Clause_ID File_ID Trace_Back Context Translation Clause_Type Clause_Polarity Clause_TenseMood Verb A_word A_POS A_Subcategory A_Person A_Number A_Semantics A_Definiteness A_Givenness P_Word P_POS P_Subcategory P_Person P_Number P_Semantics P_Definiteness P_Givenness 1 A Line_12 phen1 vaa1 ñang3 What did she say? Main Pos Other vaa1_say phen1_3P Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given ñang3_INDEF.INAN Pronoun OthPro 3P SG Abstr NA NA 2 A Line_16 bòø vaa1 ñang3 (She) didn’t say anything. Main Neg Other vaa1_say NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given ñang3_INDEF.INAN Pronoun OthPro 3P SG Abstr NA NA 3 A Line_19 thaam3 beng1 duu2, juu1 dii3 mii2 hèèng2 bòò3 (She said) please ask (them) and see, (are they) healthy and well? Main Pos Imper thaam3_ask NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given 4 A Line_19 thaam3 beng1 duu2, juu1 dii3 mii2 hèèng2 bòò3 (She said) please ask (them) and see, (are they) healthy and well? Main Pos Imper beng1_look NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 5 A Line_34 phòø-luung2 siø maø hap1 kap2 qaw3 saaw3 daa3 Uncle’s going to pick (me) up, and take Aunty Da (I said). Main Pos Other hap1_pick_up phòø-luung2 _CT.Fa-Pa.eBr Noun ComNoun 3P SG Kin Def Given NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given 6 A Line_34 phòø-luung2 siø maø hap1 kap2 qaw3 saaw3 daa3 Uncle’s going to pick (me) up, and take Aunty Da (I said). Main Pos Other qaw3_take NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given saaw3_daa3_Aunty_Da Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given 7 A Line_37 siø mùa2 thaaj1 qaw3 vat1 (We’re) going to go and photograph the temple (I said). Main Pos Other thaaj1_qaw3_photograph_take NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given vat1_temple Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 8 A Line_49 qee5 mùø-qùùn1 haw2 thoo2 maø haa3 caw4 qiik5 Uh-huh, tomorrow I’ll call you again (Daaw said) Main Pos Other thoo2_haa3_call_seek haw2_1.FA Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given 9 A Line_64 qee5 thaam3 khaaw1 haa3 lùajø-lùaj4 tii4 Uh-huh, (she) asks after news regularly, I presume? Main Pos Pres thaam3_ask NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given khaaw1_news Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr NonSpec Given 10 A Line_70 thaam3 khaaw1 (She) asks after news. Main Pos Pres thaam3_ask NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given khaaw1_news Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr NonSpec Given 11 A Line_76 caw4 mùa2 beng1 dèè1, man2 siø paj3 pên3 cang1 daj3 Please return and take a look, how is it going? Main Pos Imper beng1_look caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 12 A Line_88 qee5 vaa1 haw2 siø ma- maø thaam3 caw4 Uh-huh, (I) said (to Daaw that) we would come- come and ask you (about the project). Sub Pos Other thaam3_ask NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given 13 A Line_100 caw4 hanø bòø dajø pajø thoo2 haa3 phen1 bòò3 You haven’t been and telephoned her? Main Neg Past thoo2_haa3_telephone_seek caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given phen1_3.P Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given 14 A Line_112 khan2 jaak5 thoo2, mùa2 baan4 khòòj5 hanø If (you) want to call (Daaw et al), go to my home there (and call them). Sub Pos Pres jaak5_want NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 15 A Line_112 khan2 jaak5 thoo2, mùa2 baan4 khòòj5 hanø If (you) want to call (Daaw et al), go to my home there (and call them). Main Pos Pres thoo2_telephone NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given 16 A Line_115 thoo2 hùan2 khòòj5 hanø Telephone (them from) my house there. Main Pos Imper thoo2_telephone NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given 17 A Line_118 man2 siø qaw3 ngen2 saj3 thoo2 Where (would we) get money to telephone (them)? Main