water in Botafogo’s beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is clear and clean because of quarantine.",0 WHO announced that Alcohol doesn’t kill the corona virus.,0 "The new coronavirus causes thrombosis, not pneumonia.",0 A migrant travelling home amidst the coronavirus lockdown was eating food thrown on railway tracks because the ruling party BJP had not made arrangments for the hungry migrants walking their way to their homes.,0 "A video shot in Belgium where a team of healthcare professionals turns its back to a black car that is passing between them, allegedly as a form of protest against the “COVID-19 hoax”.",0 "Italian MP Sara Cunial says Bill Gates kills people with vaccines and “terminator” seeds, and that he is behind the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared hundreds of times claim the Australian state of Western Australia has recently passed a “COVID-19 Emergency Powers Act” that authorises forcible medical examination and vaccination in schools.,0 A video shows a police woman threatening to use her weapon against people demonstrating against the coronavirus rules in Germany.,0 Bill Gates and Microsoft have patented a cryptocurrency from Satan (666) and a microchip tattooed to control humans. The microchip would be inserted with coronavirus vaccines.,0 Madagascar president announced that WHO tried to bribe him to poison his miracelous treatment for COVID-19.,0 "Multiple posts shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter claim that seven countries, including the United States, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, have “survival rates” of more than 99.9 percent for people who contract the novel coronavirus.",0 The coronavirus is not a virus but a bacterium.,0 Chlorine dioxide cures COVID-19.,0 "A Facebook post shared thousands of times claims that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered Covid-Organics, a herbal drink touted by Madagascan President Andry Rajoelina as a cure for COVID-19. The post claims that Putin urged Africans “not to follow” the World Health Organization (WHO), which has warned against untested traditional medicine.",0 A video of a nurse shared thousands of times on Facebook during the coronavirus pandemic warns the public against continuously wearing face masks.,0 There is no excess mortality in Germany according to the official data of the Office for Statistics.,0 "The Tunisian President, Qais Said, has ordered the dispatch of a medical delegation to Algeria to help it fight Coved-19.",0 "Video depicts how the Chinese continue to eat frogs, although it was the eating of wild animals that caused the creation of the corunavirus.",0 American scientist Judy Mykowitz exposes facts about the US administration regarding coronavirus and accuses the US military of fabricating it in conjunction with the Wuhan Chinese laboratory.,0 The WHO recommended completely “unspecific” tests for SARS-CoV-2.,0 "According to a study conducted by the American Pentagon, everyone who has received the influenza vaccine are 36% more likely to get infected by SARS-CoV-2.",0 5G networks worsen the COVID-19 spread.,0 Migrant labourers are being denied entry in Uttar Pradesh by the UP government.,0 An unidentified virus that has affected the tomato crop in Maharashtra is a deadly form of coronavirus.,0 "During the protest in the Salamanca district in Madrid, people sang ‘Bella ciao’.",0 90 percent of violence against women calls to 911 in Mexico are not true.,0 The “Plandemic” video that talks about the new coronavirus.,0 "An image of the Minister of Education and Vocational Training of Spain, Isabel Celaá, in which she wears a mask and, in a folder she holds with her hand, you can see wrappers of the free face masks of the Community of Madrid. The message that accompanies the photo states: “Thank goodness that Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s masks are not recommended, thank goodness …”",0 "An image in which you see members of the Government, including President Pedro Sánchez, speaking in a ‘circle’ without respecting social distance.",0 CCTV footage shows a robbery happened in Mumbai amid COVID-19 lockdown.,0 "Video shows a huge crowd of migrant workers gathered in Surat, India due to lockdown.",0 "Archbishop of Colombo, Sri Lanka, Cardinal Malcom Ranjith filed a FR petition challenging the cremation of Catholics, who succumbed due to COVID-19.",0 "Image of a pristine waterfall claimed to be Kithulgala in Sri Lanka, inviting travel enthusiasts to visit the location, once the COVID-19 security measures eases out.",0 A Facebook page of the Philippines social welfare department posted a tentative schedule of the second wave of aid distribution for low-income families affected by the community quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Claim that the Jordanian Health minister says COVID-19 is a conspiracy in a video.,0 "COVID-19 is a man made virus, according to the video “Plandemic”.",0 A photo showing rows of passengers wearing face masks and shields on board a plane has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it was taken in Indonesia during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 A photo showing rows of passengers wearing face masks and shields on board a plane has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it was taken in Indonesia during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Says a warning label on a box of disposable masks shows that they are ineffective at protecting against the spread of COVID-19.,0 Video shows fight between inspectors and population over social isolation measures in Brazil.,0 Left-wing parties in Brazil asked the Supreme Court to prevent the Army from making beds at the Military Hospital available for people with COVID-19.,0 "Photo shows former brazilian Health Minister Luiz Henrique Mandetta shaking hands with the governor of the state of Pará without masks, which shows that the pandemic is a scam.",0 WHO officially recognized artemisia as a treatment for COVID-19.,0 Madagascar left the World Health Organization.,0 "This picture show the young, pregnant doctor who died from COVID-19 in Algeria.",0 Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim China and Japan have re-entered a strict coronavirus lockdown in mid-May 2020 following a “second wave” of the virus. The posts were shared as a “breaking news” alert on May 16.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube in May 2020 alongside a claim it shows crows “coming to Texas” after “attacking Wuhan, China”. The posts were shared as countries worldwide continue to fight the spread of the novel coronavirus, which was first detected in Wuhan in December 2019.",0 Madagascar President Andry Rajoelina said that the World Health Organization (WHO) offered him $20 million to put toxins in their coronavirus remedy.,0 "A photo of a petri bowl with germs is shared on Facebook with the claim that the bacteria are from a used face medical mask and show that wearing it is dangerous; you get breathing problems, skin problems or a sty at the eyelid.",0 The flu didn’t kill any Americans this year.,0 "Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine released 4,300 prisoners and is now warning residents of a possible crime wave.",0 Some websites claimed that Madagascar quit the World Health Organisation (WHO) and has been offered 20 million dollars by the WHO to kill their Covid-Organics cure.,0 "The video shows lockdown violation, Muslims offering namaz on roadside.",0 "Ethiopia reports 2144 new infections with the novel coronavirus, bringing the total number to 63,000.",0 Two American doctors demonstated through a scientific study that COVID-19 is a very simple disease that does not warrant the extreme public safety measures that have been employed worldwide.,0 Steam therapy cures the coronavirus.,0 One out of three Dutch people is experiencing psychological issues because of the coronavirus crisis.,0 Drinking alcohol can help fight coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus is an exosome related with 5G.,0 "Italy’s Ministry of Health has discovered that COVID-19 deaths are caused by a bacteria, not by the novel coronavirus.",0 "A video shows healthcare professionals in a hospital displaying hopeful message. The caption states the video was filmed at Moinhos de Vento Hospital, in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and that they managed to cure all the COVID-19 patients in their ICU and were, thus, celebrating.",0 "The official Brazilial Civil Registry has showed that the total number of deaths in April decreased, instead of increased, between 2019 and 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Picture shows Bill Gates and White House health advisor Dr Anthony Fauci violating social distancing norms and not wearing masks.,0 "According to Alibaba Group co-founder Jack Ma, 2020 is the year of staying alive and not a time to “dream or plan”.",0 Universal use of masks reduce coronavirus spread by 98.5%.,0 Migrants in Mumbai robbed and killed a man for money due to the lockdown.,0 A video of an overcrowded Shramik train claimed to be from Mumbai travelling to West Bengal.,0 A leopard was seen in Mumbai due to the lockdown and a lesser number of vehicles.,0 Video shows a toxic insect attack in India during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Video shows statues in India disposed because they cannot be saved from COVID-19.,0 Video of Islamic Ulema in Indonesia forced to get COVID-19 vaccine Injected.,0 This photograph of corpses is related to the coronavirus in Spain.,0 The image of a police sign banning Spanish flags.,0 A photo of a demonstration where we can see a woman and her maid is shared as if it was a protest in Madrid against the government.,0 "The headline claims that the Macedonian Minister of Health, Venko Filipce, after a party order of the President of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, prepared a protocol for the election campaign in the middle of the coronavirus crisis.",0 "A Facebook post blames China as the source of a series of deadly viruses, including COVID-19, that have spread around the world since 1957.",0 "The front page of a 1962 issues of “La Domenica del Corriere”, showing people moving around on small vehicles with a glass protection. The illustration would allegedly have predicted coronavirus and the social distacing measures adopted to stop the pandemic.",0 An image of corpses in plastic bags in a morgue is claimed to be from Spain during the coronavirus crisis.,0 A video of street play showing Muslims responsible for spreading coronavirus.,0 Muslims offering Namaz on road side during the lockdown in India.,0 Flu shots can make someone test positive for COVID-19.,0 Switzerland has banned vaccination.,0 Video shows a huge crowd of migrant workers gathered in Maharashtra amid COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Image of worn-out feet/sole of migrant workers walking on streets in India amis COVID-19 Lockdown.,0 "Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic claimed that in proportion to the number of citizens, Serbia is eight country in Europe by number individuals tested for coronavirus.",0 Video shows Dr. Anthony Fauci advising the public not to wear face masks to prevent spreading or being infected by the coronavirus.,0 "5g antennas were installed in Cali, Colombia, during quarantine.",0 Migrant labourers are killing people in Delhi due to coronavirus lockdown.,0 Claim that Dr. Fauci said every American should be microchipped.,0 The novel coronavirus was “man-made.”,0 A video of a man who passes out on the street and is then transferred by ambulance that was claimed to be from Nicaragua.,0 A post says that there were no cases of COVID-19 in Beijing and Shanghai.,0 A post claims that a virologist said in a television programme that the mortality rate of the new coronavirus is now 0.1%.,0 A video allegedly shows Odessa (Ukraine) riot police refusing to restrain citizens protesting the lockdown.,0 Candace Owens claimed that the U.S. is not losing “tons more lives” in 2020 compared to 2019 and that the “increase [in mortality in 2020 is] virtually non-existent”.,0 "In this video, italian representative Sara Cunial tells the truth about Bill Gates and its will to control world population through vaccines and medical experiment.",0 A photo of a purported notice announcing that people who were unable to take the Philippine government’s civil service exam due to the COVID-19 pandemic will automatically receive a passing mark has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts.,0 "A Facebook post shared 10,000 times claims no Americans died from the flu in 2020, suggesting that the national count of COVID-19 fatalities is exaggerated.",0 "Backriding in motorcycles is now allowed in the Philippines, where all areas are currently under some form of quarantine.",0 “Italian Parliament Calls For The Arrest of Bill Gates”,0 Posts and videos on Facebook say drinking or inhaling seawater prevents COVID-19.,0 Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared thousands of times in May 2020 claim anyone in New Zealand who refuses to use a coronavirus contact tracing app has been banned from entering shops during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Leader of Polish ruling party PiS Jaroslaw Kaczynski is planning to legalize marijuana due to coronavirus economic crisis.,0 There is 5G equipment labeled “COV-19”.,0 "A meme on Facebook claims that when you wear a mask you inhale too much CO2 and less oxygen, increasing the risk of a lung disease. Furthermore, the mask gets full of bacteria and can’t hold back viruses.",0 Alcohol gel bottles can explode in a hot car.,0 Muslims are violating the ongoing lockdown norms which prohibits religious gatherings.,0 Posts shared thousands of times on social media list a number of adverse health effects linked to wearing face masks.,0 A photo of a Pakistani provincial chief minister has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts in May 2020 alongside a claim that it shows him violating social distancing rules during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Medical masks and gloves are incredibly harmful.,0 "Ummy Mwalimu, Tanzania’s Minister for Health, has tested positive for coronavirus.",0 Human testing of a COVID-19 vaccine is currently being conducted in Kenya.,0 "President of the United States of America, Donald Trump, tested positive for COVID-19.",0 Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim that Madagascar’s President Andry Rajoelina called on African nations to leave the World Health Organization (WHO).,0 Facebook posts shared thousands of times claim that people in Lesotho are “immune” to COVID-19 because the country apparently created a remedy for the disease.,0 Parrots eating from rice bag due to lockdown.,0 Coronavirus does not affect people with ‘O+’ blood type.,0 "Workers who worked from 1990 to 2020 have the right to receive the Corona relief of INR120,000 from Ministry of Labour and Employment.",0 The Israeli Biological Institute is the first to develop an antibody to treat the novel coronavirus.,0 Stefano Montanari exposes the “truth” about coronavirus vaccination.,0 Muslims are violating the ongoing lockdown norms which prohibits religious gatherings.,0 U. S. Army’s “Extermination protocol COVID-19 capsules” for Italy were discovered,0 A viral WhatsApp image showcases a list of woud-be coronavirus infection hotspots in Ghana.,0 Muslims are violating the lockdown in India by praying in the open.,0 A woman feeding her kid in a train is a migrant in a deplorable state caused due to the lockdown.,0 Document shows COVID-19 normalization plan prepared by the Presidency of Turkey,0 Several people broke the rules of lockdown when they gathered to offer Namaaz (prayers in Muslims) in an area in the city of Delhi.,0 "Vila Formosa’s cemitery in São Paulo, Brazil, is opening graves to cause panic on population, but there are no burials. The graves remain open.",0 Boldo tea prevents COVID-19.,0 "Former Brazilian Minister of Health, Luiz Henrique Mandetta, appointed Tamiflu for patients with COVID-19, which would increase mortality by 50%",0 The Colombian president annonced the extension of the lockdown.,0 Mask made of copper oxide can be more effective to avoid COVID-19.,0 Boldo tea can cure COVID-19 in three hours.,0 Carrefour is offering a R$ 300 voucher for families in need during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 "A picture of a mansion. The caption says that João Doria, governor of São Paulo, wants you to be at home because he lives in this house.",0 "Video representing the plight of migrant workers in India during the current lockdown, where a woman with infant had to travel while sitting on the coupler between train bogies.",0 Video showing a overcrowded Sharmik trains operated by the government of India for the travel of stranded migrant labourers during the current lockdown.,0 "Video showing people flouting lockdown rules in West Bengal, India.",0 Photo showing the wounds on the feet of migrant labourers who had to travel all the way to their native places by foot due to the lockdown restrictions in India.,0 The headline of the article claims that Macedonia has three times more active coronavirus patients than China.,0 Group immunity will not be achieved soon according to an audio message circulating in Mexico.,0 Research proves that commercial mouthwash could protect against COVID-19.,0 Telecommunications worker exposed circuit boards being installed in 5G towers bearing markings that read “COV-19”.,0 "The President of Argentina, Alberto Fernández, published a book stating that he has “the need for a poorer and more primitive, but more egalitarian society”.",0 "The Head of Government of the City of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta said: “With Macri half a country was going to die, this government knows how to do things well”.",0 A video (already removed from YouTube) in which a woman named Pilar Baselga assures that the Carlos III Health Institute of Madrid has said in a report that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic has ended.,0 The Spanish Police acts to sanction citizens on the street for carrying a Spanish flag or for protesting against the Government with a saucepan.,0 "If These 10 States Beat Covid, India Can Win, PM Tells Chief Ministers",1 Google launches new global Covid-19 map for journalists,1 "How to make COVID vaccine at home' was the second most searched Google query last month!",1 "Pranab Mukherjee, a man of all seasons",1 "‘How to make COVID vaccine at home’ among the most searched queries on Google",1 "Covid-19: Over 15 lakh patients cured in India so far after highest-ever 54,588 in a day",1 "Privacy vs effectiveness: The challenges of developing coronavirus contact-tracing apps",1 "Coronavirus Updates: AIIMS panel gives nod for human clinical trials of indigenous vaccine candidate COVAXIN",1 "Russia becomes first country to approve a COVID-19 vaccine, says Vladimir Putin",1 "COVID-19 vaccine: Serum Institute's Adar Poonawalla says India to have vaccine by December",1 "Economic activities start to peter out after early signs of revival, shows Apple, Google data",1 ‘Community spread has started and the situation is bad’: IMA Chairman,1 "Covid-19 impact: Google employees told they can work from home till mid-2021 in India, globally",1 "Google Announces New Initiative to Help Students With Remote Learning Tools Amid Covid-19 Crisis",1 Mobile App Stores Market Research with COVID-19 | Google ...,1 "Largest human trial of Indias coronavirus vaccine to begin at Delhi AIIMS from Monday",1 "Explained: To what extent did the Covid-19 lockdown affect global temperatures?",1 Covid-19: What you need to know today,1 "As #COVID-19 drives action on obesity, could 'soda taxes ...",1 "Texas Has Too Many Cases to Reopen, Governor Warns",1 "India’s Covid-19 case fatality rate ‘progressively falling’, among lowest in world: Govt",1 "Trending News: Covid-19 Impact On Virtual and Augmented Reality Market Key Vendor, Landscape Overview, Drivers And Regional Analysis By 2026 | Google, Samsung Electronics, Microsoft Corporation, Sony Interactive Entertainment",1 "Nokia Phone Maker HMD Global Secures $230 Million Investment From Google, Others",1 "Mozilla Lays Off Nearly 250 Employees, Ceases Taipei Operations Due to Pandemic-Hit Revenues",1 "Coronavirus vaccine update: Good news about Oxford COVID-19 vaccine may be expected today, says a new report",1 "PM Modi, Google CEO Sundar Pichai discuss data security, use of AI in agriculture",1 Google to stop ad money from reaching fake Covid-19 conspiracy theorists,1 Google Coronavirus Apps Give it Way to Access Location Data,1 "Karnataka Bengaluru Coronavirus July 17 Highlights: BBMP directs city burial grounds to accept dead bodies irrespective of location",1 Cloud is a $3–4 bn opportunity in India & Covid is going to ...,1 "Google Contributes $39.5 Million in Funding to More than 5,600 News Publishers Amid Covid-19 Crisis",1 "Oxford COVID vaccine likely to hit Indian market by early 2021: Serum Institute's CEO Poonawalla",1 Coronavirus: India's Covid-19 cases surge past one million,1 "Shivraj Singh Chouhan Tests Covid Positive, Admitted To Hospital",1 "RIL AGM: Google to invest ₹33,737 crore in Jio Platforms for 7.7% stake",1 "From Intel and Wipro to TCS and Google— Here are the top job openings in the multinational companies",1 Coronavirus: Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan in hospital,1 "PUBG Mobile Launches Running Challenge for Players to Contribute to COVID-19 Aid",1 "Coronavirus: New Zealand investigates freight as possible source of new COVID-19 outbreak",1 "Apple, Google and Sony will be critical to MLB season shortened by coronavirus",1 "Explainer: Why Google and Facebook are investing in Mukesh Ambani’s Reliance Jio",1 Coronavirus: Face masks and coverings to be compulsory in England's shops,1 How does COVIDSafe compare to Europe's contact tracing apps?,1 Coronavirus UK map: the latest deaths and confirmed Covid cases,1 "Coronavirus: Six types of COVID-19 identified by scientists in 'major' breakthrough for treatment",1 "Google News To Soon Highlight Regional COVID-19 Information From Local Publishers",1 Google’s Covid-19 experience in Google News: All you need to know,1 "Alberta has most active COVID cases per capita, as some ...",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak LIVE Updates: With 118 new COVI..y in Maharashtra crosses 3,000-mark; toll rises to 194",1 COVID-19: Google commits $6.5 Mn to fight misinformation,1 Google Says That Searches Related To COVID-19 Have Dropped In June,1 India coronavirus numbers explained: Why cases came down on Monday,1 "Delhi health minister Satyendar Jain’s condition worsens, moved to another Covid-19 hospital",1 "Have Apple, Google Silently Installed COVID-19 Tracker on Your Phone? Here’s What You Need to Know",1 India’s first Covid-19 vaccine races to meet mid-August target,1 "Google highlights Covid-19 updates in News, Search, Assistant and Podcasts",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: 600 new cases detected..CMR; Odisha to set up two dedicated COVID-19 hospitals",1 "COVID-19: Google launches ‘journalism relief fund,’ following Facebook",1 India Probably Has Tens of Millions of COVID-19 Infections Already',1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Maharashtras cases sur..est positive; toll mounts to 5,984 with 160 fatalities",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Bihar govt says six of nine COVID-19 cases in state have no travel history",1 Covid-19: Google India claims it has ramped up efforts to help fight virus,1 Google Bangalore employee tests positive for coronavirus,1 2 With No Foreign Travel Link Test Positive As Coronavirus ...,1 "Coronavirus update: Total cases in India climb to 1071, death toll at 29. State-wise tally",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Fourth positive case r..quarters in Delhi; 23 more test positive in Chandigarh",1 COVID-19 App Technology Urge Apple And Google To Hold Talks,1 Number of Covid-19 cases soar to 341 in India: ICMR,1 "Coronavirus vaccine update: Nod to human trial marks 'beginning of the end', says govt",1 "Google launches COVID-19 page and search portal with safety tips, official stats and more, US-only for now",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Film producers associa.. Thackeray requesting resumption of film and TV shoots",1 "Google waives Ad Serving fee for 5 months to support news partners during COVID-19 crisis",1 "Coronavirus India Updates: Centre postpones CTET exa..CBSE was to conduct teacher eligibility exam on 5 July",1 "Covid-19: West Bengal to club containment, buffer zones for tougher lockdown from 9 July",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Uttar Pradesh reports ..l to 104; 203 more test positive, total rises to 4,258",1 Who are India’s covid-19 patients?,1 Coronavirus update: Number of COVID-19 cases jumps to 236 in India today,1 "Google employee down with COVID-19, Amazon curbs travel",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Confirmed cases in Pun..trict records 342 new infections, six deaths in 24 hrs",1 "Coronavirus: Google Maps to Alert Users About COVID-19-Related Travel Restrictions",1 Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram to undergo 'triple lockdown' for a week,1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Gujarat BJP MLA Balram..ve for COVID-19; 423 new cases reported in state today",1 "Stung by Covid-19, Google, Facebook extend work-from-home plans until 2021",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights: G20 leaders to supp..ng WHOs mandate, pledge $5 trillion for global economy",1 "Coronavirus update: Record spike in new cases in India, 5.3 lakh cured so far",1 "Coronavirus Highlights: India's COVID-19 Tally Crosses 7 Lakh-Mark With Over 22,000 Cases In 24 Hours",1 "Google News featuring COVID-19 section across apps, Assistant, and Podcasts",1 "COVID-19: Apple, Google Partner on Contact Tracing Tech via APIs, Bluetooth",1 Google tax: India’s tightrope walk in Covid-crippled times,1 "Google Play store hides search results for coronavirus, Covid-19",1 Google hosts webinar on dealing with misinformation amid COVID-19 pandemic,1 Google employee from Bengaluru is Karnataka's fifth coronavirus case,1 "India's confirmed coronavirus cases breach 1,800-mark, death toll at 41: Here's state-wise tally",1 "Lockdown 4.0 Emerged as Top Trending Search Term on Google During May, ‘Coronavirus’ Query Dropped",1 "People searching terms 'ration dukaan', 'how to homeschool kids' amid COVID-19: Google report",1 Google rolls out India-specific website on COVID-19,1 "Now Find COVID-19 Testing Centers on Google Search, Assistant, and Maps: Here's How",1 "10,956 new Covid-19 cases, 396 deaths in biggest single-day spike",1 Coronavirus: Google says it hasn’t shared location data in virus response,1 "Workers from Google, Amazon and Apple create COVID-19 ...",1 Google rolls out India-specific website on COVID-19,1 "Now Find COVID-19 Testing Centers on Google Search, Assistant, and Maps: Here's How",1 "10,956 new Covid-19 cases, 396 deaths in biggest single-day spike",1 Coronavirus: Google says it hasn’t shared location data in virus response,1 "Workers from Google, Amazon and Apple create COVID-19 ...",1 Google supports COVID-19 response efforts with maps and ...,1 Google Reveals What COVID-19 Special Announcement ...,1 "Google to reopen offices from July 6, will give employees working from home Rs 75K allowance",1 Coronavirus numbers explained: Surge is around the corner,1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights: Google Bangalore Employee Tests Positive For Coronavirus, Rupee Hits Record Low",1 Coronavirus tracker: Microsoft launches COVID-19 tracking website,1 "Covid-19 pandemic: Govt talks to Facebook, Google, WhatsApp for virus information blitz",1 "Google Bans Coronavirus Infection Trackers... But Not Before They Get 400,000 Downloads",1 "As coronavirus cases spike, India begins preparations for Stage 3",1 "Social media, news platforms step up efforts to fight fake news on covid-19",1 Google Maps updates operational status of businesses during COVID-19 closure,1 "Coronavirus update: Covid-19 cases in India cross 10,000. State-wise numbers here",1 "COVID-19: Google India reveals movement of people during Coronavirus Pandemic",1 "Is coronavirus weakening, when will vaccine for coronavirus come in India, netizens ask Google",1 Rs 3 lakh for Covid treatment: Delhi hospital sets bottom line for admission,1 "Over 28,000 Coronavirus Cases In India In 24 Hours, Biggest One-Day Jump",1 "Google employee in Bengaluru fifth to be infected by coronavirus in Karnataka",1 Explained: How Google subsidiary Verily plans to help US fight COVID-19,1 "Google warns of state-backed hackers using COVID-19 messaging, WHO and health org names to target people",1 COVID-19: Govt mulls extending lockdown beyond April 14,1 "How to find authorised Covid-19 testing centres using Google Maps and Google Search",1 "Coronavirus Bangalore case: Wife, father-in-law of Google techie booked under Epidemics Act, says report",1 Google and Facebook support new Covid-19 solidarity response fund,1 "Apple, Google Ban Location Tracking In Coronavirus Contact Tracing Apps",1 Google’s COVID-19 Testing Website: A Danger To Your Privacy?,1 "Google Just Confirmed A Powerful Chrome COVID-19 Security Move That Will Impact All Users",1 What is Joker malware that affected apps on Google Play store?,1 Google announces USD 800 million towards COVID-19 relief efforts,1 Google Reveals How Search Behavior Has Changed During ...,1 "Google announces measures to fight Covid-19 misinformation, will verify the location of all advertisers",1 "Post-Covid phase to witness exponential growth in cloud computing: Karan Bajwa, MD, Google Cloud India",1 Google mobility trends indicate Indian economy hobbling back to normalcy,1 Google's playbook for startups on how to sail through the covid-19 crisis,1 Coronavirus: First Google/Apple-based contact-tracing app launched,1 Coronavirus | Indian health workers on edge in Oman,1 Coronavirus: Search for hundreds of people after Delhi prayer meeting,1 Google India COVID-19 website to inform about online security risks,1 "Coronavirus Cure: Indians Google out their curiosities after UK study shows Dexamethasone as life-saving COVID drug",1 Google Joins With U.K. Researchers to Track Coronavirus Cases,1 Google to offer paid leaves to employees who can't work due to coronavirus,1 COVID-19 Isn't Slowing AWS And Google's Data Center ...,1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: 267 new COVID-19 patie.. Rajasthan today, total number of cases rises to 6,494",1 "Google expands work from home recommendation to all North American employees, establishes ‘COVID-19 fund’",1 "Here's what all Google is doing for remote education during Coronavirus crisis",1 Google Wants to Help You Avoid COVID-19 Related Online Scams,1 Covid-19: Google helps saathis share credible health info in rural India,1 "Google purged 2.7 billion bad ads in 2019, COVID-19 fake ads next target",1 "With India under lockdown, Google Maps & Mapmyindia shift focus to combat Covid-19",1 "Google DeepMind’s effort on COVID-19 coronavirus rests on the shoulders of giants",1 "Coronavirus Pandemic: Here's how Google Maps can guide you to the nearest medical stores",1 "IBM, Amazon, Google and Microsoft partner with White House to provide compute resources for COVID-19 research",1 "COVID-19 vaccine current status: Here are the 10 top contenders for coronavirus vaccines",1 "Google employee's wife tests positive for COVID-19; escapes quarantine, travels to Agra",1 Leak Of Pmc Data Spreads Personal Details Of Patients Over Social Media,1 "Google, Apple join hands to develop coronavirus contact tracing system",1 "Google’s Webpage Warning About COVID-19 Related Online Scams Now Available in 4 Indic Languages",1 Google expands tools to help businesses impacted by COVID-19,1 "‘Do the five’: Health ministry advisory on coronavirus pops up on Google search",1 "Non immigrant like H1B visa pivotal to Post Covid 19 recovery: US tech giants to Trump",1 "Coronavirus vaccine: Russia's Sechenov University successfully completes trials of world's first COVID-19",1 "Google employees demand better treatment for contract workers amid coronavirus crisis",1 "Coronavirus dominates Facebook, Twitter, and Google searches",1 "Google, Facebook to now provide monthly report on Coronavirus fake news",1 Coronavirus Cancellations And Travel Bans: Google Is Latest,1 COVID-19 vaccine update: These 6 coronavirus vaccines are leading the race,1 "Google Meet Hits 50 Million Download Mark on Google Play Store Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, Data Reveals",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Beijing raises COVID-1..from III; Puducherry govt restricts entry from Chennai",1 "Google is showing ads for anti-coronavirus products, despite policy banning them",1 How communicators are helping to curb fake news during ...,1 "How American companies like Google, Uber are helping India fight COVID-19",1 Coronavirus: New Covid-19 tracing tool appears on smartphones,1 "Nature of the crisis: Why Mumbai is running out of beds for critical Covid patients",1 Coronavirus in Delhi updates: 69-year-old Delhi woman dies,1 Coronavirus lockdown extended by two weeks from May 4 with some relaxations,1 IT professional develops app to track Covid-19 patients using Google Maps,1 "Google pitches free trials of its enterprise G Suite conferencing tools as part of a coronavirus response",1 "Google sees 18mn COVID-19-linked malware, phishing emails daily",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Delhi govt says no new..n 2 hotspots for 15 days; containment zones rise to 60",1 NHS rejects Apple-Google coronavirus app plan,1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Highlights: After Mumbai, Pune .. mandatory in public places; count in Bihar reaches 39",1 "Google IO completely cancelled due to Covid-19, no virtual event says company",1 Coronavirus Pandemic: Top things people searched on Google during lockdown,1 "Working From Home Because of COVID-19? Here Are Some Free Tools and Software to Maximise Your Productivit...",1 "How Apple and Google will 'use' your phone to fight coronavirus: 15 things to know",1 UK virus-tracing app switches to Apple-Google model,1 Google makes education push in India,1 "Coronavirus: Google to slow hiring for rest of 2020, CEO Sundar Pichai tells staff",1 "Coronavirus update: 38-year-old man dies in Patna, death toll in India rises to 6",1 Why Google Wants Journalists To Learn Machine Learning,1 Coronavirus: 'Clamour for HCQ due to anxiety',1 Google launches coronavirus news hub to keep reliable ...,1 "Coronavirus Updates: Maharashtra reports over 5,000 COVID-19 cases in 24 hrs; states tally crosses 1.5 lakh",1 "Android app reviews may slow to over a week due to COVID-19 impacts, Google warns developers",1 "COVID 19 impact: Google tells employees they can’t expense food while working from home, says report",1 Google Helps Place Ads on Sites Amplifying Covid-19 Conspiracies,1 "Bihar seems least agitated about coronavirus, Goa most anxious",1 "Coronavirus pandemic: Google employees will not return to office before June 1, says Sundar Pichai",1 "Facebook, Reddit, Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube issue joint statement on misinformation",1 "Google internal emails reveal how execs are prepping employees for coronavirus response",1 "Google battles coronavirus misinformation in search, on YouTube",1 "How volunteers from tech companies like Amazon, Apple and Google built a coronavirus-tracking site in six days",1 COVID-19: Four employees of pharma firms test positive in Guj,1 "Coronavirus Outbreak: List of Indian celebs, including Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, whove made donations",1 "Google Photos temporarily suspends default backup for images and videos on apps like Facebook, WhatsApp",1 "Coronavirus Outbreak Updates: Toll in Italy crosses ..down in COVID-19 hotspots as US records surge in cases",1 "Coronavirus has a great risk for airborne spread, WHO needs to revise guidelines: Scientists",1 "Google travel data show lockdown fatigue in US, Australia; other countries stay home",1 "COVID-19 conspiracy sites are getting millions in ad revenue from Google and Amazon, according to a new report",1 "Coronavirus India News Highlights: COVID-19 toll in New York climbs to 3,200; surpasses 9/11 deaths",1 Google Launches A Website Full Of Coronavirus Information,1 "Coronavirus: How India’s cartoonists have depicted the migrant workers’ exodus",1 Google Hyderabad begins screening employees,1 "Stay home, save lives’: Google has a doodle to spread Covid-19 awareness, prevention tips",1 Coronavirus: Google reveals travel habits during the pandemic,1 Coronavirus in Russia: The Latest News | Aug. 12,1 "Coronavirus world map: which countries have the most Covid-19 cases and deaths?",1 What kind of face mask best protects against coronavirus?,1 Covid vaccine tracker: when will we have a coronavirus ...,1 Search Engine Market Research with COVID-19 | Google ...,1 Live Blog: San Diego County Reports 8 New COVID-19 ...,1 "Coronavirus Australia map: tracking new cases, Covid-19 ...",1 "Michigan Reports 796 New Covid-19 Cases, 7 Deaths Tuesday",1 LIVE Blog: Coronavirus in Arizona - Latest case numbers,1 THE LATEST: U.S. COVID-19 cases rise to 5.3 million,1 "Coronavirus found on Ecuador shrimps in China, state media says",1 "COVID continues to impact air travel, footfall at Hyderabad airport drops to15,000",1 "Countries must avoid `vaccine nationalism’; world need rules-based regime for fair distribution of Covid vaccine, say experts",1 Chandigarh admn to rope in hotels as Covid care centres,1 Scientists discover new vulnerability that helps coronavirus to enter host cells,1 "1,897 new COVID cases in TS",1 "438 new coronavirus cases, four more deaths in Chhattisgarh",1 Covid-19 pushes down pharma sector growth,1 "Covid cases cross 3K mark, death toll on a new high",1 "AP COVID-19 Tally Crosses 2.5 Lakh Mark With 9,597 New Cases",1 "COVID-19 LIVE | Biggest single-day spike of 7,883 new cases in Karnataka",1 Nation yet to reach COVID peak: CCMB,1 Ahmednagar: Bodies of 12 Covid patients taken to crematorium in 1 hearse van,1 AYUSH minister Shripad Naik tests positive for Covid-19,1 No COVID Patient Must Suffer Due To Financial Reasons': Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik,1 "COVID-19: West Bengal reports 54 fresh deaths, 2,936 new cases of coronavirus",1 Barcelona defender Todibo confirms he has tested positive for Covid-19,1 "COVID-19: Industrial Productions Takes a Hit, Government Data Indicates 16.6% Decline for June",1 Extracorporeal Life Support Helps Patients With Severe COVID-19 Symptoms In Kolkata,1 "Maharashtra Reports 12,712 COVID-19 Cases, 344 Deaths In 24 Hours",1 Covid-19: Puducherry CM announces total lockdown on every Tuesday,1 Himachal Pradesh reports its highest single-day tally of 139 Covid cases,1 Venezuela oil minister says he has recovered from COVID-19,1 "Expert group deliberates on strategy to ensure COVID-19 vaccine availability, delivery mechanism",1 "With Over 1,200 Cases, Kerala's COVID-19 Tally Crosses 38,000-Mark",1 Mohanlal Tests Negative For COVID-19: Resumes Shooting!,1 "Greece registers 262 new coronavirus cases, highest daily tally",1 "UP reports 4,475 new COVID-19 cases, 54 fresh deaths",1 "Mohammad Hafeez underwent COVID-19 test after 'inadvertent' protocol breach, put in isolation: PCB",1 Russia claims phase 3 trials of COVID vaccine to take place in India as well; Health Ministry denies knowledge,1 Father and son doctors died of the coronavirus within weeks of one another in Florida hospitals,1 "AP, Karnataka see new highs in COVID cases; over 100 deaths in TN",1 "COVID-19: Air India to close stations in Vienna, Milan, other European cities",1 Govt panel on Covid-19 vaccine protocol discusses delivery mechanism,1 Meghalaya's COVID-19 tally stands at 656,1 "Expired and gently used N95 masks can block coronavirus particles just as well as new ones, new research shows",1 COVID-19 pushes down growth of Indian Pharma market to 0.2%,1 Covid-19 Battle: Odisha Aims To Conduct 1 Lakh Tests Per Day,1 IPL 2020 in UAE: Rajasthan Royals fielding coach Dishant Yagnik tests COVID-19 positive,1 "482 fresh COVID-19 cases in J&K UT; count rises to 26,413",1 "Top 10 coronavirus updates: Maharashtra sees highest single-day recoveries, tally over 5.48 lakh",1 "AYUSH Minister Shripad Naik tests positive for COVID-19, in home isolation",1 Expert group discusses Covid vaccine procurement,1 "Coronavirus deaths, cases in Maharashtra zoom up again",1 "COVID-19 has adversely impacted almost all initiatives which usually contribute to peacebuilding, says India at UN",1 "Record 7,883 Covid cases in K’taka, 2,802 in Bengaluru alone",1 US strikes $1.5bn deal for 100mn doses of Moderna Covid vax,1 "Telangana Governor highlights role of chamber of commerce, industry in Covid-19 crisis mitigation",1 This Video Does Not Show Vladimir Putin's Daughter Receiving COVID-19 Shots,1 Baahubali Director SS Rajamouli And His Family Test Negative For Coronavirus,1 Russia names first COVID-19 vaccine 'Sputnik V' in reference to space race,1 "COVID-19: Chandigarh reports 81 new cases; tally rises to 1,751",1 "Mohammad Hafeez breaches biosecurity protocol, to stay in isolation until he tests negative for Covid-19",1 "Bhubaneswar records 187 new COVID-19 cases in last 24 hours; tally at 4,358",1 "Joe Biden, Kamala Harris to make unusual campaign debut in the era of coronavirus",1 Barcelona's Todibo confirms positive coronavirus test,1 AYUSH minister Shripad Naik tests positive for coronavirus,1 Union AYUSH Minister Shripad Naik tests coronavirus COVID-19 positive,1 Covid-19 Risks Overwhelming Beirut as Blast Knocks Out Hospitals,1 Vaishno Devi Yatra may not take off after Aug 16 as 11 test positive for COVID-19 at Bhawan,1 COVID-19 spreads wings in capital and Suburbs,1 "Business owners can sue insurer over coronavirus losses, Missouri judge rules",1 "Virus gets to 11 doctors, nurses, officials at Bokaro Covid centre",1 Union Minister Shripad Naik tests positive for COVID-19,1 "Tamil Nadu remains steady under 6,000 mark for Covid-19 cases with 5871 reported cases",1 Ayush Minister Shripad Naik tests positive for Coronavirus,1 Covid Turbulence: AI to close down 5 European stations,1 "Covid-19 cases cross 50,000- mark in Odisha",1 "Maharashtra: Police’s Covid-19 tally crosses 11,000, death toll reaches 121",1 "Valencia sold duo due to financial strain caused by COVID-19, says president",1 59 inmates of Thiruvananthapuram Central prison test positive for COVID-19,1 Kerala reports 1212 COVID-19 cases,1 "As Covid tally nears 65,000, Assam targets 1 lakh tests",1 "11 more COVID deaths, 1,213 fresh cases in Rajasthan",1 480 new COVID-19 cases reported in Goa,1 "COVA Mobile App, helping citizens and government agencies during COVID-19 pandemic:: Vini Mahajan",1 RR fielding coach Dishant Yagnik tests positive for COVID-19,1 COVID positive Andhra headmaster died due to hospital's negligence: Chandrababu Naidu,1 Paris marathon 2020 cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak,1 IPL 13: Rajasthan Royals fielding coach tests positive for COVID-19,1 18 BSF personnel among 23 new COVID-19 cases in Meghalaya,1 "India Coronavirus Updates, 12 August: India-Bhutan border trade suspended due to lockdown; security personnel most infected in N-E states",1 Lucknow records highest spike of 831 Covid cases in a day,1 Ottawa to provide additional $305M to Indigenous communities for COVID-19 support,1 Punjabis’ koi gal nai attitude working against them during Covid-19: Capt,1 Anniston City Schools delays in-class instruction to Sept. 8 as staff report COVID cases,1 Covid 19 coronavirus: 40 per cent felt stressed during lockdown,1 WHO says Rwanda and NZ are fighting COVID-19 the right way [UPDATE],1 Scientists say newly developed nasal spray can help fight COVID-19,1 Delay routine dental checkups in areas of COVID spread -WHO,1 "Over 1,600 new cases of coronavirus in Illinois, including 16 deaths",1 Emory Sports Cardiologist discusses athlete's heart risks following COVID-19,1 "9-year-old Middletown girl fighting for her life after contracting COVID-19, brain inflammation",1 Lorain Has 32nd Most COVID-19 Spread Among Ohio Counties: Ranking,1 "Stay-at-home orders significantly associated with reduced spread of COVID-19, study finds",1 Coronavirus: What is a recession?,1 35 new cases of COVID-19 confirmed by the Tom Green County Health Department,1 "Covid death toll drops by 5,000 after figures review",1 Poland stands up against compulsory vaccination.,0 "Video shows migrant laborers protesting in Surat, Gujrat.",0 A couple committed suicide along with their daughter amid the COVID-19 lockdown in Gujarat.,0 Video shows a huge crowd gathered in an American mall neglecting the social distancing during current pandemic.,0 News anchor of Malayalam news channel Twenty Four News claims Congress leaders demonstrating at Walayar check post came in contact with the newly detected COVID patient from that area.,0 Viral Whatsapp message claiming to be a roadmap on easing lockdown restrictions in India.,0 "A post on Facebook criticizes the effectiveness of face masks in protecting the wearer from COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "“Cannabis may stop coronavirus from infecting people, study finds.”",0 "Jorge Luis Sonnante published a 16-minute video that went viral on networks. In the video, Sonnante (who describes himself as a “deacon”, but gives falsified evidence of this charge) mixes several conspiracy theories, some meaningless, others already denied, about the pandemic caused by the SARS coronavirus -CoV-2.",0 "A Facebook page uploaded an interview with a man who supposedly got cured of COVID-19 through salt water steam inhalation therapy, and told readers the answer is “not a vaccine but salt.”",0 "A video shows a man in a face mask, safety helmet and hi-vis work top. The man claims he has been installing “5G masts” and has opened a 5G device and found a label that says “COV.19” on a component on the circuit board inside.",0 Multiple Facebook posts have shared a purported roadmap for the Indian government’s plans to ease a nationwide coronavirus lockdown alongside a claim that it shows an official government announcement.,0 Man collapses and dies on the road due to the novel coronavirus.,0 "Overcrowded train carrying migrants from Mumbai to West Bengal, flouting lockdown norms in India.",0 "If masks prevent coronavirus, governors would have given them to prison inmates instead of releasing them.",0 “Hydroxychloroquine cures this ‘virus.’ It just so happens this is the treatment used for radiation sickness!!”,0 Having COVID-19 contagion parties will make the epidemic end faster.,0 Data show that the brazilian state Minas Gerais has fewer COVID-19 deaths than Ceará even though it has not adopted isolation measures,0 COVID-19 deaths are caused by bacteria and therefore the disease should be treated with aspirin.,0 Two Muslims boys were brutally beaten and forcefully fed alcohol by Hindu boys in India.,0 "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested billionaire Bill Gates on charges of biological terrorism after he allegedly created the novel coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19.",0 "Kozhikode District Magistrate audio clip claiming steam, saltwater gargling and drinking herbal tea can cure/resist COVID-19.",0 Every Indian citizen to get Rs.5000 as COVID-19 relief by clicking on this link given in the viral Whatsapp message.,0 "A picture shows officials washing chicken with Chlorine and Ace, putting the population at risk of poisoning.",0 Dr. Fauci confirms to Congress how the vaccine increases the dangerousness of the novel coronavirus.,0 A video of Italian politician Sara Cunial blasting Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” in speeches to parliament has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Facebook and YouTube.,0 "Philippines Senators Grace Poe and Risa Hontiveros have been silent over the coronavirus crisis, but were very vocal about the closure of ABS-CBN.",0 Prolonged use of face masks reduces the circulation of oxygen in the blood and can lead to death.,0 All employees of PNB Loni branch found coronavirus positive.,0 "The vaccine from the artificial coronavirus will change the human genetic code, according to Rashid Buttar.",0 A claim that the Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo had said that the coronavirus was manmade.,0 A Facebook post shared thousands of times claims the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention lied about the number of deaths caused by COVID-19 by combining the count with pneumonia and influenza fatalities.,0 Coronavirus found in gutkha or chewing tobacco samples sold in Indian state of Maharashtra as raw material sourced from China.,0 "Dr Mikovits, an established scientist, revealed that Dr Anthony Fauci was paid to cover up the extent of the problem caused by COVID-19. Also she revealed that SARS-CoV-2 was created in a lab and that influenza vaccines increase COVID-19 mortality by 36%.",0 5G base station motherboard with an inscribed COV-19 mark on it,0 Every Indian citizen to get Rs.5000 as COVID-19 relief by clicking on this link given in the viral Whatsapp message.,0 A publication claims that Bill and Melinda Gates didn’t vaccine their kids.,0 Claims made in the viral video Plandemic include: that the virus was “manipulated” in a laboratory setting; that hydroxychloroquine is “effective against these families of viruses” and that wearing a mask “activates” the virus.,0 The government is passing a law enabling it to get amnesty for faults commited during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 "An “interagency” Facebook page of the labor and social welfare departments in the Philippines says “online applications” for the second wave of the government’s financial aid during the COVID-19 pandemic is now open, asking netizens to comment their personal details.",0 Palm oil is a simple cure for the coronavirus.,0 "A video of the new director of ANSES, in Argentina, criticizing those who do not comply with the quarantine",0 Face masks reduce immunity and help spread the coronavirus.,0 Chloroquine is target of a conspiracy in benefit of medecine remdesivir.,0 "During the coronavirus pandemic, Colombia is the country with more corruption according to a survey.",0 Indian Government has a roadmap to ease lockdown restrictions in 5 weeks.,0 A man collapses in 5 minutes after showing COVID-19 symptoms in India.,0 A video that shows 4 allegedly empty hospitals in São Paulo.,0 "A picture showing many hospital beds, with patients on it, concentrated in very small area. The caption states that this is how public health was like in Brazil, in 2016, but the media never talked about it.",0 "Data from the Civil Registry shows that, between January 1 and May 12, the total number of deaths by respiratory causes remain basically the same.",0 "Video shows women queuing up outside a wine shop in the city of Pune, Maharashtra (India) amid COVID-19 Lockdown.",0 Video shows fishes washed up to the Indian shores during the lockdown.,0 Pastor David Lah has escaped from quarantine center.,0 "DIG Police Ajith Rohana’s daughter has been repatriated to Sri Lanka from Dubai, as part of repatriation program to get back stranded students due to COVID-19, via a special flight sponsored by businessman Dilith Jayaweera.",0 "Letter claiming that government had announced to give an allowance similar to the last drawn salary for the Sri Lankans who had returned to the country recently being stranded due to COVID-19. The letter drafted on the President Media letter-head had requested passport copy, salary particulars and bank details as instructed by Ministry of Foreign Affairs.",0 Telangana (India) Chief Minister violated lockdown norms and distributed gifts among Muslims to celebrate Ramzan.,0 "A picture claiming that hairdressers’ products (e.g. shampoo, hair dryer) can “eliminate coronavirus”.",0 "“Bill Gates already has his vaccine ready for you (against covic-19, ed.), And here’s the patent.”",0 Images circulating on Facebook showing an article published in 2003 in the Clarín newspaper about the coronavirus. They are spread claiming that it is the same coronavirus that now causes COVID-19.,0 Graphs in which a comparison of deaths from different countries is allegedly attributed to a European report that blames the Government of Spain for deaths from coronavirus.,0 "A video of a fight on a terrace of an establishment. It is shared with comments such as “after the crowded terraces of yesterday, today comes the fights for a chair !!! Welcome to Spain !!!!” or “Welcome Phase 1. Terraces at 50% You have to fight for a chair !!”.",0 "As the AC in malls are shut due to Indian malls being shut due to COVID-19, leather of objects in showrooms has started moulding and people should not buy things from malls.",0 "González García, Argentina’s health minister, on the WHO clinical trial: “[We were chosen] for our characteristics and for how we have been working within the epidemic”.",0 The photo shows Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and top White House coronavirus adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci violating social distancing guidelines.,0 The photo shows former Vice President Joe Biden and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer violating social distancing guidelines on April 9.,0 "The photo shows a letter, purportedly from the California Department of Social Services, that mandates coronavirus testing for participants of state assistance programs and warns that children may be removed from the household if someone tests positive.",0 "A video with a text message, allegedly endorsed by Police forces, saying that the Police will rebel against the Italian government “if the situation goes on like this”.",0 A blog article stating that Bill Gates was arrested by the FBI for having created the new coronavirus.,0 "By drinking Ayurvedic decoction, 6 thousand corona infected patients were cured.",0 "The government of Telangana is distributing special gifts to Muslims during their festival of Ramzan, amidst the lockdown.",0 "An image of a man carrying his old mother on his back shows migrants travelling to their homes in India, amidst lockdown.",0 "President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina claimed that China and the US asked to pay him for poisoning Covid-Organics, its drink against COVID-19.",0 The Congress of Deputies -the Spanish lower house- has deleted the income of the MP’s from its website so that no one can see what they are earning in times of alarm and crisis for the coronavirus.,0 "Minister of finance praises Latvia’s COVID-19 state support for private business, saying that because of that the unemployment rate has risen much less than in the neighboring countries.",0 Video of People in Italy offering Namaz on the streets due to COVID-19.,0 "If COVID-19 was a serious illness, it would have wiped out the homeless population in the U.S.",0 "An article attributes to the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, a supposed call to create a global government with a single leader.",0 "BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) vaccine, which is used to prevent tuberculosis, also serves to mitigate the damage caused by COVID-19.",0 WHO statistics about 40 best countires responce to COVID-19 doesn’t include any Arabic country.,0 "“Due to the large number of people who will refuse the forthcoming COVID-19 vaccine because it will include tracking microchips, the Gates Foundation is now spending billions to ensure that all medical and dental injections and procedures include the chips.”",0 "A list of purported COVID-19 safety guidelines has been shared in multiple Facebook and Instagram posts that claim it was issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India’s leading research group on the novel coronavirus.",0 "Those who were scheduled to take the civil service exam (CSE) on March 15, 2020 in the Philippines are deemed “automatically passed” due to the COVID-19 crisis.",0 Image claiming that mosquitos will spread the coronavirus.,0 Green or black tea with lemon and two spoons of fennel flower cures COVID-19.,0 "COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is not pneumonia but a form of thrombosis or blood clotting in the blood vessels.",0 Says Nancy Pelosi tried “once again” to include abortion funding in the latest coronavirus bill.,0 There is a case of COVID-19 on the Rohero campus of the University of Burundi.,0 Professor Didier Raoult revealed that the United States and China have created COVID-19.,0 Kenya had the highest cases of COVID-19 in Africa and the fifth-highest in the world on May 6.,0 Indian Government has introduced a five-phase roadmap to combat Covid-19.,0 "By drinking Ayurvedic decoction, 6 thousand corona infected patients were cured.",0 Paid actor pretending to be suffering from COVID-19,0 "Missing COVID-19 blood samples discovered in the streets of Bihać, in northwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina",0 Video shows Gujarat Police asking money (bribe) from migrants walking on railway tracks amidst nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Prolonged use of protective masks causes hypoxia.,0 New York State Governor shows data that proves that isolation is ineffective against COVID-19.,0 "University of Campinas’ field hospital, located in the state of São Paulo, was dismantled because of a lack of patients.",0 "A picture showing Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte eating in a crowded room, wearing no masks or PPE against the new coronavirus. According to the caption, the picture was taken on May 11, 2020, at the restaurant for Italian senators and representatives in Rome, which would be “the only open restaurant in the country”.",0 A newspaper article claiming that “17 Regions had no new cases of coronavirus” in Italy.,0 "A blog article claiming that, according to the European Parliament, 5G accelerates the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 The Irish government is giving €350 to every resident in the country as part of its response to COVID-19.,0 "All Filipinos, whether poor or rich, are entitled to the government’s two-month subsidy of P5,000 to P8,000 during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Consuming chlorine dioxide cures the coronavirus.,0 A doctor named “Marcos Vargas” died at the Muñíz Hospital in Argentina for treating patients with COVID-19.,0 "According to a publication that is spreading on social media, masks “should only be worn by those who are infected”.",0 Indian Council of Medical Research and a hospital in Delhi have come up with a 21 point list for preventing COVID-19 in the future.,0 The Telangana state government is distributing Ramadan gift packs during the lockdown.,0 Image of an old man carrying his mother and walking claimed to be migrants walking home due to the lockdown.,0 São Paulo’s governor João Doria’s disapproval rate reached 98% during COVID-19 lockdown.,0 The total number of deaths in Brazil have decreased during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Image claiming to be a protest against pastor David Lah, who is believed to have conducted a religious gathering without adhering to social distancing measures resulting in 70 COVID-19 confirm cases.",0 "Due to the increase in excise tax by 70% for locally manufactured alcohol, the price of bottle of Arrack would be increased to over 3000 LKR, to discourage alcohol consumption once the liquor shops finally open after a long break due to COVID-19 precautionary measures.",0 Image of group of people carrying a placard congratulating President and Prime Minister for eliminating coronavirus from Sri Lanka.,0 Allowances of Members of Parliament in India have been increased by 49 thousand rupees during the pandemic.,0 Mumbai police issued a warning message about the possibility of an increase in crimes post lockdown.,0 Video shows a policeman taking bribe from migrating workers in Surat.,0 "Residents in Surat, India are protesting due to unavailability of food.",0 "A family in Gujarat, India killed itself due to hunger and poverty during the COVID lockdown.",0 A YouTube video claiming that in 2014 Bill Gates patenteted the vaccine againt COVID-19.,0 "A picture which states that wearing a protective mask is a “slow, inescapable suicide” because it leads to consuming a dangerous amount of carbon dioxide.",0 99.2% Italians who have arguably died because of COVID-19 have actually died due to another prexisting condition.,0 There is no coronavirus in Belarus since they do not have quarantine there.,0 "Not wearing a mask in public places is a criminal offence in Ghana, according to viral social media messages.",0 "According to the “Plandemic” documentary, the new coronavirus “was clearly manipulated”.",0 "According to the “Plandemic” documentary, “the actual pandemic comes from the SARS outbreak”.",0 "According to the “Plandemic” documentary, “the flu shots contain coronavirus”.",0 "Vice President Leni Robredo said it should not be people, but the virus, that should be restrained from spreading.",0 Video shows that those who go to shopping malls are greeted with the “Coffin Dance” music.,0 Photo shows the queue in front of a shopping center in Turkey.,0 Indian Council of Medical Research and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital have issued a COVID-19 advisory.,0 A video with the caption “he doesn’t want to wait for another 14 days.” shows a guy falling from a building after grabbing high tension wire.,0 Taiwan is running out of gauze because all gauzes are manufactured in China.,0 Table shows that number of death records in Brazil in April 2020 was lower than in April 2019 and April 2018.,0 Antibodies produced by Llamas could help us find a solution against COVID-19,0 The Telangana government is distributing Ramadan gifts to Muslims during lockdown.,0 "Two men robbed gold and money, asking the victim to put on a mask.",0 "Video of an RPF Jawan (low ranking member of the Railway Protection Force) collecting bribe from the migrants walking home on the railway tracks during the lockdown in Gujarat, India.",0 "Video of an RPF Jawan (low ranking member of the Railway Protection Force) collecting bribe from the migrants walking home on the railway tracks during the lockdown in Gujarat, India.",0 Seventy-three Japanese police officers have been infected with COVID-19 after handling infected bodies.,0 United States the only country on Earth that is protesting being on lockdown amid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 President of Madagascar Andry Rajoelina asked African countries to leave World Health Organization.,0 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers’ administration deemed dentists non-essential.,0 "$100B contact tracing bill “is about controlling/tracking population, not about coronavirus.”",0 The EU has demanded guarantees from Spain that imply cuts in civil servants’ pensions and salaries in exchange for granting aid to them in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.,0 "Viral message on lockdown information attributed to Kozhikode Police, in India.",0 Tweet by Assam Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma regarding newly found COVID-19 positive cases.,0 WHO warns against NSAIDs Analgetics for COVID-19 patients.,0 Anthony Fauci was on the Clinton Foundation board for 20 years and “currently serves on Gates Foundation.”,0 Photo: Thousands of birds fall dead amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 A photo has been shared repeatedly in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter which claims to show gift bags distributed to Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan by India’s Telangana state government during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "The implementation of the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in certain areas is extended until June 15, 2020.",0 “Vaccines are in direct violation of The Nuremberg Code.”,0 Wearing a traditional turban as it is done in the Songhoy (or Songhai) culture is both an ancestral practice and a preventive measure against COVID-19.,0 "Detainees in Mpimba central prison, Burundi, died due to COVID-19 and that some contracted the coronavirus.",0 The federal government of Ethiopia blocked medical equipment meant to support Tigray Regional State in responding to the coronavirus disease,0 Neem leaves – commonly called “Maliyirinin or Jirikunanin” in bambara – mixed with lemongrass leaves can cure COVID-19.,0 Wearing masks weaken your immune system because it prevents germs to get into your body.,0 A message claimed that the Indian government plans to ease down the lockdown restrictions imposed in the country in five stages.,0 "Rashid Buttar, a well-known doctor from the United States, talks about the planned “pandemic.”",0 Greece is the number one country in terms of how many coronavirus tests have been conducted for each confirmed case.,0 Viral message shares the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) latest guidelines on COVID-19.,0 WHO and the government give money bonds to the population to cope with the quarantine.,0 A video of a Brazilian man claiming that azithromycin and ivermectin cure people with COVID-19.,0 "A WhatsApp chain, as well as some websites say that Italy will let the elderly sick with coronavirus die.",0 "A WhatsApp chain and a YouTube video ensure that inhaling eucalyptus through vaporizers, prevents and kills the coronavirus.",0 "Photo of three closed shops, with signs saying that people lost their job because of Alexandre Kalil, mayor of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and his lockdown measures against COVID-19.",0 The Washington Post published a story saying that COVID-19 patient zero was an employee from a virology institute in Wuhan.,0 "According to Civil Registry record, the number of respiratory syndrome deaths decreased, and not increased, between 2019 and 2020 in Ceará, Brazil. The time period considered was March 16 to May 10.",0 "Photo of a subway wagon full of people wearing masks. On the caption, it is stated that this photo was taken after São Paulo mayor determined traffic restrictions (only half of the vehicles are allowed to circulate daily) to increase social isolation.",0 The government has banned autopsies on COVID-19 deaths. They want to hide the truth.,0 Bill Gates patented the Sars-cov2 vaccine in 2014.,0 "The SARS-CoV2 virus weakens, it means that it is artificial. The Governor of the Veneto Region Zaia said so.",0 "People violate social distancing protocol in a temple festival in Alappuzha, India.",0 "Image of a doctor smoking while treating COVID patients in Gujarat, India.",0 MHA has declared Guwahati as ‘Red Zone.’,0 "A video shows a Superintendent of police announcing the extension of Lokckdown in Maharashtra, India till May 30.",0 A video clip shows a doctor couple who died after treating 134 COVID-19 patients.,0 Video shows people falling dead on street as the COVID-19 situation in India intensified.,0 Video of United States Vice President Mike Pence allegedly delivering “empty boxes of personal protective equipment (PPE)” to a health facility.,0 "Former President of the Government of Spain José María Aznar has moved from Marbella to Madrid, thus skipping the confinement, alledgedly to invite the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso to participate in a conference.",0 An image claims it shows the Grand Canal of the Italian city of Venice full of what the caption calls ‘pink swans’.,0 Video of member of Indian parliament Rahul Gandhi stating that the red zones are green zones and green zones are red zones amidst the COVID-19 situation.,0 The departament of Guaviare in Colombia has 10 cases of coronavirus.,0 An official document approved by the Italian Health Ministry bans autopsies on COVID-19 deceased patients.,0 "A video where an alleged “elite operative” would “tell the truth” about the rescue of Silvia Romano, and Italian woman who was kidnapped in Kenya in 2018 and has recently got back to Italy. The man in the video claims that the money used to paid the ransom were taken from a European fund aimed at helping Italian workers during the COVID-19 emergency.",0 Singing and clapping on the balconies creates a risk of COVID-19 infection.,0 The new coronavirus was created in a Chinese laboratory and Bill Gates financed its origin.,0 "An alleged audio of a Argentinian prisoner who claims that 1,900 inmates will be released from the Devoto prison as of Monday.",0 "President Donald Trump implemented “a travel ban that just didn’t work, 400,000 people got in from those countries that were subject to the restrictions.”",0 Over 300 people in Jaipur contracted COVID-19 after coming in contact with a indian monk who was smoking chillum.,0 Migrants in Mumbai have flocked together and are walking back to their cities during the lockdown.,0 Government on India’s plan for exiting the lockdown in five phases.,0 Dr Devi Shetty has recommended these 22 steps to avoid coronavirus.,0 Cop is extorting money from migrant labourers who want to return home due to the lockdown.,0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows a placard with a message congratulating Sri Lankan leaders for “eradicating” the novel coronavirus.,0 "“Plandemic” — a slickly-edited, 26-minute interview with a discredited researcher — has been widely shared on social media.",0 A video recorded at an empty Holbæk Hospital shows that the coronavirus is a conspiracy because there are no COVID-19 patients.,0 A U.S. House bill would give government the power to forcibly take your family members from your home and quarantine them.,0 Senate Majority leader Mitch Connell said the Obama administration left no game plan for a pandemic.,0 "“Germany and the United States are the two best in deaths per 100,000 people, which, frankly, to me, that’s perhaps the most important number there is.”",0 Law firm prepares anti-government lawsuit for coronavirus mass murder in Spain.,0 Coronavirus outbreak is due to 5G.,0 The U.S. is the only country on earth that is protesting being locked down.,0 One photograph of an article of the Newspapers Clarín shows the apparition of COVID-19 in 2003.,0 The video shows the bodies of deceased COVID-19 victims washing ashore after some countries dumped them in the sea.,0 White South Africans have been banned from receiving government aid during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Vice President Mike Pence was caught on a hot mic delivering empty boxes of personal protective equipment (PPE) to a Virginia health care center.,0 Experts in China found that the coronavirus can be spread through houseflies.,0 The weight of the virus causing COVID-19 is 0.85 attogram.,0 "“Clearly, the Obama administration did not leave any kind of game plan for something like this.”",0 The Brazilian state of Ceará had more deaths from respiratory diseases in 2019 and 2018 than in 2020.,0 The Brazilian state of Piauí was able to empty the COVID-19 ICU beds with the use of chloroquine.,0 Statistics of deaths per million inhabitants show that COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil is not serious.,0 "According to WHO, no vegetarian has been affected by coronavirus because it needs animal fat in the body to survive.",0 A list of precautions has been issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR-Delhi) to stay safe from the COVID-19 virus.,0 The number of COVID-19 infection in Japan is 10 times higher than officially announced.,0 There are no doctors in the hotels and other accomodation centers where people with mild case of COVID-19 are being quarantined in Japan.,0 Wearing face mask increases the risk of hypercapnia.,0 "Judy Mikovit’s claims about the origins of COVID-19, flu vaccine and face masks from the documentary Plandemic retold in FB post.",0 Alibaba founder Jack Ma calls 2020 only a “year of survival”.,0 Remdesivir is authorized only as emergency treatment for hospitalized patients.,0 President Trump posted a tweet blaming President Obama for failing to prepare him for a pandemic and celebrating that there are still more people alive than dead.,0 Police violently forced a family from their home in the U.S. in handcuffs because they were in violation of House Resolution 6666.,0 A video of three sloth bears has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it was captured in Sri Lanka during a curfew implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Former President of the Government of Spain José María Aznar has moved from Marbella to Madrid, thus not respecting the lockdown, alledgedly to invite the President of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso to participate in a conference.",0 "The Spanish Tax Agency is sending an email to employers, who must fill out the attached document and return it in less than seven days to avoid the suspension of their businesses.",0 The confidential list of experts that decides which Spanish regions can relax the mesures against coronavirus under the state of alarm has been leaked to the media.,0 "Claims Lithuanian government ruling on masks is illegal hence masks aren’t mandatory, unless stated by a separate law.",0 Claims that coronavirus is fake and Belarus is coping very well with this “pandemic of hysteria”.,0 "Alcoholic gel left in the sunlight in a car made the car door melt, as this picture shows.",0 "Articles claim that not wearing a mask in Canada during the novel coronavirus pandemic can lead to a Can$3,000 fine or jail time.",0 "An article that has been widely shared on social media warns healthy people against wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic, citing alleged risks",0 "“Autopsies prove that COVID-19 is” a blood clot, not pneumonia, “and ought to be fought with antibiotics” and the whole world has been wrong in treating the “so-called” pandemic.",0 Hand sanitizer can burst into flames if you leave it in your car.,0 Two UK police forces used the same photo to illustrate two different crimes.,0 "On a global basis, the COVID-19 has killed way less people than other major outbreaks.",0 "COVID-19 patients are dying from thombosis, not from a lung infection, hence UCA unit are useless, and people should be treated at home with antiinflammatory drugs.",0 Social media users posted photos of a 2003 Clarin article. They said it is proof that COVID-19 is nothing new.,0 "A picture with a quote from doctor Vincenzo Puro, who allegedly said that asymptomatic people cannot infect others, that the virus is not lethal and that the pandemic is a “hoax”.",0 Drinking salty water or water with vinegar will eliminate coronavirus.,0 Claim that Bill Gates said that coronavirus vaccine will kill or harm 700 000 people.,0 Bill Gates predicts 700.000 victims because of a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 Geneticist and BiH university professor Damir Marjanovic says “the new coronavirus may have been artificially spread”,0 Multiple posts shared with a picture of a hand-cuffed Bill Gates being led away by FBI agents allege the US billionaire has been arrested for biological terrorism.,0 UNICEF says that the novel coronavirus stays in hands for 10 minutes.,0 Israeli doctors say it is dangerous to wear masks outside.,0 Bill Gates has ordered the global COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Experts in China found that the coronavirus can be spread through houseflies.,0 "In Italy, 232 children have died from COVID-19.",0 Palm oil is a simple solution for coronavirus,0 Price of hydroxychloroquine-based medicine “Plaquenil” in France was multiplied by four.,0 World Health Organisation only recommended testing among the general population in April 2020 during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Vitamin D helps against the coronavirus.,0 A video shows Delhi police apprehending a COVID-19 patient who was fleeing.,0 "Death of a young Sri Lankan nurse living in Adelaide, Australia was due to COVID-19.",0 "According to a large scientific study, bee venom can protect people from COVID-19.",0 Barack Obama “is the first ex-president to ever speak against his successor.”,0 A Tamil Nadu (India) DMK leader beat up a lady doctor who was on COVID-19 duty.,0 The men of India’s railway minister demanding money from helpless workers for walking on the tracks.,0 Ghanaian President Nana Akufo-Addo claimed in a speech that his country had administered more COVID-19 tests per million people than any other country in Africa.,0 A Covid positive temple priest in the city of Jaipur spread coronavirus to 300 people when he smoked his pipe.,0 "Prolonged use of mask causes hypoxia, oxygen deficiency, fatigue and loss of reflexes.",0 "Advisory issued by the state police of Telangana (India) instructing people to be vigilant about the possibility of increase in thefts, due to the COVID-19 crisis in the country.",0 Photo representing the suffering of a migrant worker during the current lockdown in India.,0 Photo representing the suffering of a migrant worker during the current lockdown in India.,0 A woman who died of coronavirus woke up a month later.,0 "Dr. Anthony Fauci is “pushing” remdesivir as a potential COVID-19 treatment drug, because he “invented” it with Bill Gates and they stand to profit from it.",0 Nancy Pelosi said “Congress shall not vote remotely because it is not secure!” while also saying that “Americans should all vote for president by mail!”,0 Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim US President Donald Trump approved a $2.5 million fund for Madagascar to mass-produce a herbal remedy touted by the island’s president as a cure for COVID-19.,0 “This is what Bill Gates and George Soros want to do… secretly stick you with a chip while testing you for the coronavirus… the Dems have a bill on the House floor ready to vote on it to require this.”,0 Captions on a reuploaded video about the U.S. approving Remdesivir for emergency use say the drug will “end COVID-19.”,0 The largest coronavirus cluster in Indonesia is 10 thousand GBI and GPIB Priests from Italy and Israel.,0 "More than one hundred people in Quarantine center in Chin State, Myanmar, died.",0 "African Union (AU) has validated COVID-Organics, a Malagasy remedy against 2019-nCov (the new coronavirus).",0 Video shows lockdown and social distancing violation outside a liquor shop in Delhi.,0 "With ongoing financial crisis due to COVID-19, Ski Lankan Cabinet had approved LKR 300 million to purchase vehicles.",0 Image of a sample letter which had to be used while donating May month’s full salary by government employees’ as requested by Sri Lankan President Secretary P.B.Jayasundara as part of COVID-19 relief measures.,0 "An image claims that food is being thrown and wasted by migrant workers while they are moving out from Maharashtra, India.",0 Gujarat (India) chief minister Vijay Rupani’s resignation is accepted by the BJP high command.,0 Migrants are defying lockdown and have taken to Ahmedabad’s streets in India.,0 "A video showing a large gathering in Germany, allegedly during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Irish news organisations are organising a collective moment of applause for the government to praise its work in handling the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Under an 1866 Supreme Court ruling, stay-at-home orders are illegal in the United States and can be disregarded with impunity.",0 A video clip of a leading opposition politician in India has been viewed thousands of times in multiple Facebook and Twitter posts alongside a claim that it shows him making a confusing remark about India’s system for classifying regional COVID-19 infections levels.,0 "“Guess what, [children are] not at risk unless they have an underlying medical issue.”",0 Israel’s ambassador in Colombia says there is already an antibody that neutralizes COVID-19 and reduces the contagion index.,0 "Some reporters visited the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he recovered from his illness. His home looks like an old abandoned military hut with very old brick walls. The living room was too small so brought out the tea tray for the reporters. All the cups are different. He met them with disheveled hair and casual clothes, but with the confident smile of a Prime Minister",0 "An Air India flight deployed to bring stranded Indians back home is not following social distancing norms, even after charging a hefty amount for the flight.",0 "Video of migrant labourers coming onto the streets in Ahmedabad, India due to lack of rations provided to then during the COVID-19 crisis and lockdown regulations.",0 The Government of India has released a five-phase road map to ease COVID-19 restrictions in the country.,0 A list of precautions issued by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR-Delhi) to stay safe from the COVID-19 virus.,0 House Resolution 6666 includes billions of dollars to fund forced quarantining for Americans who test positive for COVID-19.,0 "A video has been viewed millions of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Weibo and Twitter alongside a claim it shows US Vice President Mike Pence delivering empty boxes to a hospital for a publicity stunt during the coronavirus crisis. The claim gained traction online after the the clip was aired on the US television show Jimmy Kimmel Live!, hosted by comedian Jimmy Kimmel.",0 Multiple posts shared hundreds of times on Facebook purport to show a list of notable viral outbreaks between 1950 and 2019 which “originated in China”.,0 "“THE HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE and AZYTHROMYCIN DID IT. They kill the coronavirus in four days at 100/100. Joy around the world. French scientist achieves the feat by finding the exact dose of these medicines that are well known in the world, are in great existence and are cheap.”",0 A video shows how the police attacks two men in a supermarket because they didn’t want to wear masks.,0 The coronavirus was invented to implant chips in humans.,0 A TikTok video showing a woman buying liquor after the ease of the coronavirus lockdown in Mumbai claims that she is Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone.,0 5G towers weaken our immunity and expose us to Coronavirus.,0 Belarus defeated coronavirus without quarantine.,0 Passengers complaining about over charging and no social distancing on Air India flight.,0 "Some reporters visited the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson after he recovered from his illness. His home looks like an old abandoned military hut with very old brick walls. The living room was too small so brought out the tea tray for the reporters. All the cups are different. He met them with disheveled hair and casual clothes, but with the confident smile of a Prime Minister",0 "An Air India flight deployed to bring stranded Indians back home is not following social distancing norms, even after charging a hefty amount for the flight.",0 Massive protests against mandatory vaccination in Poland,0 Actress Deepika Padukone was seen buying alcohol during the lockdown in India.,0 WHO envoy says COVID-19 vaccine can not be found.,0 A picture of a beach in Catania (Sicily) packed with people which was allegedly shot during the COVID-19 pandemic,0 American Vice-President Mike Pence was caught on a hot mic delivering empty boxes of PPE to a nursing home and pretended they were heavy.,0 Myanmar government announced the exact date for schools to reopen.,0 "Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the total number of deaths in Brazil decreased, rather than increased, when we compare the months of April 2019 and April 2020. This statement is backed by the national Civil Registry data.",0 A video that shows a skirmish on the street between São Paulo guards and street merchants. The caption states the guards were trying to take their merchandise away because they were not obeying COVID-19 lockdown.,0 "TV Globo used images of a collective funeral for the victims of a shipwreck in Lampedusa, in 2013, to illustrate a story about deaths by COVID-19 in Italy.",0 "The total number of COVID-19 deaths decreased in Manaus, Brazil, from 150 to 2 after a visit from health minister Nelson Teich. This happened because he started to investigate fraudulent deaths.",0 Bill Gates is funding a vaccine in adhesive patch form. The vaccine contains a microchip that is going to be used to monitor people via 5G network.,0 Australia’s COVIDSafe app tracks users’ locations.,0 Madagascar has found a “coronavirus medicine” that can “wipe out the virus at any stage within a period of six days.”,0 A video shows a Maasai tribe member in Kenya whipping people who violate the country’s curfew during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Burundi had 274 cases of COVID-19 and only one death on April 30.,0 Congolese researcher Jérôme Munyangi is at the base of the discovery of COVID-Organics.,0 "Emmanuel Macron said the African people no longer will travel to Europe, if they refused to use the European vaccine against COVID-19.",0 "Euphorbia hirta, commonly known as the asthma plant, cures COVID-19.",0 The implementation of enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) in several areas nationwide will be extended until May 25.,0 There is a document from Ibiza’s hospital that says it is necessary to “fatten up” the figures for COVID-19 infections.,0 Positive tests for SARS-Cov-2 in recovered patients have shown reinfection.,0 "A video showing a portable ultraviolet light lamp as a product that “removes” the coronavirus “from your devices, mask, phone” in five seconds.",0 "A viral photo displays a vial of the vaccine, with text along the top that says, “Now this was 2001 tell me why 19 years later they say there is no vaccine share before they take it down again.”",0 Article claims that those who partook in the Easter communion in churches and monasteries with the “same spoon” (metaphor for the Holy Communion) did not become infected with COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 is a pretense for lobbies to enslave and reduce the amount of people on Earth.,0 The use or abuse of masks can cause hypoxia.,0 An image showing a COVID-19 vaccine created in 2001.,0 Chief Secretary of West Bengal was not following relaxing while the state was performing poorly as it fought COVID-19.,0 "Finally, The Washington Times admits that Sars-cov2 was created in the laboratory.",0 "More than 100 Nurses in Jhalawar (Rajasthan, India) resigned due to COVID-19 infected Jamaatis mistreating them.",0 Mumbai Police and Bengaluru Police issued Advisory claiming that incidence of robbery and kidnapping to increase after lockdown is lifted.,0 COVID-19 virus is spreading via air in Yangon according to laboratory test.,0 "Images taken of current lockdown times showing how Colombo, Sri Lanka, skies have cleared as a result of the COVID-19 curfew.",0 TikTok has been completely banned in the United States.,0 The Italian government is prohibiting Christian masses while it allows prayers in Islamic Mosques.,0 The use or abuse of masks can cause hypoxia.,0 “The mainstream media pretended there was a deadly surge in COVID cases thanks to Wisconsinites voting.”,0 "Number of deaths by COVID-19 fell in the state capital of Amazonas, Manaus, after the visit of the Minister of Health.",0 170 million people have signed up for emergency aid against COVID-19 in Brasil.,0 Migrant workers travelling in special shramik trains are wasting food.,0 "According to this radiologist, COVID-19 is a blood disease and not a pneumonia, and therefore respirators are totally useless.",0 This graphics shows that the number of death in France during first trimester 2020 with COVID-19 is relatively small compared to past years.,0 A video of a row between passengers and cabin crew on board a plane has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple Facebook and Twitter posts which claim it was filmed on an Air India flight. The posts claim the the video shows the airline failed to enforce social distancing measures during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 “Entire city of Mumbai will be under military lockdown for 10 days starting from Saturday. So please stock everything. Only milk and medicine will be available.”,0 "Former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi tweeted that to compensate the economic loss occured due to coronavirus, no elections should be held in the country for the next 10 years because elections cost a lot of money.",0 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan read the COVID-19 curve upside down and said that it is flattening.,0 "Message claiming that the city of Mumbai will be under the military lockdown for the next 10 days to contain the spread of COVID-19 virus, and that only milk and medicine will be available during this time.",0 Video of passengers complaining about the overcharged tickets and the lack of social distancing measures on an Air India flight run by the Indian government to bring back its citizens stranded in foreign countries during COVID-19 crisis.,0 U.S. Vice President Mike Pence delivered empty boxes of PPE to a hospital as a publicity stunt.,0 Ventura County public health director say that the California county will be forcibly moving people infected with COVID-19 out of their homes into quarantine.,0 President Trump sent out a tweet that included the phrase “Oldies will have to die” in connection with lifting coronavirus restrictions.,0 "A card claiming to exempt the holder from wearing a face mask in public the real deal, sanctioned by the government.",0 Multiple Facebook posts shared tens of thousands of times claim that Thailand has “ranked no. 1 in the COVID-19 fight category” based on an international health security index. The posts add Thailand has the “lowest number of infected cases at present”.,0 Multiple Facebook posts shared tens of thousands of times claim that Thailand has “ranked no. 1 in the COVID-19 fight category” based on an international health security index. The posts add Thailand has the “lowest number of infected cases at present”.,0 Text in Lithuanian excerpted from a letter claims WHO measures are a genocide and pandemic isn’t real.,0 Says wearing face masks is more harmful to your health than going without one.,0 This video of the French education minister answering a TV interview from its water closet is authentic.,0 There are dozens of posts on Facebook and Twitter that list a number of plants and foods that purportedly contain “natural azithromycin.” These claims went viral amid studies being done on azithromycin as a possible treatment against COVID-19.,0 "A deer can be seen playing on a beach, user has claimed that this happened during the coronavirus lockdown in India.",0 Citizens of Kazakhstan and Russia will not be able to get a Schengen visa without using being chipped.,0 Mass SARS-Cov-2 testing does more harm than good.,0 Nurses resigned due to COVID-19 because Jamati patients misbehaved with them.,0 "Eating meat products increases the risk of coronavirus, according to a WHO official quoted in the text.",0 “Entire city of Mumbai will be under military lockdown for 10 days starting from Saturday. So please stock everything. Only milk and medicine will be available.”,0 The new coronavirus can be sexually transmitted,0 "Supermarket chain, Melcom is giving out GH₵ 2,000 gift cards to every Ghanaian in response to COVID-19.",0 "If a person who is infected with the coronavirus doesn’t wear a face mask and someone who isn’t infected does wear one, this last person has a 70 per cent chance of being infected. When both parties wear a face mask, those chances are lowered to 1,5 per cent.",0 "Coronavirus lives on the hands for 10 minutes, so putting a sanitizer in the pocket meets the purpose of prevention: UNICEF.",0 Indian nurses resigned due to COVID-19 infected Jamati patients misbehavior.,0 Ghana’s electoral commission has postponed the 2020 elections to 2023 due to coronavirus.,0 A picture shows an eight-year-old boy infected with coronavirus. Prayers and shares on Facebook will help him.,0 Deepika Padukone was buying liquor during the lockdown in India as soon as the shops opened.,0 Indian News wire agency IANS claims that Pakistani PM Imran Khan read an overturned graph and claimed that Pakistan was flattening its curve.,0 Wearing masks for a long period of time can cause hypoxia.,0 "Adelio Bispo de Oliveira, a man who stabbed Bolsonaro back in 2018, has contracted COVID-19 while in jail.",0 "While COVID-19 tests on sick people take from 10 to 20 days to show results, on dead people the results are given instantly.",0 "Barack Obama, former President of the United States, said that criminals shouldn’t have rights.",0 "A video claiming that COVID-19 only kills people who already had other diseases and treatment can be done at home with antibiotics. The statement is based on a study by Giampaolo Palma with 50 autopsies at Pope John XXIII Hospital in Bergamo, Italy.",0 100 nurses in Rajasthan’s Jhalawar (India) resigned because of Jamaatis who misbehaved with them.,0 Messages linking scientist Bing Liu’s death to “very significant findings” about the coronavirus he was supposedly about to make at the University of Pittsburgh.,0 An SMS service offers a COVID-19 self-assessment.,0 Drinking sea water prevents the spread of COVID-19.,0 "For a couple of weeks, an advertising image has been shared on WhatsApp inviting you to buy a supposed homeopathic medicine for the new coronavirus, developed in the city of Barranquilla.",0 "Coronavirus is spreading in the air of Yangon, Myanmar.",0 Lacoteferrin prevents and helps prevent coronavirus.,0 Prolonged use of face masks causes hypoxia.,0 The Colombian national statistics department published a map of the number of people infected with the coronavirus per block.,0 "Two doctors in Bakersfield, California said at a press conference that isolation measures affect the immune system and that unrestrictive controls in countries like Sweden have worked.",0 "The liquid squeezed from or a tea brewed of Siam weed, or Chromolaena odorata, is the cure for the novel coronavirus, according to Nigerian prophetess Dupe Oluwaniyi.",0 A Facebook page claims that the Federal Government has announced Monday 1st of June 2020 as a resumption date for all schools in Nigeria.,0 "A graphic purportedly shows a news bulletin about an alleged extension of a COVID-19 lockdown in the Philippines until May 30, 2020, has been shared repeatedly in multiple Facebook posts claiming to reference a government announcement.",0 "A widely-circulated image claims to reveal the ingredients contained in this year’s flu shots. The alleged ingredients include mercury, antifreeze, phenol, animal blood, animal viruses, and formaldehyde.",0 Drinking coffee can be beneficial against the coronavirus.,0 The Spanish Social Security sends emails to some taxpayers to reimburse 345 euros.,0 “Dr. Fauci sat on Microsoft’s board of directors.”,0 "The government and Bill Gates have overshadowed the social profiles of De Donno, the doctor who experiments with plasma treatment in the Mantua hospital. Matteo Salvini: “Whoever touches Bill Gates’ business disappears”.",0 "A Sadhu (Sage) in Jaipur, India infected around 300 people by sharing Chilam.",0 "Image of water falling from a mountain range to a main road claiming to be Haputale – Beragala road, Sri Lanka, along with an invitation to travelers to visit the location once the curfew period is over.",0 "Violence against women in confinement by COVID-19 has not escalated, according to Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador.",0 "In the United States, a scientist who was developing a vaccine for coronavirus was killed.",0 “The CDC has recommended mail in voting. That’s what this whole pandemic is about: the election!”.,0 "Coffins unearthed from a cemetery in Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte contained stones and pieces of wood instead of bodies, which highlights the farce of COVID-19 deaths.",0 "COVID-19 should not be treated with mechanical ventilators, only with antibiotics.",0 Mortality statistics over the past 5 years show there is no overmortality and no pandemic.,0 A graphic shows the enhanced community quarantine in several provinces and cities in the Philippines has been extended until May 25.,0 Jimmy Kimmel tweeted a video which said VP Mike Pence carried empty PPE boxes.,0 Image claims that the Soriana supermarket in Mexico closes the weekend due to a health emergency due to COVID-19.,0 Three videos have been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim they show people who died after contracting the novel coronavirus in India.,0 "A video has been viewed more than 100,000 times in multiple Facebook posts that claim to show a 5G mast burning in the Italian city of La Spezia.",0 "Multiple Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts shared hundreds of times claim that wearing a face mask for an extended period of time could cause hypercapnia, a condition caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood.",0 "A video has been viewed more than 100,000 times in multiple Facebook posts that claim to show a 5G mast burning in the Italian city of La Spezia.",0 Muslim women were caught shopping in lockdown.,0 "“Since the reopening of (the state of Georgia), we’ve seen our COVID rate skyrocket by 40%.”",0 "Video shows Army trucks carrying medecine and safety equipment sent from federal government to state government in Pará, Brazil.",0 "Video of women fleeing from a quarantine center during the current lockdown in Shivaji nagar, Bangalore.",0 "Judy Mikovits’ claims about COVID-19 origins, flu vaccine, hydroxychloroquine and face masks from the documentary Plandemic retold in FB post.",0 "“States like New York, Illinois and California have been vocal in their demands for funding to bail out their pension systems, which were failing long before the COVID-19 outbreak, and other programs that aren’t related to this crisis.”",0 A new danger is coming: Asian hornets has killed 28 people in China.