paperID,in RJ thesis,year published,authors,journal,vol&pg/article #,title,Genus,species_sspvar,species,ssp_var,provinces of occurrence,Rj peripheral (Y/N),SKN peripheral (Y/N),Peripheral,Can pops? (Y/N),US pops? (Y/N),Rj cons relevance (1to3),SKN cons relevance (0to4),cons intent (1or2),cons intent notes,peripheral intent (0to2),range coverage,notes coverage,#pops sampled,#replicates per pop,notes design,abstract 1,Y,,,,,"Genetic variation and its relationship to population size in reintroduced populations of pink sand verbena, Abronia umbellata subsp breviflora (Nyctaginaceae)",Abronia ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 2,Y,,,,,"Sand verbenas (Abronia spp., Nyctaginaceae) germinate in response to ethylene",Abronia ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 3,Y,,,,,Testing the abundant center model using range-wide demographic surveys of two coastal dune plants,Abronia ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 4,Y,,,,,Increased seed dispersal potential towards geographic range limits in a Pacific coast dune plant,Abronia ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 5,N,,,,,Transgenerational soil-mediated differences between plants experienced or naive to a grass invasion,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,,,,,,,,, 6,N,,,,,Traditional use of medicinal plants in the boreal forest of Canada: review and perspectives,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,,,,,,,,, 7,N,,,,,"The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,,,,,,,,, 8,N,2016,,,,Ecological and biogeochemical assessment of elemental and biochemical composition of the vegetation of anthropogenically disturbed ecosystems (based on the example of Achillea millefolium L.),Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 9,N,2015,,,,Vegetation of Managed Grasslands in the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 10,N,2015,,,,The Polyploid Series of the Achillea millefolium Aggregate in the Iberian Peninsula Investigated Using Microsatellites,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 11,N,2012,,,,Assessment of genetic diversity in Achillea millefolium accessions from Iran using ISSR marker,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 12,N,2012,,,,Nuclear and plastid haplotypes suggest rapid diploid and polyploid speciation in the N Hemisphere Achillea millefolium complex (Asteraceae),Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 13,N,2012,,,,Rapid Plant Identification Using Species- and Group-Specific Primers Targeting Chloroplast DNA,Achillea,millefolium var. megacephalum,millefolium,megacephalum,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 14,Y,,,,,Genetic and morphological variation in populations of the rare prairie annual Agalinis skinneriana (Wood) Britton (Scrophulariaceae),Agalinis,skinneriana,skinneriana,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 15,Y,,,,,"Reproductive biology of Agalinis skinneriana (Scrophulariaceae), a threatened species",Agalinis,skinneriana,skinneriana,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 16,N,,,,,Delimitation and phylogeny of Aletris (Nartheciaceae) with implications for perianth evolution,Aletris,farinosa,farinosa,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 17,Y,,,,,"Forked Three-awned Grass, Aristida basiramea Engelm. ex Vasey: A new addition to the flora of Quebec",Aristida,basiramea,basiramea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 18,Y,1999,Boles_etal,Canadian Journal of Botany,"77, 1401-1410","Population genetic structure in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium, Araceae)",Arisaema,dracontium ,dracontium,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Population genetic structure across range",2,high,"biased to northern populations, extensive parts of core missed)",19,NA,"Ecologically marginal populations were typically more distant from nearest neighbouring populations and were more genetically distinct from one another. There was no support that populations at the margins of the species' range were less genetically variable than those in the central regions.Canadian populations are not particularly at risk due to low genetic diversity.", 19,Y,1999,Yang_etal,American Journal of Botany,"86, 1160-1167","Seed germination patterns in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium, Araceae)",Arisaema,dracontium ,dracontium,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Seed viability, germination success, and dormancy across range investigating recuitment limitations",2,high,range wide,5,70-150,"Germinability decreased towards Northern peripheral populations. Northernmost and southernmost populations had lower dormancy rates. Ontario seeds showed the highest rates of mortality and inviability. A cold wet period is necessary for seeds to germinate especially in the Northern part of the species' distribution.", 20,Y,,,,,"The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Armeria ,maritima ssp. Interior,maritima,Interior,,N,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 21,Y,,,,,HYBRIDIZATION IN NORTH-AMERICAN ASCLEPIAS .2. FLAVONOID EVIDENCE,Asclepias,quadrifolia,quadrifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 22,N,2013,Testo and Watkins,American Journal of Botany,"100, 2261-2270",UNDERSTANDING MECHANISMS OF RARITY IN PTERIDOPHYTES: COMPETITION AND CLIMATE CHANGE THREATEN THE RARE FERN ASPLENIUM SCOLOPENDRIUM VAR. AMERICANUM (ASPLENIACEAE),Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to elucidate factors contributing to recent declines of the species var. americanum through the study of the ecology and ecophysiology of its gametophyte generation,NA,low,NY,2?,NA,mention two parks as sampling sites and do not precise the exact number of replicates as they collect spore material, 23,N,2015,Fernando _etal.,Biochem syst ecol,"62, 25-35",Genetic analysis of the threatened American hart's-tongue fern (Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum [Fernald] Kartesz and Gandhi): Insights into its mating system and implications for conservation,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,genetic analyses of various populations in NY and MI,NA,low,MI and NY,11,8,individuals sampled at 1m distance from next individual to allow a general representation of the entire population, 24,N,2015,Pence,Am fern j,"105, 211-225","Propagation and Cryopreservation of Asplenium scolopendrium var. americanum, the American Hart's-Tongue Fern",Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,test of a protocol for propagation and cryopreservation of this species for future restoration plans and preservation of the germplasm,NA,low,AL,1,NA,"no precise number of #replicates, say ""several spores and small leaves were colllected""", 25,Y,,,,,REPRODUCTIVE LIMITATIONS OF A LOCALLY RARE ASCLEPIAS,Asclepias,quadrifolia,quadrifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 26,Y,2012,DeGroot et al,Annals of Botany,doi:10.1093/aob/mcs013 ,Diverse spore rains and limited local exchange shape fern genetic diversity in a recently created habitat colonized by long-distance dispersal,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,4,4,,questions about colonization via long distance spore dispersal relevant to COSEWIC,,europe,,,,, 27,Y,,,,,"Comparative development and gametophyte morphology of the hart's-tongue fern, Asplenium scolopendrium L.",Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 28,N,2013,,,,Fern Spore Longevity in Saline Water: Can Sea Bottom Sediments Maintain a Viable Spore Bank?,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 29,N,,,,,Diverse spore rains and limited local exchange shape fern genetic diversity in a recently created habitat colonized by long-distance dispersal,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 30,N,,,,,Inter-and intraspecific variation in fern mating systems after long-distance colonization: the importance of selfing,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 31,Y,,,,,Inter-and intraspecific variation in fern mating systems after long-distance colonization: the importance of selfing,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 32,Y,,,,,ISOLATION OF POLYMORPHIC MICROSATELLITE MARKERS AND TESTS OF CROSS-AMPLIFICATION IN FOUR WIDESPREAD EUROPEAN CALCICOLE FERNS,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 33,Y,,,,,Mixed mating system in the fern Asplenium scolopendrium: implications for colonization potential,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 34,Y,,,,,Frost and forest stand effects on the population dynamics of Asplenium scolopendrium,Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 35,Y,,,,,Phylogenetic and biosystematic relationships in four highly disjunct polyploid complexes in the subgenera Ceterach and Phyllitis in Asplenium (Aspleniaceae),Asplenium,scolopendrium,scolopendrium,,,Y,,Y,N,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 36,Y,2012,Sokoloff and Gillespie,Botany,"80, 11-26",Taxonomy of Astragalus robbinsii var. fernaldii (Fabaceae): molecular and morphological analyses support transfer to Astragalus eucosmus,Astragalus,robbinsii var. fernaldii,robbinsii,fernaldii,,N,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,NA,to clarify taxonomic position of the species by analysing its genotype and variation in some cpDNA spacers,NA,low,NL and a small region of QC (Straits of Belle Isle),5,NA,collected leaf tissue samples but do not specify the number per pop, 37,Y,,,,,"STATUS OF THE MOSQUITO FERN, AZOLLA-MEXICANA (SALVINIACEAE), IN CANADA",Azolla,mexicana,mexicana,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 38,Y,,,,,"Comparison of wetland structural characteristics between created and natural salt marshes in southwest Louisiana, USA",Baccharis ,halimifolia,halimifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 39,Y,,,,,"Distribution, Habitat Characteristics, and New County-level Records of Baccharis halimifolia L. on a Portion of its Present US Range Boundary",Baccharis ,halimifolia,halimifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 40,Y,,,,,Facilitation of survival and growth of Baccharis halimifolia L. by Spartina alterniflora Loisel. in a created Louisiana salt marsh,Baccharis ,halimifolia,halimifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 41,Y,,,,,Comparison of Hand-pollinated and Naturally-pollinated Puget Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza deltoidea Nutt.) to Determine Pollinator Limitations on South Puget Sound Lowland Prairies,Balsamorhiza ,deltoidea,deltoidea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 42,N,2013,Ciotir_etal,Botany-Botanique,"91, 605-613",The evolutionary history and conservation value of disjunct Bartonia paniculata subsp paniculata (Branched Bartonia) populations in Canada,Bartonia,paniculata ssp. Paniculata,paniculata,Paniculata,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to compare disjunct (Canada) and core (USA) populations using cpDNA,2,low,"6/7 populations sampled are from ON, only one is from the USA (NJ), representing only a small portion of its American range",7,10-Jan,"samples in Canada ranged between 2-10, only the US had only 1 sample", 43,N,2016,Rathwell_etal,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"46, 1284-1292","Development of cryopreservation methods for cherry birch (Betula lenta L.), an endangered tree species in Canad",Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to develop a cryopreservation method for the species,NA,low,seeds collected from mature tress at University of Guelph's Arboretum where there are cultivated specimens from the only populaton in Canada (Niagara region),1,NA,don't specify the number of seeds collected, 44,N,2016,Rathwell_etal,Canadian Journal of Plant Science,"96,571-578",In vitro propagation of cherry birch (Betula lenta L.),Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to elaborate a protocol for in vitro propagation of the species as tools for its future rapid replenishment ,NA,low,apical shoot buds collected from mature trees at University of Guelph's Arboretum where there are cultivated specimens from the only populaton in Canada (Niagara region),1,NA,don't specify the number of apical shoot buds collected, 45,N,,,,,"Macroscale intraspecific variation and environmental heterogeneity: analysis of cold and warm zone abundance, mortality, and regeneration distributions of four eastern US tree species",Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 46,N,,,,,"Despite introgressive hybridization, North American birches (Betula spp.) maintain strong differentiation at nuclear microsatellite loci",Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 47,N,,,,,A similar phylogeographical structure among sympatric North American birches (Betula) is better explained by introgression than by shared biogeographical history,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 48,N,,,,,BUILDING A FOUNDATION: LAND-USE HISTORY AND DENDROCHRONOLOGY REVEAL TEMPORAL DYNAMICS OF A TSUGA CANADENSIS (PINACEAE) FOREST,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 49,N,,,,,"DISTURBANCE-MEDIATED DYNAMICS OF MID-TOLERANT HARDWOODS IN AN OLD PINE-HEMLOCK-HARDWOODFOREST, NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA",Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 50,N,,,,,Reversing legacy effects in the understory of an oak-dominated forest,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 51,N,,,,,Vegetation and Invertebrate Community Response to Eastern Hemlock Decline in Southern New England,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 52,N,2016,Hadle_etal,Applications in plant sciences,"4, 1600033 ","DEVELOPMENT OF MICROSATELLITE MARKERS FOR BUFFALOGRASS (BUCHLOE DACTYLOIDES; POACEAE), A DROUGHT-TOLERANT TURFGRASS ALTERNATIVE",Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop microsatellite primers to understand the genetic variation among the species cytotypes across its geographic range,NA,low,"CO, TX, NM, OK, SD, WY",6,8,, 53,Y,,,,,"Status of the Deltoid Balsamroot, Balsamorhiza deltoidea (Asteraceae) in Canada",Balsamorhiza ,deltoidea,deltoidea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 54,Y,,,,,Update on the distribution of buffalograss in southwestern Manitoba.,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 55,N,,,,,Germination of Bouteloua dactyloides and Cynodon dactylon in a Multi-Polluted Soil,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 56,N,2015,,,doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.07.0478,Molecular Differentiation of Gender in Buffalograss,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,,transcriptome from F1 linneages,,,,,,transcriptome from F1 linneages, 57,N,,,,,Transcriptome analysis of two buffalograss cultivars,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 58,N,,,,,Identification of a locus characteristic of male individuals of buffalo grass [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] by using an RAPD marker,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 59,N,,,,,Turfgrass Performance of Diploid Buffalograss [Buchloe dactyloides (Nutt.) Engelm.] Half-sib Populations,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 60,N,2012,Amaradasa etal,Phytopathology,conference pper,Genetic diversity of Cercospora seminalis causing false smut disease of buffalograss,Bouteloua,dactyloides,dactyloides,,,Y,NA,Y,NA,NA,NA,3,,,,,,,,"no access to abstract, meeting abstract (NOTE: full-text requested on researchgate)", 61,Y,,,,,"A Phylogenetic Analysis and Taxonomic Revision of Bartonia (Gentianaceae: Gentianeae), Based on Molecular and Morphological Evidence",Bartonia,paniculata ssp. Paniculata,paniculata,Paniculata,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 62,Y,,,,,MORPHOLOGICAL VARIATION IN SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BETULA-ALLEGHANIENSIS AND BETULA-LENTA (BETULACEAE),Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 63,Y,,,,,GENETIC-VARIATION IN SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN BETULA-LENTA L (BETULACEAE),Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,,Y,NA,NA,3,NA,,,,,,,,"no access to abstract, meeting abstract", 64,Y,,,,,Over-browsing in Pennsylvania creates a depauperate forest dominated by an understory tree: Results from a 60-year-old deer exclosure,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 65,Y,,,,,Reconstructing the competitive dynamics of mixed-oak neighborhoods,Betula,lenta,lenta,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 66,Y,,,,,"Conservation of rare, endemic braya species (Brassicaceae): Breeding system variation, potential hybridization and human disturbance",Braya ,fernaldii,fernaldii,,,N,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 67,Y,,,,,"Conservation of rare, endemic braya species (Brassicaceae): Breeding system variation, potential hybridization and human disturbance",Braya ,longii,longii,,,N,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 68,Y,,,,,"Demographic differences between two sympatric lilies (Calochortus) with contrasting distributions, as revealed by matrix analysis",Calochortus ,lyallii ,lyallii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 69,Y,,,,,Demography of a dormancy-prone geophyte: influence of spatial scale on interpretation of dynamics,Calochortus ,lyallii ,lyallii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 70,Y,,,,,Dormancy and flowering in two mariposa lilies (Calochortus) with contrasting distribution patterns,Calochortus ,lyallii ,lyallii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 71,N,,,,,Demography of a dormancy-prone geophyte: influence of spatial scale on interpretation of dynamics,Calochortus ,lyallii ,lyallii,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 72,N,,,,,Cryptic genetic subdivision in the San Benito evening primrose (Camissonia benitensis),Camissonia,contorta,contorta,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 73,N,2017,Kristin_etal,Pest management science,"73, 582-589","Biological control of chestnut blight in Croatia: an interaction between host sweet chestnut, its pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica and the biocontrol agent Cryphonectria hypovirus ",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,4,NA,to explore the potential use of CHV1 as a biocontrol agent of the pathogen that induces the chestnut blight disease in this species,NA,low,"Croatia, 0 zero coverage in North America",9,NA,"#replicates not specified, the authors only mention total # of viruses sampled ", 74,Y,,,,,Dormancy and flowering in two mariposa lilies (Calochortus) with contrasting distribution patterns,Calochortus ,lyallii ,lyallii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 75,Y,,,,,Phylogeny of Camassia (Agavaceae) Inferred from Plastid rpl16 Intron and trnD-trnY-trnE-trnT Intergenic Spacer DNA Sequences: Implications for Species Delimitation,Camassia,scilloides,scilloides,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 76,Y,,,,,The impact of species-specific traits and phylogenetic relatedness on allozyme diversity in Carex sect. Phyllostachys (Cyperaceae),Carex,juniperorum,juniperorum,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 77,Y,,,,,"CAREX-JUNIPERORUM (CYPERACEAE), A NEW SPECIES FROM NORTHEASTERN NORTH-AMERICA, WITH A KEY TO CAREX SECT PHYLLOSTACHYS",Carex,juniperorum,juniperorum,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 78,Y,,,,,Relationships among species in Carex sect. Phyllostachys (Cyperaceae) based on allozyme divergence,Carex,juniperorum,juniperorum,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 79,Y,2012,Dalgleish,Restoration ecology,"20, 490-497",American Chestnut Past and Future: Implications of Restoration for Resource Pulses and Consumer Populations of Eastern US Forests,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 80,Y,2012,Dalgleish_etal,CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE ,"42, 849-857",Weevil seed damage reduces germination and seedling growth of hybrid American chestnut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 81,N,2016,Biermann,Geoforum,"75, 210-219",Securing forests from the scourge of chestnut blight: The biopolitics of nature and