DRYAD README Dryad DOI Ð doi:10.5061/dryad.brv15dv7g Title: Amphibalanus amphitrite begins exoskeleton mineralization within 48-hours of metamorphosis Submitting author: Rebecca Metzler Description of files: - Confocal files Ð Zen (https://www.zeiss.com/microscopy/int/products/microscope-software/zen-lite.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwuL_8BRCXARIsAGiC51C6DxXo0f_IP8OdB9QGPyLUyJg3l6YgVmrOUa7MBdBcALWashB4IoAaAmkDEALw_wcB) by Zeiss Microscopy needed to open files Ð used for Figures 1 and S2, S3, S4. o 3 files labeled by round (1, 2, 3) with the first set of data being round 1, the second set of data, acquired X minutes after the first round ended being round 2, and the third set of data, acquired X minutes after the second round being round 3. * 3BAbarnacles_16hourold_and_new_round_1.czi Ð 2.4 GB * 3BAbarnacles_16hourold_and_new_round_2.czi Ð 4.99 GB * 3BAbarnacles_16hourold_and_new_round_3.czi Ð 4.21 GB o Each file has 3 Balanus amphitrite barnacles Ð two that were 16 hours old at the start of the confocal and one about to undergo metamorphosis (does under the confocal in the first round). - Raman files Ð WiRE (https://www.renishaw.com/en/raman-software--9450) needed to open .wdf files Ð used for Figures 4 and S6 o 1hourbarnacle Ð 32 files (.wdf and .txt) from different regions of a single organism o 2daybarnacle Ð 19 files (.wdf and .txt) from different regions of a single organism o 3daybarnacle Ð 14 files (.wdf and .txt) from different regions of a single organism o 3hourbarnacle Ð 21 files (.wdf and .txt) from different regions of a single organism o 6daybarnacle Ð 29 files (.wdf and .txt) from different regions of a single organism - EDS files Ð INCA (the software was made by Oxford and has been replaced by AztecLive - https://nano.oxinst.com/products/aztec/azteclive) needed to open .ipj files Ð used for Figures 3 and S5 and Table S1 o INCA files (.ipj) for embedded BA barnacles (1 Hour, 1 Day, 2 Day (2 samples), and Juvenile); all labeled by age o Word documents created by INCA; all labeled by age o .csv file compiling all of the results - SEM files Ð used for Figure 2 o 6 files with a high magnification and lower magnification image acquired from 1 hour, 1 day, and 2 day BA barnacles; all labeled by age, magnification, and SEM mode