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter which claim it shows that US President Donald Trump tested positive for the novel coronavirus.,0 Claim that the coronavirus isn’t new as there is a canine coronavirus vaccine since 2001.,0 "Image claiming that Polish Church will get 4,6 billion zlotys from the government due to the coronavirus.",0 "In Tanzania, papaya, motor oil or a goat were tested positive for the coronavirus, according to president Magufuli. This shows that the PCR tests is very unrealiable.",0 One can cure the new coronavirus by inhaling vodka fumes.,0 The novel coronavirus does not attach itself to disposable gloves.,0 People in Chandni Chowk market are breaking COVID-19 lockdown because of Eid.,0 Muslim women were caught shopping in lockdown.,0 "A viral photo displays a vial of the vaccine, with text along the top that says, “Now this was 2001 tell me why 19 years later they say there is no vaccine share before they take it down again.”",0 "Self-medicate COVID-19 using a home remedy with aspirin, lemon and honey.",0 The trucks shown in the video are carrying dead bodies of COVID-19 victims.,0 The former French ministry of Health (Agnès Buzyn) treated a famous movie producer (Raymond Blumenthal) with hydroxychloroquine.,0 "A post, claiming that Switzerland, Ukraine, Czech Republic and Turkey left the “coronavirus project”.",0 "A video showing two men claiming that they were forced to change their mother’s death certificate from heart failure to COVID-19 in Guarulhos, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Posts claim fraud in statistics",0 "A video from China, showing police officers with protective gear arresting a citizen who refuses to get out of his car.",0 A video where Bill Gates is alledgely stating that vaccines are useful to sterilize and reduce the world population.,0 Aromatherapy prevents the spread of COVID-19.,0 Gargling with salt or vinegar water cures the coronavirus.,0 Fever is a necessary symptom to detect a coronavirus patient.,0 Ozone serves as a disinfectant against COVID-19.,0 A photo of Alberto Fernández with businessmen during the quarantine without respecting social distance.,0 Kenya is the first African country to receive a COVID-19 vaccine from the United Kingdom.,0 "Video shows migrant going to their home states from Maharashtra, India, throwing food packets on the railway platform.",0 An Indian news channel claimed that coronavirus pandemic would affect 1.6 billion laborers in India.,0 A video clip shows the hanging bodies of a mother and child who have committed suicide in Gujarat because they did not have food during the current COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Video: Americans singing Indian National Anthem thanking India for giving hydroxychloroquine.,0 COVID-19 deaths in the Brazilian state of Amazonas fell after visit of new minister of Health.,0 Popular chain store Penneys – also known as Primark – is reopening in Ireland on May 8th.,0 People held a ‘street party’ in Dublin on 1 May.,0 People are pillaging a bank in Colombia as an effect of the lockdown.,0 "The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, says that violence against women has not increased in lockdown by COVID-19",0 "Women of Shaheen Bagh, in Delhi, India caught red-handed carrying out a prostitution operation during the lockdown",0 Bangalore (India) police commissioner has warned people to be careful as incidents of thefts and kidnappings will be on the rise once the nationwide lockdown lifts.,0 170 million people are receiving the COVID-19 monthly allowance paid by the Brazilian Federal government.,0 "Video of an elderly woman, struggling to breathe, lying over what seems to be a plastic bag. According to the post, she was inside a bag at a hospital morgue and was rescued by her relatives.",0 UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson met reporters after recovering from COVID-19.,0 Use of air conditioning will be banned in Turkey because it increases the spread of the new coronavirus.,0 "Post states Collegue of professionals in South America asks to use chlorine dioxide to cure COVID-19 using Alto Paraná Chemicals and Pharmacists Association as a source.",0 "A fake Twitter account shared a video posted on November 21, 2019, the day the Colombian national strike began, as if it were current.",0 Four images have gone viral on social networks with the message:“Killed by COVID-19 thrown into the water in Ecuador would be causing fish deaths in Peru (Strong images). CHIMBOTE FISHERMEN MAKE SURE THE WATERS ARE CONTAMINATED AND ALERT TO NOT EATING FOOD FROM THE SEA ”.,0 A video shows British Prime Minister Boris Johnson serving journalists tea after recovering from COVID-19.,0 Video of Chinese workers in Morowali protesting during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 There are SARS-CoV-2 fragments found in non-potable water.,0 Deer spotted in Tokyo during lockdown.,0 "An image purportedly showing an article about flu vaccination has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter posts alongside a claim that flu vaccines can make people more vulnerable to infections. The posts, shared in May 2020 during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, add that those who receive flu shots are “the first to die in an actual global pandemic”.",0 "The origin of the novel coronavirus was “manipulated,” contain coronaviruses, and masks can “reinfect” wearers.",0 Former Sri Lankan state minister Nalin Bandara was charged for making liquor at his Kuliyapitiya house.,0 "Former Sri Lanka central bank governor and current senior advisor to the Prime Minister, Ajith Nivad Kabral’s son and daughter behaved aggressively at the airport after returning from UK, They were part of the first group to return to the country after the government decided to bring back the stranded locals from foreign countries.",0 "Over 1000 PCR Tests for COVID-19 were carried out on VIPs on 28th April, who were close associates of Sri Lankan Prime Minister Rajapaksa’s.",0 "Sri Lankan Navy base in Colombo were using traditional Ayurvedic medicine for COVID-19 treatments, and as a result no patients were in ICU.",0 Pope Francis allows the use of artificial intelligence to implant microchips.,0 United States study the possibility of letting die people with Down syndrome or disabilities with coronavirus.,0 "The temporary closure of supermarkets, stores, and bakeries announced throughout Mexico by COVID-19.",0 $3 trillion for federal coronavirus stimulus packages is “being borrowed basically from China.”,0 Film star Aamir Khan distributed 15 thousand rupees to the poor in flour bags.,0 A soldier hugged his coronavirus-positive daughter by covering her in plastic.,0 100 nurses together in Rajasthan’s “Jhalawar” quit their jobs because Qurantined Muslims spat on them,0 Gates Foundation stands to make nearly £31.5 billion on a coronavirus vaccine in U.K.,0 Viral video reveals there is a coronavirus vaccine patent owned by Bill Gates.,0 "Switzerland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Ukraine – leave the “coronavirus project”. Only Lithuania continues quarantine for another two weeks.",0 "The head of the USA Department of Health “J. Anthony” and the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) , Anthony Fauci, said that hair salons are responsible for 50 percent of all coronavirus death in the USA.",0 Tailors have been forbidden to sell non homologated masks in France.,0 A video shows a very large crowd demonstration in the city of Chemnitz; it is claimed that the people are demonstrating against the lockdown.,0 "The French government promised that if they downloaded its StopCovid App, French people would be allowed to travel further than 100km.",0 More than half the people in Flanders have no faith in government communication on the coronavirus crisis.,0 "The video of an Argentine social leader, Milagro Sala, dancing with a group of people during the quarantine.",0 Trucks are carrying dead bodies of patients who passed away due to coronavirus.,0 Film star Aamir Khan distributed 15 thousand rupees to the poor in flour bags.,0 A soldier hugged his coronavirus-positive daughter by covering her in plastic.,0 100 nurses together in Rajasthan’s “Jhalawar” quit their jobs because Qurantined Muslims spat on them,0 "Semen, when ingested or used as hand sanitizer, can kill and prevent the novel coronavirus.",0 Indian superstar Aamir Khan distributed money inside wheat bags to the poor and needy in India.,0 The future coronavirus vaccine will implant a microchip called id2020.,0 Data from civil registry offices in Brazil proves there is not a pandemic,0 "Two pictures showing an empty coffin each. The post says these pictures were taken in São Paulo and Amazonas, in Brazil, and they were being used to fake COVID-19 funerals.",0 "A video showing João Doria, governor of São Paulo, and Joice Hasselmann, a federal representative of Brazil, dancing. The post says the video was shot while they were disrespecting lockdown in a party.",0 Indian Air Force showers petals on migrant workers walking home.,0 Indian migrants were not asked to pay for the shramik train and only BJP led states did not charge migrants to not travel during the lockdown.,0 Flower named Brahmkamal bloomed after decades due to the decrease of pollution caused by the lockdown.,0 Information on children rescued from underground tunnels in New York and Los Angeles.,0 Thrombosis and not pneumonia is a leading cause of COVID-19 deaths and the disease has so far been wrongly diagnosed.,0 "Holding your breath for 30 seconds is a test for COVID-19. By putting mustard oil in the nose, coronavirus will flow into the stomach and die in acid.",0 1000+ members of the French navy on of the aircraft carrier “Charles-de-Gaulle” were treated with hydroxychloroquine.,0 The Spanish Government asks Congress to renew the state of alarm every 15 days because it is required by law.,0 "COVID-19 is an exosome, and the pandemic is related to 5G signals.",0 A picture allegedly showing 500 people gathering in Livorno (Italy) to protest against the lockown.,0 Bollywood Actor Aamir Khan donated money to the poor by concealing it in wheat flour packets.,0 Inhaling the vapor of salted water can cure COVID-19.,0 Scientists discovered a new and more contagious strain of the coronavirus.,0 Video of women jumping from a building after being locked by the Indian police for shopping during the lockdown in the country to contain COVID-19 spread.,0 16 COVID-19 cases reported in Ernakulam hours after it was declared Green Zone by Kerala government.,0 "Nostradamus predicted COVID-19 pandemic, Idukki dam collapse in July 2020 and other events in his book Les Propheties.",0 Tamil Nadu government approves Thanikasalam Siddha Medicine for treatment of COVID-19.,0 "A video showing migrant laborers from Surat city, in India, are being sent back to Surat after their home states refused to take them back at the state border.",0 "An old man infected 300 people with coronavirus in Jaipur, India through tobacco smoke.",0 Photo shows arrival of the delegation of doctors sent by the Brazilian health minister Nelson Teich to the state of Amazonas.,0 WHO said artemisia plant cures COVID-19.,0 The British Army is setting up a military camp at the site of a former infamous prison in Northern Ireland as part of the effort to fight coronavirus.,0 White House is selling commemorative COVID-19 coins for $100.,0 "“Trump bailed out Wall Street, but not Main Street.”",0 Models projecting COVID-19 deaths “are talking about without mitigation.”,0 "Sars-CoV-2 is not a virus but a bacterium, and can be treated with apronax and aspirin.",0 Muslim women went out to shop despite the lockdown in India.,0 "In Turkey, those who do not have disinfectants and masks in their private cars will be fined 3 thousand lira penalty.",0 Video shows that those who do not obey the curfew in India are punished by being placed with COVID-19 patients.,0 170 milion people have already asked for economical aid from the Brazilian government during COVID-19 pandemic,0 Disinfectant booths remove 99% of viruses.,0 "For several days, an article by a Spanish organization in which COVID-19 is an “exosome influenced by electromagnetic pollution” has been circulating on social media and WhatsApp.",0 Aamir Khan donated money by putting it in wheat bags.,0 “Plandemic” vignette featuring Judy Mikovits claims that coronavirus is manmade; that flu vaccine increases risk of COVID-19; that hydroxychloroquine is effective for treating COVID-19.,0 Hundreds of sampoerna cigarette factory workers have COVID-19.,0 The Washington Post claims the new coronavirus was created on a Wuhan lab.,0 Madagascar has overcome the new coronavirus.,0 Latvian opposition politician says government has given 250 million euros of COVID-19 crisis money to local millionaires and it should be given as helicopter money to evereybody instead.,0 A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter in May 2020 alongside claims that it shows an intoxicated police officer in India after the government allowed liquor shops to reopen during the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A cryptocurrency system developed by Microsoft will use body activity data through the chip implanted in a human body.,0 "Mantova hospital, in Italy, tests plasma treatment to heal COVID-19 patients. The Italian government has sent the Carabinieri to stop the experimentation. It’s because of Bill Gates.",0 A Japanese study reveals that COVID-19 mortality is lower than the flu.,0 "Dr Shi Zhengli who made coronavirus, escaped from China and she was sentenced to death.",0 "Breathing over and over exhaled air turns into carbon dioxide, which is why we feel dizzy; Some people drive their car with the mask on; that is very dangerous because the stale air can make the driver lose consciousness; It is recommended to use face masks only if you have someone in front or very close, and it is essential to remember to lift it every 10 minutes to continue feeling healthy.",0 The Chinese have 100 million vaccines for COVID-19 ready.,0 The BCG (Bacillus Camette – Guerin) vaccine for tuberculosis can protect people from COVID-19.,0 "Inhaling “natural” ingredients like lemon, ginger, salt and Halls chewing-gum cures the coronavirus",0 Bill Gates uses COVID-19 to implement the ID2020 chip and monitor the world.,0 “Face masks can reduce your natural immunity because they cause your body to produce cortisol in response to stress due to reduced air and oxygen flow.”,0 "According to a publication that is spreading on Facebook, “sunlight destroys coronavirus quickly, says new study”.",0 US Defense Secretary Mark Esper let slip that 5G could be destructive and it has something to do with pandemic.,0 "Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared hundreds of times claim the antiviral medicine remdesivir has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 "A sadhu in Jaipur was affected with coronavirus, as a result 300 sadhus and 700 citizens have been quarantined.",0 Bill Gates said that the Catholic religion may have to be suspended forever because of the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Democratic congrasswoman Ilhan Omar tweeted that there have been more deaths due to COVID-19 than 9/11 and the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan combined",0 A PPE shipment was destroyed at the Port of Dover after illegal immigrants were found travelling alongside it.,0 Chloroquine effectiveness has been proved.,0 A video viewed thousands of times on Facebook posts claims to show Indians throwing statues of their gods into a river after they allegedly failed to protect them from the new coronavirus.,0 A post shared hundreds of times on Facebook claims that the Nigerian presidency imposed a curfew to allow Chinese companies to build 5G masts.,0 "A video shows the moment when a man faints in the middle of the street from COVID-19, in Mexico.",0 "96,3% of people deceased in Italy from COVID-19 actually died from other illnesses, according to this deputy.",0 The cure for coronavirus can come from Antwerp (Belgium) llamas.,0 "The government in Serbia has announced, starting May 15 onwards, hand washing will no longer be necessary",0 "“For the World Health Organization, the international entity whose sole responsibility it is to alert the world of global pandemics like this, to miss this, is a huge problem.”",0 "In Tamil Nadu’s Vellore, Muslims are offering namaz during lockdown.",0 "A text titled “The terrible face mask” circulates on the Internet in Spanish. Among other things, it says that the use of masks can have catastrophic consequences for health.",0 "Telugu actor collected a huge amount of money from fans but provided relief to just 2,000 poor families.",0 "Plandemic – a 26-minute conspiracy theory video, promoting falsehoods and misinformation about the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccination plan for human depopulation",0 Indian actor Aamir Khan is donating 15000 rupees to the poor by hiding them in aata in Mumbai.,0 Industrialist Ratan Tata stated that 2020 is the year to survive and not to worry about profits and losses.,0 Lockdown violation in Chandni Chowk area of Delhi,0 "Self-medicate COVID-19 using a home remedy with aspirin, lemon and honey.",0 "Georgian man’s blood had been used to treat a COVID-19 patient in one of the hospitals in Germany. Information included a photo depicting a man, whose blood is being taken.",0 CRAS (a social care center) is distributing 492 thousand market baskets to people in need. People need to fill out a form to find out if they are eligible.,0 A text saying that civil registry data proves that the pandemic is an invention. All the numbers are significantly lower than those published by the Brazilian Ministry of Health.,0 Muslims misbehaved with Mumbai police as they tried to stop a large gathering during the month of Ramzan.,0 Video of black bucks crossing a road in Kaziranga national park amid COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A Venezuelan man with coronavirus is spreading the virus in a small Colombian city.,0 Trump campaign video suggesting Trump’s travel restrictions on China saved 2 million lives.,0 "A large poster on the facade of the Governmental party PSOE headquarters shows the face of the Spanish president, Pedro Sánchez, next to the motto “Trust your Government: A good citizen obeys”. .",0 A fake picture allegedly shows how coronavirus can pass through protective masks’ fabric.,0 "In December 2019, Italian politician Beppe Grillo wore a protective mask in public. Some people said that he did that because the Chinese Embassy had warned him about coronavirus.",0 Video of a police member in an inebriated state after the Indian government has allowed the opening of liquor shops which were closed earlier due to complete lockdown in the country.,0 Gilead Sciences announced on May 3 2020 that the new medicine for COVID-19 will be ready by next week.,0 Video of Muslims violating lockdown conditions in Old city (Hyderabad).,0 Indian actor Aamir Khan distributed money in wheat bags to the poor.,0 "Indian business tycoon Ratan Tata said, the Year 2020 is the year of survival.",0 "Any person arrested for violating lockdown in the night will not get bail until the lockdown is over in the state of Gujarat, in India.",0 Wearing a mask during an extended period leads to a lack of oxygen called “hypoxia”.,0 "Men in Vellore, Tamil Nadu are violating lockdown by offering namaaz in a Mosque.",0 Aamir Khan donated 15000 Rs by hiding the money in ration materials for poor people amidst lockdown.,0 The Centers for Disease and Prevention has reduced the number of COVID-19 cases recorded in the U.S.,0 Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier’s marines have been cured from COVID-19 thanks to chloroquine.,0 Data from Brazilian registry offices show that state data on COVID-19 deaths are lower,0 People driving cars and motorcycles without masks will receive traffic tickets in Brazil.,0 "Maria do Rosário, a Brazilian federal deputy of PT, party of former President Lula, appears in a photo sewing a protective mask without a sewing thread.",0 A photo shows Proud Boys member Rob Cantrall at a recent Michigan protest.,0 "“There was no real scientific basis for believing that” social distancing would be necessary, “since it had never been studied.”",0 Eating food with a pH greater than 5.5 fights COVID-19.,0 "Kenya has received a donation of 500,000 COVID-19 test kits from the Jack Ma Foundation.",0 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said that Sars-cov2 was created in the laboratory and that there is “enormous” evidence.,0 5G frequences are negatively affecting the oxygen absorbion by the human body and it worsen the symptoms of COVID-19.,0 "A Whatsapp message which claims that the Italian government sent “Nas” (a branch of the Carabinieri) to close the department in charge of plamsa-related therapies at Mantua hospital, where “they cure COVID-19 in 48 hours”. The government would have done that in order to obtain “Bill Gates’ vaccine”.",0 Bill Gates claims and announces that vaccinations will be mandatory for all.,0 "In a video, blogger Ken Jebsen claims Bill Gates took control over the health system to force his vaccines upon everyone. He funds 80 percent of the WHO. In Germany people are arrested because they carry the constitution (Grundgesetz). Germany secretly wants to impose compulsory vaccines in a new law, and COVID-19 is just a harmless flu",0 Pictures show Angela Merkel and other policians standing very close together and not keeping distance.,0 A family built a homemade mechanical respirator that cures COVID-19 with inhalations.,0 Trump announced that Roche Medical Company will launch a vaccine to cure COVID-19 in 3 hours.,0 "A post shared more than 160,000 times on Facebook during the novel coronavirus pandemic says Bill Gates wants “digital tattoos” to check who has been tested, and asks if it would be “like holocaust victims have.”",0 "A video of people climbing down a building has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and WhatsApp alongside a claim it shows shoppers attempting to flee a shop after police discovered it had flouted Pakistan’s coronavirus lockdown.",0 Indian scientists are researching whether there are cells in the Ganges river that can block the coronavirus.,0 This video shows people throwing statues of their gods in the water India because they failed to protect them from COVID-19.,0 "Due to COVID-19, it is not allowed to turn on the air conditioner in the classroom when school starts.",0 "A chain circulated on social networks, which claimed that the prolonged use of the mask produces respiratory diseases.",0 Smoking could protect you from COVID-19.,0 Polish doctors are saying in a video that there are no confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Poland.,0 "A blog article quoting the Italian virologist Matteo Bassetti, who would have said that in Italy nobody died because of COVID-19 in May 2020.",0 Countries with more PCR testing have more deaths.,0 Waris Pathan misbehaving with Maharashtra police (India) during lockdown.,0 The claim stated that India’s top business conglomerate Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata said it’s not time to think of profits but to think of survival.,0 Trump sign Cares law which contains the name COVID19 before the epidemic happened.,0 A Galician residence has”thrown away” sanitary material donated by Spanish businessman Amancio Ortega.,0 "Someone living in Cercerda (Galicia, Spain) died under “strange circumstances”.",0 "Indian Government has started a scheme called the Rashtriya Sikhshit Berojgar Yojna, to help those who are educated and unemployed during the lockdown.",0 A publication of the website Mediterráneo Digital that states in its headline that “the Government allows the celebration of Gay Pride in Madrid despite the coronavirus”,0 Businessman Ratan Tata has said that 2020 is the year to survive and not care about profil and losses.,0 Sri Lanka government has hidden the details of COVID-19 spread in the country and large number of death bodies have been disposed using body bags.,0 "Marines of French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, contamined by COVID-19, were treated with hydroxychloroquine and azythromycin, and were cured at 99%.",0 "Trump: “Medically, we had empty cupboards. The cupboards — I say, the cupboards were empty.”",0 Joe Biden has “written a letter of apology” for calling Trump’s travel restrictions from China “xenophobic.”,0 Video of Muslims violating lockdown conditions in Old city (Hyderabad).,0 "Some 150 foreigners attended Sadhguru’s event in March, which has led to over 1,000 coronavirus cases in Tamil Nadu, India. The foreigners are quarantined at Isha Yoga Center.",0 "Government of India will provide a relief package of Rs 50,000 to ration card-holders under its scheme ‘Rashtriya Sikhshit Berojgar Yojna’.",0 Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) sent an email entitled “final notice” with an instruction to people who has contact with the COVID-19 case.,0 "A picture of a newspaper article which states that “when the only person inside a car is the driver, he should sit in the front seat, in front of the steering wheel”. This would allegedly be a quote from an Italian law decree aimed at fighting coronavirus.",0 Australian investigators indicate that Ivermectin can kill COVID-19 in 48 hours.,0 A photo showing dozens of people lying on the ground has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it shows the situation in Ecuador during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Cameroonian bishop Mgr Samuel Kleda revealed the recipe of a drink that can cure COVID-19.,0 "Regarding the risks of coronavirus transmission on an airplane, “It’s as safe as an environment as you’re going to find.”",0 Central Park hospital tents housed thousands of abused children released from underground captivity.,0 COVID-19 can be treated with the plasma of healed patients. We don’t need a vaccine or a drug.,0 Facebook videos suggest that the use of bioresonance can cure COVID-19.,0 A video shows Chinese soldiers burying COVID-19 infected bodies without using protection equipment.,0 "A photo of a Pakistani chief minister has been shared thousands of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows him flouting Pakistan’s coronavirus lockdown measures at iftar, a daily evening meal enjoyed by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan.",0 5 millions euros were unlocked in order to save Cannes film festival canceled due to COVID-19.,0 This video unveils several hidden realities about “criminal management” of COVID-19 by authorities in France.,0 Wearing face masks can cause carbon dioxide toxicity; can weaken immune system.,0 "An image circulated on social networks that assured that the Government of Guatemala already had a plan for the reopening of commercials, churches and schools.",0 A Facebook post links a substance called “adrenochrome” to COVID-19 deaths.,0 The number of deaths from COVID-19 is very small compared to other diseases.,0 "Bill Gates is experimenting on humans, and the pandemic is fictional.",0 Baba Ramdev claims that COVID-19 can be self diagnosed by controlling breathing and that mustard oil kills the virus.,0 "Congress MP Dr. Shashi Tharoor praised LDF government in Kerala, India for their COVID-19 relief work.",0 American students thank Indians for hydroxychloroquine by singing the Indian National Anthem.,0 "An image of a baby boy wrapped in a plastic bag being hugged by her soldier father, the baby died of COVID-19.",0 "Image of Muslims violating lockdown restrictions and praying in Purukathur, Tamil Nadu, India.",0 "Image of Kaziranga national park in Assam, India during lockdown.",0 "A publication on the purchase of respirators by the Province of Buenos Aires. According to the publication, the Buenos Aires government would buy respirators from China for 10 million dollars,",0 Madagascar found a medicine for COVID-19 and will start distributing to the entire world.,0 "Image of tired Sri Lankan healthcare professionals lying on the ground, inside a operating theater room.",0 "According to a WHO report, not a single vegetarian person in the world has been found to suffer from coronavirus.",0 Smokers are better protected against coronavirus.,0 Death toll among black people is higher because the viruses affect various races differently.,0 "“A shift in world politics, published a dossier collected by the intelligence services of the United States, great Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand (Five Eyes). Intelligence data fills in some white spots in the history of COVID-19 distribution and it is shocking!”",0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram alongside a claim it shows UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson offering cups of tea to journalists after recovering from an illness. The posts were shared shortly after Johnson returned to work following hospital treatment for COVID-19.",0 Venezuelan government published a schedule of 4 phases to reduce quarantine.,0 "A photo shared hundreds of times on Facebook claims to show the American cable news channel CNN describing cases of COVID-19 in Nigeria as “false”, accusing the government of making them up to embezzle public funds.",0 Men in Gujarat are violating lockdown by offering namaaz in a Mosque.,0 New WHO guidelines recommend encouraging children under four to masturbate.,0 "Postural drainage, where the body is put in different positions to drain mucus from the lungs, is an effective way to treat COVID-19 pneumonia.",0 Golf courses are reopening in Ireland on 2nd May.,0 "Gas is under $1 in 13 states, but $2.27 in Pennsylvania, because of the governor.",0 "A video from Brazil showing an empty coffin, which should have instead held the body of a COVID-19 victim.",0 Remdesivir is a medicine that can cure COVID-19.,0 The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation headquarters is called the “Centre for Global Human Population Reduction”.,0 "COVID-19 isn’t more dangerous than seasonal flu in France, in terms of number of deaths.",0 First load of Moroccan masks and respirators arrived in New York City.,0 Thousands of citizens demonstrate in Rome against the “coronavirus dictatorship” of the Italian government. They shout “Freedom! Freedom!” and no television talks about it.,0 "Anthony Fauci knew about the new coronavirus from 2017 and journalists exhibit mannequins as COVID-19 patients to deceive the public, according to an interview with a man named Rashid Buttar.",0 An image of a truck dumping fresh tomatoes onto an empty field has been shared thousands of times in multiple Sinhala-language Facebook posts which suggest it shows a scene in Sri Lanka. The posts claim it illustrates the government’s failure to help farmers to sell their produce during a coronavirus lockdown.,0 Posts on social media claim the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revised down its death toll for COVID-19.,0 "Photo of rickshaw puller who died due to lack of food during the current lockdown, which was imposed to curb the spread of COVID-19.",0 "CDC suddenly lost 30,000 deaths from coronavirus from its data, thus proving the virus is not as serious as it seems.",0 French news network BFM aired incoherent data about people who died from the coronavirus in Africa.,0 Liechtenstein introduces mandatory biometric bracelets to track COVID-19 pandemic.,0 An image has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Twitter and Facebook which claim it shows overgrown shrubs at a theme park in Malaysia during a coronavirus lockdown.,0 A factory worker of Wibs Bread in Mumbai was found affected with coronavirus and buyers are advised to avoid the bread,0 "The WHO recommends that people stay at home, lose their businesses or jobs, as well as do not outside.",0 "According to a WHO report, not a single vegetarian person in the world has been found to suffer from coronavirus.",0 "Because of a WHO clause, Dutch primary schools are allowed to vaccinate children without their parents’ consent.",0 "The U.S. are conducting experiments on Georgian people. Remdesivir (experimental drug to cure COVID-19) is produced by Gilead, the same company which supplied Georgia with Sovaldi, a dangerous drug whih is used in Hepatitis C patients.",0 "A ginger, garlic, lime and paracetamol concoction cures coronavirus.",0 Video of foreigners destroying liquor bottles amid COVID-19 lockdown in India.,0 Large crowd gathered in Delhi’s market amid nationwide lockdown in India.,0 A picture shows a woman holding a protest sign with an incoherent calculus to possibly signal that Barack Obama is behind the coronavirus crisis.,0 Influenza vaccines are likely to result in a false positive PCR-test for Sars-CoV-2.,0 The Government of Mexico asks to deposit $ 300 pesos to activate the support card for COVID-19.,0 China has suddenly dismantled its USD Peg on stock exchanges over imminent launch of sovereign digital currency amid COVID-19.,0 Nicotine protects from COVID-19.,0 Consuming more alkaline foods helps “raise the pH level” to counteract COVID-19.,0 Kentucky teachers will conduct in-home “bedroom inspections” during the week of April 27 for their kindergarten through eighth grade students.,0 "The photo shows a packed beach in Bloemfontein, South Africa, during the country’s coronavirus lockdown.",0 COVID-19 self testing by holidng breath and put mustard oil through nose will kill the coronavirus.,0 A post that compares Argentina with other countries on the number of prisoners released during the pandemic.,0 Image attributed to hardships of Sri Lankan Army essential workers are experiencing during COVID-19.,0 Request to donate as the army camps in Kilinochchi area (Northern Province of Sri Lanka) was facing a scarcity of face masks.,0 The number of coronavirus patients in the country can reach close to 30 million by August 15. Central Indian government is warning states.,0 A video that claims that COVID-19’s peak is over and lockdown was useless. The statement is based on an Israeli study.,0 Korean business wants to relocate from Myanmar to Bangladesh because of the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Social media users have shared a photo that claims to show a “Center for Global Human Population Reduction” affiliated with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.,0 French writer of the 17th century Madame de Sévigné wrote a letter to her daughter that echoes the situation we live in at the moment.,0 Police and Brazilian traffic department give traffic ticket to drivers that do not wear protection mask.,0 The Japanese Nobel laureate says the coronavirus is not naturally occurring.,0 Korean businesses want to move from Myanmar to Bangladesh because of the coronavirus crisis.,0 "Under the mayor’s COVID-19 order, Kansas City “churchgoers must register with the government.”",0 "A video of a street parade has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and YouTube alongside a claim it shows people celebrating the end of a coronavirus lockdown in Saudi Arabia.",0 A photo of hundreds of people praying together has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows Muslims in south India flouting the nation’s COVID-19 lockdown to offer night-time prayers.,0 COVID-19 has infected more meatpackers in the U.S. than health care workers.,0 "Ghanian ex-president, John Mahama said that Togo, Rwanda and Ivory Coast did not request financial assistance for COVID-19 from the IMF.",0 Prolonged use of mask can cause hypoxia.,0 "A series of claims, including that the COVID-19 pandemic was “fake” and 5G telecommunications is causing the illness.",0 “93% of the (COVID-19) cases in the state of Illinois have come from Chicago.”,0 The novel coronavirus has been artificially created in a laboratory.,0 WHO report claims that ‘No vegetarian in the world was found to have been infected with COVID-19’.,0 Pennsylvania’s governor breaking his own social distancing rules in a photo.,0 "The CARES Act was introduced in January 2019, which proves the COVID-19 pandemic was planned in advance.",0 "Video saying that medical complications created by the virus are unexpected for a virus, therefore,anti-inflammatories are the solution.",0 An image claimed that the Bill Gates vaccination program “deformed and ruined the lives of people in Africa.”,0 "When the COVID-19 vaccine is introduced, microchips will also be introduced into the human body, then 5G networks will come into play, through which the world’s elite will send various signals to nanochips that have settled in human organisms. They will want to send such a signal that only the a “Golden” billion will remain on Earth.",0 The number of coronavirus patients in the country can reach close to 30 million by August 15. Central Indian government is warning states.,0 American president Donald Trump announced that tests of injection of disinfectant to fight against the new coronavirus will begin in Africa.,0 "Professor Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Laureate 2018 Medicine, supports the theory that the coronavirus is not natural and was invented by China.",0 Recent mob attack on West Bengal police due to the lockdown in Howrah.,0 Video shows that social distancing is not being followed in Delhi.,0 Photos taken in an open-air drug market in São Paulo show a crowd and people are not affected by COVID-19.,0 Photo shows that coffins are being buried empty in the brazilian state of Amazonas.,0 WHO has guidelines that encourage child masturbation.,0 Ivermectin cures COVID-19.,0 Poem written in 1869 by Kathleen O’Meara predicted the pandemic of COVID-19.,0 "Helder Barbalho, governo of Brazilian state of Pará, hides hydroxychloroquine in warehouse in order not to give to population and let people die.",0 The White House is selling coins commemorating the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Coronavirus was invented and patented by researchers at the Pirbright Institute in 2018.,0 Claim that a Japanese Nobel Prize-winning scientist said coronavirus is unnatural and man-made.,0 "Indian Police fighting with villagers who protested against the entry of a corpse to the village, suspected to be of a COVID-19 patient.",0 "Kerala, India, minister K.T Jaleel still draws his salary as teacher even after quitting his job 14 years ago.",0 Chlorine dioxyde is the cure for COVID-19.,0 Supreme Court of India has banned everyone except the Government to share any message about the coronavirus.,0 A video of a young man from Gujarat claiming he has found a medicine that cures COVID-19.,0 "Surgical masks whose price has been limited to 0,96 cents do not comply with the EU regulation.",0 There are “15 minors admitted” because of COVID-19 in the Infanta Sofía Hospital in Madrid and three in the “Talavera hospital”.,0 Madagascar does not have any cases of the coronavirus,0 South African President Cyril Ramaphosa asked all foreigners to leave the country by June 21 in response to the spread of COVID-19.,0 The video shows the FBI seizing coronavirus-infected face masks sent from China.,0 "In Brazil, people driving without masks will be given traffic tickets.",0 "Petrobras, a Brazilian petrol company, will be giving free gasoline to essential workers. You need to fill up a form to be elligible.",0 "A picture shows the Ibirapuera Gymnasium temporary hospital, in São Paulo, empty.",0 "Coffins of alleged COVID-19 victims were unearthed in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. There were only rocks inside.",0 "Video of a mob in Marabá, Brazil, shouting at a man driving a backhoe. On the caption, it is stated that this man was opening graves for empty coffins.",0 "A video of a teleconference between Rui Costa, governor of Bahia, Brazil, and the mayor from Porto Seguro. In the caption, it is stated that the governor asked the mayor to artificially increase the number of COVID-19 patients to 200, so she would get more money.",0 "A picture shows two man holding a coffin. The caption says that, if the coffin was full, they would not be able to lift it.",0 "Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo, caused a sensation today in the media by saying that the coronavirus is not natural.",0 Brasilian doctor discovered a cure for COVID-19.,0 Dried ginger powder can cure COVID-19.,0 "The governor of Rio de Janeiro is paying a special COVID-19 monthly allowance, of BRL 836.00, to all inmates in the state. Meanwhile, the emergency COVID-19 for poor people who are not convicted criminals is only BRL 600.",0 "A picture of a person, allegedly, holding a coffin with only two fingers. The post says it is phisically impossible that this coffin is full, because of the weight of a dead person.",0 All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leader Waris Pathan threatened a cop to keep a mosque open during lockdown.,0 A market in Mizoram state of India is practising social distancing amidst ongoing lockdown.,0 "American students are siging the Indian national anthem, as a gesture of thanking India for supplying Hydroxychloroquine to USA.",0 Alfalfa is the only cure for COVID-19.,0 A WHO report states that ‘No vegetarian in the world was found to have been infected with COVID-19’.,0 "A message of key takeaways from an interview of HDFC bank MD & CEO Aditya Puri, where he has said how India will survive the coronavirus pandemic.",0 The image of a boy with serious injuries is that of a Tablighi Jamat COVID-19 patient who was beaten up by police in India after he misbehaved with the nurses in the hospital where he was admitted.,0 Prolonged use of the mask causes hypoxia.,0 "A Legislative Assembly member Hafiz Khan made a nurse touch the feet of a Muslim and apologise to him. She was made to do so because she had made a comment that if the Markaz attendees had quarantined themselves, the situation that was not would not have arose.",0 Photo shows a broken refrigerator with 1500 viruses in Wuhan.,0 First recipients of a COVID-19 test vaccine is dead.,0 "President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has ordered COVID-Organics and asked Africans not to follow the World Health Organization (WHO).",0 A tweet by Pakistani journalist Saadia Afzaal claiming that China has developed a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 "Researchers from Oxford University are offering Ksh100,000 to Kenyan volunteers for a COVID -19 vaccine trial.",0 Melinda Gates divorced her husband Bill because he created a toxic vaccine whose purpose is to destroy the African.,0 Neem leaves — popularly known as “mwarubaini” in Swahili — can cure COVID-19.,0 Madagascar was COVID-19 free on April 28 after registering 100% recovery for all confirmed cases.,0 Japanese family converts to Islam after they are cured from COVID-19.,0 Various groups in the Philippines will conduct Labor Day protests on the streets despite the enhanced community quarantine.,0 A vaccine for the novel coronavirus was available as early as 2001.,0 Journalists admitted that the COVID-19 pandemic is a hoax.,0 Actress Angel Locsin tested positive for COVID-19 in a second test.,0 COVID-19 is a pretense for a invouluntary implemantation of microchips and legalization of pedophilia.,0 "In Italy, 96,3% of people that died after developing COVID-19 died from other pathologies.",0 The post contains a COVID-19 conspiracy theory written by former South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy.,0 The photo shows bedding and food aid packages distributed in Rwanda during the coronavirus pandemic,0 "People should ignore guidelines to wear masks, especially since the government doesn’t advise mask wearing for tuberulosis.",0 Sweden has banned mandatory vaccination.,0 Former Rep. Trey Gowdy wrote essay past on social media claiming the COVID-19 pandemic was planned to help Democrats in the 2020 election.,0 "An article circulating on Facebook claims that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates said a COVID-19 vaccine could kill almost one million people, citing an interview he gave.",0 Rinsing your nose with saline solution could protect you from COVID-19.,0 “Bill Gates admits his COVID-19 vaccine might kill nearly 1 million people.”,0 People who are sick with coronavirus continue to be injected with sea water. Many have been saved.,0 WHO’s stance on the new coronavirus is changing and now supports the Swedish open policies,0 "The claim was that ginger powder cured coronavirus positive patients in Mumbai, advised ayurveda as cure",0 Applying mustard oil to the nostril will let the novel Coronavirus move to the stomach where it will be killed by the stomach acids.,0 Dried ginger powder can cure COVID-19.,0 One of the first recipients of a trial COVID-19 vaccine died.,0 MTN Uganda is giving out 122GB of data to customers for free in response to COVID-19.,0 Pregnant mothers are more likely to contract COVID-19.,0 Pope Francis is calling on all the faithful of his church to take the Malagasy remedy against COVID-19.,0 Doctor Didier Raoult reveals that the World Health Organization (WHO) in collusion with France is preparing to put poison in COVID-Organics.,0 Instagram post shared with text claiming that the novel coronavirus originated in a laboratory.,0 COVID-19 is fake and just a coverup for 5G technology.,0 "A recipe with lemon, ginger, onion and garlic can cure the coronavirus.",0 "Unilever and Pampers are offering free cleaning and hygiene products to Brazilian families affected by the COVID-19. To be entitled to this help, you need to type your city on the comments of the post.",0 "The COVID-19 death rate has been more than 10 times higher in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Ceará (states in which governors are currently opposing Jair Bolsonaro) than in Minas Gerais (whose governor supports Bolsonaro). The numbers have been inflated to make Bolsonaro look bad.",0 "Picture of an open coffin with nothing but a bag of sand inside. The caption states this picture was taken in Manaus, Brazil, and that empty coffins are being buried to induce the population to panic.",0 "If you forward a WhatsApp message to 13 people, Rs.400 will be credited as balance under smart city scheme.",0 Indiand entral government providing free scholarship and online tuition classes to school children.,0 Indian Spritual Guru Mata Amrithanandamayi Charitable trust gifts India its first “Air Ambulance”.,0 Bollywood Superstar Aamir Khan donated Rs.15000 each to poor slum dwellers in one kg wheat flour packets.,0 Old Dalit woman beaten up by Christian missionaries in Kerala.,0 Arnab Goswami wets his pants when called upon by Mumbai Police for interrogation.,0 Dr. Manish Patil died due to coronavirus in Maharasthra.,0 "A video showcasing successful trials completed for COVID-19 vaccine developed by PGIMER, in India.",0 Image of a couple claimed as activists Peter DeMello and Siraj Bilsara shared in connection with Palghar lynching.,0 Video showing a Muslim man throwing notes to spread coronavirus,0 An image with an alleged statement by the Spanish writer Arturo Pérez Reverte about the coronavirus and confinement.,0 Chinese President Xi Jinping urging Africans to reject a coronavirus vaccine that has killed all the animals it has been tested.,0 "An image has been shared on Facebook in April 2020 alongside a claim that it shows Muslims praying on a street in the Australian city of Sydney. The image was shared as the city’s residents continued to face stay-at-home orders during the novel coronavirus pandemic. Comments from some Facebook users on the misleading post indicated they believed the photo was taken during the lockdown restrictions,",0 All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) leader Waris Pathan threatened a cop to keep a mosque open during lockdown,0 "An image of a market carrying out social distancing passed off as Mizoram, India",0 Bill Gates is creating vaccines to make the earth’s population infertile. He discussed a plan to reduce the world’s population through vaccines during his 2010 TED talk.,0 The new cure for coronavirus: hot water with three aspirins and lemon.,0 The japanese doctor Tasuku Honjo says that coronavirus is not natural.,0 "Rui Costa, governor of the brazilian state of Bahia, asked Porto Seguro’s city hall to falsify the number of COVID-19 infected people to get federal funds.",0 "According to the headlines of an article shared as a screenshot, the first volunteer in the United Kingdom’s COVID-19 vaccine trial has died, two days after getting the injection.",0 CDC does not recommend wearing masks.,0 A text message from a COVID-19 monitoring app says the government is aware the user is more than 20km from their home address and must explain why.,0 Members of the Irish government’s national public health emergency team ignored social distancing rules at a recent meeting.,0 Nobel Laureate Dr. Honjo has claimed COVID-19 virus to be man made in Wuhan Laboratory.,0 A nurse claims that Delhi govt has stopped funding for the hotel stay for doctors and nurses treating COVID-19.,0 "Muslim boy in Madhya Pradesh, India attacked by BJP workers for violating lockdown.",0 "Coronavirus can in no way withstand heat, sunlight or other UV radiation. In other words, skin and surfaces are momentarily sterilized by sunlight or other UV radiation.",0 Japanese Nobel Prize for Medicine claims that the new coronavirus “is not natural” and “was made in China”.,0 Influenza vaccines contain the coronavirus and increase the spread of COVID-19.,0 "The real cause of death is not pneumonia, but thrombosis. The virus is not a problem.",0 The Japanese Nobel Tasuku Honjo has said that the coronavirus was created in China.,0 Trump says that subjecting the body to ultraviolet light exposure and injecting disinfectant can be an effective treatment against the coronavirus.,0 A viral video identifies banknotes as the reason for the increase in coronavirus cases in Nigeria.,0 Guidelines on how to use national identity card (NIC) as a curfew pass for essential requirements in Sri Lanka.,0 "28-year-old Dr Manisha Patil from Maharashtra died yesterday due to coronavirus. Manisha had examined 188 people and helped them recover, but she could not save herself from coronavirus.",0 President Donald Trump is selling coronavirus-themed commemorative coins through the White House Gift Shop.,0 "Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target and Costco “have not had any reported (coronavirus) cases in the news.”",0 Nobel Prize in Medicine Tasuku Honjo say that the new coronavirus ‘was made in China’.,0 News outlets are misusing a boy’s image to report the same child died of COVID-19 in three different countries.,0 A video of a group of men leaving a mosque has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter published in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows Muslims who gathered to pray in the Indian state of Gujarat in defiance of a nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Three photos have been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim they show improved air quality in the Sri Lankan capital of Colombo during a nationwide curfew implemented due to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "A photo, claiming that SARS-CoV-2 is an old virus, known since 2003.",0 "“Governor Andy Beshear has authorized Kentucky teachers to make in-home visits. With parental approval, teachers will inspect the bedroom of each student currently enrolled in K-8.”",0 "Indian government has started ‘Rashtriya Sikshit Berojgar Yojana’ to provide relief package of Rs 50,000 to all ration cardholders, int he midst of COVID-19 crisis",0 "Joy Arakkal’, the owner of ‘Joyalukkas’ jewellery company, has died due to COVID-19 in the Middle East.",0 Putting a mask below a pot of boiling water for 15s is a fast way to disinfect it.,0 Japanese schools re-opened then were closed again due to a second wave of coronavirus.,0 Thai police arrested a cat for disobeying the curfew order.,0 "A family (husband, wife, child) committed suicide because they could not bear hunger. They were migrants travelling to their hometown during the lockdown, from a city named Surat in India.",0 "A mosque in India that was distributing relief material to Muslims during the lockdown denied help to some needy Hindus who reached there, saying that there was no facility for Hindus.",0 The DNA of new coronavirus was manipulated in a lab.,0 70 billion coronaviruses need to enter your body to get infected.,0 "Being able to “take a deep breath and hold it for 10 seconds,” means you are not infected with COVID-19.",0 Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Honjo says he’s “worked at a research institute in Wuhan for four years” and claims the novel coronavirus “is created by China”.,0 Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp “mandates restaurants reopen”.,0 "The Philippine government has a P120 billion aid package for “no work, no pay” workers.",0 Opening ceremony of 2012 London Olympics was a projection of coronavirus pandemic. The hospital beds apperaing on the scene during the opening show and Boris Johnson in a hospital bed prove that the spread of the disease was planned in advance.,0 "Dr. Elisa Granato, one of the first volunteers to receive a potential COVID-19 vaccine in the U.K., has died.",0 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans to mobilize the National Guard to enforce a nationwide 14-day quarantine.,0 Harvard professor Charles Lieber was arrested for manufacturing and selling the new coronavirus to China,0 French health care workers are putting on defective Chinese-made protective gowns.,0 Mosquitoes can spread COVID-19 “from person to person.”,0 The Guatemalan president used the inclination of the COVID-19 infection curve as an argument that the virus containment phase has been successful.,0 Claim that British PM Boris Johnson said that cotton swabs in inspection kits from China had being contaminated with the virus.,0 Muslim men are being beaten during the lockdown in India.,0 The claim was that the huge rally of eople in Ahmedabad for Namaste Trump rally was behind more coronavirus cases in the state of Gujarat in India,0 "28-year-old Dr Manisha Patil from Maharashtra died yesterday due to coronavirus. Manisha had examined 188 people and helped them recover, but she could not save herself from coronavirus.",0 Guatemala performs 400 tests per a million people.,0 Guatemala’s president said that he decided to reduce the curfew time after a meeting with “the asociation of infectious disease specialists”,0 Nobel laureate Professor Tasuku Honjo said that new coronavirus was produced in the lab.,0 The photo shows doctors who died from COVID-19.,0 Viral audio clip of a Kannur based neurosurgeon suggesting remedies for the coronavirus.,0 Carrefour is selling face masks in its physical stores above the maximum price set by the Government of Spain.,0 A video shows.a policeman guarding Hajipur Prison suffering from COVID-19.,0 Video shows coronavirus infected notes scattered on Indore streets being sanitized.,0 A blog site reported the demise of a trial volunteer of a potential COVID-19 treatment.,0 Alcohol gel for hands goes into auto-combustion if left in a car in the sun during a hot day.,0 "A TV news segment shows empty coffins being buried in Manaus, Brazil, in order to spread panic among the population.",0 "Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Prize in Medicine, said that the coronavirus “is not natural”.",0 "Alberto Fernández, president of Argentina, proposed the creation of an aid for those with house arrest.",0 Alcohol flasks or alcohol-based hand sanitizer left inside vehicles can ignite with the sun heat.,0 Immunologist and Nobel winner Tasuku Honjo said the new coronavirus isn’t natural and was created by the Chinese.,0 The use of 3 drugs for respiratory disease vía nebulization helps to the treatment for COVID-19.,0 "Picture of a hospital in Santo André, Brazil. It says in the caption that, despite the COVID-19 crisis, the hospital has no patients.",0 "Video of Byculla (Maharashtra, India) MLA Waris Pathan threatening police to open a mosque during the Indian lockdown.",0 Japanese Nobel laureate professor Tasuku Honjo who had worked for 4 years in Wuhan laboratory said that coronavirus was synthetically manufactured in Wuhan laboratory.,0 "Pragya Kathua, a comedian from Odia, has died.",0 A video showing a Muslim woman misbehaving with doctors in India.,0 Donald Trump’s claim that the USA had more testing than all other countries combined.,0 5G technology is the cause of the coronavirus.,0 "A video published by a Columbian page on Facebook, which has been shared more than 34,000 times on that social network, claims that a German newspaper “has sued China.”",0 Picture shows clothes of those who have died of coronavirus in China. Beijing is now shipping these clothes to Africa.,0 A Kenyan senator is giving away cash to all Kenyan citizens to help them through the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "Walmart, Kroger, Amazon, Target and Costco had no reported cases of coronavirus in the news.",0 Sign outside the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation says “Center for Global Human Population Reduction.”,0 Coronavirus mortality rate been proven to be 0.03%.,0 An official government announcement details how COVID-19 restrictions will be eased in Ireland from early May.,0 "Walmart, Amazon, Kroger, Target and Costco stores — while staying open during the COVID-19 pandemic — “have not had any reported cases” of employees contracting the coronavirus.",0 Nobel Prize winner and esteemed Japanese immunologist Tasuku Honjo said the virus behind COVID-19 is “completely artificial” and was manufactured in China.,0 A Filipino scientist has produced a vaccine for COVID-19.,0 The coffins with the bodies of the dead of Bergamo were not a hoax.,0 Applying mustard oil in your nostrils will kill coronavirus.,0 Huge crowd on the streets of Delhi during Ramzan while there was no crowd during the festival of Navratri.,0 Roti with stamp distributed during lockdown in India.,0 A Facebook post defending the government’s role in current NHS equipment shortages was written by Jennifer Saunders.,0 "The NT$30,000 subsidy to Taiwanese labor is actually from the recipients’ own labor pension.",0 Five Air Force officers were identified as COVID-19 patients on April 25th.,0 "Since all students are covered under student insurance, have no fear in attending school – Sri Lankan education Minister.",0 Cuban scientists discovered that eucalyptus can help prevent and treat coronavirus.,0 Indian Prime Minister said world will be free from coronavirus in a month.,0 Costa Rican government will give $1 million to scientist Christian Marín’s company for research on COVID-19.,0 A viral WhatsApp message suggests that lemongrass tea kills COVID-19.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows a Muslim politician in India urging a police officer to open a mosque in order to allow people to pray during the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 A picture of an empty field hospital in Brazil. Post claims that COVID-19 crisis is not real.,0 Video of Byculla (Maharashtra) MLA Waris Pathan threatening Police to open a mosque during the existing lockdown impplemented to contain COVID-19 spread.,0 The largest hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic region has healed due to the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Japanese Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo declared that coronavirus is man-made and is created by China.,0 “So 2 doctors from Bakersfield discover that coronavirus mortality rate is 0.03%. 13x less deadly than what was previously thought! Their analysis has since been banned from YouTube.”,0 A Kenyan government minister showed his middle finger to coronavirus “idiots” during a televised press conference.,0 A photo showing scores of green parrots sitting on sacks of grain has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it was taken during a nationwide coronavirus lockdown in India.,0 "Japanese Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo, who worked in Wuhan for four years, claimed that SARS-CoV-2 was human-made.",0 Says Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on “4 U.S. patents for a key glycoprotein” used to “create the current COVID-19 epidemic.”,0 "Japanese Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo, who worked in Wuhan for four years, claimed that SARS-CoV-2 was human-made.",0 German physician Wolfgang Wodarg claims the coronavirus is harmless.,0 A ‘hot-mic’ conversation of journalists in the White House is used to state that the journalists know and joke about the coronavirus being a hoax.,0 Young people “have a greater chance of being killed by the HPV vaccine than COVID-19.”,0 A Whatsapp message claims that Japanese immunologist Tasuku Honjo said: the coronavirus is not natural.,0 Thousands of doctors say hydroxychloroquine cures coronavirus.,0 Video shows a baby was delivered with its amniotic sac because the mother has COVID-19.,0 “Children don’t seem to be getting this virus.”,0 "Says if you’re refused service at a store for not wearing a mask “call the department of health and report the store. Masks are suggested, not required.”",0 The coronavirus vaccine is ready and works in 3 hours (picture).,0 "COVID-19 mortality rates are exaggerated by 20 times, according to test results in New York.",0 "An audio message circulating in India claimed that in Wuhan, China, many people recovered from coronavirus without going to hospital after drinking ot water and steam inhalation.",0 Indian Prime Minister said world will be free from coronavirus in a month.,0 Nobel Prize Tasuku Honjo says the coronavirus was created by man in Wuhan.,0 "Claim that GloboNews, a Brazilian news channel, reported that a criminal died of COVID-19 while in exchanging gunfire with the police. A screenshot showing the caption “proves” it.",0 "A video of a car on fire. In the caption, it says that alcohol-based hand sanitizer caused the fire.",0 "A video of a speech by Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. On a voiceover, a man says that he is warning Brazil that imported masks from China and India are contaminated with the SARS-Cov-2",0 There has been vaccine for coronavirus (COVID-19) since 2001.,0 This photo shows bodies of COVID-19 victims.,0 A video of an alleged virologist named Judy Mikovits in which she launches numerous theories about the new coronavirus,0 "Videos in which trucks are seen whistling through the streets of Ourense, Spain, with a caption claiming that it is a protest against the Spanish Government.",0 Images of families breaching the safety distances related to the coronavirus this April 26 in Spain.,0 Content claiming that the first woman in the UK to try the experimental coronavirus vaccine has died.,0 "Several versions of a message saying that, according to Italian doctors, the SARS-CoV-2 virus was being “badly fought against”, since the cause of death would not be pneumonia, but rather “Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (thrombosis)”.",0 Indian company Jio offering 25GB of free data daily during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 COVID-19 is a big pharma fraud and a treatment has existed for years now (stem cell therapy).,0 "A video about the coronavirus circulates in WhatsApp that, when opened, hacks the cell phone “in 10 seconds”.",0 Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus.,0 "Alberto Fernández, president of Argentina: “We are the country with the least deaths in the world”.",0 The owner of the Indian jewellry group Joyalukkas died due to COVID-19.,0 "A viral video shows food aid provided by the national government, but that aid is financed with the budget of private companies and civilians.",0 A WhatsApp chain said that the Japanese scientist Tasuku Honjo claimed that COVID-19 was created by man.,0 An image has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook which claim it shows a government text message about a new coronavirus contact-tracing app in Australia.,0 "Chinese researchers call the novel coronavirus only one of 1,500 viruses stored in Wuhan lab.",0 WHO says coronavirus transmission Is no longer happening just through droplets but also in the air.,0 Romanian president Klaus Iohannis says a school reopened in France for an experiment and it failed. Many pupils were positive.,0 An official document details the instructions for schools in the post-lockdown period in France.,0 Videos showing American students singing the Indian national anthem to thank India for supplying hydroxychloroquine.,0 "A coronavirus positive patient found in Jamnagar, a city in the state of Gujarat.",0 Photo of a Hindu woman attacked by RSS members for offering Sehri to a Muslim Kashmiri girl during the Indian lockdown.,0 Photo of a Hindu woman attacked by RSS members for offering Sehri to a Muslim Kashmiri girl during the Indian lockdown.,0 Photo of people following social distancing in a market in Manipur (India).,0 "Dr. Elisa Granato, the first volunteer for vaccine trials in UK, has died.",0 Japanese Nobel laureate professor Tasuku Honjo who had worked for 4 years in Wuhan laboratory said that coronavirus was synthetically manufactured in Wuhan laboratory.,0 Political leader from Andra Pradesh made a nurse touch his feet: Image.,0 Pune Doctor Megha Vyas dies of COVID-19.,0 Indian Actor Aamir Khan gives Rs. 15000 to poor people in 1Kg wheat flour.,0 Central indian government likely to reduce the age of retirement of government employees to 50.,0 "Multiple Facebook posts claim that aspirin, lemon juice and honey have been combined to make a “home remedy” for COVID-19 in Italy.",0 "White South Africans are banned from getting COVID-19 government aid, says the headline of a news article. The article draws attention to a civil society group raising funds to buy groceries and other supplies for poor white communities in South Africa affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Late herbalist known as “Dr. Sebi” was correct in saying viruses don’t exist.,0 "First volunteer for COVID-19 Vaccine in UK, Dr. Elisa Granato, is dead.",0 "Dr. Manisha Patil died due to COVID-19 while treating coronavirus patients in Maharashtra, India.",0 Message warns the population about the danger of drinking water as a transmitter of COVID-19.,0 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer “has just been stripped of her emergency coronavirus powers by her state legislature.”,0 “We’ve tested more than every country combined.”,0 The CDC recommends that only people with COVID-19 symptoms should wear masks.,0 "Tasuku Honjo, Nobel Prize in Medicine 2018, said that “the coronavirus is man-made”.",0 Muslims are protesting on the streets during quarantine.,0 "According to scientific research, smoking protects against coronavirus.",0 "The COVID-19 pandemic was used as a cover-up of the Starlink project by Elon Musk, which launched dozens of satellites.",0 McDonald’s is reopening in the UK from Monday 27 April.,0 "In the United Kingdom, the woman who was tried for the coronavrus vaccine has died.",0 “The (corona)virus just isn’t nearly as deadly as we thought it was.”,0 Minister of Health claims that only one case of COVID-19 registered in Lithuania.,0 Dr. Anthony Fauci “has known for 15 years that chloroquine and … hydroxychloroquine will not only treat a current case of coronavirus but prevent future cases.”,0 "A video of a woman claiming that pneumonia, HIV, and cardiovascular patients are being treated together in a hospital’s COVID-19 isolation ward has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter. The footage includes superimposed text that claims the hospital is the Abbasi Shaheed Hospital, a state-run facility in the Pakistani city of Karachi.",0 “This image prove that a coronavirus vaccine for animals has existed since 2001. Do they think we’re complete fools?”,0 If you smoke cigarettes you’ll not going to get COVID-19,0 The only restaurant that is allowed to be open during the lockdown for COVID-19 is the one for Italian senators and representatives.,0 French Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet threathened the famous anchor Jean-Pierre Pernaut after he criticized the government policy about the pandemic on air.,0 A Japanese Nobel Price said that SARS-CoV-2 was human made.,0 Spanish and French masks prices are comparable.,0 An image shows a woman in Italy clutching her 18-month-old child tightly to her chest before dying of coronavirus.,0 "A 2005 NIH study shows that Fauci already knew of chloroquine’s effectiveness against coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2.",0 "Noimot Salako, Ogun state deputy governor claimed her state deployed Africa’s first mobile COVID-19 testing lab.",0 "France decreted an embargo on medecine supplies for Senegal, after President Macky Sall showed his interested for Covid-organics Malagasy drink.",0 A Facebook page posted a picture of the Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari with the caption “Buhari was in and also watched his live broadcast to the nation on Monday 27th April 2020”.,0 A man named Muslum Alsan got out of jail due to the COVID-19 pandemic and murdered his 9 year old daughter.,0 Seven children in Senegal are dead due to coronavirus vaccine testing.,0 "Tasuku Honjo, a Japanese Nobel Laureate in medicine is claiming that COVID-19 is a Chinese-made virus.",0 "In 2015, the National Health Institute of the United States, under Barack Obama, gave 3.7 million dollars to the Institute of Virology in Wuhan.",0 A message on Whatsapp and Facebook claims you should not accept masks from strangers; they are soaked with chemicals and will knock you out in order to rob you.,0 "Dr. Anthony Fauci disappeared at the end of April because he had illegally sent $3.7 million to a virology lab in Wuhan, China.",0 "Hospitals in the United States get paid $750 for patients who die from the flu, $17,500 for COVID-19.",0 "“All Missouri businesses can open Monday, May 4, under our new Order as long as new guidelines are followed.”",0 Flu symptoms are the same as those of COVID-19. ” It also says that the “deadly virus” is actually an “exosome” and that deaths from other diseases are being “reclassified”.,0 "The quarantine has been introduced to restrict individual freedoms, and the new coronavirus is not as dangerous as one claims.",0 A vaccine against polio funded by Bill Gates has paralysed almost 500 000 children in India between 2000 and 2017.,0 "“If you have had a flu shot in the last 3-5 years, you will probably test positive” for COVID-19.",0 There is a link between COVID-19 and the Kawasaki disease.,0 A message claimed that Angel Broking has gone bankrupt as oil prices went negative due to coronavirus lockdown around the world,0 UK’s Covid-19 vaccine trial volunteer Dr Elisa Granato is dead.,0 "In the United Kingdom, the woman who was tried for the coronavrus vaccine has died.",0 Tourism and holiday vacations in Sicily this summer are more than likely,0 First volunteer in UK coronavirus vaccine trial Elisa Granato has died.,0 Japanese Nobel laureate Tasuku Honjo announced that coronavirus is man-made.,0 This is an image of a suspected coronavirus vaccine causing COVID-19.,0 Protective masks will be five time more expensive in French tobacconists than in Spanish shops.,0 Several clickbait websites published misleading headlines claiming that “cigarettes block the coronavirus”.,0 A video shows that journalists visited Boris Johnson after he was cured of COVID-19 and returned home. Boris served tea in person.,0 A post on Facebook claims a Nobel Prize-winning Japanese scientist has said the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes the potentially deadly COVID-19 disease was “manufactured” by China.,0 Filipina actress Angel Locsin “tested positive” for the coronavirus after conducting several relief operations.,0 The government must have planned the coronavirus pandemic because the coronavirus relief bill had been introduced three years earlier.,0 "Multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and on various websites have shared a purported quote about the novel coronavirus from Japanese physician Tasuku Honjo, the 2018 winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. The posts, shared thousands of times, quote Dr Honjo as stating that the virus is “not natural” and was “manufactured in China”, as well as stating he previously worked at a laboratory in Chinese city of Wuhan for four years.",0 Brahma Kamal flowers bloom after many years due to less pollution during the lockdown in India to contain COVID-19 spread.,0 Brahma Kamal flowers bloom after many years due to less pollution during the lockdown in India to contain COVID-19 spread.,0 Video of American students singing Indian National Anthem as a sign of gratitude towards India for the supply of Hydroxychloroquine drugs during the crisis caused by COVID-19 spread.,0 "Elisa Granato (32-year-old), the first woman to get vaccine for COVID-19, died.",0 French minister of Justice did not threaten to sue the French journalist and TV host Jean-Pierre Pernaut after he criticized the government because of its way to deal with the epidemic.,0 "A 28-year-old doctor from Maharashtra, Dr. Maneesha Patil, died of COVID-19 while treating patients infected with coronavirus.",0 "A photo of dozens of dead bodies wrapped in plastic, with three people wearing masks standing among them, shows victims of the coronavirus pandemic.",0 Japanese doctor who won Nobel Prize said coronavirus is artifical and was manufactured in China.,0 Image shows the last moments of a mother and child suffering from COVID-19.,0 Americans singing Indian National Anthem thanking India for sending hydroxychloroquine tablets.,0 Japanese Nobel Tasuku Honjo says coronavirus was created in the Wuhan laboratory,0 "We will have a vaccine by september, Oxford’s science team says.",0 Works at the Luque cemetery near paraguayan capital Asunción are related to people who died from COVID-19.,0 "Dr Elisa Granato, one of the first participants in a UK COVID-19 vaccine trial, has died.",0 WHO warned that the second wave of the pandemic would be “catastrophic”.,0 USA government warned Brasilian government about “the mortal danger” of Chinese tests.,0 “Why did the US (NIH) in 2017 give $3.7m to the Wuhan Lab in China? Such grants were prohibited in 2014. Did Pres. Obama grant an exception?”,0 "A Facebook post shared more than 29,000 times claims people in Pennsylvania who do not wear a face mask in public during the novel coronavirus pandemic risk a $500 fine and up to six months in jail.",0 "A report circulating in Sri Lanka claims that a COVID-19 vaccine trial at the University of Oxford in England has been “successful”. The purported news article, which has been shared repeatedly on Facebook, states 72 out of 100 COVID-19 patients recovered from the virus after receiving the vaccine.",0 "A photo of a bill for more than SGD $180,000 (USD $128,000) from a Singapore hospital has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim the invoice was given to a coronavirus patient after treatment for the disease COVID-19.",0 Bollywood actor Aamir Khan is helping the needy during the COVID-19 crisis by sending flour bags with cash in them.,0 "Joy Arakkal’, the owner of ‘Joyalukkas’ jewellery company, has died due to COVID-19 in the Middle East.",0 Claim that supermarket workers are required to have a flu vaccination or face dismissal.,0 The first volunteer for the new COVID-19 vaccine died.,0 A series of unsubstantiated claims from an interview with David Icke. Amongst the allegation were the alleged connection between 5G and coronavirus and the claim that doctors characterise every death as a COVID-19 fatality.,0 The rate of coronavirus-related deaths being reported out of New York City is 200 times higher than the death rates of the world’s largest 10 cities.,0 "Russia ordered Covo Organics, controversial drink produced and promoted in Madagascar against COVID-19.",0 Implantation of nanochips has started in Ukraine.,0 Chinese people are not allowed in supermarkets in Australia.,0 Photo showing coronavirus infected mother hugging her child.,0 A vaccine for coronavirus was available since 2001.,0 Honey and olive oil cure COVID19 according to a Holy dream.,0 Brazilian governors are using COVID-19 pandemic in order to perpetrate frauds.,0 "Brazil’s president, Jair Bolsonaro, turned a clothing pole in Pernambuco, Brazil’s northwest state, in the biggest producer of masks, gloves and surgical gown during COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "The government “mistakenly paid 3,000 euros” to Roma families who then spent it in the Mercadona shop in Spain.",0 "An image that claims that Pedro Sánchez, President of Spain, thanked for the applause that the Spanish give him every day at 8 PM in his last speech.",0 Media shows a Florida beach full of people while it’s empty.,0 "Elisa Granato, the first volunteer in the first Europe human trial of a COVID-19 vaccine, has died.",0 "The 3 year old son of the Puerto Rican artist Luis Fonsi, Rocco Rodríguez López, has died of COVID-19.",0 UK dropped Huawei as 5G vendor due to coronavirus fears.,0 An online report shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter claims that one of Britain’s first volunteers to be injected with a trial coronavirus vaccine has died.,0 "Tedros Ghebreyesus, WHO’s general director, said that masks produced in China and India are infected by Sars-CoV-2.",0 An MLA Hafeez Khan forced a nurse to touch feet of a Muslim priest because she criticized Tabhligi Jamat for spreading coronavirus in India.,0 Video of a Muslim leader being accidentally shot dead during a celebratory firing after he recovered from COVID-19 in Pakistan.,0 Video of American students singing Indian National Anthem as a sign of gratitude towards India for the supply of Hydroxychloroquine drugs during the crisis caused by COVID-19 spread.,0 "Japan’s Nobel Prize winning Professor of Medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo has claimed that the coronavirus is not natural and that China manufactured it.",0 "Japan’s Nobel Prize winning Professor of Medicine, Professor Dr Tasuku Honjo has claimed that the coronavirus is not natural and that China manufactured it.",0 Image of peacocks gathered at Ooty-Coimbatore road in India amid Nationwide Lockdown.,0 Image of swollen feet of starving children who walked miles for food in Uttar Pradesh amid COVID-19 Lockdown.,0 Dr. Megha Vyas from Pune died of COVID-19.,0 Indian Government to provide internet to every citizen amid COVID-19 Lockdown.,0 Pune-based doctor Megha Vyas died of COVID-19 while treating patients infected with coronavirus.,0 "Tasuku Honjo, Japan’s Nobel prize-winning immunologist, says that the coronavirus is not natural, did not come from bats, and was manufactured by China.",0 "Madagascar’s artemisia-based tonic cures COVID-19. Artemisia is widely used in traditional medicines, and is known as lengana in Setswana and Sesotho and umhlonyane in isiZulu.",0 A volunteer for Oxford coronavirus vaccine died.,0 IndianTelecommunication Department offering free internet services during lockdown to work from home.,0 "Dr. Megha Vyas from Pune, India died due to COVID-19 while treating COVID patients.",0 "Taiwan authority announced a monthly subsidy of NT$50,000 for each family for three months.",0 False claims on number of deaths due to COVID-19 in Sri Lanka.,0 Artemisia herbal tea was certified by WHO as a cure for COVID-19.,0 “First volunteer in UK coronavirus vaccine trial has died.”,0 "A video of young adults singing the Indian national anthem has been shared on Facebook and Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic alongside claims that it shows American students performing to thank India for supplying the US with hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug that has been involved in clinical trials for potential COVID-19 treatment.",0 "Facebook posts accuse the Muslim community in Canada’s Calgary of breaking COVID-19 social distancing rules during Ramadan, using a photo of a crowded Islamic center as proof.",0 Graphics shared thousands of times on social media claim to show the exact probability of COVID-19 carriers spreading the disease if they or another person wears a mask.,0 Bollywood actor Aamir Khan is helping the needy during the COVID-19 crisis by sending flour bags with cash in them.,0 A Nobel Prize-winning scientist said the coronavirus is “not natural” and that “China manufactured it”.,0 "In the Philippines, Kabataan Partylist representative Sarah Elago is shown in a quote card saying the lockdown amid the COVID-19 pandemic is a human rights violation.",0 Use of hydroxycholoroquine is restricted to military hospitals in France.,0 Doctors encouraged by hospitals and AMA to overcount COVID-19 deaths.,0 A photo of a dog vaccine against coronavirus is shared as proof that the virus existed 20 years ago.,0 US students sing India’s national anthem after India agreed to supply Hydroxychloroquine.,0 "A text circulating in Macedonia claims that there is a huge difference between the terms “to recover” and “to be cured” and that in order for someone to be cured, they have to receive some medicine.",0 WHO releases report claiming vegetarians haven’t contracted the coronavirus.,0 Inhaling steam of orange peels and sea salt will kill the coronavirus.,0 "Brazilian researchers from Manaus, Brazil, used a lethal dose of chloroquine in order to kill patients and cause the medicine to not be used as a medicine in treatment of COVID-19.",0 "The article claims that the Ðœayor of Tetovo in North Macedonia, Teuta Arifi, managed to pusuade the Government for more tolerant measures in this city, i.e. not wearing protective masks.",0 "In India, Tiruppur police caught people who broke the lockdown and put them in an ambulance with fake coronavirus patients.",0 Students from the USA sang the Indian National Anthem to thank the Indian government for providing hydroxychloroquine.,0 In Madhya Pradesh the tenure of Sarpanchs (Decision makers of the villages) has been extended by five years in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in the state.,0 Nobel laureate and Japan’s renowned professor Tasuku Honjo has described coronavirus as unnatural. He has also said that this has been prepared in a lab in China.,0 "To express gratitude towards India for sending the Hydroxychloroquine to the US, a group of American youth sings the Indian national anthem.",0 Abascal and Casado have voted to fire Spanish workers who became ill due to COVID-19.,0 "COVID-19 does not exist according to the president of Belarus Lukashenko, so the measures are only needed for the political elites to control people.",0 "A Facebook post advertising lockdown relief funds worth Ksh 5,000 for Kenyans.",0 The Brazilian Government will not pay next month’s installment of the COVID-19 Emergency Allowance (a temporary benefit for poor families) because it has no money,0 "Brazilian new Minister of Health, Nelson Teich, is investigating COVID-19 statistics for alleged fraud. Because of that, the number of cases and deaths have been falling in Brazil on the week of April 24.",0 "In Brazil, 187 thousand people had their COVID-19 Emergency Allowance cancelled because Caixa Econômica Federal, the public bank responsible for the payments, found out they bought electronic devices and luxury itens with the previous installment.",0 "Alberto Fernández, president of Argentina: “Of the total deaths, 85% are people over 65 years”.",0 "A sentence is circulating in Spanish, with the claim that it is from the novel The plague by Albert Camus.",0 "COVID-19 has been shown not to be pneumonia, but thrombosis, so the treatment patients receive is wrong.",0 A former senator published on his social media a ranking of cities in Colombia that best prevented the coronavirus.,0 “Ultraviolet Radiation is administered into the body as a disinfectant to kill bacteria and viruses and this has been used for a while now.”,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim it shows police shooting a man dead at a COVID-19 checkpoint in the Philippines.,0 Dr Megha Vyas from Pune died due to coronavirus while treating COVID-19 patients.,0 An image showing food supplies placed on an open ground for COVID-19 lockdown affected areas in Indonesia.,0 This image shows a mother suffering from COVID-19 holding her baby.,0 "Image of ideal social distancing being followed in a market in Aizwal, India.",0 Omani princess Sayyida Mona bint Fahd al Said tweets against India.,0 As per ICMR study there’s been not a single case of COVID-19 among indigenous Assamese communities in India.,0 The Italian government asks to recite the Quran in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Some people have stopped electricity during night time in Dilsukhnagar (Hyderabad) and scattered currency notes on the road to spread coronavirus.,0 "The photo of lions in Srisailam forest, in India, during the time of lockdown in the country to contain COVID-19 spread.",0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows a nurse apologising to a Muslim man after she blamed the Muslim community for spreading COVID-19 in India. The posts claim the nurse was forced to apologise by a local politician.,0 "You have to pay “cash bail” of KSh6,000 if you’re caught without a mask in downtown Nairobi, Kenya.",0 "Very hot steam, inhaled from the kettle four times a day, and hot tea, also taken four times a day, can cure COVID-19, according to an Indian man living in Wuhan, China.",0 Exposure of blood to ultraviolet light rids the body of coronavirus.,0 "Muslims in Malegaon, India, violated lockdown to read Namaz on a bridge.",0 "48 COVID-19 positive patients from Jaamat found in Delhi’s Sultanpuri area, in India.",0 "A video shows the arrest of the “man behind COVID-19,” a Harvard professor who authorities found manufactured and sold the novel coronavirus to China.",0 The Philippines has fewer COVID-19 cases despite having a larger population and smaller land area than Italy. The post attributed it to Pres. Rodrigo Duterte’s “immediate response” to the pandemic.,0 A video shows a woman demonstrating how mixing rum and bleach can make rubbing alcohol.,0 A video shows how Indian police frightened those who disobeyed the lockdown measure by putting people in an ambulance with a COVID-19 patient.,0 "An image of a child crying calling for his mother, who lost her life due to COVID-19.",0 Thieves give masks with ‘chemicals’ to victims to put them to sleep.,0 A video has been shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows corpses in body bags at an apartment that is home to a New York-based Islamic group. The posts claim the victims died in the apartment after contracting the novel coronavirus because they ignored social distancing rules.,0 Administrative documents French people need to fill to go out are a copy paste from 1940 documents.,0 “We’ve still had more deaths to the flu this year than we’ve had COVID-19.”,0 Vitamin C can cure coronavirus.,0 Black cats in Vietnam are being killed and consumed as a COVID-19 cure.,0 "COVID-19 is not transmitted through contact with surfaces, only from person to person.",0 Bill Gates said in a TV interview that people don’t have a choice when it comes to vaccination for COVID-19.,0 "A new virus called hantavirus, sourced from rats, was discovered in China.",0 "The Philippines’ social welfare department is distributing P3,000 to all senior citizens.",0 "“Mitch McConnell said he wanted states to go bankrupt instead of the federal government providing relief. Today, Thom Tillis agreed.”",0 "In a speech, Italian politician Vittorio Sgarbi say there are not 25.000 deaths in Italy – 96 percent of the deceased died of other causes.",0 "5G is weakening the immune system, which causes the coronavirus.",0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts that claim it shows bodies of elderly coronavirus patients who were euthanised by their governments as a “practical” response to the pandemic.,0 Singapore defeated the coronavirus in just 20 days without a single death.,0 “Half the workforce in the country may have just been idled” by coronavirus.,0 Bathing in bleach cures COVID-19.,0 Half a million of people are demanding investigation on Bill Gates charging him with crimes against humanity. White house decides about Gate’s destiny. Investigation is on the way,0 In Madhya Pradesh the tenure of Sarpanchs (Decision makers of the villages) has been extended by five years in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak in the state.,0 Nobel laureate and Japan’s renowned professor Tasuku Honjo has described coronavirus as unnatural. He has also said that this has been prepared in a lab in China.,0 "To express gratitude towards India for sending the Hydroxychloroquine to the US, a group of American youth sings the Indian national anthem.",0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in China in 2013.,0 Criminals give contaminated masks from door-to-door to make people fall asleep and rob them.,0 Typing *#21# on your cell phone lets you know if you’re being spied on because of COVID-19 geolocation measures in Quebec.,0 Being behind a jogger or a cyclist makes you at risk of contracting COVID-19.,0 The Canadian federal governement gives 756 $ to every citizen.,0 Coronavirus was created from HIV.,0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in China.,0 Serbia has enough coronavirus tests.,0 "The text conveys the Twitter status of Natasha Apostolska from Tetovo (whose father died of corona), in which she claims that during the 28-day self-isolation she did not see a doctor at all, nor was she prescribed any therapy.",0 A tweet from the Argentine writer Beatriz Sarlo against the head of government of the City of Buenos Aires,0 A WhatsApp chain with the next phases of the quarantine in Argentina.,0 The remedy for coronavirus is in a page of the Koran.,0 A video posted on Facebook claiming that chloroquine and azithromycin are proven cures of COVID-19,0 Ghana’s National Service Secretariat to withhold payments to personnel until COVID-19 is over.,0 "Empty coffins are being buried in Manaus, Brazil, to stir up the population. This was revelead by TV Band, a TV channel in Brazil.",0 "COVID-19 can be cured with an infusion of garlic, lemon and jambu (an Amazonian herb, used as a spice in Northern Brazil).",0 "COVID-19 is going away. On April 21, the number of new cured cases was larger than the number of new cases, which means the total number of active cases is diminishing.",0 "An audio file by an alleged worker at a health institution in Rio de Janeiro. She says that healthcare workers on public institutions in Rio are forced to state whether a patient has COVID-19 or not even before he sees a doctor. This was, allegedly, being done to artificially inflate the number of cases.",0 This photo shows a pregnant woman suffering from coronavirus,0 "A WhatsApp chain that says that the Community of Madrid “will allow from Monday 27/04/2020 to be able to walk and walk for an hour” individually or in pairs,",0 A WhatsApp chain that says the Red Cross is offering 500 euro bonuses “for the whole family” in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.,0 Drinking hot water ou tea kills the new coronavirus because it cannot resist heat.,0 List of points from an interview of HDFC bank’s Managing Director Aditya Puri stating how India will survive and make it big post the current lockdown due to COVID-19.,0 "Video of recent Ram Navami Celebrations in Akbarpur block (Uttar Pradesh, India) despite the lockdown in the country due to COVID-19.",0 This viral photo is the photo of COVID-19 infected person’s throat.,0 "Image of poor family in Uttar Pradesh, India that committed suicide due to lockdown.",0 "Image of a market practising social distance claimed to be from a city Aizwal, in India.",0 The superintendency of insurance approved a 30% discount on car insurances in Argentina.,0 Coronavirus is activated by the flu vaccine.,0 A woman holding a child in her hands succumbed to the novel coronavirus in Italy.,0 The April 22 jump in COVID-19 cases in the United States was related to the election.,0 Ghana Education Service confirms date schools in Ghana will reopen.,0 US President Donald Trump has suggested studying the injection of disinfectant as a COVID-19 treatment.,0 COVID-19 deaths in the Brazilian state of São Paulo fell after audits conducted by the new minister of Health.,0 Video shows someone shot during celebrations after his COVID-19 treatment.,0 "A photo shows a woman holding a banner saying ‘Tayyip give us free wine, not a mask’.",0 Message allegedly shows COVID-19 treatment costs in some countries.,0 "According to a graphic that circulated on social media, former Anakpawis party list representative Ariel Casilao apologized to the residents of Norzagaray, Bulacan, Philippines and asked that the charges against him be withdrawn.",0 "48 coronavirus patients found in quarantine center in Sultanpuri, in Delhi, India and all those belong to Jamaat.",0 A tweet from Donald Trump in 2009 said that he would ‘never let thousands of Americans die from a pandemic’.,0 Image of a critically ill COVID-19 infected woman hugging her child for the last time before her death,0 Global pandemics are occurring every 100 years.,0 A photograph circulating on Facebook purports to be a screenshot from a TV news report showing a crowded beach in South Africa during the lockdown.,0 Smoking may protect against COVID-19; scientists believe nicotine might protect against coronavirus.,0 A photo shows a 19-year-old vaccine for canine coronavirus that could be used to prevent the new coronavirus causing COVID-19.,0 "U.S sent 100,000 military forces to South China Sea in a move to increase its presence in the region, against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.",0 President Trump urged people to ingest or inject disinfectants as a treatment for coronavirus.,0 November 2019 job listing for a quarantine advisor at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention prove the government knew the COVID-19 would hit United States.,0 "Mosques are allowed to stay open during pandemic in the United States, but churches are not.",0 A photograph taken in 2001 shows a vaccine for coronavirus.,0 "Nurse Komal Mishra from Pune, India, has died due to COVID-19 while treating patients.",0 “Trump and McConnell are blocking stimulus checks for Americans married to immigrants.”,0 "President Barack Obama “signed the medical appliance tax bill that forced companies to outsource manufacturing of masks, gowns, gloves and ventilaors [sic] to China, Europe and Russia to avoid the tax.”",0 A photo shows a memo from the World Health Organization on the protocol and procedure of lockdown periods in India.,0 "Two physicians in Bakersfield, California, claim that COVID-19 is similar to the flu in terms of prevalence and mortality; that sheltering in place weakens that immune system.",0 A man in Wales was caught on video touching his groin and wiping his hands on a public lift.,0 A vaccine for coronavirus was made in 2001.,0 "While western countries have been busy fighting the new coronavirus, international terrorism has stopped.",0 A social media post claims former Fijian prime minister Laisenia Qarase died from COVID-19.,0 "North Carolina’s health department is “telling hospitals that if they decide to do elective surgeries, they won’t be eligible to receive (protective equipment) from the state.”",0 "A news article says that the Kenyan high court is easing its restrictions on church gatherings, and allowing church leaders and crew to broadcast services, as long as they keep social distancing.",0 "Senators Grace Poe, Risa Hontiveros, Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan, Franklin Drilon, Cynthia Villar, and Ralph Recto refused to give aid to the Philippines during the coronavirus pandemic.",0 The vaccine against the new coronavirus has been developed in Ukraine.,0 Hot weather will stop the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 The coronavirus was transmitted from bats to street dogs.,0 The US hospitals inflate the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths so they can receive more money.,0 The opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympics announced that the new coronavirus was coming.,0 “It’s not the coronavirus that’s killing people. It is the economy.”,0 Getting a flu shot increases risk of COVID-19.,0 The WHO has acknowledged that self-isolation is an ineffective measure in fighting COVID-19.,0 "Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim doctors from the National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) in Taipei have found that COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, is a combination of AIDS and SARS.",0 A woman holding a child in her hands succumbed to the novel coronavirus in Italy.,0 "The claim that “Profession” said that vaccinations will be mandatory, otherwise there will be severe consequences against those who refuse to vaccinate children and whose children will be taken away.",0 The text insinuates that the Macedonian Minister of Defense insulted doctors with her Easter greetings post on Facebook during a coronavirus epidemic.,0 "567 positive cases and 39 deaths from COVID-19 were recorded in Mali on April 13, 2020.",0 You should wear the colored side of the mask on the outside when you are sick and the white side on the outside when you are healthy.,0 Indian economist Raghuram Rajan chaired the IMF webinar on coronavirus.,0 Colombia is the country with less cases and deaths for coronavirus per inhabitant in America.,0 "Mix of jambu, lemon and garlic heal COVID-19.",0 "A video shows an empty hospital. It states that, although Globo said there were already 7 patients at a temporary COVID-19 hospital built in Fortaleza, Brazil, the video proves it is still not working.",0 "Picture of Eduardo Leite, governor of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on a cable car. In the captions, it says he was taking a vacation while everybody else was on lockdown.",0 "Video of an FBI raid. In the captions, it says the agents were seizing Chinese N95 masks that were contaminated with COVID-19.",0 Headline claims that North Macedonia has not received medical help from the European Union.,0 "Photographs of killer whales allegedly taken in El Médano, Tenerife during confinement by the coronavirus.",0 Clinical trials with chlorine dioxide (CDS) allegedly initiated by the American Institute of Health.,0 Facebook posts shared in at least three countries as scientists work to develop a COVID-19 vaccine claim to offer a legal way to refuse vaccination.,0 Mumbai city’s municipal body asks people to drink boiled water as a remedy to coronavirus.,0 Claim that the Washington Post revealed that the coronavirus leaked from the Virology Institute of Wuhan.,0 "Doctors say treating patients with corticosteroids is the official cure for coronavirus. During an interview for a television channel, a doctor from São Paulo describes the procedure.",0 Video shows FBI agents confiscating masks from China infected with coronavirus.,0 "The governor of São Paulo, João Doria, was dancing at a party, ignoring the recommendations of the Ministry of Health to avoid crowds.",0 Argentina is the country with the most infected health personnel.,0 A video claiming that the $ 100 bills are being printed without a number in Argentina.,0 Interview of HDFC Bank Managing Director Aditya Puri about why india will survive COVID-19 and make it big,0 "“Marcel” explains why French champion of hydroxychloroquine Didier Raoult is right againt Pr. Karine Lacombe, saying for instance a decree allowing to prescribe hydroxychloroquine was changed in last minute.",0 Prevotella bacteria is responsible for COVID-19.,0 "Video of a burqa-clad Muslim woman being denied a food kit distributed to help people during the current crisis in India due to COVID-19, for being a Muslim.",0 "Komal Mishra, a staff nurse at a hospital in Pune, India died while due to coronavirus.",0 An image showing a vegetable market where vendors are properly following the social distancing is from India.,0 "This video shows fishes overflowing out of the water in Goa, India because the fishery business has been halted due to the lockdown.",0 Gujarat Police in India has called for civil volunteers in Surat for helping the local force in enforcing lockdown in the city.,0 "A woman infected with COVID-19 has been spitting and roaming inside a departmental store at Reliance Mall in Rani Bagh, Delhi.",0 Tunisian researcher speaking in this video found a cure against COVID-19.,0 "Trey Gowdy said, “I’m not saying COVID-19 isn’t real…. But pay attention folks, there’s much more going on here than what meets the eye.”",0 A photograph of a woman hugging her young child before she died of COVID-19 in Italy.,0 A ban on Chinese citizens going to markets in Australia.,0 Drinking warm water mixed with salt kills the coronavirus.,0 A photo showing swollen tonsils with white spots is what a throat of a person with COVID-19 that has spread to the lungs and body looks like.,0 "COVID-19 is a thrombosis and is cured with anticoagulant, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic aspirin.",0 A Pentagon study found that people who get the flu vaccine are 36% more likely to get COVID-19.,0 Brazil has the world’s best COVID-19 recovery rates.,0 Chinese masks imported by brazilian Ministry of Health are infected with the new coronavirus.,0 A claim that Sri Lankan students were flown home by Pakistan after they were stranded during the county’s COVID-19 lockdown has been shared on Facebook and WhatsApp.,0 "Japanese Nobel Prize for Medicine Tasuku Honjo claimed on social media that coronavirus is not “natural”, and that China made it in a Wuhan lab where he worked for several years.",0 In a viral video the popular German musician Xavier Naidoo utters doubts about the existence of the coronavirus and says face masks are useless.,0 Smokers are less likely to get COVID-19.,0 Aspirin dissolved in lemon juice boiled with honey can be a home remedy for the coronavirus.,0 “People defying stay-at-home order fill Arizona beaches.”,0 Mosquitoes can transfer COVID-19 “from person to person”.,0 The video of a father hugging his son in the middle of a seizure is shared with a text claiming it’s related to COVID-19.,0 Doctor says in a video: We must all go out to get infected to end the pandemic. Vaccines are going to infect us with another disease. Fear causes other illnesses.,0 Mexico extends quarantine until August 1.,0 Video of Muslim leader being accidentally shot dead during a celebratory firing after he recovered from COVID-19 in Pakistan.,0 "An audio message by former CBI JD, V.V. Laxmi Narayana claims that lockdown in India will be extended till June 1.",0 "Photo of Kurnool MLA (Hafeez Khan) making a nurse to touch the feet of a religious head in Viswabharathi Medical College, who had to come to the COVID-19 quarantine facility.",0 Bill Gates is creating a vaccine against the COVID-19 which would geolocate the population.,0 "South African food production company Unilever, commercial bakery Sasko and rice producers Tastic are closing down production, as a result of the coronavirus lockdown across the country.",0 "Pennsylvania House of Representatives approved funding for COVID-19 in June 2019, proving that the pandemic was pre-planned.",0 A video of hot mic comments between a Fox News reporter and a New York Times photographer reveals that COVID-19 is a hoax and proves that there is a secret vaccine.,0 Trey Gowdy said coronavirus shutdowns were suspicious and overblown.,0 All elective or non-emergency surgeries are banned to prioritize coronavirus treatments and prevent the spread.,0 "U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Wuhan, China, in time to release the novel coronavirus and sabotage the U.S.