nation,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to trace the recent history of the species and illustrate the role that nature has played within the American nation,NA,NA,does not cover a specific region,NA,NA,not an experimental study so no population sampled, 82,Y,2012,Gilland_etal,JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY ,"139, 283-289",Seed production of mature forest-grown American chestnut (Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 83,N,2016,Budde_etal,Current Forestry Reports,"2, 18-29",The Natural Evolutionary Potential of Tree Populations to Cope with Newly Introduced Pests and Pathogens-Lessons Learned From Forest Health Catastrophes in Recent Decades,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to review six examples of major disease outbreaks on this species caused by different introduced pests and pathogens that led to large ecological and economical losses,0,high,"mention ""North America"" in general",NA,NA,"review study of chestnut diseases, not experimental", 84,Y,2012,Griscom and Griscom,New Forests,"43, 441-455",Evaluating the ecological niche of American chestnut for optimal hybrid seedling reintroduction sites in the Appalachian ridge and valley province,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 85,N,2016,Clark_etal,New Forests,"47, 243-270",Establishment of American chestnuts (Castanea dentata) bred for blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) resistance: influence of breeding and nursery grading,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test early field performance of American and Chinese hybrid seedlings to inform backross breeding programs for chestnut restoration,NA,low,VA,1,NA,"one population of seedlings was divided into size class treatments, the treatment groups were then combined at each planting location", 86,Y,2012,Saielli_etal,CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE ,"42, 1107-1115",Nut cold hardiness as a factor influencing the restoration of American chestnut in northern latitudes and high elevations,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 87,N,2016,Dalgleish_etal,Forests,"7, 4",Consequences of Shifts in Abundance and Distribution of American Chestnut for Restoration of a Foundation Forest Tree,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to review the literature concerning biogeographic patterns in the species,NA,high,"covers most, if not the whole American range",NA,NA,not an experimental study so no population sampled, 88,N,2016,Oakes_etal,Hortscience,"51, 171-176",Improving Rooting and Shoot Tip Survival of Micropropagated Transgenic American Chestnut Shoots,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to improve the post-rooting stage of american chestnut protocol for future restoration plans,NA,low,NY,1,192-216,, 89,N,2016,Smyser_etal,Journal of Wildlife management,"80, 275-283",Allegheny woodrat hard mast preference and response to food supplementation,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,2,,,,,,,, 90,N,2016,Zhang and Nuss,PNAS,"113, 2062-2067",Engineering super mycovirus donor strains of chestnut blight fungus by systematic disruption of multilocus vic genes,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to provide a systematic molecular gene disruption and classical genetics for engineering fungal hosts with superior virus transmission to attenuate virulence of the pathogen on chestnut trees ,NA,low,virus strain originally isolated from a CT chestnut population,1,NA,"study about the genetics of the virus, not directly about chestnut natural populations", 91,N,2015,Blythe_etal,Restoration ecology,"23, 473-481","Selection, caching, and consumption of hardwood seeds by forest rodents: implications for restoration of American chestnut",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to quantify foraging preferences of scatter-hoarding rodents and evaluate their role on chestnut restoration,NA,low,IN,2,09-May,seeds from American chestnut and chestnu hybrid populations, 92,N,2015,D'Amico_etal,Applied and environmental microbiology,"81, 100-108","Comparisons of Ectomycorrhizal Colonization of Transgenic American Chestnut with Those of the Wild Type, a Conventionally Bred Hybrid, and Related Fagaceae Species",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,NA,"greenhouse assay - assess the effect transgenic funal resistance on ectomyrcorrhizal colonization. Compare transgenic, wild tree, hybrid & other species (all in greenhouse)",NA,NA,soil sampled from two USA sites and sapplings grown from seed (doesn’t say where wild tree seed comes from),NA,04-Feb,seeds include transgenic and wild-type American chestnuts, 93,N,2014,Anagnostakis and Pinchot,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 17-19 ",Restoration of Chestnuts as a Timber Crop in Connecticut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to report on the use of biological control as potential restoration method,NA,low,CT,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 94,N,2014,Baines_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 23-29",Effects of Branch Size and Pathogen Virulence on Canker Development and Branch Mortality,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to measure the effect of branch size on canker development and branch mortality for dsRNA-free and dsRNA-containing chestnut trees for thre production of more effective biological controk,NA,low,MI ,1,60,60 uninfected branches were selected from the tree population, 95,N,2014,Clark_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 39-44","The First Research Plantings of Third-Generation, Third-Backcross American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) in the Southeastern United States",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to assess the performance of chetnuts hybrids in the field (growth, survival) for the future implementation",NA,low,at multiple sites in the Blue Ridge province,4,NA,a total of 3957 trees, 96,N,2014,Curry,Environmental history,"19, 217-238","Radiation and Restoration; or, How Best to Make a Blight-Resistant Chestnut Tree",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to review the history of the use of radiation as a method to produce American chestnuts carrying a genetic mutation for blight resistance,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 97,N,2014,Dale and Galic,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 49-53",Breeding Blight Resistant American Chestnut for Canada,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to examine the difference in resistance between the two populations,NA,low,ON,2,643-767,Back-crossed population and Canadian population, 98,N,2014,Dulmer_etal,Mycorrhiza,"24, 65-74",Ectomycorrhizal inoculum potential of northeastern US forest soils for American chestnut restoration: results from field and laboratory bioassays,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate the potential of field soils in the northern portion of the chestnut's former range to provide ecomycorrhizal fungus inoculum for American chestnut,NA,low,NY,1,75,germinated seeds from seed collection made by the American chesntut Foundation in NY, 99,N,2014,Georgi_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 105-112",Adapting Chestnut Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for Use in Breeding,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,NA,to identify American chestnut genetic markers to select against Chinese chestnuts genes that are not related to disease-resistance in hybrid chestnuts. AH adjusted cons score to 1 as no data on wild pops,NA,NA,,1,49,essentially a primer note, 100,N,2014,Hebar_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 135-139",The Breeding Program of the American Chestnut Foundation,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to report on the breeding program of the American chestnut foundation,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 101,N,2014,Kenaley_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 165-171","Effect of Spore Concentration on the Establishment of Cytoplasmic Hypovirulent (HV), Transgenic HV, and Virulent Isolates of Cryphonectria parasitica, the Chestnut Blight Fungus",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to assess the effect of spore concentration on the incidence of infection after seven months for transgenic HV, cytoplasmic HV and virulent conidia",NA,low,WV,1,20,, 102,N,2014,Miller_etal,AOB Plants,"6, plu065","Exploration of a rare population of Chinese chestnut in North America: stand dynamics, health and genetic relationships",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to understand if the Chinese chestnut has the potential to persist in North American forests and extrapolate to the potential survival and competitive ability of Chine and American chestnuts hybrids,NA ,low,NA,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 103,N,2014,Nelson_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 179-189","The Forest Health Initiative, American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) as a Model for Forest Tree Restoration: Biological Research Program",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to report on the advancement of the Forest Health Initiative (a model for forest tree restoration),NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 104,N,2014,Pinchot_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 191-197",Impact of Silvicultural Treatment on Chestnut Seedling Growth and Survival,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to examine the importance of sivicultural treatment on chestnut reintroduction in the US,NA,low,KY,2,300,hybrid and American chestnuts populations from the American chesntut Foundation, 105,N,2014,Powell_etal,IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-ANIMAL ,"50, S23-S24",Can Genetic Engineering Help Save the American Chestnut?,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,NA,blight-resistant transgenic chestnuts,NA,none,ALH changed SKN designation from 4 to 1 - conference abstract is about genetically engineering chestnut to be blight resistant. No data on wild pops and unlikely to be used in cosewic assessment,0,NA,, 106,N,2014,Powell_etal,Scientific American,"310, 68-73",The American Chestnut's Genetic Rebirth,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to summarize the history of research for conferring blight-resistance to American chestnuts and emphasize on the advantages of transgenic chestnut lines as opposed to genetically modified cultivars,NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 107,N,2014,Rogstad and Pelican,Restoration ecology,"22, 668-675",Restoring the American Chestnut: Optimizing Founder Spacing to Promote Population Growth and Genetic Diversity Retention,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to model whether some patterns of founder placement (regular vs random spacing at different densities) produce more rapidly expanding populations across a range of gene dispersal distance conditions,NA,low,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, used modelling as a predictive tool", 108,N,2014,Stevens_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 223-227",American Chestnut Sprout Dynamics,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test the effect of 3 treatments on the sprout growth and number of 7 populations,NA,low,MI and WI,7,NA,number of replicates per population not specified, 109,N,2014,Zhebentyayeva_etal,V international chestnut symposium,"1019, 263-270",Genetic and Genomic Resources for Mapping Resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi in Chestnut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to map resistance to C. mollissima on different chestnut populations,NA,NA,not conducted in a natural environment,7,1-48,different populations derived from crosses made by the American chestnut foundation, 110,N,2013,Bauman_etal,Journal of applied ecology,"50, 721-729",Soil preparation methods promoting ectomycorrhizal colonization and American chestnut Castanea dentata establishment in coal mine restoration,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate soil subsurface methods that may aid in seedling establishment and encourage root colonization from a diverse group of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi during restoration projects,NA,low,OH,3,400,pure American chestnuts and 2 types of backrossed populations, 111,N,2013,Boyd_etal,Science,"342, 1235773 ",The Consequence of Tree Pests and Diseases for Ecosystem Services,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to report on tree diseases and pests and on tools to manage them,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 112,N,2013,Busini and Robin,Journal of virological methods,"187, 435-442",Mycovirus transmission revisited by in situ pairings of vegetatively incompatible isolates of Cryphonectria parasitica,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,"to compare in situ and in vitro transmissions of CHV1, a mycovirus of Cryphonectria parasitica, the pathogen that infects American chestnuts",NA,NA,,NA,NA,not an experiment on chestnut natural populations but rather on the virus that induces the disease, 113,N,2013,Carter and Floyd,Castanea,"78, 231-255","Landscape Scale Ecosystems of the Pine Mountain Range, Georgia",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to perform a landscape analysis of the Pine Mountain Range and assess what elements conservation efforts should focus on ,NA,low,GO,1,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 114,N,2013,Chambers_etal,Forest ecology and management,"291, 20-29","Challenges in modelling the abundance of 105 tree species in eastern North America using climate, edaphic, and topographic variables",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,"to evaluate the performance of species abundance models in predicting the relative abundance of the American chestnut in relation to climate, edaphic and topographic variables",0,high,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, use a model to generate abundance predictions ", 115,N,2013,Jacobs_etal,New Ohytologist,"197, 378-393",A conceptual framework for restoration of threatened plants: the effective model of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) reintroduction,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to summarize recent advancements in tree breeding and biotechnology that have emerged from C. dentata research and describe their potential to bring new tols to bear on socio-ecological restoration problems,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 116,N,2013,Skousen_etal,Journal of environmental quality,"42, 690-695",Survival and Growth of Chestnut Backcross Seeds and Seedlings on Surface Mines,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to plant and monitor the survival and growth of third-generation backross seeds and seedlings ,NA,low,WV,3,NA,don't specify the # of replicates, 117,N,2012,Clark_etal,Forests,"3, 1017-1033","American Chestnut Growth and Survival Five Years after Planting in Two Silvicultural Treatments in the Southern Appalachians, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to examine survival, growth, and blight occurrence in a pure American chestnut planting experiment",NA,low,NC,3,33-37,seeds from PA (American chestnut foundation) were planted in 3 treatment groups: two shelterwood regeneration treatments and one midstory-removal treatment, 118,N,2012,Gilland_etal,Northern Journal of Applied Forestry,"29, 197-205",Reintroduction of American Chestnut (Castanea dentata) on Reclaimed Mine Sites in Ohio: Microsite Factors Controlling Establishment Success,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine some of the effects of microsite conditions on the establishment success of American chestnut on mine sites,NA,low,OH,1,NA,"could not access the article, so could not find the number of replicates", 119,N,2012,Griffin_etal,Journal of nematology,"44, 316-320",Widespread Distribution of Fungivorus Aphelenchoides spp. in Blight Cankers on American Chestnut Trees,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to assess the fungivorous nematode density (feeds on C.parasitica) on chestnut trees in 4 states and highlight its potential role as a biocontrol of chesntut blight,NA,low,"VA, WV, TN, NH",4,NA,"don't specify the number of replicates, just mention that they cut stem samples from infected trees", 120,N,2014,Newhouse_etal,Plant Science,"228, 88-97",Transgenic American chestnuts show enhanced blight resistance and transmit the trait to T1 progeny,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,2,,,,,,,SKN changed SKN relevance from 4 to 1 because unlikely to be useful for cosewic assessments, 121,N,2012,van de Grevel_etal,Botany-Botanique,"90, 1263-1276","American chestnut (Castanea dentata) to northern red oak (Quercus rubra): forest dynamics of an old-growth forest in the Blue Ridge Mountains, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to analyze tree species composition and age structure in a fored at Bluff Mountain Preserve,NA,low,NC,1,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 122,Y,,,,,THE PRESENT DISTRIBUTION OF CHESTNUT IN THE UPLAND FOREST COMMUNITIES OF VIRGINIA,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 123,Y,,,,,Aboveground carbon biomass of plantation-grown American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in absence of blight,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 124,Y,,,,,Allozyme and RAPD analysis of the genetic diversity and geographic variation in wild populations of the American chestnut (Fagaceae),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 125,Y,,,,,"American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in the pre-settlement vegetation of Mammoth Cave National Park, Central Kentucky, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 126,Y,,,,,An analysis of ecophysiological responses to drought in American Chestnut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 127,Y,,,,,An integrated reconstruction of recent forest dynamics in a New England cultural landscape,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 128,Y,,,,,Applying accelerated growth production practices to American chestnut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,NA,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 129,Y,,,,,Cloning and characterization of promoters from American chestnut capable of directing reporter gene expression in transgenic Arabidopsis plants,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 130,Y,,,,,DECLINE OF UNDERSTORY AMERICAN CHESTNUT (CASTANEA-DENTATA) IN A SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN FOREST,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 131,Y,,,,,Dendroecology of American chestnut in a disjunct stand of oak-chestnut forest,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 132,Y,,,,,Determining the shade tolerance of American chestnut using morphological and physiological leaf parameters,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 133,Y,,,,,Differential responses in American (Castanea dentata Marshall) and Chinese (C-mollissima Blume) chestnut (Falales : Fagaceae) to foliar application of jasmonic acid,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 134,Y,,,,,"DISTRIBUTION AND PERSISTENCE OF AMERICAN CHESTNUT SPROUTS, CASTANEA-DENTATA [MARSH] BORKH, IN NORTHEASTERN OHIO WOODLANDS",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 135,Y,,,,,"Dominance of interplanted American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in southwestern Wisconsin, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 136,Y,,,,,Ecological status of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) in its native range in Canada,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 137,Y,,,,,ECOLOGY OF SURVIVAL AND RECOVERY FROM BLIGHT IN AMERICAN CHESTNUT TREES (CASTANEA-DENTATA (MARSH) BORKH) IN MICHIGAN,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 138,Y,,,,,Effect of soil compaction and moisture on incidence of phytophthora root rot on American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedlings,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 