Description of files census: When data were recorded (in 1998 or 2019). date: Date (yyyy-mm-dd). plot: Number of the plot (see map on figure S1 in paper). x.square: Number of the 5x5 m square, counted along the baseline of the plot. y.square: Number of the 5x5 m square, counted perpendicularly to the baseline (each plot includes 50x2 squares). topo: f: floodplain, b: ‘bottomland’ (=poorly drained), c: cross country, r: ridge. inclin: Inclination of the 5x5 m plot; 1: depression, 1: flat (slope <10°), 2: slope <30°, 3: slope ≥30°. Compass direction of the baseline can.ave: Height to the centre of the tree crowns above the plot (in metres). can.max: Height of the tallest branches above the plot (in metres). density: Density of the understory vegetation. o: open, s: sparse, d: dense h: herbaceous, l: vegetation dominated by lianas. In the analyses the categories 'sparse' and 'open' were merged. cie: Crown illumination ellipses, index for measuring canopy openness. See main text for details.