-China trade deal.",0 "U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Wuhan, China, six days after the impeachment proceedings against President Trump ended.",0 "“President Trump just announced that the ‘biological’ lab in Wuhan where the COVID-19 virus was created was ‘funded’ by President Barak Hussein Obama in 2015 to the tune of $3,800,000 American dollars!”",0 “Pelosi was in (Wuhan) China 6 days after the impeachment HOAX failed.”,0 The existence of a canine coronavirus vaccine casts doubt on statements that there isn’t one for humans.,0 Inhaling the steam of water mixed with salt kills the virus causing COVID-19.,0 Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said his country was the first in Asia to impose a lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Lemon, mango, avocado, garlic, tangerine, pineapple and orange are good against COVID-19.",0 American Muslims read namaz in front of Congress against coronavirus.,0 A photo of three nurses forced to wear trash bags as protection against novel coronavirus in Brazil.,0 "Famous French blue cheese, roquefort, is a “medecine against COVID-19”.",0 An autistic boy wrote the name of a treatment for COVID-19.,0 "A Twitter user tweeted that there’s community transmission of COVID-19 in Kano, Nigeria.",0 "There are not enough epidemiologists in Kazakhstan. the specialty “Epidemiology” has disappeared from medical schools, there are no even qualification requirements for it.",0 The citizens can deny mandatory vaccination if they ask a specific set of questions to their doctor. Also every vaccine contains MRC-5 cells from aborted fetuses.,0 Nobel Prize laureate claims the new coronavirus was created in a laboratory and it’s genome contained sequences of HIV.,0 "A Whatsapp message claims COVID-19 doesn’t cause pneumonia but thrombosis, and antiobiotics or Aspirin can help or cure the disease.",0 "A Facebook post claims nicotine help to prevent COVID-19, this is why smokers don’t get infected.",0 "According to the documents leaked out from Bill Gates foundation, Chinese scientist, Mrs. Shih Zhengli is responsible for releasing the COVID-19 by placing a piece of polluted day ice near the Wuhan seafood market.",0 "If you paid rent in March or April in the United States, “they got to give” you your money back.",0 The USA are counting on alternative medicine like chlorine dioxide or hydroxychloroquine instead of vaccines.,0 Wearing a mask is dangerous for little childen; there is the risk of a breathing standstill because they can’t regulate how many CO2 they inhale.,0 Physical exercise reduces the infection risk by 50%.,0 A ban on Chinese citizens going to markets in Australia.,0 The text accuses the Government of leaving the citizens at the mercy and compassion during the coronavirus epidemic and that people are self-organizing to help with food and medicine.,0 "The article claims that one of the symptoms of some of the patients with coronavirus is skin manifestations, i.e. lesions on the feet, which look like measles.",0 The World Bank has lauded Tanzania’s COVID-19 response policies.,0 There is evidence to claim that the new coronavirus has been created in the United States.,0 Coronavirus is treated only with thrombosis treatments.,0 CNN congratulated Costa Rica for being “discharged” from COVID-19.,0 Claim that Indian actor Jaaved Jaaferi tweeted that it is not necessary that the Muslim fruit vendors applying spit on fruits should be COVID-19 positive,0 Indian economist Raghuram Rajan commented in a webinar for the IMF on India’s situation regarding COVID-19,0 Wisconsin is “clearly seeing a decline in COVID infections”.,0 The incident of lynching of two Indian monks in Palghar amid lockdown was communal.,0 "In India, Kerala High Court orders Kerala government to cease business with controversial data analytics company Sprinklr while hearing a Public interest litigation suite on April 21, 2020.",0 "In India, Tamil Nadu’s BJP party workers distributed drugs along with COVID-19 relief goods.",0 The photo shows the woman who is the representative of the Religious Affairs Department in the coronavirus Science Committee in Turkey.,0 Videos show the clashes arose in Paris because new coronavirus was detected in street-washing water.,0 "A WhatsApp audio allegedly from a judge of Tarragona, Spain that claims that cops can’t fine you for going to the street during the lockdown",0 "A video of a Muslim march in Valencia, Spain allegedly recorded during the confinement by the coronavirus.",0 "The “vinegar test”, a home experiment to supposedly know whether or not a person is infected with coronavirus",0 "Muslims are throwing currency notes on roads to spread coronavirus in Indore, a city in India.",0 Currency spread on the roads to spread coronavirus.,0 A woman attempting to spread coronavirus in Delhi’s Super store.,0 WHO releases report claiming vegetarians haven’t contracted the coronavirus.,0 This video shows a riot in the United States triggered by the oil price collapse.,0 The 5G network causes flu symptoms and it caused the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 A YouTube chanel and a blog was created to promote the idea that NATO troops are leaving Lithuania due to governments inability to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic,0 Facebook posts claim a child who is infected with the novel coronavirus will be taken to a hospital unaccompanied.,0 "Lemon, aspirins and honey is the recipe against COVID-19.",0 Salta’s (Argentina) consulate pretend to charge 400 dollars to every Bolivian who wants to return to their country.,0 Matterhorn mountain in Swiss Alps lit up with the Indian Tricolour after PM Narendra Modi supplied Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) tablets.,0 Germany sends China £130 billion bill for ‘coronavirus damages’.,0 Social media posts shared in South Africa claim that children in grades 1 to 11 will be promoted after the school year was cancelled because of the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A video showing two journalists talking at a White House briefing is the proof a vaccine exist.,0 Video shows a drone that delivers food amidst the quarantine in Japan.,0 "Video of a burqa-clad Muslim woman being denied a food kit distributed to help people during the current crisis in India due to COVID-19, for being a Muslim.",0 List of key takeaways on how India has successfully handled the COVID-19 crisis from an IMF webinar session chaired by Raghuram Rajan.,0 "COVID-19 patinet in Kanpur, India left outside the hopsital without any treatment.",0 A muslim boy named Rizwan was beaten to death by Uttar Pradesh Police for violating lockdown.,0 COVID-19 patients in Gujarat are being segregated on the basis of religion at Ahmedabad Civil Hospital.,0 “Trump said ‘hundreds’ of governors are calling him…& we only have 50.”,0 Two cyclists from Cordoba skip the quarantine.,0 Wine will protect you from COVID-19.,0 The Spanish Government asked the army to spray populations with chemicals from military aircrafts to stop the coronavirus.,0 An image has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim it shows vendors observing social distancing guidance at a market in eastern Sri Lanka during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Respirators made in Turkey bought by a Spanish region cannot be used because in the ICUs because their technology is obsolete.,0 Screenshot shows 109 coronavirus cases in a Cali’s neighborhood in Colombia.,0 "Governor of Jalisco, México, arrests people on the street for not wearing face masks, to later put them in jails where they have no masks.",0 "A graphic video shows dozens of dead bodies washed onto a beach. These are COVID-19 infected dead bodies, which some countries are throwing into the seas. Users are warned to stop eating seafood.",0 Photo of people following social distancing in a market in Manipur (India).,0 Indian muslims violating lockdown protocols by gathering and offering Namaz on rooftops.,0 "No, a vaccine will not be required to obtain a visa for Europe.",0 Germany has sent China a bill of £130 billion for damages caused to the economy due to coronavirus.,0 A video of White House briefing suggesting Donald Trump and his gang all vaccinated.,0 Video shows aid denied to Hindus shared in India.,0 An American CEO draw a map to praise the Indian government’s COVID-19 response.,0 "If 60% of italian download the COVID-19 app created by the government for contact tracing, then its download and use will be compulsory by law.",0 "By downloading and using the COVID-19 app created by the government for contact tracing, authorities will deport by force our infected relatives.",0 This picture shows a mass grave that has been built in Milan to bury people that have died from COVID-19.,0 Brigitte Macron asked Didier Raoult treat her daughter with chloroquine.,0 It is not pneumonia but thrombosis that kills. From today patients with coronavirus are given heparin.,0 "Clean semen is a cure for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "A chess tournament was held in Kalush, Ukraine during the quarantine.",0 The Spanish government is authorizing military airplanes to spray cities with a substance that will help neutralize the new coronavirus.,0 "Harry Kissinger quoted as saying “Once the herd accepts mandatory forcible vaccination, it’s game over”.",0 Russia forgave a 20 billion dollar debt from some African countries due to the coronavirus crisis.,0 “Nearly half of (Missouri) counties have not reported positive (COVID-19) cases.”,0 Some news sites said that Ghanaian minister for Information Hon. Kojo Oppong Nkrumah warned Ghanaians that a total lockdown and curfew will be imposed soon.,0 "In order to save Pakistani people from the coronavirus, Prime minister Imran Khan has started prayers in Shiva temple in Ciyal Kota (Pakisthan) which had been closed for 72 years.",0 "A video has been viewed more than 100,000 times in multiple posts on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter in which a purported Philippine doctor claims ingesting semen could cure a patient infected with the novel coronavirus, citing a 2016 scientific study.",0 "Consuming a cup of brown sugar per day can cure COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "Dr. Abdul Rahman Al-Youbi, Director of King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia, shares the news of a new vaccine for Covid-19 created by Saudi doctors.",0 A video depicting an Egyptian army helicopter floating around a beach gathering to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus.,0 "Riots in the American streets, after the collapse of the American economy due to the Covid-19 pandemic.",0 Former RBI governor Raghuram Rajan held IMF conference to roll out new economic recovery plan.,0 COVID-19 patients in Gujarat are being segregated on the basis of religion at Ahmedabad Civil Hospital.,0 Two images of a forecast table of de-escalation phases of the alarm state in Spain.,0 Chinese medical supplies to Ghana contaminated with coronavirus.,0 A police officer in Bihar’s Bhagalpur Central Jail has tested positive for coronavirus.,0 "Notes thrown by a person with the intention of spreading coronavirus in Madhya Pradesh’s Indore, in India.",0 A video is doing the rounds on social media which claims that policemen are now being tested positive for the COVID-19.,0 Trump and Putin are using the coronavirus pandemic to take down international bankers and their “New world order”.,0 "Coronavirus is a lie, it was caused by 5G and the goal is to implant the entire population with microchips.",0 5G is being secretly installed in Croatia in the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Dead people are instantaneously declared as victims of the coronavírus.,0 Tonic water and zinc will kill COVID-19.,0 Gargling with bleach can cure coronavirus caused by eating Chinese food.,0 The coronavirus was created in China and this country was prepared for the pandemic.,0 "Pictures of João Doria, governor of São Paulo, at a party in Araçatuba during COVID-19 lockdown.",0 "A video of a news report claiming WhatsApp is going to be suspended in Brazil. On the caption, it is stated that the suspension is going to take place because of misinformation regarding COVID-19.",0 "A alleged tweet from General Heleno, Minister of Institutional Security (sort of like Ministry for the Interior) in Brazil. It says COVID-19 is not strong, since he himself and president Jair Bolsonaro had it and recovered easily. Bolsonaro always denied having COVID-19.",0 "A picture of a girl being kicked by a police officer on a motorbike. In the caption, it says the pictures was taken in the state of Ceará, Brazil, during a protest against lockdown.",0 "Renner, a Brazilian chain store, has closed all its units in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay last Thursday (April 16).",0 India’s Ministry of Home Affairs banning citizens from posting about the new coronavirus on social media.,0 "Video showing policemen picking banknotes with sticks, linking it with coronavirus.",0 Video showing coronavirus patient telling her ordeal shared with the claim that she is from India.,0 Image shows thousands of devotees gathered in religious fair in India amidst lockdown.,0 The image shows a daughter crying for her coronavirus infected mother who struggling for her life.,0 Asia’s richest man Mukesh Ambani’s wife Nita Ambani received Rs.500 as welfare fund from Central Government.,0 Mountain Matterhorn in Switzerland was lit in three colours of Indian flag as a token of gratitude to India for sending Hydroxychloroquine.,0 US has developed miracle drug Remedesivir against COVID-19.,0 Karnataka Chief Minister attended H.D. Kumaraswamy’s son’s wedding amid nationwide lockdown.,0 "In Kerala, India, Consumerfed starts 24 hours free home delivery for liquor.",0 Image of Sevabharathi workers in India caught in Excise raid for illegally distilling alcohol.,0 The photo shows that a man in Jordan died of COVID-19 was buried with his car,0 "An American CEO drew the Indian map comparing the population of each Indian state to that of countries across the world, highlighting how India is indirectly handling the COVID-19 crisis of so many countries.",0 The COVID-19 pandemic was caused by the 5G network. All influenza pandemics are caused by the “electrification” of the earth.,0 HEB is giving away $ 500 pesos coupons because of COVID-19 in Mexico.,0 Recent news and media claims that the Tuberculosis vaccine- BCG may be effective against COVID-19,0 "After announcing social isolation measures, governor of São Paulo, João Doria, appears at a party in the interior of the state.",0 "Police officer steps on woman protesting against social isolation measures in Ceará, a Brazilian state.",0 "Military men run on a beach in Rio de Janeiro, disrespecting governor Wilson Witzel’s isolation measures.",0 The photo of a vaccine for canine coronavirus proves that a vaccine exists for the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.,0 A picture of a reporter in protective medical gear is an example of how the American media “hypes” the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 The photo of a vaccine for canine coronavirus proves that a vaccine exists for the novel coronavirus.,0 Trump claims Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted a tweet about her visit to Chinatown in February,0 A photo shows what COVID-19 does in the throat.,0 Hotels to remain closed in India till 15 October 2020.,0 "COVID-19, MERS and H1N1 epidemics coincide with the installation of 3G, 4G and 5G networks respectively.",0 Study shows that flu shots result in a 36% higher risk of coronavirus infection.,0 Image of a critically ill COVID-19 infected woman hugging her child for the last time before her death.,0 "Image of a Muslim boy, Rizwan, who had died after being beaten up by Tanda (UP) Police for violating the lockdown restrictions mandated due to COVID-19 spread.",0 A large Muslim crowd in the indian city of Haldwani stone pelted doctors when they tried to quarantine the Imam.,0 A senior police inspector is infected with COVID-19 in Bhagalpur Central Jail in India.,0 Video shows the first infected patient of COVID-19 at Dhanbad Hospital.,0 The Gates Foundation “has the patent for this coronavirus.”,0 "“Face masks being manufactured in China, for example, went to domestic consumption and their own fight against the virus” while the U.S. was “largely unable to import supplies from China.”",0 "“Hundreds and hundreds of labs are ready, willing, and able.”",0 Madrid’s city council has made it compulsory to be registered in the city in order to access the IFEMA pavilion for the homeless.,0 A video in Facebook claims that gargling with toothpaste could prevent the contagion with COVID-19.,0 "“Georgian blood is unique. It may prove useful to fight COVID-19″. According to the article, doctor Dick Longballs from the Virology Research Center in the city of Hartford, the U.S. state of Connecticut, who is involved in developing a vaccine against COVID-19, discovered that Georgian blood contains special particles.",0 The intestinal bacteria named Prevotella is actually killing patients suffering from COVID-19 after they are with the virus.,0 Three photos showing dozens of body bags have been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook which claim they show the bodies of COVID-19 victims in Pakistan.,0 "According to a meme, in 2003, when 3G was introduced to the world, there was an outbreak of Sars, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. In 2009, 4G was introduced and there was a swine flu outbreak, and in 2020, when 5G was introduced, the world has suffered the coronavirus outbreak.",0 "On video an unidentified woman warns Africans not to accept vaccines from China, claiming that the Chinese government wants to kill the “African population” with fake vaccines. She says that seven children died in Senegal after being given the fake vaccine from China.",0 "Dr. Deborah Birx, the coordinator of the coronavirus Reponse team in the Trump administration revealed the lack of coronavirus testing was because it was not profitable for private labs.",0 President Donald Trump said former President Obama funded the coronavirus that was creatical in biological Wuhan lab.,0 "Bill Gates wants to implement microchips, to depopulate the planet and he is sued in India for killing people with vaccines.",0 There is a relationship between COVID-19 and the 5G network.,0 Image of seven month pregnant lady doctor from Sri Lanka in the battle against COVID-19.,0 Image of news channel claims Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan’s wife tested COVID-19 positive.,0 Bill Gates is detained as the creator of the coronavirus.,0 Rinsing the mouth with salt water help with coronavirus.,0 Posts shared hundreds of times on WhatsApp and Facebook claim that hair salons are responsible for almost 50 percent of all coronavirus deaths.,0 "An image shows groups of Muslims gather to pray on various rooftops, thus failing to comply with the social distancing ordered by the Spanish Government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.",0 “New autopsy reports suggest Jeffrey Epstein most likely died from COVID-19 complications.”,0 "Vaccines, including the one for COVID-19, include aborted fetal tissues.",0 A picture that is shared in Social Media explains how much wearing a face masks protects you against an infection using percentages.,0 You have to shave off your beard and moustache completely for mouth masks to be effective.,0 Video showing how Germans are converting to Islam in large numbers.,0 Egyptian doctor Habiba Abdel Ghani died of Covid-19.,0 Those who recovered from the coronavirus were never able to return to normal life.,0 "As part of a “global conspiracy”, the authorities prepare the population for the mass microchip-implantation.",0 A video is doing the rounds on social media which claims that policemen are now being tested positive for the COVID-19.,0 This is the calendar for the end of the lockdown in Spain.,0 A WhatsApp message that ensures that the coronavirus attacks hemoglobin in the blood and not the lungs.,0 People from the Muslim community have now started throwing infected notes on the road to spread coronavirus. This new method will make it even more difficult for the police to catch the spread of the virus.,0 Video showing crowded São Paulo avenue was recorded in act in favor of president Jair Bolsonaro and against coronavirus safety measures.,0 Three red tick marks on WhatsApp means the government is initiating action against you.,0 "Video showing Manoj Tiwary, leader of the ruling party of India, voilated lockdown and distributing masks among crowd.",0 A photo purporting to show a man walking through scores of corpses has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it shows that countries with high COVID-19 death tolls are euthanising elderly patients.,0 Muslims in West Bengal are beating up cops during the lockdown.,0 “My wife is suffering from coronavirus and she is pregnant. The doctor said she won’t survive it.”,0 "A photo taken by a journalist showing a beach in Jacksonville, Florida, isn’t from after the government reopened the beach as news reports have claimed.",0 News photo from stay-at-home protest was doctored to add Confederate flag.,0 "Says a photo shows the “SAME EXACT PEOPLE” at “two different beaches” in Los Angeles County and Jacksonville, Florida.",0 The new coronavirus is a “smokescreen” to cover up a much more catastrophic event: an asteroid.,0 "A photo shows President Rodrigo Duterte, along with Senator Bong Go, doing the rounds during the coronavirus pandemic in the Philippines.",0 This viral image shows how effective face masks are.,0 PM Modi dressed “like a marriage reception” on his visit to a hospital recently despite the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.,0 "Image of a Muslim boy, Rizwan, who had died after being beaten up by Tanda (UP) Police for violating the lockdown restrictions mandated due to COVID-19 spread.",0 A Facebook post by NEWSFLASHNG.COM posits that the late Mallam Abba Kyari died from ulcer and not coronavirus as is generally believed.,0 Photo shows packed beach of re-opened Jacksonville Beach on CNN.,0 Nigerians are “burning Chinese stores.”.,0 A Filipino living in America cured himself of COVID-19 after drinking a glass of water with a teaspoon of salt.,0 "“Sweden has zero lockdown” and “is in no worse shape than Denmark or Norway,” which are in lockdown.",0 Videos showing black people being attacked by Asian people have been shared thousands of times online in recent weeks. Although Africans living in China have reported discrimination linked to the coronavirus pandemic,0 A post on LEGITFUND.COM claimed that Nigerian Vice-President Mr Abubakar was weeping at the loss of his son’s life.,0 Teen spitting in tea bottle to spread the coronavirus.,0 US President Donald Trump called Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte to ask for help to “solve coronavirus” because he “can’t handle” his constituents.,0 President Barack Obama awarded $3.7 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2015 to study the coronavirus.,0 New York schools add a COVID-19 vaccine to the mandatory school schedule.,0 Smoking protects against COVID-19.,0 A boat smuggling citizens to and from Omdurman in Sudan in violation of the embargo imposed by the Sudanese authorities after the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic.,0 Photo of an old Italian man crying after his health improved.,0 Video showing how Iraqis took to the streets in refusal to extend the curfew imposed to prevent the outbreak of coronavirus.,0 A man in a tree trying to defraud the quarantine imposed in American cities during the Covid-19 crisis.,0 "It was claimed that the BCG vaccine, given to all Indians mandatorily after birth, makes them immune to coronavirus.",0 Mass disinfection of people using a chemical solution will eradicate COVID-19 .,0 People from the Muslim community have now started throwing infected notes on the road to spread coronavirus. This new method will make it even more difficult for the police to catch the spread of the virus.,0 This 3 year old girl is fighting for her life after getting the coronavirus.,0 People who are filming themselves with medical equipment boxes are Spanish politicians.,0 Claim that the Washington Post confirmed that coronavirus patient zero was a worker from the Wuhan Laboratory.,0 WhatsApp messages that claim that the Washington Post has confirmed that the origin of SARS-CoV-2 is due to a security breach in a laboratory in Wuhan.,0 An image from the Official Spanish State Gazette and messages that assure that “the Government is going to use military aircraft to fumigate against the coronavirus.”,0 A video in which several people in suits are seen approaching the doors of a police station and taking photos with their masks coinciding with the coronavirus health crisis.,0 "A video where dolphins appear swimming in a marina, supposedly due to the inactivity of the port caused by the coronavirus health crisis. This video has been circulated saying that it is the Promenade of Palma de Mallorca, the port of Denia (Alicante), the port of Moraira (Alicante) or the port of Premià de Mar (Barcelona).",0 An image of people sleeping in a lobby is being shared with a claim that this image is from Gujarat where the lockdown is not being followed.,0 "Following the coronavirus pandemic, film star Salman Khan has given 200 ambulances to the India.",0 Photo of hospital with empty beds shows that pandemic effects have been exaggerated by the media in Brazil.,0 Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro said that beneficiaries of R $ 600 emergency aid to mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic ‘do not like to work’.,0 "An worker commited suicide in Surat, India due to hunger during lockdown.",0 "Video shows dead bodies lying on the beach, shared with the claim that bodies of coronavirus patients are being dumped in the sea.",0 "Indian Union State Minister for External Affair, V. Muraleedharan says, “if the expatriates return, they will threaten the lives of resident Indians.”",0 Image of Pakistani youth protesting for hydroxychloroquine.,0 People have thrown currency notes on road to spread the COVID-19 infection.,0 Single source’ Muslims are spreading coronavirus by leaving money strewn on the streets.,0 "A video shows that Italian people knelt to pray to God for help, and repented of their sin during the COVID-19 outbreak.",0 Autopsies performed by the Italians showed that COVID-19 is not pneumonia-like. COVID is disseminated intravascular coagulation (thrombosis). So the way to combat it is with antibiotics.,0 Ecuadorians dump their dead by COVID-19 into the sea.,0 "The number of deaths from respiratory illnesses in Ireland this year is comparable to previous years, and COVID-19 is not causing any more deaths than would usually be happening",0 "Kabataan Representative Sarah Elago said that the lockdown and curfew imposed by President Rodrigo Duterte are against human rights, and that they are now calling for People Power.",0 A photo has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte carrying out presidential duties during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland was lit up with Indian tricolour to convey gratitude to the country for sending the life-saving Hydroxychloroquine drugs in the fight against COVID-19.,0 Matterhorn mountain in Switzerland was lit up with Indian tricolour to convey gratitude to the country for sending the life-saving Hydroxychloroquine drugs in the fight against COVID-19.,0 Muslims scattered currency notes on a road in Indore to spread coronavirus.,0 Video showing dead bodies of COVID-19 infected persons washed ashore as they were thrown in the seas by some countries.,0 A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Twitter and Weibo which claim it shows US banknotes being printed during the novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020.,0 "A post has been shared repeatedly on Facebook by Sri Lankan Facebook users that claims 1,290 people died from coronavirus in the Chinese city of Wuhan after the city’s lockdown was lifted on April 8, 2020. The posts claim that Sri Lanka should avoid lifting its own lockdown restrictions due to an upcoming election in order to avoid a similar spike in deaths.",0 "Amid lockdown, Karnataka (India) chief minister Yeddyurappa attended the wedding of Kumaraswamy’s son, ignoring social distancing.",0 "Flu killed 80,000 people in the United States last year.",0 A photo of fatigued medical professional in the battled against COVID-19.,0 Aung San Suu Kyi is number one among women leader in combating coronavirus.,0 "Drinking different types of tea can cure coronavirus, that were prescribed in Wuhan by Li Wenliang",0 Police takes harsh step against Temple Priest for violating lockdown norms.,0 A video of a man rebuking foreigners has been viewed thousands of times on social media alongside a claim that the Guinean government has ordered the arrest of all Chinese nationals in the country while awaiting the safe return of Guineans from China.,0 "“The flu killed 80,000 people in the U.S. last year”.",0 Posts on social media claim that people who have been vaccinated against the flu in the last 10 years will test positive for COVID-19.,0 "SARS-CoV-2 has insertions of HIV which means the virus was fabricated in a laboratory, according to Luc Montagnier.",0 "The new coronavirus causes excessive iron production, not pneumonia.",0 The WHO is intentionally overestimating the number of deaths from coronavirus.,0 A video clip of Indian Army personnel assaulting a man for violating quarantine curfew hours.,0 Six thousand people deliberately convert to Christianity in Venezuela after a terrible struggle with the corunavirus.,0 An image of people sleeping in a lobby is being shared with a claim that this image is from Gujarat where the lockdown is not being followed.,0 "Following the coronavirus pandemic, film star Salman Khan has given 200 ambulances to the India.",0 "The viral audio about the Government of Spain is not by Daniel Múgica, son of Enrique Múgica, former Minister of Spain during the government of Felipe González.",0 "The supposed phrase of the daughter of the president of Banco Santander in Portugal, who died of coronavirus, in which she says: ‘We are a millionaire family, but my father died alone and suffocated, looking for something as simple as air. The money stayed at home”.",0 The coronavirus is caused by 5G technology.,0 "Video of Mariano Rajoy, former prime minister, going for a run and breaking the quarantine.",0 A photo of Muslims praying in a group on rooftops that is shared as if it were during the confinement by coronavirus in Spain,0 "Messages that are shared in networks claiming that the images emitted by laSexta (TV Channel) in which the former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is seen walking are not current and, therefore, would not correspond to images recorded during the confinement decreed by the state of alarm before the sanitary crisis by the coronavirus.",0 A poster stating Pakistan has asked for hydroxychloroquine instead of Kashmir.,0 A video shows a man attacked by police officers because he was walking on the street in São Paulo during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "The SARS-CoV-2 has been engineered by man, edited from the VIH-1 virus.",0 "Video of a woman being pushed by a police officer and told to go to her house. On the subtitles, it is said that this happened because she disrespected lockdown measures in Bahia, Brazil.",0 The number of COVID-19 deaths in Brazil plummeted after Minister of Justice Sergio Moro ordered the Federal Police to investigate whether the numbers were being fabricated.,0 "A video of police officers immobilizing a screaming woman. The caption states that they were being beaten by the police because they refuse to go to their houses during lockdown in Minas Gerais, Brazil",0 Various claims that “the virus was made in a Chinese laboratory”.,0 "Friday prayer started back in Tunisian mosques since April 17, after being closed during the pandemics lockdown, and a few days before Ramadan.",0 The FBI raided a Jewish synagogue in New York that hoards N95 masks.,0 "21 people died in Lagos, Nigeria, after getting a COVID-19 vaccine.",0 Bihar’s Health Department has confirmed that poultry chicken is the source of coronavirus.,0 "A year ago, 14-year-old astrologer Abhigyan Anand had made a prediction about thecoronavirus.",0 People are offering prayers in groups on rooftops despite lockdown. That too when cases of coronavirus in India are continuously increasing.,0 Coronavirus in poultry products has been confirmed by the Bihar Health Department.,0 Internet sensation and the world’s cutest baby Anahita Hashemzadeh is suffering COVID-19.,0 Table that compares deaths from COVID-19 with other causes show the new coronavirus is harmless.,0 Mortality data for COVID-19 declined after the Brazilian Justice Minister announced an investigation.,0 "Claim that according to the New York Times, US ballistic-missile submarine USS Tennessee has eight confirmed cases. Since the submarine was on a mission for 119 days, it indicated that the virus was originated from the US.",0 The COVID-19 virus cannot spread in areas sprayed with eucalyptus oil vapor.,0 Goodwill Industries International has fired all its employees because of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "In India, BJP Leader Manoj Tiwari violating lockdown and moving on streets.",0 Indian Police mistreating positive coronavirus patients.,0 "A video shows a naked man vandalizing a “mosque”, linking him with coronavirus pandemic in India.",0 Image of Gulbarga car festival held during lockdown this year.,0 "Video of people thronging to a wine shop in Assam, India amid lockdown.",0 "Kenya’s 2022 general elections have been postponed by five years until 2027, and the government will use the election budget to fight coronavirus.",0 "According to a BBC News screenshot, seven coronavirus victims in Rwanda were shot dead by unknown gunmen.",0 Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier claimed that the coronavirus genome contained sequences of HIV (the virus that causes AIDS).,0 Trump’s claim that Obama’s handling of the 2009 swine flu pandemic was a disaster.,0 Migrant family walking from Surat due to the lockdown committed suicide due to starvation.,0 Hindus were not allowed to receive food being distributed in a mosque in India during the lockdown.,0 Says Wisconsin’s in-person election has caused a “surge” in new coronavirus cases,0 "FB post says coronavirus was successfully treated in Moscow 40 years ago with Arbidol and other pills, so the idea that there is no medication is a lie.",0 "When a police officer enforced lockdown orders on people in a temple in India, he was beaten up there.",0 A Democratic attack ad said Trump shipped 17 tons of medical supplies to China.,0 Lee Kum Kee is a doctor and scientist graduated in China is the creator of the vaccine to cure coronavirus.,0 This photograph shows a large bunch of workers from Bulgaria who have been brought in to Ireland to pick fruit ignoring social distancing rules outside a Dublin supermarket,0 There is a microchip in Mexico to diagnose COVID-19.,0 A video of monkeys swimming in a pool has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it was filmed was shot in the Pakistani capital during a COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Photos of delivery of aid for upper strata (higher social classes) in Colombia.,0 "“Switzerland already has the coronavirus vaccine” ; “In 6 months he hopes to have the entire population of his country (sic) vaccinated and then export to the rest of the world,” says the image.",0 Economist Stefan Homburg says the reproduction number of the coronavirus published by the German Robert Koch Institute shows that the lockdown in Germany was neither necessary nor effective. The number was below 1 before the lockdown.,0 A map showing 5G antennas in Italy with accompanying claim that they are related to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Coronavirus pandemic was planned at the Event 201.,0 Muslims scattered currency notes on a road in Indore to spread coronavirus.,0 The Egyptian actor SAAD ELsaeer has COVID-19 and this is his photo from the hospital.,0 "Luc Montagnier, a Nobel prize winner, claims that Sars-Cov-2 was made in the laboratory to create an HIV vaccine.",0 "A banner with a swastika, “Trump” and “Pence” is from a Michigan coronavirus protest.",0 Social media posts claim that US citizens married to immigrants are not eligible for relief payments available to many Americans under the stimulus package aimed at countering the economic crisis sparked by the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Video of birds flocking together at Bangalore airport in india, during the lockdown in the country to contain COVID-19 spread.",0 A claim that hand sanitiser contains ethylene glycol and risks poisoning pets if they are patted after using it.,0 "A study proves that the coronavirus is a human creation, as a French Nobel Prize winner says.",0 The new coronavirus was created in a Chinese research facility in Wuhan.,0 "Bill Gates, the WHO and the World Bank lost billions to Trump amid the coronavirus outbreak.",0 The Philippines has an “approved” cure for COVID-19.,0 Link between thrombosis and coronavirus “change all” current treatments for patients.,0 "Boris Johnson refused 50,000 ventilators offered by the EU.",0 The nurses that Boris Johnson claimed saved his life are not registered in the UK.,0 A viral video post claiming that Ecuador had declared that country had failed in the battled against COVID-19.,0 A police officer in Bihar’s Hajipur (India) station contracted coronavirus.,0 "Germany cancels strict quarantine and opens shops, museums, libraries, zoos.",0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim it shows a Koran recitation in Italy as part of the government’s effort to fight the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 "President of the Chambers of Deputies of Brazil, Rodrigo Maia, ruled out a state of emergency bill in Februrary 2019.",0 "According to an image shared via WhatsApp, ANSA news – a famous Italian news agency – has released the government time plan for reopening business activities.",0 French President Macron and its spouse are jetskiing during the lockdown.,0 A female doctor in Uttar Pradesh died after being injured during stone pelting by local Muslims who refused to be screened for COVID-19.,0 Cuban researchers have developed a cure against COVID-19.,0 These pictures show doctors sleeping due to fatigue and tiredness after treating Covid-19 patients.,0 "Two photos show an Iraqi soldier embracing his daughter, who is sick with Covid-19, and surrounded by transparent plastic.",0 "A year ago, 14-year-old astrologer Abhigyan Anand had made a prediction about thecoronavirus.",0 People are offering prayers in groups on rooftops despite lockdown. That too when cases of coronavirus in India are continuously increasing.,0 Coronavirus in poultry products has been confirmed by the Bihar Health Department.,0 Internet sensation and the world’s cutest baby Anahita Hashemzadeh is suffering COVID-19.,0 The Egyptian actor SAAD ELsaeer has COVID-19 and this is his photo from the hospital.,0 A video in which a man cuts his neck on the street.,0 Smokers are less likely to be hospitalized for the coronavirus.,0 "A Twitter user shared an image of a map of India.The caption reads, “This is a map of India redesigned by an American CEO where he tried to explain that India is indirectly handling the COVID-19 situation of so many countries, owing to its large population”.",0 "News and media outlet ABP Majha, on the basis of an internal memo of South Central Railway, reported that a special train has been announced to take the stranded migrant workers home.",0 A viral video show Hungarian policemen throwing old people in trucks to force them to go into quarantine.,0 A canine coronavirus vaccine shows that “something is wrong” in how we are talking about the novel coronavirus.,0 "House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi posted and deleted a video on her Twitter account, in which she calls on people to visit Chinatown in San Francisco.",0 "In Spain, Extremadura region will allow people to go for a walk in big boulevards.",0 A group of muslims pray together in roofs breaking the state of alarm in Spain.,0 "A news clipping attributed to Hindi daily Dainik Jagran stating that coronavirus was found in poultry in Bihar, India.",0 "People in Kerala, India violate lock down and flock markets to buy vegetables for Vishu celebrations.",0 Central government rejects Kerala government’s appeal to dispatch planes to retrieve Indian expats stuck in Gulf countries.,0 Indian State of Manipur becomes first COVID free state in India.,0 "An image claimed to be of an abandoned child, since both his parents were infected with COVID-19.",0 Civil Services Examination in India has been cancelled due to coronavirus outbreak.,0 A viral text message claims FDA has approved the use of chloroquine for all COVID-19 patients; and pharma company Novartis has announced there are studies proving chloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 "Autopsies performed by Italian doctors reveal that antibiotics, anticoagulants, and anti-inflammatories are the way to combat the new coronavirus.",0 "Criminals in Ireland are dousing facemasks with chemicals and offering them to people, before robbing them.",0 "All pubs in Ireland are to remain shut until 1st September at the earliest, according to a letter from the Chief Medical Officer.",0 Queen Elizabeth II’s speech to the British people on 5 April was actually recorded a month earlier on 5 March.,0 The 40% of the Italian Hospital staff is infected with coronavirus,0 The scientists who discovered the coronavirus genome were fired of the Argentinian Institute Malbrán during the presidency of Mauricio Macri.,0 Claim that Noam Chomsky assured that the new coronavirus was created by the United States to “start a bacteriological war”,0 These stray dogs were hit and murdered to avoid COVID-19 spreading in Mexico.,0 "Ivan Arias, Minister of Public Works, Services and Housing, stated that the Bolivian government was the first to set up a Covid cabinet.",0 "In the United States, there are “360,000 (deaths) a year from swimming pools. But we don’t shut the country down for that.”",0 "One photograph of a protest shows how the Bolivian government continues its racist policy of repression, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 A poll with doctors from 30 different countries confirm that chloroquine is the most effective treatment against COVID-19.,0 "Eating alkaline foods are an effective treatment against COVID-19. SARS-Cov-2 does not survive when the pH of the body is above 5.5. A few food itens with alkaline pH: orange, lemon, avocado, pineapple, mango and garlic.",0 "A video shared thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram purports to show hundreds of Nigerians scrambling for food amid a lockdown prompted by the novel coronavirus.",0 Some countries throw COVID-19 infected dead bodies into the seas.,0 Kenya is offering a COVID-19 mobile data grant to citizens.,0 "A man was beaten by the cops in Dehradun, India after he violated the lockdown norms and came out to spit on people’s doors and handles.",0 Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain said that not a single one of the 30 thousand in Markaz was found coronavirus positive.,0 The image is from Gujarat and shows the condition of migrant workers who are stuck due to the lockdown.,0 Police catches coronavirus positive patient on the road.,0 "The pandemic is a lie, COVID-19 can be cured with vitamin C and Bill Gates is behind it all.",0 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorized Bodysphere’s two-minute COVID-19 testing kit.,0 This picture shows a list of advices given by WHO to prevent and cure COVID-19,0 A video argues that the pandemic could have resulted from the accidental or intentional release of either a natural virus under study or an artificial virus that was bioengineered (manmade).,0 "Social media users claimed Ghana did poorly with respect to food distribution amid the COVID-19 season, when compared to Niger, Nigeria and Rwanda.",0 "House Speaker Nancy Pelosi delete a February 24, 2020, video of herself from Twitter in which she encouraged people to visit Chinatown in San Francisco.",0 Amazon’s Alexa says the government released the coronavirus.,0 Hospitals compensated 15% more for COVID-19 patients under the stimulus package and New York City hospitals are inflating their coronavirus numbers.,0 Says Democrats are on vacation until May 4 and “refuse to come back” to sign a bill to help small businesses.,0 The case-death rate was fixed in Turkey on purpose.,0 A police officer in Bihar’s Hajipur jail has been affected with coronavirus.,0 Muslims are hoarding food that is distributed in the lockdown.,0 A Muslim woman is shouting at doctors who have come for coronavirus inspection at one of the places in India.,0 This video shows an African national being severely beaten in China during COVID-19 pandemics,0 5G mobile networks are linked to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "In his televised evening address on Thursday, April 16, President Rodrigo Duterte said the Philippines was the first to impose a lockdown in Asia amid the coronavirus pandemic.",0 "Posts shared more than 2,000 times on social media appear to show a 2009 tweet from Donald Trump criticizing then-president Barack Obama’s handling of the H1N1 pandemic and placing “ALL responsibility” on presidents in a crisis.",0 "A graphic with a purported quote from former Philippine presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo has been shared in multiple Facebook posts. The graphic, which appears to have been published by Philippine news outlet Inquirer.net, claims that Panelo said the poor are to blame for being unable to protect themselves from the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 What we need to do to defeat the coronavirus is to consume more alkaline foods above the virus’ pH level.,0 "The internet portal Oiga Noticias accused in a headline the Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia López, of making fun of small and medium-sized companies.",0 Colombia is the leader in intensive care beds in Latin America,0 "Due to COVID-19 outbreak, UPSC has cancelled examinations in India.",0 Photo of Pakistani people holding a banner with the text – ‘We don’t want Kashmir. Give us Hydroxychloroquine’ asking India to help them handle the COVID-19,0 Image of people participating in a ‘Chariot pulling’ festival in Kalabari district (Karnataka) despite the current lockdown in the country implemented to handle COVID-19 spread.,0 "In India, this image shows a Tablighi Jamaat member beaten up by Uttar Pradesh Police for misbehaving with a nurse in the Ghaziabad quarantine. He was a COVID-19 suspected case.",0 This video shows an African man being violently beaten in China during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Lion walking in a road and is going to Vaishno Devi shrine during lockdown.,0 "The epidemic is stopping in Marseille, one of the French largest cities.",0 "Bill Gates free to prescribe drugs while the late herbalist, “Dr. Sebi,” was not allowed to heal people with herbs.",0 "During the coronavirus crisis, Danes are eagerly googling words like “divorce lawyer” and “divorce papers”, Danish media writes.",0 "In the midst of the coronavirus health crisis, a wealthy terminally ill heiress offers by email to donate her fortune to the recipient.",0 A German lawyer was forcibly placed in a psychiatric hospital because she opposed the preventive measures taken against COVID-19.,0 This picture shows a young boy hospitalized after he was infected by COVID-19.,0 Italian doctor who supports the anti-vaccine movement claims that vaccines won’t help in the fight with novel coronavirus because virus mutates too quickly. Post also claims that in reality only 3 people in Italy died because of coronavirus.,0 We will achieve herd immunity if young people get infected with the new coronavirus.,0 "A video shared more than 10,000 times on Facebook features a freediving champion who claims that masks don’t offer protection from the novel coronavirus and that the moisture created by breathing into a mask actually offers a fertile environment for the virus.",0 "A WhatsApp chain claims that consuming foods with high pH help to counteract the coronavirus, since these increase the pH level of the body.",0 "Cheb Khaled, the king of Algerian Rai, dies in a Paris hospital after he got infected with Covid-19.",0 Video showing how Italy started a conference reciting the Holy Quran.,0 The Swiss army sings the Egyptian anthem to obtain masks from Egypt.,0 "Man recovered from Covid-19 in Jordan, and his family celebrated it by firing shots, and they wounded him, which led him to go back to the hospital.",0 "Multiple posts shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter since March 2020 claim that Israel has reported zero deaths from the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19. The posts also claim Israeli citizens have protected themselves from COVID-19 by drinking a remedy of hot water, lemon and baking soda, which purportedly “kills” the virus.",0 "A Twitter user shared an image of a map of India.The caption reads, “This is a map of India redesigned by an American CEO where he tried to explain that India is indirectly handling the COVID-19 situation of so many countries, owing to its large population”.",0 "News and media outlet ABP Majha, on the basis of an internal memo of South Central Railway, reported that a special train has been announced to take the stranded migrant workers home.",0 The FDA (USA’s Food and Drug Administration) has approved the use of hydroxychloroquine in all patients with COVID-19.,0 Video shows brazilian police officers expelling people from beaches with pepper spray and rubber bullets because of COVID-19’s restrictive measures.,0 Thailand reports first case of COVID-19 that infected from a dead body.,0 Only Turkey and Russia did not apply for IMF funds due to the outbreak.,0 COVID-19 inventor Dr. Charles Lieber was arrested in the US.,0 Judge and lawyers wrote petition seeking the arrestment of Supreme Court ministers and state governors in Brazil.,0 US President Donald Trump has failed to contain the coronavirus outbreak in the US as a result the Holy Quran is being read in the White House.,0 "Rita Wilson, Tom Hanks’ wife, stated in an interview at CBS that “she wouldn’t be alive if not for chloroquine”.",0 "A video of a supermarked being ransacked. The caption says it happened in the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, because people were starving because they were not allowed to work during lockdown.",0 "A tweet allegedly published by Brazilian judge Marcelo Bretas in which he states that hydroxychloroquine “makes spending with expensive hospital equipments unecessary, and that annoys the politicians”.",0 "Quinine, a substance present in tonic water, is the same thing as chloroquine and can be used to treat COVID-19.",0 "Another video of police officers beating up civilians, this time a woman. Again, the caption says these are São Paulo military police officers, and they’re beating her up because she violated lockdown.",0 Maharashtra Legislative Assembly member Jitendra Awhad tested positive with coronavirus.,0 Image of Muslim people offering prayer on the rooftops is claimed to be from India.,0 Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan’s wife has been detected with coronavirus.,0 WHO warned against consuming cabbage to prevent COVID-19.,0 Sanitize masks by microwaving them for 2-3 minutes.,0 Video of Chinese people not being allowed into the supermarkets of Australia.,0 There is a “corralito” in Argentina and you won’t withdraw pesos or dollars from banks.,0 Chart shows COVID-19 kills less people than other diseases.,0 Harvard study suggests quarantine can worsen COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "“This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks. And so you would think the people charged with the World Health Organization facts and figures would be on top of that.”",0 "A tiger tested positive for COVID-19, please stay away from your pets and birds.",0 The large migrant population that gathered in Mumbai belonged to the Muslim community,0 The antibiotic azithromycine is really efficient against COVID-19.,0 An American CEO drew the Indian map comparing the population of Indian states to those of countries across the world highlighting India’s brilliant response to tackle COVID-19.,0 Video shows a man cutting his neck because of quarantine anxiety.,0 These are doctors in Tijuana taking a nap on the floor of a hospital.,0 "A blog post quotes ex-president of Nigeria Olusegun Obasanjo as saying he sent 5,000 naira each to all Nigerians, further citing a Channels television interview as the source of this intel.",0 Video post claiming that COVID-19 infection can be identified by holding breath for 10 seconds.,0 Indian’s Ruling party BJP-run state Manipur is India’s first coronavirus free state.,0 "Image of food distributed in isolation centers in the state of Kerala, India.",0 Oxford university praised Indian Prime minister Narendra Modi on the way he handled COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Image of Indian Muslims praying on rooftops despite complete lockdowns.,0 Cremation worker who cremated bodies of COVID-19 victims got cremated by mistake in USA.,0 All Indians living in the USA on H1-B visa will be deported back to India in 60 days.,0 COVID-19 linked to 5G technology.,0 An image of an alleged Mexican scientist who discovered a possible vaccine for coronavirus.,0 Anti-bacterial mouthwash which has been watered down is an effective substitute for hand sanitiser,0 The government has released a tentative plan for reopening businesses and services in Ireland.,0 "If your kid gets COVID-19 in Mexico, they’ll be taken away from you and you’ll never see them again.",0 Economic stimulus payments to U.S. citizens will either reduce future tax refunds or will have to be paid back.,0 A photo has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim it shows bodies of those killed by COVID-19.,0 Video of American Muslims praying up the road in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Drinking hot tea with lemon juice can kill coronavirus.,0 Cured COVID-19 patient died during the celebrations of his release from the quarantine hospital.,0 "In Kenya, Safaricom gives subscribers Sh2,500 COVID-19 relief.",0 Reports that there is a Chinese vaccine for COVID-19 that has arrived in Africa.,0 This is a map of India redesigned by an American CEO where he marked the Indian states population which is almost equal to population of some of the countries. He tried to explain to his employees that India is indirectly handling COVID-19 situation of so many countries.,0 Italian TV program showed in 2015 that the new coronavirus was created by scientists in an experiment.,0 Alkaline foods help prevent or treat COVID-19.,0 The pandemic is a fake excuse for Bill Gates to implant microchips into the global population.,0 The pandemic is a fake excuse for Bill Gates to depopulate the Earth.,0 Croatian doctor claims that coronavirus was created by 5G network with the goal to force obligatory vaccination.,0 Thieves are handing out chemically doused face masks to knock people out before robbing them.,0 Nicaraguan president Daniel Ortega is hospitalized in Costa Rica due to COVID-19.,0 "Valley County, Montana, mandated pink arm bands for residents who had submitted to quarantine protocol.",0 COVID-19 is transmitted by farting,0 Lice medication is a treatment against COVID-19.,0 Cigarette smoke can carry the new coronavirus,0 A photo shows the protocol released by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding lockdown periods for controlling the virus.,0 A YouTube video said that Manila Electric Company (Meralco) billings for March and April 2020 are now free to help consumers affected by the coronavirus crisis.,0 A photo has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows labourers stranded in the western Indian state of Gujarat during a nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 The coronavirus could have leaked from a Chinese lab.,0 Those FFP2 protective masks manufactured in France are being delivered in Germany despite lack of stocks in France during COVID-19 epidemics,0 "A photo circulating on social media shows two police officers escorting a man down a street. The police officers have arrested the man for not wearing a face-mask, although they are not wearing masks, after regulations came into effect requiring people in Kenya to wear face masks in public or risk arrest.",0 Police beating common people during lockdown in India.,0 WHO announced that there would be no concerts before the fall of 2021.,0 COVID-19 is sparing essential workers.,0 Hydroxychloroquine completely cures people infected with COVID-19.,0 The Prime Minister may not have had COVID-19 and when he was admitted to hospital staff were asked to sign the Official Secrets Act and two who refused were dismissed.,0 Anyone in Manchester with blood group O negative should go to the Royal Infirmary as they have run out of blood.,0 "Image of mother infected with COVID-19 holding her baby, covered in protective clothing.",0 "According to an image shared via WhatsApp, an official document from the Lombardy Region was released from the governor to illustrate the phase 2 measures that will be soon enforced by the Region.",0 "An image shared on Twitter shows people enjoying a day on the beach in Novi Ligure, regardless of the lockdown restrictions for non essential movements.",0 "Indian ministry of Tourism orders closure of hotels, restaurants and resorts till Ocrober 15, 2020.",0 Image of a 93 year-old man recovered fom COVID-19 in Italy.,0 "Photo that shows the connection between introduction of radio waves and internet technologies with the novel coronavirus and other, previous pandemics.",0 "Claim that Nancy Pelosi said, “if you accept a check from Trump, you might as well vote for him.”",0 "A WhatsApp chain claims that drinking coffee helps fight the coronavirus because it contains the compounds Methylxanthine, Theobromine and Theophylline.",0 Bill Gates wants to implant microchips in vaccines using the “ID2020 Alliance”.,0 Packages from China may be infected.,0 "After many hours working in the medical isolation ward, a picture of an Egyptian hero from the Egyptian White Army.",0 "Putting an eucalyptus leaf between two face masks and then wearing them will not only protect you from COVID-19, but will also relax and strengthen your bronchi.",0 US President Donald Trump has failed to contain the coronavirus outbreak in the US as a result the Holy Quran is being read in the White House.,0 "Bolivian minister of the presidency, Yerko Nuñez, announced that the international community compromised economic support of 100 million of dollar to Bolivia in order to be used freely against the pandemic COVID-19.",0 "Ghana’s total confirmed cases of coronavirus is 1,064.",0 Indian media outlets claimed that a man in Madhya Pradesh’s Khargone passed away from COVID-19.,0 Lockdown in South Africa has collapsed. People are out on the streets because due to hunger.,0 The text claims that the coronavirus death rate in North Macedonia is the most devastating in the region.,0 "The article claims that two anesthesiologists, spouses working in Sistina Hospital in North Macedonia with the most at-risk patients, sent a message to stay home.",0 Coronavirus survives in wine and there is evidence that drinking it is beneficial.,0 "The governador of the Province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof wants to fire Juan Domínguez, a doctor from the Hospital of Moron.",0 Ivermectin helps for the symptoms of coronavirus.,0 "Former Bolivian President, Evo Morales, stated on his twitter account that the government of Bolivia do not allow the departments of Oruro and Pando import from Cuba the medicine “Interferon Alfa 2b” so can be used against to COVID-19 treatment.",0 "Evo Morales, former bolivian president, states: “Two brothers (citizens) have died on the street in Montero (Beni) if it is not from COVID-19, it was the hunger”",0 "Gov. Andrew Cuomo “was simply saying if we can share 20 percent of your excess, your non-used ventilators, to help people in other parts of the state on a voluntary basis, that would be great. Of course, there was a reaction to that, which was not positive.”",0 “Sri Lanka’s health service among the world’s best” – WHO Director General while lauding SL government’s efforts in curbing COVID-19.,0 "Gargling with salt water, eating garlic and inhaling steam is an effective combination to cure COVID-19",0 Inhaling steam mixed with menthol based lotion is a cure for COVID-19.,0 An image showcaseing “Lotus Tower” claiming it was visible in Kurunegala night sky on 11th of April.,0 "Image of tired healthcare workers resting on the floor of a hospital corridor, claimed to be from IDH Hospital in Sri Lanka.",0 Muslim League flag hoisted on UN HQ.,0 Chinese eating octopus after surviving coronavirus.,0 Video of COVID-19 infected woman from East Manipur.,0 Image showing a mother hugging her baby infected with COVID-19 inside a laminar airflow room.,0 One supermarket of Charente-Maritime (France) took advantage of the epidemic and increased the prize for a kilo of potatoes from 1 to 7 euros.,0 Lactoferrin cures or prevents coronavirus.,0 "A photo of the room of a hotel in Almería, Spain in which 70 immigrants are accommodated and where medical equipment is seen.",0 Coffee cures coronavirus disease.,0 Tonic water prevents COVID-19.,0 Video shows British PM Johnson’s discharge.,0 Video shows mass grave in which COVID-19 victims buried in the US.,0 "Dutch conspiracy theorists (in particular public media figure Rob Jensen) accused UK news medium The Daily Mail of pretending a 2017 photo of a New York mass grave they featured in an article about the coronavirus, was in fact a recent picture. In other words, The Daily Mail was alledgedly trying to mislead its readers.",0 "Governor of São Paulo, Brazil, ordered police to beat people who go out on street",0 Supreme Court’s minister decided States and cities cannot create legislation in order to avoid people from getting out of isolation,0 China exports masks infected with COVID-19.,0 Singer Gusttavo Lima says ‘never saw a president being so humiliated by media outlets’.,0 A video showed that the brutal Indian authorities buried COVID-19 patients alive.,0 Video of a man being kicked by police officers. The caption says he was beaten because he disrespected lockdown measures in São Paulo.,0 5 pictures of Brazilian well known politicians with a Chinese man. The caption says that the man was part of the gang that was arrested in São Paulo for stealing COVID-19 testing equipments and masks.,0 A video of a man being mistreated by police officers. The caption says he was beaten because he disrespected lockdown measures in São Paulo.,0 "A video of people on a beach being shot at by police officers. The caption says that police forces in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Bahia are now allowed to shoot anyone who violate lockdown measures.",0 The video shows the dead bodies of patients of COVID-19 dumped into the sea.,0 "ParaMilitary forces have been deployed in Surat, Rajkot, and Baroda to control the coronavirus situation.",0 Prince Charles recovered from COVID-19 with the help of Ayurvedic treatment.,0 "“These Helpless People are not Tablighis ,They are Poor Hindus Who are Stranded due to Lockdown .Has any TV Chanel discussed This?”",0 "Man beaten in Deoria, India in lockdown time.",0 Police caught 7 Muslims who were spreading coronavirus in Delhi.,0 "The news media has tried to pass off one man’s death, attributed to complications from COVID-19, as two separate cases.",0 Image ofa map of India redesigned by an American CEO praising the Government of India for its effective handling of the COVID-19 crisis.,0 "A gathering of thousands of muslims before a masid in Bandra, Mumbai druring the current lockdown.",0 Russia already has a vaccine to fight COVID-19.,0 A photo has been shared thousands of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows an Italian mother holding her baby for the last time after becoming terminally ill with COVID-19.,0 A police officer in Bihar’s Hajipur (India) station contracted coronavirus.,0 Muslims came on the streets to disobey the lockdown and spread coronavirus.,0 Drugstores in France are forbidden to buy and sell masks.,0 A viral image hints that flu cases are counted as coronavirus cases because there are about 24.500 less deaths by flu this year than two years ago.,0 Trump’s claims about how quickly WHO acted to announce human-to-human transmission,0 "Numerous countries postponed the re-opening of schools to September 2020, and therefore French decision to re-open them on May 11 is worrying",0 A video that shows an argument between shoppers at an Australian department store has been viewed tens of thousands of times in Facebook and Twitter posts alongside a claim that Chinese nationals have been banned from supermarkets in Australia.,0 Video of the bodies of Muslims in New York who died due to the coronavirus.,0 Photographs of Italians who prostrate in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Video of arrest of elderly people in Italy wandering amid the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Masks hawker was admitted at the Kenyatta National Hospital in Kenya with COVID-19.,0 "In Kenya, the National Council For Persons With Disabilities is supporting children during COVID-19.",0 UN secretary-general announcement that COVID-19 vaccine trials will begin in Africa.,0 Ugandan President Museveni has shut down the State House due to COVID-19.,0 "According to Radar Box, the COVID-19 pandemic only reduced air traffic in Brazil and Africa.",0 A video shows riots in London caused by the coronavirus crisis.,0 "Coronavirus came to Rome, but not to large Chinese cities like Shanghai and Beijing.",0 Video shows an orangutan who started washing its hands after watching the zookeepers do so during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "A French doctor is quoted as saying that US billionaire Bill Gates wants to sell a COVID-19 vaccine in Africa, but it’s poisonous and will “destroy” Africa.",0 A video of Nairobi governor Mike Sonko claiming the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends drinking alcohol to help prevent the new coronavirus is circulating online.,0 "A Muslim man was caught spreading coronavirus, and beaten up. The man was caught spitting in fruits.",0 A cure for COVID-19 called Fabunan Antiviral Injection has already been approved by the government. The drug was developed by a Filipino doctor in Zambales.,0 "In the Philippines, former presidential spokesperson Salvador Panelo blamed the poor for not saving up in the middle of the coronavirus crisis.",0 A photograph shared thousands of times on Facebook purports to show the blister-covered hand of a patient suffering from a new disease.,0 A photo of dozens of men praying on neighbouring rooftops has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows Muslim worshippers in India praying together in defiance of the country’s COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Video shows Italians are burning 5G tower due to coronavirus pandemic.,0 Photo of Pakistani people holding a banner with the text – ‘We don’t want Kashmir. Give us Hydroxychloroquine’ asking India to help them handle the COVID-19,0 Multiple Facebook posts shared hundreds of times claim patients infected with the novel coronavirus will experience respiratory symptoms that progress in severity in three distinct stages. The posts also prescribe purported home remedies for the disease,0 "A claim that an overworked employee at a funeral home in New York City was accidentally cremated while taking a nap during the COVID-19 crisis has been shared repeatedly on blog sites, Facebook and Twitter.",0 Mustard oil can kill coronavirus.,0 "The drug Diamox, often used as treatment for high-altitude sickness, can cure coronavirus.",0 A talking newborn in northern Philippines spoke and said hard-boiled eggs are the cure for COVID-19.,0 A video shows Zimbabwean police assaulting religious people for attending to a mass during the confinement.,0 "A post says that Donald Trump has said, on March 17th, that people who never died before are dying now.",0 A new mobile application allows locating infected people that are close to the user in Spain.,0 Video of Tabligi pilgrims who were moving via trucks to spread COVID-19 in India.,0 Video shows Muslim man spitting on bread to spread coronavirus.,0 "Media outlets reported that the same boy died 3 times from the coronavirus, in 3 countries.",0 A video shows a fire in a Russian hospital where people with Covid-19 stay.,0 "In a phenomenon that is the first of its kind, hundreds of Americans leave their homes and stay in the Al-Huda Mosque, and demand to know the principles of Islam.",0 "Chinese state media claims Ghana’s coronavirus cases have surpassed 9,000, with over 400 deaths.",0 "Fact-checking organizations can control, review or censor WhatsApp messages",0 "Claim that Serbia is the first country in Europe which organized the COVID-19 Infection Disease Crisis Response Team (the members of this body are the directors of the relevant institutes and clinics, as well as representatives of other relevant bodies)",0 COVID-19 case in Bettiah Jail.,0 WHO warned against consuming cabbage to prevent COVID-19.,0 "Text claims that only 17 people are watching the event from the macedonian Government on the topic “COVID-19, questions and answers about social measures”.",0 Text claims that COVID-19 has existed since December in Macedonia.,0 "A video (allegedly) of the Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo. It shows an empty waiting room. The person filming says that the government is lying when it says there are COVID-19 patients in the hospital.",0 A woman drowned her children as she could not provide them food during the lockdown in India.,0 The FDA now approved the use of chloroquine to all COVID-19 patients in the United States.,0 A photograph that claims that the pavilion set up in Madrid with beds for homeless people is not being used.,0 "A PDF document, allegedly from the Spanish Civil Guard, details “opening activities” during the state of emergency for the coronavirus and under what conditions their mobility to carry them out is justified.",0 A police personnel has been infected with coronavirus in Bihar’s Hajipur,0 Kalonji seeds (Nigella Seeds) contain hydroxychloroquine and can help cure COVID-19.,0 Brazilian actress Fernanda Torres said she hopes coronavirus kills a lot of people.,0 WHO has stated there is no possibility that coronavirus is transmitted by aerosols.,0 A doctor died in Colombia after curing 6 patients of coronavirus.,0 Russia has a vaccine for the coronavirus.,0 A blog post headlined that the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria said Nigerians should appreciate him for the two-week lockdown extension.,0 The coronavirus is synthetic and was created in a Chinese laboratory.,0 Italians are throwing money to the street to demonstrate that health is not bought with money.,0 Cars are burned by the use of alcohol gel.,0 A video shows a man got slapped in the behind by police with a bat due to the violation of the quarantine rules.,0 Pará government scheduled prisoners to monitor whether the population is complying with rules of social distance at bus stops in Brazil,0 A explanation that Costa Rica actually has 855 positive cases of coronavirus.,0 “Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer bans buying US flags during lockdown.”,0 Trump says that as president he has “total” authority to re-open states amid the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Trump claims “it is the decision of the President,” not governors, to “open up the states.”",0 "“The president looks like he was ahead of the curve – as you know, he talks about this all the time – on shutting down travel from China.”",0 Politician Sebastian Paul called Modi haters demented.,0 Justin Trudeau promises to pay off Tamil Nadu (India) government’s debt.,0 Viral quote on economic effects of lockdown attributed to Tata group chairman.,0 Image of Tabligi Jamaat members caught with arms.,0 A video showing rows of black body bags sprawled on the floor was taken from East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC).,0 A woman in Uttar Pradesh threw her five children into the river as they had no food to eat during the current lockdown.,0 A woman in Uttar Pradesh threw her five children into the river as they had no food to eat during the current lockdown.,0 Steam inhalation cures COVID-19 .,0 Gunes newspaper published an article about COVID-19’s production in lab in 2013.,0 Photo of Muslims offering prayers on the rooftops in India.,0 Photo of Muslims offering prayers on the rooftops in India.,0 "Claim that the coronavirus brought something strange in the skies of town of Tetovo, North Macedonia, meaning a strange looking cloud. There is also a claim that the appearance of this cloud caused by the air, being much cleaner since lot of factories are shut down.",0 "Many media outlets, through unnamed sources, published reports that Indian Railways has announced a new set of rules and guidelines for traveling after the lockdown ends.",0 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been selected as the leader of International COVID-19 task force.,0 A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple Facebook and Twitter posts which claim it shows the secretary of Pope Francis holding a “blessing ceremony” for US President Trump at the White House during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Video of people beating a youth tied to a tree during the current lockdown.,0 "A video of a coronavirus suspect found in Hazipur (Bihar, India) prison.",0 An image claiming that there´s a lot of fish stranded in the Peruvian coast due infection of corpses with COVID-19 dumped in the sea in Ecuador.,0 A Peruvian army officer of high rank said that families of people who died because of COVID-19 could remove the body from a ‘temporary cemetery’ to other regular cemetery.,0 Perú provided the highest financial bonus to face the quarantine among the whole Latin American countries.,0 A video showed US President Trump had a psychic in the White House to pray that the COVID-19 pandemic will cease soon.,0 An exhausted funeral home worker was cremated by his coworker by mistake.,0 Muslims are hoarding food items being shared by the Indian government.,0 "After the African Union expressed concerns about discrimination against Africans in Guangzhou, a video started circulating on Facebook and Twitter that purports to show a Kenyan couple involved in a fist fight with a Chinese couple in Wuhan.",0 Woman who attended a religious congregation in Delhi is claimed to not be cooperating with the medical professionals.,0 The government takes the opportunity of the epidemy to discreetly develop 5G in France.,0 Spanish state courier agency asks you to pay 1.5 euros to disinfect your packages.,0 The German government pays people to stay at home.,0 "COVID-19 can be cured within 12 hours by taking a combination of hydroxychloroquine, which is used to treat malaria, and ‘zpac’, which is an antiobiotic called azithromycin.",0 Photographs of Uighur Muslims who are more eager to worship during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Average American has less than two-tenths of one percent chance of getting coronavirus, and thus public health officials overreacted to the pandemic.",0 "US state-owned media-services provider, Nites TV, is now free for everyone to encourage people to stay home.",0 "Articles claiming the World Bank has applauded Tanzania’s anti-coronavirus policies have been widely shared, with one attracting thousands of interactions on Facebook. The publications claim the East African country was singled out for praise in a report for implementing “unique policies” in the fight against the novel coronavirus.",0 Joe Diffie’s death was labeled “as a COVID-19 death and it wasn’t!”,0 "In the Philippines, Pasig City Mayor Vico Sotto supposedly said in a Facebook live video that voters should elect public officials who don’t curse at God, lie, rape and kill people, and steal.",0 Christine Lagarde said that “The elderly live too long and that is a risk to the global economy.”,0 "“RECEIVE FOOD AID SOCIAL PLAN 2020:” ; “COUPON SOCIAL PLAN OF: US $ 877.30 more (BONUS) “.",0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook in April 2020 which claim it shows people praying on a street in Italy during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Countries without 5G are free from coronavirus,0 Video shows muslim women spitting in plastic bags and throwing them into the houses to spread coronavirus.,0 Video shows Muslim women spitting in plastic bags and throwing them into the houses to spread coronavirus.,0 Heparin is used to treat COVID-19.,0 "The Gates Foundation “tested a polio vax in India between 2000 & 2017 and paralysed 496,000 children.”",0 “Governor Gretchen Whitmer [of Michigan] spent the past weekend at her VACATION COTTAGE at Birch Lake. Violating her own EXECUTIVE ORDER.”,0 A video shows the FBI confiscating face masks from China in the U.S. because it tested positive for coronavirus.,0 "The post claims that over 3,000 people gathered in a church in Lutsk, Ukraine, during the quarantine, all without masks.",0 "People knew about coronavirus for years, but this information was hidden from ordinary people. The authorities just waited for the right time to launch the virus.",0 Disposable masks can be reused if they are sterilized with steam.,0 "Dolphins appeared in Veracruz, Mexico during the outbreak of the new coronavirus.",0 "The World Bank has praised Tanzania’s COVID-19 response and warned other African countries against ‘western’ policies, according to an online news article shared on Facebook and screenshots shared on WhatsApp.",0 Robbers give masks soaked in chemicals in order to rob people.,0 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said China has highest COVID-19 death toll as of 4/3/2020.,0 An old news article says the COVID-19 pandemic was predicted in 1981.,0 An article claims that lockdown measures have no effect on spread of coronavirus and argues for herd immunity. He claims that coronavirus is no worse than the flu on the basis of graphs and data of the Swedish situation compared to the Norwegian situation.,0 A product called Air Doctor can protect you from COVID-19 while you are wearing it.,0 30 person died of COVID-19 after eating dates without washing them.,0 "According to an image shared via WhatsApp, an official document from the Italian government was released to explain the strategy for reopening business activities.",0 WhatsApp censors the messages that circulate on its platform if it believes that they are hoaxes with the help of the media that verify false information in Spain.,0 "A picture that is shared in Social Media compared deaths by malaria, alcohol, car accidents, the flu, suicide and other causes since the beginning of 2020 with COVID-19. The message is that the number of people who die of COVID-19 is low in comparison.",0 "A video where police forces in Odessa (Ukraine) refuse to act in front of a group of people gathered in the street. The video would demonstrate that Ukrainian authorities do not fine people for gathering during the COVID-19 lockdown, while Italian policemen would “run after joggers” to punish them.",0 "Social media posts and online articles shared tens of thousands of times claim that the foundation of billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates tested a polio vaccine in India that left at least 490,000 children paralyzed.",0 "An alleged statement from the Mexican Ministry of Health informs that people who are seen outside their home without a work or personal objective regarding the use of a basic need, will be asked for an official identification and will wear a yellow bracelet.",0 "Authorities from the Guatemalan Ministry of Health said they would buy at least 200 respirators, but there has been talk of a shortage of this type of medical equipment.",0 Green tea is effective in preventing infections.,0 "An article shared more than 14,000 times on Facebook claims the Nigerian government gave N20,000 ($52) to “everyone” across the country’s 36 states.",0 A picture of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad researching a cure for Covid-19.,0 "Video showing the clashes that took place between the police and Jewish people in New York, after a funeral was prevented due to fear of spreading Covid-19.",0 "Many media outlets, through unnamed sources, published reports that Indian Railways has announced a new set of rules and guidelines for traveling after the lockdown ends.",0 Neighborhood signs asking medical staff not to go home and stay elsewhere in Spain.,0 Travel permit for muslim people for Ramadan during the state of alarm in Spain.,0 The official State Gazette published that homes can be expropriated in Spain due to the coronavirus crisis,0 An image of an elderly man crying ‘at the high cost of masks’ outside a pharmacy for the coronavirus in Spain.,0 Drinking or spraying seawater in the throat prevents the coronavirus from replicating.,0 Italy has reduced the number of politicians due to “the coronavirus crisis”.,0 "Alberto Fernández, about the coronavirus: “Mortality in people over 65 is 80%”.",0 "A temple in Andhra Pradesh, India, was turned into a quarantine centre for Muslims.",0 An audio stating that a certain section of society in Surat (vendors) was spreading coronavirus.,0 An image of an elderly Italian man who was asked to pay for the ventilator that he used for his recovery.,0 Video about dozens of coffins huddled in a cemetery are from Nicaragua.,0 Dr. Anthony Fauci “was telling people on February 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large.”,0 Social network users suggest that the “Muy interesante” magazine predicted the coronavirus.,0 "This video shows African people being beaten up and hunted in the streets of Guangzhou, South China.",0 Number of covid-related deaths has fallen since federal police started an investigation on the number of deaths,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows Pakistani security forces apprehending three men after they escaped from a COVID-19 quarantine centre.,0 Says Michigan COVID-19 order bans gardening and the sale of vegetable seeds and fruit.,0 "The US $1,200 coronavirus relief checks this year are “just an advance on your next tax return. … Next year, you’re automatically going to owe $1,200 come tax season.”",0 Says American NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci “stands to lose 100 million dollars on Bill Gates ‘vaccine’ for the coronavirus. Because he invested in this vaccine.”,0 "Videos showed an Italian boy whose mother just died of COVID-19 was shouting to the sky, asking for his late mother.",0 "Video shows how people aged 50 and over in Hungary are thrown into police vans, like animals, to be quarantined in government centers.",0 Indian Tourism ministry announces closure of hotels till October 15.,0 Japanese experts warn that “young people are more likely to die when infected”.,0 The clothes of COVID-19 dead patients will be exported to Egypt (Syria) and cause spread of COVID-19.,0 A photo shared thousands of times on Facebook claims to show the throat of a novel coronavirus patient.,0 A picture shows a child crying because both parents are in the hospital infected with the new coronavirus.,0 A post says that most EU countries do not pay for electricity during the pandemic.,0 An image shows Portuguese people putting food in the garbage after letting some supermarket shelves empty.,0 Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer banned sale of American flags during COVID-19 pandemic.,0 COVID-19 stimulus checks are an advance on 2020 tax refunds.,0 Calling 1-800-382-5277 or 1-800-746-6373 gives Americans information on their coronavirus stimulus checks.,0 Mosques allowed to stay open in the US during the coronavirus epidemic while churches are forced to close.,0 Numbers in a photo about death tolls from COVID-19 show that the pandemic is a con.,0 "Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is going to announce a “total lockdown,” where all establishments will be closed to further curb the spread of COVID-19. People are asked to stock up food and other essential items that are good for 2 weeks.",0 "The coronavirus dies in the body in 4 days, and one would be pronounced negative for the virus by the 5th day.",0 Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s wife has been tested positive for coronavirus,0 WHO wants to enter citizens’ homes and forcefully deport their children.,0 The fellowship of National Taiwan University Hospital suggested the symptoms of critically ill patients with COVID-19 is like the combination of SARD and AIDS. Even discharged patients could be a long-term asymptomatic carriers.,0 WHO’s Deputy Head Ryan Paterson chocked from broccoli as he was about to disclose sensational information about COVID-19.,0 Hydroxychloroquine-azithromycin is a proven cure for COVID-19 patients.,0 Bill Gates plans to introduce microchip implants that will register whether or not someone has been tested and/or vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2.,0 Bill Gates has effectively taken over the World Health Organization.,0 A video of the British Prime Minister while shopping from an Arab store after he was struck by COVID-19.,0 An Italian officer killed himself to prevent the police from taking him to quarantine after suffering a COVID-19 infection.,0 "Two children die in Ibb governorate in Yemen, as a result of being infected with COVID-19.",0 A video showing medical staff in Turkey saluting citizens.,0 "A picture of the actor in the series Prison Break, Dominic Purcell known as Lincoln Burrows, who isolated himself due to Covid-19.",0 Peafowls reclaiming their space amid lockdown.,0 Coronavirus can be avoided by eating nigella with honey as it contains 100% hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine treats coronavirus.,0 "A WhatsApp forward, along with a video, is doing the rounds in which it is claimed that a person who belongs to the Tablighi Jamaat was kept in an isolation ward where he started wandering naked. The viral forward also claims that the person who was wandering naked did this vulgar act intentionally.",0 Industrialist Ratan Tata’s view on economic downfall due to COVID-19.,0 Hindu man in Rajasthan killed by Muslims amidst lockdown.,0 Pak PM Imran Khan’s wife tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Indian Ruling Party BJP’s members burn Kolhapur airport on the night of candle light vigil organized to proclaim unity in fight against COVID-19.,0 Poster allegedly containing guidelines on use of PPE kits for COVID-19 issued by Ministry Of Health and Family Welfare in India.,0 Video: Migrant labourers in Kerala gambling with huges stashes of cash amid lockdown.,0 Indian state of uttar Pradesh waives of electricity bills of its consumers amid COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Image of Mohammad Ali Jinnah(founder of Pakistan) in jail.,0 Seven Senegalese children died after having recieved a vaccine against COVID-19.,0 "Images of tributes with the army and music band of the Municipal Police every day in Ifema, the temporary hospital for patients of COVID-19 in Madrid.",0 "A video by Dr. Elvira Torres Marquinaque recommends that you consume together in one drink: garlic, onion, lemon and kion.",0 "A video where corpses appear crowded on the ground in black bags. Claimed to be in Madrid, New York, Barcelona, among others.",0 It is recommended to disinfect disposable masks to reuse them.,0 There will not be any COVID-19 patients identified after 2 days since there is a shortage of “swab sticks” – Claim made on 7th April.,0 "While addressing the nation PM Mahinda Rajapaksa stated that opposition did not support the supplementary budget proposal for COVID-19 relief measures, hence there is no point in reconvening the Parliament.",0 Video post claiming that the US government donated US$ 176 million to Myanmar government as coronavirus aid.,0 Nigella seeds contain hydroxychloroquine which when mixed with helps keep coronavirus away.,0 Indian News channel claims Pakistan PM’s wife tested positive for coronavirus .,0 "Ratan Tata, Indian industrialist spoke about how the Indian economy would bounce back and that he did not believe experts predicting a slowdown.",0 Banks will only open Tuesday and Thursday in Mexico.,0 The Irish national health service is sending a text message to people asking them to click on a link after coming in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.,0 "The coronavirus COVID-19 is actually “not a biological weapon”, but a consequence of the 5G network, which “suffocates” humans.",0 Ratan Tata has said that human motivation and determined efforts will make experts’ predictions go wrong regarding the fall of the Indian economy during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 COVID-19 pandemic is a large-scale experiment .,0 Spanish cartoonist portreyed Turkey’s success on COVID-19.,0 A Facebook user shared a video that shows a flock of birds on a road in Chandigarh.,0 "In Bawana, India, this man was preparing to spread the coronavirus by injecting spit into the fruit.",0 Government of Pará placed detainees to watch people at bus stops.,0 Spanish Guardia Civil recommends uninstalling the Zoom application.,0 Former Spanish Minister Corcuera criticizes the government’s management in a WhatsApp Audio.,0 The Government publishes the deadline of the containment measures by COVID-19.,0 WhatsApp limits the forwarding of messages depending on their content.,0 The US Embassy in Japan warns “the Japanese medical system will collapse soon”.,0 Image showing a donation claimed to be by Kenyan Deputy President Ruto.,0 Former Kenyan Prime minister Raila has donated Kshs 142 million for COVID-19.,0 "Treasury is depositing Kshs 45, 000 to the mobile wallet of Nairobi residents in Kenya.",0 Former Kenyan Prime minister Raila Odinga has COVID-19.,0 15 major global pandemics all originated in China.,0 President Donald Trump referred to the coronavirus as a “hoax” or “political conspiracy.”,0 Pentagon confirms coronavirus accidentally got into chemtrail supply train.,0 A post shared on Facebook and WhatsApp claims that China has sent COVID-19 vaccines to Burundi.,0 "Even if the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) gives all families in the Philippines their allotted amount as part of the government’s emergency subsidy – worth a total of P200 billion – in light of the coronavirus pandemic, there would still be P57 billion to spare.",0 A video of hospital workers in France putting on tattered protective gowns has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that the garments were made in China.,0 "If you wear a mask you breath in too much CO2 and have less oxygen. Humidity gathers in your lungs, this makes you sick.",0 US citizens rush to Mosques to learn about Islam after COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Says Bill O’Reilly wrote a post claiming that the coronavirus was created as a bioweapon by the Chinese government.,0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which claims that eating papaya salad can help to prevent infection from the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 Hospitals are empty and it proves that the epidemic doesn’t exist.,0 5G is the real cause of the epidemic.,0 U.S. government planning to force Americans to take vaccinations during the coronavirus pandemic with the help of Bill Gates.,0 "An image of a person sitting near Islam’s holiest shrine, the Kaaba in Saudi Arabia, has been shared repeatedly in multiple posts on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and on online blogs. It was shared alongside a claim it shows a lone cleaner who was the only person permitted to sit around the Kaaba during the coronavirus lockdown.",0 Pizza Hut has announced that they will give two FREE large pizzas to each family in Mexico.,0 A Facebook post claimed that Bill Gates says there will be no public/mass gatherings in the light of COVID-19 pandemic until everyone is vaccinated.,0 House Resolution 6666 provides funds to forcibly removed people with COVID-19 from their homes as Dr. Rashid Buttar said.,0 "The latest British genetic network analysis proves that COVID-19 originated from the USA, not Wuhan.",0 “The COVID-19 future vaccine will come with the ID — a mark. The ID tells everyone you are free of COVID.”,0 The measles-mumps-rubella vaccine reduces the severity of COVID-19.,0 "The first COVID-19 patient in South Africa died in his car, and he was buried with his car to avoid spreading the infection.",0 Ratan Tata talks about Indian economy amid COVID-19 crisis.,0 Coronavirus can be avoided by eating nigella with honey as it contains 100% hydroxychloroquine. Hydroxychloroquine treats coronavirus.,0 "A WhatsApp forward, along with a video, is doing the rounds in which it is claimed that a person who belongs to the Tablighi Jamaat was kept in an isolation ward where he started wandering naked. The viral forward also claims that the person who was wandering naked did this vulgar act intentionally.",0 A Facebook user shared a video that shows a flock of birds on a road in Chandigarh.,0 "In Bawana, India, this man was preparing to spread the coronavirus by injecting spit into the fruit.",0 Israel has no deaths from COVID-19; tea made of lemon and bicarbonate can cure coronavirus.,0 Mustard oil can kill coronavirus.,0 Kenya Government hired the warriors of Maasai tribe to enforce lockdown.,0 "Dr. Vandana Tiwari, part of the team investigating and identifying attendees of Tablighi Jamaat in U.P’s Bareilly who were attacked by them succumbed to her injuries today",0 Italians threw bills to the streets to represent how “money can’t buy health”.,0 Coffee can cure COVID-19.,0 New York police dismisses a Jewish funeral with water guns.,0 Rs 2000 notes scattered in Delhi to spread coronavirus infection.,0 "18 states including US, UK and Australia request PM Modi to head a task force to stop coronavirus.",0 Eminent Indian Bengali Chemist Dr. Prafulla Chandra Roy invented hydroxychloroquine.,0 Migrant worker caught venturing out at night and robbing during lockdown.,0 Doctor Vandana Tiwari who was a part of COVID-19 team was killed in a violence at Uttar Pradesh.,0 Countries throwing dead bodies of people died of COVID-19 into the sea. Image showing dead bodies washed ashore.,0 Photograph of a rail track from Colombo filled with wild-flowers during current curfew period in Sri Lanka.,0 The text claims that a Harvard University professor was arrested for allegedly making the coronavirus in his laboratory and then selling it to two Chinese people.,0 Dermatological lesions on the feet of children and adolescents and its possible relationship with COVID-19.,0 A man in Italy commits suicide after losing his family to coronavirus.,0 Muslim women are misbehaving with doctors in India.,0 A Muslim man was beaten up because he was infecting fruits with his saliva.,0 Indian Industrialist Ratan Tata says that the country’s economy will bounce back after coronavirus.,0 Viral publication says a video shows a “gay party in Italy few weeks before COVID-19.”,0 “Mass vaccination for COVID-19 in Senegal was started yesterday (4/8) and the first 7 CHILDREN who received it DIED on the spot.”,0 "A woman says that in a video that everything is a hoax, that the virus already existed and that there are even patents that prove it.",0 Department of Finance (DOF) Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said the Philippines can borrow trillions of dollars from the World Bank and future generations would bear the burden of paying it.,0 Video of the Kenya Government using a Maasai tribe man to impose social distancing in Kenya.,0 "As Kalonji (Nigella) seeds have 100 per cent of Hydroxychloroquine, taking them can prevent COVID-19.",0 Image of poor Hindus stranded due to the lockdown in India.,0 A video allegedly showing a man spitting on the bread slices is being shared with a communal spin in India.,0 Dengue and tuberculosis killed more in a week than coronavirus.,0 Videos of empty hospitals show the COVID-19 is fake.,0 “Actors” applauded Macron when he visited the suburban city of Pantin near Paris.,0 Instagram posts marketing Cinchona bark powder as the substance from which the drug chloroquine is made and suggesting the powder as a potential protection or cure for COVID-19.,0 Maduro decreed three months of quarantine.,0 A kid was named “Gattel Covid” after the Ministry of Health’s subsecretary and the name of the disease.,0 "This death body was incinerated in the streets of Guayaquil, Mexico.",0 "“Per order from @GovWhitmer, people in Michigan are now banned from purchasing a new baby car seat in stores.”",0 A video has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows Muslims in the US praying on a street during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Croatian doctors, including the country’s health minister, held a ceremonial ball despite of quarantine measures.",0 A news article headline says the Chinese team of 15 doctors sent to Nigeria have all tested positive for coronavirus.,0 Soap and hand sanitizer can be used to kill coronavirus in the body.,0 "Viral video with Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai proves Fauci, White House and others are members of deep state.",0 China’s Communist government created the novel coronavirus in a laboratory and released it into the world as a deadly bioweapon.,0 A video of two Albanian female news anchors wearing revealing jackets on-air has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Twitter alongside a claim that they dressed promiscuously in a bid to persuade people to stay indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Herd immunity is probably why California has far fewer COVID-19 deaths than New York.,0 A mixture of camel milk and urine will cure COVID-19.,0 Ugandan Chief of Police rants about importance of quarantine.,0 "The new vaccination system against COVID-19, studied in Pittsburgh in the US, inserts microchips in the body.",0 "“The Democrats are pushing for an implanted microchip in humans, and everyone to be vaccinated.”",0 A graphic purporting to detail health risks due to 5G-induced radiation has been published on various websites and shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter. The image was shared as other hoaxes circulated claiming that COVID-19 is linked to the global rollout of 5G networks.,0 Since there is COVID-19 nobody in Germany dies of heart attacks or cancer anymore.,0 A graphic video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows two Islamist extremists killing a Hindu man in the Indian state of Rajasthan during India’s COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Woman committed suicide due to the coronavirus lockdown.,0 Sikh Monk Baba Banta Singh infected with coronavirus.,0 China asked France to give Huawei the French 5G market in exchange for masks against COVID-19.,0 The French president Emmanuel Macron was welcomed by a fake crowd during a visit near Paris during the lockdown.,0 The known professor Charles Lieber of Harvard was arrested because he sold the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Chinese government for 15 million dollars.,0 "News stories and social media posts in China claimed research on virus mutations proves the origin of COVID-19 is the United States. They say a strain found in Washington State, which was later removed from an international database, has unusually high number of mutations and it is the oldest among all strains.",0 A YouTube video shared thousands of times claims that two children died from a novel coronavirus vaccine in Guinea.,0 80% of COVID-19 patients die due to mechanical ventilators.,0 Bill Gates profits from vaccination and wants to reduce the world’s population.,0 Cupping therapy for the back and autohemotherapy are the methods of treatment and prevention of the new coronavirus.,0 Hindus cast their idols in the sea because they did not defend them against the coronavirus.,0 An audio message attributed to famous Bangalore doctor’s voice said people need not get tested for Coronavirus till the ninth day of showing symptoms and not to wear masks as the medical staff need them utmost.,0 "This death body was incinerated in the streets of Guayaquil, Mexico.",0 "Text contains a series of insulting qualifications, stereotyping, publishing a photo and revealing the identity of a suspect, who, despite claiming to be in self-isolation, met many people and infected them with the coronavirus.",0 "Venko Filipce, the Minister of Health in North Macedonia, said on a TV show that all the new coronavirus patients in the country have a mild clinical picture.",0 You can prevent COVID-19 by using salt and menthol in your nose and mouth,0 The field hospital built in a football stadium in São Paulo (Brazi) to receive COVID-19 patients is empty.,0 "The COVID-19 death tool in São Paulo (Brazil) has been reviewed, from 201 confirmed cases to only 26.",0 "A man called Antonio Carlos, 67 years old, has just been cured of COVID-19 by using chloroquine. He was released from Unimed Hospital, in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).",0 Indian government will reduce employees’ pension by 30% and terminate pensions offered to those who are above 80 as a way to divert funds towards managing health services and tackling the adverse impact of the new coronavirus pandemic.,0 "The new coronavirus pH varies from 5.5 to 8.5. To defeat it, we need to consume more alkaline food.",0 Video of dead bodies of COVID-19 infected persons washed ashore as they were thrown in to the seas by some countries.,0 Images with claims that Myanmar government should send COVID-19 quarantine people to these buildings in Rakhine state.,0 Website link in order to activate 100 GB Free Internet Data & Rs.500 Talk time offer amid the COVID-19 situation in Sri Lanka.,0 "Some Countries are dumping COVID-19 infected dead bodies in the sea, therefore be careful while consuming sea food.",0 "Herd of Sri Lankan Sambar Deer’s were seen freely gazing on a beach of Yala National Park, due to lack of human activity during current curfew period in Sri Lanka.",0 The Province of Buenos Aires established the mandatory use of face mask from April 13.,0 A Facebook user shared a video that shows dead bodies being washed ashore at some unidentified beach.,0 The poem ‘And the people stayed at home’ is over a century old and was inspired by the Spanish flu pandemic.,0 "In new interview to Fox, President Trump suggests India could have early access to COVID-19 vaccines being developed in US since PM Modi accepted request on HCQ.",0 Colombian President Iván Duque was ranked third-best world leader at managing the COVID-19 pandemic,0 Video shows the effectiveness of face maks while sneezing using a spray can.,0 This is a photo of a chinese doctor and it’s accompanied by recommendations to prevent COVID-19.,0 "Chlorine dioxide, or Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS) can cure COVID-19.",0 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that “abortion is essential during COVID-19 times”.,0 An audio of an alleged pulmonologist at the Regional University Hospital of Malaga who talks about cures for coronavirus.,0 A video of a television presenter talking about eastern equine encephalitis as a new virus much more deadly than the coronavirus.,0 "Dr.Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department was arrested for manufacturing and selling the coronavirus to China.",0 An alleged bot system on Twitter controlled by the right wing of Spain uncovered by mistake.,0 An Indian doctor who had gone to collect coronavirus samples in Uttar Pradesh was stoned to death.,0 "A video of a white car ramming several police cars in Errenteria (Guipuzkoa), Spain.",0 Boy washing apples in a sewer claimed to be from India and is linked to the coronavirus,0 COVID-19 vaccine trial killed 7 children in Senegal.,0 A Brazilian broker who works at Nasdaq has recored a video defending Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro.,0 A blog post suggests that the Nigerian Finance Minister says the federal government lost 700 billion naira from the COVID-19 relief fund to the fire outbreak at the Accountant General’s office.,0 Bolsonaro Week’ is a movement to reopen stores in Brazil and sell products with discounts.,0 "Main hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, has no patients infected with COVID-19.",0 "A man named Antonio Carlos, aged 67, was treated in Hospital Unimed-Rio and healed with chloroquine treatment.",0 "A photograph has been shared hundreds of times in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts with claims that it shows Nigerian movie star Funke Akindele Bello picking up waste in the street as a punishment for throwing a party during the COVID-19 lockdown.",0 Loss of smell as a symptom of COVID-19 has not been demonstrated.,0 "“Church services can’t resume until we’re all vaccinated, says Bill Gates.”",0 "Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Francisco Duque III on Thursday, April 9, claimed the Philippines has relatively “low” cases of coronavirus, and has done better in containing its spread than other “richer” countries.",0 "Video of birds flocking together on Chandigarh’s Kalka Road, India, during the lockdown.",0 Ratan Tata has said that human motivation and determined efforts will make experts’ predictions go wrong regarding the fall of the Indian economy during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Image of COVID-19 infected person’s throat.,0 "Image of Dr. Vandana Tiwari who died after an attack by Muslims in Uttar Pradesh, when she went to screen them for COVID-19.",0 Turkey confiscated the ventilators going to Spain from China.,0 Text shows the health advices Dr. Oz gave.,0 "A screenshot of an article about the link between coronavirus and 5G, which Dutch news medium De Telegraaf alledgedly published and deleted.",0 Bill Gates is plotting to use COVID-19 testing and a future vaccine to track people with microchips.,0 "COVID-19 causes prolonged and progressive hypoxia (starving your body of oxygen) by binding to the heme groups in hemoglobin in your red blood cells. People are simply desaturating (losing O2 in their blood), and that’s what eventually leads to organ failures that kill them, not any form of ARDS or pneumonia.",0 A video showed that Kenya authority roped in the Maasai Tribe to enforce the lockdown.,0 "Drinking garlic, onion, lemon and ginger as a drink cures COVID-19 .",0 A law allows people to go for a run during the state of alarm in Spain.,0 "Opposition parties in Japan have opposed all deliberation in parliament, blocking commission meetings for two days because they wanted to look more carefully into the contents of the supplementary budget.",0 A video has been viewed thousands of times on Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows Malaysian nationals storming a customs office in the Malaysian state of Johor after Singapore closed its borders in an effort to curb the growing COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "Social media posts recommend tonic water and zinc as a cure for a novel coronavirus infection, as the drink contains quinine, whose synthetic relative hydroxychloroquine is on trial as a COVID-19 treatment.",0 A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook and YouTube in March and April 2020 alongside a claim it shows a Koran recitation during a US Senate meeting attended by President Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Corona transmission can be stopped by staying silent for 3 days.,0 $50 million funds from World Bank to be chanelled to the Sonko Rescue Team in Kenya.,0 59 Kenyans killed after drinking Dettol to prevent COVID-19.,0 Kenyan President Uhuru gives artists Sh 2 billion as a cushion due to COVID-19 job losses.,0 Croatian PM Plenković opening borders to migrants in the shadow of the coronavirus crisis.,0 An article says that Britain has “pulled out” of a 5G contract with Chinese company Huawei because test kits were found to be contaminated with coronavirus.,0 A video claims to show that the Nigerian government has spent US$2 million to “import” Chinese doctors and supplies.,0 U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said she won’t pass new economic stimulus package unless senior citizens are excluded.,0 COVID-19 mass vaccine in Senegal that began in West Africa killed the first seven children who received it.,0 Top German virologist Jürgen Rissland recommended drinking whiskey to combat COVID-19.,0 CDC admitted to lying about COVID-19 death stats.,0 A photo of a woman lying in a hospital bed with medical equipment attached to her body has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside claims that the woman was a doctor who died after being beaten by a Muslim mob while trying to administer novel coronavirus tests.,0 "Gloria “Ka Bea” Arellano, chairperson of urban poor group Kadamay, asked for a house with free Wi-Fi in connection with the stay-at-home prescription under the enhanced community quarantine.",0 "A doctor who went to Uttar Pradesh (a state in India) to screen patients for coronavirus, was attacked with stones by Muslims. She succumbed to her injuries.",0 A Tablighi Jamaat member kept in Uttar Pradesh’s (a state in India) isolation ward is running naked and creating chaos.,0 French astrologer Nostradamus had predicted in 1551 that there would be an outbreak of coronavirus in China in 2020.,0 Ivermectinum treats COVID-19 in 2 days.,0 "A video by a Russia blogger who claims that a Spanish hospital he is recording, is empty and that the information on the spread of the coronavirus is exaggerated.",0 "With the novel coronavirus sending the US economy into freefall, posts that list phone numbers for job seekers to call and find work have been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Instagram.",0 Dr. Li Wenliang (the Chinese whistleblower doctor) has proposed that drinking tea can cure COVID-19.,0 Boris Johnson shopping in England in the time of coronavirus.,0 The Nigerian finance minister has admitted that N700 billion of COVID-19 relief funds were lost in a fire.,0 A Facebook post claims testing kits bought by the United Kingdom from China are contaminated with SARS-CoV-2.,0 Canada is free of COVID-19.,0 "A vital video depicts angry citizens in the city of Wuhan, where the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 began, bringing down a 5G tower due to its connection with the increased deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Researchers developed a drug that can cure COVID-19 in 3 days.,0 "The US uses the new coronavirus to put in place global control. They are going to inject nano-chips during vaccination, to control the foreign economies affected by COVID-19, and to govern those countries.",0 Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte said he has been warning of the COVID-19 “since the beginning.”,0 Bill Gates personally will profit from a COVID-19 vaccine and he owns a company that plans to implant microchips in everyone.,0 PCR test swab length “is double the length for the flu test”.,0 People in Ukraine will be forcibly vaccinated against the new coronavirus.,0 An Italian gathering chants “Long live Egypt” after the Egyptian government provided medical aid to Italy.,0 Iranian girl Anahita Hashem Zadeh dies of COVID-19.,0 "An image showing the lighting of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai in the colors of the Syrian flag, in solidarity with the Syrians facing coronavirus.",0 The European Union lifted economic sanctions on Syria.,0 A quarter of teaspoon of Kalonji seeds can prevent COVID-19 infection.,0 A Facebook user shared a video that shows dead bodies being washed ashore at some unidentified beach.,0 "In new interview to Fox, President Trump suggests India could have early access to COVID-19 vaccines being developed in US since PM Modi accepted request on HCQ.",0 David Icke’s claims that 5G waves can prevent oxygen uptake into the human body and that one can target a nursing home and remove oxygen from it with the help of 5G,0 Video of a man belonging to Tabligi Jamaat stripped naked and vandalizing the hospital where he’s put under quarantine.,0 Can asymptomatic people with coronavirus spread the virus?,0 "MMS, essential oils are cures for the coronavirus.",0 Relationship between breastfeeding with COVID-19 and the risk of transmitting the coronavirus to the baby.,0 Some countries are throwing away bodies of coronavirus patients into the sea.,0 In Karnataka all Hindus have decided to boycott Muslims because of their anti-national activities.,0 COVID-19 is transmitted through fruits and vegetables In Hong Kong.,0 "A video shows that after drinking snake blood during training in Thailand, US soldiers went to Wuhan for the Military World Games. The US soldiers were the intermediate hosts of COVID-19.",0 "A picture of an agglomeration of people in São Paulo’s “Crackland”, alledgedly during the lockdown.",0 "A video of a man in front of the Pacaembu Stadium, in São Paulo, where a field hospital for COVID-19 patients was built. He claims that, since there’s no movement in the entrance, no one waiting to get in, there’s no one inside either.",0 Can nebulizations relive coronavirus symptoms?,0 "In the wake of coronavirus outbreak, the Ministry of Tourism has issued an order for the closure of Hotels, Restaurants and Resorts in the country till 15 October 2020.",0 Video of a Tablighi Jamaat member roaming naked and creating ruckus in the isolation ward.,0 Drinking coffee “decreases the voracity” of the coronavirus,0 A picture text circulating on WhatsApp attributed to the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control claims they spent 1 billion naira on SMS notifications to educate Nigerians.,0 A video shows a fortune teller predicting the coronavirus pandemic in December on Spanish TV.,0 Papa John’s Colombia is giving away free pizzas during the quarantine.,0 This is a photo of people who died because of COVID-19 attacking the police in Ecuador.,0 Ivermectine destroys coronavirus in 48 hours.,0 Mexican companies are giving 4G as a gift because of the quarantine.,0 Harvard professor arrested for having ties with creating the coronavirus and leaking it.,0 Australian researchers discovered the cure for coronavirus: a antiparasitic medicine called Ivermectin.,0 Eating raw garlic and tumeric every day protects you from coronavirus.,0 Ex-president of Colombia Uribe has COVID-19.,0 Some food with low pH reduces the coronavirus.,0 Steam with eucalyptus prevents coronavirus.,0 Professor Lieber created and sold COVID-19 to China.,0 Drinking coffee “decreases the voracity” of the coronavirus.,0 Gargling with baking soda and hot water kills the coronavirus.,0 "A video showing law enforcement officers beating civilians is being shared on Facebook and WhatsApp in Nigeria, with claims that it shows Nigerian soldiers beating citizens while enforcing the COVID-19 lockdown in the country.",0 "A screenshot of a web publication has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram that claim the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control said it spent a billion naira ($2.78 million) on COVID-19 text message awareness campaign.",0 Israel does not have COVID-19 deaths thanks to a cure made of baking soda with lemon.,0 There will be a worldwide Internet ‘blackout’ during Easter.,0 "IMAS, a Costa Rican welfare institution, enabled a phone line to request money for a pandemic from COVID-19.",0 "Auto Mercado is giving away $ 500 coupons, or Papa John’s pizzas for the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Sodium chlorite kills COVID-19.,0 With eucalyptus sprays you can “destroy the virus (SARS-COV-2)”,0 Walmart is giving away $ 250 free food to everyone this week to support the nation in Mexico.,0 "One article of “Le Parisien” French journal, published in 2013, reveals that COVID-19 was created by Chinese scientists.",0 Photo shows an Italian billionaire hurling his fortune because he lost his family.,0 Photo shows the dorm rooms where the ones turning back from Mecca were quarantined.,0 Kayseri municipality published Coffin Dance billboards for COVID-19,0 A doctor warned about 57 positives cases that should be hidden in Ecuador.,0 Multiple Facebook posts claim an anti-viral injection that was being developed in the Philippines in April 2020 is a cure for COVID-19.,0 "In the midst of the coronavirus crisis, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has received a salary increase.",0 Danish politician quoted for saying the coronavirus epidemic is caused by refugees.,0 Multiple posts shared with pictures of an aircraft delivering supplies claim to show the delivery of coronavirus vaccines from China to a Nigerian airport.,0 "WHO advises that amid the rise in COVID-19 infections, cloth (e.g. cotton or gauze) masks are “not recommended under any circumstances.”",0 A Taiwanese TV program reports that the lungs of many patients affected by COVID-19 had become fibrous and their survival rate is lower than that of lung cancer.,0 "The coronavirus is only as dangerous as a flu, the diseases have the same death rate, air pollution and bad hygienic conditions in Italian hospitals (hospital germs) are responsible for the many death cases and only 5% of the whole population is endangered by COVID-19.",0 Israel health minister said COVID-19 was a punishment againt homosexuality.,0 "Germany, Austria and Switzerland markets chlorine dioxide.",0 "Ángeles Blanco, tv host, thanks God because the situation is getting worse in Germany because of COVID-19.",0 "Leire Pajín, former minister of health, advises the Government on the coronavirus technical committee.",0 "A Facebook user claims Melinda Gates divorced her husband, Bill Gates, for wanting to destroy Africa.",0 Photographs of coronavirus patients casket in Italy.,0 US arrests the man who created COVID-19.,0 German doctor claims half of COVID-19 tests shows false positive results.,0 A Facebook post claims the World Health Organization is hiring community enforcement workers in Kenya to help create awareness of COVID-19 and links to a Google Form application.,0 Multiple posts have been shared on Facebook in early April 2020 claiming that Singapore introduced fines of up to SGD$150 for anyone not wearing a face mask outdoors during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "India is suing Microsoft founder Bill Gates because of his vaccine against coronavirus that killed 77,000 girls.",0 Multiple posts on social media in Nigeria claim that the United Kingdom terminated a deal with Chinese tech company Huawei after receiving contaminated coronavirus test kits.,0 "The internet portal El Horizonte says that from April 5 to 6, 2020 there was a day without COVID-19 infections in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.",0 Official data show that there were more deaths in Italy in 2019 than in 2020.,0 Screenshots circulating on Twitter and Facebook say the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control spent N1 billion (US$2.7 million) on sending text messages to educate Nigerians about COVID-19.,0 A “study” saying that runners and cyclists may project contaminated droplets up to 5 meters,0 Family of three died within days of each other before testing positive for coronavirus.,0 Australian researchers developed a drug that can neutralize SARS-CoV-2 in 48 hours.,0 An image shared via WhatsApp states that COVID-19 can be prevented by washing your mouth with hot water and salt or hot water and vinegar.,0 Everyone in Israel drinks a cup of hot water with lemon and a little soda every night. It has been proven to kill the virus.,0 "The Israel Minister of Health, Yaakov Litzman, said COVID-19 is the divine punishment for homosexuality, and has since been tested positive with COVID-19.",0 Queen Elizabeth is shown in a quote card to be praising President Rodrigo Duterte for the Philippines government’s efforts amid the COVID-19 pandemic in a recent speech.,0 "A picture shows “María Asunción Del Refugio Domínguez, a scientist who graduated with honors. It is very likely that she has discovered a vaccine for COVID, in her arduous investigation, she was infected with the virus.”",0 In a video a paramedic claims the risk to get COVID-19 increases when you wear a face mask.,0 A chain message on WhatsApp invites the population to process cash bonds delivered by Mexican government agencies due to the quarantine.,0 A pandemic risk analysis of the German government from 2012 disappeared from the archive of the parliament.,0 The army and the police in Spain are carrying out a massive campaign of arrests in the streets for the elderly. The army arrests anyone over the age of fifty and puts them in quarantine.,0 The World Health Organization selects the Tunisian Minister of Health as the best health minister in Africa.,0 People in India are forbidden to share or give news updates about COVID-19.,0 A video of dozens of people praying outdoors shows Italians praying during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 The SLPP (Ruling Party in Sri Lanka) symbol has been used in Sathosa (State owned retail chain) spice packaging as part of political campaign during relief distribution amid COVID-19.,0 President of Sri Lanka has contracted COVID-19.,0 FBI has arrested a US professor who has manufactured and sold coronavirus to Wuhan.,0 "Luis Fernando Camacho, presidential candidate of the political party Creemos, donated respirators to Bolivian hospitals to combat COVID-19.",0 Drinking water with garlic could protect you against COVID-19.,0 Chlorine dioxide cures COVID-19.,0 Bolivian former president Evo Morales asks by audio the militancy from political party Movement to Socialism to destabilize the actual government of Bolivia in this lapse of quarantine.,0 A chart shows how the Bolivian government received more than 500 million dollars to combat COVID-19.,0 Bolivian Government Minister Arturo Murillo in a conference asked women to get their uterus ready because the crisis of COVID-19 comes soon.,0 Video shows how Bolivian police shot a moto-taxi that had not respected the COVID-19 quarantine in Montero.,0 31 coronavirus patients have recovered in Ghana.,0 "Leonardo Da Vinci Hospital, a COVID-19 reference hospital in Fortaleza, Brazil, is empty. A video “proves” there was no one at the areas open to the public.",0 "Roberto Gazolla, a COVID-19 reference hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is empty. Photos “prove” there was no one at the areas open to the public, like the entrance hall.",0 A RAI TV show from 2015 warned about Chinese research to create a new coronavirus from other virus parts. It all took place in Wuhan.,0 American citizens have placed a nude statue of President Donald Trump in New York City because he failed to handle the coronavirus situation in USA.,0 All social media group admins are requested to close their groups for two days.,0 A video shows a man spitting into a bottle of tea and placing it back on a supermarket rack in an attempt to spread the coronavirus infection.,0 Family starving for food commits suicide in India during lockdown.,0 Green tea can cure COVID-19.,0 Indian government deploying the army in Telangana to curb the coronavirus situation,0 Indian Singer Kanika Kapoor was treated in Mumbai Wockhardt Hospital for COVID-19; the hospital was shut down as staff got infected.,0 The WHO issued protocol for a COVID-19 curfew,0 Muslim League Bangladesh party leader’s son Janab Muhammed Abdul Alam donates 800 cr to CH charitable trust works under Muslim League.,0 Spain will track down to location of mobile phones to control people during the lockdown.,0 "Coronavirus epidemic is a hoax, used to cover-up that 5G network is secretly being installed in Croatia’s capital city Zagreb.",0 There is no home vaccination against coronavirus in Cuba.,0 Barack Obama warned Africans against vaccines from America and Europe.,0 Criminals are handing out masks with chemicals to make people pass out in order to commit robbery.,0 Money was taken from hospitals to finance cultural projects in Brazil.,0 Brazil was ranked by the World Bank as the country with best policies in the fight against COVID-19.,0 Video shows an alleged hotel owner in New York who jumped out of a window after firing all his employees. The hotel went bankrupt because of the lockdown policies.,0 "Fábio de Melo, a famous Brazilian priest, published a text criticizing lockdown and asking for empathy for those who need to work.",0 A 24-hour COVID-19 hotline offers essential food items during curfew in Sri Lanka.,0 The Macedonian Minister of Health “boldly tramples on a serious brand like Acibadem Sistina and deters the citizens to take tests in this hospital.”,0 Coronavirus can be spread to animals.,0 Coronavirus can be spread between people and animals.,0 A Royal Decree-Law approved and published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) would allow people who regularly do sports to run during the state of alarm.,0 A video of a television presenter where she says “thank God things get complicated” referring to the coronavirus in Germany.,0 Tamil Siddhas mentioned herbal medicine for COVID-19.,0 The disaster management act in India prohibits posting messages regarding COVID-19 and would attract punishment to those who don’t obey.,0 "Police warn Whatsapp group admins regarding punishment on posting fake content, hate messages against religious and social groups.",0 This protein is a cure against COVID-19,0 Claim that the Polish government is planning to cut on family benefits due to coronavirus.,0 An image shows a COVID-19 rail tanker.,0 70 Muslims who attended the Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi are misbehaving with the staff in Belagavi in Karnataka.,0 The mayor of Curitiba in Brazil did not order the closure of shops and the city did not register any deaths by COVID-19.,0 "Cuban recommends aspirin, honey and lemon to cure COVID-19.",0 A video by influencer Miranda Makaroff who says that the brain can control the immune system and heal us.,0 Prince Charles of Wales has been cured of the coronavirus using homeopathy.,0 President Donald Trump has announced that the Roche Medical Company will launch a coronavirus vaccine this Sunday.,0 The Washington Post has published an editorial whose title is “Either wild capitalism dies or civilization dies.”,0 "Empty hospital corridors and waiting rooms in Toulon, France, prove that the government is lying on the degree of gravity of coronavirus crisis.",0 "This old poem, writen during XIXth century, prove that the history of pandemia repeats itself among centuries.",0 A member of Tablighi Jamaat is roaming naked and misbehaving with hospital staff.,0 The WHO advises against consuming bakery products.,0 The WHO advises against consuming bakery products.,0 Steam from boiling oranges kills COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus will be exterminated if lockdowns are lifted.,0 The number of deaths from COVID-19 are exaggerated.,0 Brazilian Chamber of Deputies president rejected a Jair Bolsonaro bill about COVID-19 quarentine in February.,0 "Mike Ryan, director of the WHO, said isolation measures worsen the pandemic.",0 Hindus drop their religious statues in the sea because of its uselessness in COVID-19 crisis.,0 "Social media accounts purporting to represent the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control have proliferated since February, when Africa’s most populous country recorded its first case of COVID-19.",0 "President Emmanuel Macron was cheered by a crowd of fake supporters during a visit in Pantin, France.",0 Video of the Kenyan Government using a Maasai tribe man to impose social distancing in Kenya.,0 Muslim owned restaurants in Bengaluru have chefs brainwashed by Markaz attendees and are spreading coronavirus by spitting in the food.,0 A post says that Barack Obama warned Africans not to accept European or American vaccines.,0 A Dutch minister said that “giving money to Portuguese politicians is like putting a cat in a sardines basket”.,0 Link to get 160.000 pesos help from the Colombian government.,0 Former Colombian president and current senator Álvaro Uribe tested positive for COVID-19,0 5G exposure/radiation pollution compromises the structure and function of hemoglobin in cells and worsens COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Video of bodies being washed ashore being shared as countries dumping their coronavirus bodies into the sea and thus requesting people to avoid sea food.,0 Black body bags being referred to as deaths in New York and the reason a lockdown is essential.,0 Colombian President Ivan Duque is one of the leaders who best faced the COVID-19.,0 Italians throw money in the street protesting against coronavirus.,0 Colombia is the country with the most intensive care beds in Latin America.,0 Alkaline diets are effective against coronavirus.,0 A Facebook post shared thousands of times claims seven children died in Senegal after being given a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 Dozens of posts shared hundreds of times on Facebook and WhatsApp claim that South African President Cyril Ramaphosa told foreigners to leave the country to minimise the spread of the novel coronavirus.,0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in posts on Facebook, YouTube, Douyin and Weibo purporting to show a detector dog after it was assaulted during a security check amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Senasa or the Costa Rican Public Force will sacrifice cats due to the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Posts claim that the speaker of the Winsconsin state assembly Robin Vos wore protective gear that “election workers he forced to work … do not have.”,0 The virus did not affect the main Chinese cities or some countries like Syria and Russia.,0 Various graphics in the form of quote cards show personalities praising President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte for his administration’s response to the coronavirus outbreak. The quotes in some of these graphics also denounce Duterte’s critics.,0 Are people dying in the streets like Ecuador?,0 "The FBI of the US had warned that there would be riots in the Chinese community since 600,000 unemployed gangsters are going to be releasing. They are targeting Chinese because the coronavirus is originated from China.",0 "When you have symptoms of dry coughing, sneezing, faint, fever, and difficulty breathing, you are infected with COVID-19; if you have only coughing and sneezing, then it’s just the air pollution.",0 "A claim has been shared repeatedly in multiple Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter posts that the Indian government has outlawed social media posts about the novel coronavirus pandemic through a piece of national legislation called the Disaster Management Act.",0 Bhutan has zero COVID-19 cases thanks to its vegetarian diet.,0 A video has been shared in multiple Facebook and Twitter posts in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows a temple in India that was turned into a COVID-19 quarantine centre by the state government.,0 "Once a state of emergency is declared, you will be banned from going out for three weeks in Japan.",0 A video has been viewed hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows an Italian woman who committed suicide after contracting COVID-19.,0 Erdogan will not close mosques in Turkey during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Smoking cannabis can prevent COVID-19.,0 "Social media posts claim South African president Cyril Ramaphosa has told all foreigners to leave the country by 21 June, when another three-month “total lockdown” will be implemented.",0 Michigan governor violated social distancing order while signing stay-at-home order.,0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) raiding a synagogue that was used to hoard face masks and other medical equipment.",0 "A video has been viewed more than one million times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok which claim it shows people in Italy chanting “Allahu Akbar” and seeking “help from Allah” during the coronavirus pandemic .",0 A Muslim boy is spitting on bread slices to spread coronavirus.,0 On social media a graph is reportedly showing a correlation between the use of face masks in four Asian countries and significantly fewer coronaviruses cases.,0 Inhaling a mixture of peppermint oil and clove oil cure COVID-19,0 "This video reveals the manipulation behind COVID-19 pandemics, in order to install a dictatorship order.",0 "In Almaty, the American BioLAB shows no signs of participating in the fight against coronavirus, while the whole of Kazakhstan has been making every effort for almost a month in the situation with the spread of coronavirus infection in the country.",0 A retired woman died after receiving a fine for violating quarantine in Ukraine.,0 The pandemic reduced global greenhouse emissions by 25%.,0 The United States seized ventilators that Taiwan donated to Paraguay.,0 "Yaakov Litzman, the Israeli minister for health who recently tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, originally said that this disease was divine punishment against homosexuality",0 France decided to end the quarantine due to its negative effect on the economy.,0 2 nurses who were in ITU in Swansea have died today. 3 more still ventilated. All from the same unit.,0 Pictures show how coronavirus is spread on a nurse’s face after wearing a mask under ultraviolet light.,0 An image shared on Facebook proves that US Army planes have dropped on Italy capsules containing COVID-19 to poison Italians.,0 "Post in Lithuanian saying: “I don’t protect. I never put on a mask. I never disinfect my hands and I won’t. (but that doesn’t mean I don’t wash them!). Because I know. That this is a lie. The mask will not protect. The hands themselves create protection. The body itself knows that if you take care of it, it will be grateful to you and it will not cause you nonsense.”",0 A woman killed her three children and committed suicide because of the problems she faced amidst the lockdown in India.,0 There is a conspiracy by the Deep State and China to sweep population control and derail President Trump via coronavirus.,0 The Torre Latinoamericana in Mexico City was illuminated due to the pandemic.,0 President of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador claims that Urinary Tract Infections aggravate the affectations by COVID-19.,0 France removes the European Union flag in light of the spread of COVID-19.,0 "“COVID-19 is a gas. This is what happened tonight in the streets of Rome, thousands of birds lying everywhere.”",0 Muslim owned restaurants in Bengaluru have chefs brainwashed by Markaz attendees and are spreading coronavirus by spitting in the food.,0 "India’s Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Naik held a press conference claiming that Prince Charles followed the rules of Ayurveda, which is why he is recovering so soon.",0 A message claims that Dr. Charles Lieber has been arrested for manufacturing the coronavirus.,0 A Whatsapp chain that says that consuming alkaline foods helps fight coronavirus.,0 "Whales are spotted at Bombay High, the offshore rig for the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation in India. Nature is reclaiming its space.",0 The new digital derogatory attestation allowing to go out will be used by French state and police in order to collect personal data and track its population.,0 "The Disaster Management Act has been implemented across India. As per the act, apart from the government departments, no other citizen is allowed to post or share any forward related to the novel coronavirus.",0 "Amid COVID-19 lockdown, the Himalayan Mountain Range is visible from the Puttalam area in Sri Lanka.",0 Dr. Anil Jasinghe is appointed as the vice chairman of the WHO executive board.,0 People burn candles on top of their heads after PM Modi’s nationwide appeal to light a candle on 4/5/20 at 9 p.m.,0 "Image of deers roaming in Pudukkottai, Tamil Nadu.",0 Image of Indian police officer beating street children for not abiding the lockdown.,0 Image of Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan following PM Modi’s appeal to light lamp on 5th April 2020.,0 Images of the public beating police officers enforcing lockdown in the Indian state of U.P.,0 Steam therapy can kill the new coronavirus.,0 Video of whales spotted near Bombay High.,0 A video of fire is shared with the claim that a fire erupted at Solapur Airport in Maharashtra state due to firecrackers on 4/5/20 at 9p.m.,0 A video showing a police officer briefing about cases being registered against the WhatsApp group admins is shared in the context of coronavirus lockdown.,0 A report from the Georgia Institute of Technology links 5G to the immune system and coronavirus.,0 A picture shows the new COVID-19 cure invented in France.,0 Italians pull down EU flags and replacing them with Russian and Chinese flags because of Russia and China helping them fight the coronavirus epidemic.,0 "Salim Mattar, owner of Localiza (Brazilian rental car company) criticizes COVID-19 related lockdown measures.",0 Doctors who recovered from COVID-19 quckly had inhaled steam every day.,0 "The pH value of COVID-19 is between 5.5 and 8.5 so you should have alkaline food with a pH higher than 8.5 to kill the virus — such as lemon, garlic or pineapple.",0 COVID-19 vaccines will come with a microchip to control the population.,0 "A study from Dr. Vladimir Zelenko had 100% success on using hydroxychloroquine, zinc and azithromycin to cure coronavirus.",0 American researcher Charles Lieber was arrested for selling the novel coronavirus to the Chinese.,0 "Rodrigo Maia, president of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies, said on Twitter that he’d rather see a few people die from COVID-19 before using money from public electoral funds to pay for their treatment.",0 Posts shared on Facebook and WhatsApp claim a South African hospital found that traces of the novel coronavirus had survived on the surface of fresh food items for 12 hours during lab tests.,0 The WHO has issued a protocol for lockdown extension providing a relaxation period of five days.,0 "A video shows deer walking down a street in Ciudad Real, Spain.",0 WhatsApp will limit the forwarding of all messages.,0 Sun and air can cure coronavirus.,0 WhatsApp group admins will be arrested if anyone shares any joke/information about the coronavirus.,0 Roma streets are filled with bird corpses because of coronavirus poisoning in the air.,0 COVID-19 is immune to organisms with a pH greater than 5.5.,0 Traffic images in Madrid for the start of Easter.,0 Serbian PM stated that citizens of South Korea have to pay to get tested for the coronavirus.,0 A man in Italy killed himself after he lost his family to the coronavirus.,0 WHO issued proposal for extending lockdowns to control COVID-19.,0 WHO issued proposal for extending lockdowns to control COVID-19.,0 Queen Elizabeth said Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte “is the kind of leader who knows the way … Filipinos are very lucky to have him.”,0 The Obama administration left President Donald Trump with a “stockpile with a cupboard that was bare.”,0 “The North Carolina and Virginia State line is closed. Nothing in or out.”,0 A poem about people staying home was written by Kathleen O’Mara in 1869.,0 “59 people die as pastor gives them Dettol to drink in church to prevent coronavirus.”,0 "A claim has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter in Sri Lanka that the ruler of Sharjah, one of the seven emirates of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), banned burials of people who died after contracting the novel coronavirus.",0 A graphic has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it contains a quote from Britain’s Queen Elizabeth in which she praises Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte for his efforts to curb the novel coronavirus pandemic. The posts allege that the queen made the remarks during her televised speech on 4/6/20.,0 "As a special task force assembled earlier this month to help in the handling of the COVID-19 outbreak, a photo of a tank on Toronto’s Dundas Square surfaced on social media.",0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter which claim it shows that packets of spice included in Sri Lankan government ration kits during the COVID-19 lockdown were branded with a local political party’s logo. The posts allege that the photo is evidence vulnerable people are being exploited during the pandemic for political gain.,0 "This map shows the dates of the end of lockdown in France, region by region.",0 Video of a delivery boy spitting on the slices of bread by opening the packets in the truck and resealing them for sale to spread coronavirus.,0 "In India, the Congress President’s approval is required to use funds from PMNRF.",0 Lockdown in Telangana extended till 3 June 2020.,0 "WHO has issued guidelines on how to implement lockdown in the country. As per those guidelines, after April 14 lockdown in India will be relaxed for 5 days and will be re-imposed.",0 The Government of Andhra Pradesh has made Kanipakam temple a quarantine center for coronavirus suspects.,0 A post says that the USA arrested the man who “sold” the new coronavirus to China.,0 Posts claim to show a picture of a Colombian doctor fighting COVID-19.,0 "Claudia López, Angélica Lozano, Jorge Robledo and other Columbian center-left and leftist politicians broke quarantine and met for dinner.",0 Italy cheers for Egypt in a march.,0 "Owing to India lighting diyas on April 5, a satellite captured India as illuminated while the world was in darkness.",0 The Gandhi siblings- Priyanka and Rahul broke down the lockdown enforced in India and were roaming around.,0 An image of a train with the inscription “COVID-19”.,0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claim it shows two Italian doctors who contracted novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, while treating patients.",0 The Public Force is recruiting people to reinforce police control on the Nicaraguan border.,0 The United States arrested a Harvard doctor for making and selling COVID-19 to China.,0 "Facebook posts claims the Asian, Hong Kong, swine and bird flus each “killed more people than coronavirus.”",0 A photo shows South Carolina after stay-at-home orders were announced.,0 “Same little boy died of COVID-19 in three different countries. Still don’t believe the media is #fakenews?”,0 “Everyone is only dying of coronavirus now.”,0 "Queen Elizabeth II praised President Rodrigo Duterte and said that the Philippines has the worst citizens, according to a graphic that went viral on Facebook.",0 "In his late evening speech on April 6, President Rodrigo Duterte said he warned Filipinos about the threat of the novel coronavirus “at the start.”",0 The maker of the novel coronavirus has been arrested.,0 Muslim man in Dehradun spitting to spread coronavirus.,0 A WhatsApp message circulating in South Sudan claims the chief justice’s son is critically ill with COVID-19.,0 A graphic attributed to the state-run Philippine News Agency (PNA) that features a purported quote from Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook. The graphic claims that Duterte said the government has completed distributing cash assistance to those affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Emmanuel Macron spent the first week-end of April in his residency of Bregançon in the South of France.,0 This map shows when different parts of France will get out of confinement.,0 Italy decreases the number of politicians to reduce expenses by COVID-19.,0 A viral post on Facebook shows a quote of a forensic doctor who allegedly said that not a single healthy person died of COVID-19.,0 Claim saying Bill Gates has said microchips will be mandatory for travelling after COVID-19.,0 "Claim saying there is no mortality increase in Europe, so COVID-19 is exaggerated.",0 "A nurse working in the US informs Ivorian citizens that their government is misleading them, disguising vaccines centers into testing centers against COVID-19.",0 "In this video, Portuguese governement asked its citizens living abroad not to come back this summer, due to COVID-19 pandemics, and will maintain its confinement dispositions",0 A widely shared picture purports to show food earmarked for distribution to families in Rwanda ahead of a coronavirus lockdown.,0 Kenyan electoral commission (IEBC) has hinted at postponing the 2022 general elections.,0 "Asian flu, Hong Kong flu, swine flu and bird flu killed more people than coronavirus has today. And that the government never shut down anything for those.",0 Two Indian politicians Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi broke lockdown orders and went to meet their friends.,0 A Muslim police officer is beating up a temple priest for breaking lockdown orders in India.,0 Several blogs are claiming that the United Nations doubts that there is any active COVID-19 case in Nigeria.,0 "Dr Charles Lieber, a Harvard professor, has been arrested in the USA for manufacturing the coronavirus and selling it to China. A video news report from WCVB, a TV station in Boston, Massachusetts, is shared with the Facebook post.",0 Facebook posts states that prince Charles was treated with medicine typically used for treating calf to cure COVID-19 and that the treatment was successful.,0 "The governor of Mexico, Omar Fayad, said on Twitter that with vitamin C improved the symptoms of COVID-19.",0 Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced that his country has created a cure for COVID-19.,0 US hospitals use mannequins as fake patients that died from COVID-19 to scare and convince people that the disease is deadly.,0 "A video showing body bags lying on the floor of various rooms inside a hospital was filmed in St Mary’s Hospital, London.",0 Chloroquine is an effective remedy for coronavirus;,0 "A Facebook post states that INPS – the national public retirement fund – will provide Italian students with a 600 euros per-month check, for every month they are not allowed to go to school because of COVID-19.",0 "An image shared via WhatsApp states that, according to ISTAT data (the National Institute for Statistics), less people have died in the first trimester of 2020 compared to the first trimester of 2019.",0 Chinese are killing thousands of bears because a belief is saying their bile can cure COVID-19.,0 A photograph of Madrid’s Gran Vía full of coffins with the flag of Spain,0 French high school in the town of Langres was chosen to test a vaccine against COVID-19.,0 U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar said she wants Americans to wear traditional Muslim coverings to avoid spreading the coronavirus.,0 South Korean government secretly requested for certain factory to produce one million facial masks to be sent to North Korea.,0 Those charts shows that the magnitude of the pandemics in the world is not that important compared to other diseases or causes of death worldwide.,0 Italian quarantine resulted in a local collapse and turned into a horror film for the whole world.,0 France forces patients of dual nationality to leave its hospitals to be able to treat the French during the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "Video clip of an earthquake strikes China, destroying a large part of it after the COVID-19 pandemic receded.",0 "Quoting a WHO advisory, a text claims that India has been following a four-phase lockdown to control the spread of coronavirus.",0 "The message claimed that under the Disaster Management Act (DMA), nobody except the Indian government can update and post coronavirus related information on social media.",0 "A man who attended the Tablighi Jamaat event in Delhi, India, spit on cops intending to spread Corona virus.",0 "India’s Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Naik held a press conference claiming that Prince Charles followed the rules of Ayurveda, which is why he is recovering so soon.",0 "Whales are spotted at Bombay High, the offshore rig for the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation in India. Nature is reclaiming its space.",0 "The Disaster Management Act has been implemented across India. As per the act, apart from the government departments, no other citizen is allowed to post or share any forward related to the novel coronavirus.",0 Humans will be controlled by the synthetic foods and artificial intelligence,0 A decree that allows euthanasia in dependant senior homes has been passed in France.,0 Ministry of Health blocked the respirators that Seat was producing in Spain.,0 Government and media hides death and coffins in a parking lot in Spain.,0 A message claims you need to sterilize products with a hair dryer,0 News about COVID-19 can only be shared after seeking the government’s permission.,0 "The WHO has prescribed a lockdown strategy to tackle COVID-19, which India is following.",0 "Dr. Charles Lieber, a Harvard professor, was arrested for creating coronavirus and selling it to China.",0 Brazilians observed Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “lights out” call.,0 The WHO has released “protocols and procedures” of lockdown periods to fight COVID-19.,0 This is the video of Congress leaders Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi breaking coronavirus lockdown by stepping out.,0 There have been no cases of infection in Beijing. The epidemic did not create problems for the Chinese economy. This proves that the new coronavirus is a biological weapon of the Chinese to destroy the world.,0 Heineken is giving four kegs of beer for free to encourage people to stay at home.,0 A screen capture of the cover of The New York Times accompanied by a text in which it is assured that the newspaper would have branded the Government of Spain as “communist”.,0 Images of an alleged fire at New York’s Lebanon Hospital.,0 A video of a deer in the sea recorded during the state of alarm decree in Spain.,0 An image shows what the virus in the air looks like under the most advanced microscope.,0 "On WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter, a text is presented as a translation into Spanish of an editorial in The Washington Post by Desmond Brown, which states, “Either wild capitalism dies, or human civilization dies.”",0 The principal access to the Guanacaste Province was closed for COVID-19 and Holy Week.,0 "Some countries dispose of infected bodies by throwing them into the ocean, so do not eat seafood and fish anymore.",0 A building from an industry federation displayed China’s flag on its front.,0 "A statement by Salvador Illa, Minister of Health of Spain, where he affirms that the WHO changed the position on the use of masks.",0 "Since 4/4/20, Italy hasn’t registered any new cases of the coronavirus.",0 "After COVID-19, China is hit by an earthquake.",0 Coronavirus is fake or a made-up ploy by 5G.,0 Photo of a mannequin being wheeled into a hospital shows the COVID-19 coverup.,0 Hospital is caught using a dummy in pandemic footage.,0 Coronavirus death toll in the U.S. is inflated by inclusion of unrelated deaths.,0 Photo taken by NASA on 4/5/20 when candles and diyas were lit at 9 p.m. for nine minutes.,0 Government has turned Lord Vinayaka’s Kanipakam temple into an isolation ward for treating coronavirus patients.,0 The NBA is asking President Donald Trump to “resign or we’ll never play again.”,0 People are handing out masks “doused with chemicals which knocks you out cold” so they can rob you.,0 "Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani said he “bought $2M in shares of Novartis, a primary supplier of hydroxychloroquine” in early February.",0 "“In Italy, they have thrown their money on the streets. A clear message to the whole world that money is not enough when health is in danger.”",0 "Be extremely careful about the coming cold snap. If you get a fever and need to go to the hospital, you may need to be quarantined for 14 days; or even worse, you may contract COVID-19 by cross-transmission or be misdiagnosed.",0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Weibo and Twitter that claim it shows people who committed suicide in the U.S. after contracting COVID-19.",0 French president Emmanuel Macron took hollidays in the fort of Brégançon resort during the lockdown in April 2020?,0 Visuals of Ooty-Coimbatore roads in India claimed by its original owners – peacocks and wild boars.,0 Video of Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra breaking ‘lock down’ regulations.,0 Video of a fire accident that took place at the Solapur Airport on 05 April 2020.,0 Photo of a family which committed suicide due to hunger during the lockdown.,0 Recent photos of deer and peacocks on Ooty-Coimbatore road.,0 Video of a man spitting in the face of another man in the New York subway to spread the coronavirus,0 The government of Columbia has a bill “ready” to close down the whole country in eight days,0 Video suggesting that a man is spitting on bread to spread coronavirus.,0 President Trump has repeatedly touted the anti-malarial medications hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as the much-needed solution to COVID-19,0 "A post has been shared multiple times on Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter by India-based users alongside a claim that the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued guidelines on COVID-19 lockdown.",0 "Claim that televangelist Pat Robertson said some young people “are doing all kinds of unnatural things with their sex organs. When people do that, they transfer all kinds of chemicals from ladies’ private parts and that’s where I think the (corona)virus came from.”",0 "Kabataan Representative, in the Philippines Sarah Elago tested positive for coronavirus.",0 Posts that are circulating on Facebook say that people need to eat alkaline food in order to prevent a novel coronavirus infection.,0 An arrest by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) of a professor who had ties to China is connected to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Photo of a family which committed suicide due to hunger during the lockdown.,0 Says 44 US senators “voted NOT to send stimulus checks.”,0 "Teresa Rodríguez, Andalusian left-party leader, wants to “take savings from citizens” to create a public bank.",0 "Dr. Charles Lieber, a Harvard professor, was arrested for creating coronavirus and selling it to China.",0 "Social media posts shared tens of thousands of times claim White House adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci stands alone in insisting hydroxychloroquine’s effectiveness against COVID-19 is unproven, while Italy, France, Spain and Brazil say it “works.”",0 An image has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim it shows the bodies of an Indian family who committed suicide after running out of food during the nationwide COVID-19 lockdown.,0 There are no COVID-19 deaths in Israel as they found a cure for COVID-19 – a mixture of lemon and baking soda.,0 "The contact ban is only for Germans, muslims can still gather and don’t have to pay fines in Germany.",0 "Mahmoud Abdel-Qader Al-Bizerti, the lead researcher in a German group developing a vaccine for COVID-19 was murdered.",0 5G technology is responsible for the increasing number of deaths from COVID-19.,0 "Minister of Health and Welfare of the Republic of China, Chen Shih-Chung, asked the public to stay home at least until June 25th.",0 Video shows COVID-19 infected corpses into the seas.,0 "An audio by the Brazilian doctor Roberto Zeballos saying that coronavirus is artificial and was released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.",0 "Few people are infected with the new coronavirus, so one should not be afraid of it.",0 "COVID-19 is cured by taking a very hot drink of ginger, garlic, cinnamon, honey and onion.",0 The assassination of a Tunisian scientist in Germany who was about to save humanity from COVID-19.,0 An Italian boy who lost his father and mother due to COVID-19 looks up to the sky and calls out to his mother.,0 The WHO Coordination Committee expects Syria to be declared a country safe from the spread of COVID-19 within three weeks.,0 The Syrian Governorate of Suwayda is quarrying 525 citizens on suspicion of having COVID-19.,0 “Collective consciousness” on ACE-2 receptors kills Coronavirus.,0 "A picture of a queue in a Bom Prato (a chain of state run popular restaurants that offers low cost meals to poor people in São Paulo). The caption states that João Dória, São Paulo governor, opened the restaurants and allowed the agglomeration, while, at the same time, forbade the regular restaurant to open.",0 Two WhatsApp audio files claim that gangs of roughly 30 drug addicts are looting shops and terrorizing workers in central São Paulo during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 "A video of a confrontation between drug users in “crackland”, a run-down part of central São Paulo, and a municipal guard. In the caption, it is stated that this is what is happening while the city is lockdown.",0 Image showing Indian Political party (DMK) workers demonstrating with Go Corona Back balloon.,0 "Amid COVID-19 lockdown, food is being distributed in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu.",0 A Whatsapp forward claiming all calls will be recorded by the Indian government..,0 Video of a man who committed suicide in the U.S. due to COVID-19,0 Photo of an Italian doctor waving goodbye to co-doctors as he is about to die due to coronavirus.,1 A video that shows dead bodies being taken away in a convoy of cars is from a hospital in Iran.,0 A video is being shared on various social media platforms and in WhatsApp groups in which a person allegedly infected with COVID-19 can be seen lying unconscious on the ground and shaking violently.,0 Muslim youth is spreading COVID-19 by licking plates in Nizamuddin Markaz in India.,0 “WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION PROTOCOL & PROCEDURE OF LOCKDOWN PERIODS FOR CONTROLLING ON MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS: STEP 1-1 DAY. STEP 2-21 DAYS. AFTER 5 DAYS. STEP 3-28 DAYS. AFTER 5 DAYS. STEP 4-15 DAYS.”,0 "An alleged newspaper publication that claims the Spanish far-right party, VOX, asks not to care for homosexuals sick with COVID-19.",0 The Spanish political party Vox assures that the government is hiding the images of hundreds of coffins in a parking lot.,0 Barack Obama has urged Africans to reject any COVID-19 vaccine produced by the United States and Europe.,0 Using the drug ivermectin cures the coronavirus within 48 hours.,0 "A video of a woman who identifies herself as Isabel Bellostas Escudero, alleged “doctor” and “pediatric researcher,” who recommends the consumption of Vitamin C to prevent the coronavirus.",0 Sri Lankan President donates 7 months’ salary for a COVID-19 fund.,0 Ten-point bulletin message purported to be from President Gotabaya to be followed during COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "After revision, São Paulo state registers only 26 deaths by COVID-19.",0 A video shows man claiming to be of Tablighi Jamaat (a Muslim group) spitting on police when they were putting him into quarantine.,0 A video showing a playful deer on the beach is claimed to be from an Indian village during a lockdown.,0 "A viral video showing some men assaulting a policeman is being shared with the claim that it is from Agripada, Mumbai (Indiaa).",0 A viral video apparently showing Muslim devotees sneezing is circulated with the claim that it is from Nizamuddin mosque of Delhi and they are deliberately trying to get infected in order to spread coronavirus in India.,0 Sri Lankan police made an announcement stating that citizens are not allowed to post any update or share any forward related to coronavirus and it being a punishable offense.,0 An alkaline diet could prevent COVID-19.,0 "Federal deputy (equivalent to Federal representative in Brazil) Osmar Terra claims that, in Italy, lockdown policies made COVID-19 cases shot up.",0 Facebook posting says Brazilian congressmen denied turning their payments to fight COVID-19.,0 "The Government of Mexico City offers $1,000 weekly if you stay at home.",0 Ten points of “evidence” that prove “China had everything planned.”,0 "A poem about people self-isolating at home has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter in April 2020 alongside a claim that it was written in the 19th century and reprinted during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic. The posts, published as the world continued to endure the spread of the novel coronavirus, claim the poem is evidence that “history repeats itself.”",0 Holding your breath for 5 seconds can prevent COVID-19 infection.,0 False document from the Government of Nuevo Leon in Mexico circulates.,0 7 kids died in Senegal right after receiving the vaccine for the coronavirus.,0 Church asked an imam of a mosque to call for Islamic prayer (Azan) from the church because of COVID-19.,0 Betadine antiseptic cures the first symptoms of COVID-19 when used for gargling.,0 President Donald Trump’s statement that lupus patients are not vulnerable to COVID-19 is not true.,0 Brazilians lighting candles after PM Modi’s call to stand in solidarity against the coronavirus.,0 China supplied 2 million masks to Africa; WHO says Africa must (should) prepare for the worst; China plans to distribute “infected” masks.,0 "Photos of grand celebration of Ram Navami (4/2/20) at Bhuj Mandir in Gujarat, India, during lockdown.",0 Harvard professor was arrested for creating and selling the coronavirus.,0 The WHO celebrates a Chinese cure for COVID-19 which was used in Wuhan.,0 "A claim that data from a hospital in the Philippines shows a correlation between grocery shopping and COVID-19 has been shared more than 1,000 times on Facebook and Twitter.",0 Video posts viewed thousands of times purport to show South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa announcing an alleged 81-day lockdown.,0 The bus of Europeans doctors bringing vaccines against COVID-19 in DR Congo was chased away by a crowd of bikers near Kinshasa.,0 Video of Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Vadra Gandhi breaking ‘lock down’ regulations.,0 "In order to take money from PM National Relief Fund (PMNRF), Congress President’s permission is required, that is why PM CARES is created.",0 "As per WHO’s ‘Protocol and Procedure of Lockdown Periods’, lockdown will be relaxed from April 15-19 and will be re-imposed from April 20 in India.",0 Photo of a family which committed suicide due to hunger during the lockdown.,0 A post in Facebook that said the Health Ministry of Costa Rica does coronavirus test home by home to suspicious pacient.,0 Suggestion that Trump urged sick people to get out and vote during COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Video of Uttar Pradesh Police catching ‘Coronavirus jihadists’ at Chor Bazaar.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows Brazilians participating in a candlelit vigil after India’s Prime Minister called for people to hold “solidarity” vigils on April 3, 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "American and Dutch mainstream news media used the same photo of a young boy as a portrait picture while reporting three different corona victims. Also, they used a picture of a 69 year old American corona victim twice: once in an article about his work at the police force and once declaring he works for a university. Therefore, the mainstream news media are trying to mislead their readers about the amount of people that actually died from corona, multiplying them.",0 An hospital was set on fire in Nairobi after people discovered a lot of “poisoned vaccines” against coronavirus sent by the USA.,0 Uganda has postponed general elections due to COVID-19.,0 "Photos of large plastic-wrapped bundles being offloaded from a plane are of COVID-19 vaccines China has sent to Nigeria, to be distributed for free.",0 New data shows that 21 million Chinese died from the coronavirus.,0 "A video of a police officer being beaten up by few people as he opposed them to offer prayers in a temple during the current lockdown, implemented in India to handle COVID-19 spread.",0 "Al-Azhar Imam said he is considering exceptions on Ramadan fasting, as the research says that the mouth must be kept wet to prevent COVID-19",0 Cats in Wuhan were found to have the coronavirus.,0 A claim that US scientist Charles Lieber was arrested for manufacturing and selling “thecoronavirus to China”.,0 A young man in a van spit on a policeman to spread the coronavirus.,0 "In Indore, India, Police and doctors are injecting coronavirus positive blood in Muslims.",0 Rinsing your nose with pure olive oil could heal a sinusitis caused by COVID-19,0 Lemon and bicarbonate are effective prevention and treatment of coronavirus. Lemon and bicarbonate saved Israel from the new coronavirus.,0 Pictures of Egyptian nuns who manufacture medical masks.,0 "Portugal has officially announced the death of a 14-year-old boy from COVID-19, although he is an athlete and has had no health problems.",0 A video clip of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi admitting that the Covid-19 pandemic is “a soldier of God” and admits that he erred in “assaulting” Muslims in his country.,0 A video claimed that a fruit vendor was licking his fingers while arranging oranges.,0 "A video of a police officer being beaten up by few people as he opposed them to offer prayers in a temple during the current lockdown, implemented in India to handle COVID-19 spread.",0 Muslim youth is spreading COVID-19 by licking plates in Nizamuddin Markaz in India.,0 A video that shows dead bodies being taken away in a convoy of cars is from a hospital in Iran.,0 A video is being shared on various social media platforms and in WhatsApp groups in which a person allegedly infected with COVID-19 can be seen lying unconscious on the ground and shaking violently.,0 “WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION PROTOCOL & PROCEDURE OF LOCKDOWN PERIODS FOR CONTROLLING ON MOST DANGEROUS VIRUS: STEP 1-1 DAY. STEP 2-21 DAYS. AFTER 5 DAYS. STEP 3-28 DAYS. AFTER 5 DAYS. STEP 4-15 DAYS.”,0 "A photo of a Sri Lankan military hospital has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim that it has been reserved exclusively for the use of “VIPs” who test positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 Multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter claim the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned against eating cabbage during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Ron Johnson said Americans should go back to work, because “death is an unavoidable part of life.”",1 North Carolina “hospital beds are typically 85% full across the state.”,1 "“We’ve got to give the American public a rough estimate of how long we think this is going to take, based mostly on the South Korean model, which seems to be the trajectory that we are on, thankfully, and not the Italian model.”",1 "Says a study projects Wisconsin’s coronavirus cases will peak on April 26, 2020.",1 "The new coronavirus COVID-19 is a US biological weapon against China and Italy ; Milorad Dodik, the Serb member of the BiH presidency, is infected with COVID-19.",0 "Several home-made cures for coronavirus, ; garlic / vodka / vitamin C treats coronavirus ; children do not transmit the coronavirus and “Serbs have lion genes”.",0 "A video has been have been viewed thousands of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows how to make a hand sanitiser that is effective in protecting against the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The video appears to show someone mixing rum, bleach and fabric softener in a bottle before rubbing the solution on their hands.",0 "A screenshot of a World Health Organization (WHO) webpage has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and messaging app Line alongside a claim it shows international health authorities raised Thailand’s pandemic stage to a “level 4” during the novel coronavirus crisis.",0 News of The death of Two Girls Infected With coronavirus In Northern Syria?,0 No Confirmation That North Korea Executed An Official After Breaking The Quarantine.,0 Passengers at Delhi airport got agitated Wednesday morning as their passports were withheld by airport authorities.,1 Coronavirus is also spread through newspapers.,1 A WhatsApp chain cites real research on the survival of different coronaviruses in various materials and in the air.,0 Ecuadorean government gives money to people from Venezuela.,0 Ghana has 307 ambulances with mobile ventilators.,1 Burning candles will increase the temperature which in turn will kill coronavirus.,0 A Facebook user uploaded a video showing a man inside a police van spitting on a cop. The post claimed that this video is a proof that Tablighi community is spreading coronavirus in India.,0 Google has donated 59 billion (5900 crores) rupees to fight coronavirus to India.,0 "In Bolivia, a street-selling child was expelled from his selling spot (in the street) by municipal guards. They threaten to take his products away during the quarantine times.",0 Ruth Mari Calderon from the Academy John Maxwell in Bolivia shares information on the unknown cures for COVID-19.,0 Coffee cures coronavirus.,0 "A picture of Tiago Leifert, host of Big Brother Brazil, with a group of Globo employees in a restaurant. The caption states that while Globo advocates for lockdown, its employees are hanging out in fancy restaurants during the COVID-19 epidemic.",0 “Joe Exotic tests positive for coronavirus in prison. It’s been confirmed.”,0 "The government of Paraíba, a state in Brazil, received 11.6 million Brazilian reais from the federal government to spend on healthcare during the COVID-19 crisis. Instead, this money is being spent on artistic performances.",0 "Says for otherwise healthy people “experiencing mild to moderate respiratory symptoms with or without a COVID-19 diagnosis … only high temperatures kill a virus, so let your fever run high,” but not over 103 or 104 degrees F (39.5 degrees C).",0 "“There was no effort” to get American experts into China after it announced the coronavirus, and “we had one person in-country (and President Donald Trump) pulled him out of the country.”",0 "“We were slow with the testing, but very quick with the travel ban. And that’s been much more critical in saving lives.”",0 Says the U.S. is developing an “antivirus” that includes a chip to track your movement.,0 Photo of money wasted by Italians in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Coronavirus shape successfully photographed by Indian scientists.,0 "In the backdrop of the lockdown, videos of wild animals taking over the roads are surfacing on the internet. Among them, a set of pictures of a herd of deer is doing the rounds on social media claiming that these pictures are from Lake Club, Chandigarh.",0 There are plenty of mortuary bags in Lenox Hills Hospital in NY.,0 Indian Social Activist Trupti Desai arrested for buying liquor during the COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Tabligi Jamat members in India are licking plates to spread COVID-19.,0 "Indian State of Gujarat’s government constructed hospital for COVID-19 patients with 2,200 beds in just 6 days.",0 Lockdown in India extended until 5/8/20.,0 Italians throw money on the streets.,0 WhatsApp text that says the Chinese created the coronavirus and that the main cities in China did not suffer from the pandemic.,0 Davao City Mayor Sara Duterte said that local government units (LGUs) should be blamed for why the P200-billion cash assistance has not reached constituents.,0 Man is spitting on a police officer to spread COVID-19 in India.,0 "Rotis hailing PM Modi shared in Madhya Pradesh, India, during lockdown.",0 A video purporting that an attack on doctors was avenged by policemen.,0 Lemon bicarbonate as tea and green tea can treat and prevent coronavirus.,0 People under quarantine singing a Kurdish song from their balconies in Diyarbakır.,0 "The text claims that “Russian doctors in Lombardy have encountered a mystery — people have died from coronavirus, but in a very strange way.”",0 A video starring Andreas Ludwig Kalcker claiming to be a German scientist who has the cure for coronavirus and denounces censorship.,0 A blog published a report claiming the Nigerian President’s Chief of Staff was dead; further naming their source as Dr. Kemi Olunloye.,0 "A WhatsApp message claiming that Decree Law 6/2020 of March 10 has been modified, allowing nature outings because they do not constitute an agglomeration of people.",0 Adidas is donating shoes in a campaign against the coronavirus.,0 A video of Bill Ryan claiming China would be attacked with biological weapons.,0 "Pedro Sánchez, President of Spain, spies on the King after a rumor that hits Moncloa: Don Felipe, King of Spain, talks about changing the government.",0 A message that broadcasts a link where you can allegedly request food aid during the coronavirus quarantine.,0 Bitcoin ads that use familiar faces to scam people.,0 "Dozens of dead bodies are stacked at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, and the media don’t want to show this tragic image of the pandemic.",0 Images of a bruised youth claimed to be marks he got when police had beaten him in Colombo for curfew violations,0 A video showing a group of people protesting “government thieves” while they throw bags of food on the floor has been broadcast on social media with a message against Venezuelan migrants in Colombia.,0 Pandemics occur every 100 years. It is called a new world order. They reduce the world population.,0 A viral video purportedly from Italy shows a child crying for his mother who died due to coronavirus.,0 "Stones were hurled at police in Gomtipur, Ahmedabad (India), when they went to search for suspects who attended the Nizamuddin Markaz event in Delhi.",0 Morocco is the safest country to avoid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Photograph proving that there’s no more room in Italian hospitals.,0 "There is already a vaccine for coronavirus, created in the U.S.",0 Walmart has adopted staggered shopping days based on age in response to the pandemic.,0 World Bank classified Brazil as the “best country on COVID-19 combat.”,0 Facebook user suggested that “frustrated Italians” are throwing away their money.,0 Shanghai and Beijing had no cases of coronavirus.,0 "A doctor from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, releases audio saying isolation should be over since there are few patients with COVID-19 in the city.",0 Photo on biography of a boy who died from coronavirus.,0 "Cattle vaccine is related to COVID-19, the current panic overblown by media.",0 Video of a train carrying the trucks with essential goods during the current lockdown in India. It’s a “brilliant idea” by Modi’s government.,0 “The Chinese Communist Party is using Zoom as a way to spy on our citizens.”,0 A claim has been shared on Facebook and several Sri Lankan news websites that Muslims at a mosque in Sri Lanka reacted violently after authorities told them their gathering was in violation of the country’s novel coronavirus curfew.,0 A video viewed thousands of times in Nigeria and shared in multiple Facebook posts claims to show police in Spain rounding up people aged 50 and above to transfer them to quarantine centers amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A convoy carrying vaccines against COVID-19 in South Africa was attacked in the streets.,0 "Government of Telangana in India has released a new schedule of SSC Class-X Examinations. As per it, exams will be scheduled from April 20 to April 28.",0 Video of a Muslim man spitting into the food packages to spread coronavirus.,0 A video of a Muslim fruit-vendor spitting on fruits to spread coronavirus.,0 "The governor of the state of São Paulo, João Doria, transferred a helicopter used for health case to use it for his personal transport.",0 Drinking three cups of tea or coffee a day does cures COVID-19.,0 "It is good to use water above 25 ° to wash hands, clothes and surfaces.",0 "Photo of a migrant worker’s family who committed suicide on their walk to Uttar Pradesh from Surat (Gujarat, India) due to lack of facilities during the current lockdown.",0 "An article shared thousands of times in multiple social media posts in Nigeria claims former vice president Atiku Abubakar pledged to pay 10,000 naira ($27) to every Nigerian to help them through the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 A viral message shared on Whatsapp and Facebook claims: The German minister for agriculture just spoke on TV about pensioners who should help as harvest workers because of the corinavirus crisis and she confirmed that they get less money than refugees.,0 "A Facebook video claimed that sobolo, a herbal tea, could cure the novel coronavirus.",0 "A video shows a meeting between American billionnaire Bill Gates and Senegalese president Macky Sall, who agreed to test COVID-19 vaccines in Senegal.",0 "Big Pharma, Dr. Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates want to ban hydroxychoroquine.",0 Indore (a city in India) police beat up the people who had pelted stones on a team of doctors when the doctors were visiting a place to screen a patient for coronavirus.,0 Doctors and police will massively check everyone for coronavirus in Kazakhstan.,0 "In 1986, the founder of the Times Square Church prophesied that he saw “a plague coming on the world and the bars and church and government will shut down,” with New York City especially hard hit..",0 "A video shows US Federal Bureau of Investigation agents carrying boxes of N95 face masks out of a house and loading them into a truck. The masks are infected with COVID-19 and from China, and are the same masks that China has sent to Africa.",0 "Facebook post that says Singapore defeated novel coronavirus in 20 days, nobody died during this period and everybody had free health service during the time.",0 "Facebook users calling for mass meditation, “to open up magical portal” that will stop coronavirus and 5G (that allegedly causes coronavirus).",0 Hantavirus is being compared with novel coronavirus. Message describes recent hantavirus case in China and says that 32 people in one bus were diagnosed with hantavirus.,0 18 countries including USA and UK want India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lead the task force to fight coronavirus.,0 "In view of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian government has extended the financial year from April 1 to July 1.",0 A map shows that Madagascar is the only country without coronavirus cases.,0 "The British already have a natural immunity to COVID-19. So, the quarantine can be lifted earlier.",0 "A Whatsapp chain message claims that China is responsible for the outbreak of the coronavirus and that the country has an economic benefit from this (oil price and stock market), Wuhan is suddenly free from COVID-19 and in other big cities there were no cases.",0 Five deep breaths followed by a forced cough helps against COVID-19.,0 McDonald’s offers Combo Coupons in Mexico because of COVID-19.,0 Trump invites two imposters from Morocco in order to incantate him in fear of COVID-19.,0 A stealth drone is used to intimidate people who do not comply with the curfew in Brazil.,0 A video claimed a food packaging worker in a restaurant is viciously blowing air through mouth into plastic food bags as coronavirus continues to spread.,0 "An image claimed a family committed suicide by hanging to a tree due to hunger while migrating from Surat, India.",0 Muslim man is spitting on food in a restaurant in India.,0 High temperatures kill the novel Corona virus.,0 Google has donated 59 billion (5900 crores) rupees to fight coronavirus to India.,0 A Facebook user uploaded a video showing a man inside a police van spitting on a cop. The post claimed that this video is a proof that Tablighi community is spreading coronavirus in India.,0 Essential oils eradicate the new coronavirus,0 PM Modi on 4/2/20 announced extension of a nationwide lockdown until 5/4/20.,0 "Iberdrola, a Spanish electricity provider, offers a discount “for the coronavirus”.",0 Coffins of people who died from the coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 pandemic is being used as an excuse to put microchips into babies.,0 The Disaster Management Act 2005 is going to be implemented in India; no citizen is allowed to post any update or share any forward related to COVID-19.,0 The United States is “recruiting” doctors to confront COVID-19.,0 "Image of piles of money scattered on the street with text saying that “Italian people are throwing money on the streets as a reminder that money can’t buy everything, as exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic”",0 A businessman from Brazil killed himself after firing 223 employees due to the current crisis.,0 "While China built a hospital for 1,000 people in 10 days and everyone cheered, the Brazilian Army built field hospitals for 2,000 COVID-19 patients in only 48 hours, and nobody cared.",0 Posting anything on coronavirus will be a punishable offense because the Disaster Management Act has been implemented.,0 Image of a herd of deer sitting on a street interpreted as different locations in Sri Lanka and India.,0 Video of Al-Aqsa mosque after Israel allows photography inside it.,0 Video of kids from Italy yelling at stars assuming them to be their dead mother.,0 Indian Home ministry declares posting about COVID-19 on WhatsApp groups a punishable offence.,0 "Picture of Sao Paulo graveyard, being prepared secretly for COVID-19 victims by Brazil government.",0 "A viral video showcasing an emergency treatment of a COVID-19 patient in Maharashtra, an Indian State. The video is shared in the names of different cities of Maharashtra.",0 "Trupti Desai, a well known social activist from India, was arrested for illegally buying liquor during the COVID-19 lockdown.",0 "18 nations, including the US and the UK, want Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to be the leader of the task force to combat the coronavirus pandemic.",0 Social activist Trupti Desai was caught illegally buying liquor during the lockdown and was detained by the police.,0 A video shows a truck dropping bodies covered with plastic into a ditch and claiming that this is the situation in Italy right now.,0 A Whatsapp message offering food for families that the Spanish charity Caritás will donate.,0 Publications claim Italian kids can go out to the street during the lockdown.,0 "5,000 kilos of masks have not been delivered in Zaragoza because customs closes at 3:00 p.m.",0 "A video of dead bodies in black bags allegedly from hospitals in Madrid, Barcelona or New York.",0 Spanish hospitals are injecting MMS to COVID-19 patients to cure them.,0 The Sanytol brand is sending an email to give away disinfecting wipes.,0 "Mariano Rajoy, Esperanza Aguirre or Christine Lagarde have said that if pensioners died the world would save money.",0 Eucalyptus vapor kills coronavirus.,0 Homemade masks prevent the spread of coronavirus.,0 Security issues for the Zoom video call app.,0 A Whatsapp message allegedly from a Chinese doctor and CNN that says coffee can prevent coronavirus,0 Portuguese authorities decided that each citizen who goes to work must have an official authorization to leave home.,0 "If Russian people do not obey mandatory isolation, they are imprisoned for five years.",0 "Hit-run deaths are counted as COVID-19 deaths in São Paulo, Brazil.",0 Video shows trucks in Brazil discarding food lost due to isolation.,0 Post involves a video that shows how donations to charities in street markets do not go to poor people in Bolivia.,0 "Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales: “If I had to donate it would be to Argentina, this country have given me all, since the health services to a place to live.”",0 "Minister for the Presidency of Bolivia, Yerko Nuñez, said: Government will use savings from the Bolivian State to take care of the health of Bolivians.",0 "People from Riberalta, Bolivia were punished for demanding food.",0 A voice note says that the government will apply a total lockdown for two months.,0 Colombia is the last country in the coronavirus test ranking.,0 In New York “every contaminated corpse belongs to the state” and will be incinerated without any “wakes or memorial services to pay your last respects.”,0 "Drinking warm water continuously can prevent COVID-19. This is why Saudi Arabia is discussing forbidding the Ramadan fast, which is supposed to start in late April.",0 The coronavirus can be killed by consuming alkaline foods.,0 Malaysians are eating soap as a way to cure COVID-19.,0 A video shows a woman infected with COVID-19 spitting on the fruit alley in a supermarket and being arrested.,0 "The government raided The Medical City and other private hospitals, taking away their personal protective equipment (PPE).",0 New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C.,0 Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan donated money to Pakistan to fight coronavirus and did not help India at all.,0 Beware of food delivery apps in India as they blow into the food before packaging it.,0 News channel graphic stating that the Indian lockdown is to be extended to May 4.,0 An Indian social activist was arrested when she tried to buy liquor during the lockdown period.,0 Pope Francis kissed the feet of “black people” and asked forgiveness during the novel coronavirus scare.,0 A man in Serbia broke the curfew by putting on a tree costume.,0 An orangutan in the U.S. started to wash his hands imitating his keeper.,0 This voice record circulating in Turkey is based on Johns Hopkins University research.,0 "Video shows demolished 5G stations in Hong Kong, protestors held the 5G responsible for COVID-19.",0 The pandemic was foreseen in Madonna’s 2019 album cover.,0 Photo shows the last meeting of a Turkish doctor who died due to COVID-19 with his child in Munich.,0 The viral post claims that Aaj Tak news channel shows lockdown is withdrawn at few places while India Today news channel shows it is extended till May 4.,0 "Disaster management act has been implemented, no citizen is allowed to post any update on coronavirus.",0 "A video of an orangutan washing its hands has been viewed millions of times in Facebook, Twitter and YouTube posts which claim the animal was imitating its zookeepers during the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 "This image shows two people seen going around pretending to give protective masks to people in need. Be careful, they’re thieves and not healthcare personnel.",0 Ansa news has reported that former ECB Governor Mario Draghi will lead the Italian task-force against COVID-19.,0 The French government has authorized euthanasia of old people suffering from COVID-19 with a new decree.,0 “Virus shut out necklace” is effective in prevention of the virus that causes COVID-19 infection.,0 Myanmar health minister mentions that a vaccine for COVID-19 was found.,0 “Dramatic: The infected in Italy are dying on the street.” The publication is accompanied by a photo.,0 A social media network invites an alleged aid in groceries to supply homes during the mandatory isolation that seeks to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.,0 “President Duque uses a State helicopter to fly over Colombia with a priest and bless our territory with the Virgin Mary and the Blessed Sacrament. Amen #GrandeMiPresidente ”.,0 Trump’s claim that he imposed the first travel ban on China.,0 "Beijing and Shanghai have been preserved from the pandemia of COVID-19, proof that the virus has been created and used by China as a weapon.",0 This map shows that the spread of coronavirus epidemic is the same as 5G deployment on French territory.,0 "Charles Lieber, Harvard university professor, has been arrested for “creating and selling” the new coronavirus to China.",0 "Brazilian army built 2,000 hospital beds in 48 hours.",0 The coronavirus was created in a laboratory.,0 Netflix is ​​giving free access to its service during isolation from the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 A yellow bracelet will be placed on people who “are seen outside their homes but not to go to work or get basic necessities.”,0 Charles Lieber was arrested for participating in the creation of the coronavirus.,0 Barack Obama warned Africans against coronavirus vaccines.,0 A video shows a man spitting inside food packets during the coronavirus crisis.,0 "Multiple Facebook posts shared thousands of times in April 2020 purport to compare novel coronavirus lockdown measures in countries including South Korea, Japan and the Philippines. The posts claim the virus is now “gone” in South Korea because residents stayed at home for three weeks and that the epidemic has been “controlled” in Japan. The posts also claim that by contrast, people in the Philippines have taken a careless approach to the virus.",0 Indian PM Modi announced a lockdown extension until 5/4/20 in India.,0 Audio of Biden calling the coronavirus a hoax.,0 Walmart is adopting a staggered schedule due to the coronavirus.,0 Israeli recipe for lemon and bicarbonate drink is a coronavirus cure.,0 Video claiming you can’t catch coronavirus.,0 Goodwill laid off all employees due to COVID-19.,0 This video shows an FBI raid into a synagogue to requisition medical devices.,0 "Video of stone-pelting by people when health officials went to trace the Nizamuddin guys in Indore, MP.",0 PM Modi has announced the extension of the All-India Lockdown until 5/4/20.,0 Video of Indian activist Tripti Desai’s arrest by police after selling bottles of liquor during lockdown.,0 A video of a Muslim man spitting on police to spread coronavirus when he was being taken into custody.,0 People washing hands from the same pond before the prayers at Hazrat Nizamuddin is the reason for the spread of coronavirus in India.,0 PM Modi has announced the extension of the All-India Lockdown until 5/4/20.,0 “Rivers in Oklahoma are full of catfish carrying the virus.”,0 Says Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus in a 1551 passage about a plague spreading from the east.,0 Alkaline food helps counter COVID-19.,0 Says Goodwill used the pandemic “to fire all of their employees instead of laying them off.”,0 Says video shows “the Chinese are destroying the 5G poles as they are aware that it is the thing triggering the corona symptoms.”,0 "Indian Ministry of Tourism issued a notification that all hotels, restaurants, pubs etc will be closed till 10/1520. The notification further states that specifically north Indian restaurants should be closed till the given date else legal action will be taken against the owner of the restaurant.",0 A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows the arrest of Indian activist Trupti Desai after she attempted to buy alcohol during a government-imposed lockdown triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Images of gathering of BJP members in Madhya Pradesh on 23 March 2020 despite the existing lockdown in the State.,0 New york Jewish temple was found to hide medical N95 masks which is needed by hospitals.,0 A video purports to show a police officer being beaten has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that the assault at a temple in India was sparked by the officer’s attempt to enforce a nationwide novel coronavirus lockdown.,0 Harvard professor Charles Lieber was arrested for creating the coronavirus and selling it to China.,0 Emergency rooms in hospital are empty because the crisis has been overstimated.,0 Donald Trump announced a vaccine capable of curing the new coronavirus in three hours.,0 Danes are drinking less alcohol during the coronavirus crisis,0 This photo of coffins shows coronavirus victims.,0 "”If you line up all the countries that have done (COVID-19) testing on a per-capita basis, we’re [the US] at the bottom of the list.”",0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in posts on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube that claim it shows a freight train carrying essential commodities for those in COVID-19 lockdown in India.",0 Information was leaked from a government meeting that food is getting short in Germany.,0 The Netflix series “My Secret Terrius” foretold the pandemic.,0 A video shows body bags piled up in a Spanish hospital .,0 A hoax claim has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter that certain viral outbreaks in the last 100 years aligned with the introduction of new telecommunications technologies. The posts suggest that the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is linked to the rollout of 5G mobile phone technology.,0 "Kennedy Center, PBS donated to Democrats after getting COVID-19 stimulus money.",0 "The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) seized boxes of N95 masks that tested positive for the coronavirus, according to a video posted by multiple accounts on YouTube and Facebook.",0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows a Muslim man spitting at Indian police officers after being detained over scuffles at a coronavirus quarantine centre in April 2020.",0 Video of doctors being attacked in the old city of Hyderabad when they went to screen locals for COVID-19.,0 Video of Asha workers being attacked by locals in Telangana when they went to screen people who attended Delhi Nizamuddin prayers and are suspects for having COVID-19.,0 "The are no COVID-19 deaths in Israel as they found a cure for COVID-19, a mixture of lemon and baking soda.",0 Video of recent Ram Navami Celebrations in Akbarpur block (UP) despite the lockdown in the country to handle COVID-19 spread.,0 "If Russian people do not obey mandatory isolation, they are imprisoned for five years.",0 "People in Kolkata, India, breaking lockdown and pelting stones on police.",0 Claim that says the only effective cure for novel coronavirus is simple herbal tea.,0 Facebook post that compares deaths in Italy during coronavirus pandemie with deaths during seasonal flu outbursts from 2014 to 2017. The post says that during 2014 seasonal flu outburst 375 000 people died in Italy and it was the real problem and coronavirus deaths compared to this aren’t serious.,0 McDonald’s is reopening in the UK from Monday 6 April.,0 The new Nightingale Hospital in London wants people to post it home-made art to brighten up the walls.