139,Y,,,,,"Effects of light acclimation on the photosynthesis, growth, and biomass allocation in American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedlings",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 140,Y,,,,,Enhancement of American chestnut somatic seedling production,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 141,Y,,,,,"Foliar chemistry and gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.), herbivory on pure American chestnut, Castanea dentata (Fam : Fagaceae), and a disease-resistant hybrid",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 142,Y,,,,,GROWTH FORM AND LIFE-HISTORIES OF AMERICAN CHESTNUT AND ALLEGHENY AND OZARK CHINQUAPIN AT VARIOUS NORTH-AMERICAN SITES,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 143,Y,,,,,"Heterozygote advantage in the American chestnut, Castanea dentata (Fagaceae)",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 144,Y,,,,,Inadequate Cold Tolerance as a Possible Limitation to American Chestnut Restoration in the Northeastern United States,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 145,Y,,,,,Influence of Sulfometuron Methyl on American Chestnut Seedling Growth and Leaf Function,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 146,Y,,,,,"Interactions between a fungal pathogen, foliar properties, and generalist herbivores",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 147,Y,,,,,"LAND-USE HISTORY (1730-1990) AND VEGETATION DYNAMICS IN CENTRAL NEW-ENGLAND, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 148,Y,,,,,Limited reintroduction does not always lead to rapid loss of genetic diversity: An example from the American chestnut (Castanea dentata; Fagaceae),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 149,Y,,,,,Long-term changes in forest composition and diversity following early logging (1919-1923) and the decline of American chestnut (Castanea dentata),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 150,Y,,,,,MEASURING RESISTANCE OF CHESTNUT TREES TO CHESTNUT BLIGHT,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 151,Y,,,,,Molecular characterization of a gene encoding a cystatin expressed in the stems of American chestnut (Castanea dentata),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 152,Y,,,,,NATURAL INFECTION OF NUTS OF CASTANEA-DENTATA BY ENDOTHIA-PARASITICA,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 153,Y,,,,,Recovery of American chestnut characteristics following hybridization and backcross breeding to restore blight-ravaged Castanea dentata,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 154,Y,,,,,Sexually mature transgenic American chestnut trees via embryogenic suspension-based transformation,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 155,Y,,,,,Species-Specific Barriers to Tree Regeneration in High Elevation Habitats of West Virginia,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 156,Y,,,,,THE ECOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF AMERICAN CHESTNUT (CASTANEA-DENTATA (MARSH) BORKH) IN THE HOLOCENE FORESTS OF CONNECTICUT,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 157,Y,,,,,"The Effect of Growth Rate, Age, and Chestnut Blight on American Chestnut Mortality",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 158,Y,,,,,The effects of logging and disease on American chestnut,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 159,Y,,,,,The effects of oxalic acid on transgenic Castanea dentata callus tissue expressing oxalate oxidase,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 160,Y,,,,,"The influence of silvicultural treatments and site conditions on American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedling establishment in eastern Kentucky, USA",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 161,Y,,,,,The photosynthetic response of American chestnut seedlings to differing light conditions,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 162,Y,,,,,Two-year response of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) seedlings to shelterwood harvesting and fire in a mixed-oak forest ecosystem,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 163,N,,,,,Effectiveness of a detached-leaf assay as a proxy for stem inoculations in backcrossed chestnut (Castanea) blight resistance breeding populations,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 164,N,,,,,"Effects of Temporal Dynamics, Nut Weight and Nut Size on Growth of American Chestnut, Chinese Chestnut and Backcross Generations in a Commercial Nursery",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 165,N,,,,,Genetics and Silvicultural Treatments Influence the Growth and Shoot Winter Injury of American Chestnut in Vermont,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 166,N,,,,,American Chestnut Seed Dispersal and Regeneration,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 167,N,,,,,Evaluation of Cryphonectria parasitica Isolates Collected from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 168,N,,,,,Four Centuries of Change in Northeastern United States Forests,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 169,N,2013,,,,Genetic Comparison of Castanea dentata and Castanea mollissima Using RAPD Analysis,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,? HAVE THIS?, 170,N,,,,,"EST-SSR markers reveal synonymies, homonymies and relationships inconsistent with putative pedigrees in chestnut cultivars",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 171,N,,,,,A transcriptome-based genetic map of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) and identification of regions of segmental homology with peach (Prunus persica),Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 172,N,,,,,Comparative chloroplast and nuclear DNA analysis of Castanea species in the southern region of the USA,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 173,N,,,,,Tough Nuts to Crack: Advances in Micropropagation of Woody Species,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 174,N,2012,Grunwald,Molecular Ecology,DOI:10.1111/j.1365-294X.2012.05597.x,Novel insights into the emergence of pathogens: the case of chestnut blight,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,NA,,,,,,,,this is a highlight of a paper published in this issue - not its own thing. Take out to avoid double counting,"Exotic, invasive pathogens have emerged repeatedly and" 175,N,,,,,Niche contraction of American chestnut in response to chestnut blight,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 176,N,,,,,"Phylogeny and Phylogeography of North American Castanea Mill. (Fagaceae) Using cpDNA Suggests Gene Sharing in the Southern Appalachians (Castanea Mill., Fagaceae)",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 177,Y,,,,,Modelling chestnut biogeography for American chestnut restoration,Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 178,Y,,,,,"Phylogeny and Phylogeography of North American Castanea Mill. (Fagaceae) Using cpDNA Suggests Gene Sharing in the Southern Appalachians (Castanea Mill., Fagaceae)",Castanea ,dentata,dentata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 179,Y,2005,Godt_etal,Conservation Genetics,"6, 87-99","Allozyme diversity in the federally threatened golden paintbrush, Castilleja levisecta (Scrophulariaceae)",Castilleja,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Allozyme diversity in species",0,high,sampled all pops,11,45,"Species maintains unusually high genetic diversity. Smaller populations had less genetic diversity. There was reduced gene flow between distant populations, however the most geographically isolated population was large and the most diverse and genetically divergent population.", 180,N,2013,Clements,Botany-Botanique,"91, 283-291",Translocation of rare plant species to restore Garry oak ecosystems in western Canada: challenges and opportunities,Castilleja,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to present the challenges and opportunities of translocation of Garry oak ecosystems plants such as C. levisecta,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 181,N,2016,Dunwiddie_etal,Natural Areas Journal,"36, 207-215",Intertwined Fates: Opportunities and Challenges in the Linked Recovery of Two Rare Species,Castilleja,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,NA,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to present the benefits of joing management efforts towards the recovery of both Euphydras editha taylori and C. levisecta species,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 182,N,2016,Dunwiddie_etal,PlOs One,"11, e0150417 ",Microsites Matter: Improving the Success of Rare Species Reintroductions,Castilleja,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to better understand how to increase the success rates of recovery plantings of C. levisecta,NA,low,,4,90?,the number of replicates per population was not clearly specified; it is a planting experiment so the performance of each source population was not what was measured but rather the performance of the whole group in each quadrat, 183,N,2016,Buckingham_etal,Northwest Science,"90, 491-497",Oviposition Preference of Endangered Taylor's Checkerspot Butterflies (Euphydryas editha taylori) Using Native and Non-Native Hosts,Castilleja,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to assess Euphydryas editha taylori's oviposition preference and identify the plant host species towards which restoration efforts should be directed in order to increase the synergistic effectiveness of the efforts,NA,low,WA,1,80,, 184,Y,,,,,"Reintroduction of Castilleja levisecta: Effects of Ecological Similarity, Source Population Genetics, and Habitat Quality",Castilleja ,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 185,Y,,,,,"Status of the Golden Paintbrush, Castilleja levisecta (Scrophulariaceae) in Canada",Castilleja ,levisecta,levisecta,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 186,Y,,,,,"A conservation evaluation of Smooth Goosefoot, Chenopodium subglabrum (Chenopodiaceae), in Canada",Chenopodium ,subglabrum,subglabrum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 187,Y,,,,,Conservation of a rare plant requires different methods in different habitats: demographic lessons from Actaea elata,Cimicifuga,elata,elata,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 188,Y,,,,,"Effects of forest structure and microhabitat on the distribution and flowering of a rare understory plant, Actaea elata",Cimicifuga,elata,elata,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 189,Y,2012,Havens_etal,Biological Conservation,"155, 202-211","Effects of a non-native biocontrol weevil, Larinus planus, and other emerging threats on populations of the federally threatened Pitcher's thistle, Cirsium pitcheri",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,NA,to assess weevil damage on a C.pitcheri natural population and predict its impact on 2 other natural uninvaded populations for which they had long-term data,NA,low,"IN, WI, MI",3,NA,"for the field experiment the # replicates was not specified, for the modelling experiment N=453 or 925 ", 190,N,2013,Emery_etal,Restoration ecology,"21, 506-514",Aboveground and Belowground Impacts Following Removal of the Invasive Species Baby's Breath (Gypsophila paniculata) on Lake Michigan Sand Dunes,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to remove the invasive species Gypsophila paniculata and measure its abundance, the plant species richness, plant community diversity, non-native plant cover and the abundance of C. pitcheri",NA,low,MI,1,NA,had 15 plots located within the matrix of a larger dune system that was at least several hectare in size. Plots had different treatments, 191,N,2013,Fant_etal,Botany-Botanique,"91, 301-308","Genetics of reintroduced populations of the narrowly endemic thistle, Cirsium pitcheri (Asteraceae)",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to measure the genetic diversity within reintroduced and native populations of C. pitcheri,NA,med,"IL, MI, IN, WI",12,50,"6 native populations, 6 reintroduced (some populations from a single source, others were a mix of different populations)", 192,N,2013,Bell_etal,Journal of Wildlife management,"77, 1104-1113",Viability Model Choice Affects Projection Accuracy and Reintroduction Decisions,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to parameterize and tets the accuracy of 5 matric models using 12y of C. pitchery demographic data,NA,low,IL,1,NA,"had 29 transplant units along the shoreline of he Illinois Beach State Park, separated by at least 10m and composed of 1-92 transplants", 193,N,2014,Marshall,JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY ,"141, 29-38","Influence of topography, bare sand, and soil pH on the occurrence and distribution of plant species in a lacustrine dune ecosystem",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to investigate the hypothesis that physical dune characteristics influence the distribution of encountered listed species of concern by conducting a vegetation survey,NA,low,MI,1,NA,it's a vegetation survey so there is no # replicates, 194,N,2015,Staehlin_etal,American Midland Naturalist,"173, 47-60","Climate Change Impacts on Seedling Establishment for a Threatened Endemic Thistle, Cirsium pitcheri",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to assess the effects of predicted climate change on seedling emergence, growth and survuval for the species",NA,low,IL,3,250,The 250 seeds were then further divided into 50 five groups of 50 seeds each and randomoly assigned to one of five treatments, 195,N,2015,Halsley_etal,Restoration ecology,"23, 375-384",Comparison of reintroduction and enhancement effects on metapopulation viability,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine the degree the addition of reintroduced populations affects metapopulation viability,NA,low,IN,5,13-21,, 196,N,2015,Jolls_etal,Biological Conservation,"187, 82-90","Population viability analysis and the effects of light availability and litter on populations of Cirsium pitcheri, a rare, monocarpic perennial of Great Lakes shorelines",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine how changes in light and litter abundance associated with natural successional processes or encroachment by exotics could affect population dynamics,NA,low,MI,1, NA,"monitor the population demographics wirthin a 40*40m permanent plot, so no specific # of replicates", 197,N,2016,Halsley_etal,Ecosphere,"7, e01536 ",Population-specific life histories contribute to metapopulation viability,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to investigate how population-specific life-history demographic responses contribute to the metapopulation viability,NA,low,IN,5,13-21,, 198,N,,,,,Effects of invasive knapweed (Centaurea stoebe subsp micranthos) on a threatened native thistle (Cirsium pitcheri) vary with environment and life stage,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 199,N,,,,,Fungal symbiont effects on dune plant diversity depend on precipitation,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 200,N,,,,,"The influence of contemporary and historic landscape features on the genetic structure of the sand dune endemic, Cirsium pitcheri (Asteraceae)",Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 201,N,,,,,Encroachment of Oriental Bittersweet into Pitcher's Thistle Habitat,Cirsium,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 202,Y,,,,,Conservation genetics of Hill's thistle (Cirsium hillii),Cirsium ,hillii,hillii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 203,Y,,,,,"First record for the biological control agent Rhinocyllus conicus (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) in a threatened native thistle, Cirsium hillii (Asteraceae), in Wisconsin, USA",Cirsium ,hillii,hillii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 204,Y,,,,,Conservation genetics of Hill's thistle (Cirsium hillii),Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 205,Y,,,,,"Conservation genetics of Pitcher's thistle (Cirsium pitcheri), an endangered Great Lakes endemic",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 206,Y,,,,,"Conservation implications of individual scale spatial pattern in the threatened dune thistle, Cirsium pitcheri",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 207,Y,,,,,Ecological Assessment of Dune Restorations in the Great Lakes Region,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 208,Y,,,,,Effects of sand burial depth on seed germination and seedling emergence of Cirsium pitcheri,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 209,Y,,,,,Encroachment of Oriental Bittersweet into Pitcher's Thistle Habitat,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 210,Y,,,,,Evaluation-of ecological risk to populations of a threatened plant from an invasive biocontrol insect,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 211,Y,,,,,"First record for the biological control agent Rhinocyllus conicus (Coleoptera : Curculionidae) in a threatened native thistle, Cirsium hillii (Asteraceae), in Wisconsin, USA",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 212,Y,,,,,"Germination ecology of a federally threatened endemic thistle, Cirsium pitcheri, of the Great Lakes",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 213,Y,,,,,"Insect herbivory on juveniles of a threatened plant, Cirsium pitcheri, in relation to plant size, density and distribution",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 214,Y,,,,,POLLINATOR VISITS TO THREATENED SPECIES ARE RESTORED FOLLOWING INVASIVE PLANT REMOVAL,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 215,Y,,,,,Population ecology of Cirsium pitcheri on Lake Huron sand dunes .1. Impact of white-tailed deer,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 216,Y,,,,,Population ecology of Cirsium pitcheri on Lake Huron sand dunes .2. Survivorship of plants,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 217,Y,,,,,Population ecology of Cirsium pitcheri on Lake Huron sand dunes. III. Mechanisms of seed dormancy,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 218,Y,,,,,Protection from natural enemies in managing rare plant species,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 219,Y,,,,,RECOVERY PLANNING AND REINTRODUCTION OF THE FEDERALLY THREATENED PITCHERS THISTLE (CIRSIUM PITCHERI) IN ILLINOIS,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 220,Y,,,,,Restoration ecology of an endangered plant species: Establishment of new populations of Cirsium pitcheri,Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 221,Y,,,,,"Threatened species monitoring: Results of a 17-year survey of Pitcher's Thistle, Cirsium pitcheri, in Pukaskwa National Park, Ontario",Cirsium ,pitcheri,pitcheri,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 222,N,2016,Applequist,Taxon,"65, 1153-1165",Report of the Nomenclature Committee for Vascular Plants: 68,Clethra,alnifolia,alnifolia,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to recommend conserving C. alnifolia,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, it's a report", 223,Y,,,,,Effects of canopy opening on recruitment in Clethra alnifolia L (Clethraceae) populations in central New Jersey wetland forests,Clethra ,alnifolia,alnifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 224,Y,,,,,Reproductive biology of Clethra alnifolia,Clethra ,alnifolia,alnifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 225,Y,,,,,SAFE SITES AND THE REGENERATION OF CLETHRA-ALNIFOLIA L (CLETHRACEAE) IN WETLAND FORESTS OF CENTRAL NEW-JERSEY,Clethra ,alnifolia,alnifolia,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 226,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of Slender Collomia, Collomia tenella, in Canada",Collomia,tenella,tenella,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 227,Y,,,,,"The effect of growing season length and water level fluctuations on growth and survival of two rare and at risk Atlantic Coastal Plain flora species, Coreopsis rosea and Hydrocotyle umbellata",Coreopsis,rosea,rosea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 228,Y,,,,,COMPARISONS OF