Subject: Co-localization and cluster analyses data for paper "Dynamic regulation of CTCF stability and sub-nuclear localization in response to stress" Date: 10-09-2020 Contacts: Beverly M. Emerson (, Bettina J. Lehman ( Affliation: Regulatory Biology Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California, United States of America This directory contains all data for the co-localization and cluster analyses included in the following paper "Dynamic regulation of CTCF stability and sub-nuclear localization in response to stress" Files for different figures were organized in separate folders. See below for more details. PART I: Co-localization analysis ------------------------------------------ Fig_4A_colocalization_analysis: - Coloc_CTCF-H3_and_CTCF-DAPI: Files used for Co-localization of CTCF-H3 and CTCF-DAPI. - ims_files: Analyzed Imaris files - czi_files: Raw czi files. - Coloc_CTCF-SC-35: Files used for Co-localization of CTCF-SC-35. - ims_files: Raw Imaris files - czi_files: Raw czi files. - creation_parameters: Imaris creation parameter .icpx files for batch processing PART II: Cluster analysis ------------------------------------------ Fig_4C_CTCF_cluster_analysis: - czi_files: raw czi files of Sample 1-5 - ims_files - raw_ims: raw Imaris files of Sample 1-5 - preprocessed_ims: Background subtracted (twice) Imaris files of Sample 1-5 - creation_parameters: Creation parameters used for Imaris batch processing - stats: Summary of statistics of CTCF and SC-35 Images were encripted and analyzed blindly. Unencrypted information can be found below: Sample 1. HMEC + H2O2. (staining: green: SC-35, red: CTCF). This is the treated sample. Sample 2. HMEC negative control. (staining: green: SC-35, red: NONO, which is a nuclear speckle not co-localizing with SC-35, but can by itself show small cluster formation) Sample 3. HMEC positive control. (staining: green: hnRNP-K, which is another protein that should form clusters at SC-35, red: CTCF, should look similar to Sample 4) Sample 4. HMEC untreated. (staining: green: SC-35, red: CTCF) Sample 5. vHMEC. This is a pre-cancer version of normal HMEC(staining: green: SC-35, red: CTCF) Note: Sample 3 were used as as a positive control for cluster and sample 2 was used as a negative control to figure out how to best identify and meassure a cluster. Fig_6C_CTCF_cluster_analysis: - czi_files: raw czi files of condition NPC and NPC-H2O2 - ims_files - raw_ims: raw Imaris files of condition NPC and NPC-H2O2 - preprocessed_ims: Background subtracted (twice) Imaris files of condition NPC and NPC H2O2 - creation_parameters: Creation parameters used for Imaris batch processing - stats: Summary of statistics