############################################################## ##################### Metadata ############################### Aguirre et al. 2020: Herbivory and time since flowering shapes floral rewards and pollinator-pathogen interactions ############################################################## Authors: Luis A. Aguirre Department of Biology University of Massachusetts Amherst Fernald Hall Room 102 Amherst, MA 01003 laguir3@gmail.com Julie K. Davis Department of Entomology Cornell University Comstock Hall Room 4125 129 Garden Avenue Ithaca, NY 14850 jd982@cornell.edu Philip C. Stevenson Jodrell Laboratory Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Richmond Surrey TW93AB United Kingdom p.stevenson@kew.org Lynn S. Adler Department of Biology University of Massachusetts Amherst 221 Morrill Science Center South 611 North Pleasant St Amherst, MA 01003 lsadler@umass.edu ############################################################ ################## File List ############################### ############################################################ pollen.bioassays.R pollen.bioassay.csv nectar.bioassays.R nectar.bioassay.csv alk.conc.tweedie.R pollen.jdate.simple.csv binomial.csv ############################################################ File description: pollen.bioassays.R This script includes the analyses to determine whether a diet composed of pollen from damaged and undamaged plants affects the amount of Crithidia cells in bees after seven days. ############################################################ File description: pollen.bioassay.csv BID: unique number identifier for each individual bee Treat: Pollen Diet based on plant treatment status; 3 levels DAM - Damage CON - Undamaged (plant treatment control) WF - Wildflower mix (ecologically relevant control) Period: Period of pollen collection; 3 levels PRE - Before May 25th, within one month of first flower POST - After May 25th, within one month of first flower L - After one month since first flower Colony: Colony of origin of individual bee; 2 levels SL1 SL2 Date: Date of inoculation; 2 levels Feb 14 Feb 15 Dead: Date when bee was found dead or missing missing refers to bees that escaped enclosure during trial d.Time: day of trial when bee was found dead status: Status of bee at end of seven day trial; two levels 0 - survived 1 - dead within trial period Crithidia: Response variable - number of Crithidia cells in bee guts after seven day trial Wing: wing marginal cell length - proxy for bee size measured in mm ############################################################## File description: nectar.bioassays.R This script includes the analyses to determine whether a diet composed of nectar from damaged and undamaged plants affects the amount of Crithidia cells in bees after seven days. This script also contains the analysis to determine whether nectar consumption differs between diet treatments. ############################################################## File description: nectar.bioassay.csv BID: unique number identifier for each individual bee Treat: Herbivory treatment nectar status; 3 levels DAM - Damage CON - Undamaged (plant treatment control) WF - WF acronym is an artifact of last analysis, in this context, it is meant as ecological control. Period: Period of pollen collection; 3 levels PRE - Before May 25th, within one month of first flower POST - After May 25th, within one month of first flower L - After one month since first flower Colony: Colony of origin of individual bee; 4 levels SL-4 SL-5 SL-7 SL-8 Date: Date of inoculation; 2 levels Mar 26 Mar 29 April 30 May 3 May 6 Dead: Date when bee was found dead or missing missing refers to bees that escaped enclosure during trial d.Time: day of trial when bee was found dead status: Status of bee at end of seven day trial; two levels 0 - survived 1 - dead within trial period Crithidia: Response variable - number of Crithidia cells in bee guts after seven day trial initial: weight of tube + nectar at beginnig of trial final weigth: weight of tube + remaining nectar at end of trial consumed nect(g): initial - final weight CorrectedConsumption: corrected consumed nectar to account for measurement period (23 vs 24 h, only Mar 29 group is corrected) mmwing: wing marginal cell length - proxy for bee size measured in mm Corrected: which consumption measurements were corrected; only Mar 29 ############################################################### File description: alk.conc.tweedie.R This script includes the analyses to determine whether pollen from damaged plants are more likely to contain detectable levels of nicotine/anabasine and whether they produce nicotine/anabasine in larger quantities. ############################################################### File description: pollen.jdate.simple.csv Nic: Amount of nicotine in 6-mg pollen samples. Divided by 6 in script to calculate ng/mg Ana: Amount of anabasine in 6-mg pollen samples. Divided by 6 in script to calculate ng/mg plant id: unique identifier for each individual plant week: week of collection Julian: julian date of last pooled sample Treat: Treatment 2 levels C - Control D - Damage ttime: julian date of treatment of plant ftime: julian date of first flower j-tt: days elapsed since treatment date j-ft: days elapsed since first flower ana.non.zero: Is anabasine equal to zero? nic.non.zero: Is nicotine equal to zero? ############################################################## File description: binomial.csv plant id: unique identifier for each individual plant Treat: Treatment on plant 2 levels C - Control D - Damage ttime: julian date of treatment ana.non.zero: is anabasine present in at least one sample? nic.non.zero: is nicotine present in at least one sample? t.samples: number of samples chemically analyzed from this plant.