ISOZYME DIVERSITY IN 3 RARE SPECIES OF COREOPSIS (ASTERACEAE),Coreopsis,rosea,rosea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 229,Y,,,,,SEED BANKS OF A RARE WETLAND PLANT COMMUNITY - DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND EFFECTS OF HUMAN-INDUCED DISTURBANCE,Coreopsis,rosea,rosea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 230,Y,,,,,"LAKESHORES IN THE TUSKET RIVER VALLEY, NOVA-SCOTIA - DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME RARE SPECIES, INCLUDING COREOPSIS-ROSEA NUTT AND SABATIA-KENNEDYANA FERN",Coreopsis,rosea,rosea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 231,Y,2012,Hadziabdic_etal,Tree Genetics & Genomes,"8, 855-871",Genetic diversity of flowering dogwood in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 232,N,2016,Parikh_etal,Scientia horticulturae,"213, 216-221",Broad-sense heritability and genetic gain for powdery mildew resistance in multiple pseudo-F2 populations of flowering dogwoods (Cornus florida L.),Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to determine broad-sense heritability, genetic gain and minimum number of effective genes associated with resistance to powdery mildew in C. florida",NA,low,TN,1,597,multiple progeny were generated from different crosses between different genotypes with various resistance level to powdery mildew, 233,N,2017,Olson_etal,Forest ecology and management,"387, 73-85",Dynamics of a temperate deciduous forest under landscape-scale management: Implications for adaptability to climate change,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to test three alternative landscape management systems: even-aged management, uneven-aged management, and no-harvest management",NA,low,MI,1,NA,, 234,Y,,,,,A six-year study of sapling and large-tree growth and mortality responses to natural and induced variability in precipitation and throughfall,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 235,Y,,,,,Analysis of genetic diversity in flowering dogwood natural stands using microsatellites: the effects of dogwood anthracnose,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 236,Y,,,,,Analysis of powdery mildew-resistant dogwood accessions using AFLP,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 237,Y,,,,,ANTHRACNOSE INFECTION OF DOGWOOD SEEDLINGS EXPOSED TO NATURAL INOCULUM IN WESTERN NORTH-CAROLINA,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 238,Y,,,,,"Anthracnose-caused mortality of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.) at the Dean Hills Nature preserve, Fayette County, Illinois, USA",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 239,Y,,,,,ASSOCIATION OF NEMATODES AND DOGWOOD CANKERS,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 240,Y,,,,,"CANKER OF DOGWOOD CAUSED BY LASIODIPLODIA-THEOBROMAE, A DISEASE INFLUENCED BY DROUGHT STRESS OR CULTIVAR SELECTION",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 241,Y,,,,,Comparison of Chitinases from dogwood anthracnose resistant and susceptible Cornus species,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 242,Y,,,,,Cornus florida 'Appalachian Spring': A white flowering dogwood resistant to dogwood anthracnose,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 243,Y,,,,,Cornus florida L. mortality and understory composition changes in western Great Smoky Mountains National Park,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 244,Y,,,,,Decline of Cornus florida and forest succession in a Quercus-Carya forest,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 245,Y,,,,,Dogwood anthracnose (Discula destructiva): Effects of and consequences for host (Cornus florida) demography,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 246,Y,,,,,EFFECT OF TIMBER HARVEST PRACTICES ON POPULATIONS OF CORNUS-FLORIDA AND SEVERITY OF DOGWOOD ANTHRACNOSE IN WESTERN NORTH-CAROLINA,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 247,Y,,,,,Effects of anthracnose on dogwood mortality and forest composition of the Cumberland plateau (USA),Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 248,Y,,,,,Effects of pretreatment with simulated acid rain on the severity of dogwood anthracnose,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 249,Y,,,,,"Factors limiting regeneration of Quercus alba and Cornus florida in formerly cultivated coastal plain sites, South Carolina",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 250,Y,,,,,"Gradient analysis of the distribution of a fungal disease of Cornus florida in the southern Appalachian Mountains, Tennessee",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 251,Y,,,,,Identification of microorganisms for biological control of powdery mildew in Cornus florida,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 252,Y,,,,,In vitro detection of Cornus florida callus insensitive to toxic metabolites of Discula destructiva,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 253,Y,,,,,"Influence of calcium, potassium, and magnesium on Cornus florida L. density and resistance to dogwood anthracnose",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 254,Y,,,,,INFLUENCE OF CANOPY MICROCLIMATE ON INCIDENCE AND SEVERITY OF DOGWOOD ANTHRACNOSE,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 255,Y,,,,,INFLUENCE OF SITE FACTORS ON DOGWOOD ANTHRACNOSE IN THE NANTAHALA MOUNTAIN-RANGE OF WESTERN NORTH-CAROLINA,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 256,Y,,,,,Isozyme and morphological variation in a Cornus florida L provenance plantation representing geographically diverse populations,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 257,Y,,,,,Management of powdery mildew in flowering dogwood in the field with biorational and conventional fungicides,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 258,Y,,,,,Natural occurrence of Microsphaera pulchra and Phyllactinia guttata on two Cornus species,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 259,Y,,,,,"Occurrence of flowering dogwood (Cornus florida L.), and mortality by dogwood anthracnose (Discula destructiva Redlin), on the northern Allegheny Plateau",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 260,Y,,,,,PRETREATING DOGWOOD SEEDLINGS WITH SIMULATED ACIDIC PRECIPITATION INCREASES DOGWOOD ANTHRACNOSE SYMPTOMS IN GREENHOUSE LABORATORY TRIALS,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 261,Y,,,,,Responses of understory tree seedlings to alteration of the soil fungal community in mid- and late-successional forests,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 262,Y,,,,,Revisiting dogwood anthracnose in Illinois,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 263,Y,,,,,Temporal and ecological patterns of flowering dogwood mortality in the mixed mesophytic forest of eastern Kentucky,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 264,Y,,,,,THE ASSOCIATION OF DISCULA-DESTRUCTIVA (RED) HYPHAE WITH CORNUS-FLORIDA (L) TRICHOMES,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 265,Y,,,,,The relationship between fire history and an exotic fungal disease in a deciduous forest,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 266,N,,,,,Ecological genomics of local adaptation in Cornus florida L. by genotyping by sequencing,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 267,N,,,,,Estimation of narrow sense heritability of powdery mildew resistance in pseudo F-2 (F-1) population of flowering dogwoods (cornus Florida L),Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 268,N,,,,,"Genetic structure and post-glacial expansion of Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae): integrative evidence from phylogeography, population demographic history, and species distribution modeling",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 269,N,2014,DiLeo etal,Molecular Ecology,doi: 10.1111/mec.12839,The gravity of pollination: integrating at-site features into spatial analysis of contemporary pollen movement,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,,"Pollen-mediated gene flow is a major driver of spatial genetic structure in plant populations. Both individual plant characteristics and site-specific features of the landscape can modify the perceived attractiveness of plants to their pollinators and thus play an important role in shaping spatial genetic variation. Most studies of landscape-level genetic connectivity in plants have focused on the effects of interindividual distance using spatial and increasingly ecological separation, yet have not incorporated individual plant characteristics or other at-site ecological variables. Using spatially explicit simulations, we first tested the extent to which the inclusion of at-site variables influencing local pollination success improved the statistical characterization of genetic connectivity based upon examination of pollen pool genetic structure. The addition of at-site characteristics provided better models than those that only considered interindividual spatial distance (e.g. IBD). Models parameterized using conditional genetic covariance (e.g. population graphs) also outperformed those assuming panmixia. In a natural population of Cornus florida L. (Cornaceae), we showed that the addition of at-site characteristics (clumping of primary canopy opening above each maternal tree and maternal tree floral output) provided significantly better models describing gene flow than models including only between-site spatial (IBD) and ecological (isolation by resistance) variables. Overall, our results show that including interindividual and local ecological variation greatly aids in characterizing landscape-level measures of contemporary gene flow." 270,N,2013,Zhang etal,PlOs One,,"De novo Sequencing, Characterization, and Comparison of Inflorescence Transcriptomes of Cornus canadensis and C. florida (Cornaceae)",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,,,,,,,,do not specify where the plants are from - more of a primer note / genome assembly,"Background Transcriptome sequencing analysis is a powerful tool in molecular genetics and evolutionary biology. Here we report the results of de novo 454 sequencing, characterization, and comparison of inflorescence transcriptomes of two closely related dogwood species, Cornus canadensis and C. florida (Cornaceae). Our goals were to build a preliminary source of genome sequence data, and to identify genes potentially expressed differentially between the inflorescence transcriptomes for these important horticultural species. Results The sequencing of cDNAs from inflorescence buds of C. canadensis (cc) and C. florida (cf), and normalized cDNAs from leaves of C. canadensis resulted in 251799 (ccBud), 96245 (ccLeaf) and 114648 (cfBud) raw reads, respectively. The de novo assembly of the high quality (HQ) reads resulted in 36088, 17802 and 21210 unigenes for ccBud, ccLeaf and cfBud. A reference transcriptome for C. canadensis was built by assembling HQ reads of ccBud and ccLeaf, containing 40884 unigenes. Reference mapping and comparative analyses found 10926 sequences were putatively specific to ccBud, and 6979 putatively specific to cfBud. Putative differentially expressed genes between ccBud and cfBud that are related to flower development and/or stress response were identified among 7718 shared sequences by ccBud and cfBud. Bi-directional BLAST found 87 (41.83% of 208) of Arabidopsis genes related to inflorescence development had putative orthologs in the dogwood transcriptomes. Comparisons of the shared sequences by ccBud and cfBud yielded 65931 high quality SNPs between two species. The twenty unigenes with the most SNPs are listed as potential genetic markers for evolutionary studies. Conclusions The data provide an important, although preliminary, information platform for functional genomics and evolutionary developmental biology in Cornus. The study identified putative candidates potentially involved in the genetic regulation of inflorescence evolution and/or disease resistance in dogwoods for future analyses. Results of the study also provide markers useful for dogwood phylogenomic studies. " 271,N,,,,,"Evidence for Topographic Control of Tree Spatial Patterning in an Old-growth, Mixed Mesophytic Forest in Southeastern Ohio, USA",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 272,N,,,,,"Pollination graphs: quantifying pollen pool covariance networks and the influence of intervening landscape on genetic connectivity in the North American understory tree, Cornus florida L.",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 273,N,,,,,Transcriptome Sequencing of Flowering Dogwood (Cornus florida) for Development of EST-SSRs,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 274,Y,,,,,"Pollination graphs: quantifying pollen pool covariance networks and the influence of intervening landscape on genetic connectivity in the North American understory tree, Cornus florida L.",Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 275,Y,,,,,Ecological consequences of an exotic fungal disease in eastern US hardwood forests,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 276,Y,,,,,Dogwood anthracnose in eastern hardwood forests: What is known and what can be done?,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 277,Y,,,,,DOGWOOD ANTHRACNOSE - A NEW DISEASE THREATENS 2 NATIVE CORNUS SPECIES,Cornus,florida,florida,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 278,Y,,,,,"Status of the Coastal Wood Fern, Dryopteris arguta (Dryopteridaceae) in Canada",Dryopteris ,arguta,arguta,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 279,Y,,,,,"Critical conditions for successful regeneration of an endangered annual plant, Cryptantha minima: A modeling approach",Cryptantha ,minima,minima,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 280,N,2014,Walsh_etal,AOB Plants,"6, plu031 ",Effects of pollination limitation and seed predation on female reproductive success of a deceptive orchid,Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to understant the joint impacts of mutualists and antagonists by examining pollen limitation, seed predation and the effects of pollen source over two flowering seasons",NA,low,OH,1,72,, 281,N,2016,Philips-Mao_etal,Biological Conservation,"193, 103-114",Model-based scenario planning to develop climate change adaptation strategies for rare plant populations in grassland reserves,Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to develop dynamic, linked habitat suitability and metapopulation models using RAMAS GIS to consider management and monitoring options for C. candidum",NA,low,MN,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, use modelling approach so", 282,Y,,,,,Costs and benefits of fruiting to future reproduction in two dormancy-prone orchids,Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 283,Y,,,,,EXTENSIVE VARIATION IN THE LEVELS OF GENETIC DIVERSITY AND DEGREE OF RELATEDNESS AMONG 5 SPECIES OF CYPRIPEDIUM (ORCHIDACEAE),Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 284,Y,,,,,HYBRIDIZATION AND INTROGRESSION IN WHITE AND YELLOW LADYSLIPPER ORCHIDS (CYPRIPEDIUM-CANDIDUM AND C-PUBESCENS),Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 285,Y,,,,,"Hybridization and introgression between a rare and a common lady's slipper orchid, Cypripedium candidum and C-parviflorum (Orchidaceae)",Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 286,Y,,,,,"POLLINATION OF THE SMALL WHITE LADYS-SLIPPER (CYPRIPEDIUM-CANDIDUM) IN LAMBTON-COUNTY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO",Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 287,N,,,,,Predicting evolution in response to climate change: the example of sprouting probability in three dormancy-prone orchid species,Cypripedium ,candidum,candidum,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 288,N,2014,Robson,Botany-Botanique,"92, 45-58",Mutualistic and antagonistic networks involving the rare silky prairie-clover (Dalea villosa var. villosa) and its co-flowering plants and insect visitors,Dalea,villosa,villosa,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to document and compare the insect visitors of D. villosa and 13 co-flowering plans,NA,low,MB,1,NA,it's a vegetation survey so there is no # replicates, 289,N,,,,,The effects of temperature and scarification on seed germination of three Dalea species,Dalea,villosa,villosa,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 290,Y,2012,Lamb and Guedo,Ecoscience,"19, 161-169","The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Deschampsia,mackenzieana,mackenzieana,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 291,N,2013,Guy_etal,Botany-Botanique,"91, 176-181",Limited effects of simulated acidic deposition on seedling survivorship and root morphology of endemic plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes in well-watered greenhouse trials,Deschampsia,mackenzieana,mackenzieana,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to assess the potential effects of acidic deposition on the root system morphology of D. mackenzieana,NA,high,SK,NA,NA,"did not specify if they were multiple populations, just grew the seedlings collected from the Athabasca Sand Dunes", 292,Y,,,,,GENETIC DIVERSITY IN THE TETRAPLOID SAND DUNE ENDEMIC DESCHAMPSIA-MACKENZIEANA AND ITS WIDESPREAD DIPLOID PROGENITOR D-CESPITOSA (POACEAE),Deschampsia ,mackenzieana,mackenzieana,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 293,Y,,,,,Distribution of Drosera filiformis and D-tracyi (Droseraceae): Phytogeographic implications,Drosera ,filiformis,filiformis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 294,Y,,,,,History of the endangered thread-leaved sundew (Drosera filiformis) in southern Nova Scotia,Drosera ,filiformis,filiformis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 295,N,,,,,CORRELATION BETWEEN ATV TRACKS AND DENSITY OF A RARE PLANT (DROSERA FILIFORMIS) IN A NOVA SCOTIA BOG,Drosera ,filiformis,filiformis,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 296,Y,,,,,Climate change and the development of coastal plain disjunctions in the central Great Lakes region,Eleocharis ,equisetoides,equisetoides,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 297,Y,,,,,A RECONSIDERATION OF THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF ELEOCHARIS TUBERCULOSA VAR. PUBNICOENSIS (CYPERACEAE),Eleocharis ,tuberculosa,tuberculosa,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 298,Y,,,,,ISOPYRUM-BITERNATUM-(RAF)-T-AND-G (RANUNCULACEAE) NEW TO VIRGINIA AND ITS DISTRIBUTION EAST OF APPALACHIAN MOUNTAINS,Enemion,biternatum,biternatum,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 299,Y,,,,,"STATUS OF FALSE RUE-ANEMONE, ISOPYRUM-BITERNATUM (RANUNCULACEAE), IN CANADA",Enemion,biternatum,biternatum,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 300,Y,,,,,Potential distribution of emerald ash borer: What can we learn from ecological niche models using Maxent and GARP?,Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 301,N,,,,,Differential persistence of blue ash and white ash following emerald ash borer invasion,Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,,,,,,,,, 302,N,,,,,Potential for persistence of blue ash in the presence of emerald ash borer in southeastern Michigan,Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 303,N,,,,,Growth of Larval Agrilus planipennis (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) and Fitness of Tetrastichus planipennisi (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in Blue Ash (Fraxinus quadrangulata) and Green Ash (F. pennsylvanica),Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 304,N,,,,,Differential persistence of blue ash and white ash following emerald ash borer invasion,Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 305,N,2012,Whitehill etal,J Chem Ecol,doi: 10.1007/s10886-012-0125-7,"Interspecific Comparison of Constitutive Ash Phloem Phenolic Chemistry Reveals Compounds Unique to Manchurian Ash, a Species Resistant to Emerald Ash Borer",Fraxinus,quadrangulata,quadrangulata,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,1,,,,,,,,plants are grown in the US but do not specify where the plants are from,"The emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis, EAB) is an invasive wood-borer