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook in April 2020 alongside a claim it shows police in India detaining people in a van carrying a COVID-19 patient after they failed to wear face masks outside.,0 People are being deceived – the high mortality rates in Italy are not caused by the new coronavirus.,0 The first patient of coronavirus had sex with bats.,0 "Only certain face masks are effective and others, such as cloth masks, are not.",0 "“Coronavirus is a common respiratory disease, and the authorities deliberately spread psychosis.” – Igor Gundarov",0 A Chinese intelligence officer leaked details on how the coronavirus outbreak is caused by a bioweapon.,0 COVID-19 is safe for a healthy population. Medical facilities are overloaded due to panic.,0 America “admits its sins“ and declares repentance after the spread of COVID-19.,0 A Saudi citizen wraps his house in tin for his fear of COVID-19.,0 "One person who attended a Delhi religious congregation and affected with covid-19 caught at Byrnihat in Meghalaya, near Assam in India, but two of his companions escaped and spreading the virus.",0 Italians threw away money because of COVID-19.,0 Orangutan learns to wash hands during lockdown.,0 A video shows a truck dropping bodies covered with plastic into a ditch and claiming that this is the situation in Italy right now.,0 Video shows Muslim prayers at a church in Switzerland due to the outbreak.,0 Italians bidding goodbye to the world because of coronavirus.,0 A group of Muslim boys licking utensils to spread coronavirus.,0 Muslims intentionally licking the cutlery and plates to spread COVID-19.,0 People in Italy have thrown all of their money on the roads outside saying that this money is useless to save them from death.,0 A video is going viral on WhatsApp and Sharechat claiming that the man and woman in the video are doctors who treated 75 coronavirus patients and now they both are infected by it.,0 "Confidential studies from Universities of New York, USA, states that some patients infected with COVID-19 were healed with eucalyptus.",0 "Bolivian education, Minister Victor Hugo Cárdenas, said: “Students will repeat the school year”.",0 "There are two ways to wear a medical mask, depending on your purpose. If you are sick, put the white side on your mouth, and if you fear infection, wear it the opposite way.",0 "A video of a man, standing at a fresh food distribution center in Contagem, Brazil, claiming there was a shortage of food in Minas Gerais caused by lockdown measures. He claims the video was shot on March 31. The video was tweeted by Jair Bolsonaro, who later deleted it.",0 "As of 4/1/20, all coronavirus patients from Blumenau, Brazil, were cured.",0 "An inmate who was released from prison under COVID-19 “humanitarian house arrests” was arrested again in Campo Bom. Police officers found more than 100 kg of cocaine in his house, and several guns.",0 A table comparing COVID-19 stats for countries that did impose lockdown against countries that didn’t.,0 "João Doria, governor of São Paulo, forbade doctors to give chloroquine to COVID-19 patients.",0 Cuba sent 200.000 doctors across the world to help nations fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Images of money thrown on streets by helpless Italians.,0 Shopping malls crowded in Italy during the pandemic.,0 Indian Home Secretary warning against those who post about coronavirus on Whatsapp will be prosecuted except for government agencies.,0 Over 500 years of Adhan (The Islamic Call to Prayer) ban lifted in Spain amid coronavirus.,0 Indian State of Kerala’s government is paying news channels to telecast CM’s interview.,0 Actor Vijay donated 3 billion (300 crore) rupees for coronavirus relief.,0 Government of an Indian state Madhya Pradesh ordered shoot-at-sight to enforce lockdown.,0 "An image of a doctor goes viral with the claim that Dr. Usman Riyaz died while treating coronavirus patients in Delhi, India.",0 People in Italy are throwing money on the road because they are saddened by the fact that all the money in the world could not save their dear ones.,0 Governors across the U.S. are announcing that the current school year will be repeated due to coronavirus school closings.,0 Spraying with boiling water eliminates the new coronavirus.,0 Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are cures for COVID-19.,0 A trucker assures in a video that he transports material to France and that it does not arrive in Spain because the government does not pay for it.,0 "The father of Pablo Iglesias, vice president of Spain, is hospitalized at the Clinical Hospital of Salamanca.",0 "The former mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, has received a respirator at home in order to avoid “going to a public hospital”.",0 All communications between citizens will now be recorded by the government in France.,0 COVID-19 is no more harmful than the common cold.,0 Video of empty hospitals is proof that the pandemic is not real.,0 Christine Lagarde admits that something must be done about old people living for too long.,0 Someone asking people not to use air conditioning in hot weather as heat will kill the coronavirus.,0 Guatemala Secretary of Economy shared a video where the NYT praises the management of Guatemalan Government during this COVID-19 crisis.,0 "For every click on the Italian song Rinascerò rinascerai, YouTube donates money to a hospital in Bergamo.",0 Prince Charles’ recovery from COVID-19 is suspicious; it is proof that a vaccine already exists.,0 "Because there was no school for weeks due to COVID-19, French summer holidays will be shorter this year.",0 "You can cure coronavirus with lemon, garlic and avocado because of its pH level.",0 Missouri students will have to repeat the school year because of COVID-19 school closings.,0 Videos show Chinese people spreading the coronavirus in other countries.,0 President Giammattei gave instructions that were contradictory to the published law regarding COVID-19 measures.,0 President Donald Trump got a Moroccan sheikh (Muslim priest) to put a spell on him that prevents COVID-19.,0 59 church congregation in Africa killed after drinking Dettol to prevent coronavirus.,0 Soaking in the sea can treat COVID-19.,0 "By e-mail sent to major newsrooms, the Portuguese government announces cancelation of projects at airports, due to the financial restrictions caused by the impact of coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus causes male infertility.,0 "Facebook posts shared thousands of times feature a video of U.S. officials talking to reporters, with captions claiming they are announcing the arrest of a Chinese scientist.",0 Italians threw away their currency on the streets due to COVID-19 deaths.,0 "UK, USA have asked Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to lead a task force to tackle coronavirus.",0 Muslims are licking their plates to spread coronavirus and infect more people with the virus.,0 Coronavirus does not cause a runny nose; is killed by temperatures above 26 degrees; causes lung fibrosis within days of infection; can be diagnosed by holding your breath for 10 seconds; and can be cured in the early stages by drinking plenty of water.,0 The coronavirus has been “released” by China […] it was purposely propagated by the Chinese themselves.,0 Video shows EU flag was lowered in France to protest outbreak policies.,0 People sneezing purposefully to spread coronavirus at Hazrat Nizamuddin mosque in Delhi.,0 Bill Gates wrote a letter that says coronavirus has a “spiritual purpose” and is “a great corrector”.,0 "A blog site publication stated that the president of Nigeria fired his chief of staff, further appointing Ajimobi as a replacement.",0 "A Spanish presenter shows a video from Italian television “from five years ago” in which journalists from the Italian public channel RAI tell about an experiment with a virus. According to the report, the experiment created a coronavirus from bats and mice to investigate the effect of this type of virus on humans.",0 A political assistant did not ask media outlets to defame Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.,0 Coffee prevents coronavirus.,0 Aid released by the Brazilian government made a crowd gather in a bank agency.,0 A video purportedly showing COVID-19 victims in body bags strewn across the floor of a New York hospital was shared several thousand times in multiple languages on social media.,0 "A couple of videos shared this month on Facebook purportedly show recent lootings in shops in South Africa, while the country undergoes a 21-day lockdown to minimize the spread of the novel coronavirus.",0 "A publication in Akelicious.net alarmingly announces that the Nigerian government’s conditional cash transfer program seeks to exempt Igbos, crediting its claim to the Minister of Humanitarian Affairs.",0 Assassination of the Tunisian doctor Mahmoud Bazarti after his announcement of finding a successful vaccine for COVID-19 in Germany.,0 Video allegedly exposing coronavirus’s secrets.,0 Alkaline diet protects against the coronavirus.,0 NYT invented the video of a doctor fighting coronavirus in hospital.,0 Video of a train carrying the trucks with essential goods during the current lockdown in the country. It’s a brilliant idea by Modi’s government.,0 Video of Muslims being trained to sneeze purposefully to spread coronavirus.,0 Video of dead bodies being piled up in Italy due to COVID-19.,0 Indian Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued an order that sharing post about coronavirus on social media groups is a punishable offense.,0 Inhaling hot water steam can kill coronavirus.,0 "A hospital with 2200 beds was constructed in Gujarat, India, in just 6 days.",0 Inhaling hot water steam can kill coronavirus.,0 A series of statements by Joe Biden claiming he called for action before he did,0 One-third or half of infected people in Japan are foreigners.,0 "Some news sites suggested that Ghanian President, Akufo-Ado planned on resigning and will not contest come December if Ghana recorded 500 cases of COVID-19.",0 Thousands of Facebook users in the United States are sharing 1-800 numbers that are supposed to help track stimulus payments promised by the federal government under a novel coronavirus economic aid package.,0 "Multiple Facebook posts shared thousands of times in April 2020 claim pet owners should avoid touching their animals after using hand sanitiser because it contains toxic chemicals. The posts were shared as people around the world took steps to minimise the spread of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 A video of a deer running along a beach has been viewed thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim it was filmed on a beach in Spain during the COVID-19 lockdown. Other posts claimed the clip was filmed in Sri Lanka or India during COVID-19 lockdowns in April 2020.,0 Sumac can treat COVID-19.,0 "In Russia, a newborn was named Covid.",0 Racism connoted accusations claiming that “all epidemics” or “epidemics” are coming from China.,0 Cigarettes’ smoke could spread coronavirus.,0 A popular YouTube video is claiming coronavirus “numbers are false”: COVID-19 deaths would be deaths by other causes and mortality rate would be a non-issue.,0 Five helicopters are going to spray the air with disinfectant overnight in order to combat the new coronavirus,0 A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and YouTube which claim it shows an Italian boy looking up at the night sky calling out for his mother who died from the novel coronavirus.,0 Muslims in India are licking utensils to spread the coronavirus.,0 "In Spain, police officials are beating up citizens to enforce lockdown.",0 The most affected areas of coronavirus are at a latitude of 40 degrees.,0 "The General Administration of Passports in Saudi Arabia announced, after the spread of COVID-19, the possibility of returning all residents of different nationalities to their countries in the event of a prolonged virus crisis in the Kingdom and the world.",0 Spanish cops are beating people during lockdown.,0 A video is going viral on WhatsApp and Sharechat claiming that the man and woman in the video are doctors who treated 75 coronavirus patients and now they both are infected by it.,0 "Announcement on social media according to which markets in North Macedonia (Ramstore Capitol, Ramstore Center, Tinex Dramski, Tinex Prvomajska) had workers infected with coronavirus. Citizens are also urged to avoid these markets.",0 "To defeat the coronavirus, China built a thousand-bed hospital in 10 days, while India has prepared a modern hospital of 6,370 beds overnight, at a very low cost.",0 Police in India lashed sticks at filmmaker Sudhir Mishra for not following the rules of lockdown.,0 Video clip of a massive stadium converted into a graveyard claimed to be scenes from Italy related to the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "WhatsApp group admins were detained for sharing coronavirus messages in Dadar, Mumbai.",0 The lockdown due to coronavirus has led to the reemergence of a large flock of birds at the riverfront in Ahmedabad.,0 India has decided to extend its financial year to July 1 due to the current COVID-19 outbreak.,0 People in Italy are threw away their money after they lost their family members to coronavirus.,0 A message that claimed an electric company in Spain was offering 25% discount to its customers for the coronavirus.,0 "Muslim azan was recited in Granada, Spain, for the first time after 500 years due to the outbreak.",0 Video of a carrier who is allegedly moving medical supplies from Spain to France.,0 An email from Caixabank asking people to change data related to their account.,0 Image of a 24-year-old doctor who died from the coronavirus.,0 A photo of the vice president of Spain in the hospital allegedly visiting his father sickened by the coronavirus.,0 A document that talks about the benefits of wine to prevent coronavirus.,0 Usefulness of homemade chlorine wipes.,0 Sanitary protection supplies being retained by La Paz Hospital in Madrid.,0 There is a connection between the COVID-19 outbreak and 5G technology.,0 The maps shows the cases by provinces in Turkey.,0 "Video shows Muslim prayers in the White House, in Washington DC, due to the outbreak.",0 Doctored image of President Donald Trump shared claiming he asked people to chant Hare Krishna Hare Rama.,0 Indian Actor Kamal Hassan put under quarantine.,0 Indian police personnel beaten by a person while enforcing lockdown. Claim made through an image.,0 Hindu God Ganesha’s idol placed and worshiped inside an Italian Church.,0 "No deaths have been reported in Israel due to COVID-19 because they have found a cure for the disease. A solution of hot water, baking soda and lemon is the cure for COVID-19.",0 "Post claiming that a nationwide committee to prevent, control and treat COVID-19 led by Myanmar state counselor was dissolved.",0 "The army is patrolling all the streets, towns and villages in Ireland.",0 The Irish Prime Minister/Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has urged people not to use the Houseparty video messaging app due to security concerns.,0 The WHO’s general director stepped back and said that social isolation should not be a measure in the fight against coronavirus.,0 Video shows an empty Brazilian market and the cause of the shortage is the social isolation measures.,0 Students in America have to repeat the same grade next year.,0 "A PSOL (Brazilian left-wing opposition party) state representative was arrested, heavily intoxicated, while attending a party during the COVID-19 lockdown in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.",0 World Health Organization condemned lockdown measures against COVID-19.,0 Two men identified as “the owner of Carrefour” supermarkets in Brazil in videos where they criticized lockdown measures.,0 "The COVID-19 epidemic is almost finished in the Netherlands. The government did not close a single shop. Tweeted initially by a former Bolsonaro minister, Osmar Terra, on 3/31/20.",0 Former MP Bimal Rathnayake made a comment stating that deceased Muslims from COVID-19 should be buried as per their customs and not cremated.,0 Italians throwing money on streets amid COVID-19 crisis.,0 "A 9-minute viral video in which a woman claims India has entered stage-3 of COVID-19. She claims that her husband is employed with a major news channel and the information was passed to him by some Dr. Gyani who heads the Indian COVID-19 team and asks people to stock up on food, medicines and baby food for one month. She also cautions people about the Army being deployed to enforce a strict lockdown in the upcoming days.",0 "A tweet that stated that the former mayor of Madrid, Manuela Carmena, received a respirator at her home when she was ill with COVID-19.",0 The flight which was chartered for Korean people by the Korean government only served Chinese people?,0 Video of Muslims gathered on roads despite the curfew to curb the spread of coronavirus.,0 People of Italy throwing money on the streets as they felt that the money couldn’t save them from COVID-19.,0 There is an old undocumented man that “does not remember anything” hospitalized in the “La Paz Hospital”.,0 "The video says that Italian elderly over 65 are taken into custody; Spanish elderly are asked not to leave home, and violators will be sent to a concentration camp.",0 "Posts on social media claim there is a US patent for the novel coronavirus and a European patent for a vaccine, citing specific patent numbers.",0 "Facebook posts shared thousands of times recommend various practices to prevent COVID-19, including gargling salt water, drinking tea and avoiding ice cream.",0 The Houseparty app has been hacked.,0 Lemon juice and bicarbonate mixture prevents and cures COVID-19 in Israel.,0 Bulgarian mystic Baba Vanga predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Italian people are throwing their money, now useless because of COVID-19, in the street.",0 This Harvard professor was arrested because he created the coronavirus.,0 Used clothing in this video comes from coronavirus patients in China who have died.,0 Lidl supermarkets are offering 250 euros worth of food due to the new coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Ginger, onion and garlic help with coronavirus.",0 Queen Elizabeth II is infected with the new coronavirus.,0 Italians are throwing their money on the streets as it is useless to them now during the coronavirus scare.,0 UV rays and sunlight can kill the coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 is an airborne disease.,0 A letter from Kenya’s Ministry of Interior planning for food distribution and stating that the country would go into a three-week lockdown.,0 COVID-19 cannot spread in warm countries.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times in Facebook posts alongside a claim it shows a Sri Lankan doctor who invented a rapid test kit for the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 Two photos showing notes scattered on a street have been shared hundreds of times on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim they were taken in Italy during the novel coronavirus pandemic. The posts claim Italians have thrown money out of their homes in a symbolic gesture to highlight that money is futile during the pandemic.,0 A publication that affirms the coronavirus was created in the United States to kill elderly people and stop 5G development.,0 "Claim that there have been tanks in the capital of Latvia, Riga, “while people are staying home.”",0 "Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, is against social distancing.",0 A news story by Italian TV RAI proves coronavirus was created in lab by Chinese government.,0 Lemon and bicarbonate heal COVID-19.,0 "Italian streets are littered with Euro notes, as Italians throw cash away in coronavirus crisis.",0 "The army is patrolling all the streets, towns and villages in Ireland.",0 Coronavirus is caused by 5G.,0 Video tries to show coronavirus is fake and not dangerous.,0 The video shows Italians praying to get rid of the coronavirus.,0 A video of a Doctor of Mumbai’s Kasturba hospital suggesting tea and hot water to cure COVID-19.,0 A photo of COVID-19 patients lying on beds in an isolation ward in Pakistan.,0 Video of Muslims being trained to sneeze purposefully to spread coronavirus.,0 People of Italy throwing money on the streets because it can’t save them from COVID-19.,0 Indian Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) issued an order that sharing a post about coronavirus on social media groups is a punishable offense.,0 "Tablik Jamaat Chief Maulana Saad: “If 70,000 people get coronavirus, India will be destroyed. The country will be in our possession.”",0 "A post shared hundreds of times on Facebook claims that Didier Raoult, a French specialist in infectious diseases, is urging Africans “not to take Bill Gates vaccine” against coronavirus as it contains “poison”.",0 "Social media posts shared thousands of times advocate 10 methods to prevent a novel coronavirus infection, citing recommendations allegedly stemming from autopsies on COVID-19 victims, including in China, where the virus first emerged.",0 Hantavirus might create a new pandemic.,0 It is false that this Wednesday a curfew is in effect for 14 days in Costa Rica.,0 Eucalyptus prevents or eliminates COVID-19.,0 "Western countries such as Italy, Spain, France, the UK, do not treat elderly patients over 65.",0 Says there’s an 800 number you can call to track the status of your stimulus check.,0 59 people die as a pastor gave them Dettol disinfectant to drink to prevent coronavirus.,0 "Israel has zero death toll during the COVID-19 pandemic because every Israeli drink hot lemon green tea, which can kill coronavirus.",0 "If you ask Amazon’s Alexa about the origin of the coronavirus pandemic, it says “the government planned” it.",0 The German public service broadcaster ARD used false pictures of coffins from 2013 in coronavirus reports.,0 "CBS News used pictures from a hospital in Bergamo, Italy, in a report about New York to mislead viewers.",0 An advertisement promoting a vitamin supplement that purportedly boosts immunity against COVID-19 has been shared in multiple Facebook posts. The advert includes a stamp that appears to show the product was approved by the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA).,0 Eating alkaline foods with a pH level above 8.5 can kill the SARS-CoV-2 virus.,0 Coronavirus-positive patients listening to Gurbani Kirtan in a hospital in Italy.,0 "Photo with text saying that before entering lungs coronavirus stays in your throat. If you start drinking and gargling with a lot of hot and sour water, the virus will dissapear.",0 Italian TV host was moved by the reporting of a young child death due to COVID-19.,0 A photo which shows a reporter wearing a protective suit for the new coronavirus while the cameraman is not wearing a suite is the proof that the media is trying to scare the public about the new coronavirus when in fact there is no danger.,0 "An image shows Muslims queueing to get into a mosque, standing closer than two metres apart, after the lockdown was announced.",0 A message issued from India’s ministry of Home Affairs says that posting coronavirus-related messages will be punishable offence.,0 "In these two audios, Mumbai Police Commissioner talks about the strict measures which will be taken to implement the 21-day lockdown and that coronavirus cases will surge in India after 27 March 2020.",0 "The Bombay High Court in Mumbai City has extended the lockdown in the state of Maharashtra till April 30, 2020.",0 "A girl child who was just born in a village in the state of Rajasthan said immediately after the birth that to contain the coronavirus outbreak in India, every person in the country should apply turmeric paste on the toenail on their right foot. The baby died after saying this.",0 The Department of Health (England) needs the consent of families to release information of deceased relatives.,0 Italy is burying Corona victims in mass graves.,0 "To defeat the coronavirus, China built a thousand-bed hospital in 10 days, while India has prepared a modern hospital of 6,370 beds overnight, at a very low cost.",0 Police in India lashed sticks at filmmaker Sudhir Mishra for not following the rules of lockdown.,0 "Image with the narration to claim that a huge number of Muslims were roaming in Beruwala City in Sri Lanka during curfew, risking the lives of many amid COVID-19",0 "A WhatsApp chain claims that during the Alert State, the government will begin to record all calls and track social media publications of citizens.",0 Ministry of Home Affairs in India has directed people to not post anything related to coronavirus.,0 "The text from a Macedonian website, and more specifically the headline, says that the leader of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, is the first coronavirus victim in the EU.",0 French champion of chloroquine Didier Raoult is supposed to have said not to use Bill Gates’ vaccines.,0 "Governor of Maranhão, Brazil, Flávio Dino, giving food baskets to a crowd of poor people, in spite of recommendations against crowds during the COVID-19 crisis.",0 "The Brazilian Government is handling a 600 Brazilian reais monthly COVID-19 emergency allowance to poor citizens. To access it, you need to fill out an official form (link to the form).",0 "A message from Brazilian Workers’ Party (PT), Gleisi Hoffmann, asking party affiliates to boycott the 600 reais monthly COVID-19 emergency allowance. Eligible PT voters should reject it and denounce it, since it is being paid by a “fascist government.”",0 "An audio file from an alleged state official from Ceará, Brazil, named Ricardo Certi, asking the directors of a local TV station to criticize Bolsonaro and praise Ceará’s government COVID-19 policies.",0 "Luciano Hang, Roberto Justus (Brazilian businessmen, pro-vertical isolation tactics) and Eduardo Costa (singer, Bolsonaro supporter) donated 4 million Brazilian reais and 90 respirators to SUS (National Health Care system).",0 A link offering registration for United States humanitarian aid to other countries for the coronavirus,0 The WHO allegedly announced that face masks do not protect and are not effective for walking on the street.,0 "Santiago Abascal, general secretary of VOX (political party), allegedly didn’t respect the quarantine period after testing positive for COVID-19",0 "Supposedly according to the new decree issued by the Spanish government to regulate non-essential activities during confinement, customs officers must not work and therefore goods would not enter Spain.",0 "A photo where Pablo Iglesias, vice president of the Spanish government, is praying in a Catholic church before beginning his COVID-19 quarantine.",0 Coronavirus infections are linked to a lack of Vitamin D.,0 "Hospital La Paz in Madrid, Spain, is requesting blankets for patients admitted to the hospital.",0 Lemon and bicarbonate can cure coronavirus.,0 Actor Vijay’s father criticized government for enforcing a curfew to abate COVID-19.,0 Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) can prevent COVID-19.,0 Tamil Nadu Govt ordered to re-open TASMAC bars.,0 Italian president breaks down and surrenders because of the COVID-19 epidemic.,0 Viral video shows a man having great difficulty breathing. Even the medical team keeps a safe distance from this man. These videos are shared as a patient suffering from COVID-19.,0 Chain message warns against accepting immunization from coronavirus; says they are rather implanting COVID-19 through said vaccine.,0 "As per Home Ministry of India, sharing information related to the coronavirus is now a punishable offense.",0 Johns Hopkins University says coronavirus fatalities in Colombia are the third lowest in the world.,0 "French professor Didier Raoult, big defender of chloroquine treatment, insulted ex-European MP Daniel Cohn-Bendit, after Cohn-Bendit criticized his scientific work.",0 The brazilian Health Surveillance Agency approved chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19.,0 Marathi newspaper reports a conspiracy theory of coronavirus being a bioweapon.,0 An image of a baby born with deformities claims that the baby was suffering from coronavirus.,0 "Two audio clips stating that the Mumbai police commissioner is going to enforce strict actions during the 21-day lockdown in India and that there will be a spike in cases after March 27, 2020.",0 Says certain states are banning the sale of alcohol.,0 “We inherited a broken test” for COVID-19.,0 "A satellite map by the Royal Dutch Meteorology Institute (KNMI) showed lowered nitrogen levels since the coronavirus crisis, which would supposedly indicate nitrogen levels in the Netherlands are unrelated to the Dutch agricultural sector.",0 Video shows re-opened wet market in China .,0 Prof. Shenme Minzi from Zanjan University said lemon cure is helpful for COVID-19.,0 A headline alleges that the first pregnant woman with coronavirus gave birth in Macedonia.,0 Iceland is testing its entire population.,0 "France needs tests for its population; however, Paris sent tests to Algeria.",0 A set of claims passed as instructions to be followed during the COVID-19 pandemic period.,0 Restrictions to transit by your ID-number due to coronavirus.,0 Sri Lanka’s KDU hospital will be dedicated to treat only VIP COVID-19 patients.,0 "Post claiming that Myanmar found COVID-19 treatment medicine called “chlorofos,” a medicine to treat malaria. The post also claims “chlorofos” is one of the WHO’s selected medicines to treat COVID-19.",0 Video shows that the Italian government/Brisbane police used zombie robots/drones to chase their citizen and make them stay home.,0 Video shows a supermarket in Louisiana had a breakdown: People were plundering goods with armed soldiers onsite.,0 COVID-19 can be removed with a blow dryer on the nose or with a pot of boiling water.,0 "According to the Mexican Health secretary, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has COVID-19.",0 "Ronaldo Caiado, governor of the Brazilian state Goiás, was beaten up due to his lockdown decrees. A gallery of photos proves it.",0 Video shows the suicide of an American man because he is infected with coronavirus.,0 Myanmar president and state counselor are under 14 days quarantine after meeting with a COVID-19 patient from Switzerland.,0 UN is giving humanitarian aid in coronavirus emergency.,0 Rubbing mustard oil on your nostrils can prevent coronavirus.,0 PM Modi announced internet suspension due to viral fake news related to COVID-19.,0 Indian state of Madhya Pradesh’s government has issued an order to shoot at sight due to failure at lockdown implementation.,0 Home Ministry of India has issued an order that sharing of any news related to coronavirus is a punishable offense under the IT Act.,0 Iranian child celebrity Anahita is suffering from COVID-19.,0 The government is not getting the test to detect COVID-19 from the company Genomica because it is run by the sister of a former opposition minister.,0 Castilla La-Mancha prohibits the use of adapted diving masks in patients with COVID-19.,0 Alleged resignation of the ministry of health in Costa Rica.,0 Costa Rica is at the peak stage of the virus.,0 "Sneezing spreads droplets as far as 8 meters, and these droplets can stay suspended in the air for up to 24 hours. The velocity of sneezing is up to 35 meters per second.",0 Chewing betel nuts can prevent COVID-19 infection.,0 French summer holidays have been rescheduled to the end of July.,0 Says Nancy Pelosi’s “daughter is on the board of the Kennedy Center so that’s why it was so important to send them all that money.”,0 People in italy are dropping their money on the streets because of COVID-19 crisis.,0 Azan (islamic prayer call) is said from an old mosque in Granada for the first time after 500 years because of COVID-19.,0 Video of the funeral of coronavirus patients in Italy who died.,0 Inhaling hot steam can kill the coronavirus.,0 "Amid the coronavirus crisis, Italy’s streets are now filled with discarded printed cash as seen in photos circulating on social media.",0 The electromagnetic waves of 5G penetrate the cells and weaken the immune system.,0 Breathing steam from boiling citrus peels prevents and cures coronavirus.,0 Filmmaker Sudhir Mishra getting beaten up by police during the lockdown for stepping out of home.,0 Air India is operating evacuation flights to bring back stranded Indians from London.,0 Here’s the new certificate that the Ministry of the Interior is now requesting from citizens in order to leave their house.,0 President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya ordered credit reference bureaus to delist Kenyans who had defaulted on loans to protect Kenyans from the economic effects of COVID-19.,0 A new alcohol-free sanitizer has been developed by the Dedan Kimathi University in Kenya.,0 Dr. Li Wenliang discovered coffee can cure coronavirus.,0 "In Colombia, former Uribista congressman Alfredo Rangel wrote on Twitter some data attributed to the Johns Hopkins University about the new coronavirus, causing the current COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, he said that his lethality “in Colombia is the third lowest in the world, after Chile and Germany” and added that “it is less 10 times than in Italy, 8 times than Spain, 6 than in Iran and 5 than in France “",0 Inhalation of hot steam can kill the novel coronavirus.,0 A claim that COVID-19 would have a deadline of “maximal infection” until April 3 in Brazil.,0 Form in Portuguese being shared on WhatsApp for people to give personal data in order to receive government economic aid.,0 A famous Brazilian doctor was defending the approach of “vertical social distancing.”,0 Photo shows food being distributed to Rwandans during coronavirus lockdown.,0 Food was discarded after Sao Paulo’s governor decree,0 "Photo shows Italians prostrating themselves and praying to Allah, during the coronavirus crisis.",0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows people rioting and looting shops in England during the coronavirus lockdown.",0 Senegalese people flying back from Italy were killed on the spot at the Senegal airport.,0 Big Pharma is behind COVID-19 deaths.,0 CBS aired wrong video footage of a coronavirus hospital.,0 COVID-19 is a hoax or scapegoat for economic disaster.,0 World Economic Forum is a “fascist cabal” manipulating coronavirus.,0 "Amid the coronavirus pandemic, Health Minister of India is playing Ludo.",0 Politician Rahul Gandhi met a coronavirus patient in Waynad.,0 An audio clip of Dr. Naresh Trehan cautioning people about the danger of COVID-19 in India.,0 Whether microwaving face masks sanitizes them.,0 "A post has been shared repeatedly on Facebook, Twitter and on messaging app Line that claims Italy suffered a spike in novel coronavirus infections as a direct result of Italian citizens wearing shoes in their homes.",0 World Health Organization (WHO) has advised people against eating bakery items amid COVID-19 outbreak.,0 Taking a flu shot causes false positive results on COVID-19 tests.,0 "A video of a ghost-like drone scaring people off the street has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Weibo alongside a claim that the footage shows a drone being used to enforce social distancing during the novel coronavirus pandemic in the Australian city of Brisbane.",0 "A photo shows Kabataan Representative Sarah Elago at the mountain of Barangay Puray, Rodriguez, Rizal attending the 51st anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA).",0 Some supermarkets took advantage of the epidemic to rise the prizes of consumer goods such as pasta in France.,0 Video of dead bodies being thrown into a mass grave in Italy.,0 This image of Pope Francis falling during a mass and thereafter testing postive for COVID-19.,0 "In a video, the Ooni of Ife, a Nigerian traditional healer, says that plant products and sulphur can be used to treat COVID-19, and a vaccine for the disease can be extracted from the substances too.",0 "Drinking unsweetened black tea before the sun rises cures coronavirus. This was prophetised by a newborn baby, who died shortly after uttering the cure.",0 "A 7 minutes video saying that COVID-19 is just a flu, and using misleading numbers to “prove” it.",0 A news article says that Russian president Vladimir Putin is supporting US president Donald Trump in stopping funding the World Health Organization. Putin has said that the WHO is evil and should be terminated.,0 This picture shows trucks carrying dead bodies of COVID-19 victims and the accompanying post implies it is in Italy.,0 The Peruvian Ministry of Health and the WHO advised to use ginger to combat the new coronavirus.,0 The UK has assigned COVID-19 to the same group of infectious diseases as the seasonal flu.,0 Sauna gives protection against COVID-19.,0 Ukraine lost a visa-free regime due to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Claim that scientists from John Hopkins University say that one can protect oneself against the new coronavirus with warm water and Listerine.,0 The number of deaths from the novel coronavirus is tiny in comparison to the other causes of deaths.,0 "A message asked people not to eat bakery food as it is not washable even if infected from the coronavirus, using a logo of the WHO.",0 Nostradamus predicted Coronavirus pandemic 500 years ago.,0 "As per Home Ministry of India, sharing information related to the coronavirus is now a punishable offense.",0 Alleged resignation of the ministry of health in Costa Rica.,0 The Spanish government stopped counting the dead from COVID-19 between March 6 and 9.,0 The Spanish president’s wife and daughter went to Cuenca to quarantine.,0 Spanish authorities are not arresting people who attend mass.,0 Nike is giving away free shoes because of the new coronavirus.,0 Huawei has stopped sending masks because of an article by Spanish writer Josep Borrell.,0 President Donald Trump announced commercialization of a vaccine.,0 A video from Italian TV predicted the coronavirus in 2015.,0 "A viral text based image post claiming that 5,000 from Italy were infected by mobile phone covers, quoting the findings were from a research without specifying any details or name of the research. The post advises to abandon phone covers.",0 An image of arms burned by allegedly using gel alcohol to disinfect.,0 A post claiming that Yangon region in Myanmar will be locked down within 48 hours says that announcement will come out officially.,0 Image of bakery items with the WHO logo and a message which given the impression that WHO had advised the public not to consume bakery products amid COVID-19 concerns.,0 Pope Francis asked believers to put a white handkerchief on their doorstep for the plague to go away.,0 A video post related to coronavirus is circulating in social media saying China is distributing the Quran.,0 A 20-second clip shows a burqa-clad woman having difficulty breathing.,0 "The government was supposedly not buying evidence from a company related to the sister of María Dolores Cospedal, former secretary of the Popular Party, for ideological reasons.",0 "Several photos of coffins, allegedly, with victims of the coronavirus for which the police are being investigated",0 The king of Spain can supposedly dissolve the congress and appoint an emergency government during the state of alarm.,0 A video of an alleged seer who predicted the coronavirus in December 2019,0 Inhalation of hot steam can kill Novel Coronavirus.,0 Tire repairer who died in a work accident was included in the death figures for COVID-19.,0 Increase in cases of pneumonia in Mexico.,0 "President Donald Trump claims he “didn’t say that” some of the medical equipment that governors are requesting, they don’t actually need.",0 Pangolin proven to be “responsible” for coronavirus.,0 "A post shared repeatedly on WhatsApp and Facebook claims a Chinese doctor has discovered that drinking tea is effective in curing and relieving symptoms of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 Videos of a patient gasping for breath is shown as a patient from India.,0 "pH level of coronavirus varies from 5.5 to 8.5 and to beat the virus, we should consume more alkaline food.",0 There is now a COVID-19 cure from the USA.,0 Video of police roughing up civilians claimed to be police in Spain enforcing a lockdown.,0 The Indian Army has been called to control seven areas in Mumbai that are not following the 21 day lockdown and are out of the Mumbai police’s control.,0 The Indian Home Ministry considers posting anything about coronavirus a punishable offence.,0 Brazilian Ministry of Health hinted that relatives of COVID-19 victims should doubt the death certificates.,0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim that it shows a hospital car park in Singapore which will be converted into wards during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Video of Muslims applying their saliva to plates and spoons to spread the coronavirus disease.,0 Video of police strictly implementing lockdown in Spain.,0 Recent photo of PM Modi visiting a church and offering prayers to save the country from the coronavirus outbreak.,0 It is predicted that using Turmeric can cure coronavirus in India in a newborn baby suffering from birth defects.,0 The French doctor Jean-Roger Hospital sent an email which claims you can protect yourself against COVID-19 by drinking water every 15 minutes.,0 Website offers a rapid test for COVID-19 to check yourself in seconds.,0 “The Kaaba opened again” or “the Hajj was not stopped.”,0 Multiple posts shared hundreds of times on Facebook and Twitter in March 2020 claim a new vaccine and a new drug have been developed to prevent and treat the novel coronavirus. The posts claim the developments were made by scientists in Japan and the Philippines respectively.,0 "When you complete a registration for a 5,000 Baht support fund, it will show you a green sign, not a blue sign.",0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple Facebook, Instagram and YouTube posts which claim it shows people in China toppling a 5G tower because of fears that it cause the novel coronavirus.",0 WHO advisory asks people not to consume bakery items as they get contaminated by coronavirus easily.,0 "Official news: in Naples people have used Tocilizumab, a drug that will cure COVID-19.",0 "Last week, the Valle del Lili Foundation in Cali summoned a press conference to speak about a “Treatment of infection with coronavirus (COVID-19).” It was “a treatment option through two medications such as: Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin, which can rapidly decrease the growth and expansion of the virus in the patient, decrease the possibility of serious illness or respiratory failure, as well as the possibility of contagion to others,” according to the press release.",0 "Video of a heartbreaking story of an Italian/Greek couple. Regardless of the risk of getting infected, a guy took off his protective suit and kissed his fiancee. They both died on March 25.",0 Photo with a list of open community dining rooms in Bogotá.,0 "A claim that India’s Ministry of Home Affairs has made it a “punishable offense” for citizens to publish posts on social media about the novel coronavirus has been shared repeatedly on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.",0 Inhalation of steam from hot water kills COVID-19,0 "A photo of a Sri Lankan military hospital has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim that it has been reserved exclusively for the use of “VIPs” who test positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "A photo of a Sri Lankan military hospital has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts alongside a claim that it has been reserved exclusively for the use of “VIPs” who test positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 An internet publication claimed that telecommunications company MTN is giving free internet data to people living in lockdown areas.,0 Did Kennedy Center give DNC $5 million after getting relief from coronavirus stimulus?,0 An ancient Egyptian food consisting of dry Corchorus Olitorius with lemon and garlic can prevent and cure COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 not being blamed for deaths due to unrelated causes.,0 "As per Aajtak news channel, PM Narendra Modi announced a shutdown of internet services for a week.",0 Bollywood actor Shahrukh Khan donated 45 Crore (450 million) rupees to Pakistan.,0 "A video has been viewed tens of thousands of times in multiple Facebook, YouTube and Twitter posts alongside a claim it shows the Islamic call to prayer being heard in Spain during the COVID-19 epidemic for the first time in 500 years.",0 G-7 countries have asked Modi to lead them in preventing coronavirus.,0 Photos of medicines from the US which will be only given to selected people by the Indian government in the name of COVID-19 treatment to eliminate them.,0 "CEOs got advance notice of COVID, then resigned to dump stock.",0 Video of dead bodies being thrown into a mass grave in Italy.,0 French Astrologer Nostradamus had predicted in 1551 that there would be an outbreak of coronavirus in China in 2020.,0 Johns Hopkins University published a list of instructions that can help protect us from the new coronavirus.,0 A Facebook user suggested that palm oil can stop the spread of COVID-19.,0 "Don’t left alcohol gel in your car, it could burn and explode.",0 "The chief minister of the state of Madhya Pradesh said that since the lockdown restrictions were not being adhered to effectively, all the houses will be locked from outside starting April 1, 2020.",0 "The photos of Ukrainian hospitals show that they are not ready, at the end of March, to accept patients with COVID-19.",0 Inhaling steam kills the coronavirus.,0 Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan tested COVID-19 positive.,0 "Pakistan’s Dr. Usama Riaz, who contracted coronavirus while treating patients, had left a video message before he died.",0 Boiled sumac cures COVID-19.,0 The current coronavirus outbreak is due to the movement toward 5G.,0 The coronavirus spreads in the air for eight hours.,0 The viral text message claims that the chemical substances (methylxanthines) required to cure COVID-19 can be found in tea. Dr. Li Wenliang had found this cure while researching about coronavirus before his death.,0 "A viral video post claiming that Myanmar people have resistance to coronavirus. The narration says that since Myanmar people eat rice, fish paste and vegetables, they don’t need to worry about coronavirus infections as their immune systems are stronger than those of people from the west.",0 Huawei stopped donating masks to Europe.,0 "The co-founder of the Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) party, Rosa Díe allegedly tweeted that she says “it is time for the Army to take over …” to handle the emergency.",0 "An alleged tweet from the president of the Vox political party in Spain, Santiago Abascal, in which someone has to answer for the infected including a misspelling.",0 Bolivian former Health minister Ariana Campero used an image in a twitter post to criticize the government.,0 A declaration by the director of the Center for Coordination of Health Alerts and Emergencies of Spain about tests of COVID-19 for health personnel.,0 "A viral post claiming there is a French state scandal about chloroquine, with 20 different claims.",0 Photo shows a man was cured of COVID-19 by hydroxychloroquine.,0 The title of the article states: “The first pregnant woman with coronavirus in Macedonia gave birth.”,0 News graphic saying Indian prime minister has asked for the internet to be shut down in the country.,0 A news publication reports the Royal Palace confirms Queen Elizabeth tests positive for coronavirus.,0 A website claiming that China has confirmed that patient zero had sex with a bat.,0 Bombay High Court is extending Maharashtra’s lockdown to April 31.,0 Myanmar’s former military junta donated Ks 1000 Lakhs to COVID-19 fund.,0 Audio from the Secretary of Risk Management for Cali on the exponential growth of coronavirus.,0 A Facebook publication ensures that “there is a new generation of genetic vaccines ready to be inoculated in the world population.”,0 The following statement: “There are prisoners infected with the coronavirus; the state is hiding this fact.”,0 A headline: “Latest News / Something Big is Happening in Europe.”,0 Multiple news reports circulating in Nigeria claim that Buckingham Palace has announced Britain’s Queen Elizabeth tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Neem leaves can cure COVID-19.,0 Putting eucalyptus (Vicks VapoRub) in the nose prevents COVID-19.,0 Water vapor inactivates COVID-19.,0 India TV telecasted news that Bollywood Actor Shahrukh Khan donated 450 million (45 Crore) Rupees to Pakistan Oil tanker blast victims.,0 Video of a person infected with coronavirus committing suicide in New York.,0 Recent photo of PM Modi visiting a church and offering prayers to save the country from the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Indian Army has built a 1,000-bed hospital in Rajasthan in eight days for the treatment of COVID-19.",0 A video of a man committing suicide by jumping from a hotel in Italy after his entire family died because of the coronavirus.,0 Video of police strictly implementing a lockdown in Spain.,0 “Queen Elizabeth tests positive for COVID-19.”,0 Says COVID-19 remains in the air for eight hours and that everyone is now required to wear masks “everywhere.”,0 "Posts shared more than 20,000 times on Facebook feature a photo of a crying child and two others showing a woman and a man in hospital beds, claiming that the boy’s parents are infected with the novel coronavirus",0 Says a “5G Law Passed while everyone was distracted” with the coronavirus pandemic and lists 20 symptoms associated with 5G exposure.,0 Pictures and reports of “empty hospitals” prove COVID-19 spread is “fake crisis for real government planned agendas.”,0 Audio clips from a doctor who works for Argentina’s most important lab testing for coronavirus.,0 A comparison of the evolution of the coronavirus in Argentina and Chile.,0 COVID-19 affects mainly people with type A blood (group II).,0 Official statement of the Serbian Government claiming that experts recommended to ban pet walks.,0 Viral post along with a pictures claims civilian thrashing a policeman during lockdown.,0 CDC recommends that people shave their facial hair to prevent coronavirus.,0 Inhaling the steam of sea salt and orange peelings can prevent coronavirus infection.,0 "“These are the coffins of people that have died from COVID-19. Would you now stay at home, you idiots?”",0 Screenshots of messages showing emergency cash transfers from the Government of Kenya in response to COVID-19.,0 A front page article by the Southern Times cautioning against travel to Kenya because of the growing number of cases in Kenya.,0 Russia released lions in the streets forcing people to quarantine.,0 The number of COVID-19 cases we hear about is fake.,0 "A Facebook user attributed a post to ex-President Mahama, saying he will not donate his money to support COVID-19 fight.",0 Sao Paulo governor’s decree artificially raises the number of COVID-19 deaths.,0 "A video says that a Japanese doctor has proven that coronavirus is airborne. Therefore, it’s critical to wear face masks.",0 Whether CDC had scheduled announcement that all should wear masks for everyday life.,0 If Florida banned alcohol sales due to coronavirus.,0 "French State approved a medical protocol with Plaquenil, lopinavir/ritonavir to cure COVID-19, which is more expensive than Pr. Raoult’s protocol with chloroquine.",0 "Amid COVID-19 pandemic, MP government ordered houses locked from April 1, 2020.",0 "As per the video, Bollywood actor Aamir Khan donated 250 crore to fight aganist COVID-19.",0 "Global temperature, CO2 in atmosphere and ozone hole has decreased in two months of quarantine.",0 WHO announces Algeria outside of danger regarding COVID-19.,0 Queen Elizabeth II has been diagnosed with coronavirus.,0 "A video shows right wing blogger Billy Six who filmed himself in an empty hospital to prove that there is no crisis, there are no patients and nobody is sick.",0 "A news site, Adepanews, stated that the Ghana Health Service announced a 100% COVID-19 recovery rate.",0 MMS drug cures COVID-19,0 BCG vaccine protects from COVID-19.,0 "Drinking two spoonfuls of palm oil daily protects against coronavirus, according to the World Health Organization.",0 Biomagnetic resonance can help to treat COVID-19.,0 The vaccine for coronavirus is ready. US President Donald Trump has announced that Roche Medical Company will launch it.,0 "A COVID-19 patient was caught by the police in the Gorakhpur district in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.",0 Northern Ireland Government has contingency plans for COVID-19 include turning Dundonald Ice Bowl into a morgue to store bodies temporarily.,0 Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan tested COVID-19 positive.,0 "Pakistan’s Dr. Usama Riaz, who contracted coronavirus while treating patients, had left a video message before he died.",0 "Dr. Lidija Gajski claims that COVID-19 is usual cold, that Croatia had the strictest measures in the world, and calls for violations of the measures because they are unfounded",0 Italy has surrendered to the coronavirus pandemic as all the measures to control COVID-19 have been exhausted.,0 Amitabh Bachchan gave 500 million rupees to the Mumbai government to fight the coronavirus.,0 "Indian Army has constructed an advanced hospital with a capacity of 1,000 beds in Barmer, Rajasthan, to cope with COVID-19.",0 A Matt Damon movie trailer that predicts the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Hot baths can help prevent the coronavirus.,0 Indian State of Kerala Opposition leader writes to Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan to adopt methods to save only those with stronger immunity from COVID-19 infection.,0 Indian Prime Minister Modi announced an internet ban due to the spread of misinformation regarding COVID-19.,0 Video post showing that conflict between villagers and police in India as a COVID-19 suspected corpse was carried to the cemetery.,0 Claim that Saint Corona has always been a patron saint against epidemics.,0 A herd of deer reclaimed the Ooty-Coimbatore road.,0 "In the 30-second viral video, a man lifts his shirt and challenges aa police officer who is pointing a gun at him. Another police officer kicks the man from behind, pins him down on the road and makes an arrest. The text overlaid on the video reads “Italy says lockdown, they mean it.”",0 President Donald Trump attending the recital of Quran verses to fight coronavirus.,0 A photo with a message of a doctor crying saying that the coronavirus is stronger than science.,0 An image claiming that Vladimir Putin said that the United States created coronavirus as a biological weapon.,0 An online survey to self-assess coronavirus symptoms.,0 An emergency department closed in a Spanish hospital.,0 A video claiming bodies packed in body bags are being dumped in mass graves in Italy and Spain.,0 "Images showing vaccines for coronavirus have already been discovered, were patented and will be readily available.",0 Indian Home Minister Amit Shah claimed to be infected with COVID-19.,0 The Netflix Korean drama “My Secret Terrius” predicted the coronavirus outbreak in 2018.,0 False measures of coronavirus in Bogota.,0 An image of a elderly man’s death in Italy.,0 "Alleged images of markets that have been sacked by angry mobs because of the lockdown, in São Paulo.",0 H1N1 was far more damaging to Brazil than COVID-19: the number of cases and deaths was far higher.,0 "Israel applied “vertical lockdown” (younger, not at risk people are allowed to carry on their daily routines), and has the lowest death rate for COVID-19 in the world.",0 Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan donated Rs. 250 crore to tackle the novel coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Indian businessman, WIPRO chairman and philanthropist Azim Prem donated 50,000 Crore to fight the COVID-19 outbreak in India.",0 Coronavirus has been found in crab legs.,0 Telephone networks are about to collapse in Mexico.,0 COVID-19 is destroyed with the “hair dryer” technique.,0 Some cities in Turkey are going to be disinfected by helicopters.,0 Council of Higher Education in Turkey announced the spring term has already been over.,0 Netflix gives spoiler on city screens to discourage people from going out.,0 "Two articles claiming that iconic coffee chain Tim Hortons will close all Canada franchises on 3/30/20 because of the novel coronavirus were shared more than 150,000 times on Facebook.",0 News ticker added to an image from Sri Lankan Ada Derana TV channel gives the impression that Dr Seetha Arambepola stated there is a secret medicine for COVID-19 during a TV interview,0 A video claims to be of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau who is infected with coronavirus.,0 This is a picture of the old city in Hyderabad (India) today despite the lockdown.,0 A licensed guide from Rome and the Vatican named Katya tells what is really going on with the coronavirus epidemic in Italy.,0 Italian PM said that the country has surrendered to the COVID-19 pandemic,0 A Facebook post suggests that a scientist in the United States has found a cure for coronavirus.,0 "Inhaling the steam from boiled water with dissolved salt is an effective cure for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus.",0 "“A few hours ago, China officially announced the success of the Cuban serum that Dr. Hala, Cuba’s Minister of Health, presented to the Chinese Ministry of Health to treat the coronavirus , which turned out to be 100% effective in more than seven cases that have been cured”",0 "Italian priest died, refusing to use respirator as he sacrificed it to a younger person.",0 "French professor Didier Raoult, director of IHU Marseille, told Africans not to take “Bill Gates’ vaccine” against coronavirus because it is “poisonous.”",0 "Venezuelan YouTuber Ruby Demestoy talked about Event 201, Bill Gates and VIH and SARS conspiracies.",0 The WHO admitted the coronavirus is transmitted because it is in the air for 8 hours.,0 "Boil weed and ginger for COVID-19 victims, and the virus will vanish.",0 "A sensationalist headline claiming that there is a new virus in China, the hantavirus.",0 A Chinese study is the definitive proof that chloroquine works.,0 Video of mass grave claiming to be Italy.,0 You have to take off your clothes and shoes outside and wash them with disinfectants. The virus sticks to the floor for nine hours and also spreads via the wind.,0 "By clicking on an italian YouTube song, you donate money to a hospital in Bergamo.",0 "Video of a waitress saying, “I lost my job. But I’ll sleep better knowing” that the coronavirus relief bill included funding for the Kennedy Center, refugee resettlement, PBS, and congressional salaries: “Thanks, Democrats.”",0 "Seven photos have been shared repeatedly in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter, alongside a claim that they show vegetables donated to disadvantaged people during a curfew prompted by the novel coronavirus pandemic in Sri Lanka.",0 Photo of deer on Ooty-Coimbatore road during the current lockdown (COVID-19).,0 “Mainstream media” used a photo from a 2017 movie as an image for Italy’s coronavirus morgue.,0 RAI TV news report from 2015 proves COVID-19 was made in a Chinese laboratory.,0 COVID-19 no longer considered a dangerous disease in the UK.,0 5G is the cause of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 “They’re furloughing nurses in hospitals in western New York state.”,0 A claim that 500 body bags were delivered to an ice skating rink outside the Australian city of Adelaide has been shared widely on Facebook during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Biden claims that Trump did not try to get medical experts into China.,0 Eight regions in Perú have no plan to manage the coronavirus crisis.,0 The Argentine vice president flew to her home state and violated the quarantine.,0 Series of WhatsApp chains offering sums of money “from the national government and the WHO” and food packages from Walmart. All of them shared Google forms to sign up.,0 Car insurance won’t cover damage to your vehicle during the quarantine.,0 "A recipe involving a full lemon and ground cloves has cured a woman’s COVID-19 symptoms. She isn’t sure she and her maid actually had COVID-19, but she still encourages people who think they have it to take this recipe.",0 59 people from Kenya die after drinking Dettol when Prophet Rufus Phala of AK Spiritual Christian Church told them to do so to prevent COVID-19 infection.,0 Boiled eggs can treat coronavirus.,0 Italian President Mattarella: “Italy will declare a life-long quarantine”,0 Houses should be heated above 23 degrees Celsius because the new coronavirus can only “spread at low temperatures”.,0 "Video shows Italian people doing an Islamic prayer in the streets, asking God to alleviate the COVID-19 epidemic.",0 "According to the University of Turin, taking more Vitamin D will reduce the risk of infection by the coronavirus.",0 Posts on social media claim that a “Spanish biological researcher” called on international soccer stars Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi to find a cure for COVID-19 since they earn much more money than scientists.,0 An article shared hundreds of times on Facebook claims that the Ethiopian government has approved a traditional medicine treatment for COVID-19 after successful clinical trials on animals and humans.,0 A post shared repeatedly claims Singapore has started enforcing spot fines for people who flout certain social distancing regulations during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Video clip shows people keep leaving Phuket.,0 Photo of Kenyan crowds waiting for coronavirus curfew to start.,0 "Drinking a mix of baking soda and lemon as a hot tea cures COVID-19. Claims this “cure” has meant that there have been cases of COVID-19 in Israel, where the drink is popular.",0 Dr. Usman Riyaz from Delhi died from the coronavirus.,0 Indian Telecom company Jio announced a free recharge worth Rs 498 for all Indian citizens during coronavirus lockdown,0 A post claiming that Uganda recorded its first COVID-19 death on March 25.,0 “Here’s the problem — we are testing people for any strain of a coronavirus — not specifically for COVID-19. There are no reliable tests for a specific COVID-19 virus.”,0 The WHO amended its guideline: coronavirus can travel in aerosols and is infectious in the air for eight hours. Everyone must wear a face mask no matter where they are.,0 Italian PM said that the country has surrendered to the COVID-19 pandemic,0 A claim that 500 body bags were delivered to an ice skating rink outside the Australian city of Adelaide has been shared widely on Facebook during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Surin Province governor in Thailand revealed that 100,000 people are infected.",0 "If you don’t wear a mask while driving, police will fine you 200 baht.",0 Video clip shows people keep leaving Phuket.,0 The medical authorities ask people to leave their groceries outside and disinfect everything with bleach.,0 "A Facebook user made a post saying that “Ghana has recorded 1,500 cases of coronavirus.”",0 Israel has the best situation in the world in the face of the coronavirus pandemic without isolation measures.,0 Images shows how Indian police have beaten up migrant workers amid India’s lockdown for commuting,0 Whether coronavirus began with man having sex with a bat.,0 Whether countries with high rates of childhood vaccines were hit hardest by coronavirus.,0 If Queen Elizabeth II tested positive for coronavirus.,0 NY banned cigarette sales because of the coronavirus.,0 "As per the news of Aajtak, Home Minister Amit Shah tested postive for COVID-19.",0 Fire triggered by gas tanker leak near Delhi’s Shahdara Mor.,0 Images of migrant labourers beaten by the police on highways during the current national lockdown.,0 "In Spain, the police came to encourage doctors to work after they gave up and wanted to quit.",0 A video of body bags being dumped in a ditch shows the “situation in Italy” due to the coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 contains a fragment of the deadly synthetic bacterium Cynthia.,0 "A video featuring aerial shots of futuristic skyscrapers, giant bridges and other landmarks has been shared thousands of times on Facebook with claims that it shows Wuhan, the central Chinese city where the novel coronavirus pandemic emerged in December 2019.",0 This video shows Italians lost hope and went out in the streets because of COVID-19.,0 A photo shows an 80-truck convoy of the Italian Army moving corpses of COVID-19 patients.,0 A post warning people to stay at home shows rows upon rows of coffins in “Italy.”,0 A photo shows a COVID-19 vaccine that can cure a patient in three hours.,0 A photo showing bodies scattered on a street is used to claim that there are no more doctors in Italy.,0 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said all countries in the world have imposed lockdowns to counter the spread of COVID-19.,0 Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine are cures for the new coronavirus.,0 Multiple posts shared thousands of times on Facebook claim that the United States has found a cure for the novel coronavirus.,0 "A formula with alcohol, vinegar, citrus peel and rosemary has the effectiveness of a disinfectant.",0 Houseflies can transmit the COVID-19 virus.,0 Breathing in the water vapor kills the novel coronavirus.,0 "Going near a fire or stove after applying hand sanitizers, causes more fire as it contains alcohol.",0 Images show hands burnt after the use of hand sanitiser.,0 "Indian Army has constructed an advanced hospital with a capacity of 1,000 beds in Barmer, Rajasthan, to cope with COVID-19.",0 Italy has surrendered to the coronavirus pandemic as all the measures to control COVID-19 have been exhausted.,0 Amitabh Bachchan gave 500 million rupees to the Mumbai government to fight the coronavirus.,0 A herd of deer reclaimed the Ooty-Coimbatore road.,0 Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan donated Rs. 250 crore to tackle the novel coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Indian businessman, WIPRO chairman and philanthropist Azim Prem donated 50,000 Crore to fight the COVID-19 outbreak in India.",0 Chinese government accuses Indonesia of spreading the coronavirus,0 Doctor Li Wenliang and a hospital in China suggest drinking tea for coronavirus patients.,0 Dr. Li Wenliang recommends tea for treatment. Doctors in Wuhan cure COVID-19 with tea.,0 Netflix and Amazon are offering free subscriptions amid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "A WhatsApp forward attributed to CNN claims Dr. Li Wenliang, the whistleblower of the Chinese government’s propaganda about COVID-19, has documented a research report. According to this report, chemicals like Methylxanthine, Theobromine and Theophylline stimulate compounds that can ward off this virus in a human body with at least an average performing immune system.",0 Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19 after meeting Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor.,0 Finally India got its coronavirus Dashboard. This is the official website for coronavirus updates. This website is updated every four hours. Scroll down for more details; you can know more about coronavirus outbreak in your state by placing your finger on your state on the map.,0 Indian Government has issued a guideline to monitor citizens’ activity; their call and social media handles will be under surveillance.,0 "France has canceled fees for electricity, gas, water and rent.",0 The WHO has decreed the “suspension of any and all medical activities.”,0 Puerta de Hierro hospital in Madrid uses a whole floor for the president’s family.,0 A councilor for Podemos in the Canary Islands tweeted that there are “useless elderly dead” that “are left over on the street.”,0 "First death from coronavirus in Barranquilla, Columbia.",0 Image and statement from the Prime Minister of Italy.,0 A vaccine for coronavirus has been found.,0 There is no space in the hospitals in Italy because people are crowding outside.,0 An Indian politician claimed that the strain of coronavirus in India is a less virulent mutation.,0 An audio that says that MMS or sodium chlorite cures the coronavirus in 24 hours.,0 Viral WhatsApp audio message claims President Buhari and his chief of staff flew out of the country for coronavirus treatment.,0 Video post claiming that inhaling traditional appetizer salt with limestone can cure a COVID-19 infection.,0 Image of a mother unable to feed her suckling as she battles COVID-19.,0 Image of COVID-19 infected Indonesian doctor Hadio Ali watching his daughters from a distance as he bids them final goodbye; the image is said to be posted by his wife.,0 Italian president said that Italy has surrendered to the coronavirus.,0 An image poster states Indian religious leader Mata Amritanandamayi has hidden foreigners in her hermitage and has not allowed them to be tested.,0 "Images of the medical facility shared with the claim that the Indian Army set up a 1,000-bed hospital in Rajasthan during the coronavirus pandemic.",0 Demon creature flying above a church in Italy.,0 "In Sri Lanka, Sathosa Supermarket trucks bearing the image of former PM Mahinda Rajapaksa are being used to distribute food during current COVID-19 curfew. Text condemns the act by mentioning how ethical is it to carry out such acts during this difficult time and gain political advantage.",0 An audio clip is circulating on Whatsapp claiming that Nagpur (Second Capital of Indian state Maharashtra) has tested 59 positive coronavirus cases including three doctors.,0 "A post with a photo claiming that an Italian mother, suffering from COVID-19, hugs her baby",0 "Photo posts claim a person is committing suicide by jumping from a building in Italy, a doctor couple in an Italian hospital a few hours before their death and chaos in an Italian hospital amid COVID-19.",0 A letter supposedly written by Bill Gates where he says that the coronavirus is the corrector of humanity.,0 Vladimir Putin dropped lions in the streets to force the Russians to stay at home.,0 Decathlon’s snorkeling masks are used in hospitals to help patients’ breathing.,0 Photos of patients and medical beds on the street showing the situation in Italian hospitals.,0 Why you should not take seriously this card on the efficacy of chloroquine.,0 A message from the CHU in Mans (hospital in France) presenting alarmist arguments to encourage French people to stay home.,0 A list of 10 tips to combat coronavirus from the board member of Stanford hospital: COVID-19 patients don’t have a runny nose; drinking hot water can prevent infection with COVID-19.,0 Pictures of people stranded on hospital beds claimed to be Italians not coping with the pressures of COVID-19 cases; India should learn from Italy’s mistakes and not step out of the house in the 21-day lockdown,0 A picture claims that an Italian man committed suicide after his whole family succumbed to COVID-19,0 "Reliance Jio, one of the biggest telecom networks in India, is providing Internet for free during the coronavirus pandemic.",0 Videos showing police detaining COVID-19 patients in India.,0 An image with human body figurines in a bowl that claims China is serving human baby soup in its restaurants.,0 An image with human body figurines in a bowl that claims China is serving human baby soup in its restaurants.,0 "A herd of deer flocking out in Tamil Nadu, India, due to the coronavirus lockdown.",0 "A 48-year-old man, unemployed because of the COVID-19 crisis, attempted suicide in São Paulo.",0 "Augusto Heleno, Brazilian general, was cured from the COVID-19 infection using chloroquine.",0 Hospitals don’t allow parents to visit children with COVID-19 in the hospital.,0 "Photo of an Indonesian doctor, Hideo Ali, looking at his children and pregnant wife for the last time.",0 Image of dead bodies of coronavirus victims in Italy.,0 Photos of coronavirus patients being treated on the road in Italy.,0 Another new disease called “hantavirus” in China.,0 A video of a policeman taking down a man wandering during a “lockdown in Italy.”,0 A video showing a pile of corpses in Italy.,0 Mustard oil prevents a person from getting infected with COVID-19.,0 Israel’s Ministry of Defense said the best measure against the pandemic is isolating the elders.,0 "Speaking of his restriction on travel from China, President Donald Trump claims: “I had (Joe) Biden calling me xenophobic … He called me a racist, because of the fact that he felt it was a racist thing to stop people from China coming in.”",0 Ibuprofen ramps up coronavirus 10 times.,0 "Lies spread by Serbian authorities about COVID-19. For example, the virus does not affect pregnant women, children and young people; no newborn is infected with the coronavirus; the virus does not last long on objects; the number of respiratory machines that Serbia possesses, etc.",0 A post with photos claiming that COVID-19 infected patients in Italy are left in the street.,0 A drug for coronavirus has been found.,0 Polish government confiscated a coronavirus testing machine which was originally bought by a local hospital in Grodzisk Mazowiecki city.,0 Health care workers union “suddenly finds a stash of 39 million face masks.”,0 1 out of 3 people who died from coronavirus in Spain lived in a nursing home.,0 "“Italians remove EU flag and put the flag of the PR of China,” the headline says, suggesting that such a phenomenon is happening in Italy … people are removing the flag of the European Union and are replacing it with the Chinese flag.",0 Guatemala ombudsman wants citizens to pay for their COVID-19 tests.,0 Should you take Ibuprofen to treat a fever from the coronavirus?,0 "A post has been shared multiple times on Facebook in March 2020 that claims China and Japan are “free” of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 Photo of Kanika Kapoor meeting Prince Charles during her recent visit to the United Kingdom. Prince Charles tested positive for coronavirus just after the meeting.,0 Photo of a vaccine developed by U.S. scientists for COVID-19.,0 "The WHO reported that coronavirus lasts up to 8 hours on cabbages; thus, cabbage consumption should be restricted.",0 Viral message claiming that disinfection will be conducted using helicopters in Poland.,0 People who got a flu shot are at a greater risk from COVID-19.,0 18 Italian people are illegally entering the Ivory Coast to flee the coronavirus.,0 "A claim that police in Thailand can issue fines to anyone who does not wear a face mask in public during the novel coronavirus pandemic has been shared repeatedly on Facebook, Twitter and Line Messenger.",0 The Portuguese government has spent much more than the acceptable price for ventilators.,0 Supposed quote from the Argentinian president alerting that government aid was going to be removed from those who violated the quarantine.,0 Putin enters a meeting with his ministries wearing the full yellow suit used by quarantine doctors to protect themselves against catching COVID-19.,0 "The coronavirus did not reach the Chinese cities of Beijing and Shanghai, as well as Russia and North Korea.",0 "Dead bodies of coronavirus patients are being discarded in mass graves in Italy, according to a 23-second video clip that has gone viral on social media.",0 Video shows bodies on the streets saying that this is the current situation in Italy.,0 "An image has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim that shows a poster issued by activist group Extinction Rebellion stating “Corona is the cure, humans are the disease.”",0 Numerous conspiracy theories shared on and off social media claim that 5G mobile networks are the cause of the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 The viral video claims mass graves are in Italy.,0 "There are 59 positive coronavirus cases in Nagpur along with three doctors, one of whom is on ventilator.",0 Prince Charles is infected with coronavirus after meeting Indian singer Kanika Kapoor.,0 North Korean president has ordered to shoot the first coronavirus patient in his country.,0 "The Ministry for Economic Development has summoned Italians to avoid sharing videos on Whatsapp, due to overcharging issues given by working from home during the COVID-19 emergency.",0 A beautiful Italian nurse has died because of coronavirus.,0 An image of Indian Home Minister Amit Shah visiting COVID-19 patients.,0 An image with human body figurines in a bowl that claims China is serving human baby soup in its restaurants.,0 An image of a purported CNN broadcast shared thousands of times in multiple social media posts claims Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari and his chief of staff Abba Kyari tested positive for the novel coronavirus.,0 Illuminati controlled U.S. government; coronavirus caused by 5G.,0 President Trump did sign a 5G bill but exposure effects are misleading.,0 "A claim that the novel coronavirus was never detected in the major Chinese cities of Beijing and Shanghai has been shared repeatedly on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.",0 The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is “confirmed” to be airborne.,0 Posts on social media claim that no Democrats voted for the “the stimulus package to help American families” during the novel coronavirus crisis.,0 "A claim was shared repeatedly on Facebook, Twitter and Line Messenger in March 2020 that police in Thailand could issue fines to anyone who does not wear a face mask in public during the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 Smoking cigarettes protects you from the coronavirus,0 A photo shows two Italian nurses in a hospital a few days before they got COVID-19 and died.,0 Tokyo is going to be locked down.,0 Putin accuses US and EU leaders of artificially creating COVID-19 to reduce world population.,0 "A post has been shared multiple times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that claims consuming foods with a pH level above the pH level of the novel coronavirus could cure or prevent infection from the COVID-19 disease.",0 German chancellor Angela Merkel tested positive for the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.,0 This text message shows the government is monitoring people leaving the house during coronavirus lockdown.,0 A vaccine for the new coronavirus has been created by US scientists and will be ready to use from next Sunday.,0 Photo shows bodies in the ground belonging to COVID-19 patients in Italy.,0 Drinking mate helps to avoid becoming infected with the new coronavirus,0 Chinese doctors recommended in Italy to sing on the balconies for the new coronavirus.,0 “Antiviral measures lead to self-destruction and collective suicide.” – Sucharit Bhakdi.,0 A message asking people to not get out of their homes tonight from 10pm to next day 5am because the government has made arrangements to spray medicine in the air in order to kill the novel coronavirus.,0 The Indian Army in Rajasthan prepared a 1000-bed facility to keep Coronavirus patients. This facility has ICUs and ventilators as well.,0 "Images show Indonesian doctor, Dr Hadio Ali who died due to COVID-19.",0 Finally India got its coronavirus Dashboard. This is the official website for coronavirus updates. This website is updated every four hours. Scroll down for more details; you can know more about coronavirus outbreak in your state by placing your finger on your state on the map.,0 Prince Charles tested positive for COVID-19 after meeting Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor.,0 "A WhatsApp forward attributed to CNN claims Dr. Li Wenliang, the whistleblower of the Chinese government’s propaganda about COVID-19, has documented a research report. According to this report, chemicals like Methylxanthine, Theobromine and Theophylline stimulate compounds that can ward off this virus in a human body with at least an average performing immune system.",0 Indian Government has issued a guideline to monitor citizens’ activity; their call and social media handles will be under surveillance.,0 Malaysia dismissed residents outside the home with drones that shoot fireworks.,0 Photo of Italian PM Giuseppe Conte who cried for regretting the late lockdown.,0 The UN is providing food aid to South American countries due to the coronavirus pandemic.,0 China got prepared to contain the virus and let the whole population get infected.,0 Paraguay’s Ministry of Health is not following up people who are related to confirmed cases of coronavirus.,0 Ireland is in the first phase of a lockdown sequence.,0 "On March 25, French scientist successfully tested a vaccine against COVID-19.",0 Health authorities recommend shaving your beard during the COVID-19 crisis.,0 A publication by Pearls news says 15 Nigerian senators have tested positive for COVID-19.,0 "A blog site claimed Kogi State Governor in Nigeria, Yahaya Bello, tested positive with COVID-19.",0 Image of TV reporter in hazmat suit is proof media is “fabricating” panic.,0 232 children died from COVID-19 in Italy in just one day.,0 COVID-19 can be read on a tank car image taken in 2019.,0 CDC announces thennew coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.,0 Turkey map on Wikipedia shows the provinces in which COVID-19 cases are diagnosed.,0 Video shows Italians drinking chrism together against the outbreak.,0 Video shows Turkish citizens leaving food packets on the road for the poor during the outbreak.,0 Spanish doctor says they give the ventilators to younger people.,0 Viral WhatsApp message claims Netflix is ​giving free passes to their platform during this period of isolation.,0 Image of police punishing people in Indian state of Assam for violating the curfew.,1 "Pakistan’s leading scholar Mufti Naeem suffers from coronavirus. A few days ago, he refused to close madrasas and mosques.",0 "Indian Singer Kanika Kapoor met Prince Charles, after which he tested positive for coronavirus.",0 Italian doctor couple diagnosed with coronavirus.,0 An open letter from Bill Gates: The Microsoft founder believes there is a spiritual purpose behind the disease.,0 A U.S. railway car has carried the word “COVID-19”,0 The University of Barcelona will approve its students if classes are suspended for more than a month.,0 “Food contribution” campaign using the UN logo.,0 Chlorine dioxide cures the coronavirus.,0 Prime Minister of Mexico with tears in his eyes says to all the people: We have lost the battle against the coronavirus.,0 Uber suspends night services in Kenya.,0 Compounds in tea can help cure COVID-19.,0 A treatment for COVID-19 will be manufactured in Uganda.,0 A picture showing dead Italian doctors in an operating theater after succumbing to COVID-19.,0 Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko has donated 58 million shillings for COVID-19 response.,0 Coronavirus remains on the asphalt for nine days.,0 Cigarette smoke spreads the coronavirus.,0 A new outbreak pandemic of hantavirus is coming from China.,0 Purchases of health products and health councils are taking advantage of the “hook” of the COVID-19 disease to sell online cures that are not endorsed by any official organization.,0 An audio states that the worst coronavirus crisis in Spain will start on 3/29/20.,0 "A publication on Facebook assures that it is confirmed that “the [Spanish] president and the three vice presidents are ill with COVID-19 and assures that the king must close the Parliament, dissolve the Cortes and take political and military control of the country.”",0 Countries that use nivaquine (chloroquine) against malaria are not affected by coronavirus.,0 "In France, the state pays 46 billions a year for its army, but only 1 billion for its inhabitants’ health.",0 You can get coronavirus from makeup and creams.,0 Did an American die because he self-administered chloroquine ?,0 The internet can crash because of a lockdown.,0 Mosquitoes can spread the coronavirus.,0 "After dealing with 134 patients, an Italian doctor couple took off their masks and stared at each other from the bottom of their hearts. Both died later.",0 A video circulating on WhatsApp about a COVID-19 patient escaping from an hospital in Costa Rica.,0 A publication claiming the city of San José in Costa Rica has created mass graves for COVID-19 victims.,0 Indian Government snooping messages over social media and all social media platforms will be monitored for COVID-19 messages,0 Pakistani doctor Osama Riaz’s last message for you (while taking his last breath).,0 Last photo of Indonesian doctor Hadio Ali standing away from his family before he passed away from COVID-19,0 Leave objects in the sun to avoid contracting the coronavirus.,0 Streaming apps Netflix and Amazon Prime give free subscriptions during COVID-19 outbreak in India.,0 "Indian Army has built a 1,000-bed quarantine facility for COVID-19.",0 An image of a couple claimed to be doctors who have lost their lives to the coronavirus.,0 The WHO is offering monetary help to buy medicines and food during the emergency.,0 Claims that Colombian President Iván Duque approved collective dismissals of workers due to the emergency caused by COVID-19. Some of the messages attached as proof are screenshots of Resolution 0803 of 2020 of the Ministry of Labor.,0 An image accompanies the text: The Italian Prime Minister wept when he recognized that they were losing the battle against the coronavirus.,0 Photo of deer on Ooty-Coimbatore road during the current coronavirus lockdown.,0 The Brazilian government initiated the registration of Social Security withdrawals to fight the pandemic by WhatsApp.,0 Drinking tea can help cure COVID-19.,0 Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak “has banned the use of an anti-malaria drug that might help cure coronavirus.”,0 “COVID literally stands for Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.”,0 Coronavirus patients in Italy are now on the streets because hospitals are no longer able to accommodate them.,0 Garlic can protect you from the coronavirus and the most vulnerable group are people with blood type A.,0 COVID-19 is a secret American weapon aimed for depopulation purposes.,0 "According to DW, Venezuela is the only country that took advance measures against the outbreak.",0 "A claim on Facebook that began to circulate around Wednesday, 3/25/20, says putting a peeled onion in any room can remove “all viruses and bacteria including coronavirus.”",0 Kids are not allowed to say goodbye to their parents before being hospitalized for COVID-19.,0 The video of unprecedented stone rain in Rome suggests the fate of pro-Communist Italy.,0 There is no coronavirus in Africa because there is no money there and they cannot get into debt with the International Monetary Fund.,0 Last picture of Indonesian Dr. Hadio Alo bidding farewell to his family.,0 High death rate in Italy is due to people taking Ibuprofen.