Pos Other qaw3_take NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given ngen2_money Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 18 A Line_127 qanø-nan4 kaø haw2 qaw3 haj5 That (money), it’s- we gave it- Main Pos Past qaw3_haj5_take_give haw2_1.FA Pronoun PersPro 1P PL Hum Def Given qanø-nan4_MC.INAN-DEM.NONPROX Pronoun DemPro 3P SG Phys Def Given 19 A Line_130 phòø-dii3 pua3 phòø-tuu4 niø met2 laø dêê4 Right when we treated grandpa here (K, for his recent accident),(the money we had) was finished. Sub Pos Past pua3_treat NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given phòø-tuu4_CT.Fa-Pa.Pa Noun ComNoun 3P SG Kin Def Given 20 A Line_136 khan2 khòòj5 khaw5 loong2-mòò3 niø hèèng1 siø puk2 If I had gone into hospital, it would have been even more serious Sub Pos Other khaw5_enter khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given loong2-mòò3_hall-doctor Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef Given 21 A Line_142 qaw3 nèèw2 kin3 jaa3 lèèw4 thon2-thaan2 cang1 sii4 dêj2 (I) took things to consume as medicine, and (I) have just withstood (the discomfort of my illness) like this, you must realize. Main Pos Past qaw3_take NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given nèèw2_stuff Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Spec Given 22 A Line_142 qaw3 nèèw2 kin3 jaa3 lèèw4 thon2-thaan2 cang1 sii4 dêj2 (I) took things to consume as medicine, and (I) have just withstood (the discomfort of my illness) like this, you must realize. Main Pos Past kin3_eat NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given jaa3_medicine Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Spec Given 23 A Line_154 caw4 khiaw4 vaa3 Are you going to chew (betel nut)? Main Pos Other khiaw4_chew caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P Undef Phys Def Given 24 A Line_166 man2 mùa2 qaw3 ngen2 nam2 khòòj5 He went to get money from me. Main Pos Past mùa2_qaw3_return_take man2_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given ngen2_money Noun ComNoun 3P Undef Phys NonSpec New 25 A Line_184 sùù4 maa2 vaa3, puj3 Have (you) bought it, the fertilizer? Main Pos Past sùù4_buy NA NA NA 2P Undef Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 26 A Line_187 khaw3 sùù4 maa2 laø dêê4 They’ve bought (it), you should know. Main Pos Past sùù4_buy khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 27 A Line_190 khaw3 kaø pajø vaan1, phuø khaw3 mii2 laø dêê4 They’ve gone and spread (the fertilizer already), those who have (some). Main Pos Past vaan1_spread khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 28 A Line_190 khaw3 kaø pajø vaan1, phuø khaw3 mii2 laø dêê4 They’ve gone and spread (the fertilizer already), those who have (some). Main Pos Past mii2_have khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 29 A Line_196 Phuø vaan1 laø kaø mii2 And there are those who have spread (fertilizer). Main Pos Past vaan1_spread phuø_MC.HUM Pronoun OthPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 30 A Line_205 [sùù4 haj5 dajø] kaw4 paw3 (I) bought for you nine bags (of fertilizer) Main Pos Past sùù4_buy NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given paw3_bag Noun ComNoun 3P PL Phys Spec New 31 A Line_226 khaa1 qanø lot1 khaw3 kaø qaw3 phèèng2 The price um (of transporting the fertilizer on the) bus, they charge a high rate, too. Main Pos Pres qaw_take khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Undef Undef NA NA NA 3P PL Undef_Inanimate Undef Undef 32 B Line_30 siø pajø thaaj1 huup4 qaw3 qanø nan4 hanø dêê4 (We’re) going to go- and take photos of that thing, you see. Main Pos Other huup4_qaw3_photograph NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given qanø_MC.INAN Pronoun OthPro 3P SG Phys Def New 33 B Line_33 qaw3 ñang3 Take (photos of) what? Main Pos Other qaw3_take NA NA NA 2P PL Hum Def Given ñang3_INDEF.INAN Pronoun OthPro 3P SG Phys NA NA 34 B Line_36 