indigenous to Asia and is responsible for widespread ash (Fraxinus spp.) mortality in the U.S. and Canada. Resistance and susceptibility to EAB varies among Fraxinus spp., which is a result of their co-evolutionary history with the pest. We characterized constitutive phenolic profiles and lignin levels in the phloem of green, white, black, blue, European, and Manchurian ash. Phloem was sampled twice during the growing season, coinciding with phenology of early and late instar EAB. We identified 66 metabolites that displayed a pattern of variation, which corresponded strongly with phylogeny. Previously identified lignans and lignan derivatives were confirmed to be unique to Manchurian ash, and may contribute to its high level of resistance to EAB. Other compounds that had been considered unique to Manchurian ash, including hydroxycoumarins and the phenylethanoids calceolarioside A and B, were detected in closely related, but susceptible species, and thus are unlikely to contribute to EAB resistance of Manchurian ash. The distinct phenolic profile of blue ash may contribute to its relatively high resistance to EAB." 306,Y,1999,Paterson and Snyder,Rhodora,"101, 325-340","Genetic evidence supporting the taxonomy of Geum peckii (Rosaceae) and G. radiatum as separate species",Geum,peckii,peckii,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Taxonomic differentiation using RADP markers",0,high,"sampled whole range, New Hampshire and Nova Scotia",12,02-Jan,"1-2 DNAs per site, G. peckii and G. radiatum should be treated as separate species. Genetic distance between populations of each species increased disproportionately with geographic distance. Genetic distance among populations of G. peckii was low.", 307,N,2013,,,,"Determination of the extent of hybridization between the threatened Hibiscus dasycalyx, Hibiscus laevis, and Hibiscus moscheutos using ISSR genetic markers",Hibiscus,moscheutos,moscheutos,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,only have access to the abstract and do not specify where the plants are from (think safe to assume they're from east texas given abstract),"East Texas is home to several native Hibiscus species, including Hibiscus dasycalyx, Hibiscus laevis, and Hibiscus moscheutos. These species are herbaceous perennials that live in wetland conditions. Of the three morphologically distinct species, H. dasycalyx has been listed as threatened by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Before restoration can occur, the gene flow and level of hybridization with the other two species must be determined in its native habitat. Previous investigations in our laboratory of these species have suggested that the Hibiscus dasycalyx is an individual species with little to no hybridization, however, a more comprehensive analysis is needed using a larger sampling set. The objective of this study is to identify species specific Intersimple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers for Hibiscus dasycalyx, H. laevis and H. moscheutos so that these markers could be used for tracking the extent of hybridization that occurs between the three species as well as the gene flow of H. dasycalyx. Genomic DNA was extracted and PCR amplified using ISSR primers (Wolfe,1998). PCR products were separated on an ALF sequencer to detect polymorphisms between the three Hibiscus species. Population analysis software was used to determine the gene flow and extent of hybridization between H. dasycalyx, H. laevis and H. moscheutos." 308,N,2013,Inoue_etal,Genetic resources and crope volution,"60, 1201-1207",A measure of genetic diversity of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) by RAPD analysis,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to measure levels of genetic diversity within and among cultivated and wild populations in order to assess possible conservation strategies,NA,low,"NC, OH, PA, WV",17,10-May,used leaf tissue to extract the DNA, 309,Y,,,,,A new root disease of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) caused by Cylindrociadium colhounii,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 310,Y,,,,,Comparative analysis of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) population re-growth following human harvest: Implications for conservation,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 311,Y,,,,,Distribution and abundance of Hydrastis canadensis L. (Ranunculaceae) and Panax quinquefolius L. (Araliaceae) in the central Appalachian region,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 312,Y,,,,,"Distribution and habitat classification of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) in the Hoosier National Forest, Indiana, USA",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 313,Y,,,,,"Distribution, abundance, and population dynamics of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) in an Indiana Nature Preserve, USA",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 314,Y,,,,,Does breeding system contribute to rarity of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)?,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 315,Y,,,,,Dynamics of threatened goldenseal populations and implications for recovery,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 316,Y,,,,,Effects of harvester behavior on population growth rate affects sustainability of ginseng trade,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 317,Y,,,,,"Effects of self-pollination and outcrossing with cultivated plants in small natural populations of American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius (Araliaceae)",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 318,Y,,,,,"Effects of variable shading in a greenhouse study on rhizome weight, root length, and bud proliferation in goldenseal",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 319,Y,,,,,Hydrastis canadensis L. (Ranunculaceae) distribution does not reflect response to microclimate gradients across a mesophytic forest cove,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 320,Y,,,,,"Impacts of white-tailed deer on spring wildflowers in Illinois, USA",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 321,Y,,,,,Micropropagation of Hydrastis canadensis: Goldenseal a North American Endangered Species,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 322,Y,,,,,"Notes on the pollination and dispersal of Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis L., in southwestern Ontario",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 323,Y,,,,,Nuclear DNA content of Hydrastis canadensis L. and genome size stability of in vitro regenerated plantlets,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 324,Y,,,,,"Ontario Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, populations in relation to habitat size, paths, and woodland edges (vol 114, pg 652, 2000)",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 325,Y,,,,,Population differentiation of a threatened plant: variation in response to local environment and implications for restoration,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 326,Y,,,,,Population dynamics of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis) in the core of its historical range,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 327,Y,,,,,"Population loss of goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis L. (Ranunculaceae), in Ohio",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 328,Y,,,,,Rates of Harvest and Compliance with Regulations in Natural Populations of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.),Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 329,Y,,,,,"Recent trends in stem numbers in Goldenseal, Hydrastis canadensis, populations at the northern limit of its range",Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 330,Y,,,,,Recovery of populations of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius l.) following harvest,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 331,Y,,,,,Restoration of Hydrastis canadensis by transplanting with disturbance simulation: Results of one growing season,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 332,Y,,,,,Restoration of Hydrastis canadensis: Experimental test of a disturbance hypothesis after two growing seasons,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 333,Y,,,,,Seedling establishment shapes the distribution of shade-adapted forest herbs across a topographical moisture gradient,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 334,Y,,,,,Vulnerability of wild American ginseng to an extreme early spring temperature fluctuation,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 335,Y,,,,,White-tailed deer: Dispersers or predators of American ginseng seeds?,Hydrastis ,canadensis,canadensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 336,Y,,,,,"The effect of growing season length and water level fluctuations on growth and survival of two rare and at risk Atlantic Coastal Plain flora species, Coreopsis rosea and Hydrocotyle umbellata",Hydrocotyle ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 337,Y,,,,,The effects of flooding regime on the rare Atlantic coastal plain species Hydrocoytle umbellata,Hydrocotyle ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 338,N,,,,,"Plant community dynamics relative to the changing distribution of a highly invasive species, Eichhornia crassipes: a remote sensing perspective",Hydrocotyle ,umbellata,umbellata,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 339,Y,,,,,RELATIONSHIP OF BREEDING SYSTEM TO RARITY IN THE LAKESIDE DAISY (HYMENOXYS-ACAULIS VAR GLABRA),Hymenoxys,herbacea,herbacea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 340,Y,,,,,"The effect of interplant distance on mating success in federally threatened, self-incompatible Hymenoxys herbacea equals H-acaulis var. glabra (Asteraceae)",Hymenoxys,herbacea,herbacea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 341,Y,,,,,ALLOZYMIC UNIFORMITY IN IRIS-LACUSTRIS (DWARF LAKE IRIS) IN WISCONSIN,Iris,lacustris,lacustris,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 342,Y,,,,,Isozyme diversity in Iris cristata and the threatened glacial endemic I-lacustris (Iridaceae),Iris,lacustris,lacustris,,,N,,N,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 343,Y,,,,,": ENGELMANN QUILLWORT, ISOETES-ENGELMANNII, AN ADDITION TO THE AQUATIC FLORA OF CANADA",Isoetes,engelmannii,engelmannii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 344,Y,1989,Mehrloff,Biological Conservation,"47, 281-296","Reproductive vigor and environmental factors in populations of an endangered North American orchid, Iostria medeoloides (Prush) Rafinesque",Isotria,medeoloides,medeoloides,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Reproductive vigor, survivorship, and environmental quality",0,high,range wide,11,NA,"Populations were frequently located near canopy breaks, and located in a wide range of site conditions, all plants in the pop were sampled", 345,Y,1989,Mehrloff,Ecology,"70, 783-786","The dynamics of declining populations of an endangered orchid, Iostria medeoloides",Isotria,medeoloides,medeoloides,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Population dynamics contrasting stable and declining populations",0,high,range wide,11-35,,"Iostria populations differed in size, flowering percentage and growth status, and in relative frequency of individuals of different sizes. There were correlations between population growth status, survivorship, and reproduction.", 346,Y,,,,,Predicting rare orchid (Small whorled Pogonia) habitat using GIS,Isotria,medeoloides,medeoloides,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 347,Y,,,,,Response of an Isotria medeoloides Population to Canopy Thinning,Isotria,medeoloides,medeoloides,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 348,Y,,,,,Highest genetic diversity at the northern range limit of the rare orchid Isotria medeoloides,Isotria,medeoloides,medeoloides,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 349,Y,,,,,REDISCOVERY OF ISOTRIA-VERTICILLATA (WILLD) RAF (ORCHIDACEAE) IN VERMONT,Isotria,verticillata,verticillata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 350,Y,2008,Ross-Davis_etal,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"38, 899-907",Genetic diversity of butternut (Juglans cinerea) and implications for conservation,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Population genetic diversity and structure using nuclear microsatellites",0,med,biased to shouthwest,5,175,"Canadian population showed considerable heterozygote excess and significant departure from mutationdrift equilibrium compared to USA populations,", 351,Y,2010,Hoban_etal,Molecular Ecology,"29, 4876-4891","Range-wide distribution of genetic diversity in the North American tree Juglans cinera: a product of range shifts, not ecological marginality or recent population decline",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Drivers of the distribution of range-wide genetic diversity using microsatellites",2,high,across native range,29,1004,"Latitudinal diversity gradient from range core northwards, northern edge populations showed less diversity and more population differentiation", 352,Y,2012,Hoban_etal,Conservation genetics,"13, 1447-1457","A rare case of natural regeneration in butternut, a threatened forest tree, is parent and space limited",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 353,Y,2012,Hoban_etal,Evolutionary Applications,"5, 720-731",Human-impacted landscapes facilitate hybridization between a native and an introduced tree,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Geographically extensive study contrasting native and introduced juglans and their hybrids",0,high,across native range,48,1415,"High incidence of hybrids in introduced sites, none in Wisconin or Canada (maybe hybrids occur less frequenly at Northern edge of range?)", 354,N,2013,Parks_etal,Natural Areas Journal,"33, 413-426","Conservation Status of a Threatened Tree Species: Establishing a Baseline for Restoration of Juglans cinerea L. in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to determine post-disease survivorship and health, recruitment history, environmental conditions associated with survival and the extent of hybridization with a non-native congener",NA,low,"TN, NC",19,30-Jan,, 355,N,2014,Boraks and Broders,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"44, 1206-1217","Butternut (Juglans cinerea) health, hybridization, and recruitment in the northeastern United States",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to record several populations health metrics (recruitment, disease pressure, hybridization) from a previously unsampled area",NA,low,"NH, ME, VT, NY ",17,27-Feb,, 356,N,2014,Crystal and Jacobs,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"44, 1244-1252",Drought and flood stress tolerance of butternut (Juglans cinerea) and naturally occurring hybrids: implications for restoration,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,NA,to explore the possibility that naturally occuring hybrids between resistant and susceptible species may accelerate the process of breeding resistance,NA,low,"IN, MN, ON",2,14-Oct,"the ""populations"" include bare-root seedlings of butternut and hybrids from MI and IN", 357,N,2014,Hoban and Schlarbaum,Biological Conservation,"177, 20-99","Optimal sampling of seeds from plant populations for ex-situ conservation of genetic biodiversity, considering realistic population structure",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to help inform ex situ conservation collection by evaluating the expected performance of an awway of sample sizes and several spatial distributuions of sampled populations,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, use modelling approach ", 358,N,2014,Hoban_etal,Forest ecology and management,"314,50-58","Spatial genetic structure in 21 populations of butternut, a temperate forest tree (Juglans cinerea L.), is correlated to spatial arrangement, habitat, and land-use history",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to quantify spatial genetic structure in butternut populations,0,med?,"Eastern USA and Southern Canada, did not specify the exact locations",21,NA,did not specify # replicates per pop but sampled a total of 875 individuals, 359,N,2014,Parks_etal,Tree Genetics & Genomes,"10, 541-554","Biotic and abiotic factors affecting the genetic structure and diversity of butternut in the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to assess genetic strucyure and diversity of butternut populations,NA,low,"TN, NC",19,NA,did not specify # replicates per pop but sampled a total of 161 individuals, 360,N,2014,Zhao_etal,Journal of systematics and evolution,"52, 101-111",RAPD derived markers for separating Manchurian walnut (Juglans mandshurica) and Japanese walnut (J. ailantifolia) from close congeners,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate the genome of J. cinerea and other Juglans species and compare them,NA,med,"MN, WI. MO, NY, VT, ME, NH, PA, IA, MI",15,1,, 361,N,2015,Broders_etal,Forest Pathology,"45, 1-8",Recent insights into the pandemic disease butternut canker caused by the invasive pathogen Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to synthesize the current knowledge of the invasion process of the butternut canker pathogen,0,NA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, it's a report", 362,Y,2012,,,,"A rare case of natural regeneration in butternut, a threatened forest tree, is parent and space limited",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 363,N,2015,Hadziabic_etal,Conservation genetics resources,"7, 431-433","Development of microsatellite loci in Pityophthorus juglandis, a vector of thousand cankers disease in Juglans spp.",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to develop and characterize microsatellite loci for Pityophthorus juglandis, a vector of thousand canker disease affecting Juglans spp",NA,low,TN,NA,NA,"study exclusively on the virus affecting Juglans cinerea, but has ultimate conservation implications for J. cinerea", 364,N,2015,Moore_etal,Plant Disease,"99, 401-408",Inhibition of Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum by Juglans Species Bark Extracts,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop a rapid and reliable screening technique to select for trees with resistance to butternut canker,NA,low,MN,NA,NA,"the origin of the population was not specified, but the bark extracts consisted of non-selected, seed-propagated butternet of unknown origin and grafted trees selected for possible resistance", 365,Y,,,,,A spatial modeling approach to identify potential Butternut restoration sites in Mammoth Cave National Park,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 366,Y,,,,,Dendrochronology of two butternut (Juglans cinerea) populations in the southeastern United States,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 367,Y,,,,,Distribution and detection of Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum in Quebec.,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 368,Y,,,,,DNA markers identify hybrids between butternut (Juglans cinerea L.) and Japanese walnut (Juglans ailantifolia Carr.),Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 369,Y,,,,,Early season softwood cuttings effective for vegetative propagation of Juglans cinerea,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 370,Y,,,,,"EFFECT OF SYLVICULTURAL SITE AND TREATMENT ON GROWTH, BIOMASS ALLOCATION AND NITROGEN UPTAKE BY SEEDLINGS OF 4 HARDWOODS IN PLANTATIONS OF SOUTHEASTERN QUEBEC",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 371,Y,,,,,Four cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers for the detection of the Juglans ailantifolia chloroplast in putatively native J-cinerea populations,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 372,Y,,,,,Genetic evidence that butternut canker was recently introduced into North America,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 373,Y,,,,,Geographically extensive hybridization between the forest trees American butternut and Japanese walnut,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 