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook which claim it shows bodies of novel coronavirus victims being thrown into a ditch in Italy.,0 A COVID-19 test in Germany is 37 times cheaper than in Croatia.,0 People older than 60 are not given medical help in Italy anymore.,0 "“if your child gets this virus, they’re going to the hospital alone in a van with people they don’t know, to be with people they don’t know. You will be at home without them in their time of need.”",0 The application of menthol ointment in the nostrils helps to prevent the virus.,0 "In a WhatsApp chain from workers of Argentina’s most important lab that is testing for coronavirus, they advised not to leave the house because the next two weeks will be the infection peak.",0 "A message sent by WhatsApp states that the Ministry of Defense of China has announced that it has “successfully” developed a vaccine against the new coronavirus, which causes COVID-19 disease. Portugal would receive the first doses in a few days.",0 The Italians accept Islam en masse.,0 "The Brazilian singer Preta Gil was infected with COVID-19 and performed to more than 320,000 people.",0 Several photographs published on Facebook claim to portray coffins with victims of the new coronavirus in Italy.,0 A message in an image claims that drinking coffee can help prevent the new coronavirus.,0 Over 200 doctors in Italy die every day due to coronavirus.,0 Italian people in the streets surrendering and bidding farewell to the world after COVID-19.,0 A photo of a fleet of blue lorries bearing the image of Sri Lankan Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa has been shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that the lorries were distributing food during the novel coronavirus curfew.,0 Images of patients treated in the open are from Italy as it has run out of hospital beds.,0 "While coronavirus tests in other countries are conducted for free or at nominal charges, in India, it costs Rs 4,500",0 "Thanks to the halt imposed by the government to travel boats for COVID-19, a crocodile has shown up in Venice’s canals.",0 The government has mandated by decree a salary cut for high public officials.,0 This news bulletin from 2015 proves that COVID-19 was created in a laboratory of Wuhan.,0 Facebook user asserted that U.S. President Donald Trump has announced a vaccine for COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus has a pH level of 5.5 to 8.5 and can be prevented and cured by eating alkaline foods.,0 A purported notice issued by the Pakistan Red Crescent and Pakistan’s Health Department on COVID-19 isolation rules has been shared thousands of times on Facebook. The advisory claims that families of those killed while in isolation will not be able to hold funerals or burials for them,0 "An “open letter” purportedly written by US billionaire and philanthropist Bill Gates about the novel coronavirus pandemic has been shared in English and Chinese on Facebook, Twitter and various websites. The Chinese-language posts state the letter was translated from its original publication in British newspaper The Sun.",0 Children will be separated from parents for coronavirus treatment.,0 Congress included include a raise for themselves in the coronavirus stimulus package.,0 Tanks are coming into U.S. towns in advance for martial law,0 "Bitter gourd juice can cure novel coronavirus, as per Bihar Health Department in India.",0 A photo of a couple locked in an intimate embrace with their face masks lowered has been shared in Facebook posts that claim they were nurses who were treating COVID-19 patients in an Italian hospital.,0 A video purportedly shows a winged creature atop the dome of a structure has been viewed tens of thousands of times on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows “the image of a devil” on the roof of a church in Italy.,0 Having sex every morning kills coronavirus.,0 "Neem leaf, used against malaria, could be efficient against COVID-19.",0 Grateful Italians turn on the Russian anthem on the streets.,0 Eucalyptus prevents or eliminates the new coronavirus,0 There has been a pandemic every 100 years,0 A group of Guatemalan deputies were reported to have voted against a bill to protect the population.,0 Tea has ingredients to ward off any coronavirus infection.,0 "Pakistan’s leading scholar Mufti Naeem suffers from coronavirus. A few days ago, he refused to close madrasas and mosques.",0 "An Image is being shared on social media claiming; this italian doctor couple in the picture worked day and night and saved the lives of 134 patients, but on the eighth day, they caught coronavirus and died after an hour.",0 Peeled onions can suck coronavirus.,0 Videos of passenger plane from Italy to Ethiopia in which are positive for the coronavirus.,0 Paraguayans should not go out “even to buy bread” because the incubation period is up and positive cases of coronavirus will increase.,0 Holding your breath for 10 seconds is a way to test for coronavirus.,0 Netflix is providing free access to the platform due to quarantine.,0 "Photo of Copacabana beach on 3/22/20 full of sunbathers, even though Rio is in quarantine due to COVID-19.",0 Viral WhatsApp message advises against purchasing used clothing as they expose buyers to COVID-19.,0 Controversies surrounding chloroquine suggest health authorities approved it as a cure for COVID-19.,0 "New York Governor Andrew Cuomo “rejected buying the recommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for a pandemic, and established death panels and lotteries instead. So he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down.”",0 Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers is “pushing firearm confiscation orders.”,0 "Indian Army has set-up a 1,000 bed quarantine facility in Rajasthan’s Barmer.",0 Justin Trudeau’s wife has released a video from her hospital bed.,0 President of Italy crying because of the coronavirus pandemic.,0 The man in the video is a science board member and says ginger and milk are the remedies for COVID-19.,0 "A hair dryer can kill the coronavirus in your nose, Iranian artist Golshifteh Farahani says.",0 Video shows looting in Mexico.,0 China granted the test kits to Turkey in return to Mustafa Kemal’s cholera vaccine aid to China in 1940.,0 CDC said that the coronavirus survived 17 days on the surface of a cruise ship.,0 There is no coronavirus. The Chinese were secretly working on a biological agent that was supposed to make protesters docile and obedient.,0 The new hantavirus is a deadly problem emerging in China. There is no cure for it.,0 "According to a report by the WHO, coronavirus lives the longest in the cabbage layer. Elsewhere the virus lives for 9-12 hours, whereas in cabbage, this virus lives for more than 30 hours. People of all cities are requested not to eat cabbage.",0 The bodies of people infected with coronavirus are lying on the road of Italy. No one is carrying them due to the risk of infection.,0 Coronavirus fear in Germany results in large crowds outside a supermarket. People are pushing each other to get into the store first for necessary supplies.,0 Tea can cure coronavirus.,0 New vaccine can help cure coronavirus in three hours.,0 Gargling with hot water can prevent coronavirus infection.,0 "A video has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook which claim it shows a woman who was detained by police in Australia after she tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, and was filmed spitting at a supermarket in a Sydney suburb.",0 A screenshot of a purported news broadcast showing a lion in the street and reporting that Russia has deployed hundreds of lions to maintain order during the novel coronavirus lockdown has been shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter.,0 "Tens of thousands of people who are victims of the coronavirus have died in China, and this is proven by maps of Wuhan released online that show a massive burning of corpses.",0 Hospitals in Madrid are removing artificial respirators from those admitted with coronaviruses older than 65 years for use by younger patients.,0 "A purported news report claims that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte approved the release of P20,000 (USD $400) to all recipients of the Philippines’ Social Security System (SSS) to help them through the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 A video allegedly showing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s wife in a hospital bed urging people to stay home to avoid ending up seriously ill with the novel coronavirus has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter.,0 "A tank circulates through the streets of Tudela, Navarre, Spain, to combat COVID-19.",0 A new law prohibits “leaving the home” after 3 p.m. in Spain.,0 "On 3/22/20, the coronavirus contagion rate decreased “for two consecutive days.”",0 Andalusia proposes that students must repeat their classes (not on March 26).,0 Iceland tested its whole population.,0 France found a vaccine for the coronavirus.,0 ONU to provide food voucher for coronavirus quarantine.,0 23 new COVID-19 cases confirmed in Mombasa.,0 A photo showing the bodies of Italian COVID-19 victims on a street.,0 Pakistani Dr. Usman Riaz speaks about coronavirus before his death.,0 Purported advisories urging residents to stay indoors while national air force helicopters spray disinfectant over homes to kill off the novel coronavirus have been circulated online in Sri Lanka and the Philippines.,0 Globe Telecom is giving every subscriber free mobile load worth P500 as help or donation amid the coronavirus crisis.,0 Five person were healed in Morocco with chloroquine.,0 Mosques and synagogues are the only holy places to be opened during French confinement.,0 This photo shows nurses insulting French President Emmanuel Macron.,0 You won’t be charged a 135 euro fine if you’re driving with several other persons in your car during the lockdown.,0 "An alarming text message signed “Claire Magne, a friend, nurse”.",0 "In Costa Rica, dead bodies are not returned to their families.",0 "In Costa Rica, the Red Cross and Walmart are giving out emergency funds for COVID-19.",0 Video shows Malaysian police sanction people who violated lockdown stipulation by hitting them on the foot sole.,0 "Gargling with hot water cures coronavirus, says a doctor from Mumbai’s COVID-19 hospital.",0 A police commissioner from Mumbai has asked essential services to be available at certain hours.,0 False that the OMS grants food and medicine vouchers.,0 "Says that under order from Gov. Tony Evers, he and his eight children can’t legally have dinner together anymore.",1 Says Nancy Pelosi’s coronavirus bill includes “tax credits for solar and wind energy … retirement plans for community newspaper employees … $300 million for PBS … climate change studies” and more.,1 Gargling with warm water and salt or vinegar eliminates the coronavirus.,0 [SARS-CoV-2] is spreading quickly from gas pumps. Shopping carts as well.,0 "A WhatsApp a video features Rabbi Dan Ben Avraham, International President of the Netzarita AMI Alliance, according to their Twitter. In the video, the rabbi says “the Israeli Minister of Health has officially declared that Israel has the coronavirus vaccine.” And “Israel has the vaccine already.”",0 Iranian girl Anahita Hashemzadeh has contracted the coronavirus.,0 Photos of Italian man committing suicide after he lost his entire family to COVID-19.,0 Photo of the prime minister of Italy crying and expressing his helplessness that he couldn’t save coronavirus patients in Italy.,0 Video of Italian police taking down a man who has come onto the streets despite a lockdown in the country.,0 "Kerala has asked NABARD for a loan of Rs 20,000 crore to deal with COVID-19.",0 Look at the condition of a Karimnagar person who is infected with the coronavirus.,0 "In the video, the woman who is asking to take the coronavirus seriously is the wife of the Prime Minister of Canada.",0 Reserve Bank of India (RBI) extended the year closing until 6/30/20.,0 Woman burned her hands while putting on the stove due to high alcohol content in hand sanitizer.,0 Tokyo Olympics logo has been redesigned on the theme of social distancing.,0 The viral image is of a doctor couple in Italy who gave their lives treating coronavirus patients.,0 232 kids died from COVID-19 in Italy in one day.,0 People looted a supermarket in São Vicente (city in Sao Paulo state) because of the lockout.,0 Israel is fighting coronavirus without lockdowns and economic impact.,0 "A list of 10 claims about the coronavirus, allegedly from a doctor who worked in a hospital in Shenzhen.",0 "Tea can cure COVID-19 patients, as suggested by China’s whistleblower doctor Li Wenliang. The news was published by CNN.",0 "Schedules for the sale of milk, newspapers, grocery and medical stores have been issued by the Mumbai Police commissioner.",0 A claim has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter that an emergency decree issued in Thailand due to the novel coronavirus pandemic included a strict curfew.,0 "In the Philippines, Senator Manny Pacquiao was the only senator who responded to the coronavirus crisis.",0 "The ex-Health Minister Nikola Todorov, a lawyer by profession, is a consultant of the current Minister of Health for expert advice and expertise in the field of epidemiology.",0 "In China there is now also an outbreak of the hantavirus, with a first recorded death.",0 "In India starting 3/24/20, all grocery, chemists and vegetable shops will be open from 9.00 am to 11.30 am and 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm. Anybody found moving around after this or opening any kind of outlet will be detained by the police. No home deliveries will be available.",0 "In Hong Kong, people destroyed a 5G pole because of coronavirus.",0 The number of new cases of COVID-19 is decreasing in Peru since the 3/19/20.,0 President Donald Trump will announce that a scientist “finally found a vaccine to cure coronavirus.”,0 A claim that a trolley collector at a supermarket in the Australian state of New South Wales tested positive for the novel coronavirus in March 2020 has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook.,0 Multiple articles widely shared on Facebook claim that 59 church members died after drinking household disinfectant which their pastor said would prevent coronavirus infections.,0 "A claim has circulated on social media that a “new virus” named hantavirus has emerged in China in March 2020. The posts were viewed hundreds of thousands of times as the world battled the spread of the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19.",0 Muammar Gaddafi predicted “they” will create viruses and sell us the cures.,0 Italian prime minister admits Italy is lost.,0 Homemade masks prevent the spread of coronavirus.,0 Posts shared thousands of times on Facebook claim to provide an emergency food stamp hotline.,0 Trump web ad usings misleading edits to create a false picture.,0 "A post says that, on 3/22/20, 793 people died in Italy and included 232 kids.",0 A post says that a vaccine for the new coronavirus will be available in a few days.,0 Facebook posts featuring a photo of ventilators in the U.S. state of New York claim the devices are “stuck in a warehouse.”,0 "President of the National Assembly of Serbia Maja Gojkovic claimed that according to the Constitution, Parliament cannot be in session during the state of emergency.",0 Photo of people in medical scrubs lying on the floor of an operating theatre shows some of the 200 Italian doctors who died of COVID-19 in one day on 3/23/20.,0 The vaccine against COVID-19 is finally ready.,0 Former French health minister prevented the use of chloroquine to heal dying people of COVID-19 to harm infectologist Didier Raoult.,0 "An image shared on social media claims this Italian doctor couple worked day and night and saved the lives of 134 patients, but on the eighth day, they contracted the coronavirus and died after an hour.",0 "An image shared on social media claims this Italian doctor couple worked day and night and saved the lives of 134 patients, but on the eighth day, they contracted the coronavirus and died after an hour.",0 Image of the people who died of coronavirus in Italy.,0 Italy’s prime minister cries and declares that his country “lost the battle” against the coronavirus.,0 Homemade masks prevent the spread of coronavirus.,0 Posts shared thousands of times on Facebook claim to provide an emergency food stamp hotline.,0 There was a riot in a grocery store due to COVID-19.,0 A video of a woman reciting Sanskrit verses has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that she was delivering sacred verses on a Spanish radio station during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Multiple posts shared repeatedly on Facebook and Twitter claim that a Hong Kong medical lab has warned the novel coronavirus can remain viable on fruits and vegetables for 12 hours, therefore people should “avoid salads” over fears of contracting COVID-19.",0 Claim that coronavirus is a false pandemic.,0 Deaths blamed on coronavirus are actually due to the flu.,0 The names of coronavirus victims have been published online in media.,0 Video shows Merkel celebrating the new COVID-19 treatment which was made by a Tunisian doctor.,0 A new vaccine to cure coronavirus has been developed by U.S. scientists.,0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times on Facebook alongside a claim it shows coffins of coronavirus victims in Italy.,0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook posts that claim it shows doctors and nurses in Italy who died from COVID-19.,0 "A video shows that the United States armed forces have entered New York City as the precaution against riots, which once happened during the blackout in 1977.",0 Denmark is not on the verge of a coronavirus epidemic.,0 "Facebook group encourages people to report if they are contaminated in order to help authorities (authorities cannot use the data, however).",0 The Italian Prime Minister has said his country has exhausted all options to fight against the coronavirus pandemic and pleads to God to “rescue your people.”,0 About 500 lions have been released on the streets of Russia to stop people going out during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russia’s population to stay at home for 15 days or face five years in jail.,0 Japan Railway Station interior designed with the Buddhist scripture and images to fight against COVID-19.,0 Coronaviruses already affecting animals are the same strain as the one causing COVID-19 in humans.,0 "Vibrations, including those coming from emotions, can kill the new coronavirus.",0 A claim that the Swedish hospitals were going to start using “death forms” to decide which patients to treat and which to send home to die without healthcare.,0 "According to a report by the WHO, coronavirus lives the longest in the cabbage layer. Elsewhere the virus lives for 9-12 hours, whereas in cabbage, this virus lives for more than 30 hours. People of all cities are requested not to eat cabbage.",0 Coronavirus fear in Germany results in large crowds outside a supermarket. People are pushing each other to get into the store first for necessary supplies.,0 The bodies of people infected with coronavirus are lying on the road of Italy. No one is carrying them due to the risk of infection.,0 "An image shared on social media claims this Italian doctor couple worked day and night and saved the lives of 134 patients, but on the eighth day, they contracted the coronavirus and died after an hour.",0 Russia has allegedly unleashed over 500 lions in order to ensure that people stay inside their houses.,0 "Gargling warm salt water or vinegar prevents coronavirus infection, health experts say.",0 False offer of free Internet during 60 days due to the quarantine.,0 A WhatsApp forward has gone viral which claimed that a vaccine for coronavirus has been discovered. The viral forward also claims that the treatment for coronavirus is mentioned in India’s Intermediate Zoology book.,0 Russia has unleashed over 500 lions to ensure that people stay inside their homes amid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Russia has allegedly unleashed over 500 lions in order to ensure that people stay inside their houses.,0 "A WhatsApp forward has gone viral which claimed that a vaccine for coronavirus has been discovered. The viral forward also claims that the treatment for coronavirus is mentioned in India’s Intermediate Zoology book. The viral forward reads, “It is not a new disease as it is already mentioned in the Intermediate zoology book along with its treatment. It happens sometimes that many great scientists and doctors do not focus on lesser-known books as they are mostly busy with famous books. Book name: Zoology, Writer: Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Page No. 1072.) Friends, this is not fake news so I request you to kindly share it maximum so all coronavirus patients are treated in time.”",0 Inhaling water into the nose can prevent coronavirus transmission.,0 Vladimir Putin released 800 tigers andlions to force residents to stay at home.,0 WHO says Ibuprofen drugs can make the coronavirus live longer.,0 "There are 1,000 open vacancies for nurses, doctors and other health professionals to work on a temporary hospital in São Paulo, which will be used to treat COVID-19 cases.",0 "Picture of “baile funk” (a type of Brazilian popular party) in São Paulo during the coronavirus, despite restrictions of mass gatherings due to the COVID-19.",0 A recipe for homemade alcohol: Mix 3 parts of ethanol with 1 part of water.,0 "A vaccine that cures COVID-19 in three hours will be released next Sunday, according to President Donald Trump. Roche has already produced millions of those vaccines.",0 "There are 1,000 open vacancies for nurses, doctors and other health professionals to work on a temporary hospital in São Paulo, which will be used to treat COVID-19 cases.",0 An audio message lists five ways people can prevent the novel coronavirus.,0 Autohemotherapy cures COVID-19.,0 The WHO confirms COVID-19 is airborne and remains in the air for 8 hours.,0 Favipiravir cures COVID-19.,0 Europe is rationing food due to the outbreak.,0 A whole onion located indoors can absorb the viruses in the air.,0 A WhatsApp forward has gone viral which claimed that a vaccine for coronavirus has been discovered. The viral forward also claims that the treatment for coronavirus is mentioned in India’s Intermediate Zoology book.,0 "A WhatsApp forward claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is ready, was announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, and will be launched next Sunday. It also claims that the vaccine discovered by the U.S. scientists can cure a COVID-19 infected patient within 3 hours. With the WhatsApp forward, the alleged image of the vaccine is also being shared.",0 Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte broke down publicly due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.,0 Coronavirus will be cured within 2 hours by drinking bitter gourd juice.,0 A Facebook post asserts the U.S. developed a COVID-19 vaccine to release this Sunday.,0 "Offers to buy special device, which will “clean” water before drinking.",0 The Spanish Government will declare imminently the state of emergency and no one will be able to leave the house and supermarkets will close.,0 A lengthy post purportedly contains advice on how to prevent infection from the novel coronavirus. The post claims the advice was issued by a UK hospital to its medical staff.,0 Vox is going to donate the money it receives for representation in institutions to public health.,0 Netflix gives away free accounts during coronavirus quarantine.,0 Pablo Iglesias announces that social benefits are suspended for three months.,0 "Governmental economic measures will allow “unemployed people to earn 100% of their wage, workers 70% and craftsmen 0%”",0 Video links the Family Bonus Payment established by the Government of Bolivia due to the COVID-19 crisis and electoral campaign proposal of Juntos.,0 Video showing a group of the Bolivian army making people respect the quarantine and stay at home by using violence is not from Punata but from Chimbobo.,0 Holding your breath can let you test whether you may have COVID-19.,0 Roche has developed a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 A photo showing Uganda’s first case of COVID-19.,0 Russian President Vladimir Putin releases 800 tigers and 500 lions amid the coronavirus outbreak to keep people at home.,0 Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte was quoted in various posts and graphics on Facebook as saying they have “lost control” of the coronavirus pandemic that is greatly affecting Italy.,0 A new vaccine that can cure COVID-19 patients in 3 hours is now ready.,0 Image attributed to Italian Prime Minister suggesting Italy has lost control.,0 The CDC now says that the coronavirus can survive on surfaces for up to 17 days.,0 “Donald Trump would receive $17 million for three hotels closed for four days under Republican bill! How in the hell is this right?!”,0 Vladimir Putin let lions loose in the streets of Russia to keep them indoors amid COVID-19.,0 “People´s scientist” found that coronavirus is a bioweapon mixing SARS and HIV.,0 "Italy registered 4,200 new recovering cases from coronavirus in 24 hours.",0 "Tests results, theft, ban: Three false reports about chloroquine",0 Will lockdown cause a shortage of banknotes in ATMs?,0 Coronavirus has gripped Italy and nobody is willing to carry corpses off Italy’s streets.,0 Italian police are being brutal on people not following lockdowns; India should follow.,0 “Special military helicopters will spray pesticide against the coronavirus in the skies all over the country.”,0 “Putin has stated: Russian citizens (have) 2 options: Stay home for 15 days or in jail for 5 years.”,0 “Slices of lemon in a cup of hot water can save your life. The hot lemon can kill the proliferation of” the novel coronavirus.,0 Study suggests malaria drug can treat coronavirus.,0 Footage purportedly showing a looting spree in Mexico prompted by panic over the novel coronavirus was aired on multiple Facebook live streams and viewed by tens of thousands of people during the week of 3/23/20. Posts sharing the streams claimed that the chaotic scene was happening in real-time.,0 COVID-19 patients will not show symptoms for the first 14 days.,0 Video of the current situation in Italy due to coronavirus.,0 Video of Canada PM Justin Trudeau’s wife pleading for people to take COVID-19 seriously.,0 "The Russian president, Putin, has left 800 lions outside to make people stay in their homes.",0 Image of the people who died of coronavirus in Italy.,0 Photo of the prime minister of Italy crying and expressing his helplessness that he couldn’t save coronavirus patients in Italy.,0 Photo of a vaccine developed by U.S. scientists for COVID-19.,0 China released a movie called “Coronavirus” in 2013.,0 Brazilian government will apply fees to everyone who gets caught on the street after March 24.,0 Graphic shows that COVID-19 killed fewer people daily than other diseases.,0 Vaccines to cure COVID-19 are ready.,0 Lions were released on Russian streets by Vladimir Putin to force people inside.,0 "WHO has said, do not eat cabbage as it will increase the chance of coronavirus infection.",0 "In a seemingly careless message being sent as an e-mail, recipients in Greek are warned that if a company (shop) has to shut down because of the new coronavirus or staff illness or other reason, the sender must notify the sender of that message about the termination of the employment of an employee.",0 "A web publication shared hundreds of times on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp in Nigeria claims the government will pay each citizen 8,500 naira ($23.60) monthly to encourage Nigerians to stay at home in a bid to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus.",0 "Multiple posts on social media claim that schools in South Africa will reopen months from now in September, as a result of the increase in COVID-19 cases.",0 "The text claims that mass media owners, called “Satanists” in the text, are forcing the public to voluntarily look for a coronavirus vaccine. It also describes the vaccine (which still does not exist) as: “A vaccine in which the beast’s mark is present in liquid form with nano-technology, and he will completely control the world and all people.”",0 "After 23:30, the city will be disinfected by a helicopter and the doors and windows should be closed.",0 "If people get infected with COVID-19, they may not be able to fully recover.",0 A video has been viewed in multiple Facebook posts and claims to show a man wiping his sweat on the buttons of a lift in a residential block in Hong Kong.,0 "A photo has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows the bodies of people who died in Italy after they became infected with the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 "You should take high doses of Vitamin D against COVID-19; children don’t get sick because they lack the receptors for the virus to bond; the coronavirus is an unnatural mutation; it is not susceptible to temperatures, which is why infections will not sink in summer; the oldest patients will not be treated and left to die; 5G harms the immune system.",0 American scientists have developed a cure for the coronavirus.,0 "People will not be allowed to organize a funeral for any family members who die of COVID-19. Instead, the state will take care of the disposal of the body.",0 We’re in a battle against a virus that is in the air.,0 Swiss newspaper says president of México is the “worst example” of how COVID-19 is handled.,0 Russia released 500 lions to ensure people would stay inside houses.,0 The video shows Muslims licking plates and spoons to spread the coronavirus.,0 Antibiotic invented in Croatia cures coronavirus.,0 Putin had a press conference and gave people a choice between 15 days isolation and 5 years in prison.,0 "A video of food packets deposited on a street has been viewed millions of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows food donations for people in Turkey during a novel coronavirus lockdown.",0 The French state gives more benefit to people who were unemployed before the COVID-19 than it does for people who are partially unemployed due to the coronavirus.,0 "“This lady here applied sanitizer to her hands/forearms and went to the kitchen to cook. The moment she turned on the gas stove, her hands caught fire due to the alcohol contained in the sanitizer.”",0 Washington admits it is the responsible for COVID-19.,0 A vaccine against coronavirus was developed.,0 "George Soros is one of the people responsible for the new coronavirus, born in a laboratory.",0 Italian mimicks Muslim prayers because of fear from COVID-19.,0 The mayor of Guayaquil in Ecuador lied about her health condition,0 The Health Minister in Ecuador quit her job because she was forced to lie about the statistics of COVID-19 related cases.,0 The president of Ecuador doesn’t ask for help to China because of the IMF,0 Whatsapp audio ensures there will be a 24-hour curfew for 5 days in Ecuador.,0 Fake Twitter account of the Ecuadorean Health Ministry.,0 People are still shopping in malls in spite of the curfew and mobility restrictions in Ecuador.,0 The vaccine that China is testing for COVID-19 is bad for humans.,0 An image encourages people to stay home and not go out to terraces or balconies .,0 "Because of the global quarantine, the WHO and the Ecuadorian government have given a weekly bonus to each family for food and medicine.",0 Ecuadorian government gives money to people from Venezuela.,0 Multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter claim the WHO has warned against eating cabbage during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "A video of food packets deposited on a street has been viewed millions of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows food donations for people in Turkey during a novel coronavirus lockdown.",0 Kaletra protocol for HIV (lopinavirus – ritonavir) is effective to treat COVID-19.,0 The second COVID-19 infection is worse than the first one and can be fatal.,0 An image has been shared multiple times on Facebook in Liberia in support of a claim that pastors were beaten for defying government restrictions on religious gatherings amid the novel coronavirus outbreak.,0 Whether 60 Democrats voted against coronavirus stimulus bill.,0 Russian President Putin released 500 lions onto the streets to keep people indoors.,0 Getting a flu shot increases the risk of coronavirus by 36%.,0 An Arabic poem from 1170 predicted COVID-19.,0 President Trump refers to the coronavirus as a hoax in an audio clip.,0 Does vaping reduce your chances of getting the coronavirus?,0 "High intensity workouts inhibit the immune system. Very intense workouts might reduce immune system efficiency, but not fully documented.",0 Cristiano Ronaldo converts hotels to coronavirus hospitals.,0 Germany refused to take any help from China.,0 "Social media posts attribute a list of points about the novel coronavirus to Johns Hopkins, a leading source of information on the virus.",0 The new coronavirus is artificial and has been created in the British labs.,0 This list shared by Johns Hopkins Institute is giving advices to prevent and fight COVID-19.,0 Phase 3 means that if Mexico reaches phase 4 all the hospitals that are helping older people are going to let them die to give care to the young.,0 "The newspaper Southern Times is warning its readers to avoid Kenyans at all costs, because of the COVID-19 outbreak.",0 Holding your breath for 10 seconds is a way to test for the coronavirus.,0 Japan has created effective medicine against COVID-19.,0 The video in which doctor and Brazilian TV personality Drauzio Varella says he will continue walking on the streets.,0 Poland did not let the Russian planes with humanitarian aid to Italy to pass above its airspace.,0 This wagon bears the inscription COVID-19.,0 Consuming colloidal silver prevents or serve as a treatment for the new coronavirus.,0 The new coronavirus is not dangerous – the illustrative example is the Diamond Princess statistics.,0 The Brazilian Navy established a treatment protocol for COVID-19 patients with mild symptoms using Invermectin.,0 Screenshots showing chyrons of two TV channels say that people belonging to the Brahmin and Rajput castes cannot get infected by COVID-19 because their blood is warm.,0 Vladimir Putin released 500+ lions on the streets of Russia to ensure that people stay indoors during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Video shows Canadian PM Trudeau’s wife in quarantine.,0 "Russia released 500 lions, forcing people to stay indoors given the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 "A WhatsApp forward claimed that a vaccine for coronavirus has been discovered. It also claims that the treatment for coronavirus is mentioned in India’s Intermediate Zoology book. The viral forward reads, “It is not a new disease as it is already mentioned in the Intermediate Zoology book along with its treatment. It happens sometimes that many great scientists and doctors do not focus on lesser-known books as they are mostly busy with famous books. (Book name: Zoology, Writer: Dr. Ramesh Gupta, Page No. 1072.) Friends, this is not fake news so I request you to kindly share it maximum so all coronavirus patients are treated in time.”",0 Coronavirus will be cured within 2 hours by drinking bitter gourd juice.,0 Russia has unleashed over 500 lions to ensure that people stay inside their homes amid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "A WhatsApp forward claims that the COVID-19 vaccine is ready, was announced by U.S. President Donald Trump, and will be launched next Sunday. It also claims that the vaccine discovered by the U.S. scientists can cure a COVID-19 infected patient within 3 hours. With the WhatsApp forward, the alleged image of the vaccine is also being shared.",0 Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte broke down publicly due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.,0 Aspirating boiling water vapor for five minutes deactivates the coronavirus.,0 Lemon and bicarbonate kill the virus.,0 Photographs of the Army in Dublin city centre show that the country is about to go into lockdown.,0 US military brought the virus to Wuhan on October 2019.,0 Polish telecommunications provider PLAY has installed 5G antennas during quarantine.,0 Russian president using lions to ensure people stayed indoors in Russia.,0 Channel 4’s Jon Snow is infected with coronavirus.,0 Initial lack of evidence for human-to-human COVID-19 transmission unusual.,0 "Tom Hanks died, confessed admiration for Trump.",0 Helicopters Are Spraying Disinfectants To Try To Eradicate coronavirus.,0 A tent will be set up next to the Viamed de Calahorra hospital (La Rioja) to carry out rapid tests for coronavirus.,0 The government of Spain is going to declare a state of emergency.,0 Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the UK streets.,0 Aspirating boiling water vapor for five minutes deactivates the coronavirus.,0 Lemon and bicarbonate kill the virus.,0 Photographs of the Army in Dublin city centre show that the country is about to go into lockdown.,0 Poison spray for coronavirus from Malaysia and Singapore by air.,0 The Peruvian Social Security is offering monetary help to some people included in a list to endure the quarantine.,0 Social media posts suggest Zimbabwean police flogged churches who gathered in defiance to warnings encouraging social distancing.,0 "“Boil some orange peels with cayenne pepper, stand over the pot, breathe in the steam so all mucus can be released from your nasal passages … Mucus is the problem, it’s where the virus lives!”",0 The photo shows the funeral of Turkish deceased general Aytac Yalman due to COVID-19.,0 A video shows coronavirus patients at an airport in China and gauges how serious the situation is.,0 A drug made from cow urine or pigeon membrane can cure coronavirus.,0 Five helicopters will disinfect the Netherlands to extinguish the coronavirus. Citizens have to stay inside.,0 Coronavirus is infectious in the air for 8 hours and everyone must wear a face mask.,0 An image has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook alongside a claim that it shows a medicine created by U.S. scientists that can cure the novel coronavirus.,0 "A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts alongside a claim that it shows Italy’s president crying over the novel coronavirus epidemic that has claimed thousands of lives in his country.",0 A video shared thousands of times on Facebook claims to show police in Zimbabwe beating churchgoers because their place of worship refused to close to prevent the spread of COVID-19.,0 A purported emergency notice from Australian authorities has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter. It states people can receive free home visits from doctors during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A viral WhatsApp voice note in Nigeria claims that the coronavirus could kill up to 45 million Nigerians.,0 Russian President Vladimir Putin released 800 lions and tigers across Russia to stop people from leaving home.,0 Science Minister Pedro Duque was hospitalized due to coronavirus in Denia.,0 "DRC president, Felix Tshisekedi, has suspended the payment of rents and water and electricity bills because of coronavirus.",0 "A photo showing nurses raising their middle fingers against the French government, with a caption against the French President.",0 Vladimir Putin “released 500 lions to monitor the quarantine.”,0 "One photograph of the meeting of the Bolivian health minister, Anibal Cruz with delegates, hints that they are hiding current figures of the infections with COVID-19 to the population",0 "President Giammattei said that the country has 10,000 COVID-19 tests.",0 Photo of the “crying president of Italy” with a caption stating Italy was not prepared to deal with the coronavirus outbreak despite having adequate health facilities.,0 Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a 14-hour curfew as the virus lives for 12 hours on surfaces.,0 Celebrities spreading misinformation about coronavirus and the Janata curfew in India.,0 “Go to 2020census.gov and fill out this census form so you can get your stimulus check.”,0 "A screenshot of a Nigerian television station showing a breakdown of “472 confirmed cases” has been shared on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp alongside claims it shows novel coronavirus cases across the country.",0 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows a drone launching fireworks at people who breached a curfew in Malaysia during a nationwide coronavirus lockdown.",0 Polish telecommunications provider PLAY has installed 5G antennas during quarantine.,0 Belgium Health Minister has banned group sex due to coronavirus outbreak associated with orgy.,0 "Three photos showing coffins lined up in an enclosed space have been released on social media with a message about the coronavirus pandemic in Italy. “This is Italy,” he said.",0 "There is science behind Indian Prime minister Modi’s 5 p.m. clapping initiative: Clapping generates vibration which can kill coronavirus. Also, 3/22/20 is Amavasya.",0 Photo of coffins of coronavirus patients who died in a single day in Italy.,0 Dolphins and swans return to Italy waterways after COVID-19 lockdown.,0 Clapping together at 5 p.m. will create a vibration which will destroy coronavirus.,0 The Brazilian doctor Drauzio Varella defends that the population doesn’t need a lockout.,0 "After coronavirus pandemic, Chinese president said it’s China’s time to lead the world.",0 Egyptian Health Minister arrive in Italy with secret coronavirus cure.,0 "Trump faints, is infected with coronavirus.",0 A video shows chaos in London while coronavirus spreads.,0 People rioting on the streets of London due to economic crisis in the wake of coronavirus outbreak.,0 A video of police arresting a man has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows police in Italy detaining a man who flouted a national lockdown during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Two malaria medications work to treat COVID-19.,0 Voice message of a so-called ombudsman that says that internet may collapse in Argentina.,0 Turkey helped Italy with 200.000 masks and other equipment but nobody took notice.,0 Russian government has unleashed lions on the streets to impose a public curfew.,0 Doctors and nurses in Italy are dying and are lying dead on the ground due to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Chancellor Angela Merkel knew of the pandemic since 2013; the virus is from a laboratory.,0 Drinking alcohol beverages can help prevent COVID-19.,0 "Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said, “We have lost control, we have killed the epidemic physically and mentally. Can’t understand what more we can do, all solutions are exhausted on ground. Our only hope remains up in the sky. God, rescue your people.”",0 "A photo of a group of people holding a banner that bears the Chinese and Malaysian flags has been shared thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it shows Chinese doctors arriving in Malaysia to combat the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte broke down amid COVID-19 deaths in his country.,0 A Facebook post in Australia claims sufferers of respiratory conditions can access a “rescue pack” of medication by asking a general practitioner.,0 Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared thousands of times by Australian social media users claim people with pre-existing respiratory conditions will be given a “rescue pack” of medication from their general practitioners during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A photo of a man and woman embracing has been shared on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows two Italian doctors who died from COVID-19 after contracting the disease from the patients they treated.,0 A Twitter user claimed that Russia released 500 tigers to keep people inside during lockdown.,0 "“In Chicago, COVID-19 actually lowered the death rate.”",0 "In a video made by Dr. Mario Pesaresi, he recommends water steam to deactivate the coronavirus.",0 An image shows a Spanish scientist asking Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi to find the cure for COVID-19.,0 WHO confirmed COVID-19 as airborne.,0 Second-hand clothes and blankets sold cheaply in African markets are infected with coronavirus.,0 A statue of the Virgin Mary from Loreto will be carried by a plane over Italy to ask for the pandemic of COVID-19 to stop.,0 Army to be deployed to respond to COVID-19 pandemic.,0 One Polish telecommunications company used the quarantine as a cover up to put 100 5G antennas in Gdynia.,0 A WhatsApp forward claimed that a vaccine for coronavirus has been discovered and that the treatment for coronavirus is mentioned in an Intermediate Zoology book.,0 Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the UK streets.,0 Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the UK streets.,0 "Drauzio Varella, one of Brazil’s most famous doctors, stated in a video on 3/22/20: There’s no coronavirus crisis; this is just a strong cold. There’s no reason for changing your routine unless you are infected.",0 Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the UK streets.,0 "Yves Levy, husband of the former french health minister Agnès Buzyn, inaugurated the P4 laboratory of Wuhan in China, where the coronavirus was created.",0 Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared thousands of times by Australian social media users claim people with pre-existing respiratory conditions will be given a “rescue pack” of medication from their general practitioners during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A photo of a man and woman embracing has been shared on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows two Italian doctors who died from COVID-19 after contracting the disease from the patients they treated.,0 Robbers pretend to test for COVID-19 and use it as pretext to rob houses.,0 The COVID-19 cases have reached a peak and people must not go outside even for groceries.,0 Famous Brazilian doctor posted for people “not to panic” about COVID-19 and keep up with their lives.,0 Helicopters are spraying disinfectants to stop the spread of coronavirus.,0 IPhoto shows people falling dead on Italian streets from COVID-19.,0 Black people are immune to the coronavirus.,0 Boiled orange peels with cayenne pepper are a cure for coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 stands for “Chinese Originated Viral Infectious Disease.”,0 "NY Governor Andrew Cuomo did not reject buying 16,000 ventilators in 2015.",0 Photos show leftist groups Anakbayan and Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) holding a rally amid the Luzon-wide enhanced community quarantine.,0 A claim that neem leaves can cure the novel coronavirus and relieve its symptoms has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts.,0 Air cleaner removes the virus from the air and surfaces. Full page ad in national newspaper in Denmark.,0 "In Japan, coronavirus was defeated with the drug Avigan.",0 One can destroy the new coronavirus by doing the following breathing exercises.,0 "A memo from the St. Luke’s Hospital of Kansas says drinking alcohol lowers the risk of getting infected with COVID-19. Vodka is most recommended for drinking, cleaning and sanitizing.",0 A photo set on Facebook shows several countries mobilizing their military to maintain public order during the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Giving high doses of vitamin C to patients with COVID-19 has proved to be effective in combating the disease.,0 “I see no time in the history of this country when perfectly healthy people have been basically confined to their homes or only able to do essential things as in Kansas City or St. Louis.”,0 "A video shows Zimbabwean police beating people gathered at a church service, who were in defiance of the ban on public gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 A video shows healthcare workers dancing in a hospital. The caption says it was filmed in Israel after all COVID-19 patients in the hospital were cured.,0 Doctors are including “COVID-19 suspect” on death certificates because hospitals receive 18.000 Brazilian reais for each registered COVID-19 death.,0 "A video shows healthcare workers celebrating in a hospital. The caption says it was filmed in Messejana Hospital, in Fortaleza, Brazil, after all COVID-19 patients were cured and a whole hospital wing was closed.",0 "João Doria, governor of São Paulo, tested positive for COVID-19.",0 A video claimed that clapping from balconies during Janata Curfew in India was sound therapy meant to ward off evil spirit.,0 A message claimed that Russia released 500 lions on streets to keep people confined to their homes due to Covid-19 outbreak.,0 Clapping hands in during the Janata Curfew in India kills Coronavirus.,0 Video shows Coronavirus leaving the world thanks to clapping hands.,0 A drug made from cow urine or pigeon membrane can cure coronavirus.,0 A video shows coronavirus patients at an airport in China and gauges how serious the situation is.,0 Riots in London due to the unavailability of food items. The United Kingdom will be locked down by tonight. Army soldiers take to the UK streets.,0 ID2020 Alliance aims to microchip all allowing vaccine administration,0 USA and NATO stole half of million of coronavirus tests from Italy,0 The King of Spain has plagiarized his COVID-19 speech from a book.,0 The schools in Bizkaia in Spain do not close until September.,0 A video posted on Twitter shows a group of Chinese people converting to Islam under the argument that Muslims are immune to COVID-19.,0 "A photo showing hundreds of people in the Montparnasse train station in Paris, despite confinement measures due to the novel coronavirus.",0 A letter from the French ministry of Education saying summer holidays will be postponed because of the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Sophie Trudeau is sharing her COVID-19 experience.,0 A positive COVID-19 patient recently met Narendra Modi.,0 A line of coffins suggesting they are from Italy currently.,0 Cow urine is helpful to fight coronavirus.,0 "The Colombian government just made it official that all citizens will receive 350,000 pesos a week for staying home to prevent the proliferation” of COVID-19.",0 Banglore Municipal body (BBMP) will be spraying medicine in the air to kill coronavirus.,0 Sick COVID-19 patients at the airport runway in Senegal.,0 Image claims that dead bodies from Italy are kept in a room.,0 Consuming alcoholic beverages may help reduce the risk of infection by the novel coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus will be cured after a 14-hour curfew.,0 Bitter gourd juice can cure coronavirus.,0 “Only India can resist coronavirus” — Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman.,0 Bill Gates and the Vatican have a plan to depopulate the world with a coronavirus vaccine.,0 US Homeland Security mobilizing National Guard to combat coronavirus.,0 Joe Biden tested positive for coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus cases linked to 5G rollout.,0 Photo shows coffins from coronavirus outbreak in Italy.,0 Elderly COVID-19 patients won’t have access to respirators,0 "Seeing the rise of novel coronavirus in India, the WHO has recommended the government of India lockdown the country from 4/15/20 to 6/15/20.",0 "A WhatsApp video claims that the lady shown is the wife of Canada’s PM Justin Trudeau. In the viral video, a lady can be seen describing her improved condition because of medication and also warns to not take chances.",0 The King of Spain has plagiarized his COVID-19 speech from a book.,0 The schools in Bizkaia in Spain do not close until September.,0 A video posted on Twitter shows a group of Chinese people converting to Islam under the argument that Muslims are immune to COVID-19.,0 Doctors are giving out “rescue packs” for people with pre-existing respiratory conditions.,0 "“If you are in Las Vegas and you get a knock on your door from NV Power, 2020 Census or CVD-19 testers, do not open your door. They are robbing people at gunpoint.”",0 "If people violate the quarantine measures in Ukraine, they will be imprisoned.",0 Pets can transmit the new coronavirus.,0 Pets can transmit the new coronavirus.,0 Fill out a 2020 U.S. Census form to receive an economic stimulus payment.,0 Rinsing throat and nose with warm and salt water will prevent the new coronavirus.,0 A photo circulating on Facebook in Nigeria appears to show President Muhammadu Buhari shaking hands with the nation’s Code of Conduct Bureau Chairman Mohammed Isa while both men are wearing face masks — seemingly against precautions during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "The death of Kobe Bryant overshadowed the news that an American drugmaker was hustling to make a vaccine for coronavirus, and 200 people died of COVID-19 in August 2019 in the USA.",0 Worshipers were beaten by policemen because they gathered in a church.,0 A Chinese woman in Mombasa was attacked and killed after showing flu-like symptoms and refusing to go to hospital.,0 22 travelers in Uganda for the EU-Uganda Business Summit scheduled for early March had refused to go into quarantine.,0 It is recommended to disinfect everything you buy with bleach to prevent infection from the coronavirus.,0 Chloroquine could cure coronavirus.,0 "Stocks of “medical masks” made in Woippy, in Moselle, by a company are being blocked for lack of “agreement of the government,” in spite of a shortage of masks in France.",0 Quotes Joe Biden as saying “people who have never died before are now dying from coronavirus.”,0 “19 Tigers fans got infected with COVID-19 in NY.”,0 People with type O blood are more resistant to COVID-19.,0 Russia unleashed more than 500 lions on its streets to ensure that people are staying indoors during this pandemic outbreak.,0 A purported warning from Australian hospitals has been shared thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook that using petrol pumps can enable the spread of the novel coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus can live only up to 12 hours on any surface.,0 Video of Canadian PM Justin Trudeau’s wife who is suffering from COVID-19.,0 Autohemotherapy cures COVID-19.,0 The Brazilian government initiated the registration process for the coronavirus financial aid by WhatsApp.,0 Putin declares: “Comply with quarantine or face prison for five years.”,0 Coronavirus is nothing but Sarin Gas.,0 U.S. Army sells food just like the Egyptian Army.,0 Pollution rate decreased in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Janta curfew or nationwide for 14 hours will break the chain of coronavirus spread and see a reduction of 40% of cases.,0 "A drug called Favipiravir is a cure for coronavirus, and people are advised not to go inside their homes wearing shoes because they can bring the infection home.",0 A chart comparing those infected and killed by the coronavirus in Argentina and Spain.,0 Lukewarm water with lemon or water with lemon and bicarbonate are preventive measures for COVID-19.,0 Croatia to be put in “total quarantine” due to secret deal between authorities and the Red Cross.,0 Biden campaign claims a top CDC official was “silenced.”,0 Denmark passed from 200 new cases of COVID-19 in one day to only 26 cases.,0 Korean drama predicted the occurrence of COVID-19 in 2018.,0 There are more than 6 000 coronavirus infections in Ukraine. The government hides the real numbers.,0 Pets can transmit the new coronavirus.,0 The quarantine in Italy showed more clean waters in Venice with fish and a dolphin.,0 "Muammar Gaddafi predicted the current coronavirus pandemic, and warned it would be created by the same people who would then sell the “antidotes.”",0 A post shared thousands of times on Facebook lists companies whose chief executive officers have allegedly stepped down during the novel coronavirus crisis.,0 A video from a British broadcaster shows Italian coronavirus victims got taken down.,0 Italy’s president was caught on camera crying over and regretting country’s coronavirus response.,0 "Coronavirus life span in a single place is 8 hours, and the Janata Curfew in India is for 14 hours. Thanks to 12 hours of Janata Curfew, the virus will be killed.",0 This is a self-check test for coronavirus.,0 Egypt discovered a treatment for COVID-19.,0 "Kazakhstanis could have had the coronavirus in the fall or winter 2019, but due to the lack of test systems at that time, the disease remained undetected.",0 Media outlets duped the public saying coronavirus killed the same man twice.,0 A photo that has gone viral in social media shows a military convoy transporting people who died from the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy.,0 An African plant called “vernonia” “kongolo bololo” or “ndolè” is useful against COVID-19.,0 Oregano essential oil protects against COVID-19.,0 "India’s National Security Council, Prime Minister’s Office has released a list of restricted activities after the Coronavirus outbreak.",0 Dr. Devi Shetty released a controversial audio clip on COVID 19.,0 Education Ministry will approve the exams of every student in Spain.,0 Vladimir Putin accused the “rest of the leaders” of having a plan to “reduce the world population.”,0 People are committing suicide due to the quarantine in Spain.,0 The new coronavirus created by China in a laboratory to “kill 1% of its population”.,0 Don’t take NSAIDs. This medicine worsens the symptom.,0 "If you see a person wearing a white wristband, leave him alone. He is under quarantine.",0 The symptoms of the first nine days when one contracts COVID-19.,0 Many foreigners wiped their saliva onto the handle of Taipei’s metro to spread COVID-19.,0 The spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian: American CDC admitted that COVID-19 patients were misdiagnosed as flu. U.S. Army is responsible for the outbreak in Wuhan.,0 University of Vienna declares Ibuprofen makes the COVID-19 disease worse.,0 Dr. Yavuz Dizdar’s multiple allegations around the COVID-19.,0 An audio clip suggests that the WHO has advised a lockdown.,0 "In an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Italy to Addis Ababa airport this evening, most of the passengers are infected with the virus, and there is no strength except in God.",0 Saddam Hussein talked about coronavirus to his cabinet and army in the nineties. He said that America has threatened him to spread this virus if he doesn’t follow their command.,0 Hospitals are advising people to wear gloves at petrol pumps.,0 Gargling with warm salt water can cure from the coronavirus.,0 Claim that the outbreak of COVID-19 is not real.,0 Claim that the outbreak of the virus was caused by 5G.,0 Elderly people who are caught wandering outside in Brazil will have their pensions canceled by the government.,0 "Photos show Maju Coutinho (a well known Brazilian journalist) walking around in Leblon beach with her boyfriend, even though she is urging people to stay inside during the pandemic.",0 Burglars are disguised as health agents to invade and rob apartment buildings in Belo Horizonte and Goiânia.,0 "Atacadão, a supermarket chain in Brazil, is distributing goods for free. You might get them if you leave a comment on the post.",0 “The chloroquine stock in Paris hospitals was robbed”.,0 This graph compares coronavirus deaths with other diseases.,0 Romania is introducing a new law that will penalize breaking the quarantine with 15 years of imprisonment.,0 COVID-19 was created in a lab to be used as a biological weapon.,0 India will go under lockdown from 4/15/20 to 6/15/20.,0 Viral post claims that a COVID-19 infected patient was found in Hsipaw township hospital in Myanmar.,0 “Gale of the wind” and “Neem Tree” leaves are good medicine to protect from the coronavirus.,0 Pope Francis ran away at a public meeting due to coronavirus fear.,0 After COVID-19 outbreak in europe Muslims and non-Muslims have come out in the streets shouting praises for Allah and reading Kalma.,0 Saddam Hussein predicted the coronavirus outbreak 40 years ago.,0 Eight COVID-19 patients in Ghana have recovered.,0 Persons with blood type A are more prone to coronavirus.,0 People with type A blood are more prone to get the new coronavirus.,0 "There’s definitive proof that chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine, are effective against COVID-19.",0 Fox News won Pulitzer for coronavirus coverage.,0 WhatsApp chain sent by a doctor at Vall d’Hebron Hospital (Barcelona) about coronavirus,0 Video recorded by a Muslim resident in Spain who accumulates supplies for coronavirus,0 El País publishes that Renfe is proposing an ERTE for its employees due to the coronavirus.,0 These remarks were made by Spanish Health official Fernando Simón “9 days ago”,0 MIlitary planes are going to fumigate the region of Comunidad Valenciana to disinfect it from coronavirus,0 Speech from Spanish King Felipe VI about coronavirus was plagiarized from the book “Palmeras en la Nieve” or “Las Palmeras.”,0 "A WhatsApp forward claims Prime Minister Narendra Modi called for a 14-hour long “Janta Curfew” on 3/22/20 from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. because the lifespan of the coronavirus in one place is only 12 hours and if we all follow the Janta Curfew religiously, then the chain will be broken",0 Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Reddy has claimed that Paracetamol is the only medication for coronavirus.,0 The United States of America threatened Iraq with coronavirus in 1990.,0 Education Ministry will approve the exams of every student in Spain.,0 Vladimir Putin accused the “rest of the leaders” of having a plan to “reduce the world population.”,0 People are committing suicide due to the quarantine in Spain.,0 A Facebook post suggests that China has created the new coronavirus in order to kill 1% of its population.,0 Don’t take NSAIDs. This medicine worsens the symptom.,0 "If you see a person wearing a white wristband, leave him alone. He is under quarantine.",0 The symptoms of the first nine days when one contracts COVID-19.,0 Many foreigners wiped their saliva onto the handle of Taipei’s metro to spread COVID-19.,0 The spokesman for Chinese Foreign Ministry Zhao Lijian: American CDC admitted that COVID-19 patients were misdiagnosed as flu. U.S. Army is responsible for the outbreak in Wuhan.,0 University of Vienna declares Ibuprofen makes the COVID-19 disease worse.,0 Dr. Yavuz Dizdar’s multiple allegations around the COVID-19.,0 An audio clip suggests that the WHO has advised a lockdown.,0 "In an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Italy to Addis Ababa airport this evening, most of the passengers are infected with the virus, and there is no strength except in God.",0 Saddam Hussein talked about coronavirus to his cabinet and army in the nineties. He said that America has threatened him to spread this virus if he doesn’t follow their command.,0 Janta curfew in India will help break the chain of transmission.,0 Hospitals are advising people to wear gloves at petrol pumps.,0 Gargling with warm salt water can cure from the coronavirus.,0 "The original form of the Corona COVID-19 virus after being enlarged 2,600 times",0 Video of the American Army distributing the coronavirus in China.,0 Gargling with warm water and salt or vinegar can kill coronavirus.,0 President Donald Trump tried to buy a vaccine developed in Germany.,0 A WhatsApp message resembling an Nigerian CDC circular says Nigeria has not placed a travel ban or provided quarantine measures for travellers from countries with coronavirus cases.,0 University of Vienna declares Ibuprofen makes the COVID-19 disease worse.,0 Spain is the European country where the coronavirus is more lethal.,0 Spaniards need to carry a work certificate or purchase receipts to justify to the Security Forces why they have taken to the streets under the state of alarm.,0 Chloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 "A post has been shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook and Twitter which claims that a factory in the Australian city of Melbourne has been hoarding essential supplies including baby formula, toilet paper and hand sanitiser for export to China during the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 Chloroquine was forbidden by a French government decree in January.,0 "A post giving a nurse’s advice not to be infected by coronavirus. The nurse is called Claire Magne and works at hospitals in Toulouse, or in Marseille, depending on publications.",0 "An audio circulating on WhatsApp says the way to end the COVID-19 pandemic is by “creating herd immunity groups.” Supposedly, it is a group of people who, thanks to their “positive thoughts and diet,,” manage to “alkalize their body” and prevent the virus from spreading.",0 "Deputy of the Movement to Socialism (MAS) in Bolivia, Juana Quispe Ari: USA created the anthrax disease.",0 "Bolivian Government Minister, Arturo Murillo, said that COVID-19 “is a type of cold”.",0 "The Whatsapp audio that states absolute quarantine in Bolivia is from Andrés Rojas, the CEO of Bolivia TV.",0 Ugandan landlords have been asked by the government to stop collecting rent as citizens stay home to fight COVID-19.,0 An article claims that a Kenyan died from COVID-19 on 3/20/20.,0 An image of coffins showing the victims of COVID-19 in Italy.,0 Persons with blood type A are more prone to coronavirus.,0 An image of coffins in Italy.,0 "President Rodrigo Duterte said COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, is only transmitted through contact with other people.",0 "U.S. President Donald Trump said in a White House briefing on 3/20/20 that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, which are often used to treat malaria, have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of COVID-19.",0 Says truck drivers are being turned away from fast-food restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic.,1 This picture show dozens of coffins in Italy because of the coronavirus.,0 It is forbidden to be more than one in a car in France during the lockdown.,0 "1720, 1919, 2020… Every hundred years, a pandemia “cleans” the Earth.",0 The French Education Minister has postponed the summer holidays because of the coronavirus outbreak.,0 “Wisconsin is the only state where all Republicans voted against protecting its citizens.”,1 “Fish tank additive may treat coronavirus.”,0 Romania is introducing a new law that will penalize breaking the quarantine with 15 years of imprisonment.,0 Italian doctor saying no one has died from coronavirus.,0 Audio message warns of the arrival of COVID-19 at Suba hospital in Columbia.,0 Audio clip of a conversation claiming that Government of India will announce shutdown of the country in the coming days from 4/15/20 to 6/15/20 in the wake of the coronavirus outbreak,0 People shouting “Allahu Akbar” in Europe after the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Government of India has announced a “National Lockdown” in the country from 3/20/20.,0 Indian PM Modi is providing free masks to people under Swachh Bharat Mission to protect them from the coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Recently, Petrol companies reduced Rs. 6.40 on petrol and on Diesel Rs. 6.80.",0 Saudi English-language magazine Sayidaty addresses novel coronavirus since 2013,0 Brazilian President declares “Gaza is the only coronavirus free city”.,0 "Italian prime minister Conte: we lost control over the coronavirus, everything is in the hands of God.",0 Video shows a woman falling down in Jeddah.,0 Coronavirus fears in Germany result in large crowds outside the supermarket.,0 "Donald Trump said, “People are dying who have never died before”",0 Not a single Muslim died of coronavirus in China.,0 You shouldn’t open your windows.,0 "The coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act gives members of Congress a pay increase.",0 "Because of the COVID-19 epidemic, an ice rink is turned to a morgue in Mulhouse (France).",0 Five helicopters are spraying disinfectants over German cities.,0 Favipiravir is a miracle cure for COVID-19.,0 Arbidol is a miracle cure for COVID-19.,0 A post claims that there are no cases of the new coronavirus in Russia.,0 Using hot air from a hair dryer on sinuses can prevent and treat COVID-19,0 A runny nose is not a COVID-19 symptom.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube in March 2020 alongside a claim that it shows police in Spain detaining people during a lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.",0 Romania has changed the law so that those who break the quarantine will face 15 years in prison.,0 "Recording of a conversation where one claims to be a friend of the WHO India Director’s brother, Saurabh, who gave him information that India will go into a complete lockdown mode from 4/15/20April to 6/15/20.",0 Bitter gourd juice can cure coronavirus in just two hours.,0 Ibuprofen is not good as a possible COVID-19 treatment.,0 A photo of coffins of dead people as a result of the new coronavirus.,0 People with type A blood are more prone to get the new coronavirus.,0 Persons with type A blood are more prone to the coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus is spreading rapidly on gas pumps.,0 Retirement cut for elderly people who take to the streets during quarantine.,0 Ambev company will distribute hand sanitizer to the population.,0 Using sauna or aiming a hairdryer at one’s nose will kill the coronavirus.,0 Belgium’s health minister banned sex inside or with 3 or more people.,0 Bill Gates has access to your DNA and ownership in WHO.,0 Coronavirus is an illusion and the cause of COVID-19 is the 5G signal.,0 "If everybody was vegan, we wouldn’t see a coronavirus epidemic. Infograph in English.",0 Cattle vaccine proofs that coronavirus has existed for years and that there already is a vaccine. Photo showing the cattle vaccine produced by the American medical company ScourGuard 4KC.,0 "The PCR tests have a false result in 30 to 50 percent of cases, they are not reliable.",0 Muslim Doctor died while treating people infected with coronavirus in Delhi,0 A sanitary Glade product says it is effective against the coronavirus.,0 "The Mexican government is going to spray the residents with toxic substances. They will also inject villagers with COVID-19. Consequently, some residents closed roads.",0 The new coronavirus was patented by the Pasteur Institute.,0 A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook and YouTube alongside a claim that it shows Chinese citizens converting to Islam as a result of the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Scared of Coronavirus, many people in China have converted to Islam and are offering Namaaz (prayers in Islam).",0 Cuba has a vaccine against the coronavirus called Interferón.,0 "Cuba’s health ministry, Dr. Hala, has given the vaccine against the coronavirus to China.",0 "The parks of Adra, in Spain, are being fumigated with poison.",0 "Katy Perry, Madonna and Black Sabbath shared videos of Italy’s flash mob with fake audio.",0 Coronavirus stays in throat for four days before arriving lungs. Gargling with salt water or vinegar kills the coronavirus.,0 "A magic remedy to prevent COVID-19: mix brown sugar, ginger, garlic, and Chinese leek, boil them and drink it.",0 Remedy recipe: (1) boil tea with bitter melon. (2) Lemon juice with salt or Chinese mesona,0 Video shows how American soldiers spread coronavirus during 7th CISM Military World Game in Wuhan.,0 Italians played the Chinese national anthem to thank China. People yelled “Grazie Cina”.,0 A dog in Hong Kong died of COVID-19.,0 Video shows a balcony party in the Turkish capital Ankara due to quarantine.,0 Korean series My Secret Terrius predicted the outbreak in advance.,0 Sitting in the sunlight will help cure coronavirus.,0 Giant hornets migrated to Europe due to the outbreak of coronavirus.,0 Photo shows row of coffins in Italy. Claims that this is how Bergamo in Italy deals with the dead from the virus.,0 "Video showing police beating people in China, linked with the outbreak.",0 Breathing air from a hair dryer or a sauna can prevent or cure COVID-19,0 "A purported advisory has been shared repeatedly in multiple Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp posts that claims a disinfectant will be sprayed into the air overnight in India in an effort to kill the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The posts urge residents to remain indoors during the spraying.",0 "In France, Mulhouse’s ice rink has been converted into a morgue.",0 People who replied to a French government text with texts saying they won’t respect confinement measures are now facing justice.,0 "The RDC government canceled every future exams for pupils, because of coronavirus.",0 Netflix is offering free access to anyone in Brazil during the coronavirus crisis.,0 Petrobras (Brazil’s largest oil company) is closing its refineries from March 24th onwards.,0 "A man claims his dog was vaccinated for coronavirus, thus the SARS-Cov-2 is not really a new virus.",0 Uber will suspend operations for 10 days in Brazil due to the pandemic.,0 Popular Cardiologist Devi Shetty talking about symptoms of COVID-19.,0 India asked for restriction of movement.,0 India spraying pesticides at night to prevent COVID-19.,0 Image claims to show dozens of coffins of Italians who have died from COVID-19.,0 "In this video Putin said: “Powerful of the world, I am aware of his diabolical plans to reduce the population”.",0 Spaniards are violating quarantine rules.,0 The recommendations against coronavirus in the viral WhatsApp audio were made by the owner of Swiss Medical (private health insurance company).,0 The WHO recommended that all countries go into quarantine to combat COVID-19.,0 "A video shows the Russian leader Vladimir Putin, giving a speech with captions that make him seem like he is rebuking world leaders.",0 The coronavirus was created in a biological laboratory in Wuhan.,0 Polish charity organisation WOSP has withdrawn its donation to coronavirus fight in Poland.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 You no longer need to have contact with someone to get the coronavirus.,0 5G technology caused the coronavirus.,0 WHO director overstated COVID-19 fatality rate as higher than flu.,0 Walmart is closing hundreds of its stores.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo bought private island to escape coronavirus.,0 Trump said “people are dying who have never died before”.,0 Obama family flown to private island to escape coronavirus pandemic.,0 Link takes viewers to application for FEMA assistance in the US.,0 WHO director overstated COVID-19 fatality rate as higher than flu.,0 5G technology caused the coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus stays in throat for four days before arriving lungs. Gargling with salt water or vinegar kills the coronavirus.,0 "A magic remedy to prevent COVID-19: mix brown sugar, ginger, garlic, and Chinese leek, boil them and drink it.",0 Remedy recipe: (1) boil tea with bitter melon. (2) Lemon juice with salt or Chinese mesona,0 Video shows how American soldiers spread coronavirus during 7th CISM Military World Game in Wuhan.,0 Italians played the Chinese national anthem to thank China. People yelled “Grazie Cina”.,0 A dog in Hong Kong died of COVID-19.,0 Video shows a balcony party in the Turkish capital Ankara due to quarantine.,0 Korean series My Secret Terrius predicted the outbreak in advance.,0 Sitting in the sunlight will help cure coronavirus.,0 China recognizes Palestinian doctor as discoverer of coronavirus vaccine,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes helps to avoid the contagion of cononavirus.,0 An audio message shared by Whatsapp users affirms that COVID-19 dies at 27° Celsius.,0 An audio broadcast on Whatsapp indicates that garlic helps to overcome diseases such as the coronavirus.,0 An audio message shared by Whatsapp users affirms that COVID-19 dies at 27° Celsius.,0 "Beverages like ‘akpeteshie’, a local Ghanaian brewed spirit made from sugarcane or palm wine, can be used as a substitute for hand sanitizers.",0 Allegations that garlic and a cold shower helps to avoid COVID-19.,0 Martial law is imminent in United States.,0 "A video of US President Donald Trump and a top US pharmaceutical executive speaking at a press conference has been viewed thousands of times in multiple Facebook, Twitter and YouTube posts alongside a claim that it shows them announcing a vaccine for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, was “ready” to be administered.",0 "A screenshot of a purported internal email disclosing that a bank in the Pakistani city of Rawalpindi was closed after an employee tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been shared on Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.",0 Homemade recipes for alcohol gel.,0 Netflix is offering free access for those in quarantine.,0 Posts circulating on social media claim that Ugandan and Kenyan authorities have instructed landlords to stop collecting rent due to the novel coronavirus.,0 Crocodiles were spotted swimming in the canals of Venice without the bustle of tourists.,0 "The canals in Venice have become cleaner after the shutdown, attracting schools of fish and dolphins.",0 Four men were tested positive to COVID-19 in Cameroon and ran away from the hospital.,0 A private lab was denied authorization to perform COVID-19 test.,0 Gargling salt water can protect against against COVID-19 by washing down the virus into the gut.,0 Tanzanian club spokesman Haji S. Manara was infected with COVID-19 during his tour of The Netherlands.,0 The World Health Organization is offering free internet for the public to access information about COVID-19.,0 Fake quote of Senator of the Philippines Francis “Kiko” Pangilinan saying he wants children to be exempted from the lockdown.,0 "Agnès Buzyn, former french minister of Health, took chloroquine out of a list of drugs that could be sold over the counter when the coronavirus started to spread.",0 Claim that “there is no” COVID-19 virus.,0 "The federal government is “preparing to mobilize the national guard,” “dispatch them across the US with military” and “announce a nationwide 1 week quarantine for all citizens.”",0 For coronavirus cases “in the U.S. 38% of those hospitalized are under 35.”,0 “Huge! Results From Breaking Chloroquine Study Show 100% Cure Rate For Patients Infected With The coronavirus.”,0 "According to Art. 116 of the Constitution, a “state of emergency” will be implemented in Mexico that will limit the free movement of people to combat the #COVID-19 epidemic.",0 "Video broadcast on networks allegedly shows the ‘first killed by COVID-19 in Ibagué’, in Columbia.",0 Video of passengers infected with coronavirus on an Ethiopian Airlines flight from Italy that reached Addis Ababa airport.,0 "Press Release on movement restriction for COVID-19 outbreak by National Security Council, PMO (India).",0 BBMP (Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike) will be spraying medicine in the air after 10 PM tonight in order to kill COVID-19.,0 Scientists have found that drinking bitter gourd juice can cure coronavirus.,0 This video shows goats affected by the coronavirus.,0 Gargling warm water with either salt or vinegar can eliminate coronavirus.,0 "An audio clip claiming to be of renowned heart surgeon Dr Devi Shetty is going viral on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp.",0 Indian government to spray medicine in the air overnight to kill coronavirus.,0 Leader of North Korea Kim Jong-Un visits an infected woman without wearing a mask.,0 French company produces the first coronavirus drug.,0 This photo of coffins in Italy is linked to the coronavirus.,0 Qatari Deputy Minister of Health leaves an Interview because of coronavirus,0 Videos showing police raids or army raids against people who don’t respect confinement measures in Algeria or Morocco.,0 Most of the passengers in an Ethiopian airlines flight from Italy are infected with coronavirus.,0 "Says imposters in hazmat suits are going door to door in Stockton, California, saying they are checking residents for fever or COVID-19, but they “will enter your home and physically attempt robbery.”",0 Drinking bitter gourd juice cures the coronavirus.,0 A photo making the rounds on social media claims to show people who have died from the coronavirus in Italy.,0 "A Russian drug called Arbidol, cures coronavirus.",0 "Interferon, that has been bought by the Venezuelan and Salvadoran governments, are proven effective in treating coronavirus.",0 "COVID-19 was invented and patented years ago by the Institut Pasteur, a French medical research center",0 "During the pandemic, Macedonian citizens will have no bread.",0 Vladimir Putin says that world leaders are trying to reduce the population.,0 List of UNICEF recommendations against COVID-19 includes drinking hot water.,0 Video shows Italy turning to Islam after giving up by the Italian authorities,0 Biden claims that Trump eliminated the White House pandemic office.,0 WHO offers free data for coronavirus info.,0 Italian Prime Minister Conte has foregone 20% of his salary due to COVID-19.,0 "The Italian National Guard has declared that it will apply a stricter set of rules, called BLS-4, if COVID-19 has not been contained by April the 15th.",0 Utility companies Manila Electric Company (Meralco) and Maynilad Water Services Inc are waiving their billings for March 2020 due to the coronavirus crisis.,0 Study proves wrong conspiracy theory that China created coronavirus for economic purposes.,0 "A purported advisory has been shared repeatedly in multiple Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp posts that claims a disinfectant will be sprayed into the air overnight in India in an effort to kill the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The posts urge residents to remain indoors during the spraying.",0 Drink water every 15 minutes to avoid coronavirus.,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes helps to avoid the contagion of coronavirus.,0 An audio shared on WhatsApp indicates that the coronavirus “is a psychosocial” and “a political war”.,0 An audio broadcast on Whatsapp indicates that garlic helps to overcome diseases such as the coronavirus.,0 An audio message shared by Whatsapp users affirms that COVID-19 dies at 27° Celsius.,0 "A purported advisory has been shared repeatedly in multiple Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp posts that claims a disinfectant will be sprayed into the air overnight in India in an effort to kill the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The posts urge residents to remain indoors during the spraying.",0 The quarantine will last until the end of May in Ukraine.,0 Indian City Bangalore Municipal Corp. requested people to stay at home and lock down houses as they will be spraying medicine to kill coronavirus.,0 Shoes are an important vector for the transmission of coronavirus.,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes prevents the coronavirus.,0 Using a non-dominant hand to open doors is a way to prevent coronavirus.,0 Italian prime minister cries because there is nothing they can do to treat COVID-19 and the situation is out of control.,0 "A WhatsApp message said that coronavirus has pH range 5.5 to 8.5; hence, people can counteract its effect by consuming fruits to neutralise the pH activity.",0 Tank engine apparently freighting coronavirus. Image showing a tank engine with ‘COVID-19’ stenciled on the side.,0 Coronavirus vaccine just around the corner. Numerous Danish news reports stating that all kinds of vaccines are just about ready.,0 Add ‘ICE’ (in case of emergency) to your phone contacts so paramedics will know who to call. Old chain letter on Facebook going viral again during the coronavirus epidemic.,0 A Whatsapp message that pretends to be from the German Robert Koch Institute advises to take 100 grams of alcohol a day because this would help to desinfect the throat and kill the coronavirus.,0 Claim that Sweden has refused to fight coronavirus.,0 A 2015 study is the proof that SARS-CoV-2 was made in a lab from combining two other viruses and that was the way it spread.,0 A widely shared image on social media of people dressed in military fatigues walking through Clapham Junction claims to be proof that the government is locking down the area or London more widely because of the new coronavirus.,0 Philippines Vice President Leni Robredo is shown in a quote card to be advising the public to “suck in their cough” to prevent spreading the novel coronavirus.,0 A video shows the Italian air force air show related to the coronavirus crisis in the country.,0 Milk helps fighting the new coronavirus.,0 Gargling with warm salt water prevents Coronavirus.,0 Helicopters are going to spread ‘medicines’ against the coronavirus in Spain.,0 France has suspended payment of rent and taxes for citizens due to coronavirus crisis.,0 "The exams to access university in Valencia region will be delayed to August 10, 11 and 12.",0 The army is requisitioning coronavirus protection material in Catalonia.,0 France has suspended payment of rent and taxes for citizens due to coronavirus crisis.,0 Helicopters are going to spread ‘medicines’ against the coronavirus in Spain.,0 Peru has just nationalized hospitals and clinics.,0 There is a Russian medicine that could be use against Sars-Cov-2.,0 This picture showing lots of coffins was taken in Bergamo in 2020.,0 Novel coronavirus is being spread via Coca-Cola.,0 "Novel coronavirus can survive 9 days on the road; you should keep your shoes out, a doctor from Milan says.",0 Clorox Already Knew About coronavirus And coronavirus Isn’t A New Virus.,0 The UNHCR said ‘migrants and illegals’ in Malaysia were resisting COVID-19 testing.,0 "Javier Ortega Smith, from VOX, has said that he prefers to be infected by the new coronavirus than to “have homosexualism”.",0 "This video shows a brawl this week which took place in a supermarket in Aubervilliers, in France, because of coronavirus.",0 This photo shows French nurses holding a sign to denounce police violence.,0 Facebook post claiming that French animal shelters “are overwhelmed by the abandonment of dogs and cats due to the coronavirus”.,0 Claim that the coronavirus was created and patented in a French institute (Institut Pasteur).,0 "Rodrigo Maia, president of the lower house of the Congress in Brazil, voted a law that forbids the president to close borders.",0 “Coronavirus victims are buried in the morning this Wednesday in Italy. Rest in peace.”,0 "Goats in Ajmer, Rajasthan were found to be COVID-19 positive.",0 Indian cricketer Sachin Tendulkar asked for meat shops to be banned in lieu of COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 passengers being disembarked at Senegal airport.,0 The COVID-19 has been invented by a big French public medical institute (Institut Pasteur).,0 Helicopters of the Argentine Air Force will spray disinfectant against the coronavirus.,0 Christine Lagarde said: “The elderly live too long and that is a risk to the global economy.”,0 "Cali in Colombia is going to be quarantined; for 14 days all commerce, supermarkets, shopping malls will be closed, no one can enter or leave by land or by plane.",0 "A photo shows coffins of people who died because of coronavirus in Italy, and that the virus is dangerous and you should stay inside.",0 Jobcenters (for unemployed people) close from today on in Germany.,0 Retaining your breath for 10 seconds will help you detect the coronavirus.,0 "In Ecuador, Maritza Frías, former director of the Teófilo Dávila Hospital in Machala, and Mauro Calle, former manager of this health center, concealed official figures of those infected.",0 Coronavirus phase 4 involves war code.,0 People with A-blood type are more prone to get coronavirus.,0 Egyptian doctor has invented a fluid to treat coronavirus.,0 "Maracaibo in Venezuela is the safest city to avoid coronavirus because it’s too hot, said Unicef.",0 "COVID-19 is no worse than other outbreaks that have occurred in “every election year,” suggesting that the new coronavirus is being “hyped” to hurt President Donald Trump.",0 Australian researchers have found that bananas can help prevent infection of COVID-19.,0 Hot air from hair dryers can kill the coronavirus.,0 Kitchen foods plus morning sunshine can prevent and cure coronavirus.,0 Man contracts COVID-19 by eating mutton.,0 A video shows Chinese police crackdown on suspected COVID-19 patients.,0 Image of coffins from Italy showing carnage due to recent COVID-19 outbreak.,0 Oman is releasing a special chemical into the sky to eradicate coronavirus with military helicopters.,0 With self-checkup you can find out if you are infected with coronavirus.,0 A train carrying vaccines with the inscription “COVID-19.”,0 Trump Is Promising To Send Americans Checks – Only After Checking People’s Social Media History.,0 "“Ministry of Health ITALY released a small video, HOW the virus spreads!!!… BEST VIDEO. Please see ..how innocently it spread. SOAP is the remedy CLEAN/ WASH ur Hands always”",0 The viral video claims to show the visuals of China police personnel trying to control the patients allegedly suffering from the pandemic.,0 "Coronavirus can be cured by sniffing clove and camphor and by drinking water, the virus will go to the stomach and the acid in the stomach will kill the virus.",0 "As coronavirus outbreak surges, PM Narendra Modi has decided to facilitate fellow countrymen with free masks under the ‘Swacch Bharat’ scheme.",0 Chinese intelligence officer says the novel coronavirus as a biological weapon invented by China.,0 Helicopters are going to spread ‘medicines’ against the coronavirus in Spain.,0 France has suspended payment of rent and taxes for citizens due to coronavirus crisis.,0 "La Paz, Gregorio Marañon or 12 de octubre hospitals are closing because the are over capacity.",0 "The exams to access university in Valencia region will be delayed to August 10, 11 and 12.",0 The army is requisitioning coronavirus protection material in Catalonia.,0 "La Paz, Gregorio Marañon or 12 de octubre hospitals are closing because the are over capacity.",0 France has suspended payment of rent and taxes for citizens due to coronavirus crisis.,0 Helicopters are going to spread ‘medicines’ against the coronavirus in Spain.,0 Peru has just nationalized hospitals and clinics.,0 There is a Russian medicine that could be use against Sars-Cov-2.,0 This picture showing lots of coffins was taken in Bergamo in 2020.,0 Novel coronavirus is being spread via Coca-Cola.,0 "Novel coronavirus can survive 9 days on the road; you should keep your shoes out, a doctor from Milan says.",0 Countries that are the most affected by the coronavirus are along the same latitude.,0 Clorox Already Knew About coronavirus And coronavirus Isn’t A New Virus.,0 Indonesian President Joko Widodo locked down 10 cities,0 People in this video are falling because of the coronavirus,0 Novel “The Eye of Darkness” predicts the coronavirus as a biological weapon from China,0 "If we want to protect ourselves from the coronavirus, we must back away from all the climate change efforts we’ve been making.",0 China has successfully tested an anti-coronavirus serum made in Egypt and presented in Beijing by the Egyptian Minister of Health.,0 The spread of COVID-19 can be prevented with a “home-made vaccine” based on fruits and other ingredients.,0 A hospital in Murcia in Spain has made a citizen appeal to make surgical masks.,0 "A video of a fire erupting inside a vehicle has been viewed hundreds of times on Facebook, Twitter and on messaging app Line in March 2020 alongside a claim it shows an explosion that was sparked by an alcohol-based disinfectant used during the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 All fruit and vegetable markets in the Indian city of Chennai and across the state of Tamil Nadu have been ordered to close in an effort to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus.,0 Claim that an American soldier was intentionally spreading the novel coronavirus in Wuhan during the seventh CISM Military World Games in October 2019 with a video clip of a man purportedly smearing saliva on the handrail on a train.,0 List of first COVID-19 patients in Guatemala with their personal information.,0 "As the US government moved to approve a $2 trillion stimulus package to address the impact of the novel coronavirus outbreak, a short block of text outlining Canada’s alleged response to the outbreak flourished on social media.",0 "The Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines “approved financial aid worth P20,000 for every member,” to assist those affected by the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 "“China is to blame because the culture where people eat bats and snakes and dogs and things like that, these viruses are transmitted from the animal to the people and that’s why China has been the source of a lot of these viruses like SARS, like MERS, the Swine Flu and now the coronavirus.”",0 Five Helicopters will spray disinfectants into the air to eradicate the coronaviruses.,0 "President Donald Trump tweeted, “I ordered the Treasury secretary to send checks to Americans! First however, we will go through your social media history from the last 4 years and search for any post with #NotMyPresident in it. I wouldn’t think of offending you with a check if I’m not your president! #MAGA”",0 "President Donald Trump said, “People are dying who have never died before.”",0 "The coronavirus “snuck up on us,” adding that it is “a very unforeseen thing.”",0 "2019 coronavirus can live for “up to 3 hours in the air, up to 4 hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard up to 3 days on plastic and stainless steel.”",1 Chennai municipal corporation has asked all vegetable and fruit markets to shut down.,0 Video of American President Donald Trump announcing that Roche Medical Company will launch the vaccine for COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus was found in meat (mutton).,0 Blowing hot air through a hairdryer will cure coronavirus.,0 Donald Trump announced that Roche will launch a vaccine for coronavirus next Sunday.,0 Military helicopters sprays pesticides against the coronavirus in Egypt.,0 A video shows Chinese people celebrating overthrowing the coronavirus.,0 Egyptian sterilization team dances to the beats of Bent Aljeeran.,0 "Due to the fear of coronavirus, Muslims in China are offering Namaz in the open street.",0 Old “Martinelli” and “Whatsapp Gold” hoaxes surface in Belgium in wake of the coronavirus infodemic.,0 "A boy is called COVID-19 in Monterrey, Mexico.",0 This poem describes people applying social distancing during a plague outbreak from the 19th century.,0 This text critically observes the behavior of the religious communities in Macedonia toward the Government’s recommendations to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus by limiting contacts and movement.,0 "A sensationalist headline, misleading readers: “Disturbing video: A proof that only today there are 349 dead in Italy, stay at home.”",0 "Author Chen Ming-Fang, the daughter-in-law of renowned doctor and medical professor Dong Da-Cheng, shared her own experience recovering from COVID-19.",0 "Audio allegedly from a CEO of a major hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, gives a higher number of deaths from coronavirus than officially announced.",0 China planned coronavirus.,0 São Paulo city hall schedules coronavirus tests by phone.,0 Wash your throat with salted water and apple vinegar to cure COVID-19.,0 "Spanish scientist (and former minister for agriculture) says that people should go to Ronaldo or Messi for the cure, as they are better paid.",0 Evidence shows the WHO director-general overstated COVID-19 fatality rate,0 5G Technology believed to have caused the coronavirus.,0 "In Ecuador, Maritza Frías, former director of the Teófilo Dávila Hospital in Machala, and Mauro Calle, former manager of this health center, concealed official figures of those infected.",0 Coronavirus phase 4 involves war code.,0 "France will pay rent, light and gas during quarantine for its citizens.",0 Helicopters and military aircraft spraying and disinfecting the streets at 11 p.m. in Spain,0 Some of Madrid hospitals close because they are “too full” because of the coronavirus.,0 "In Spain, La Paz, Gregorio Marañon or 12 de Octubre hospitals are closing because the are over capacity.",0 There is a Russian medicine that could be use against Sars-Cov-2.,0 Drinking alcohol helps against the new coronavirus,0 Drinking hot water every 15 min helps fighting COVID-19.,0 American fast-food chain Hardee’s is advising truckers to walk up to drive-thrus during coronavirus pandemic.,0 "An investigation team from France discovered what is hidden about COVID-19, the virus was made by the Pasteur Institute in Wuhan.",0 The atheist Italian doctor Julian Urban and his colleagues have converted to Christianity in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.,0 Coronavirus stays in the throat for a long time and dry out the mouth; you should use a gargle made of vinger and high salt solution to get rid of the virus.,0 There is nothing called coronavirus and COVDI19 is caused by sarin gas.,0 These at-home coronavirus testing kits are real.,0 Chinese scientist Ms Shih Zhengli warned that mosquitoes can spread COVID-19 and turn the virus into mosquito-coronavirus.,0 Video claiming: panicked shoppers in Italy storm supermarket amid coronavirus pandemic.,0 U.S. government using the cover of the coronavirus pandemic to remove end-to-end encryption so officials would be able to listen to everyone’s calls and see everyone’s private messages.,0 A Tokyo hospital destroys all the PCR-tested samples and tells patients instead that they have tested negative.,0 "An image has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and Reddit alongside claims that it shows trucks carrying COVID-19 relief that were set on fire by rebels of the New People’s Army (NPA), the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines.",0 A video claims Australian scientists said bananas can prevent COVID-19.,0 A university clinic in Vienna conducted a research which linked COVID-19 with the drug ibuprofen. The majority of patients with severe symptoms had used this drug.,0 The Cuban antiviral Interferon Alfa 2B is used in China to treat patients with the new coronavirus.,0 Diagnostic test in South Korea is less accurate compared to other countries’ test.,0 "The coronavirus has been known since 1976 and has been treated with arbidol, dibazole, and ribomunil.",0 Forest bacteria can help against the spread of COVID-19.,0 COVID-19 is treated with intravenous injections of vitamin C.,0 Video shows Chinese cops arresting Coronavirus patients.,0 Police have “free entry into houses and buildings” in Malaga to identify possible coronavirus infected people.,0 Niño Jesús hospital has been left without COVID-19 to care for children and young people in Madrid.,0 "Madrid enables 915,038,030 to request prescription drugs.",0 A whole floor of the main Peruvian hospital is infected with COVID-19 and they decided to close the place.,0 Italy official Giulio Gallera: China lies to us. The date China provided is false. Italy has become Wuhan and the medical system has a breakdown.,0 The photo shows the aid crew from Cuba to Italy.