thaaj1 huup4 qaw3 tum4 qanø cook5 tum4 qanø nan4 hanø (We will) take photos of the basket trap um- the cook5 (type basket trap), that basket trap, you know. Main Pos Other huup4_qaw3_photo_take NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given tum4_trap Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Spec New 35 B Line_41 tum4 thoong2 tii4, khacaw4 hòòng4 A thoong3 basket trap, isn’t it?, (that’s what) they call (it). Main Pos Pres hòòng4_call khacaw4_3PL.P Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 36 B Line_47 thoong2 saj1 paa3 ñòòn4 paa3 ñang3 hanø naa3 A thoong for putting in ñoon4 fish and such-like fish, you see. Sub Pos Other saj1_put NA NA NA Impersonal Impersonal Hum NA NA saj1_fish Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Gen Given 37 B Line_56 tuu4 nan4 vaa1, man2 hanø maø kaj3 thèè4, That grandpa said it is really far Main Pos Pres vaa1_say tuu4_Pa.Pa Noun ComNoun 3P SG Kin Def New NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 38 C Line_33 tang4 bòø maa2 sùø-sùù1 niø lèq2 He just purposely didn’t come, that’s all. Main Neg Past tang4_intend NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 39 C Line_39 khaw3 hêt1 nèèw2-kin3 kin3 khaw5 They’re making food, to eat (with) rice (before we go on this trip, which is why we’re waiting). Main Pos Pres hêt1_make khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given nèèw2-kin3_food Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef New 40 C Line_39 khaw3 hêt1 nèèw2-kin3 kin3 khaw5 They’re making food, to eat (with) rice (before we go on this trip, which is why we’re waiting). Main Pos Pres kin3_eat NA NA NA Undef PL Hum Undef Undef khaw5_rice Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef Undef 41 C Line_42 bòø than2 kin3 khaw5-saw4 naa3 (They all) haven’t yet had breakfast, you know Main Neg Past kin3_eat NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given khaw5-saw4_breakfast Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef Undef 42 C Line_48 kin3 khaw5 lèkaø paj3 (We will) eat (first) and then go. Main Pos Other kin3_eat NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given khaw5_rice Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef Undef 43 C Line_69 caang4 kaø bòø hên3 cak2 thùa1 (Even if) you paid (him), (he’s) never seen it. Main Neg Past hên3_see NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 44 C Line_108 qaw3 lot1-cak2 lat1 paj3 hanø Take a motorbike and cut to there. Main Pos Imper qaw3_take NA NA NA 2P SG Hum Def Given lot1-cak2_CT.vehicle_motorbike Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 45 C Line_111 muat4 lot1-thaj3, khaw3 ñang2 vaa1 pajø lat1 ñang2 kaj4 The plough-tractor guys, they still say going (by the) short cut is still near. Main Pos Pres vaa1_say khaw3_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 46 C Line_117 khòòj5 vaa1 thaang2 dii3 dêj2, khòòj5 vaa1 I say the road’s good you know, I say. Main Pos Pres vaa1_say khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 47 C Line_126 khaw3 hêt1 laø bòò3, tang4-tèè1 qanø baan4- Have they fixed (it) already (I wonder), from um the village of... Main Pos Past hêt1_make khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 48 C Line_129 baat5 caw4 [vaa1 song1 [som3-sii3 paj3 When you said (you) sent Som Sii and further on Main Pos Pres vaa1_say caw4_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 49 C Line_129 baat5 caw4 [vaa1 song1 [som3-sii3 paj3 When you said (you) sent Som Sii and further on Sub Pos Past song1_send NA NA NA 2P SG Hum Def Given Som3_Sii3 Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def New 50 C Line_135 sum1 caw4 phèè1 khaw5 (when) you lot (were) distributing rice. Sub Pos Past phèè1_distribute sum1_group Noun ComNoun 2P PL Hum Def Given khaw5_rice Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Undef New 51 C Line_144 lèèn1 lot1 l- paj3 thaang2 khiø-saaj2 vaang1 hanø Going by