Metadata for SP_dynamics.csv Title: "Negative trait-based association between abundance of nitrogen fixing trees and long-term tropical forest biomass accumulation." Journal: Journal of Ecology Lead author: Bryce Currey Correspondence author: E.N.J. Brookshire Dataset size: 23,084 x 23 Indicates 23,084 individual dynamics data points with 23 columns of information per data point. Data is similar to Fixer_Nonfixer_Dynamics_SP.csv but the dynamics are not partitioned by N-fixer and non-fixer. Column Name: Description: Range: Units: Notes: Year Year 1983-2013 PSP Plot number 1-93 Arbitrary plot identity index (each 1 hectare) SP Subplot number 1-25 Arbitrary subplot identity index (each 400m2) bin Categorical diameter bin class 1-3 1 for stems with diameter at breast height < 30cm, 2 if >30cm but <60cm, 3 if >60cm Harvest Binary harvest variable 0-1 1 if potentially subjected to harvest, else 0 N.sp Stem density 1-28 Number of stems in the subplot, regardless of bin N.bin DBH bin specific stem density 0-23 Number of stems in the DBH bin category in the subplot Nf.sp Total N-fixers in subplot 0-15 Total number of N-fixers in the subplot, regardless of bin pf.sp Proportion of N-fixers in subplot 0-1 Total proportion of N-fixers in the subplot, regardless of bin pf.BA.sp Proportion of N-fixer BA in subplot 0-1 Total proportion of N-fixer basal area in the subplot, regardless of bin SR.sp DBH bin specific species richness 1-14 Species in the subplot, regardless of bin rgr Relative growth rate 0.2-12 %/year Average relative growth rate across subplot AGB Aboveground Biomass 0-51942 kg Total AGB across subplot BA Basal Area 0-11 sq. meters Total BA across subplot Change in AGB 0-8131 kg/year Change in total AGB between the previous census to the indicated year R Recruitment biomass 0-10431 kg AGB of recruits across subplot M Mortality biomass -12974-0 kg AGB mortality across subplot (all negative indicating lost biomass) R.r Recruitment rate 0-0.67 fraction/year Average recruitment rate between the previous census to the indicated year (multiply by 100 for %/year) born Number of new stems between census 0-6.5 Number of stems that are assumed recruits as they were not previously censused M.r Mortality rate 0-1.75 fraction/year Average mortality rate between the previous census to the indicated year (multiply by 100 for %/year) dead Number of missing stems between census 0-4 Number of stems that are assumed dead as they were not re-censused across the time interval alive Number of remaining stems between census0-20 Number of stems that are assumed to have persisted across the time interval T.r Turnover rate 0-1 fraction/year Average turnover rate between interval