Research derived from these data: Nielsen, Ó. K., Morrill, A., Skírnisson, K., Stenkewitz, U., Pálsdóttir, G. R., & Forbes, M. R. (2020). Host sex and age typically explain variation in parasitism of Rock Ptarmigan: implications for identifying determinants of exposure and susceptibility. Journal of Avian Biology. doi: 10.1111/jav.02472 Corresponding author: Ó. K. Nielsen, Icelandic Institute of Natural History, Urridaholtsstraeti 6‐8, IS‐212, Gardabaer, Iceland. E‐mail: File description: The included file is a spreadsheet with sampling, host trait, and parasitological data for each Icelandic Rock Ptarmigan (Lagopus muta) individual sampled in our study. Each row corresponds to a single bird. The first several columns relate to to the timing of collection (Phase, Year) and information about the individual birds (Sex, Age), while the remaining columns represent the abundances or presences/absences of various parasite species infecting the indivdual birds. Detailed information on each spreadsheet column is provided below. Definitions of variable names/column headings: Phase: Whether the bird was sampled in early October ("early") or later in the fall ("late"); only early-collected birds are included in analyses CollYear: The year in which the bird was collected (2006 - 2017) Sex: The sex of the sampled bird Age: Whether the bird was a juvenile (~3 months) or adult (>=15 months) em_n: The coccidian Eimeria muta; the number of counted oocysts in 0.30 ml er_n: The coccidian Eimeria rjupa; the number of counted oocysts in 0.30 ml (excluded from study) cc_n: The nematode Capillaria caudinflata; total worm number in the bird intestine tt_n: The nematode Trichostrongylus tenuis; total in the one ceca ps_n: The nematode Passerilepis serpentulus; number of worms in the small intestine (based on numbers of scolices; excluded from study) mctet: Cestode Mescestoides canislagopdis tetrathyrirdia in the body cavity and/or the liver; 1 denotes presence, 0 absence (excluded from study) tlinf: Astigmatan mite Tetraolichus lagopi presence; empty cell means no data available, 0 means checked but no infestation on the bird, 1 means confirmed infestation tltot: Astigmatan mite Tetraolichus lagopi; abundance from filtered vacuuming shtot: Astigmatan mite Strelkoviacarus holoaspis; abundance from filtered vacuuming mitot: Astigmatan mite Metamicrolichus islandicus; abundance from filtered vacuuming mbyof: Astigmatan mite Myialges borealis; abundance from filtered vacuuming ml_14: Prostigmatan mite Mironovia lagopus; infection score (1-14) in 7 wing quills (not the value used for abundance/intensity measurements; see filtered vacuuming score below) ml_fi: Prostigmatan mite Mironovia lagopus; abundance from filtered vacuuming gltot: Mallophagan (louse) Goniodes lagopi; abundance from filtered vacuuming latot: Mallophagan (louse) Lagopoecus affinis; abundance from filtered vacuuming altot: Mallophagan (louse) Amyrsidea lagopi; abundance from filtered vacuumin oc_n: Fly Ornithomya chloropus; number of adults detected on the bird ocpup: Fly Ornithomya chloropus; number of pupae detected on the bird (excluded from study) Flea: The flea Ceratophyllus garei; excluded from study