374,Y,,,,,"Improving disease resistance of butternut (Juglans cinerea), a threatened fine hardwood: a case for single-tree selection through genetic improvement and deployment",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 375,Y,,,,,Insects associated with butternut and butternut canker in Minnesota and Wisconsin,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 376,Y,,,,,Low genetic diversity at allozyme loci in Juglans cinerea,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 377,Y,,,,,Microsatellite markers for Juglans cinerea L. and their utility in other Juglandaceae species,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 378,Y,,,,,Morphological and molecular methods to identify butternut (Juglans cinerea) and butternut hybrids: relevance to butternut conservation,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 379,Y,,,,,Potential beetle vectors of Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum on butternut,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 380,Y,,,,,Response of butternut selections to inoculation with Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 381,Y,,,,,Role of the cotyledonary tissue in improving low and ultralow temperature tolerance of butternut (Juglans cinerea) embryonic axes,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 382,Y,,,,,"SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS IN BUTTERNUT, JUGLANS-CINEREA",Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 383,Y,,,,,Thirteen nuclear microsatellite loci for butternut (Juglans cinerea L.),Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 384,Y,,,,,Tolerance of butternut embryonic axes to low and ultra-low temperatures,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 385,Y,,,,,Vegetative propagation of butternut (Juglans cinerea) field results,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 386,Y,,,,,Viability of Sirococcus clavigignenti-juglandacearum Conidia on exoskeletons of three Coleopteran species,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 387,N,,,,,Phylogenetic Resolution in Juglans Based on Complete Chloroplast Genomes and Nuclear DNA Sequences,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 388,N,,,,,Population genetic diversity of the rare hardwood butternut (Juglans cinerea) in the northeastern USA,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 389,N,,,,,Estimating heritability of disease resistance and factors that contribute to long-term survival in butternut (Juglans cinerea L.),Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 390,N,,,,,Chloroplast haplotypes suggest preglacial differentiation and separate postglacial migration paths for the threatened North American forest tree Juglans cinerea L.,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 391,N,,,,,Susceptibility of Walnut and Hickory Species to Geosmithia morbida,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 392,Y,,,,,WALNUT (JUGLANS SPP) GENETIC DIVERSITY DETERMINED BY RESTRICTION-FRAGMENT-LENGTH-POLYMORPHISMS,Juglans,cinerea,cinerea,,,N,,N,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 393,Y,,,,,Effect of propagule type and holding method on survival of transplanted water willow (Justicia americana),Justicia ,americana,americana,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 394,Y,,,,,Factors affecting water willow establishment in a large reservoir,Justicia ,americana,americana,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 395,Y,,,,,The response of water willow Justicia americana to different water inundation and desiccation regimes,Justicia ,americana,americana,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 396,N,2013,Boughton_etal,Biological Conservation,"158, 239-247",Season of fire and nutrient enrichment affect plant community dynamics in subtropical semi-natural grasslands released from agriculture,Lachnanthes,caroliniana,caroliniana,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to assess the effect of season of burn and nutrient status on plant composition in semi-nautral grassland released from ranchland management,NA,low,FL,1,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 397,Y,,,,,Herbivory and population dynamics of invasive and native Lespedeza,Lespedeza,virginica,virginica,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 398,Y,,,,,The effect of herbivory on the mating system of congeneric native and exotic Lespedeza species,Lespedeza,virginica,virginica,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 399,N,,,,,Effects of Temperature on Seed Viability of Six Ozark Glade Herb Species and Eastern Redcedar (Juniperus virginiana),Lespedeza,virginica,virginica,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 400,Y,,,,,"FACTORS MAINTAINING A DISJUNCT COMMUNITY OF LIATRIS-SPICATA AND OTHER PRAIRIE SPECIES IN ONTARIO, CANADA",Liatris ,spicata,spicata,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 401,Y,,,,,"STATUS OF THE EASTERN GRASSWORT, LILAEOPSIS CHINENSIS (APIACEAE), IN THE GREAT BAY ESTUARY, NEW HAMPSHIRE, USA",Lilaeopsis ,chinensis ,chinensis,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 402,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of small-flowered Lipocarpha, Lipocarpha micrantha (Cyperaceae), in Canada",Lipocarpha,micrantha,micrantha,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 403,Y,,,,,"DISJUNCT ATLANTIC COASTAL-PLAIN SPECIES IN NOVA-SCOTIA - DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT AND CONSERVATION PRIORITIES",Lophiola ,aurea,aurea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 404,Y,1983,,Rhodora,,ON THE TAXONOMIC STATUS OF LOPHIOLA-AUREA KER-GAWLER,Lophiola ,aurea,aurea,,,Y,,Y,NA,NA,3,NA,,,,,,,,only have access to the abstract and parts of the methods and do not specify where the plants are from, 405,Y,,,,,Germination of Three Native Lupinus Species in Response to Temperature,Lupinus,lepidus,lepidus,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 406,N,2015,Budd_etal,Conservation genetics,"16, 1359-1373","Conservation genetics of Magnolia acuminata, an endangered species in Canada: Can genetic diversity be maintained in fragmented, peripheral populations?",Magnolia,acuminata,acuminata,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to assess patterns of genetic diversity and differentiation within and among populations of Canadian M. acuminata and compare its genetic composition to populations sampled throughout its central distribution in the USA,2,high,"ON, Niagara, Norfolk, multiple regions in the USA",28,1-51,explicitely addressed the peripheral/core question, 407,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of the Prairie Lupine, Lupinus lepidus var. lepidus, in Canada",Lupinus,lepidus,lepidus,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 408,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of the Bog Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus pinnatus, in Canada",Lotus,pinnatus,pinnatus,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 409,Y,,,,,"Magnolia acuminata, M-macrophylla, and M-tripetala in oak-dominated forests on the North Shore of Long Island, New York",Magnolia,acuminata,acuminata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 410,N,2015,Yan_etal,Genome,"58, 298-298","Utilizing DNA barcoding to conserve Canada's endangered populations of red mulberry (Morus rubra L., Moraceae)",Morus,rubra,rubra,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,"develop primers to tell which trees = red, white or hybrid mulberrys. Do present data from 2 wild pops in ON",NA,NA,,NA,NA,samples 61 plants (samples?) from 2 Ontario parks and genotypes to see proportion of red vs white vs hybrid plants. Mostly primer development but do give proportions of races which is useful., 411,Y,,,,,Habitat differentiation and the ecological costs of hybridization: the effects of introduced mulberry (Morus alba) on a native congener (M-rubra),Morus,rubra,rubra,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 412,Y,,,,,Interspecific seed discounting and the fertility cost of hybridization in an endangered species,Morus,rubra,rubra,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 413,N,,,,,Advancement of tree species across ecotonal borders into non-forested ecosystems,Morus,rubra,rubra,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 414,N,,,,,Definition of Eight Mulberry Species in the Genus Morus by Internal Transcribed Spacer-Based Phylogeny,Morus,rubra,rubra,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 415,N,2016,Nichols,Rhodora,"118, 13-25",OPUNTIA HUMIFUSA (RAF.) RAF.: NATIVE OR NATURALIZED IN NEW HAMPSHIRE?,Opuntia,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine whether this species is native or was naturalized to inform its conservation status ,NA,low,NH,NA,NA,"this is not really an experimental study, they examined the extent of shell fragments and small stones beneath the surfaces of the site history, as well as the natural history of the species by doing a literature search", 416,N,2017,Drezner,Castanea,"82, 8-23",North and South: Morphological Variability in the Endangered Opuntia cespitosa in Canada and Variation with Environmental Conditions,Opuntia,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to assess response to local conditions and determine if the Floridian and Canadian populations are distinct species or not,0,low,"ON, FL",4,20-60,"three populations from Ontario, 1 from Florida", 417,N,2017,Drezner,JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY ,"144, 179-190","Shade, reproductive effort and growth of the endangered native cactus, Opuntia humifusa Raf. in Point Pelee National Park, Canada",Opuntia,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,"to quantify fruit and flower production, the pad yellowing phenomenthat has been observed, and a variety of plant metrics in the only remaining main population in Canada",NA,low,ON,2,50,2 populations subdivided in north and south subpopulations, 418,Y,,,,,"NUCLEAR-DNA POLYMORPHISMS AMONG STRAINS OF MICROSERIS-BIGELOVII (ASTERACEAE, LACTUCEAE) AMPLIFIED FROM ARBITRARY PRIMERS",Microseris,bigelovii,bigelovii,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 419,Y,1992,Bachmann,Botanica Acta,doi/abs/10.1111/j.1438-8677.1992.tb00308.x,"PHENOTYPIC SIMILARITY AND GENETIC-RELATIONSHIP AMONG POPULATIONS OF MICROSERIS-BIGELOVII (ASTERACEAE, LACTUCEAE)",Microseris,bigelovii,bigelovii,,,Y,,Y,NA,NA,3,NA,,,,,,,,only have access to the abstract and do not specify where the plants are from,"Twelve inbred strains have been derived from 10 representative populations of the North American annual M. bigelovii. The distribution and correlation of 21 phenotypic characters distinguishing these strains has been studied. The genetic similarity of these strains has been previously determined using nu clear DNA polymorphisms. Genetically similar strains (always geographic near neighbors) share phenotypic character states but these involve different characters in different cases. A few character state differences are correlated across all strains via early rosette growth rate, timing of reproduction, or overall capitulum size. Most character states recombine freely. This is evidence for effective gene flow (probably by achene dispersal) among these isolated populations." 420,Y,,,,,"GENETIC AND NONGENETIC FACTORS INFLUENCING DEVIATIONS FROM 5 PAPPUS PARTS IN A HYBRID BETWEEN MICROSERIS-DOUGLASII AND M-BIGELOVII (ASTERACEAE, LACTUCEAE)",Microseris,bigelovii,bigelovii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 421,Y,2004,Gailing etal,Plant Biol,,"QTL mapping for a trade-off between leaf and bud production in a recombinant inbred population of Microseris douglasii and M-bigelovii (Asteraceae, Lactuceae): A potential preadaptation for the colonization of serpentine soils",Microseris,bigelovii,bigelovii,,,Y,,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),3,NA,,,,,,,,"use hybrid strains, not wild plants","The different response to growth on serpentine soil is a major autecological difference between the annual asteracean species Microseris douglasii and M. bigelovii, with nearly non-overlapping distribution ranges in California. Early flowering and seed set is regarded as a crucial character contributing to escape drought and thus is strongly correlated with survival and reproductive success on serpentine as naturally toxic soil. M. bigelovii (strain C94) from non-serpentine soil produces more leaves at the expense of bud production in the first growing phase than M. douglasii (B14) from serpentine soil. A QTL mapping study for this trade-off and for other growth-related traits was performed after six generations of inbreeding (F7) from a single interspecific hybrid between B14 and C94 on plants that were grown on serpentine and alternatively on normal potting soil. The trade-off is mainly correlated with markers on one map region on linkage group 03a (lg03a) with major phenotypic effects (phenotypic variance explained [PVE] = 18.8 - 31.7 %). Plants with the M. douglasii allele in QTL-B1 (QTL-NL1) produce more buds but fewer leaves in the first 119 days on both soil types. Three modifier QTL could be mapped for bud and leaf production. In one modifier (QTL-B2 = QTL-NL4) the M. douglasii allele is again associated with more buds but fewer leaves. QTL mapped for bud set in the F6 co-localize with QTL-B1 (major QTL) and QTL-B3. Two additional QTL for leaf length and red coloration of leaves could be mapped to one map region on lg03a. Co-localization of the two QTL loci with major phenotypic effects on bud and leaf production strongly suggests that a major genetic locus controls the trade-off between the two adaptive traits. The importance of mutational changes in major genes for the adaptation to stressful environments is discussed." 422,Y,,,,,"Comparing the effects of the exotic cactus-feeding moth, Cactoblastis cactorum (Berg) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) and the native cactus-feeding moth, Melitara prodenialis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) on two species of Florida Opuntia",Opuntia ,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 423,N,,,,,Taxonomic revision of the Opuntia humifusa complex (Opuntieae: Cactaceae) of the eastern United States,Opuntia ,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 424,N,,,,,"CHROMOSOME COUNTS OF OPUNTIA (CACTACEAE), PRICKLY PEAR CACTI, IN THE MIDWESTERN UNITED STATES AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS RESTRICTING THE DISTRIBUTION OF OPUNTIA FRAGILIS",Opuntia ,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 425,N,,,,,"Cytogeography of the Humifusa clade of Opuntia s.s. Mill. 1754 (Cactaceae, Opuntioideae, Opuntieae): correlations with pleistocene refugia and morphological traits in a polyploid complex",Opuntia ,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 426,Y,,,,,THE NEW-ENGLAND DISTRIBUTION OF OPUNTIA-HUMIFUSA (RAF) RAF,Opuntia ,humifusa,humifusa,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 427,Y,2003,Assinewe_etal,Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,"51, 4549–4553",Phytochemistry of Wild Populations of Panax quinquefolius L. (North American Ginseng),Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Phytochemical variation in wild populations",0,NA,exact locations not provided,10,19,"whole plants and roots over all sites, Populations were genetically variable. The QU population was most genetically distinct.", 428,Y,2004,Grubbs_etal,"Allozyme variation in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.): Variation, breeding system, and implications for current conservation practise","5, 13-23","Allozyme variation in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.): Variation, breeding system, and implications for current conservation practice",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Genetic variation across range in allozymes and against cultivated populations",0,high,25 countries within range,44,1177,"every individual in population up to 100 from each population, Wild populations were more genetically variable than cultivated (shows wild populations still exist) and had 2.5 times more variation among populations than cultivated. Population size was the best predictor of genetic diversity. Interpopulation genetic distance and geographic distance were correlated and genetic variation was spread out throughout the species.", 429,Y,2012,Burkhart_etal,Biodiversity and Conservation,"21, 3657-3679","A case study of stakeholder perspective and experience with wild American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) conservation efforts in Pennsylvania, USA: limitations to a CITES driven, top-down regulatory approach",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,NA,to assess stakeholder perspectives in Pennsylvania on state and federal government conservation efforts and experiences relating to enforcement of harvest and trade restrictions,NA,PA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, it's a report/survey", 430,Y,2012,Schlag and McIntosh,Genetic resources and crope volution,"59, 1553-1568",RAPD-based assessment of genetic relationships among and within American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) populations and their implications for a future conservation strategy,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to study RAPD variation in cultivated and wild populations,NA,low,"MD, TN, WI",9,10-50,7 wild and 2 cultivated populations , 431,Y,2012,Young_etal,Conservation Genetics and Resources,"4, 833-836",Development of tri- and tetra- nucleotide polysomic microsatellite markers for characterization of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) genetic diversity and population structuring,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop and test 12 microsatellite loci to characterize population structure and phylogeography,NA,med,13 states,>117?,NA,"# replicates not specified, collected samples from various locations in the US", 432,N,2013,McGraw_etal,Year in Ecology and Conservation Biology,"1286,62-91",Ecology and conservation of ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) in a changing world,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,"to review recent scientific findings concerning this species, identifying factors through its history of direct and indirect interactions with humans that have led to the current condition of the species",NA,NA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, it's a report/survey", 433,N,2013,Shirey_etal,Conservation Letters,"6, 300-316",Commercial trade of federally listed threatened and endangered plants in the United States,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to investigate the internet trade of plants protected under the US Endangered Species Act to determine their availability for instate (regulated) commerce,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"this is not an experimental study, it's a report/survey", 434,N,2014,Souther and McGraw,Ecological applications,"24, 1463-1477",Synergistic effects of climate change and harvest on extinction risk of American ginseng,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to perform stochastic projections if viability response to an increase in maximum growing-season of 1 degree celsius,NA,low,"IN, KY, NY, PA, VA, WV",12,see notes,"for the model, they populations had a census of more than 100 individuals. For the seed cage experiments, there were 600 replicates per population", 435,N,2015,Chandler and McGraw,Forest ecology and management,"344, 1-9","Variable effects of timber harvest on the survival, growth, and reproduction of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.)",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to determine if timber harvest of varying intensity has positive, neutral or negative effects on the survival, growth and reproduction of wild P. quinquefolius",NA,low,"WV, VA",5,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 436,N,2015,Turner and McGraw,Ecological Indicators,"57, 110-117",Can putative indicator species predict habitat quality for American ginseng?,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate if 20 putative