car, (we) w- went on a sand road at that time. Sub Pos Past lèèn1_run_??? NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given lot1_vehicle Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 52 C Line_147 khaw3 khùù2 vaa1 man2 khaw5 juu1 hanø dii3 lèèw4 (So) why did they say going in there it’s very good? Main Oth Past vaa1_say khaw3_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 53 C Line_153 pajø phèè1 khaw5, phuø paj3 hanø lèq5 (They) went distributing rice, those ones who went (along that road.) Main Pos Past phèè1_distribute NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given khaw5_rice Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 54 C Line_157 ang1 vaa1 man2 pên3 thaang2 khiø-saaj2 So they said it was a sand road Main Pos Past vaa1_say khaw3_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 55 C Line_187 tuu4 qanø-nan4 vaa1 baan4 phamaa4 makø-hiaw5, vaa1 san4 That grandpa said (to go to) Phama Village (and) Mak Hiaw, so (he) said. Main Pos Past vaa1_say tuu4_Pa.Pa Noun ComNoun 3P SG Kin Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 56 C Line_193 kuu3 pajø thaam3 tuu4-tiw3 beng1 lèèw4 I went and asked Grandpa Tiw already. Main Pos Past thaam3_ask kuu_1SG.B Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given tuu4-tiw3_grandpa_Tiw Noun PropNoun 3P SG Kin Def Given 57 C Line_196 thaam3 vaang1 niø, tòòng4 mii2 lèq5, laaw2 vaa1 (I) asked (him) just now, (he said) there must be (some of those traps there), he said. Main Pos Past thaam3_ask NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 58 C Line_196 thaam3 vaang1 niø, tòòng4 mii2 lèq5, laaw2 vaa1 (I) asked (him) just now, (he said) there must be (some of those traps there), he said. Main Pos Past vaa1_say laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 59 D Line_14 qooj4 paj3 nak2 lot1 khaw3 ñang3 laø baat5-niø Oy, what’s the point of just weighing down their car, now? Main Pos Other nak2_heavy NA NA NA Undef Undef Hum Undef Undef lot1_car Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 60 D Line_17 bòø nak2 hanø (I) won’t weigh (it) down. Main Neg Pres nak2_heavy NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 61 D Line_53 mii2 khuu1 bak2 Every bloke has one. Main Pos Pres mii2_have bak2_M.B Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 62 D Line_68 aang2 thùa1 kaø siø sùù4 qaw3 nam2 naa3 Maybe (we) are going to buy one to take (away) too, you see. Main Pos Other sùù4_buy NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 63 D Line_71 siø sùù4 qaw3 pajø vaj4 (We) will buy (one) and go and keep (it). Main Pos Other sùù4_buy NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 64 D Line_71 siø sùù4 qaw3 pajø vaj4 (We) will buy (one) and go and keep (it). Main Pos Other vaj4_keep NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 65 D Line_77 qaw3 pajø vaj4 pên3- (We’ll) take (it) and go and keep (it) as- Main Pos Other qaw3_take NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 66 D Line_77 qaw3 pajø vaj4 pên3- (We’ll) take (it) and go and keep (it) as- Main Pos Other vaj4_keep NA NA NA 1P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 67 E Line_1 khùù2 vaa1 hên3 lot1 lèèn1 khaw5 paj3 han5 (It’s) like (I) saw a vehicle run in there. NA Pos Past hên3_see NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 69 E Line_7 song1 qaajø-kham2laa5 (No, they’re) dropping off (the classificatory elder brother whose name is) Khamlaa. Main Pos Pres song1_deliver NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given qaajø-kham2laa5 Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def New 70 E Line_10 qee5 pajø song1 bakø-kham2laa5 Oh I see, they’re delivering Khamlaa. Main Pos Pres song1_deliver NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given qaajø-kham2laa5 Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given 71 E Line_19 khaw3 pajø sùù4 baan3 patuu3-pa[tii3 pòòng1-qiam4]-pòòng1-qeem4 They have been