Explanations for SI_Index_H_repens file
no- slide number
epidermis- upper or lower epidermis
con- condition (Aqu- aquatic, AT- potted aquatic, Twet- terrestrials, same conditions as AT, Trr- terrestrial) 
St L3M1- Stomata counts of leaflet pair 3, first measure
St L3M2- Stomata counts of leaflet pair 3, second measure
St L3M3- Stomata counts of leaflet pair 3, third measure
St L3A- Stomata counts of leaflet pair 3, averge
Epi L3M1- Epidermis cell counts of leaflet pair 3, first measure
Epi L3M2- Epidermis cell counts of leaflet pair 3, second measure
Epi L3M3- Epidermis cell counts of leaflet pair 3, third measure
Epi L3A- Epidermis counts of leaflet pair 3, averge
SI L3M1- Stomatal Index of leaflet pair 3, first measure
SI L3M1- Stomatal Index of leaflet pair 3, second measure
SI L3M1- Stomatal Index of leaflet pair 3, third measure
SI L3SA- Stomatal Index of leaflet pair 3, averge

gaps and #- missing data