indicators could predict P.quinquefolius performance at the population and microsite level,NA,low,seven states,26,,, 437,N,2016,Elza_etal,Ecological Research,"31, 195-201",Analysis of wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) movement patterns to explain the spatial structure of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) populations,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to examine the potential effect of thrushes on spatial dispersion patterns of ginseng,NA,low,seven states,28,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 438,Y,,,,,Consequences of harvesting for genetic diversity in American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.): a simulation stud,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 439,Y,,,,,Declining abundance of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) documented by herbarium specimens,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 440,Y,,,,,Deer browsing and population viability of a forest understory plant,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 441,Y,,,,,Distribution and abundance of Hydrastis canadensis L. (Ranunculaceae) and Panax quinquefolius L. (Araliaceae) in the central Appalachian region,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 442,Y,,,,,"Effects of self-pollination and outcrossing with cultivated plants in small natural populations of American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius (Araliaceae)",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 443,Y,,,,,Evidence for decline in stature of American ginseng plants from herbarium specimens,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 444,Y,,,,,Evidence of Local Adaptation in the Demographic Response of American Ginseng to Interannual Temperature Variation,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 445,Y,,,,,Experimental test for adaptive differentiation of ginseng populations reveals complex response to temperature,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 446,Y,,,,,"Genetic diversity in harvested and protected populations of wild American ginseng, Panax quinquefolius L. (Araliaceae)",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 447,Y,,,,,Geographic Profiling to Assess the Risk of Rare Plant Poaching in Natural Areas,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 448,Y,,,,,"Habitat models to assist plant protection efforts in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia, USA",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 449,Y,,,,,Interactive Effects of Harvest and Deer Herbivory on the Population Dynamics of American Ginseng,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 450,Y,,,,,Rates of Harvest and Compliance with Regulations in Natural Populations of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.),Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 451,Y,,,,,Recovery of populations of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius l.) following harvest,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 452,Y,,,,,Risk assessment: Simultaneously prioritizing the control of invasive plant species and the conservation of rare plant species,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 453,Y,,,,,"Spatial and genetic structure within populations of wild American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L., Araliaceae)",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 454,Y,,,,,Vulnerability of wild American ginseng to an extreme early spring temperature fluctuation,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 455,N,,,,,Genetic structure of the American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.) in Eastern Canada using reduced-representation high-throughput sequencing,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 456,N,,,,,DEVELOPMENT OF HIGHLY TRANSFERABLE MICROSATELLITES FOR PANAX GINSENG (ARALIACEAE) USING WHOLE-GENOME DATA,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 457,N,,,,,Songbird dispersal of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius),Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 458,N,,,,,"Sunfleck effects on physiology, growth, and local demography of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L)",Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 459,N,,,,,Experimental test for adaptive differentiation of ginseng populations reveals complex response to temperature,Panax,quinquefolius,quinquefolius,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 460,Y,,,,,"A SURVEY AND CENSUS OF THE ENDANGERED FURBISH LOUSEWORT, PEDICULARIS-FURBISHIAE, IN NEW-BRUNSWICK",Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 461,Y,,,,,Interpretation of elasticity matrices as an aid to the management of plant populations for conservation,Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 462,Y,,,,,"SEED SET AND SEED PREDATION IN PEDICULARIS-FURBISHIAE, A RARE ENDEMIC OF THE ST-JOHN RIVER, MAINE",Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 463,Y,,,,,EVALUATING APPROACHES TO THE CONSERVATION OF RARE AND ENDANGERED PLANTS,Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 464,Y,1989,,,,"A DEMOGRAPHIC-MODEL FOR PEDICULARIS-FURBISHIAE, WITH IMPLICATIONS FOR CONSERVATION STRATEGIES",Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,NA,NA,3,NA,,,,,,,,"no access to abstract, meeting abstract", 465,Y,,,,,"ENVIRONMENTAL-FACTORS AFFECTING ESTABLISHMENT AND GROWTH OF PEDICULARIS-FURBISHIAE, A RARE ENDEMIC OF THE ST-JOHN-RIVER-VALLEY, MAINE",Pedicularis ,furbishiae,furbishiae,,,N,,N,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 466,Y,,,,,A reexamination of the apogamous tetraploid Phegopteris (Thelypteridaceae) from northeastern North America,Phegopteris ,hexagonoptera,hexagonoptera,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 467,Y,2002,Richardson_etal,Molecular Ecology,"11, 215-227",DNA from bird-dispersed seed and wind-disseminates pollen provides insights into postglacial colonization and population genetic structure of whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Examine population genetic structure and historical biogeographic patterns of bird versus wind pollen dispersal using mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA microsatellites",1,high,southern range bias,41,1-53,"Species biogeography shaped by geographic isolation due to historic climate change and glaciation. Northern populations colonized during Holocene (recent compared to Southern populations). Southern populations thus hold majority of genetic resources, and are a higher conservation priority.", 468,Y,2006,Bower and Aitken,Canadian Journal of Forestry,"36, 1842-1850","Geographies and seasonal variation in cold hardiness of whitebark pine",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Geographic and seasonal variability in cold hardiness based on common garden experiment",1,low,lacking southern USA range,160,1698,"Interior and Northern populations most cold hardy in fall and least in spring (pattern reversed for Southern populations). Need to match planting sites with appropriate seed sources adapted to site temperature regimes.", 469,Y,2012,Barringer_etal,PlOs One,"7, 1-11","Whitebark pine stand condition, tree abundance, and cone production as predictors of visitation by Clark’s nutcracker",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Modelling forest health and visitation of seed dispersers to prioritize areas for whitebark pine restoration",1,low,"southern region, WY, Northern region MT and AB",10,2,"Northern region had a higher proportion of trees infected by blister rust, a lower number of seedlings, a lower average cone density in the stands, lower live whitebark pine basal area and fewer encounters with seed dispersers. Northern popualtions appeared less likely to regenerate naturally.", 470,Y,2012,Bockino and Tinker,Natural Areas Journal,"32, 31-40",Interactions of White Pine Blister Rust and Mountain Pine Beetle in Whitebark Pine Ecosystems in the Southern Greater Yellowstone Area,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 471,Y,2012,Field_etal,Ecological applications,"22, 166-183",Demographic projection of high-elevation white pines infected with white pine blister rust: a nonlinear disease model,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),3,NA,2,,,,,,,"modeling appraoch, no wild pops used to parameterize the model", 472,Y,2012,Gillette_etal,Agricultural and Forest Entomology,"14, 367-375",Area-wide application of verbenone-releasing flakes reduces mortality of whitebark pine Pinus albicaulis caused by the mountain pine beetle Dendroctonus ponderosae,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,1,,,,,,,, 473,N,2012,Gillette_etal,Environmental Entomology,"41, 1575-1586",The Push-Pull Tactic for Mitigation of Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Damage in Lodgepole and Whitebark Pines,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to improve semiochemical-based treatments fir protecting forests stands from bark beetle attack by comparing push-pull vs push-only tactics for protecting P. albicaulis,NA,low,"CA, WA",1,15,"five replicates per treatment (push-only, push-pull, control)", 474,Y,2012,Maloney_etal,Forest ecology and management,"280, 166-175","Ecology of whitebark pine populations in relation to white pine blister rust infection in subalpine forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA: Implications for restoration",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 475,Y,2012,McLane and Aitken,Ecological applications,"22, 142-153",Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) assisted migration potential: testing establishment north of the species range,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,Y,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 476,N,2012,Simard_etal,Global Ecology and Biogeography,"21, 556-567",What explains landscape patterns of tree mortality caused by bark beetle outbreaks in Greater Yellowstone?,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NS,"to explain landscape patterns of tree mortality during outbreaks of 3 species by determining the relative importance of stand structure, topography, soil characteristics, landscape context and beetle pressure",NA,low,WY,1,129,129 plots divided among multiple forest stands (>= 4ha), 477,N,2013,Macfarlane_etal,Ecological applications,"23, 421-437",An innovative aerial assessment of Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem mountain pine beetle-caused whitebark pine mortality,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to classify mortality with a rating from 0 to 6 based on the amount of red (recent attack) and gray (old attack) trees visible,NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 478,N,2013,Oyler-McCance_etal,Conservation genetics resources,"5, 303-305",Development and characterization of thirteen microsatellite loci in Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to investigate population structure within Clark's nutcracker by developing primers for and characterizing polymorphic microsatellite loci,NA,NA,,NA,NA,study focuses on Clark's nutcrackers as a way to maintaining viable populations of P. albicaulis because of their role as seed dispersers, 479,N,2014,Bollenbacher,Journal of Forestry,"112, 474-483",Regional Forest Landscape Restoration Priorities: Integrating Historical Conditions and an Uncertain Future in the Northern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to describe a decision support tool developed by the USDA Forest Service Northern Region in 2010 to support integrated restoration planning,NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,populations and # replicates not specified, 480,N,2014,Chang_etal,PlOs One,"9, e111669 ",Patterns and Variability of Projected Bioclimatic Habitat for Pinus albicaulis in the Greater Yellowstone Area,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to understand the patterns of spatiotemporal variability for future projected P. albicaulis suitable habitat in the Greater Yellowstone Area through a bioclimatic envelope approach,NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a model simulation", 481,N,2014,Gillette_etal,Envionmental Entomology,"43, 1019-1026",Efficacy of Verbenone and Green Leaf Volatiles for Protecting Whitebark and Limber Pines From Attack by Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop safe and effective methods to protect P. albicaulis from attack by mountain pine beetle by comparing verbenone and verbenone plus green leaf volatiles (GLVs) for prevention of beetle attack,NA,low,MT,1,90,"three treatments (30 replicates each): verbenone-alone, verbenone+GLV, untreated control that received the liquid formulation without verbenone flakes", 482,N,2014,Lonergan_etal,Forest Science,"60, 603-612","Influence of Site Conditions, Shelter Objects, and Ectomycorrhizal Inoculation on the Early Survival of Whitebark Pine Seedlings Planted in Waterton Lakes National Park",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,"to evaluate several treatment combinations (planting on burns, in beargrass, near shelter objects, and with mycorrhizal inoculation) intended to enhance the survival of planted nursery seedlings",NA,low,AB,1,983,16 clusters of 3 , 483,N,2014,Palmer and Larson,Environmental values,,"Should We Move the Whitebark Pine? Assisted Migration, Ethics and Global Environmental Change",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,"to consider how particular cases of assisted migration may be ethically approached, using the case study of P. albicaulis",0,high,North America,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 484,N,2015,Hansen and Phillips,Forest ecology and management,"338, 68-83",Which tree species and biome types are most vulnerable to climate change in the US Northern Rocky Mountains?,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to assess components of vulnerability of tree species and biome types to projected futre climate within the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLOCC) in the US Northern Rockiders and the ecosystems surrounding Glacier and Yellowstone/Grand Teton National Parks,NA,high,"ID, MT, WY, UT, CO",NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 485,N,2015,Leirfallom_etal,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"45, 1597-1606",The effects of seed source health on whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) regeneration density after wildfire,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to examine the relationship between whitebark pine seed source health and whitebark regeneration density in adjacent burns,NA,low,MT,15,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 486,N,2015,Perkins_etal,Forest Science,"61, 747-752",Verbenone Decreases Whitebark Pine Mortaliiy Throughout a Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreak,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate the ability of verbenone applied annually to protect whitebark pines throughout mountain pine beetle outbreaks,NA,low,ID,1,149,"applied three different treatments: no verbenone control (n=41), and one of two verbenone treatments A(n=50) or B(n=58)", 487,N,2016,Hansen_etal,Forests,"7, NA","Complex Challenges of Maintaining Whitebark Pine in Greater Yellowstone under Climate Change: A Call for Innovative Research, Management, and Policy Approaches",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to review the system of interactions among climate, competitiors, fire, bark beetles, white pine blister rust, and seed disperses that make P. albicaulis especially vulnerable to climate change",NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 488,N,2016,Jules_etal,Forest ecology and management,"381, 144-156",The relative contributions of disease and insects in the decline of a long-lived tree: a stochastic demographic model of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to present a population model of whitebark pine by surveying trees for health and the presence of blister rust and beetle activity,NA,low,ON,7,15-64,, 489,N,2016,Lintz_etal,Ecological Indicators,"66, 1-9",Quantifying density-independent mortality of temperate tree species,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop a new indicator to summarize raw density-independent mortality of forested stands,NA,low,"WA, OR",NA,NA,do not specirfy #replicates , 490,N,2016,Liu_etal,PlOs One,"11, e0167986 ",Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) in Western North America,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to characterize seed collections (genetic diversity) from white pine blister breeding programs in western North America using an integrated genomic approach,0,med,"WA, OR, BC",124,3,used seed families from different zones, 491,N,2016,Mahalovich_etal,Forest ecology and management,"359, 174-189","Isotopic heterogeneity in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) nuts across geographic, edaphic and climatic gradients in the Northern Rockies (USA)",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to summarize carbon isotope discrimination in P. albicaulis in the Northern Rockies,NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,do not specirfy #replicates but total of 145 individuals sampled, 492,N,2016,Maier and Simberloff,Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics,"29, 857-882",Assisted Migration in Normative and Scientific Context,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,"to survey the principal reasons offered for assisted migration, as well as reasons offered for not offering reasons",NA,NA,NA,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 493,N,2016,Naujokaitis-Lewis_etal,PEERJ,"4, e2204",Advances in global sensitivity analyses of demographic-based species distribution models to address uncertainties in dynamic landscapes,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop a computationally-efficient and freely available tool that implements and automates a global sensitivity analysis of coupled species distribution models-population dynamics model for comparing the relative influence of demographic parameters and habitat attributes omn predicted extinction risks,NA,low,WA,1,NA,"population viability analysis conducted on population in Mount Rainier National Park, in danger of exctinction", 494,N,2016,Roberts and Hamann`,Ecography,"39, 1238-1246",Climate refugia and migration requirements in complex landscapes,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to conduct a landscape-level climatic analysis of postglacial vs projected future migration requirements for 24 common western North American tree species,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a model simulation. Do not specify origins of the populations they use for their model", 495,N,2016,Schaming,PlOs One,"11, e0149116 ",Clark's Nutcracker Breeding Season Space Use and Foraging Behavior,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to examine Nucifraga columbiana's breeding season, home range size, territoriality, habitat selection, and forgaging behavior in the southern Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to inform P.albicaulis restoration efforts",NA,med,"ID, MT, WY",NA,NA,"focus of study on one of P.albicaulis' foragers, with indirect repercussions on P.albicaulis, but do not sample their natural populations", 496,N,2016,Shanahan_etal,Ecosphere,"7, e01610 ","Whitebark pine mortality related to white pine blister rust, mountain pine beetle outbreak, and water availability",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to monitor individual trees from 2004 to 2013 and characterize stand-level biophysical conditions through a mountain pine beetle epidemic in the Yellowstone ecosystem,NA,low,"WY, ID, MT",150,NA,do not specirfy #replicates but total of 4768 individuals tagged, 497,N,2016,Syring_etal,Frontiers in Plant Science,"7, 484","Targeted Capture Sequencing in Whitebark Pine Reveals Range-Wide Demographic and Adaptive Patterns Despite Challenges of a Large, Repetitive Genome",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,"to evaluate the use of hybridization-based target capture to enrich specific genomic regions from