to buy frames for cupboards, windows and such. Main Pos Pres sùù4_buy khaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given baan3_frame Noun ComNoun 3P PL Phys NonSpec New 72 F Line_7 laaw2 bòø mak1 qùajø-qèèt5 She (your old boss) didn’t like Qèèt. Main Neg Past mak1_like laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given qùajø-qèèt5 Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given 73 F Line_10 saj4 (She) used (her). Main Pos Past saj4_use NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 74 F Line_13 saj4 qùajø-qèèt5 She) used Qèèt... Main Pos Past saj4_use NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given qùajø-qèèt5 Noun PropNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given 75 F Line_28 laaw2 bòø mak1 lèèw4 hanø naø She (the boss) didn’t like (Qèèt). Main Neg Past mak1_like laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 76 F Line_31 laaw2 sang1 3SG.FA hate Main Pos Past sang1_hate laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 77 F Line_43 laaw2 kaø haj5 qòòk5 She (the boss) was making (Qèèt) leave (the job). Main Pos Past haj5_make laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 78 F Line_49 khan2 sang2 laø saj4 khùn5 pajø laang4 qanø nan4 (You mean) if (the boss) hates (Qèèt) then (she) uses (her) to go up and clean that thing? Sub Pos Other sang1_hate NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 79 F Line_49 khan2 sang2 laø saj4 khùn5 pajø laang4 qanø nan4 (You mean) if (the boss) hates (Qèèt) then (she) uses (her) to go up and clean that thing? Main Pos Past saj4_use NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 80 F Line_49 khan2 sang2 laø saj4 khùn5 pajø laang4 qanø nan4 (You mean) if (the boss) hates (Qèèt) then (she) uses (her) to go up and clean that thing? Sub Pos Other laang4_clean NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given qanø_nan4_CLF.INAN_DEM.NONPROX Pronoun DemPro 3P SG Phys Def Given 81 F Line_58 saj4 haw2 bèèp5 nèèw2 hêt1 ñaak4 [hanø naa3] [(It’s) like, they intentionally use (their employees)...] use us for things which are difficult to do, you see. Main Pos Pres saj4_use NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given haw2_1.FA Pronoun PersPro 1P PL Hum Def Given 83 F Line_76 hêt1 jaak5 haj5 haw2 laa2 qòòk5 qêêng3 (They) act (like they) want to get us to resign ourselves. Main Pos Pres jaak5_want NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 85 F Line_88 khan2 laa2 qòòk5 qêêng3 laø mèèn2 bòø daj4 ngen2 dêê5 if (she) resigned herself then it’s the case that she wouldn’t get (any) money (upon leaving her job). Main Neg Other daj4_get NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given ngen2_money Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 88 F Line_97 haw2 cùng1-khòòj1 daj4 ngen2 hanø naa3 we then get money (upon leaving our job), you must understand. Main Pos Pres daj4_get haw2_1.FA Pronoun PersPro 1P PL Hum Def Given ngen2_money Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec Given 89 F Line_112 kaø qaw3 paj3 qaw3 maa2 khaw3 kaø laj1 qòòk5 So- Eventually they fired (her). Main Pos Past laj1_qòòk5_fire qaw3_3PL.B Pronoun PersPro 3P PL Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 90 F Line_127 khon2 ñipun2 qaw3 luuk4-saaw3 khòòng3 mèø-baan4 hùan2 muu1 laaw2 naø A Japanese person (i.e., embassy staff) (who) took the child of the housemaid of a friend Sub Pos Past qaw3_take khon2_person Noun ComNoun 3P PL Hum Spec Undef saaw3_girl Noun ComNoun 3P SG Hum Undef New 91 F Line_139 han5 lèq1, khòòj5 mak1 long3 sùù1 caw4 kap2 sùù1 laaw2 hanø lèq1 There, I tend to mix your name and her name. Main Pos Pres long3_lose(mix) khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given sùù1_name Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr Def Given 92 F Line_151 qaw3 paj3 hêt1 viak4 (The embassy staff member) took (Miss Taa) to work (for her). Main Pos Past qaw3_take NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 93 F Line_151 qaw3 paj3 hêt1 viak4 (The embassy staff member) took (Miss Taa) to work (for her). Sub Pos Other hêt1_make NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given viak4_work Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr NonSpec Given 94 F Line_157 qooj4 laaw2 tèèng1 khùang1 Oh, (the way) she wears clothes Main Pos Pres tèèng1_wear laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given khùang1_clothes Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Spec New 95 F Line_163 paan3 vaa1 pajø lin5 baaw1 [cang1 sii4 vaa1 tiø] (It’s) like (she’s) going out to chase boys, you mean? Sub Pos Pres lin5_play NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given baaw1_bachelor Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 96 F Line_169 haak5 tèè1 vaa1 kapoong1 laaw2 bòø nung1, laaw2 nung1 tèè1 song5 But skirts she doesn’t wear, she wears only trousers. Main Neg Pres nung1_wear laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given kapoong1_skirt Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 97 F Line_169 haak5 tèè1 vaa1 kapoong1 laaw2 bòø nung1, laaw2 nung1 tèè1 song5 But skirts she doesn’t wear, she wears only trousers. Main Pos Pres nung1_wear laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given song5_trousers Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 98 F Line_238 khan2 pên3 mèø-baan4 laø thaa2 lêp1 qaw3 thèè4 qaw3 vaa1 (Even) though (she) is household staff, (she) paints (her) nails like crazy. Main Pos Pres thaa2_apply NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given lêp1_nail Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 99 F Line_250 pên3-ñang3 mùng2 khùù2 maø thaa2 lêp2 nèèw2 nii4 Why do you paint your nails like this? Main Pos Pres thaa2_apply mùng2 Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given lêp1_nail Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given 100 F Line_256 mùng2 bòø jaan4 naaj2 khiø-diat5 vaa3, mùng2 hêt1 kin3 They said) Aren’t you afraid the boss will be disgusted, (when) you are preparing food? Sub Pos Pres hêt1_make mùng2 Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given kin3_eat Other Other 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 101 F Line_262 khòòj5 thaa2 cang1 sii4 kaø bòø hên3 laaw2 vaw4 cang1 daj3 I apply (makeup) like this, (I) don’t see her say anything. Main Pos Pres thaa2_apply khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Phys Def Given 102 F Line_262 khòòj5 thaa2 cang1 sii4 kaø bòø hên3 laaw2 vaw4 cang1 daj3 I apply (makeup) like this, (I) don’t see her say anything. Main Neg Pres hên3_see NA NA NA 1P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 103 F Line_283 [laj1 qòòk5 vaa1 tiø] (So the new boss) fired (Taa, you’re) saying? Main Pos Past laj1_qòòk5_fire NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 104 F Line_295 laø bèèp5 laaw2 thoo2 maa2, siø maø sang1 viak4 kan3 hanø naa3 Then like she (the boss) telephoned, (she) was going to deliver some instructions (to Taa), you see. Main Pos Past sang1_order NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given viak4_work Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr NonSpec New 105 F Line_319 lèø baat5-niø laaw2 bòø hian2 phasaa3 kaø And she (Taa) hadn’t- learnt the language, so Main Neg Past hian2_learn laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given phasaa3_language Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr Def New 106 F Line_331 dajø tòòng4 dajø saj4 laam1 hanø naa3 (They) had to- (They) were forced to use an interpreter, you see. Main Pos Past saj4_use NA NA NA 3P PL Hum Def Given laam1_interpreter Noun ComNoun 3P SG Hum Spec New 107 F Line_340 caw3 pajø hian2 phasaa2 qangkit2 dee4 vaa1 sii4 naø You go and study English y’hear!,” so she said. Main Pos Other hian2_learn caw3_2SG.P Pronoun PersPro 2P SG Hum Def Given phasaa2_qangkit2_language_English