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo donated his hotel to be turned into an hospital.,0 Coronil drops can help cure coronavirus.,0 Police asked shops selling alcohol to restrict opening hours on St. Patrick’s Day to lower the risk of house parties where coronavirus could be spread.,0 A man is touching a push-cart with his tongue to spread the virus outside Lidl in Lithuania.,0 A train marked “COVID-19” was spotted in the U.S.,0 Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo says bats are the “enemy” in the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 The Indian government is distributing free face masks.,0 The Australian prime minister is about to announce a national lockdown.,0 This photo shows a Sri Lankan airline pilot who tested positive for the novel coronavirus.,0 Russian supermarkets are imposing pre-filled trolleys with basic food in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.,0 35 people infected by coronavirus are being treated in Ivory Coast within a military station.,0 Photo showing the poor condition for people who recently arrived in the country and were quarantined because of the novel coronavirus.,0 Water boiled with garlic cures coronavirus.,0 Israel has already developed a vaccine against COVID-19,0 Avoid drinking cold water during the pandemic; be exposed to sunlight.,0 Universal Church of the Kingdom of God is selling 500 Brazilian “blessed” hand-sanitizer bottles.,0 Brazilian singer Preta Gil was singing in a carnival “bloco” while infected with coronavirus.,0 A mixture of vinegar and fabric softener is a better disinfectant than alcohol.,0 Staff of two Mumbai hotels have COVID-positive cases.,0 President Donald Trump announced a vaccine by Roche Diagnostics.,0 Narendra Modi is giving free masks in India.,0 "Coronavirus patients were being arrested in Punjab, India.",0 The military is coming to Paris because of the coronavirus.,0 Another rumor claims the military is coming to Paris because of the coronavirus.,0 Ibuprofen enhances the coronavirus.,0 An image of people lying on the street is related to coronavirus.,0 Gargling with warm water and salt removes the coronavirus.,0 Cuba discovered a serum that cures COVID-19.,0 A study establishes the relationship between Ibuprofen and the severity of the virus infection. Apparently Ibuprofen facilitates the reproduction of the virus.,0 "“17 at 6:00 am, the state of emergency begins throughout the national territory” in accordance with “article 116 of the Constitution”, in Colombia.",0 "“17 at 6:00 am, the state of emergency begins throughout the national territory” in accordance with “article 116 of the Constitution”, in Colombia.",0 Although Germany closes its borders refugees and migrants may still come in and they will not be medically checked for coronavirus.,0 Medical University in Vienna has published a study about Ibuprofen and coronavirus.,0 An image shows a “Spanish biologist” who claimed that footballers who earn millions of euros should research the cure for coronavirus.,0 Three thousand Ecuadorians are infected with coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus will not be covered by private health insurance in Ecuador.,0 Helicopters are going to spread chemicals against the coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus patients develop lung fibrosis but you can diagnose by holding your breath.,0 The WHO approves anti-malarial drug Chloroquine for COVID-19.,0 Thailand CDC announces green chiretta can cure coronavirus.,0 Traditional cures and self-checks for the coronavirus.,0 Video of police in China taking into custody suspected COVID-19 patients in the country.,0 "After husband tested positive for coronavirus, wife fled from Bangalore to Agra in India.",0 "5,000 million Rupees fund allocated by Telangana CM KCR for coronavirus prevention is entirely funded by Central Government.",0 Video of President Donald Trump announcing that Roche Medical Company will launch the vaccine for COVID-19 next Sunday.,0 "2,000 people died of COVID-19 on 3/15/20 in France.",0 Gargling with lukewarm water mixed with salt/vinegar will remove coronavirus.,0 Tips for the new coronavirus: Holding breath and drinking water.,0 China finds a vaccine for the new coronavirus.,0 A dog vaccine can be used against coronavirus in people.,0 15 minutes in a sauna will kill the coronavirus.,0 Eating bananas prevents coronavirus.,0 "Madrid enables 915,038,030 to request prescription drugs.",0 Niño Jesús hospital has been left without COVID-19 to care for children and young people in Madrid.,0 Here are the measures that Mercadona will implement due to the coronavirus crisis.,0 Police have “free entry into houses and buildings” in Malaga to identify possible coronavirus infected people.,0 Police have “free entry into houses and buildings” in Malaga to identify possible coronavirus infected people.,0 Niño Jesús hospital has been left without COVID-19 to care for children and young people in Madrid.,0 "Madrid enables 915,038,030 to request prescription drugs.",0 Italy official Giulio Gallera: China lies to us. The date China provided is false. Italy has become Wuhan and the medical system has a breakdown.,0 The photo shows the aid crew from Cuba to Italy.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo donated his hotel to be turned into an hospital.,0 Coronil drops can help cure coronavirus.,0 Police asked shops selling alcohol to restrict opening hours on St. Patrick’s Day to lower the risk of house parties where coronavirus could be spread.,0 China finds a vaccine for the new coronavirus.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo turns hotel into hospital for coronavirus.,0 Video shows Chinese police crackdown on coronavirus patients.,0 It is advisable to leave outside the shoes used on the street to prevent coronavirus.,0 Sanitary technicians are going to inspect houses and seize cash.,0 Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo says bats are the “enemy” in the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 A flyer offers official advice about the novel coronavirus from a Veterans Affairs (VA) healthcare system in the U.S. state of Oregon.,0 A photo of a room lined with coffins shows Italian nationals killed during the novel coronavirus pandemic in 2020.,0 "A “Spanish biological researcher” says “You give the footballer 1 million euros a month and a biological researcher 1,800 euros per month, and you are now looking for a coronavirus treatment. Go to Cristiano Ronaldo or Messi and they will get you a cure.” A quote published with a photo of this so-called “Spanish biological researcher.”",0 "Jeanine Áñez, actual president of Bolivia, has COVID-19.",0 Information about a complete quarantine in Guatemala.,0 14 University of Nairobi students have tested positive for COVID-19.,0 "Senator of the Philippines Risa Hontiveros says she is “ready to get coughed on,” and that “the police and military are more frightening than dying from the virus.”",0 "Philippines Vice President Leni Robredo says “bats, not the virus, are our enemy.”",0 A photo showing coffins and describing them as coffins of people who died because of the coronavirus.,0 The WHO coronavirus test “was a bad test.”,0 Sweden has stopped fighting against the new coronavirus.,0 "“All U.S. citizens are entitled to $700 USD per week to stay at home to avoid the spread of COVID-19 novel coronavirus, starting 3/17/20.”",0 "“I’ve always known this is a real, this is a pandemic. I’ve felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”",0 “People are going door to door in Colorado Springs stating they are COVID-19 testing so they can rob people!”,0 "“U.S. deaths since 1/22/20: COVID-19, 27; flu, 4,700; abortion, 118,000.”",0 Says it was “unquestionably” not within his “legal authority” to postpone Illinois’ primary election by changing the date or shifting to vote-by-mail.,1 Novel coronavirus can be eliminated by drinking lots of water and gargling with warm water mixed with salt or vinegar.,0 Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Video of police in China taking into custody suspected COVID-19 patients in the country.,0 The new coronavirus is a biological weapon.,0 Syrians Are Gathering Regardless of coronavirus Outbreak.,0 Ethiopian Plane Carries People Infected With coronavirus.,0 Emirati singer Ahlam’s Mask Is Crowned With Diamonds.,0 "In the United States, WIC receivers still only get one type of food during a pandemic.",0 Nancy Pelosi tried to secure taxpayer funds for abortion through a coronavirus bill.,0 "If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds without coughing or chest pain, you are good, you don’t have COVID-19, and If your nose is clogged or runny, it’s just a cold.",0 "If you are infected with the new coronavirus, for high fever you should not take Ibuprofen (Brufen) or Paracetamol. Adults should drink a strong black coffee every few hours.",0 Harvard scientists explain: Here’s how you can cure the coronavirus yourself before the vaccine comes out and a WhatsApp message states: “The Ministry of Health has approved an immediate 350 euro reward for those staying home.” The first child that lost his life because of coronavirus.,0 Army trucks are deployed in Paris and in other large French cities because of the coronavirus epidemic.,0 "If you can hold your breath for more than 10 seconds, you are not infected by coronavirus.",0 "Water in Venice begins to become more crystalline, thanks to the ban in Italy by COVID-19.",0 The executive order to restrict worship in South Korea for prevention of epidemics is religious oppression.,0 There is censorship against the use of chloroquine as a treatment.,0 U.S. President Donald Trump or presidential candidate Joe Biden referred to the novel coronavirus pandemic as a time when “people are dying that have never died before.”,0 President Trump’s use of data for deaths from swine flu and seasonal flu.,0 Having a beard increases your chances of getting coronavirus.,0 Sweden refused to fight the coronavirus.,0 "Taking a hot bath, breathing in hot steam or using a hand dryer to blow hot air up the nose are effective ways to prevent COVID-19, according to a lecturer in health sciences faculty at Ghanaian university.",0 "Warm water with salt prevents the new coronavirus infection, killing it in the throat.",0 An image shows a train transporting the COVID-19 virus.,0 A hospital in Debar (North Macedonia) was left without an epidemiologist.,0 Some portals published a photo that they claim was taken on the buses of the Public Transport Company in Skopje. The photo shows a person in protective equipment in a public transport. And that was enough for someone to claim that this is how the buses in Skopje are disinfected against the coronavirus in the presence of passengers.,0 Fiocruz (Brazilian health organization) did not share text informing that coronavirus is bigger than other virus; that the virus dies on temperatures such as 26ºC or 27ºC; warm water with salt kills the coronavirus in your amygdala; hot plates are the best to kill the virus,0 Brazilian government releases R$ 470 for people in Bolsa Família (poverty addressing program) to buy masks and hygiene products.,0 The coronavirus was created the Institut Pasteur in France and patented in 2004.,0 Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo says bats are the “enemy” in the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 Oman is releasing pesticides in the air through helicopters to eliminate coronavirus.,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes will protect people from coronavirus.,0 "3,000 Ecuadorians are infected with coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus will not be covered by private health insurance in Ecuador.,0 Madrid has enabled the phone number 915038030 to request prescriptions.,0 Niño Jesús Hospital is now “clean” of coronavirus to take care of children and young people in Madrid.,0 Police has “free entry in houses and buildings” in Malaga to identify possible coronavirus infections.,0 "Javier Ortega Smith, from VOX, has said he prefers to be infected by the new coronavirus than to “have homosexualism”.",0 Spanish politician Ortega Smith said “I prefer to get COVID-19 to being gay.”,0 "“While all COVID-19 news has been going on, the U.S. government has been sneakily trying to remove end-to-end encryption” which means “the government will be able to see all of your messages and listen to all of your calls.”",0 Did Donald Trump attempt to steal a COVID-19 vaccine from a German company and refuse testing kits from WHO?,0 "Genefir Haller, the woman who voluntereed to try one of the COVID-19 vaccines, is dead.",0 Unclear official guidelines from authorities regarding outdoor activities in Denmark. Televised news report showing people outdoors in close proximity to each other casusing social media outrage,0 Georgian homeopath discussed a homeopathic drug with crocodile blood that cures coronavirus.,0 Philippine Presidential Spokesperson Salvador Panelo said South Korea imposed a “total lockdown” to control the spread of COVID-19.,0 The internet will collapse globally due to the new coronavirus outbreak.,0 The danger of contracting the new coronavirus is extremly low for people living in Greece. Even in cases of infection the risk of transmiting the virus to other people or having serious complications is extremely low.,0 Thieves disguised as doctors and nurses entering houses with the excuse of testing for coronavirus.,0 The Uruguayan Air Force announced that it will spray disinfectant from a helicopter to eradicate the new coronavirus.,0 Spanish biologist compares salaries of footballers and doctors looking for COVID-19 vaccine.,0 "In Ukraine, utility bills are deferred for two months due to the quarantine.",0 Harvard scientists explain: Here’s how you can cure the coronavirus yourself before the vaccine comes out and a WhatsApp message states: “The Ministry of Health has approved an immediate 350 euro reward for those staying home.” The first child that lost his life because of coronavirus.,0 A conpiracy theory about a news report from the correspondent in Finland for the Swedish public service TV.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo turned his hotels into hospitals for COVID-19 patients.,0 Medical University in Vienna has published a study about Ibuprofen and coronavirus.,0 Egypt Health Minister has given China the vaccine against the coronavirus.,0 The Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo decided to turn his hotels into free hospitals,0 Italy from the space during a flash mob in March 2020.,0 Turkish Ministry of Health issued a document that shows radical measures against COVID-19.,0 Women’s inhouse gatherings are banned due to the outbreak.,0 New virus stays at the throat level for four days.,0 Turmeric And Lemon Help Fight Against coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus patient arrested in Punjab,0 The word “coronavirus” used on various sanitary products suggest that the outbreak of COVID-19 is a planned operation.,0 Gargling warm water with salt and/or vinegar kills SARS-CoV-2.,0 "Clinics in the Philippines are turning away people with COVID-19 symptoms, because of a advisory from the department of health.",0 Red soap and white handkerchiefs are good against the coronavirus.,0 Israel allegedly developed a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 A video on Facebook and YouTube purports to show billionaire businessman Jack Ma praising China’s response to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.,0 "A photo shows two military vehicles transported by a truck on the highway, near Paris, to be used for the French population’s confinement.",0 "On 3/16/20, Macron announced a quarantine for all cities in France and will announce later during the day the passage to “stage 4” of the epidemic.",0 "A legal decree in France, published on 3/15/20, sets the ground for the use of the army in the fight against the novel coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus stays in the throat 4 days before reaching the lungs and gargling lukewarm water with vinegar and salt can kill it.,0 "You can self-diagnose COVID-19 by holding your breath for 10 seconds, and avoid COVID-19 by drinking water constantly. COVID-19 causes fibrosis in the lungs.",0 Drinking water and gargling with salt or vinegar eliminates the novel coronavirus.,0 Israel has found a cure and a vaccine for coronavirus.,0 Indian industrialist tweets that a specific mask can kill viruses.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo’s hotels to be turned into quarantine centres in Portugal.,0 Chinese police crack down on suspected coronavirus patients.,0 "A video shows Italians or French people singing Madonna, Katy Perry, Britney Spears or Aya Nakamura songs on their balcony because of the lockdown measure in France and Italy.",0 The ice skating rink in Mulhouse will be used as a morgue.,0 An official decree taken by the government says the military will have to help in the hospitals.,0 Nostradamus predicted COVID-19.,0 Italian doctors recommend taking off shoes when you get home.,0 Christine Lagarde says the elderly are living too long.,0 Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno and family quarantined in luxury Galapagos home.,0 Ibuprofen worsens coronavirus infection.,0 President Donald Trump in the next 48 to 72 hours will impose a nationwide “mandatory quarantine.”,0 Gargling water with salt or vinegar “eliminates” the coronavirus.,0 "Coronavirus pneumonia is similar to a dry cough and hot weather, garlic and hot water are remedies for COVID-19.",0 Claims of cures for COVID-19 from multiple countries.,0 Photo of meat (mutton) affected by coronavirus.,0 "Office Memorandum of the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare declaring holidays to the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim in the wake of COVID-19.",0 35 Italians tourists don’t want to leave Ethiopia and go back in Italy because of the coronavirus.,0 "30 cases of new coronavirus in the city of Barranquilla, in Colombia.",0 Saline water kills the new coronavirus.,0 All baby formula providers are shipping formula for free during the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Coronavirus Outbreak Prompted Gun And Ammunition Policy Changes At Walmart.,0 Dallas student celebrating spring break collapses from coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus is the least deadly virus.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo is turning his hotels into hospitals to fight coronavirus.,0 WalMart reducing hours of operation.,0 Tanker train marked with “COVID-19” on its side.,0 CDC warns people that morel mushroom increases coronavirus risk by 200%.,0 Police have not issued any “domiciliation order” in Madrid to stay at home under a fine of 1000€.,0 "EFE news agency published a tweet announcing that the Government will impose fines of 300,000 euros on people who travel to other regions.",0 “A looting” in a supermarket due to the coronavirus.,0 Irene Montero is coughing on someone during the 8M women protest.,0 Egypt Health Minister has given China the vaccine against the coronavirus.,0 Insurance companies stop covering traffic accidents because the coronavirus.,0 Insurance companies stop covering traffic accidents because the coronavirus.,0 Egypt Health Minister has given China the vaccine against the coronavirus.,0 The Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo decided to turn his hotels into free hospitals,0 Italy from the space during a flash mob in March 2020.,0 Turkish Ministry of Health issued a document that shows radical measures against COVID-19.,0 Women’s inhouse gatherings are banned due to the outbreak.,0 New virus stays at the throat level for four days.,0 Turmeric And Lemon Help Fight Against coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus patient arrested in Punjab,0 Coronavirus detection is possible by holding your breath for 10 seconds,0 Drinking alcohol can kill the coronavirus,0 Uber services in Ghana were suspended because of the pandemic.,0 A military Humvee labeled “COVID-19 quarantine team” was on Interstate 696 in Michigan.,0 "EFE has published that those who move from one Spanish region to another under the state of alarm will be fined up to 300,000 euros.",0 Insurance companies will stop covering auto accident policies under the alarm state.,0 Helicopters will spray Spanish cities to disinfect them from coronaviruses.,0 President Giammattei said the economic activity would be limited but didn’t mention call centers and maquilas.,0 President Donald Trump is “announcing tomorrow that the U.S. is going into quarantine for the next 14 days.”,0 President Donald Trump “will evoke (sic) what is called the Stafford act” and “order a two week mandatory quarantine for the nation.”,0 "“Now, as it stands, our health care system has adequate ventilators, ICU beds, medical professionals.”",0 Claim that Dr. Anthony Fauci’s statement that the coronavirus death rate is 10 times that of the seasonal flu is “a claim without any scientific basis.”,0 “Sunlight actually can kill the [novel coronavirus].”,0 Video shows problems faced by Chinese police while catching coronavirus-infected people.,0 "Flu vaccine increases coronavirus risk 36%, says military study.",0 "Details of three coronavirus positive cases reported in Kothapet (Hyderabad, India).",0 One can get free masks from the government to fight coronavirus by filling this form in the web link.,0 Israeli Minister of Health provides information on coronavirus to Palestinians.,0 President Trump: Swiss company Roche discovered a cure for coronavirus.,0 Video shows the arrest of the first coronavirus case in Jordan.,0 Photo shows the solidarity of Italian people against the coronavirus.,0 Photo shows Palestinians’ solidarity with Italy.,0 A post on Facebook and Twitter claims an official advisory was issued by Singapore’s Ministry of Health about the first symptoms of the novel coronavirus.,0 Stage 4 of the epidemic means “quarantine for all cities in France.”,0 The COVID-19 test kits from a Korean company are deemed suspicious by U.S. Congress.,0 "A headline about the closure of the airport in Skopje: “The Airport Also Closed: 26 passengers from Skopje Airport returned, foreign nationals”.",0 "A large group of citizens in the Republic of North Macedonia — every member of the party Social Democratic Union of Macedonia (SDSM) — is quarantined, allegedly because they were in contact with the director of the Skin Clinic in Skopje, infected with COVID-19.",0 "A headline reads: “Chaos in Debar: Roadblocks, fires, apocalyptic scenes in Macedonia”.",0 Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro declared a national holiday due to coronavirus.,0 Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Brazilian beverage company Ambev stops beer production.,0 A video on Facebook and YouTube purports to show billionaire businessman Jack Ma praising China’s response to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus.,0 Nostradamus predicted COVID-19.,0 Italian doctors recommend taking off shoes when you get home.,0 Christine Lagarde says the elderly are living too long.,0 Ecuadorian President Lenin Moreno and family quarantined in luxury Galapagos home.,0 Insurance companies in Spain cease to cover traffic accidents due to coronavirus.,0 Insurance companies stop covering traffic accidents because the coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 is caused by 5G.,0 No evidence that 5G is being forcibly installed in schools.,0 The government is closing businesses to stop the spread of coronavirus even though “the numbers are nothing compared to H1N1 or Ebola. Everyone needs to realize our government is up to something …”,0 Photos show animals returning to clear Venice canals.,0 A charitable hospital in Pakistan charged patients for novel coronavirus tests.,0 Train with the name of COVID-19 in september 2019 in America that carry the gas responsible for COVID-19.,0 The photo claimed that violators of quarantine in the Philippines were trapped in wooden fetters.,0 President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte ordered a mandatory “no work with pay” policy for one month.,0 Breathing deeply in a sauna for 20 minutes kills coronavirus. Infograph in English quoting a “doctor” (Doctoral Degree in Education with a specialization in Psycholinguistics).,0 Hot bathes and sweating treatments can cure the disease; the virus dies at 40 degrees and the immune system gets stronger with every degree of fever.,0 There is a train wagon carrying the sign “COVID-19” which is used to carry and spread the disease.,0 The new coronavirus survives on shoes and other surfaces.,0 "If you are not a carrier of the virus, surgery masks should be worn inside out.",0 Israeli scientists developed a vaccine for the novel Coronavirus.,0 A message chain claims that Stanford hospital gives advice to drink water every 15 minutes in order to prevent COVID-19.,0 The Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo decided to turn his hotels into free hospitals,0 "Four young people have been hospitalized with coronavirus, exacerbated by the use of Ibuprofen.",0 Claim that football star Cristiano Ronaldo has converted his hotel chain into coronavirus hospitals.,0 The novel coronavirus is not new.,0 Ugandan president announces the postponement of elections.,0 A video shows how the coronavirus is transmitted between people,0 "In France, a picture shows policemen spraying tear gas on nurses and a text criticizes Macron’s treatment toward health employees.",0 Cristiano Ronaldo will convert his hotels into coronavirus hospitals.,0 In Spain dozens of people faced beatings and shoves with the police because they prevented them from going to a mass to pray against COVID-19.,0 "European and South American flights cause chaos at Mexico Airport, due to coronavirus.",0 China benefited financially from new coronavirus,0 Chinese intelligence officer reveals coronavirus is a bioweapon.,0 "Indian Daily Reports That Wife Of A Positive Patient Ran Away, did not comply with the authorities and tested positive.",0 Audio claiming India would be put under a complete lockdown.,0 Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo transformed his hotels into hospitals for COVID-19 patients.,0 "A ship from China is anchored in Santa Marta, in Colombia.",0 Holding your breath for 10 seconds will tell you if you have COVID-19.,0 "There are 30 cases of COVID-19 in Barranquilla, but the government is hiding them.",0 Gargling with hot water and salt can prevent COVID-19.,0 China has successfully developed a vaccine ready to combat the coronavirus.,0 "A video shows an Italian doctor who says that nobody died from coronavirus in Italy, that it’s not more dangerous than a flu.",0 Cristiano Ronaldo will turn his hotels into hospitals.,0 "Lombardia, Italy, asks Cuba, China and Venezuela to send doctors.",0 COVID-19 arrived in the U.S. by train.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo turned his hotels into hospitals.,0 "A meme posted offers mixed advice — some true, some false — about coronavirus protection.",0 Left-wing Spanish politicians Irene Montero and Pablo Iglesias have private sanitarian services waiting in front of their homes.,0 A message chain claims that Stanford hospital gives advice to drink water every 15 minutes in order to prevent COVID-19.,0 The Portuguese soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo decided to turn his hotels into free hospitals,0 "Four young people have been hospitalized with coronavirus, exacerbated by the use of Ibuprofen.",0 “Bill Gates told us about the coronavirus in 2015.”,1 "COVID-19 is large in size, where the cell diameter is 400-500 micrometers. For this reason, any mask can prevent its entry.",0 A video showing a man infected with coronavirus and touching pieces of bread in a supermarket in Europe.,0 Guatemalan Ministry of Health is hiding a COVID-19 case in a hospital in the city of Amatitlán.,0 Helicopter of the armed forces disinfects the streets at night.,0 Graphics with information about COVID-19 containing UNICEF branding and inaccurate information.,0 A situation update allegedly from Kenya’s Citizen TV stating the number of COVID-19 cases.,0 "A meme shows an image of fully stocked shelves of toilet paper, purportedly during the 2009 H1N1 outbreak, above barren shelves during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.",0 A video viewed more than 2.4 million times on Facebook urges people to inhale steam to “kill” the novel coronavirus.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube which claim it shows Chinese police arresting people infected with the novel coronavirus.",0 Research made by scientists from the University of Queensland in Australia has proven that bananas improve your immune system and help prevent COVID-19.,0 Cristiano Ronaldo transformed some of his hotels into hospitals to fight COVID-19.,0 A large crowd in Paris protested against the lockdown.,0 The spread of the new coronavirus was planned by the Rockefellers years ago.,0 The WHO offered the testing kits that they have available and to give it to us now. We refused them. We did not want to buy them.”,0 "President Donald Trump “cut funding to the CDC,” “fired the Pandemic Response Team,” “refused WHO tests” and “wasted two weeks calling this outbreak a ‘Democrat hoax.’”",0 The claim that there is a cure from the new coronavirus. The name of the drug is decametoxine.,0 Pandemics happen every 100 years.,0 The quarantine will last until the end of May in Ukraine.,0 “COVID-19 started because we eat animals.”,0 "“George Soros owns the WuXi PHARMA LAB located in Wuhan, China, where COVID-19 was developed and conveniently broke out.”",0 Coronavirus is just “the damn flu.”,0 "“So Oscar Health, the company tapped by Trump to profit from covid tests, is a Kushner company. Imagine that, profits over national safety.”",1 Says businesses will give you free baby formula during the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Ibuprofen can be an aggravating factor; one should use Paracetamol instead.,0 Actor Tom Hanks died due to coronavirus.,0 The Italian medical sector is angry at Ronaldo.,0 Ronaldo Bought an island to isolate himself from coronavirus.,0 Bahraini women escape from quarantine.,0 Supermarkets in Germany will only open two days a week. A screenshot shows a report from the media outlet Focus.,0 The photo of a pornography actor is used to represent a health professional.,0 Study from Queensland Australia says that eating a banana a day prevents COVID-19 because of Vitamin B6.,0 "President Vucic claimed that according to the EU decisions, Serbia cannot import medical equipment from the EU countries.",0 "Drugs used against malaria (Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin) can cure COVID-19.",0 You can test a quality of reusable mask blowing a lighter as you wear it.,0 Footballer Ronaldo is turning his hotels into COVID-19 hospitals.,0 "No coronavirus in Nigeria yet, according to pastor.",0 Cristiano Ronaldo is going to transform his hotels into hospitals.,0 Having a patent on a virus means we have created the virus.,0 Video shows Italian people greeting and clapping for China during the COVID-19 emergency.,0 Nostradamus predicted the current COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "State of emergency begins on 3/17/20, according to article 116 of the Constitution.",0 Quarantine may last for several years.,0 "“Amoxi” Capsule, made in US, is the only medicine that can completely cure COVID-19.",0 Did genetic mutations cause the coronavirus to become more dangerous.,1 Two psychics and a book about CIA have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 "In the Philippines, Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) Secretary General Renato Reyes was spotted panic buying in an S&R Branch.",0 Specific compounds can be used effectively to prevent and/or treat every viral infection including the new coronavirus.,0 Dettol is an effective disinfectant for COVID-19.,0 The coronavirus pandemic was planned by Rockefeller back in 2010.,0 It was claimed that Israelis discovered vaccine for Coronavirus and no more deaths will be there,0 "Viral image with differences between a cold, the flu and COVID-19.",0 Catalonia universities give all course credits to its students after classes being suspended.,0 "Spanish home office has not issued a statement announcing the complete closure of Madrid, the Basque Country and La Rioja.",0 "Felipe Gonzalez, ex-prime minister of Spain, says the Spanish coalition government cannot face the COVID-19 crisis.",0 The current coronavirus has been “manufactured” in Wuhan.,0 An American soldier has been paid to spread COVID-19 in Europe.,0 Turkish President Erdoğan will declare a curfew due to COVID-19.,0 Two COVID-19 patients were executed in North Korea.,0 Italian air force’s air show to motivate the public under quarantine.,0 Ireland is going into a full lockdown.,0 "A photo claims that military vehicles are combating COVID-19 in Palermo, Italy.",0 Cristiano Ronaldo will convert his hotels into coronavirus hospitals.,0 37.000 US soldiers are entering the EU while everybody is busy with the coronavirus; the soldiers are immune.,0 The University hospital in Vienna found out that Ibuprofen speeds up the spreading of the coronavirus.,0 Drinking lots of water and gargling with warm water and salt or vinegar eliminates the coronavirus.,0 Quotes by Finnish national health authorities between January 20 and March 3 are taken out of context.,0 Corporations invented the coronavirus.,0 Curfew issued for Bossier city due to coronavirus.,0 CEO Resignations Are Linked To Global Conspiracy.,0 Coronavirus is found in crab legs.,0 Military on streets of Philadelphia preparing to invoke martial law and bring citizens to FEMA camps.,0 Article overstates threat of coronavirus.,0 Drinking lots of water and gargling with warm water and salt or vinegar eliminates the novel coronavirus. Spread the information as you can save someone.,0 Eating salt on the onion will eliminate the coronavirus.,0 "Viral image with differences between a cold, the flu and COVID-19.",0 Catalonia universities give all course credits to its students after classes being suspended.,0 "Spanish home office has not issued a statement announcing the complete closure of Madrid, the Basque Country and La Rioja.",0 "Felipe Gonzalez, ex-prime minister of Spain, says the Spanish coalition government cannot face the COVID-19 crisis.",0 The current coronavirus has been “manufactured” in Wuhan.,0 There are one hundred children infected with COVID-19 in the main hospital in Lima.,0 An American soldier has been paid to spread COVID-19 in Europe.,0 Turkish President Erdoğan will declare a curfew due to COVID-19.,0 Two COVID-19 patients were executed in North Korea.,0 Italian air force’s air show to motivate the public under quarantine.,0 Ireland is going into a full lockdown.,0 A post shows a rail freight tanker with “COVID-19” stamped on one side.,0 A graphic claims that gargling warm water with salt or vinegar can eliminate the novel coronavirus.,0 Gargling salt with water “eliminates” the 2019 novel coronavirus.,0 "Former senator Antonio Trillanes IV allegedly posted a tweet saying that President Rodrigo Duterte is to blame for calamities the country has been facing, including the novel coronavirus pandemic.",0 Astrologers had predicted the appearance of a coronavirus in 2020.,0 “Italy has decided not to treat their elderly for this virus.”,0 "Says that “over a 45-minute period that we had the press conference” on the coronavirus on March 13, 2020, the stock market set “an all-time record.”",1 "After husband tested positive for coronavirus, wife fled from Bangalore to Agra in India.",0 French Fans Cheered With Joy When President Macron Announced Holiday To Fight coronavirus.,0 Video From The German Government To Its Citizens About coronavirus.,0 Leaving half an onion in your home will “catch” the coronavirus and prevent people from getting it.,0 "Before reaching the lungs, the coronavirus remains in the throat for three or four days and at this time the person begins to cough and have a sore throat. If you drink a lot of water and gargle with warm water and salt or vinegar, you can remove the virus.",0 Drink water a lot and gargle with warm water and salt or vinegar to eliminate the virus.,0 A Cuban vaccine cured 1.500 people infected with the new coronavirus.,0 The Simpsons had already predicted the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Gargling warm salt water or vinegar prevents coronavirus infection.,0 There are 100 children infected with COVID-19 in the main hospital in Lima.,0 There are 100 children infected with COVID-19 in the main hospital in Lima.,0 "If you drink water with lemon, it prevents the new coronavirus.",0 LGBTQ people in the US are demanding to be treated first for coronavirus.,0 Stop taking NSAIDs as it increases the effect of the virus on the body and causes the spread of COVID-19.,0 "Check list of symptoms for COVID-19, regular flu and seasonal cold. Photo comparing the symptoms of COVID-19, regular flu, and seasonal cold. WHO given as source.",0 A video with thousands of shares and more than 1.5 million views on Facebook claims to show FBI agents seizing masks infected with the novel coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 is a vaccine that is ‘activated’ and spreads with the 5G.,0 Multiple Facebook and Twitter posts shared hundreds of times claim the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that no vegetarian has contracted the novel coronavirus.,0 Says kitchen worker in viral video is potentially spreading coronavirus by blowing into food containers.,0 Daniel Radcliffe is the first celebrity to test positive for Coronavirus.,0 Vodka can reduce the Coronavirus threat.,0 "They are not looking for volunteers to be infected with COVID-19 in British laboratories for 4,000 euros.",0 "Zhong Nanshan: Shower may cause coronavirus infection, according to cases in Hong Kong and the Diamond Princess.",0 "The Minister of Defense of Japan posted a tweet to thank Taiwan for donating 500,000 face masks.",0 Asterix comics in 1981 mentioned coronavirus; French people knew the outbreak in advance.,0 A Turkish citizen in Yozgat ate yogurt and soap together to get rid of the virus.,0 The health service in Ireland is asking people to stockpile food.,0 Ireland is going into a ‘Status Red’ lockdown with the military patrolling the streets.,0 COVID-19 Breeds Rapidly In Toilet Paper.,0 A photo claimed that a Lithuanian town of Mazeikiai is being cut off from the rest of the country due to outbreak of COVID-19.,0 A Facebook post claimed that a message from Stanford hospital gives advice to drink water every 15 minutes in order to prevent COVID-19,0 "An image claims that hundreds of infected people are hidden in Lithuanian hospitals, and were taken to crematoriums.",0 Claim from an “uncle” who “graduated with a master’s degree” and worked at Shenzhen Hospital offers advice on COVID-19 symptoms and treatment.,0 Ancient herbal drink is an effective remedy for the novel coronavirus.,0 False COVID-19 hotline number shared in Canada.,0 Israel has no cases of the coronavirus because it developed a cure.,0 "Claim that COVID-19 has been around for a long time, with a photo of an animal vaccine labeled “coronavirus.”",0 "A photo shows full vegan supermarket shelves, next to empty ones, with a caption saying “even at a time of coronavirus, no one wants to eat vegan”.",0 "After the closure of schools in France, President Emmanuel Macron announced classes next summer to catch up.",0 Cuba developed a coronavirus vaccine.,0 Holding your breath without coughing will determine if you have COVID-19,0 Books predicted the coronavirus before it happened.,0 India announced holidays for four states.,0 Israel and USA have come up with a vaccine.,0 Viral video suggests the two cases of coronavirus in Ghana tested negative.,0 Dettol sanitizer can kill the coronavirus.,0 "A misleading chart being spread on Facebook, erroneously dubbing the new coronavirus the “least deadly virus.”",0 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare issued an office memorandum declaring compulsory holiday in four Indian states.,0 A scientific paper published in Nature in 2015 shows that the new virus was developed in labs.,0 Image showing Italian doctors exhausted and sleeping.,0 Propolis cures COVID-19.,0 "A secret invasion of 40,000 American troops immune to COVID-19 is ongoing in Europe.",0 "COVID-19 is human-made, and an American biological weapon",0 Croatian president tells people to buy in bulk for at least 2 weeks.,0 People are panicked about a COVID-19 case at the Dakar Airport.,0 Saddam Hussein explaining what is coronavirus about.,0 Saddam Hussein explaining what is coronavirus about.,0 Healthy ministry sent an email about the new coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus scare began after impeachment.,0 Supermarkets are recalling coronavirus-infected toilet paper.,0 Man did pass along coronavirus infection at a WalMart in Louisiana.,0 NYC did implement a citywide quarantine.,0 Spanish Ministry of Interior is closing off Madrid.,0 Drinking hot beverages prevents coronavirus infection.,0 Audio from WhatsApp that says there are a doctor and two nurses hospitalized on the ICU in Terrassa (Barcelona),0 Film “Coronavirus” predicted the current pandemic,0 A viral message listing false and unrelated statements about coronavirus has falsely been attributed to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF).,0 Israel has manufactured the coronavirus vaccine,0 "They are not looking for volunteers to be infected with COVID-19 in British laboratories for 4,000 euros.",0 "Zhong Nanshan: Shower may cause coronavirus infection, according to cases in Hong Kong and the Diamond Princess.",0 "The Minister of Defense of Japan posted a tweet to thank Taiwan for donating 500,000 face masks.",0 Asterix comics in 1981 mentioned coronavirus; French people knew the outbreak in advance.,0 A Turkish citizen in Yozgat ate yogurt and soap together to get rid of the virus.,0 Central government has announced blanket holiday for schools/colleges in 4 states in India.,0 The health service in Ireland is asking people to stockpile food.,0 Ireland is going into a ‘Status Red’ lockdown with the military patrolling the streets.,0 COVID-19 Breeds Rapidly In Toilet Paper.,0 Singapore checks the saliva of Indonesian arrivals at Changi Airport.,0 A Twitter post claimed Cristiano Ronaldo is transforming his string of hotels to hospitals to aid in the fight against COVID-19.,0 "Advice about coronavirus prevention and remedies, allegedly from Stanford Hospital.",0 Staff of Gold Coast Hospital in Australia has gifted a volleyball to Tom Hanks in quarantine.,0 An infographic has been shared thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claim it shows a nine-day timeline of the symptoms of the novel coronavirus.,0 Evo Morales (ex-mandatary of Bolivia) has COVID-19.,0 "A post shared more than 165,000 times on Facebook includes a video of a woman turning a baby wipe into a face mask to “protect against coronavirus.”",0 Eleven coronavirus patients visited malls and hotels in Metro Manila that are part of a “confidential list.”,0 A vaccine for the 2019 novel coronavirus has been found and there will be no more deaths due to the coronavirus.,0 “It’s actually the safest time to fly.”,0 Drinking “water a lot and gargling with warm water and salt or vinegar eliminates” the coronavirus.,0 In South Florida “all children and adults must remain in their homes” due to coronavirus.,0 "“President Trump, COVID-19 coronavirus: U.S. cases 1,329; U.S. deaths, 38; panic level: mass hysteria. President Obama, H1N1 virus: U.S. cases, 60.8 million; U.S. deaths, 12,469; panic level: totally chill. Do you all see how the media can manipulate your life.”",0 Says The New York Times exposed the “real reason behind coronavirus hype: Crash the market to harm Trump’s re-election chances.”,0 Sex helps prevent coronavirus.,0 Juventus player Paulo Dybala denies contracting coronavirus.,0 "After contracting coronavirus, did Tom Hanks get Wilson’s ball In quarantine?",0 Aajtak news channel claims that consuming the herbal plant Tulsi will cure coronavirus.,0 An article about “An Italian doctor working in China gives advice on avoiding infection.”,0 "Drinking cold water, hot drinks or alcohol protects against coronavirus.",0 Picture shows the Mecca totally empty.,0 Saddam Hussein explains what coronavirus is about.,0 Audio from WhatsApp that says there are a doctor and two nurses hospitalized on the ICU in Terrassa (Barcelona),0 A post says that if you hold your breath you can tell if you are infected with COVID-19 or not.,0 Get the disease now to gain immunity. Infograph mimicking official information.,0 Denmark has more coronavirus cases per capita than China.,0 Citi TV interview with Korle Bu CEO discredits confirmed coronavirus cases in Ghana.,0 We can neutralise the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 by exposing ourselves to the sun and drinking hot beverages. The use of a mask is not effective and the virus itself is a threat to our life only if we are part of a high risk group.,0 "The Greek government and parliament knew about the new coronavirus pandemic before it occured and thus, in the summer of 2019, rushed to make the new penal codes instructions regarding the protective measures in case of a disease outbreak official.",0 Vitamin C will protect you from the coronavirus.,0 Advices from the university Tec de Monterrey scientists (Mexico) to prevent the new coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus outbreak is over in China.,0 Video shows Bahrainian women running from hospitals where they were being quarantined because of COVID-19.,0 A photo has been shared hundreds of times in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim it was taken during the “Spanish flu” pandemic between 1918 and 1920.,0 Podemos spokesman Pablo Echenique is not in intensive care after getting infected with COVID-19.,0 Education Ministry announces all students are passing the actual course without making exams because of coronavirus.,0 "The smell of tea tree oil can kill coronavirus in nostrils, according to a study of an Austrian university.",0 Councilor Pen White-Chung said coronavirus is from the USA based on a Chinese academic study.,0 President Donald Trump admitted the flu cases in the USA are actually infected with the coronavirus.,0 Chinese people prayed with Muslims due to fear of COVID-19.,0 Turmeric and lemon can cure the coronavirus.,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes will protect you from getting coronavirus.,0 You can check for coronavirus by holding your breath for 10 seconds.,0 Elderly people are left to die in an Italian hospital near Milan.,0 Airports and train stations in Lithuania are being closed down.,0 COVID-19 is cured with hot water and baking soda.,0 Claim that disease outbreaks and pandemics correspond with election years.,0 "Photo purportedly showing Tom Hanks holding a volleyball, claiming the hospital staff in Australia gave it to him as a tribute and to cheer him up while in quarantine.",0 Infographic claiming that the coronavirus pandemic fits a pattern of viral outbreaks that occur every 100 years.,0 Photos show empty shelves at supermarkets.,0 A video purports to show body bags for virus victims in Italy.,0 "Warm drinks kill the coronavirus, the virus dies when the ambient temperature is higher than 26ºC, gargling warm water helps treating the disease and the virus stays on your hands for 10 minutes.",0 Mexicans can call the Mexican government to get a COVID-19 test at home.,0 "3,500 Italians potentially infected with the novel coronavirus arrived in Brazil in a cruise ship",0 "The Brazilian government released additional money for beneficiaries of Bolsa Família, a national conditional cash transfer programme.",0 News channels suggest drinking tulsi and noni juice will help prevent the novel coronavirus.,0 Argentine President Alberto Fernández said that coronavirus dies at 26 degrees Celsius.,0 Argentine President Alberto Fernández said “the WHO recommends hot drinks because heat kills the virus”,0 "In Colombia, “First Child registered as Yair coronavirus Mosquera.”",0 Hot lemon juice prevents coronavirus.,0 Iranians have published a report saying that coronavirus is a biological warfare.,0 "KFC San Marino Shopping (Guayaquil, Ecuador) employee with COVID-19.",0 Jair Bolsonaro tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Policemen in China chase COVID-19 in a subway station.,0 UNICEF’s advice on preventing COVID-19,0 Consuming onion and salt followed by a glass of water can cure coronavirus.,0 Consuming salt and onion can cure the novel coronavirus.,0 Most countries affected by COVID-19 are along the same 40-degree north latitude.,0 Indian President Ramnath Kovind pouring gaumutra (cow urine) on globe to prevent coronavirus.,0 "A worker at the Prince hotel in Mehdipatnam (Hyderbad, India) has tested positive for coronavirus.",0 Drinking water in which garlic was boiled will cure you from COVID-19.,0 OMS staff member is spreading coronavirus on purpose.,0 Jair Bolsonaro has the new coronavirus.,0 Garlic heals the new coronavirus.,0 The U.S. presidential election is canceled due to coronavirus.,0 Australian hospital staff rolled in a Wilson volleyball to keep Tom Hanks company in quarantine.,0 A former and controversial CIA officer said coronavirus was made in a lab.,0 Viral audio from WhatsApp in which a doctor from the hospital Fundación Jiménez Díaz in Madrid claims that there are two young patients in very bad condition because of coronavirus and there are no more respirators in intensive care units.,0 Zamora has canceled Holy week due to the coronavirus.,0 "Catalonia, Valencia and Aragon cancel classes in schools, colleges and universities because of coronavirus outbreak.",0 Tuit reports that Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro has tested positive for the coronavirus.,0 Audio from WhatsApp that says there are a doctor and two nurses hospitalized on the ICU in Terrassa (Barcelona),0 "China has announced the success of Egyptian serum form Dr. Hala, Health Minister of Egypt, against coronavirus",0 Podemos spokesman Pablo Echenique is not in intensive care after getting infected with COVID-19.,0 Education Ministry announces all students are passing the actual course without making exams because of coronavirus.,0 "The smell of tea tree oil can kill coronavirus in nostrils, according to a study of an Austrian university.",0 Councilor Pen White-Chung said coronavirus is from the USA based on a Chinese academic study.,0 President Donald Trump admitted the flu cases in the USA are actually infected with the coronavirus.,0 Chinese people prayed with Muslims due to fear of COVID-19.,0 Turmeric and lemon can cure the coronavirus.,0 Drinking water every 15 minutes will protect you from getting coronavirus.,0 You can check for coronavirus by holding your breath for 10 seconds.,0 A video of Chinese people fighting for Muslim scriptures to not get infected by coronavirus.,0 Private health insurance for public workers does not cover expenses related to coronavirus.,0 Vitamin C protects against the spread of the coronavirus. Lemon in hot water fights cancer. COVID-19 arises from the fusion of genetic material of a snake and a bat.,0 Says Tom Hanks has a volleyball to keep him company while he’s quarantined.,0 "Of the Trump administration’s European travel restrictions that exempt the U.K.: “Well, you can just get into the Chunnel, and you’ll be in the U.K.”",1 "A video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube alongside a claim it shows a shaman curing a novel coronavirus patient in Malaysia.",0 A fake quote of Vice President Leni Robredo suggesting to “inhale cough back” to prevent the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus.,0 "If you donate blood, “they HAVE to test you” for coronavirus.",0 "“During the 2009 swine flu outbreak, Biden made reckless comments unsupported by science & the experts. The Obama Admin had to clean up his mess & apologize for his ineptitude.”",1 "Donald Trump claims Joe Biden “was in charge of the H1N1 Swine Flu epidemic which killed thousands of people. The response was one of the worst on record. Our response is one of the best, with fast action of border closings and a 78% approval rating, the highest on record. His was lowest!”",0 Says Nancy Pelosi was “caught trying to include abortion funding in bill to combat coronavirus.”,0 "In 2007, “The Simpsons” predicted Tom Hanks would contract coronavirus in 2007.",0 “The CDC can detain anyone with a fever indefinitely. Vaccination (is) a way people could get out of detention.”,0 COVID-19 came to the United States in 2019.,0 The new coronavirus dies when a temperature around is 26-27 degrees Celsius.,0 Saint Luke’s Hospital of the USA says consuming alcohol can reduce the risk of COVID-19.,0 "Live stream about the infected foreigners coming to Ukraine from Italy, which went viral.",0 Coronavirus first infection In Jeddah..,0 "The novel coronavirus after 2,600 times magnified.",0 "The virus can be overcome by drinking hot water every 15 minutes, avoiding cold drinks and ice cream, going out in the sun to kill the virus, and with the “self-diagnostic guideline” — if you hold your breath for 10 seconds and then you do not cough, you do not choke, you do not feel any tension in the lungs, you have no cystic fibrosis in the lungs and the situation is reversible.",0 Prime Minister Ana Brnabic claimed that the number of respirators is a state secret in all countries.,0 "A doctor from North Macedonia states that the new coronavirus outbreak is a conspiracy against humanity or a conspiracy of the pharmaceutical industry for profit, and that the new coronavirus is not dangerous.",0 Cuba has developed a vaccine against coronavirus.,0 Drinking tea and hot water kills the virus; lemon slices in warm water may save your life; it’s recommended to keep your money in a sealed plastic bag; a conspiracy theory suggests China is benefiting from the pandemic; vinegar is good for cleaning your hands.,0 A YouTube video claims to show mass animal killings linked to coronavirus outbreak.,0 "KFC San Marino Shopping (Guayaquil, Ecuador) employee with COVID-19.",0 Jair Bolsonaro tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Policemen in China chase COVID-19 in a subway station.,0 UNICEF’s advice on preventing COVID-19,0 Spain ex-King Juan Carlos I has the coronavirus.,0 The new coronavirus dies at a temperature of about 26-27 degrees Celsius.,0 If you can hold your breath for 10 seconds then you don’t have fibrosis and therefore no infection. Picture of text in English describing the method.,0 Researchers in Taiwan provided a series of checks we can perform ourselves as a form of self-diagnosis for the new coronavirus every morning.,0 Drinking water with lemon can prevent COVID-19.,0 Drinking alcohol and smoking helps preventing the new coronavirus from infecting the organism.,0 Seven ambulance workers are infected with coronavirus in Catalonia.,0 Pedro Sánchez has a medical team of 14 people to take care of him since the coronavirus crisis.,0 Retirement benefits reduced by 50% in April in Italy.,0 A video claims to show coronavirus being extracted from a man’s upper lip.,0 Uganda did not deport 19 passengers from high-risk COVID-19 countries.,0 American CDC admitted that coronavirus originated in the U.S. Many COVID-19 patients were misdiagnosed as coronavirus.,0 Water company: More chlorine has been added to tap water to prevent coronavirus. Let the water rest for two hours before using it.,0 "Indonesia Only Prohibits Migrants from Iran, Italy, and South Korea and Allows the Entry of Chinese Citizens",0 Is this COVID-19 Virus Prevention Information Really Originating from UNICEF?,0 Cow urine and feces can treat COVID-19.,0 "The map shows the first COVID-19 case diagnosed in Kayseri, Turkey.",0 UNICEF published health advice on COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus dies at a temperature above 26-27 degrees Celsius as per UNICEF.,0 Photo of vegan food products left on otherwise bare supermarket shelf is related to COVID-19 outbreak and panic buying.,0 Chart compares COVID-19 with other longstanding diseases.,0 "Imported second hand clothes from Europe, Asia or America could spread the novel coronavirus in Africa.",0 Hold your breath 10 seconds to check if you are infected with the novel coronavirus.,0 Vitamin C and lemon water prevent coronavirus.,0 Japanese doctors claim drinking water every 15 minutes prevents COVID-19.,0 Muslim People in China seeking refuge in Islam by reading Quran to save themselves from COVID-19.,0 Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine Is A Cure For coronavirus.,0 No more deaths from COVID-19 as Israeli scientists have discovered a vaccine.,0 AIIMS (Indian medical institute) team has said that Toddy has medicinal properties to cure coronavirus.,0 Iran’s head of judiciary: The first centers that volunteered to suspend activities in response to the coronavirus outbreak were religious Institutions and those connected to the clergy.,0 Holding your breath for 10 seconds can determine if you have COVID-19; drink water every 15 minutes.,0 Racist scene against Chinese people in the metro in Belgium.,0 Demonstrations against Chinese people in Italy.,0 Racist scene against Chinese people in the metro in Belgium.,0 Why it’s dangerous to make your own hand sanitizer at home.,0 "A case of new coronavirus was confirmed in the city of Ibagué, in Colombia.",0 Coronavirus found in toilet paper.,0 Gargling salt water and vinegar will kill the virus.,0 Malaga closes nurseries due to coronavirus.,0 Neuroscientist Rodolfo Llinás says that if you can last 10 seconds without coughing and without discomfort it means that there is no fibrosis in the lungs and therefore no coronavirus infection.,0 “Arsenic album-30 homeopathic medicine can prevent coronavirus. Information given by Ministry of AYUSH.”,0 Seven ambulance workers are infected with coronavirus in Catalonia.,0 Pedro Sánchez has a medical team of 14 people to take care of him since the coronavirus crisis.,0 Retirement benefits reduced by 50% in April in Italy.,0 A video claims to show coronavirus being extracted from a man’s upper lip.,0 Uganda did not deport 19 passengers from high-risk COVID-19 countries.,0 American CDC admitted that coronavirus originated in the U.S. Many COVID-19 patients were misdiagnosed as coronavirus.,0 Water company: More chlorine has been added to tap water to prevent coronavirus. Let the water rest for two hours before using it.,0 "Indonesia Only Prohibits Migrants from Iran, Italy, and South Korea and Allows the Entry of Chinese Citizens",0 Is this COVID-19 Virus Prevention Information Really Originating from UNICEF?,0 Cow urine and feces can treat COVID-19.,0 "The map shows the first COVID-19 case diagnosed in Kayseri, Turkey.",0 UNICEF published health advice on COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus dies at a temperature above 26-27 degrees Celsius as per UNICEF.,0 Indian yoga guru Baba Ramdev has been infected with coronavirus.,0 "The virus dies with high temperatures, teas fight COVID-19, holding your breath for 10 seconds proves you are not infected, drinking a lot of water stops the coronavirus, any mask can avoid contagion, coronavirus does die when “exposed to the sun.”",0 Madrid is going to close its borders due to the coronavirus.,0 “NYC man drops dead in middle of street — suspected coronavirus!”,0 The health insurance industry has “agreed to waive all co-payments for coronavirus treatments.”,0 Are pools open in Guatemala? Can coronavirus be transmitted in a pool?,0 “MSNBC actually said on air ‘I hope enough people die from coronavirus that it harms Trump’s re-election.’”,0 Neuroscientist Rodolfo Llinás says that if you can last 10 seconds without coughing and without discomfort it means that there is no fibrosis in the lungs and therefore no coronavirus infection.,0 Audio from WhatsApp in which the head of Cardiology at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital states that we are in a moment of uncontrolled coronavirus infection.,0 China is supplying the Quran to people to read after the coronavirus outbreak.,0 “The Eyes of Darkness” predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 A picture of the Chinese President in Wuhan without a mask.,0 "About 1,000 people wait to enter the Military Medical Academy (VMA) in Belgrade for examinations.",0 A viral screenshot of a story allegedly published by the BBC claiming Ghana has recorded its first confirmed coronavirus case.,0 President Vucic claims that no one said coronavirus is the “funniest” virus.,0 Welfare Ministry for the Region Lombardy has said that “China lied to us” and “all of the data provided by the Chinese government are fake.”,0 A doctor says coronavirus doesn’t kill or cause the common cold.,0 The coronavirus was created in the laboratory and is a biological weapon.,0 Panic scene in Germany with people rushing into a supermarket.,0 Demonstrations against Chinese people in Italy.,0 Racist scene against Chinese people in the metro in Belgium.,0 Actor Daniel Radcliffe tested positive for COVID-19.,0 Quito is the second city with the highest probability of infection.,0 Some blood groups are protected from the COVID-19.,0 "If your nose is running you don’t have COVID-19. The virus dies at 27 degrees celsius, thererfore you should drink hot water or tea. The most common way to get infected is to touch surfaces. Every normal mask can filter the virus because it is very big.",0 Marijuana is a cure for the coronavirus.,0 Chinese Muslims are now allowed to read the Quran after China lifted a ban on the holy book.,0 Galicia suspended classes because of coronavirus on 3/10/20.,0 Empty supermarket in Madrid after measures announced against coronavirus.,0 "Manuela Carmena, ex-mayor of Madrid, got infected with coronavirus.",0 Thieves in Madrid are pretending to be doctors to steal from people’s houses.,0 "The Italian department of civil protection has communicated that from 3/16/20, the bio-containment BSL-4 can be introduced.",0 The Italian Ministry of Interior ruled with a public statement that police will check all people as they exit from their houses.,0 "Academia Sinica, Taiwan research institute, developed antibodies for rapid testing as a China representative of the WHO took the credit.",0 "A fighter aircraft crashed in Tenjin, China. It failed to defect from China.",0 Tens of thousands of Koreans asked to expel Chinese. The anti-Chinese bandwagon swept across the world.,0 37 died in a day in NYC (3/10/20).,0 COVID-19 medicine was found in Ghana.,0 200 new cases of COVID-19 registered in Lithuania. People are “cleansed with bleach” at the Vilnius international airport and taken to a small tent-town nearby.,0 Purported government advisory lists shopping malls and hotels in the Philippines that the department of health advises against visiting during the novel coronavirus epidemic.,0 Senegal doctors have come up with a serum against the coronavirus.,0 "Professor Jean-Jacques Muyembe, an expert who discovered Ebola, says black skin is “so efficient that it can not be infected by novel coronavirus”.",0 Vitamin C and warm water with lemon are effective ways of preventing COVID-19.,0 This video shows a coronavirus patient in Mexico persecuted by the press.,0 Video shows a WHO official inappropriately touching a female attendee during a briefing session in China about the novel coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Same video was also used with another claim that the man is an Australian politician.,0 Drinking hot tea can prevent coronavirus infection.,0 Argentinian Health Minister said there is no possibility the coronavirus exists in Argentina.,0 Recommendations of Dr. “González Ayala” are circulating on WhatsApp.,0 An audio is circulating on social media claiming it’s from the Colombian scientist Rodolfo Llinás offering some recommendations to know “if we have the infection” of the COVID-19 coronavirus.,0 Tips against coronavirus like holding your breath and drinking water.,0 Fake coronavirus pandemic is a cover-up for the “5G disease.”,0 Coronavirus is actually chemtrail lungs.,0 Senegalese president and government appears with masks during a press conference.,0 Senegalese president and government appears with masks during a press conference.,0 "Americans have to pay $3,000 or $4,000 for a day of containment.",0 Every U.S. election year has a disease outbreak.,0 "10,000 deaths In virus outbreak in Michigan, Washington, Idaho, North Dakota, Missouri, Mississippi.",0 Thieves in Palma (Spain) are pretending to be doctors to steal in people’s houses.,0 Gang in Vitoria pretending to be doctors to steal from people’s houses.,0 "The head of Coordinated Emergences, Fernando Simon, has said that is better to get coronavirus now, because later there will be no space in hospitals.",0 Madrid’s government has announced students will have to make-up classes during summer.,0 Public broadcast RTVE published a map of coronavirus cases in Spain that in fact was a map of penis’ average size in different regions.,0 Classes were canceled in Basque Country because of coronavirus.,0 Regional government of Castilla-La Mancha announced in Twitter the closing of schools until April 1.,0 Spanish Education minister Isabel Celaá wore purple latex gloves on a Women’s Day demonstration because she was afraid of the coronavirus.,0 Madrid ex-mayor Manuel Carmena has coronavirus.,0 Audio from WhatsApp in which the head of cardiology at the Gregorio Marañón Hospital states that we are in a moment of uncontrolled coronavirus infection.,0 Galicia suspended classes because of coronavirus on 3/10/20.,0 Empty supermarket in Madrid after measures announced against coronavirus.,0 "Manuela Carmena, ex-mayor of Madrid, got infected with coronavirus.",0 Thieves in Madrid are pretending to be doctors to steal from people’s houses.,0 Holding your breath for 10sec can determine if you have COVID-19 and you should drink water every 15 minutes.,0 "The Italian department of civil protection has communicated that from 3/16/20, the bio-containment BSL-4 can be introduced.",0 The Italian Ministry of Interior ruled with a public statement that police will check all people as they exit from their houses.,0 "Academia Sinica, Taiwan research institute, developed antibodies for rapid testing as a China representative of the WHO took the credit.",0 "A fighter aircraft crashed in Tenjin, China. It failed to defect from China.",0 Tens of thousands of Koreans asked to expel Chinese. The anti-Chinese bandwagon swept across the world.,0 37 died in a day in NYC (3/10/20).,0 COVID-19 medicine was found in Ghana.,0 Tweet says Daniel Radcliffe has the coronavirus.,0 Post says Harvard scientists say the coronavirus is “spreading so fast that it will infect 70% of humanity this year.”,1 Many critics of President Rodrigo Duterte slammed his administration for “slashing” P10 billion from the funds allocated for the Department of Health (DOH) in the 2020 national budget.,0 You can kill the coronavirus by drinking hot drinks.,0 You can monitor yourself for COVID-19 with a breath test.,0 A group prays in The Squares of Italy to get rid of coronavirus.,0 Sisi Raised The Numbers of coronavirus Cases in Egypt in the Hope of Billions from the World Bank.,0 "A statement says: “Serbs have ‘lion’s genes’ that protect them from coronavirus, unlike Italians who have ‘weaker genes'” by pulmonologist Branimir Nestorovic.",0 "While everybody is busy with coronavirus, authorities in Görlitz, Germany, secretly brought asylum seekers into the city.",0 Vitamin C kills viruses.,0 "The Japanese Government gives out 40 masks to every household, free of charge.",0 UNICEF ​​advises not to eat ice cream because it reinforces infection with the new coronavirus.,0 "A Macedonian coronavirus patient, the director of the Skin Clinic, was at the wedding of the Secretary General of the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia.",0 A patient infected with coronavirus was killed by drug dealers.,0 Tips against coronavirus include holding your breath and drinking water.,0 First patient healed in Algeria.,0 Madrid’s government has announced students will have to make-up classes during summer.,0 Madrid’s government has announced students will have to make-up classes during summer.,0 Holding your breath for 10 seconds can determine if you have COVID-19 and you should drink water every 15 minutes.,0 "Onion could be used to cure COVID-19, as it did for the Spanish Flu in 1918.",0 Does Mexico have confirmed cases of COVID-19?,0 The World Health Organization is not recruiting staff to fight COVID-19.,0 A coronavirus vaccine for cows shows that the virus behind the current outbreak is not new.,0 "A video where a woman dressed like a Chef prepares food with only one glove, and she blows on it with no protections. The video would have been shot in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic.",0 Flu vaccine does not increase the risk of a coronavirus infection.,0 Antibiotic azitromycin cures COVID-19.,0 Holding your breath is an effective way to self-diagnose for COVID-19.,0 Spraying from the air triggers “chemtrails (chemical trails) lung” problems,0 The bill for a coronavirus test in the US is 3.000$.,0 This Lysol disinfectant against coronavirus shows the virus is not new.,0 A doctor named Lupita Yamamoto Lupercio found the coronavirus vaccine.,0 Israeli scientists at the MIGAL Research Institute have developed a vaccine for COVID-19.,0 Secretary of Health in Mexico recommends taking Vitamin C to prevent coronavirus.,0 A prostitute contracted COVID-19 and her 86 clients have been quarantined in the brothel in Spain.,0 Pier Luigi Bersani: None of the confirmed cases are related to China. coronavirus might have occured in Italy before China.,0 Prince of the United Arab Emirates was infected with the coronavirus in early March 2020,0 "A COVID-19 case has been diagnosed in Umraniye Hospital, Istanbul.",0 COVID-19 can be killed over 37 degrees Celsius.,0 Anti-malaria drug Chloroquine is a definitive cure for COVID-19.,0 Costco recalls toilet paper because it’s infected with the coronavirus.,0 Donating blood in the U.S. can get you a novel coronavirus test.,0 Employer covered up part of a poster on virus prevention that advised people to stay home when sick.,0 Authorities in the Philippines seize fake cigarettes that were spreading coronavirus.,0 Video claims to show a hotel collapsing in Chinese city of Quanzhou after it was used as a coronavirus quarantine facility.,0 Video shows reciting Namaaz and Quran is the only treatment for COVID-19.,0 UNICEF advises a certain set of steps to follow for coronavirus.,0 Hundreds of Italian families are running away from the virus to Africa.,0 Availability of a kit for coronavirus self-diagnosis.,0 Availability of a kit for coronavirus self-diagnosis.,0 Hand sanitizer will “do nothing for the coronavirus.”,0 Viral claims propagating UNICEF message about coronavirus.,0 "In an Aaj Tak news report, the Chinese prime minister said, “Reading Quran and offering namaz is the only cure for COVID-19.”",0 "Iran’s former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: It is clear to the world that the mutated coronavirus was produced in a lab, manufactured by the warfare stock houses of biological war belonging to world powers.",0 The French health minister underestimated the risk of contamination in France.,0 Freshly boiled garlic water is a cure for coronavirus.,0 Department of Homeland Security official says illegal border crossings may spread coronavirus.,0 A NYC Man With Suspected coronavirus Drops Dead in the Middle of the Street.,0 Gang in Madrid is pretending to be doctors to steal from people’s houses.,0 Coronavirus was caused by a mysterious vaccine activation distributed in China by chemtrails and activated by 5G.,0 EvAU’s exam is postponed to June 18 in Madrid.,0 "Spanish actress Cristina Pedroche has promised to show a breast if the number of coronavirus infections reaches 1,000 in Spain.",0 "People of the Muslim community have prohibited visiting Mecca Medina to avoid the outbreak of coronavirus, but people of Sanatan religion are playing Holi at the crematorium of Kashi Vishwanath as a pyre.",0 The bill for a coronavirus test in the US is 3.000$.,0 This Lysol disinfectant against coronavirus shows the virus is not new.,0 A doctor named Lupita Yamamoto Lupercio found the coronavirus vaccine.,0 Israeli scientists at the MIGAL Research Institute have developed a vaccine for COVID-19.,0 Secretary of Health in Mexico recommends taking Vitamin C to prevent coronavirus.,0 A prostitute contracted COVID-19 and her 86 clients have been quarantined in the brothel in Spain.,0 Pier Luigi Bersani: None of the confirmed cases are related to China. coronavirus might have occured in Italy before China.,0 Prince of the United Arab Emirates was infected with the coronavirus in early March 2020,0 "A COVID-19 case has been diagnosed in Umraniye Hospital, Istanbul.",0 Post says “President Trump has come into contact with a potential coronavirus sufferer!”,0 Post says “being exposed to the sun for two hours” kills the 2019 coronavirus.,0 “(Former U.S. President Barack Obama) set up anti-pandemic programs in 47 vulnerable countries as a way to protect against something like the coronavirus. Do you know that Trump closed 37 of them?”,0 The Department of Health (DOH) reports fake cigarettes that spread coronavirus have reached the Philippines.,0 "“An entire family” in Santolan, Pasig, is “confirmed to be infected” with the novel coronavirus, according to what looked like a breaking news graphic from GMA News.",0 "Chinese eating exotic animals is the cause of the 2019 novel coronavirus, as shown in photos shared on Facebook.",0 A second version of the coronavirus is spreading and it is far more dangerous.,0 This laboratory is giving money to people who would agree to be infected with the novel coronavirus.,0 Says 80% of novel coronavirus cases are “mild.”,1 “Coronavirus — 22. Clintons — 39.”,0 Madrid’s government has announced students will have to make-up classes during summer.,0 Arab medieval historian Abu Al-Hassan Al-Masoudi predicted the present crisis.,0 Turkish President Erdogan revealed a mask that kills coronavirus in a minute.,0 "Palestine, Egypt, or Lebanon have succeeded in developing a coronavirus cure.",0 "Gargling with Betadine kills germs or reduces their numbers in the throat before they go down to the lungs, and a statement by Eleni Jamarely, professor of infectious diseases, claims that HIV is transmitted more easily from the new coronavirus through the spoon at communion.",0 "The Mayor of Skopje, Shilegov, returned from Madrid three days ago, and the government passed a decree requiring all passengers from Spain to be tested for coronavirus and placed in a 14-day quarantine.",0 Availability of a kit for coronavirus self-diagnosis in Italy.,0 A kit for coronavirus self-diagnosis is available.,0 Zinc lozenges are proven to protect against COVID-19.,0 "Danish politician says Greta Thunberg gets special treatment in the European Parliament as she, despite the current outbreak, is allowed to speak.",0 The headline of a newspaper with a phrase from the Bolivian chancellor about the coronavirus.,0 This photo shows the novel coronavirus.,0 Drinking warm water with lemon protects against the novel coronavirus.,0 "The Colombian government is closing the border with Venezuela, even though they said they’re not going to do it.",0 A person fainted in Cali’s bus terminal because of COVID-19.,0 "The mayor of Buga, Valle del Cauca, said: “I invite the people of Buga to keep calm and to live each day as if it was the last.”",0 States are imposing mandatory leave and statewise school closures due to coronavirus.,0 "A post has been shared on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp claims a regional government in India has recommended that the juice of bitter gourd, a vegetable often used in traditional medicine, is an effective treatment for the novel coronavirus.",0 Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein talks about the coronavirus.,0 Hot air application through a hairdryer on the face to heat up nostrils and the sinus kills the novel coronavirus.,0 5G is accelerating the spread of the new coronavirus.,0 An Italian doctor who worked at the Shenzhen hospital in China issued a series of instuctions for locating and treating the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.,0 Elderberry syrup protects against the coronavirus.,0 Quarantine video is allegedly from different cities in Turkey.,0 Consuming colloidal silver can prevent or treat novel coronavirus.,0 "An image has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows China administering the “world’s first new coronavirus vaccine” after the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 Smoking prevents you from getting infected with the coronavirus.,0 Photos purport to show the collapse of a temporary hospital in Wuhan.,0 Telangana Ministry in India distributed homeopathic tablets claiming to prevent COVID-19.,0 Cocaine cures COVID-19.,0 Parviz Nouri Sayha claims he has made the medicine for coronavirus.,0 People can’t use the right of withdrawal at work because of the outbreak.,0 Did the coronavirus mutate and became more aggressive?,0 "As of 3/7/20, Tanzania and Zambia had confirmed fist cases of the new coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus patients are being caught on highways in China.,0 Quarantine video is allegedly from different cities in Turkey.,0 A video purports to show panic-stricken travelers infected with the novel coronavirus at an airport in Senegal.,0 "A Facebook post shared 25,000 times features an image of a letter purportedly from a U.S. hospital recommending people drink alcohol to help reduce the risks of novel coronavirus infection.",0 “More people have died from knowing Hillary (Clinton)” than from coronavirus.,0 "A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple Facebook posts which claims to show the Koran being distributed to people in China after it lifted a “ban” on the Islamic holy text following the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 Graphics or social media cards supposedly from UNICEF contain tips and information on how to prevent and combat the coronavirus outbreak and COVID-19.,0 Research by the Saint Luke’s Hospital of Kansas City found that consuming alcoholic beverages may reduce the risk of infection by coronavirus. Vodka was the most recommended drink.,0 "U.S. hospitals are preparing for 96 million coronavirus infections and nearly half a million deaths, leaked documents reveal.",0 An Egyptian writer predicted the new coronavirus six years ago.,0 Vietnam was the first country to contain and develop a quick test for SARS and COVID-19.,0 A video says COVID-19 is caused by 5G.,0 "An image has been shared alongside a claim that shows China administering the “world’s first new coronavirus vaccine” after the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 "An image has been shared in multiple posts on Facebook and Twitter alongside a claim that it shows China administering the “world’s first new coronavirus vaccine” after the global outbreak of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.",0 "Former diplomat Henry Kissinger encouraged mandatory vaccination, in order to facilitate radical sanitary measures such as forced sterilization or genetic modification.",0 Tanzanian President unmasks false pandemic.,0 Increasing border controls will stop coronavirus from spreading.,0 Emirates has suspended flights to Johannesburg after South Africa announced its first case of novel coronavirus.,0 The consumption of pig causes COVID-19 entry into Indonesia.,0 Turks are not going to be infected by COVID-19 due to their genes.,0 "A COVID-19 case has been diagnosed in Yedikule Hospital, Istanbul.",0 Claim that photos show dogs being killed in China as part of efforts to combat COVID-19.,0 People who died after being infected by the novel coronavirus can’t receive any mortuary care.,0 Alcohol-based hand sanitizer can influence results in a breathalyzer test.,0 Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Muslims to understand why they are not contracting COVID-19.,0 Two local celebrities in Argentine are infected with coronavirus,0 "A case of coronavirus was confirmed in Cali in Colombia, and a video shows doctors treating patients in a bus station.",0 A case of coronavirus was confirmed in Sincelejo in Colombia.,0 Work suspension in Ecuador due to coronavirus since Monday 09/03/2020.,0 Work suspension in Ecuador due to coronavirus since Monday 09/03/2020.,0 Work suspension in Ecuador due to coronavirus since Monday 09/03/2020.,0 Work suspension in Ecuador due to coronavirus since Monday 09/03/2020.,0 Aaj Tak channel aired a program that said drinking alcohol or smoking weed can cure COVID-19.,0 The mayor Of Buffalo told people to evacuate due to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 CDC sponsored Facebook post asking for help with “escaped” coronavirus patient.,0 Holding your breath for 10sec can determine if you have COVID-19 and you should drink water every 15 minutes.,0 Medical Center in El Cachorro (Sevilla) closed due to a possible coronavirus infected person.,0 Medical report of Hospital General Universitario Santa Lucía de Cartagena (Murcia) from a person with possible coronavirus.,0 "It is a designed virus ordered to laboratories by Christine Lagarde when she was in the IMF. She said that “old people live too long and this is a risk for the global economy. We must do something, urgently.”",0 Increasing border controls will stop coronavirus from spreading.,0 Emirates has suspended flights to Johannesburg after South Africa announced its first case of novel coronavirus.,0 The consumption of pig causes COVID-19 entry into Indonesia.,0 Turks are not going to be infected by COVID-19 due to their genes.,0 "A COVID-19 case has been diagnosed in Yedikule Hospital, Istanbul.",0 Girl infected with coronavirus found dead in her apartment in Delhi.,0 A television news report about a US biotech company runs alongside a claim that the company successfully created a vaccine for the COVID-19 within “three hours.”,0 Bloggers say Nancy Pelosi delayed coronavirus funding so “Dems could campaign on it.”,0 "If the coronavirus gets in your mouth, “drinking water or other liquids will wash them down through your esophagus and into the stomach. Once there, your stomach acid will kill all of the virus.”",0 “Anybody that wants a test (for the coronavirus) can get a test.”,0 Pope Francis contacted coronavirus.,0 WhatsApp message suggests holding your breath for 10 seconds and drinking water every 15 minutes will fight the coronavirus.,0 Qatar shed Iranian fruits fearing coronavirus.,0 China did not apologize to Muslims in a song.,0 "Coronavirus test costs US$3,000 in the U.S.",0 WhatsApp message suggests holding your breath for 10 seconds and drinking water every 15 minutes will fight the coronavirus..,0 38 % of Americans won’t buy Corona beer due to the coronavirus.,0 Wuhan sulfur dioxide emission map shows NASA forecast.,0 Homeopathic product Oscillococcinum protects against COVID-19.,0 86 clients of a brothel in quarantine after a prostituted tested positive in coronavirus.,0 Two Chinese nationals in Kenya have been killed after allegedly escaping from quarantine at the Nairobi Airport.,0 Every election year has a disease; coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2 and a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.,0 The coronavirus outbreak is caused by 5G technology.,0 Shanghai government officially recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19.,0 UNICEF recommendations: coronavirus is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason any mask prevents its entrance. There is no need for pharmacists to sell muzzles. The virus does not settle in the air but is grounded; it is not transmitted by air.,0 The WHO has issued an alert against buying holy colors from China,0 Monkeys are stealing food from a hospital in South Africa.,0 A Shaheen Bagh protest in India was claimed to have coronavirus.,0 Chinese government is killing people who refuse to be evacuated.,0 "A herbal tea can cure symptoms of coronavirus, even if it is a bioterrorism weapon.",0 "The test for coronavirus costs US$3,000 in the United States.",0 Runny nose and coughing sputum are not symptoms of COVID-19.,0 Precautionary measures suggested by UNICEF.,0 Medical book states that coronavirus is just a common cold.,0 Does France underestimate the outbreak?,0 A confidential governmental document proves that the government has decided to postpone local elections in France because of the outbreak.,0 Donating plasma or blood is free testing for the coronavirus.,0 Novel coronavirus has a 99.7% survival rate.,0 "The coronavirus test costs $3,200.",0 A patent that is being shared to claim COVID-19 is old.,0 No work in several regions of Spain due to coronavirus.,0 86 clients of a brothel in quarantine after a prostituted tested positive in coronavirus.,0 Two Chinese nationals in Kenya have been killed after allegedly escaping from quarantine at the Nairobi Airport.,0 Every election year has a disease; coronavirus has a contagion factor of 2 and a cure rate of 99.7% for those under 50 it infects.,0 The coronavirus outbreak is caused by 5G technology.,0 Shanghai government officially recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19.,0 There is an anti-Chinese protest in Italy due to COVID-19.,0 UNICEF recommendations: coronavirus is large in size where the cell diameter is 400-500 micro and for this reason any mask prevents its entrance. There is no need for pharmacists to sell muzzles. The virus does not settle in the air but is grounded; it is not transmitted by air.,0 The WHO has issued an alert against buying holy colors from China,0 "President Donald Trump tweeted, “Coronavirus vaccine from Israel! Stock market up! Economy even stronger now! Besides US, Israel best at inventions: Judaism, olives. Wonderful vaccine, will stop Corona DEAD around world. Can’t make vaccines when being bombed, not have been possible without peace I created in Israel!”",0 Viral claims propagating UNICEF message about coronavirus.,0 Precautionary measures suggested by UNICEF.,0 The Success of an Egyptian serum in treating coronavirus.,0 Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed is infected with coronavirus.,0 Four cases of coronavirus were reported in the West Bank.,0 "In Kuwait, he sneezed during Friday sermon, and the worshipers expelled him.",0 The vaccine against the new coronavirus was created before the disease appeared; three people who recently arrived from China in Sarajevo Canton are under medical supervision and have brought COVID-19 to Sarajevo.,0 80 clients of a brothel were put on quarantine due to coronavirus.,0 A post says that there is a movie that predicted the pandemic and it’s called “Coronavirus”.,0 Article says that the Vatican confirmed that the Pope and two assistants have coronavirus.,0 NHK World’s Chinese language service calls COVID-19 the “Novel Japanese coronavirus”.,0 An image from The Simpsons predicted the novel coronavirus.,0 There is a connection between 5G and Covid-19.,0 Vitamin C is a miracle cure for the novel coronavirus.,0 "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: China has no faith, no election and no freedom. China has only GDP but is losing it. Besides, nothing left in this country but violence and lies.",0 Videograph shows COVID-19 is more dangerous than former outbreaks.,0 Cow dung and cow urine can cure coronavirus.,0 Consuming large doses of Vitamin C can stop the spread of coronavirus.,0 Photos show a well-stocked vegan shelf while other items are cleared out.,0 UNICEF releases coronavirus prevention guidelines.,0 "This video shows panic buying in the United States, during the coronavirus outbreak",0 This is a photo of the first Moroccan infected with the virus.,0 COVID-19 was created in 2014 by an English institute.,0 The first dog was infected with coronavirus.,0 First policeman infected with coronavirus in Ecuador.,0 10 coronavirus cases confirmed in Ecuador.,0 First policeman infected with coronavirus in Ecuador.,0 The Simpsons predicted the coronavirus pandemic years ago.,0 The common cold is the only type of coronavirus.,0 Officials say coronavirus killed 200 in Iran.,0 New coronavirus was registered in 2018.,0 "Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi: China has no faith, no election and no freedom. China has only GDP but is losing it. Besides, nothing left in this country but violence and lies.",0 Lonely Ka’bah from Tawaf after Saudi Arabia makes policy on coronavirus.,0 Masks from Wet Wipes effectively prevent coronavirus transmission,0 Videograph shows COVID-19 is more dangerous than former outbreaks.,0 Cow dung and cow urine can cure coronavirus.,0 Consuming large doses of Vitamin C can stop the spread of coronavirus.,0 "“Man visited Albany, N.Y., days before dying from coronavirus.”",0 "“The State of Florida has announced measures that all workplaces with 10 employees or more are to have paid mandatory leave to avoid the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus starting on March 6, 2020. All schools are to close for 2 weeks also from March 6.”",0 The media “pulled down an entire shelf of goods so that they can present the news of people buying stuff in a hysteria over the coronavirus.”,0 “The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we’re doing” on the coronavirus.,0 The Obama administration “didn’t do anything about” swine flu.,0 "“With regard to the cost, let me be very clear: HHS has designated the coronavirus test as an essential health benefit. That means, by definition, it’s covered in the private health insurance of every American, as well as covered by Medicare and Medicaid.”",1 Vitamin C and warm water with lemon can prevent COVID-19.,0 European Health Organization (EHO) announced that eating beef can cure coronavirus.,0 "Garlic, onions and other traditional medicine recipes are treatments against the new coronavirus.",0 Prince of Qatar is infected with coronavirus.,0 A fabricated circular for the Lebanese Ministry of Education regarding the end of the school year.,0 Gaza Strip Is coronavirus-free.,0 Rapper Eminem contacted coronavirus.,0 "The coronavirus is a bioweapon by the USA, says German politician Wolfgang Gedeon in a Parliament speech.",0 Trump’s effort to blame Obama for sluggish coronavirus testing.,0 The media group Globo published a photo of the dead of the Lampedusa shipwreck as if they were COVID-19 victims.,0 The first coronavirus case in North Macedonia was a well-known fashion designer.,0 Colombia closes its borders to Ecuadorians.,0 Israel creates a vaccine for the coronavirus.,0 Dr. Lupita Yamamoto has found a vaccine that destroys the coronavirus.,0 "First coronavirus case in Ambato, Ecuador.",0 10 coronavirus cases are confirmed in Ecuador.,0 First policeman infected with coronavirus in Ecuador.,0 Vitamin C prevents coronavirus.,0 China names COVID-19 the ”Japanese pneumonia”.,0 A dog was quarantined in Hong Kong after testing positive for the new coronavirus.,0 Drinking sips of water prevents the new coronavirus.,0 An audio clip claims Kenya has recorded 63 cases of COVID-19.,0 Pope Francis and two of his aides have been infected with COVID-19.,0 "Japanese Asahi Shimbun TV: USA caught COVID-19 before Wuhan, according to American CDC",0 A study published by two Chinese research institutions suggest that human semen can cure COVID-19.,0 Turkish raki prevents COVID-19.,0 People queue outside an Aldi supermarket in Germany to buy food in fear of the new coronavirus.,0 Ads are selling masks protecting against COVID-19.,0 Multiple allegations on how to protect oneself from the new coronavirus.,0 Multiple allegations on how to protect oneself from the new coronavirus.,0 A man is hospitalized after eating a bat.,0 Russia said COVID-19 is man-made.,0 The coronavirus has been discovered in poultry.,0 A Nigerian taxi driver threatens to spread COVID-19.,0 A Nigerian taxi driver threatens to spread COVID-19.,0 The photos show Indians bathing in cow dung to prevent infection.,0 Video shows Wuhan residents lining up for death certificates.,0 There is a case of coronavirus at the School of Architects of Madrid.,0 There is a case of coronavirus at the School of Architects of Madrid.,0 Claims that drinking boiled garlic water cures novel coronavirus.,0 The Simpsons predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Vinegar is more effective than alcohol-based hand sanitizers for killing the novel coronavirus.,0 Drinking hot water prevents the COVID-19,0 A health expert surmises that the new coronavirus might not spread in Nigeria because of the hot temperature.,0 "A new case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Tulcán, Ecuador.",0 This video was supposedly developed by the Ecuadorian Health Ministry to encourage people to wash their hands constantly.,0 A brothel in Spain was under quarantine.,0 An image shows Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer criticizing President Trump’s restrictions on foreign nationals traveling to the U.S. from China.,0 The government — or specific states such as Michigan or Florida — has mandated that employers and schools close for two weeks.,0 Pope Francis and his two aides have been infected with the new coronavirus,0 The CDC recommends men shave their beards to be protected against the new coronavirus.,0 A bovine vaccine can be used to inoculate people against coronavirus.,0 Patents mean deadly diseases and viruses were created or invented in a lab.,0 You can’t get infected by kissing the hands of a virgin or saint statue.,0 An audio clip claims Kenya has recorded 63 cases of COVID-19.,0 Pope Francis and two of his aides have been infected with COVID-19.,0 "Japanese Asahi Shimbun TV: USA caught COVID-19 before Wuhan, according to American CDC",0 A study published by two Chinese research institutions suggest that human semen can cure COVID-19.,0 Spices can ward off the new coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus can be transmitted through imported goods,0 Coronavirus dies in temperatures 26-27C and when exposed to sunlight.,0 Turkish raki prevents COVID-19.,0 Bloggers say the Vatican reports that Pope Francis tested negative for the coronavirus before a second test came back positive.,0 Video shows President Donald Trump saying COVID-19 is the Democrats’ “new hoax.”,0 Drink (warm) water or gargle every 15 minutes to rinse the new coronavirus down.,0 Images of BJP men smearing cow dung on one another after their party leader Suman Haripriya said cow dung may help cure coronavirus.,0 UNICEF circular on coronavirus prevention.,0 Vitamin C can cure COVID-19.,0 This video shows dead coronavirus victims amassed in the Bergamo (or Brescia) hospital.,0 Ecuadorian doctor develops a vaccine for COVID-19.,0 "Two cases of coronavirus have been reported in Loja, Ecuador.",0 Azuay governor in Ecuador seeks the cure of COVID-19 in indigenous medicine.,0 Video claims that “The health system is collapsing” in North Macedonia.,0 Uganda has recorded its first coronavirus case from Chinese nationals at the Entebbe Regional Referral Hospital.,0 Shave your beard to protect yourself from the new coronavirus.,0 The pope has COVID-19.,0 Whatsapp message contains multiple health advises.,0 "Man critical with novel coronavirus in Barhalganj, India.",0 Alcohol kills the coronavirus.,0 Outbreak of COVID-19 is a worldwide fake. The fatality rate is too low for an epidemic. The WHO admitted causing the SARS outbreak in 2003.,0 This photo shows a brothel in Europe where people have been quarantined.,0 These are seven “evil” things COVID-19 is “afraid” of.,0 A runny nose and sputum secretion are not symptoms of novel coronavirus.,0 Israeli scientists have developed a COVID-19 vaccine.,0 "12 pieces of advice for coronavirus, including symptoms, transmission, how to neutralize the virus.",0 Plant-based cure for coronavirus discovered in Iran.,0 Disinfectant gel causes cancer.,0 Twitter users said Adutwumwaa Bitters cure coronavirus.,0 Constant sex kills coronavirus.,0 Viral photo in Nigeria suggests former President Obasanjo said there is no coronavirus in Nigeria and that the minister of health lied.,0 "Ministry of Health confirms new case of coronavirus in Santa Elena province, Ecuador.",0 "A bovine coronavirus vaccine, for cattle, is proof that the novel coronavirus isn’t “new” and is evidence of “how much the media controls people.”",0 Journalist claims a coronavirus patient was murdered.,0 U.S. Vice President Pence urged people with coronavirus to go to the police.,0 The Ministry of Health in Spain issues advice about the coronavirus outbreak.,0 3.000 people from Elche (Spain) are infected with the coronavirus after coming back from Milan’s international footwear industry fair.,0 The pope has COVID-19.,0 Whatsapp message contains multiple health advises.,0 "Man critical with novel coronavirus in Barhalganj, India.",0 Alcohol kills the coronavirus.,0 "Ambulance health care workers are transporting a coronavirus patient in The Hague (The Netherlands), dressed in white protective suits.",0 Post says “sanitizer will do nothing for the coronavirus.”,0 "Post says two patients at Valley Regional Medical Center in Brownsville, Texas, “are being looked at” for possible coronavirus infections.",0 The United States is “actually screening fewer people (for the coronavirus than other countries) because we don’t have appropriate testing.”,1 U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham says President Trump “probably knows more about medicine and specifically viruses than any of the so-called scientists at the NIH and CDC.”,0 “Coronavirus hoax: Fake virus pandemic fabricated to cover-up global outbreak of 5G Syndrome.”,0 Multiple videos claim garlic and