Dear readers, These two files contain P-wave velocity model beneath Greenland and surrounding regions obtained by global tomography (Toyokuni, Matsuno, & Zhao, 2020, JGR). model_global_equat: Model in the geographical coordinates model_global_eclip: Model in the transformed coordinates We note that the tomography was conducted in the transformed coordinates, and the results were brought back to the geographical coordinates using inverse coordinate transformation. The details of the coordinate transformation are described in the above paper. The format of these files is as follows: Depth (km), Latitude(deg), Longitude(deg), Vp(km/s), dVp(%), Hit count We hope it is useful to you. Kind wishes, Genti Toyokuni & Dapeng Zhao Tohoku University, Japan The format of these files is as follows: Depth (km), Latitude(deg), Longitude(deg), Vp(km/s), dVp(%), Hit count We hope it is useful to you. Kind wishes, Genti Toyokuni & Dapeng Zhao Tohoku University, Japan E-mail: Reference: Toyokuni, G., Matsuno, T., & Zhao, D. (2020). P-wave tomography beneath Greenland and surrounding regions-II. Lower mantle. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, under review.