Noun PropNoun 3P SG Abstr Def Given 108 F Line_343 pajø sòòk4 hian2 saa3 phen1 vaa1 “Go and seek studies,” she said. Main Pos Other sòòk4_seek NA NA NA 2P SG Hum Def Given hian2_studies Noun ComNoun 3P SG Abstr NonSpec Given 109 F Line_352 siø sang1 ñang3 kaø bòø daj4 To give instructions is impossible. Main Neg Past sang1_order NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given ñang3_INDEF.INAN Pronoun OthPro 3P Undef Abstr NonSpec Given 110 F Line_364 qaw3 paj3 sathaan3-thuut3 leej2 dêj2 hanø (The boss) took (Taa) straight to the embassy, you know. Main Pos Past qaw3_paj3_take_go NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 111 F Line_388 mùù4 nùng1 laaw2 thoo2 maa2, laaw2 bòø ceeq2 One day she (the boss) phoned and she didn’t find (Taa there). Main Neg Past ceeq2_meet NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 112 F Line_394 [bòø ceeq2] lèø laaw2 thoo2 khaw5 maa2 hùan2 khòòj5 (The boss) didn’t find (Taa there) and then she called my house. Main Neg Past ceeq2_meet NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 113 F Line_400 khòòj5 thaam3 qee5 laaw2 thaam3 khòòj5 vaa1 I asked- no, she asked me: Main Pos Past thaam3_ask laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given 114 F Line_415 beng1 dee4 khòòj5 siø pajø thaam3 khon2 ñaam2 haj5 Look y’hear, I will go and ask the guard for (you). Main Pos Other thaam3_ask khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given khon2_ñaam2_guard Noun ComNoun 3P SG Hum Def New 115 F Line_424 khòòj5 pajø thaam3 khon2 ñaam2 I went and asked the guard. Main Pos Past thaam3_ask khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given khon2_ñaam2_guard Noun ComNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given 117 F Line_427 khon2 ñaam2 vaa1 laaw2 qòòk5 paj3 talaat5, vaa1 san4 The guard said she’d gone out to the market, so (he) said. Main Pos Past vaa1_say khon2_ñaam2_person_guard Noun ComNoun 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 118 F Line_439 khan4 thaw1 mùù4-qùùn1 maa2, hòòng4 paj3 sathaan3-thuut4 Then (when) tomorrow came, (the boss) called (Taa) to the embassy. Main Pos Past hòòng4_paj3 _call_go NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 119 F Line_445 laj1 qòòk5 phòòm4 (She) fired (her) as well? Main Pos Past laj1_qòòk5_chase_out NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 120 F Line_454 laø khòòj5 thaam3 laaw2 So then I asked her Main Pos Past thaam3_ask khòòj5_1SG.P Pronoun PersPro 1P SG Hum Def Given laaw2_3SG.FA Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given 121 F Line_460 qooj4 phen1 haj5 maø qaw3 khùang1 phen1 vaa1 “Oh, she (the boss) had (me) come and get some stuff”, she said. Main Pos Past haj5_make phen1_3P Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 122 F Line_460 qooj4 phen1 haj5 maø qaw3 khùang1 phen1 vaa1 “Oh, she (the boss) had (me) come and get some stuff”, she said. Sub Pos Other qaw3_take NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given khùang1_stuff Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys NonSpec New 123 F Line_463 man2 bòø vaw4 phen1 laj1 qòòk5 dêj2 She (Taa) didn’t say she (the boss) had fired (her), you know. Main Neg Past vaw4_say man2_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 124 F Line_463 man2 bòø vaw4 phen1 laj1 qòòk5 dêj2 She (Taa) didn’t say she (the boss) had fired (her), you know. Sub Pos Past laj1_qòòk5_chase_exit phen1_3P Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given 125 F Line_466 man2 vaa1 phen1 haj5 maø qaw3 khùang1 She (Taa) said she (the boss) had (her, Taa) come and get some stuff. Main Pos Past vaa1_say man2_3.B Pronoun PersPro 3P SG Hum Def Given NA Clause NA NA NA NA NA NA 128 F Line_469 bèèp5 pajø kêp2 qaw3 khùang1 man2 juu1 naj2 hùan2 hanø naa3 Like, to go and get her stuff in the house, you see. Main Pos Past kêp2_qaw3_collect_take NA NA NA 3P SG Hum Def Given khùang1_stuff Noun ComNoun 3P SG Phys Def Given