onions can prevent and cure infection from the novel coronavirus.,0 Images show the Great Mosque of Mecca empty.,0 Notice for preparing emergency drugs was released on social media for alumni of Seoul National University College of Medicine.,0 "In North Korea, a person was allegedly shot by local authorities when he violated the quarantine rule and went to a public restroom.",0 Ecuadorian youtuber Raùl Alvarez Guene was supposedly infected with COVID-19.,0 There are cases of coronavirus in the Amazon forest.,0 Local hospital in Ecuador says first COVID-19 patient didn’t have coronavirus.,0 "With the spread of the new coronavirus, information spread that the government had been producing masks with a Japanese flag in response to the lack of masks.",0 Ecuadorian youtuber Raùl Alvarez Guene was supposedly infected with COVID-19.,0 Facemasks prevent coronavirus infection.,0 "Indonesia has provided 1,000 free tickets for nationals to return home from abroad.",0 This is a video of panicked shoppers storming a supermarket amid the coronavirus pandemic.,0 Four patients infected with the coronavirus are hospitalized in Sri Lanka.,0 Classes in Ecuador are suspended because of coronavirus.,0 "There is a new case of coronavirus in Latacunga, Ecuador.",0 Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,0 An alkaline diet can prevent coronavirus infection.,0 Facemasks prevent coronavirus infection.,0 “Florida hospital reports a coronavirus ‘infestation’ with multiple confirmed patients.”,0 Photo shows a man wearing a “government issued Saint Laurent hazardous materials suit.”,0 "“Shands Hospital of Gainesville, Florida, has confirmed its first case of coronavirus.”",0 Post says no one has died from the coronavirus in the United States.,0 The coronavirus is “simply the common cold.”,0 This video was shot in a mall in Germany during the coronavirus pandemic.,0 The Vatican confirms Pope Francis was infected with coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus Is spreading in Egyptian schools.,0 Beware of Yellow Rain (Agent Orange) coming with a storm from China. It brings chemicals and the coronavirus.,0 Bill Gates is working on an electronic chip to implant under human skin in order to locate and control people.,0 Oklahoma police planning to set up roadblocks to enforce a mandatory COVID-19 vaccination law and slap micro-chipped bracelets on people.,0 Taiwanese president and former president were infected. The former president died.,0 "Police in China have killed 25,000 COVID-19 patients so far.",0 "COVID-19 came from Chinese people eating human babies, in an effort to improve their skin.",0 Photo of Iranian officials visiting the vice president after she contracted COVID-19.,0 Vatican says Pope Francis has been infected with the novel coronavirus.,0 "14 points of expert advice about coronavirus, including symptoms, prevention and how it spreads.",0 "Mongolia donates 30,000 sheep to China during the coronavirus epidemic.",0 Volcanic ash can kill the coronavirus.,0 "Germany gave medical protection equipment like masks to China, now it’s missing in Germany.",0 The coronavirus is more dangerous for animals than for humans.,0 A video shows people storming an Aldi supermarket to buy groceries because of coronavirus fear.,0 This virus must be old because the label on a bottle of disinfectant from 2015 shows “coronavirus“.,0 Local news channel in Ecuador confirms more people are infected with coronavirus.,0 Health Ministry in Ecuador confirms three new cases of coronavirus.,0 Pope Francis is infected with coronavirus.,0 Drinking warm water or tea can prevent contagions.,0 Doctors recommend carbon filter face masks to prevent coronavirus spread.,0 Garlic water can treat coronavirus.,0 Pangolin is the original cause of COVID-19.,0 Russia announces the closure of airspace and suspends all incoming and outgoing flights to China.,0 Taiwanese president and former president were infected. The former president died.,0 "Police in China have killed 25,000 COVID-19 patients so far.",0 "COVID-19 came from Chinese people eating human babies, in an effort to improve their skin.",0 A video says the Vatican confirmed Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,0 President Barack Obama “waited six months to call swine flu an emergency after thousands died.”,0 The Vatican confirmed that Pope Francis and two aides tested positive for coronavirus.,0 CDC recommends men shave their beards to be protected against the new coronavirus.,0 Pope Francis was diagnosed with coronavirus.,0 A video shows a man with COVID-19 spitting on grocery store items.,0 Video of a person infected with coronavirus being detained by the police.,0 Barcelona’s council issued a notification of a new focus in two neighborhoods.,0 "The wife of a Chinese shop owner in Totana (Murcia, Spain) has coronavirus.",0 A video of chaos in a shop claims people are panicking after the first confirmed case of coronavirus in Lithuania.,0 Doctors in Japan advise people to drink water every 15 minutes to prevent an infection.,0 Vitamin helps against COVID-19.,0 Election years in the United States coincide with major disease outbreaks.,0 The Cambodian prime minister has COVID-19.,0 Beef meat is the best vaccine against COVID-19.,0 Tips against coronavirus like holding your breath and drinking water.,0 "Shaving facial hair ensures safety from COVID-19, further attributing the message to the CDC.",0 Video of a roof full of bats claims it is the source of coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus patients in China are caught by officials on a highway.,0 Chinese police use a fishing net to arrest a man with a high fever.,0 Florida man is arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.,0 Summer temperatures will make coronavirus disappear.,0 "“Spanish newspaper ABC reports there are two possible COVID-19 cases in Gines and Benecazón (Seville, Spain).",0 "A man with a gas mask at a supermarket in Lugo (Galicia, Spain).",0 "The wife of a Chinese shop owner in Totana (Murcia, Spain) has coronavirus.",0 Authorities should implement temperature tests to travelers from China.,0 Video of a person infected with coronavirus being detained by the police.,0 Barcelona’s council issued a notification of a new focus in two neighborhoods.,0 "The wife of a Chinese shop owner in Totana (Murcia, Spain) has coronavirus.",0 Jackie Chan is quarantined because of the coronavirus.,0 Clients of a brothel in the Spanish city of Valencia are quarantined after one of their employees tested positive for coronavirus.,0 A “poll finds 38% of Americans say they will not drink Corona beer because of the virus.”,0 "“The coronavirus has made it to Mississippi and the lady that caught it wasn’t around anybody with it, which means it is airborne. If the wind blows it in your direction, you’ll have it also.”",0 “Every election year has a disease” — SARS in 2004; avian flu in 2008; swine flu in 2010; MERS in 2012; Ebola in 2014 and 2018; Zika in 2016 and the coronavirus in 2020.,0 COVID-19 is just a big flu.,0 It is best to shave your beard to avoid being infected by the coronavirus.,0 "A man with a gas mask at a supermarket in Lugo (Galicia, Spain).",0 Coronavirus patients in China are caught by officials on a highway.,0 It is possible to self-diagnose by holding your breath for 10 seconds.,0 Chinese experts warn about a scar in the lung caused by COVID-19. This is more severe than SARS 17 years ago.,0 The German government made a “secret plan” about coronavirus in 2012 that foretold the pandemic.,0 "The next thing that we will run short of, following masks, is toilet paper.",0 Consuming alcohol is an effective measure against COVID-19.,0 Sevilla’s university has suspended classes because of coronavirus on 2/27/20.,0 Dr. Gerardo Dovakin found a vaccine against coronavirus.,0 "Honduras’s first confirmed case traveled to Taiwan earlier, which means there is a severe community transmission in Taiwan.",0 Taiwan has severe community transmission. Many people have died.,0 The outbreak in Taiwan is out of control. President Tsai ordered a corpse burned in front of the presidential office.,0 Iranian clerics wear masks after the outbreak.,0 Drinking water every 10 minutes can send the virus into sthe omach and kill it.,0 The WHO has issued an alert against buying holy colors from China,0 Video shows Chinese officials detaining an infected citizen who refused to be tested.,0 A “Lithuanian doctor” gives advice to those potentially infected with the coronavirus.,0 Health authorities say shaving a beard protects from COVID-19.,0 Airport in Karachi suspends all international arrivals during coronavirus epidemic.,0 Holding your breath can test for COVID-19.,0 Chloroquine cures COVID-19.,0 Video shows a person infected with coronavirus being detained by the police.,0 A case of coronavirus in the Argentine province of Santiago del Estero was confirmed.,0 A case of coronavirus in the Argentine province of Chaco was confirmed.,0 An Argentinian doctor discovered a vaccine for coronavirus in Spain,0 The WHO says the coronavirus might be spread by food.,0 Coronavirus is not reproducing in warm places.,0 Bleach and chlorine can be used to prevent the coronavirus.,0 "Iran’s deputy Health Minister: This year we have had 13,200 flu cases which caused the death of 108 people. Our population is a fourth of the U.S. population. Last year, they had 28 million flu cases which resulted in 16,000 deaths. Yet nobody is restricting travel.",0 "The cover of a book titled “Tintin in Wuhan” shows the character standing in an old Chinese market wearing special suits, while people are wearing masks.",0 French far right leader Marine Le Pen says the EU didn’t act against the outbreak,0 Lysol products can kill the novel coronavirus.,0 A monkey is been infected with the coronavirus in this photo.,0 Lectures have been suspended at the University of Sevilla due to coronavirus.,0 There is a new case of COVID-19 in Sacedón (Spain).,0 El Pais said there is a possible case of coronavirus at the hospital Gregorio Marañón in Spain.,0 An article in El Pais says there is a case of coronavirus at the School of Architecture of Madrid.,0 First case of coronavirus in Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).,0 A brothel with 86 customers was quarantined after a prostitute tested positive for the coronavirus.,0 Sevilla’s university has suspended classes because of coronavirus on 2/27/20.,0 Dr. Gerardo Dovakin found a vaccine against coronavirus.,0 "Honduras’s first confirmed case traveled to Taiwan earlier, which means there is a severe community transmission in Taiwan.",0 Taiwan has severe community transmission. Many people have died.,0 The outbreak in Taiwan is out of control. President Tsai ordered a corpse burned in front of the presidential office.,0 Iranian clerics wear masks after the outbreak.,0 Drinking water every 10 minutes can send the virus into sthe omach and kill it.,0 The WHO has issued an alert against buying holy colors from China,0 "”America has been vaccinating cattle for coronavirus for years, yet the news tells you it’s new and going to kill you all, so go buy a mask.”",0 "“The blood test for coronavirus costs $3,200.”",0 "Starting in March, if you travel outside of the United States you won’t be allowed back in the country “due to high risk of the coronavirus.”",0 "“‘Akira’ is a 1988 movie about an apocalyptic event taking place months before Tokyo 2020 Olympics, showing the WHO advising Japan to postpone the Olympics because of a pandemic risk.”",0 Iran buries coronavirus victims in Iraq; a video from the Najaf Cemetery.,0 Football player Alexis Sanchez is infected with the new coronavirus.,0 Keeping your throat moist will wash the coronavirus down to your stomach where the virus will die.,0 Ministry of Economy and Finance in South Korea and pharmaceutical companies had a secret meeting.,0 A video accompanying a claim shows bodies being removed from a hospital in Iran during the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 "Eat herbs, curmin, like people in India, and you will be safe from COVID-19.",0 "Each side of protective surgical masks has different functions, indicated by colour, and you should choose the way you wear by whether you are ill or not.",0 "A book published in 1981 said that in 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness would spread across the world, and calling it “Wuhan-400”.",0 Ministry of Economy and Finance in South Korea and pharmaceutical companies had a secret meeting.,0 New cases of coronavirus in Madrid are linked to two universities and a club.,0 "Two cases are confirmed of coronavirus in Huelva, Andalucía (2/26/20)",0 Italian Red Cross gives the recipe for making amuchina (hand sanitizer) at home.,0 A post says “hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,0 “Coronavirus: Florida man arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.”,0 The CDC recommends men shave their beards to protect against coronavirus.,0 China took advantage of the coronavirus crisis to buy back stocks from its technology companies belonging to foreign investors.,0 The Russian CDC admitted that COVID-19 is human-made.,0 "Photos show many corpses floating in the river in Tainan, a Southern city in Taiwan.",0 “DDP (Democratic Progressive Party) legislator Kao Chia-yu gave my mom two boxes of face masks since DDP has plenty and said the outbreak is out of control.”,0 "My son, who works as a public servant in the Central government, got one box of face masks while the public is restricted to two per week.",0 "Singapore government said confirmed case No. 12 is a prostitute. As a result, many of her clients are under quarantine.",0 Multiple allegations around how coronavirus was produced by China.,0 A “letter” from an uncle in Wuhan claims COVID-19 can be cured with hot water.,0 CDC issued facial hair recommendation for novel coronavirus prevention.,0 There is a confirmed case of coronavirus in a Bogotá hospital.,0 You can maintain the alkaline state of the body to avoid contagion.,0 Is it useful to close borders to stop the outbreak?,0 Hair Weaves And Lace Front Wigs Made In China Likely To Contain coronavirus.,0 Letters and packages sent from China can cause coronavirus infection.,0 Face masks are a good protection against the coronavirus.,0 The new coronavirus was registered in 2004.,0 School has been suspended in Catalonia until 3/2/20.,0 New cases of coronavirus in Madrid are linked to two universities and a club.,0 "Two cases are confirmed of coronavirus in Huelva, Andalucía (2/26/20)",0 Italian Red Cross gives the recipe for making amuchina (hand sanitizer) at home.,0 A post says “hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,0 “Coronavirus: Florida man arrested for robbery using cough as a weapon.”,0 The CDC recommends men shave their beards to protect against coronavirus.,0 China took advantage of the coronavirus crisis to buy back stocks from its technology companies belonging to foreign investors.,0 The Russian CDC admitted that COVID-19 is human-made.,0 "Photos show many corpses floating in the river in Tainan, a Southern city in Taiwan.",0 “DDP (Democratic Progressive Party) legislator Kao Chia-yu gave my mom two boxes of face masks since DDP has plenty and said the outbreak is out of control.”,0 "My son, who works as a public servant in the Central government, got one box of face masks while the public is restricted to two per week.",0 "Singapore government said confirmed case No. 12 is a prostitute. As a result, many of her clients are under quarantine.",0 Multiple allegations around how coronavirus was produced by China.,0 A post says “hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,0 A man is allegedly selling medical masks for 80 denars on a bus owned by the Skopje Public Transportation Enterprise.,0 Chinese people convert to Islam because of COVID-19.,0 A monkey has been infected with coronavirus in this photo.,0 Cocaine kills the coronavirus.,0 Kuwait boycotted the products of the Saudi Almarai Company.,0 Holding your breath lets you check if you have coronavirus.,0 “Hair weave and lace fronts manufactured in China may contain the coronavirus.”,0 Coronavirus patients are being “cremated alive” in China.,0 "Evidence indicates COVID-19 escaped a Chinese lab that was researching it, causing the outbreak.",0 It is a weird and unusual year; an ice tsunami occurred on Xingkai Lake in Heilongjiang.,0 An armored vehicle was so full of corpses that it slipped off a trailer.,0 The DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) politician Wang Shijian said Taiwan has more than 500 confirmed cases.,0 A vaccine for COVID-19 has been found.,0 Coronavirus infects chickens in Pakistan.,0 Photos show Muslims in Italy praying outside because of the novel coronavirus.,0 Indian Government and the WHO advised people not to purchase colors from China for Holi.,0 A crowd is waiting to greet Colombians living in Wuhan who are being flown to Bogotá.,0 "In Poland, people who are not insured have to pay for coronavirus testing, so if they can’t afford it, they will spread it.",0 China needs coronavirus SWAT (special weapons and tactics) police teams to arrest this coronavirus victim.,0 "In 1981, the book “The Eyes of Darkness” predicted the spread of the coronavirus.",0 The word “coronavirus” on disinfecting spray reaffirms that the virus was known before the outbreak and could be planned.,0 Coronavirus is a bioweapon leaked from a Wuhan lab.,0 Bats that hide under Wuhan rooftops caused the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 Video of a road traffic control in China to detect people infected with coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus patients are being “cremated alive” in China.,0 "Evidence indicates COVID-19 escaped a Chinese lab that was researching it, causing the outbreak.",0 It is a weird and unusual year; an ice tsunami occurred on Xingkai Lake in Heilongjiang.,0 An armored vehicle was so full of corpses that it slipped off a trailer.,0 The DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) politician Wang Shijian said Taiwan has more than 500 confirmed cases.,0 A vaccine for COVID-19 has been found.,0 The mortality rate for the flu is “right around” that of the new coronavirus: “It’s right around 2%.”,0 A 1981 book predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Bats that hide under Wuhan rooftops caused the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 China gets meat from the dead bodies of coronavirus victims and transports it to Africa.,0 The Chinese accept Islam en masse (20 million).,0 These are measures that protect from novel coronavirus.,0 Infected taxi driver demands money from his government or he’ll infect others.,0 President Trump claims the virus is under control and testing is available.,0 Coronavirus was found in horses.,0 These images have previously circulated in reports about an elderly Chinese couple who had unrelated health problems.,0 "There are two coronavirus cases in Bovalino (Reggio Calabria, Italy).",0 "Coronavirus in Sant’Egidio (Abruzzo, Italy).",0 "Coronavirus in Parabiago e Nerviano (Lombardia, Italy)",0 Coronavirus is present at Bosch company in Bari (Puglia) because Chinese people visited the week before.,0 "“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”",0 Taiwanese manufacturing is awesome. One machine can produce 2.5 million face masks per day.,0 "Video shows the suspected infected people in eastern Turkey, Van.",0 Author Dean Koontz foresaw the coronavirus outbreak in his book.,0 "A book by D.Koontz, “The Eyes of Darkness,” predicted COVID-19 in 1981.",0 Chinese people convert to Islam because of COVID-19.,0 Radio host Rush Limbaugh compares novel coronavirus to “the common cold.”,0 "Coronavirus case in Uttar Pradesh district, India.",0 Shoppers in China storm supermarket after coronavirus outbreak.,0 A Chinese SWAT Team takes down a coronavirus suspect,0 A 1981 book predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 The link between COVID-19 and 5G is being hidden.,0 "There are two coronavirus cases in Bovalino (Reggio Calabria, Italy).",0 "Coronavirus in Sant’Egidio (Abruzzo, Italy).",0 "Coronavirus in Parabiago e Nerviano (Lombardia, Italy)",0 Coronavirus is present at Bosch company in Bari (Puglia) because Chinese people visited the week before.,0 "“The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”",0 Taiwanese manufacturing is awesome. One machine can produce 2.5 million face masks per day.,0 "Video shows the suspected infected people in eastern Turkey, Van.",0 Author Dean Koontz foresaw the coronavirus outbreak in his book.,0 Video says President Donald Trump spawned the “Wuhan super virus outbreak under code name ‘zyphr.’”,0 Nostradamus predicted the coronavirus.,0 Video shows an Iranian man running after a cleric claiming to be infected with the coronavirus.,0 Person who fainted at a subway station has COVID-19.,0 A Facebook status from 2012 talked about the spread of coronavirus in 2020.,0 "Years ago, there was a hand sanitizer active against Sars-Cov-2.",0 A video shows an anti-China protest amid the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy.,0 A Facebook status from 2012 talked about the spread of coronavirus in 2020.,0 "Years ago, there was a hand sanitizer active against Sars-Cov-2.",0 Ketamine can cure COVID-19.,0 Many corpses from South Taiwan were sent to Taichung to burn. Taiwan has a serious community infection.,0 Map of the spread of coronavirus In the coming months.,0 Photos of the Korean delegation infected with coronavirus in Palestine.,0 Bill Gates wrote a letter saying COVID-19 is teaching humans a lesson.,0 According to a study the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 was the result of experiements done in a lab located near the market in Wuhan.,0 Pigs are buried alive due to coronavirus.,0 Post says “people of color may be immune to the coronavirus because of melanin.”,0 A child who died in Damascus was infected with the coronavirus.,0 Video shows Chinese officials detaining suspected coronavirus cases.,0 "The Japanese government has been refusing to use and introduce a gene test kit manufacturered by Swiss-based pharmaceutical company Roche which is currently in use around the world due to its convenience of use. This is believed to be because the Ministry of Health has already allocated the budget to public project set up to develop their own new tests. If we had used the Roche test kits since day one, we could have prevented the outbreak on the cruise ship.”",0 Four people have died in Zanzibar after handling a chicken infected with COVID-19.,0 "Coronavirus has arrived in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.",0 This is artwork from Wuhan.,0 This map shows high sulphur dioxide in Wuhan now due to the burning of corpses.,0 Chinese people flee to Vietnam due to COVID-19.,0 Video shows racist reactions toward Asian people.,0 The WHO considers canceling the Mecca pilgrimage.,0 "These charts show the difference betweem COVID-19, flu and common cold.",0 A suspicious case of coronavirus in a Military Hospital in Maracay originated with an Army member who claimed have visited China in December.,0 Chinese people are fleeing China to Vietnam because of coronavirus.,0 "Six coronavirus cases confirmed in Wichita, Kansas.",0 Four people have died in Zanzibar after handling a chicken infected with COVID-19.,0 "Coronavirus has arrived in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.",0 "In a video, a Chinese epidemiologist says there are millions infected.",0 Evacuation of Yemeni students by the Sultan of Oman in China.,0 A Chinese man has been lynched because he pretended to have the coronavirus.,0 Cannabis boosts immunity against COVID-19,0 Rainbow shimmers behind a COVID-19 disinfectant truck in China.,0 Those are corpses on the street in Wuhan.,0 "Social media posts claim Chloroquine, an antimalarial drug, can cure COVID-19.",0 Chinese converting to Islam after realizing that no Muslim was affected by COVD19 in the country.,0 "20 million Chinese convert to Islam, and coronavirus does not affect Muslims.",0 A Chinese man has been lynched because he pretended to have the coronavirus.,0 The Simpsons predicted the new coronavirus outbreak.,0 Mosques across China reopened after the coronavirus plague.,0 Chinese businessman Guo Wengui multiple allegations on coronavirus outbreak.,0 The drug Arbidol can help fight the new coronavirus.,0 The State of Qatar did not report any COVID-19 infections.,0 Iraqi Ministry of Health demanded to close the border With Iran because of coronavirus.,0 There is no way to forbid religious gatherings temporarily in South Korea to prevent the virus from spreading.,0 "11 out of 13 people (from the Diamond Princess Cruise ship) who had intially tested negative in tests in Japan, were later confirmed to be positive in the United States.",0 A claim was made that India found a cure to coronavirus,0 The 2008 book “End of Days” predicted the current coronavirus outbreak.,0 This is Dr. Li-wen Liang’s funeral ceremony.,0 The amount of ACE2 East Asian people have is 4-5 times more than non-East-Asians. That is why they get infected easily.,0 Massive live-pig burials follow the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "China seeks court’s approval to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 People queue in Singapore for Halal food.,0 "In Japan, if the new coronavirus test is negative, the cost is 80,000 yen. If positive, the state will bear the cost.",0 This video shows corpses on the streets of Wuhan.,0 World labs confirm coronavirus was bioengineered.,0 African skin and blood is resistant to coronavirus.,0 "In Nigeria, Ibrahim Magu, acting EFCC chairman, said corruption caused the coronavirus outbreak.",0 Chinese police kill a woman escaping a COVID-19 quarantine in China.,0 Coronavirus is a biological warfare weapon.,0 Chinese are converting to Islam after realizing that no Muslim was affected by COVID-19 in the country.,0 The 2008 book “End of Days” predicted the current coronavirus outbreak.,0 This is Dr. Li-wen Liang’s funeral ceremony.,0 The amount of ACE2 East Asian people have is 4-5 times more than non-East-Asians. That is why they get infected easily.,0 Chinese citizens cram for Friday prayer after coronavirus plague.,0 Massive live-pig burials follow the COVID-19 outbreak.,0 "China seeks court’s approval to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 This coronavirus-infected patient reached to Dr. Vinod Kumar but he wasn’t given the treatment. He was later referred to Bhagalpur. It further states that one should avoid meat and fish for 3 months and wear mask to protect yourself from coronavirus.,0 A video says “the coronavirus was invented and patented in the USA and then planted in China.”,0 India has developed a treatment for coronavirus.,0 An elderly Chinese couple infected with coronavirus say goodbye while they are in a hospital.,0 A quarantined person fled from a facility in Daegu South Korea.,0 Police or military prepare for total containment in Canada.,0 Studies show the coronavirus was engineered to be a bioweapon.,0 "In the midst of the health emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the image of what appears to be a hospital emergency room was shared. The images show that at least three patients are treated on the floor, since all beds are occupied by other patients.",0 COVID-19 is the name of the vaccine against the novel coronavirus.,0 20 million Chinese people converted to Islam after it was proven that the coronavirus does not affect Muslims.,0 A video shows the late Chinese doctor Li-wen Liang’s wedding party.,0 Dr. Chao Chien Kuo from Wuhan Central Hospital said drinking alcohol can prevent COVID-19.,0 Having 14 face masks is enough. They can be reused every 14 days since the incubation period is 14 days.,0 An Australian couple ordered wine by drone on a Princess Cruise ship.,0 This map shows the global spread of COVID-19.,0 Drinking alcohol kills the coronavirus.,0 "Seven children died from coronavirus within one week in Karimganj (Assam, India).",0 Data shows a massive release of sulfur dioxide gas near Wuhan.,0 Popping bubble wrap exposes people to coronavirus.,0 Cocaine kills the coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 is the name of the vaccine against the novel coronavirus.,0 20 million Chinese people converted to Islam after it was proven that the coronavirus does not affect Muslims.,0 A video shows the late Chinese doctor Li-wen Liang’s wedding party.,0 Dr. Chao Chien Kuo from Wuhan Central Hospital said drinking alcohol can prevent COVID-19.,0 Having 14 face masks is enough. They can be reused every 14 days since the incubation period is 14 days.,0 Chinese are converting to Islam to avoid the coronavirus.,0 A video shows a crow attack and a jumbo mosquito in China during the coronavirus plague.,0 Taking a hot bath is an effective remedy against COVID-19.,0 "Exactly every 100 years, a viral epidemic breaks out.",0 This bottle of disinfectant gel proves that the coronavirus existed before 2019.,0 Swarms of crows attack the streets of Wuhan.,0 The Egyptian Minister of Health announced a cure for coronavirus that is extracted from dates.,0 Africans are more resistant to COVID-19.,0 The coronavirus outbreak in Georgia is caused by the EU-Georgia Association Agreement.,0 The novel coronavirus only survives in cold weather and hot ginger tea or salabat can cure COVID-19.,0 "The video of a flock of crows was shot in Wuhan, China.",0 Cloud and rain from Wuhan brought the virus to Taiwan.,0 SO2 map proves the massive human cremation in Wuhan.,0 A video claims to show an Eid prayer in China in December 2019.,0 Video shows quarantined people in a building in Shanghai.,0 Thailand cures COVID-19 with anti-HIV drugs.,0 There is a COVID-19 case in east Indian state.,0 There is a COVID-19 case in Ethiopia.,0 Cuban medicine cures COVID-19.,0 Bus driver in China vomits blood after becoming unconscious behind the wheel.,0 "A video shows a massive explosion in Wuhan, China, to control the spread of coronavirus.",0 Latest research by Chinese scientists said coronavirus will render most male patients infertile.,0 "Consuming magnesium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, ginger and lemon juice prevents coronavirus infection.",0 Cloud and rain from Wuhan brought the virus to Taiwan.,0 This burned building is a place of coronavirus patient isolation.,0 SO2 map proves the massive human cremation in Wuhan.,0 An “official” mask to combat the novel coronavirus was released.,0 Black skin is resistant to coronavirus.,0 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte orders state hospital to accept COVID-19 patients from Wuhan.,0 "Upon approval from Supreme People’s Court, China will kill 20,000 patients with novel coronavirus.",0 Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte orders state hospital to accept COVID-19 patients from Wuhan.,0 "Upon approval from Supreme People’s Court, China will kill 20,000 patients with novel coronavirus.",0 China declares nuclear war on America.,0 "China has announced the success of Egyptian serum form Dr. Hala, Health Minister of Egypt, against coronavirus",0 High levels of sulfur dioxide in Wuhan “may be a sign of mass cremations of victims of the coronavirus.”,0 "Someone from Bosnia and Herzegovina was captured on the Diamond Princess cruiser in quarantine. After testing negative for coronavirus, he returned to BiH.",0 Drinking much hot water can prevent COVID-19.,0 Nan-shan Zhong said there is no vegetarian getting COVID-19.,0 "The map is “based on traces of Wuhan citizens,” between the outbreak of the new coronavirus and the blockade of Wuhan.",0 "A large amount of sulfur dioxide was observed in Wuhan because up to 14,000 bodies were incinerated.",0 Two videos say that in Ibagué there are cases of COVID-19 and that the Colombian government is covering it up.,0 New confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Kolkatta reported by Press Trust of India.,0 High levels of sulfur dioxide in Wuhan “may be a sign of mass cremations of victims of the coronavirus.”,0 "Someone from Bosnia and Herzegovina was captured on the Diamond Princess cruiser in quarantine. After testing negative for coronavirus, he returned to BiH.",0 Drinking much hot water can prevent COVID-19.,0 Nan-shan Zhong said there is no vegetarian getting COVID-19.,0 A video claims to show Chinese Muslims performing a communal Friday prayer in a mosque despite the novel coronavirus pandemic.,0 The windy diagram of sulfur dioxide emission level over Wuhan indicated massive corpses burning there.,0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in Wuhan.,0 Chicken infected from coronavirus found In Bangalore.,0 A video shows crows are flocking to Wuhan.,0 A map shows hundreds of thousands of Wuhan residents (or even 5 million of them) traveling out of the city before the lockdown.,0 A video shows a Chinese epidemiologist saying there are millions of people infected.,0 People in Wuhan are locked inside their houses trying to escape a building fire.,0 The WHO declared COVID-19 is the abbreviation for China Outbreak Virus in December 2019.,0 A video shows police killing COVID-19 affected people in China.,0 Sulfur dioxide pollution in Wuhan reveals that China is burning bodies of victims.,0 A residential building was set on fire in Wuhan to control spread of coronavirus.,0 High-rise buildings have become human incinerators to combat the spread of the coronavirus.,0 This photo is a “chinese tapaӬfrom a bat.,0 The windy diagram of sulfur dioxide emission level over Wuhan indicated massive corpses burning there.,0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in Wuhan.,0 Chicken infected from coronavirus found In Bangalore.,0 China orders citizens to abandon/kill their pets as they can transmit coronavirus.,0 Video of police killing COVID-19 affected people in China.,0 Ginger can cure and protect you from COVID-19.,0 "This is a person with coronavirus in Calella, Barcelona (2/13/20).",0 COVID-19 was caused by 5G antennas.,0 Boiled ginger can cure COVID-19,0 A video claims to show a plane carrying medical supplies to China.,0 COVID-19 means “China Outbreak Virus.”,0 Satellite images show increase in SO2 emissions around Wuhan.,0 A video shows a family killed by the coronavirus amid China’s multi-city lockdown.,0 Weed kills the coronavirus.,0 There is a Cuban drug used in China against the coronavirus.,0 "The Chinese news website Tencent filters that there are more than 24,000 deaths from coronavirus.",0 Claims of cannibalism in China: People are cutting a baby in order to eat it.,0 "This is a person with coronavirus in Calella, Barcelona (2/13/20).",0 "Chinese government requests the Supreme People’s Court for permission to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients to stop the spread of the disease",0 Bats responsible for the outbreak of coronavirus originated from the rooftop of a house in Wuhan.,0 Satellite images showing high levels of sulphur dioxide above China are possible evidence of mass cremations of people who have died from coronavirus.,0 A video clip shows the killing of people infected with COVID-19.,0 Epidemics spread in the 20th year every 100 years.,0 Using cocaine kills the coronavirus,0 Drinking water and keeping your throat moist can prevent the novel coronavirus from attaching to your throat.,0 This video shows crows in the Chinese city of Xining.,0 Chinese elderly couple infected with coronavirus says goodbye while they are in a hospital.,0 Germans quarantined in La Gomera by the coronavirus leave home isolation without permission.,0 Hand sanitizer form 2010 is labeled against COVID-19.,0 "The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.",0 China scientist Ms. Shih generated coronavirus.,0 "Hold your breath for 10 seconds; if you are able to do this, you are not infected with COVID-19.",0 Miles Kwok: China military admitted that coronavirus is made by China. It is a human-made bio-weapon.,0 COVID-19 is officially found in bats.,0 Philippines has issued an order mandating a compulsory quarantine for all travelers returning from 23 countries.,0 USPS stops accepting items for China and Hong Kong,0 Black people are more resistant to COVID-19.,0 The Pinol brand of disinfectant is the solution to the coronavirus.,0 "In Japan, Okinawa Prefecture Governor Tamaki Denny was seen Kachashi dancing with the mayor of Nanjo City. It was reported that “the governor and the mayor danced while the people were terrified about the new coronavirus infection.”",0 "In a voice note, a pilot greets from the airport of San José del Guaviare and says that he is in quarantine along with other people, between 18 and 22. They arrived in that city by plane and were diagnosed with the coronavirus.",0 China orders citizens to abandon/kill their pets as they can transmit coronavirus.,0 Police publicly kill a coronavirus-infected woman in China.,0 "The coronavirus epidemic will disappear in April thanks to the heat, as President Donald Trump said.",0 The new coronavirus arrives in Colombia.,0 "Coronavirus cases reported in Rome, Georgia.",0 Vitamin C and Omega prevent the new coronavirus.,0 “THE CHINESE HAVE BEGUN TO USE THEIR HUMAN CORPSE TO PROCESS INTO PRODUCTS SUCH AS CORNED BEEF TO SHIP TO AFRICA. Please share with your contacts. Very important”,0 "China is seeking court’s approval to kill 20,000 people positive with coronavirus",0 Chinese elderly couple infected with coronavirus says goodbye while they are in a hospital.,0 Germans quarantined in La Gomera by the coronavirus leave home isolation without permission.,0 Hand sanitizer form 2010 is labeled against COVID-19.,0 "The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.",0 Putting an onion in your room can help prevent COVID-19.,0 China scientist Ms. Shih generated coronavirus.,0 "Hold your breath for 10 seconds; if you are able to do this, you are not infected with COVID-19.",0 Miles Kwok: China military admitted that coronavirus is made by China. It is a human-made bio-weapon.,0 The coronavirus antivirus was discovered by Israeli and Chinese doctors.,0 COVID-19 is officially found in bats.,0 Photos show a Chinese man eating “human baby soup” have circulated on social networking platforms. He is seen sitting at a table with a stillborn baby served in front of him.,0 Silver Solution used on strains of coronavirus “totally eliminates it. Kills it. Deactivates it.”,0 "China seeks court’s approval to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 The Sudanese minister did put on a mask while meeting the Chinese ambassador.,0 This is how to test your lung for COVID-19 self-check.,0 "The coronavirus pandemic can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.",0 China killed COVID-19 patients because it couldn’t find a cure.,0 “Breaking: UK prepares for full lockdown after hundreds of new cases — Wuhan super virus updates.”,0 A Chinese pirate movie called “Coronavirus” is sold in Mexico City.,0 Overseas Chinese bought flights to ship medical supplies from Melbourne to South China.,0 "In the Chinese city of Shandong, no one gets COVID-19 because it’s full of garlic.",0 Thailand is successfully curing coronavirus patients with marijuana.,0 COVID-19 is more deadly than Ebola or HIV.,0 "The Chinese supreme court OK’d euthanasia for 20,000 people.",0 "There are two COVID-19 cases in Libreville, Gongo.",0 "Videos state that 25,000 Chinese are being killed.",0 "Raúl Rodolfo Abhuz Khan, a biochemical engineer from Karmalah laboratories, created the coronavirus.",0 "China seeks approval from the court to kill over 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 People in Wuhan are locked inside their houses by the Chinese government.,0 People are lying on the ground in China because they contracted the coronavirus.,0 Cats and dogs can be infected and can contaminate humans with COVID-19.,0 Cats and dogs can be infected and can contaminate humans with COVID-19.,0 “Breaking: UK prepares for full lockdown after hundreds of new cases — Wuhan super virus updates.”,0 A Chinese pirate movie called “Coronavirus” is sold in Mexico City.,0 Overseas Chinese bought flights to ship medical supplies from Melbourne to South China.,0 "In the Chinese city of Shandong, no one gets COVID-19 because it’s full of garlic.",0 Russian doctor taught: washing the nostrils with soap can prevent COVID-19.,0 Thailand is successfully curing coronavirus patients with marijuana.,0 "Chinese Government requests court permission to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 Video shows coronavirus patients and doctors.,0 "Coronavirus-infected chicken has been found in Bengaluru, India.",0 20 million Chinese convert to Islam after coronavirus.,0 Koreans who were on the cruise ship Diamond Princess cannot be brought back.,0 Pets can contaminate humans.,0 A person with coronavirus is in Andorra on 2/10/20.,0 Bill Gates predicted coronavirus.,0 Bill Gates predicted coronavirus.,0 "In 2012, a Facebook user predicted coronavirus from China.",0 "India scientists found that the HIV gene is embedded in COVID-19, China’s bio-weapon.",0 "In Singapore, Hong Kong people ran into the supermarket in a panic to buy toilet paper.",0 "An apartment in Wuhan went on fire after the owner over-sprayed ethanol. He turned on the heat, causing an explosion.",0 Garlic water can cure novel coronavirus.,0 COVID-19 was stolen from Canada by Chinese spies and accidentally released in Wuhan.,0 Hong Kong police are misappropriating face masks for personal use.,0 This photo shows a new coronavirus case in New South Wales.,0 Green chiratta can prevent COVID-19.,0 "China officially said the new coronavirus had “confirmed aerosol infection” and that “in short, airborne infections” were spread.",0 Satellite images show high levels of sulphur dioxide above China are possible evidence of mass cremations of people who have died from coronavirus.,0 Special prayer is organized by the Muslim community in China to save people from coronavirus.,0 There is a case of coronavirus in Andorra.,0 "A child from China has coronavirus in Galicia, Spain.",0 Can cannabis cure coronavirus?,0 A person with coronavirus is in Andorra on 2/10/20.,0 Bill Gates predicted coronavirus.,0 Bill Gates predicted coronavirus.,0 "In 2012, a Facebook user predicted coronavirus from China.",0 "India scientists found that the HIV gene is embedded in COVID-19, China’s bio-weapon.",0 "In Singapore, Hong Kong people ran into the supermarket in a panic to buy toilet paper.",0 "An apartment in Wuhan went on fire after the owner over-sprayed ethanol. He turned on the heat, causing an explosion.",0 Chinese citizens join Muslim prayers because of a fear of coronavirus.,0 The people in this video show coronavirus patients in China.,0 Garlic water can cure novel coronavirus.,0 A woman infected with the coronavirus was killed by Chinese police.,0 Coronavirus is found in broiler chicken.,0 Novel coronavirus came to South Korea through a yellow sandstorm.,0 Crackdown on drunken driving stopped due to risk of COVID-19 transmission,0 An Ecuadorian doctor saves lives during the Wuhan crisis.,0 There is a case of coronavirus in Caserta.,0 "China sought Supreme Court approval to euthanise 20,000 coronavirus patients.",0 Coronavirus is caused by snakes.,0 A coronavirus-infected girl was admitted to Badulla Hospital in Sri Lanka.,0 Ginger ale is an effective cure for the 2019 novel coronavirus.,0 The Department of Health (DOH) and the Bureau of Immigration (BI) “issued a lookout bulletin” for the “arrest and detention” of a Chinese man who “escaped the quarantine area” of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).,0 The new coronavirus “causes sudden death syndrome.”,0 Dettol cleaners can kill the coronavirus.,0 "In a photo of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Imran Khan is wearing a mask.",0 Lysol disinfectant label says it’s tested against the new coronavirus.,0 A video shows people screaming in Wuhan because they feared the coronavirus.,0 Kazakhstanis burned and smashed Chinese restaurants and homes because of the spread of coronavirus in the country.,0 Coronavirus has been found in broiler chicken.,0 Autopsy reveals a Wuhan doctor was murdered in his sickbed.,0 The new coronavirus “causes sudden death syndrome.”,0 Dettol cleaners can kill the coronavirus.,0 "In a photo of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chinese President Xi Jinping, Imran Khan is wearing a mask.",0 A video says weed kills coronavirus.,0 China killed pigs over fear of coronavirus.,0 There is a patent for the new coronavirus.,0 Government of the Philippines gave out free masks on the streets.,0 "The WHO announced that among many medicines, the best coronavirus killer is nicotine.",0 "If you have a runny nose or cough, you don’t have COVID-19.",0 A video shows the Vietnam government giving out free face masks on the streets.,0 China is planning to kill coronavirus patients.,0 China is planning to kill coronavirus patients.,0 Sanitizer manufacturer Dettol knew about the new coronavirus before it was reported.,0 Cannibalism in China has caused the outbreak of a new strain of the coronavirus. A Chinese man is preparing a dead baby for consumption.,0 Thai department of health published an infographic on how to properly wear face masks.,0 This video shows workmen uncovering a bat-infested roof in the US state of Florida in 2011.,0 A video shows COVID-19 patients in China.,0 The Asterix comic books and The Simpsons predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Tencent revealed the real number of deaths.,0 "The coronavirus has already existed, even in domestic animals, and there is a vaccine to fight it.",0 Taking chlorine dioxide helps fight coronavirus.,0 "China seeks court approval to kill over 20,000 coronavirus patients to stop the spread of the outbreak.",0 Chinese President Xi Jinping visited a mosque amid the coronavirus outbreak and asked the people of the Muslim community to pray about present crisis.,0 There is a patent for the new coronavirus.,0 Government of the Philippines gave out free masks on the streets.,0 "The WHO announced that among many medicines, the best coronavirus killer is nicotine.",0 A doctor said coronavirus can be alive in temperatures of 25-26C. Drinking hot water can help prevent it.,0 "If you have a runny nose or cough, you don’t have COVID-19.",0 A video shows the Vietnam government giving out free face masks on the streets.,0 Chinese president visits a mosque and says prayers about the coronavirus outbreak.,0 A photo shows the Biohazard Container Discovery at the American Consulate General in Wuhan.,0 Weed (cannabis) cures coronavirus.,0 China is planning to kill coronavirus patients.,0 China is planning to kill coronavirus patients.,0 Sanitizer manufacturer Dettol knew about the new coronavirus before it was reported.,0 "China has sought to kill 20,000 coronavirus patients to control the spread of the virus.",0 "Chinese court gave permission to kill 20,000 patients infected with coronavirus.",0 "Professor Wong Kin-Chung offers tips to delay the progress of COVID-19: Rinse mouth with cold salty water; drink water and red wine; take Vitamin C; eat chicken soup, shiitake mushrooms, astragalus, codonopsis and ginseng.",0 "Tencent claims that over 24,000 patients have died in China.",0 20 million Chinese people convert to Islam after learning that COVID-19 doesn’t affect muslims.,0 Ultimo (Italian singer) has coronavirus.,0 Woman eats bat soup contaminated with coronavirus in China.,0 People infected with coronavirus die in the street while doctors travel through the infection zone.,0 "Share this post on Facebook, and get free face masks.",0 WHO calls for isolation of China due to the coronavirus.,0 Video shows an infected baby with a doctor.,0 Coronavirus discovered In broiler chicken.,0 Chinese Premier Li Keqiang had dinner in Wuhan during the epidemic.,0 The Dettol disinfectant label says COVID-19 was tested.,0 Research shows that parts of the HIV genetic code have been inserted into the new coronavirus.,0 Xi Jinping visits a mosque for coronavirus.,0 "China asks for permission to kill 20,000 infected cases.",0 Coronavirus has not affected Ghana.,0 President Xi Jinping visits Masjid to pray for coronavirus victims.,0 Video shows people behaving abnormally in China due to coronavirus.,0 "Video shows bats found under the tiles of many roofs in Hubei, China, that were the source of coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus was created in a laboratory in Wuhan.,0 Vitamin C stops or slows novel coronavirus.,0 China is seeking court’s approval to kill all who tested positive with coronavirus.,0 The label on Dettol disinfectant spray claims it is proven to “kill coronavirus;” the company knew about the new strain since 2019.,0 Ultimo (Italian singer) has coronavirus.,0 Woman eats bat soup contaminated with coronavirus in China.,0 People infected with coronavirus die in the street while doctors travel through the infection zone.,0 "Share this post on Facebook, and get free face masks.",0 WHO calls for isolation of China due to the coronavirus.,0 Video shows an infected baby with a doctor.,0 Coronavirus discovered In broiler chicken.,0 A Bulgarian doctor claims that alcohol helps cure or prevent the new coronavirus.,0 You can’t transmit the virus to other people if you don’t feel its symptoms.,0 China seeks approval from the court to kill over 20 000 coronavirus patients.,0 Coronavirus found in broiler chicken,0 The health insurance fee in South Korea will increase because of the treatment cost for Chinese patients.,0 Several posts say that coronavirus deaths are linked to 5G technology.,0 The new coronavirus can be cured with a bowl of garlic water.,0 "The novel coronavirus contains “pShuttle-SN” sequence, proving laboratory origin.",0 Label on disinfectant says the new coronavirus strain is not new.,0 "When the first group of Japanese evacuated from Wuhan to Tokyo, each evacuee took one ambulance.",0 Chinese kill their pets due to epidemic anxiety.,0 Boiled garlic water can protect from COVID-19.,0 Tinospora crispa plants can treat COVID-19.,0 "There is a case of COVID-19 in Alberta, Canada, on 2/5/20.",0 "A case of the novel coronavirus was registered in a hospital in Maranhão, Brazil.",0 This is a market in China where bats and snakes were served as food.,0 Doctors confirm the novel coronavirus may arrive in Brazil through AliExpress packages.,0 A study is linked to coronavirus.,0 “Coronavirus epidemic in Poland.”,0 Coronavirus has infected broiler chicken.,0 Dettol sanitizer can kill tthe coronavirus. The company knew about the coronavirus back in 2019.,0 The novel coronavirus can be cured by one bowl of freshly boiled garlic.,0 Videos show pigs being buried in China due to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Children under 8 are immune to the novel coronavirus.,0 Health Canada has advised that keeping the throat moist by drinking water can prevent infection.,0 Coronavirus is caused by bat soup.,0 Farts were recorded by infrared temperature sensors recently installed in airports and train stations to monitor temperatures of passengers amid the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Rinsing your mouth with salted water will prevent coronavirus infection.,0 "First case of coronavirus in San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante, Spain).",0 Spain’s Health Secretary advises against selling products from China.,0 “The Simpsons” predicted the new coronavirus outbreak.,0 "Confirmed cases of coronavirus have been found in Shaheen Bagh, Delhi.",0 Cow urine cures coronavirus.,0 "1. Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang visited a mosque and seek protection to the country from coronavirus. 2. Chinese president Xi Jinping visited a mosque in China after realizing the fact that only Allah can save China from this epidemic.",0 Chinese prime minister visits a mosque following the coronavirus outbreak.,0 A photo shows people in China fainting on the street after they were infected with the coronavirus,0 "The novel coronavirus contains “pShuttle-SN” sequence, proving laboratory origin.",0 Label on disinfectant says the new coronavirus strain is not new.,0 "When the first group of Japanese evacuated from Wuhan to Tokyo, each evacuee took one ambulance.",0 "There are 40,000 Chinese foreign workers in Morowali quarantined with coronavirus.",0 Chinese kill their pets due to epidemic anxiety.,0 "Weed, slang for the cannabis plant, can “kill coronavirus.”",0 Macedonian citizens are afraid to order from AliExpress because of coronavirus.,0 Videos show pigs being buried in China due to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 The Chinese president visits a mosque to ask Muslims to pray to fight the coronavirus.,0 People from Wuhan can share a laundry room although they are in quarantine.,0 "When transporting patients, people who wear only a facial mask violate safety measures.",0 Drinking boiled garlic water cures novel coronavirus.,0 There is a person with coronavirus in Galicia on 2/4/20.,0 There is a person with coronavirus in Huelva on 2/4/20.,0 Dr. Zhong Nanshan said saline solution can kill the virus.,0 A doctor faints during surgery on a coronavirus patient.,0 A doctor named Leslie Chow discovered the coronavirus and died after contact with coronavirus patients.,0 "According to the Chinese CDC, tea can reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus.",0 Study indicates that black tea and Pu’er tea can prevent coronavirus,0 A coronavirus victim was secretly cremated.,0 Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma gave US$5 million to a Filipino student who developed a vaccine for novel coronavirus.,0 "A video shows domesticated and exotic animals being sold in a wet market in Wuhan, China.",0 "Japan has sent a 1,000-man medical team to Wuhan.",0 This image is related to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Sri Lanka has eradicated coronavirus.,0 A photo shows a Japanese medical professional providing aid in Wuhan.,0 300.000 people are infected with the new coronavirus in China.,0 COVID-19 comes from rhino horns.,0 Face masks can be steamed for reuse.,0 The Chinese prime minister visited a mosque to gain protection for coronavirus.,0 Dettol sanitizer kills coronavirus and the company knew about the existence of the virus before the outbreak in China.,0 Broiler chickens were found to have coronavirus in Mumbai.,0 Pigs mulled in China are blamed for coronavirus.,0 "“Kochi Prefectural Assembly, who returned from Wuhan, refused the test while it was infected with coronavirus.”",0 Video shows pigs buried alive.,0 A Postobon tank in Colombia was infected with coronavirus and all sodas were contaminated.,0 A Sri Lankan girl finds a cure for coronavirus.,0 Prime Minister of China visited a mosque and realized the only protection from coronavirus is to bow before Allah.,0 There is a confirmed case of coronavirus in the Macarthur Region of Australia.,0 Video shows a family that died from novel coronavirus.,0 Video of Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang visiting a mosque and offering prayers seeking protection to the country from coronavirus.,0 Video from China shows people fleeing from coronavirus quarantine.,0 "A case of novel coronavirus has occurred in Huelva, Spain.",0 "A neighbor of Noia (region of Galicia, Spain) has been infected with the coronavirus.",0 Coronavirus is not new; there is a vaccine for dogs.,0 Photos show coronavirus is found in broiler chicken.,0 "Video shows bat infestation under a tiled roof, the source of coronavirus in Hubei, China.",0 We made a Q&A of what we know about the videos of people fainting in the middle of the street.,0 There is a person with coronavirus in Galicia on 2/4/20.,0 There is a person with coronavirus in Huelva on 2/4/20.,0 “It is not safe to receive a letter or a package from China.”,0 Dr. Zhong Nanshan said saline solution can kill the virus.,0 A doctor faints during surgery on a coronavirus patient.,0 A doctor named Leslie Chow discovered the coronavirus and died after contact with coronavirus patients.,0 "According to the Chinese CDC, tea can reduce the risk of contracting coronavirus.",0 Study indicates that black tea and Pu’er tea can prevent coronavirus,0 A coronavirus victim was secretly cremated.,0 Coronavirus can be transmitted through sweat from Chinese canned food factory workers.,0 A photo shows infected people in China.,0 Chickens cause coronavirus.,0 Alibaba Group founder Jack Ma gave US$5 million to a Filipino student who developed a vaccine for novel coronavirus.,0 "A video shows domesticated and exotic animals being sold in a wet market in Wuhan, China.",0 "Japan has sent a 1,000-man medical team to Wuhan.",0 This image is related to the coronavirus outbreak.,0 The novel coronavirus “will not spread” in the Philippines due to the country’s high temperature and relatively high humidity.,0 "Israeli spy Dany Shoham claims the new coronavirus is linked to the Chinese secret program for the production of biological weapons at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan, the epicenter of the infection.",0 "Coronavirus has killed 112,000 people and infected 2,800,000 in China.",0 "Video shows bats found under the tiles of many roofs in Hubei, China. They were the source of the coronavirus.",0 Dettol sanitizer can kill coronavirus. The company knew about the coronavirus in 2019.,0 Three photos show coronavirus hospitals In China.,0 South Korean presidential Blue House forbids the term “Wuhan pneumonia.”,0 Drinking water will prevent coronavirus.,0 A video shows a doctor fainting in the operating room after being infected with the new coronavirus.,0 "The coronavirus is in Cecina, a city in Tuscany, Italy.",0 "The coronavirus is in Arezzo, a city in Tuscany, Italy.",0 27 patients with coronavirus are in a Rome hospital.,0 A photo shows the novel coronavirus.,0 The new coronavirus is as dangerous as the plague and cholera.,0 Scientists “are shocked to discover that weed kills coronavirus.”,0 “The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab.”,0 Coronavirus contains “HIV insertions.”,0 The Wuhan coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan P4 lab.,0 A video shows the Wuhan market.,0 A photo shows a Japanese professor who says Taiwan doesn’t need to join the WHO.,0 "In a video, the Chinese prime minister offers namaz (prayer) during the coronavirus scare.",0 There is an herbal cure for COVID-19.,0 A photo shows people infected with coronavirus lying on the sidewalk in China.,0 "A video shows bats, the main source of the coronavirus, on many roofs in Hubei district.",0 The common flu kills 60 times more people than the coronavirus every year.,0 3 preliminary studies that went viral are incorrect.,0 A viral image suggests that cocaine kills coronavirus.,0 "Two Italian scientists, named Concetta y Francesca, were the first to isolate the new coronavirus in Europe",0 There are cases of the news coronavirus in Maturín city.,0 A viral video is depicting the condition in which animals are being stored in the Wuhan market.,0 Vitamin C can “stop” the new coronavirus.,0 "Chlorine dioxide kits sold online under various “MMS” names — Miracle Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Supplement, Master Mineral Solution — will cure the coronavirus.",0 The new coronavirus contains HIV “insertions” and shows signs of being created in a lab.,0 The new coronavirus can be cured by drinking one bowl of freshly boiled garlic water.,0 A video shows pigs buried in China because of the coronavirus.,0 "A video shows a bat-infested roof in Hubei, China, claiming to be the source of the new coronavirus.",0 A video shows a new hospital for coronavirus patients in China.,0 Chinese politician Xi Jinping has said that Chinese scientists found a cure for the coronavirus in cow urine.,0 A photo shows coronavirus victims in China.,0 The Korean Government took every facial mask from factories and sent them to China.,0 Bill Gates helped fund a patent for coronavirus.,0 Scientists from Australia create the first vaccine for novel coronavirus,0 A video shows a doctor fainting in the operating room after being infected with the new coronavirus.,0 A video shows pigs buried in China because of the coronavirus.,0 Garlic soup can cure the coronavirus.,0 "More than 35 million people in China are now on a travel lockdown. More than 2700 have been sickened, and 81 have died. Nothing happens without Allah’s permission and He is aware of all things.",0 Dettol can kill the new coronavirus.,0 A video shows a doctor fainting in the operating room after being infected with the new coronavirus.,0 "The coronavirus is in Cecina, a city in Tuscany, Italy.",0 "The coronavirus is in Arezzo, a city in Tuscany, Italy.",0 27 patients with coronavirus are in a Rome hospital.,0 A photo shows the novel coronavirus.,0 The new coronavirus is as dangerous as the plague and cholera.,0 Scientists “are shocked to discover that weed kills coronavirus.”,0 “The coronavirus was engineered by scientists in a lab.”,0 Coronavirus contains “HIV insertions.”,0 The Wuhan coronavirus was leaked from the Wuhan P4 lab.,0 A video shows the Wuhan market.,0 A photo shows a Japanese professor who says Taiwan doesn’t need to join the WHO.,0 Garlic water can cure the new coronavirus.,0 "In a video, the Chinese prime minister offers namaz (prayer) during the coronavirus scare.",0 “You’re more likely to die of influenza right now” than the 2019 coronavirus.,1 Pigs are being burned alive in China to control the coronavirus.,0 The religious beliefs of some Macedonian citizens are being used to create panic and misinformation about the new coronavirus by citing Russian texts portraying it as the beginning of a worldwide catastrophe.,0 “The Simpsons” has predicted the coronavirus since 1993.,0 A post says that WHO has advised against unprotected sex with animals to prevent a coronavirus infection.,0 "The San Marcos 2020 National Fair in Aguascalientes, Mexico, was canceled by the new coronavirus.",0 Italy is the first European Union country to isolate the coronavirus.,0 "“When using a medical mask, you’re supposed to wear the white side out when you’re not sick.”",0 The coronavirus arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina.,0 "The coronavirus outbreak is the start of a depopulation program, based on links established by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.",0 "The white side of a surgical mask should be worn on the outside, with the colored side on the inside.",0 A photo shows coronavirus victims lying on the ground.,0 "An image shows Leslie Chow, a doctor who died in China fighting the coronavirus.",0 "QQ instant messaging announced the real death toll is 25,000.",0 "In the bottle of a specific Dettol product there is a mention on the coronavirus from October of 2019, which means that the company knew about the outbreak before it occurred.",0 "A photo caption reads: “The person in this image came with the Chinese lady who tested positive for coronavirus, fled to avoid medical tests and is reportedly hidden in the Delgoda (Sri Lanka) area.”",0 Scientists claim the Wuhan coronavirus is an HIV-1 engineered “super weapon.”,0 A photo of people lying in the street is accompanied by a caption implying they are coronavirus victims in China.,0 Italy is the first European Union country to isolate the coronavirus.,0 "“When using a medical mask, you’re supposed to wear the white side out when you’re not sick.”",0 The coronavirus arrived in Bosnia and Herzegovina.,0 The novel coronavirus can be cured by one bowl of freshly boiled garlic.,0 A photo shows coronavirus victims in China.,0 A photo shows a man travelling alone on a plane to China.,0 "The WHO confirmed 50 new cases in Guayaquil, Ecuador, on 2/2/20.",0 The new coronavirus is artificial. The virus affects predominantly the “Mongoloid race”.,0 The coronavirus is “a military bio-weapon developed by China’s Army.”,0 The novel coronavirus is not a new virus.,0 The coronavirus can be transmitted through free Fire Game and Xiaomi mobile phones.,0 A coronavirus case was confirmed in the Istanbul Medical School Hospital.,0 The Gates Foundation was the real agent behind the pandemic.,0 A video shows a doctor falling down because of the coronavirus.,0 A U.S. soldier stationed in Lithuania is the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the country.,0 Boiled ginger can cure the novel coronavirus.,0 "“How to prevent the coronavirus: Drink fennel tea twice a day. Fennel tea has the same component as Tamiflu medicine, used to treat H1N1”.",0 "“How to prevent the coronavirus: Drink fennel tea twice a day. Fennel tea has the same component as Tamiflu medicine, used to treat H1N1”.",0 "Garlic water prevents the novel coronavirus, according to a Chinese doctor.",0 The Taiwanese flag is printed on masks to prevent the Chinese from buying them.,0 “Scientists found similar sequences in the coronavirus as in HIV.”,0 Biohazard containers found at US consulate in Wuhan,0 "Charles Lieber, a Harvard University professor who was arrested, had a connection to the new coronavirus.",0 A photo shows dead people on the streets of China.,0 Facts about coronavirus outbreak.,0 "A video caption said: “Doctor affected by the virus in a hospital in Wuhan, China.”",0 A photo shows the newly built hospital in Wuhan.,0 The coronavirus is “a military bio-weapon developed by China’s Army.”,0 The novel coronavirus is not a new virus.,0 The coronavirus can be transmitted through free Fire Game and Xiaomi mobile phones.,0 "There are 5 coronavirus Suspect Patients in Indonesia, one of whom died.",0 A coronavirus case was confirmed in the Istanbul Medical School Hospital.,0 The Gates Foundation was the real agent behind the pandemic.,0 A video shows a doctor falling down because of the coronavirus.,0 "A photo shows a medical team of 1,000 sent by Japan to Wuhan.",0 The coronavirus responsible for COVID-19 is a mix of SARS and HIV.,0 The homeopathic drug Arsenicum Album 30 can prevent coronavirus.,0 The Canadian Department of Health issues an emergency notification asking people to drink warm water.,0 China builds a hospital for coronavirus patients in 48 hours.,0 An institute funded by Bill Gates will contribute to 65 million deaths in the coronavirus outbreak.,0 There is a link between the COVID-19 and irregular migration.,0 A team of medical trainees from JKUAT (a university in Kenya) have developed and tested a vaccine successfully.,0 The coronavirus isn’t new because “Lysol has it listed as one of the viruses it kills.”,0 "Environmental enzymes can prevent COVID-19. Use them to wash vegetables, wash your mouth, nostrils and hands.",0 Dr. Kuo Yen-Jen of Taiwan suggested smearing sesame oil into the nostril can prevent flu and COVID-19.,0 "People who have ACE2, especially those with hypertension, are easily infected with COVID-19.",0 Coronavirus was discovered by Ali Mohamed Zaki in 2012.,0 A video indicates one case of the coronavirus infects another 14 people.,0 The “proper” way to wear a surgical mask is blue side out if you are sick and white side out if you do not want to be infected by the virus.,0 Coronavirus outbreak attributed to an advisory from India’s Health Ministry.,0 Punjab authorities have advised citizens not to eat goat meat for 60 days.,0 Singapore closed a subway station after a case of COVID-19.,0 Chinese spies stole the coronavirus from a Canadian lab.,0 A photo shows a new hospital in Wuhan.,0 Fennel tea can cure the coronavirus.,0 A photo shows corpses strewn about in China due to the coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus is a “virus weapon” as lethal as Ebola. Everyone who is infected dies.,0 A video showing where “the coronavirus began” was made in Wuhan.,0 "Coronavirus “arrived” in Cúcuta, Colombia.",0 Coronavirus is unknown and kills in seconds.,0 A bowl of garlic cures “Wuhan’s coronavirus.”,0 A dry throat make you more vulnerable to be infected by coronavirus.,0 "The coronavirus 2019-nCoV was patented in the past and is human-made, a project in which the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is involved.",0 "Photos show part of Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan, built in five days.",0 China builds a hospital for coronavirus patients in 48 hours.,0 "A video of an Indonesian traditional market is being used to depict Wuhan, China.",0 The coronavirus is enabled by 5G technology.,0 "franceinfo hosted a chat with a scientist in order to answer questions about the coronavirus, including fake news",0 "Scientists and experts answer questions and rumors about the coronavirus (bat soup, Wuhan P4 Laboratory, patented virus, people collapsing, etc).",0 A container of soda in Colombia was infected with the coronavirus.,0 "The coronavirus was called a “plague” by the WHO; 2.9 million were infected and 950,680 died.",0 “2019-nCoV is old and there is already a cure to it”,0 "Over 1,500 people have died from the new coronavirus (Jan. 31)",0 "A video shows a market in the Chinese city of Wuhan, where the deadly coronavirus strain emerged.",0 The Canadian Department of Health issues an emergency notification asking people to drink warm water.,0 China builds a hospital for coronavirus patients in 48 hours.,0 An institute funded by Bill Gates will contribute to 65 million deaths in the coronavirus outbreak.,0 There is a link between the COVID-19 and irregular migration.,0 A team of medical trainees from JKUAT (a university in Kenya) have developed and tested a vaccine successfully.,0 The coronavirus isn’t new because “Lysol has it listed as one of the viruses it kills.”,0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in order to destroy the Chinese economy. A vaccine is already available.,0 "Environmental enzymes can prevent COVID-19. Use them to wash vegetables, wash your mouth, nostrils and hands.",0 Dr. Kuo Yen-Jen of Taiwan suggested smearing sesame oil into the nostril can prevent flu and COVID-19.,0 "People who have ACE2, especially those with hypertension, are easily infected with COVID-19.",0 Coronavirus was discovered by Ali Mohamed Zaki in 2012.,0 A photo shows coronavirus victims lying in the streets in China.,0 A video indicates one case of the coronavirus infects another 14 people.,0 A coronavirus vaccine was patented in 2004.,0 The “proper” way to wear a surgical mask is blue side out if you are sick and white side out if you do not want to be infected by the virus.,0 Coronavirus outbreak attributed to an advisory from India’s Health Ministry.,0 "Corpses of coronavirus victims are scattered on a street in Wuhan, China.",0 A video shows the new hospital set up in China for coronavirus patients.,0 Doctors recommend Vitamin C and fennel seed tea to warn off the novel coronavirus.,0 Fennel tea is a cure against the new coronavirus.,0 Bill Gates predicted the coronavirus outbreak.,0 WHO told people to avoid sex with live animals.,0 Spanish Health Department has released a notification about the new coronavirus.,0 WHO advises to avoid “unprotected sex” with animals.,0 Video of a doctor fainted on the floor after getting infected with coronavirus.,0 "“Cocaine kills coronavirus, scientists are shocked to discover that this drug can fight the virus.”",0 Coronavirus has arrived in the Balkan region. (Jan. 30),0 The Simpsons predicted the new coronavirus outbreak.,0 Coronavirus hits a 15% fatality rate.,0 A person with COVID-19 died in a hospital in Taiwan. His body was burned on 1/26. (Jan. 30),0 Strong garlic soup can cure the “Wuhan Virus”.,0 Don’t wear clothes with fur collar or fleece material. It is easy to be contaminated by the “Wuhan Virus”.,0 Bats are hidden in every households’ rooftop in Wuhan.,0 China constructed an hospital for the epidemic in 48 hours.,0 Authors of a tabletop exercise in Oct 2019 predicted that Wuhan coronavirus might kill 65 million people.,0 Video of Wuhan market where the new coronavirus started to spread.,0 "Photo of several people lying on the ground in the middle of the street, allegedly in China.",0 "Chinese pet owners are killing their cats and dogs by throwing them out of the window, in fear of their pets spreading the coronavirus. This comes after memos were issued by authorities for pet owners to get rid of their animals.",0 The Canadian Department of Health issued an emergency notification recommending that people keep their throats moist to protect from the novel coronavirus.,0 "4,600 Chinese arrived to Hakata Port, in Japan.",0 “Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 will be canceled because of coronavirus.”,0 "In Japan, “It’s the Democratic party’s fault that health insurance system is abused by foreigners”",0 It’s not a virus but 5G that is causing disease and deaths,0 Gates Foundation has funded the development of the new coronavirus.,0 The Canadian Ministry of Health issued a press release indicating the states in which they are taking security measures to combat the coronavirus 2019-nCoV.,0 We did a Q&A on the facts about the coronavirus.,0 "Manir Hossain, a 23-year-old man from India’s Tripura, died in a hospital in Malaysia due to the new coronavirus.",0 Mélange Of Unrelated Videos From China Shared Misleadingly In Context To Recent Corona Virus Outbreak.,0 Two ways of wearing a surgical mask: Colored side out if you are sick and white side out if you do not want to become sick.,0 “Some Japanese people infected with the novel coronavirus were refused from a charter flight from Wuhan to Tokyo (on Jan.30) without any Japanese legal basis.”,0 "According to a certain document, there are infected cases in some areas of South Korea, but the Korean government is hiding the cases. (Jan. 30)",0 "According to a certain document, there are infected cases in some areas of South Korea, but the Korean government is hiding the cases. (Jan. 30)",0 "According to a certain document, there are infected cases in some areas of South Korea, but the Korean government is hiding the cases. (Jan. 30)",0 "According to a certain document, there are infected cases in some areas of South Korea, but the Korean government is hiding the cases. (Jan. 30)",0 Romania developed a coronavirus vaccine able to cure white people only.,0 Video of a woman eating bat soup and its relation with the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Video shows a plate of bat soup that allegedly started the coronavirus outbreak.,0 Five foods that help you avoid the coronavirus,0 "Coronavirus has killed over 10,000 people (Jan. 30)",0 "The biological research laboratory Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech Limited in Shanghai, the city where #coronarvirus originated, has a logo like that of the Umbrella Corporation of RESIDENT EVIL and corona is an anagram for Racoon. WTF",0 "Video shows a parasite being removed for someone’s lips, sharing it in relation with coronavirus.",0 A video of a girl collapsing in a store because she was affected by coronavirus.,0 Spanish Health Department has released a notification about the new coronavirus.,0 WHO advises to avoid “unprotected sex” with animals.,0 Video of a doctor fainted on the floor after getting infected with coronavirus.,0 "“Cocaine kills coronavirus, scientists are shocked to discover that this drug can fight the virus.”",0 Coronavirus has arrived in the Balkan region. (Jan. 30),0 The Simpsons predicted the new coronavirus outbreak.,0 Coronavirus hits a 15% fatality rate.,0 A person with COVID-19 died in a hospital in Taiwan. His body was burned on 1/26. (Jan. 30),0 Strong garlic soup can cure the “Wuhan Virus”.,0 Don’t wear clothes with fur collar or fleece material. It is easy to be contaminated by the “Wuhan Virus”.,0 Bats are hidden in every households’ rooftop in Wuhan.,0 Wuhan coronavirus is a cross between the bat virus and the pig virus,0 "A video that shows a market in Wuhan, China",0 China constructed an hospital for the epidemic in 48 hours.,0 "A coronavirus case was diagnosed in Atasehir hospital, Istanbul (Jan. 30)",0 A bowl of freshly boiled garlic water can cure the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV),0 Philippines’ “local mainstream media” reported that the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has a low mortality rate.,0 "Video of “the market of terror, where the coronavirus originated”.",0 Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 is a weapon developed in a chinese lab.,0 Video of Wuhan market where the new coronavirus started to spread.,0 China built a hospital in 48 hours to receive new coronavirus patients.,0 North Korean leader will execute anyone who is infected with the new coronavirus.,0 People lying in the street in China because of the new coronavirus.,0 All the soldiers in South Korea cannot go on leave because of the novel coronavirus(2019-nCoV) outbreak.,0 The Chinese government announced that “garlic is a preventative food for the the novel coronavirus.”,0 Novel coronavirus can be transmitted by packages and/or imported goods shipped from China to Korea.,0 The lab from which the coronavirus originated has a similar symbol as the lab responsible for a mass outbreak in the Resident Evil games.,0 Jacob Rothschild owns a patent to coronavirus.,0 "Coronavirus killed 10,000 people in Wuhan.",0 China constructed a hospital for the new coronavirus in 48 hours.,0 "The Umbrella Corporation, from the video game Resident Evil, is linked to the Chinese company RLSW.",0 "Posts saying that, for several centuries, there have been pandemics in the 20’s.",0 A person died of hematemesis in Beitou. He was then diagnosed with 2019n-Cov. Wear a mask in Taipei.,0 Chinese panic video over coronavirus.,0 Prevent coronavirus by drinking warm water.,0 The virus is entirely different from all the known virus forms. It activates all bacterias and other viruses in human body.,0 The virus is entirely different from all the known virus forms. It activates all bacterias and other viruses in human body.,0 "Coronavirus was made in a lab, with pre existing patents for a vaccine. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is involved in spreading the coronavirus.",0 Picture of the first new Wuhan coronavirus hospital.,0 A man collapses in a staircase because of the CoV.,0 "The Chinese company Ruilan Bao Hu San Biotech Limited is the origin of the novel coronavirus. Its logo resemble the Umbrella Corporation, from the video game Resident Evil.",0 WHO advises population to avoid having unprotected sex with animals.,0 Doctors recommend vitamin C and fennel seed tea to help avoid the novel coronavirus.,0 Vitamin C with zinc prevent and treat the coronavirus infection.,0 Government of India recommends homeopathy and other alternative medicines for preventing coronavirus.,0 "This video shows a seafood market in Wuhan, China.",0 Video of a girl dying of coronavirus in a shopping mall.,0 Chinese people rush to Japan to abuse Japanese health insurance system.,0 A tweet entitled “Risk of novel coronavirus and countermeasures” saying “The virus stays alive for 48 hours.” “The clothes need to be disinfected with alcohol and goggles to prevent corneal infection.” “Die without fever.”,0 The first patient diagnosed in Ecuador with COVID-19 died. (Jan. 29),0 "The article includes a compilation of different false claims and manipulative photos: 1) false claim saying that there was identified infected person in Georgia, 2) false claim about banana being a source of spread of coronavirus, 3) false claim saying that chinese passengers getting fever medication, 4) false claim about Georgian doctors refusing to screen passengers on the coronavirus in the airport",0 Ministry of health’s emergency notified the public about the new coronavirus outbreak. (Jan. 29),0 Video of a girl dying of coronavirus.,0 "Video of a market in Wuhan (China), the suspected origin of the coronavirus outbreak.",0 Statistics are predicting millions of dead people and billions of infected people in a few days.,0 "“Japan has sent many masks to Wuhan, China. But China hasn’t supported Japan ever before.”",0 A team from @WorldPopProject has heat mapped the highest risk counties for the #Wuhancoronavirus. “Japan is the second country in the list because Abe’s administration doesn’t enforce immigration restrictions.”,0 The Korean Government pay travellers’ medical expense for coronavirus without legal basis.,0 Coronavirus is in Des Moines. (Jan. 29),0 "Scripps urgent care in San Diego is on lockdown, two people with the new coronavirus are isolated.",0 Bill Gates patented the coronavirus.,0 "A video taken in Wuhan (China), where the coronavirus outbreak started.",0 The WHO has recommended to avoid unprotected sex with live wild or farm animals,0 Emergency notification issued by the Spanish Health Ministry about coronavirus,0 "Coronavirus killed 10,000 people in Wuhan.",0 China constructed a hospital for the new coronavirus in 48 hours.,0 "The Umbrella Corporation, from the video game Resident Evil, is linked to the Chinese company RLSW.",0 "Posts saying that, for several centuries, there have been pandemics in the 20’s.",0 A person died of hematemesis in Beitou. He was then diagnosed with 2019n-Cov. Wear a mask in Taipei.,0 Chinese panic video over coronavirus.,0 Prevent coronavirus by drinking warm water.,0 "Death toll in Wuhan due to coronavirus reaches 10,000 people",0 The virus is entirely different from all the known virus forms. It activates all bacterias and other viruses in human body.,0 The virus is entirely different from all the known virus forms. It activates all bacterias and other viruses in human body.,0 The Simpsons predicted the epidemic.,0 The movie Venom predicted the epidemic.,0 Picture of the first new Wuhan coronavirus hospital.,0 A photograph that shows people on the floor demonstrates the impact of the new coronavirus in China.,0 MMS can be very effective in both preventing and eradicating the coronavirus.,0 "There is a “positive” case of the novel coronavirus (nCoV) in a hospital in Banlic, Cabuyao City, Laguna, Philippines in January 2020.",0 Bill Gates predicted and simulated the COVID-19 pandemic.,0 Bats and snakes are responsible of the spread of SARS-CoV-2,0 Image shows people falling on the streets of Wuhan.,0 Health Ministry fired the doctor that diagnosed some coronavirus patients.,0 A coronavirus patient has bitten a doctor in the USA.,0 "25 million infected and 40,000 died in the new coronavirus epidemic.",0 Video that shows a animal market in Wuhan.,0 "There is an alert of coronavirus in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia (January 28).",0 "Coronavirus in China: 2.8 million infected and 112,000 dead.",0 A video that has been linked to the new coronavirus for showing a wholesale market in China and exposing its low–hygiene environment.,0 Drinking a bleach solution will prevent you from getting the coronavirus.,0 “Clorox bottle claimed it could kill (the 2019 coronavirus)… before it was developed.”,0 Grape vinegar is the antidote of the coronavirus.,0 Turkish doctor allegedly found coronavirus vaccine.,0 A video shows the effects of coronavirus and suggest people avoid ice cream and cold drinks for 90 days.,0 "A “Wuhan super virus” was created in a Chinese biosecurity lab and has infected more than 100,000 people in Wuhan.",0 Keeping your throat moist by drinking water prevents contamination.,0 Coronavirus patient bites a doctor’s jugular in the USA.,0 Video showing a larva being extracted from a person’s lip and its relation to the new coronavirus.,0 "Avoid ice-creams, cold drinks, and sweets for 90 days to prevent coronavirus.",0 "New coronavirus information: “15% fatality rate, 83% infection rate” and “the worst in human history”.",0 "10,000 people have died because of coronavirus in Wuhan.",0 Person infected with coronavirus bit a doctor’s jugular.,0 China earned 20 billion dollars on coronavirus.,0 “Bill and Melinda gates Foundation & others predicted up to 65 million deaths via coronavirus – in simulation ran 3 months ago”,0 4 people died in Hyderabad (India) due to the 2019 coronavirus.,0 KNUST students discover vaccine for coronavirus and cure patient in Côte d’Ivoire.,0 Coronavirus was spread via bananas,0 A video that claims to feature one of the victims of the new coronavirus.,0 Video that shows a animal market in Wuhan.,0 "There is an alert of coronavirus in Madrid, Barcelona and Valencia (January 28).",0 "Coronavirus in China: 2.8 million infected and 112,000 dead.",0 A video that has been linked to the new coronavirus for showing a wholesale market in China and exposing its low–hygiene environment.,0 Drinking a bleach solution will prevent you from getting the coronavirus.,0 “Clorox bottle claimed it could kill (the 2019 coronavirus)… before it was developed.”,0 Garlic can cure patients infected with the coronavirus,0 Grape vinegar is the antidote of the coronavirus.,0 "The animals in the list in the photo were served at a meeting for 40 thousand people in China, and the virus spread after that day.",0 The studies initiated by the “Military Research Institute” transformed the form of virus in 2018.,0 "The animals in the list in the photo were served at a meeting for 40 thousand people in China, and the virus spread after that day.",0 Turkish doctor allegedly found coronavirus vaccine.,0 "“Coronavirus, nasa Pilipinas na (coronavirus, already in the Philippines)” – (Jan. 28)",0 A positive case of the 2019 novel coronavirus was “confirmed” to be found in Cebu province.,0 A video shows the effects of coronavirus and suggest people avoid ice cream and cold drinks for 90 days.,0 The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) “will not last long” in the Philippines because of its warm climate.,0 "Two Filipinos ate bat soup in Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV), as seen in a video uploaded on Facebook.",0 "The following statement by a Wuhan nurse: “Don’t go out, don’t go to parties, don’t eat out, there are 98.000 infected not 2.700″”",0 America predicted the new coronavirus outbreak 9 years ago.,0 "Video footage of dead animals such as dogs, rats, bats and snakes being sold in a market in Wuhan.",0 Coronavirus firstly appeared in June 2019.,0 The studies initiated by the “Military Research Institute” transformed the form of virus in 2018.,0 "The animals in the list in the photo were served at a meeting for 40 thousand people in China, and the virus spread after that day.",0 Bill Gates predicted that the coronavirus pandemic would kill 65 million people and created a vaccine to eradicate Africans.,0 A vaccine for the coronavirus was being trialled in January 2020 days before the outbreak.,0 North Korea will kill anyone who gets COVID-19.,0 Coronavirus does spreads through frozen food.,0 Event 201 “gave out stuffed souvenir coronavirus toys” to “commemorate” novel coronavirus outbreak.,0 Videos of people infected with the new coronavirus in China.,0 A Saudi Arabian study for a MERS vaccine is linked to the outbreak of coronavirus.,0 "Post claims food products such as rice, fortune cookies, mi goreng noodles, ice tea and “Chinese red bull” are contaminated with coronavirus in Australia. Also some areas of Sydney are supposedly identified as contaminated.",0 There are several new confirmed cases in several French cities.,0 Food and locations are contaminated in Australia.,0 This woman in Malaysia died of coronavirus.,0 Water used in an islamic ablution ritual can kill the novel coronavirus.,0 "Raúl Rodolfo Abhduz Khan, biochemical engineer from Karmalah Laboratories, is the creator of the novel coronavirus.",0 "The Indian health department has issued a notification advising people to drink only 50-80 ml of water, avoid spicy food, and not travel in crowded spaces till March 2020.",0 New strain of virus was already patented; Bill Gates funds institute which holds patent; Bill Gates predicted the outbreak and 65 Million Deaths.,0 "Everything is much worse than reported; the current virus is worse than SARS; it causes red rashes on the skin, media is not reporting enough; people are falling over from the virus in the streets.",0 "A seafood market is the source of the novel coronavirus, strange animals and foods were sold there, such as batsoup and snakes.",0 "156,000 people died in China due to the coronavirus, 90,000 only in Wuhan.",0 Coronavirus spreads in Ecuadorian cities (Quito – Guayaquil).,0 "Video of Wuhan market with dogs, snakes, rats and bats…",0 "Close-up of a bat soup bowl that is eaten in Wuhan, or elsewhre in China.",0 This video shows a woman eating a bat soup in Wuhan.,0 This video shows a man eating a bat soup in a restaurant in China.,0 Filipinos are eating a bat soup in Wuhan.,0 Bat market and bat meat being sold in Wuhan.,0 "Video of Wuhan market with dogs, snakes, rats and bats…",0 A package from AliExpress sent from China can spread the new coronavirus.,0 The coronavirus was created and patented by an American lab two years before the pandemic.,0 "An explosion that occurred in Wuhan, China, is tied to the coronavirus outbreak.",0 "Spreading coronavirus is the interest of the USA, because American laboratories are operating not only around Russia but in the surroundings of Asian countries and in Georgia (Lugar lab).",0 Event 201 “gave out stuffed souvenir coronavirus toys” to “commemorate” novel coronavirus outbreak.,0 "10,000 people have died in Wuhan, China.",0 China “stole coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it into a Bioweapon.”,0 The Chinese Communist Party “will finally admit that the real source of the coronavirus is from ‘a lab in Wuhan’ linked to its covert biological weapon programs.”,0 A post says the coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,0 A “patient tested positive” for the 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV) at the Makati Medical Center.,0 Videos of people infected with the new coronavirus in China.,0 The coronavirus is related to the treatment given to Uighur Muslims by China,0 "The novel coronavirus has reached Cebu province and Boracay Island, which are popular tourists destinations.",0 Ukrainian media registered the first confirmed case of the new coronavirus.,0 A post says the coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,0 “In ‘Resident Evil’ the Umbrella Corporation releases a virus that infects the people of Raccoon City. A biological research lab with the exact same logo as the Umbrella Corporation can be found in the city where the coronavirus outbreak originated.”,0 Effects of the new coronavirus on an infected person’s lips.,0 An Israeli analyst suggests that the coronavirus might be a biological weapon created in a laboratory.,0 "“Coronavirus in China: more than 30 million quarantined, 2.8 million infected; 112,000 dead! People falling on the streets and trains! Supermarkets without food!”",0 "Coronavirus killed 112,000 people in China.",0 Video shows a woman eating a bat soup in Wuhan.,0 "Close-up of a bat soup bowl eaten in Wuhan, or elsewhere in China.",0 This video shows a woman eating a bat soup in Wuhan.,0 This video shows a man eating a bat soup in a restaurant in China.,0 Filipinos are eating a bat soup in Wuhan.,0 Bat market and bat meat are being sold in Wuhan.,0 "Video of Wuhan market with dogs, snakes, rats and bats.",0 The coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,0 The coronavirus can be slowed or stopped with the “immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C.”,0 Chinese doctor Zhong Nanshan advised to rinse your mouth with salty water to prevent 2019n-Cov.,0 This video shows the Wuhan market where the virus comes from.,0 Queensland issued travel warning for Wuhan and Chinese-populated areas in Australia.,0 Coronavirus is a type of rabies.,0 "The director of a major hospital in São Paulo, Brazil, has recommended drinking fennel tea and eating bull’s liver as ways of prevention against COVID-19.",0 The first infected person in Kazakhstan is in Almaty.,0 Indian nurse in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) has been detected with novel coronavirus(2019-nCOV).,0 "There is a Chinese patient at the Hi-Precision Diagnostics clinic in Alabang, Philippines, who was tested positive for the novel coronavirus or 2019 nCoV.",0 The 2019 novel coronavirus (nCoV) is a “type of rabies” that can be contracted by eating bats.,0 “Wuhan Virus” is named SARI. Steroid is the medicine to cure it. Acetic acid can be used to prevent it.,0 "Coronavirus dies at 56°C, so eat cooked food and turn on AC. Plus, Ethanol can kill the “Wuhan Virus”.",0 Chinese doctor Zhong Nanshan advised to rinse your mouth with salty water to prevent 2019n-Cov.,0 The roll-out of 5G is causing coronavirus or coronavirus-like symptoms.,0 The dangerous virus is transmitted through bananas.,0 Coronavirus has been originated in a laboratory linked to China’s biowarfare program.,0 The coronavirus is patented by Pirbright University.,0 A salesman in Medellín’s El Hueco market was sent to a hospital with coronavirus symptoms.,0 The virus was created by humans and patented.,0 Chinese scientists expelled from a Canadian microbiology lab took the novel coronavirus strain with them to China.,0 A CBC news report would said that Chinese scientists from a Canadian lab sent the coronavirus to Wuhan.,0 Authorities have identified that the international chemical-warfare terrorist ‘Samuel Whitcomb Hyde’ is behind the deadly China ‘coronavirus.’”,0 DailyMail reported that a virus leaked from the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory was responsible for the pandemic.,0 A spray could protect against the coronavirus outbreak.,0 A tabletop exercise using a model of the current outbreak “predicted” 65 million people could die from the coronavirus.,0 Coronavirus has been originated in a laboratory linked to China’s biowarfare program.,0 "A French member of parliament, Dominique Da Silva, said he hopes the coronavirus will kill people older than 70.",0 The SARS-CoV-2 was created in 2003 in the United States.,0 Doctors said the entire Wuhan population will die of the novel coronavirus.,0 “They create diseases to offer vaccines. There is already a patent for an attenuated coronavirus.”,0 "Coronavirus may have spread due to the consumption of bat soup, according to scientists.",0 "A Chinese person, who was taken from Kansai airport (in Osaka, Japan) to a hospital, has run away before they could be tested.",0 A new case of novel coronavirus was registered in Saudi Arabia. A nurse from India was diagnosed with the specific strain of the virus.,0 “So let me get this straight about this virus. It’s “new” yet it was lab created and patented in 2015 (in development since 03’).”,0 “So let me get this straight about this virus. It’s “new” yet it was lab created and patented in 2015 (in development since 03’).,0 A Chinese woman from Wuhan arrived in France with suspected symptoms of coronavirus.,0 A 2015 research article about a lab-made coronavirus referred to the current outbreak.,0 "That the China-centered coronavirus had infected 2.8 million people and killed 112,000.",0 "There’s a ‘coronavirus patent’, FEMA ‘proposes martial law’, Gates Foundation predicted virus, ‘funded group who owns virus patent’, coronavirus was ‘created in a lab’ as a ‘bioweapon for population control’.",0 "“Confirmed cases” of the novel coronavirus or 2019 nCoV were recorded at the Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCom) Tower in Makati City, according to a message that circulated Friday, Jan. 24.",0 "“The new fad disease called the ‘coronavirus’ is sweeping headlines. Funny enough, there was a patent for the coronavirus was filed in 2015 and granted in 2018.”",0 “So let me get this straight about this virus. It’s ‘new’ yet it was lab created and patented in 2015 (in development since 03’).”,0 “[The coronavirus is] ‘new’ yet it was lab-created and patented in 2015”.,0 The novel coronavirus was made in a lab and is now spread as a way to force vaccinate people.,0 The first case of new coronavirus in Venezuela has been registered. It comes from the Bolivar state.,0 “[The coronavirus is] ‘new’ yet it was lab-created and patented in 2015”.,0 Coronavirus was created in a lab in order to destroy the Chinese economy. The vaccine is already available.,0 Warning: the virus is spreading in Italy (January 22).,0 Russian scientists have found a cure for the new Chinese virus.,0 The new coronavirus outbreak is linked to eating bats.,0 Saline solutions can kill the new coronavirus.,0 You have to wear a disposable mask with the blue side out if you are sick and the white side out if you are not.,0 “There’s magically already a vaccine available.”,0 “There’s magically already a vaccine available.”,0 Warning: the virus is spreading in Italy (January 22).,0 Russian scientists have found a cure for the new Chinese virus.,0 The new coronavirus outbreak is linked to eating bats.,0 Chinese influencer caused the new coronavirus outbreak after eating bat soup.,0 "“A patent on this ‘new’ coronavirus expired on the 22nd (of January), today”.",0 “There’s magically already a vaccine available.”,0 The coronavirus was created in a lab and patented.,0 A Chinese market caused the new coronavirus (video).,0 "The peak of the new coronavirus will happen in two weeks (from Jan 18). During those two weeks, all the infections will occur, then there will be two very calm weeks and another two until it will all go down.",0 Stores and supermarkets in Veracruz (Mexico) will close due to the new coronavirus. The local government has asked people to buy supplies.,0 "A chain message circulated on Tuesday, Jan. 14, warning people to avoid going to Shangri-La Plaza (a mall in Mandaluyong City) because of a supposed case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) reported in one of the mall’s medical clinics.",0 Photo shows Muslims in Tamil Nadu state of India are floating lockdown rules during Ramzan to offer night prayers.,0