the 27 GB genome of P. albicaulis, and to evaluate genetic variation across loci, trees and geography",1,high,,48,1,, 498,N,2017,Buotte_etal,Forest ecology and management,"399, 132-142",Recent and future climate suitability for whitebark pine mortality from mountain pine beetles varies across the western US,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate geographic variability in beetle and tree physiological responses to climate conditions,NA,med,range of whitebark pine in the US outside of CA and NV,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, use a modelling approach", 499,N,2017,Keane_etal,Restoration ecology,"25, 220-233",Evaluating future success of whitebark pine ecosystem restoration under climate change using simulation modeling,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate successes of restoration treatments under future climate using comprehensive landscape simulation experiment,NA,low,MT,2,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a model simulation", 500,N,2017,Landguth_etal,Frontiers in Genetics,"8, 9",Using Landscape Genetics Simulations for Planting Blister Rust Resistant Whitebark Pine in the US Northern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to present a simulation modelling framework to improve understanding of the long-term genetic consequences of the blister rsut pathogen, the evolution of rust resistance, and scenarios of planting rust resistant genotypes of whitebark pine",NA,med,juvenile occurrence records from Forest Inventory and Analysis plot data on all public lands occuring within US Forest Service Northern Region,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a model simulation", 501,N,2017,Lind_etal,Molecular Ecology,"26, 3168-3185","Water availability drives signatures of local adaptation in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) across fine spatial scales of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to describe signatures of fine-scale adaptation within whitebark pine populations across the local of the envuronmentally heterogeneous Lake Tahoe Basin,NA,low,"CA, NV",8,24-48,"needle tissue sampled from the eight populations (n = 244), seeds sampled from six of the eight populations (n = 88)", 502,N,2017,Sniezko_etal,New Forests,"48,245-261",Ex situ genetic conservation potential of seeds of two high elevation white pines,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,Y,NA,4,2,"to test the germination of the oldest known seedlots of P. albicaulis, some of which had been in storage for decades (for ex situ genetic conservation purposes)",0,high,"BC, AB, CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA, WY",10,50-225,, 503,N,2017,van de Gevel_etal,Forests,"8, 195","Separating Trends in Whitebark Pine Radial Growth Related to Climate and Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks in the Northern Rocky Mountains, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to explore divergent periods in whitebarck pine radial growth after mountain pine beetle outbreaks,NA,low,MT,6,NA,sampled four 0.05 ha fixed-radius plots on each of the six sites, 504,Y,,,,,"A dendroecological assessment of whitebark pine in the Sawtooth-Salmon River region, Idaho",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 505,Y,,,,,A test of high-dose verbenone for stand-level protection of lodgepole and whitebark pine from mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera : Curculionidae : Scolytinae) attacks,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 506,Y,,,,,An ecosystem-scale model for the spread of a host-specific forest pathogen in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 507,Y,,,,,Assessing Clark's nutcracker seed-caching flights using maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA of whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 508,Y,,,,,"Biogeography and population genetics of whitebark pine, Pinus albicaulis",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 509,Y,,,,,"Blister rust prevalence in krummholz whitebark pine: Implications for treeline dynamics, northern Rocky Mountains, Montana, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 510,Y,,,,,"Competition and facilitation on elevation gradients in subalpine forests of the northern Rocky Mountains, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 511,Y,,,,,CONE AND SEED TRAIT VARIATION IN WHITEBARK PINE (PINUS ALBICAULIS; PINACEAE) AND THE POTENTIAL FOR PHENOTYPIC SELECTION,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 512,Y,,,,,Convergent patterns in the selection mosaic for two north American bird-dispersed pines,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 513,Y,,,,,Delayed seed germination in whitebark pine and regeneration patterns following the yellowstone fires,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 514,Y,,,,,Distribution and severity of white pine blister rust and mountain pine beetle on whitebark pine in British Columbia,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 515,Y,,,,,Distribution of bark beetle attacks after whitebark pine restoration treatments: A case study,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 516,Y,,,,,DWARF MISTLETOES ON WESTERN WHITE-PINE AND WHITEBARK PINE IN NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 517,Y,,,,,Ecological genetics and seed transfer guidelines for Pinus albicaulis (Pinaceae),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 518,Y,,,,,Ectomycorrhizal fungi of whitebark pine (a tree in peril) revealed by sporocarps and molecular analysis of mycorrhizae from treeline forests in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 519,Y,,,,,"Effects of Length of Storage, and Stratification on Germination of Whitebark Pine Seeds",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 520,Y,,,,,Fine-scale genetic structure of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis): Associations with watershed and growth form,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 521,Y,,,,,Geographic and seasonal variation in cold hardiness of whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 522,Y,,,,,GEOGRAPHIC MONOTERPENE VARIABILITY OF PINUS-ALBICAULIS,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 523,Y,,,,,Inbreeding and conservation genetics in whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 524,Y,,,,,Influence of bioclimatic variables on tree-line conifer distribution in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: implications for species of conservation concern,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 525,Y,,,,,"Influences of the biophysical environment on blister rust and mountain pine beetle, and their interactions, in whitebark pine forests",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 526,Y,,,,,"Interactive effects of tree and herb cover on survivorship, physiology, and microclimate of conifer seedlings at the alpine tree-line ecotone",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 527,Y,,,,,"LANDSCAPE ASSESSMENT OF THE DECLINE OF WHITEBARK-PINE (PINUS-ALBICAULIS) IN THE BOB MARSHALL WILDERNESS COMPLEX, MONTANA, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 528,Y,,,,,"Landscape trends (1753-1993) of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests in the west big hole range of Idaho/Montana, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 529,Y,,,,,Landscape-scale patterns of forest pest and pathogen damage in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 530,Y,,,,,Linking carbon balance to establishment patterns: comparison of whitebark pine and Engelmann spruce seedlings along an herb cover exposure gradient at treeline,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 531,Y,,,,,Mapping the distribution of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in Waterton Lakes National Park using logistic regression and classification tree analysis,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 532,Y,,,,,Mating system and inbreeding depression in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 533,Y,,,,,Non-native blister rust disease on whitebark pine at Crater Lake National Park,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 534,Y,,,,,"Patterns in whitebark pine regeneration and their relationships to biophysical site characteristics in southwest Montana, central Idaho, and Oregon, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 535,Y,,,,,"Population genetic structure in a bird-dispersed pine, Pinus albicaulis (Pinaceae)",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 536,Y,,,,,Postfire succession in Pinus albicaulis - Abies lasiocarpa forests of southern British Columbia,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 537,Y,,,,,Predictive models of whitebark pine mortality from mountain pine beetle,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 538,Y,,,,,SEED PREDATION AND SELECTION EXERTED BY A SEED PREDATOR INFLUENCE SUBALPINE TREE DENSITIES,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 539,Y,,,,,Spatiotemporal Relationships between Climate and Whitebark Pine Mortality in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 540,Y,,,,,Susceptibility of cones and seeds to fungal infection in a pine (Pinus spp.) collection,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 541,Y,,,,,THE EFFECTS OF BLISTER RUST ON POSTFIRE REGENERATION OF WHITEBARK-PINE - THE SUNDANCE BURN OF NORTHERN IDAHO (USA),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 542,Y,,,,,"The influence of white pine blister rust (Cronartium ribicola) on whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in Mount Rainier National Park and North Cascades National Park Service Complex, Washington",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 543,Y,,,,,The influence of white pine blister rust on seed dispersal in whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 544,Y,,,,,The status of whitebark pine along the Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail on the Umpqua National Forest,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 545,Y,,,,,Variability in and Environmental Correlates to White Pine Blister Rust Incidence in Five California White Pine Species,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 546,Y,,,,,"Variability in fire regimes of high-elevation whitebark pine communities, western Montana, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 547,Y,,,,,"Variant maturity in seed structures of Pinus albicaulis (Engelm.) and Pinus sibirica (Du Tour): key to a soil seed bank, unusual among conifers?",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 548,Y,,,,,Water use by whitebark pine and subalpine fir: potential consequences of fire exclusion in the northern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 549,Y,,,,,What defines mast seeding? Spatio-temporal patterns of cone production by whitebark pine,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 550,Y,,,,,"White pine blister rust severity and selection of individual whitebark pine by the mountain pine beetle (Coleoptera : Curculionidae, Scolytinae)",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 551,Y,,,,,Whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.) seed production in natural stands,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 552,Y,,,,,"Whitebark pine and white pine blister rust in British Columbia, Canada",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 553,Y,,,,,Whitebark pine and white pine blister rust in the Rocky Mountains of Canada and northern Montana,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 554,N,,,,,"Autumn snowfall controls the annual radial growth of centenarian whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 555,N,,,,,Climate influences on whitebark pine mortality from mountain pine beetle in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 556,N,,,,,"Severe White Pine Blister Rust Infection in Whitebark Pine Alters Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Attack Density, Emergence Rate, and Body Size",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 557,N,,,,,"Post-fire regeneration dynamics in whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests in Wind River and Absaroka Mountains, Wyoming, USA",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 558,N,,,,,Population-Wide Failure to Breed in the Clark's Nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana),Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 559,N,,,,,"Cascading effects of feedbacks, disease, and climate change on alpine treeline dynamics",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 560,N,,,,,Relative Abundance and Functional Role of Whitebark Pine at Treeline in the Northern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 561,N,,,,,"Sex allocation, pollen limitation and masting in whitebark pine",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 562,N,,,,,Temperature-driven range expansion of an irruptive insect heightened by weakly coevolved plant defenses,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 563,N,,,,,Multi-stemmed trees of Nothofagus pumilio second-growth forest in Patagonia are formed by highly related individuals,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 564,N,,,,,Reversal of multicentury tree growth improvements and loss of synchrony at mountain tree lines point to changes in key drivers,Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 565,N,,,,,"Forest mortality in high-elevation whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis) forests of eastern California, USA; influence of environmental context, bark beetles, climatic water deficit, and warming",Pinus,albicaulis,albicaulis,,,N,NA,N,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 566,Y,2012,Field_etal,Ecological applications,"22, 166-183",Demographic projection of high-elevation white pines infected with white pine blister rust: a nonlinear disease model,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),3,NA,2,,,,,,,modeling, 567,N,2013,Castanha_etal,Plant Ecology & Diversity,"6, 307-318","Conifer seedling recruitment across a gradient from forest to alpine tundra: effects of species, provenance, and site",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine whether local adaptation may influence the position and movement of forest ecosystem boundaries,NA,low,CO,7,NA,"low and high populations at each of the three sites sampled, number of replicates per pop not clearly stated", 568,N,2013,Monahan_etal,PlOs One,"8, e83163 ",Forecasting Distributional Responses of Limber Pine to Climate Change at Management-Relevant Scales in Rocky Mountain National Park,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to quantify the response of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) to climate change in Rocky Mountain National Park ,NA,low,CO,NA,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 569,N,2013,Oyler-McCance_etal,Conservation genetics resources,"5, 303-305",Development and characterization of thirteen microsatellite loci in Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana),Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to investigate population structure within Clark's nutcracker by developing primers for and characterizing polymorphic microsatellite loci,NA,NA,,NA,NA,study focuses on Clark's nutcrackers as a way to maintaining viable populations of P. flexilis because of their role as seed dispersers, 570,N,2013,Smith_etal,CANADIAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH-REVUE CANADIENNE DE RECHERCHE FORESTIERE ,"43, 919-928",Changes in white pine blister rust infection and mortality in limber pine over time,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to assess the mortality and incidence of WPBR on limber pine,NA,low,"AB, BC",6,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 571,N,2014,Ferrenberg and Mitton,Functional Ecology,"28, 837-845",Smooth bark surfaces can defend trees against insect attack: resurrecting a 'slippery' hypothesis,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test the smooth bark defence hypothesis,NA,low,MT,1,44-151,number of replicates per population varied depending on the hypothesis tested, 572,N,2014,Gillette_etal,Environmental Entomology,"43, 1019-1026",Efficacy of Verbenone and Green Leaf Volatiles for Protecting Whitebark and Limber Pines From Attack by Mountain Pine Beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae),Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to develop safe and effective methods to protect whitebark pines, Pinus albicaulis",NA,low,MT,1,90,"three treatments (30 replicates each): verbenone-alone, verbenone+GLV, untreated control that received the liquid formulation without verbenone flakes", 573,N,2014,Kearns_etal,Forest Pathology,"44, 21-38","Risk of white pine blister rust to limber pine in Colorado and Wyoming, USA",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to determine the environmental conditions associted with the distribution of WBPR,NA,low,"CO, WY",17,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 574,N,2014,Villalobos-Arambula,Genetics and Molecular Research,"13, 7571-7576",White Pine Blister Rust Resistance in Limber Pine: Evidence for a Major Gene,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to provide the first investigation of family variation for resistance to WPBR in limber pine, with focus on complete resistance (i.e., HR or canker-free seedlings) and its frequency",NA,low,"CO, WY",12,16-Mar,, 575,N,2015,Borgman_etal,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"45, 496-505",Assessing the potential for maladaptation during active management of limber pine populations: a common garden study detects genetic differentiation in response to soil moisture in the Southern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to conduct a common garden study in a greenhouse to determine the degree of genetic differentiation among limber pine populations in the Southern Rockies",NA,low,"WY, CO",11,3?,collected seeds (do not specify the number) represented by 3 open-pollinated trees, 576,N,2015,Cleaver_etal,Forest ecology and management,"358, 139-153","Limber pine in the central and southern Rocky Mountains: Stand conditions and interactions with blister rust, mistletoe, and bark beetles",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to (1) assess site, stand, and tree health conditions in limber pine stands of northern Colorado, Wyoming, and southeastern Montana, (2) quantify impacts of WPBR, bark beetles, and dwarf mistletoe, and (3) determine biotic and abiotic factors that influence the occurrence and incidence of these damage agents",NA,low,"MT, WY, CO",25,28-Jun,, 577,N,2015,Vogan and Schoette,Forest ecology and management,"344, 110-119",Selection for resistance to white pine blister rust affects the abiotic stress tolerances of limber pine,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test the hypothesis that correlations exist between wualitative resistance and abiotic stress tolerance in P. flexilis,NA,low,"WY, CO",6,20,10 individuals for each genotype (Cr4 dominant allele/Cr4 lacking allele, 578,N,2016,Casper_etal,JOURNAL OF THE TORREY BOTANICAL SOCIETY ,"143, 21-37",Restoration planting options for limber pine (Pinus flexilis James) in the Southern Rocky Mountains,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to develop restoration planting methods,NA,low,"WY, CO",6,216-432,"divided into six plots per site, three at each of the high and low canopy", 579,N,2016,Sniezko_etal,Canadian Journal of Forest Research,"46, 1173-1178",Genetic resistance to white pine blister rust in limber pine (Pinus flexilis): major gene resistance in a northern population,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to examine resistance in seedling families,0,med,"OR, BC, AB",3,06-May,, 580,N,2016,Vogan and Schoette,PlOs One,"11, e0162913 ",Carbon Costs of Constitutive and Expressed Resistance to a Non-Native Pathogen in Limber Pine,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to measur eto what extent genetic disease resistance is costly to plant growth or carbon economy,NA,low,"WY, CO",5,18,9 individuals for each genotype (Cr4 allele dominant/Cr4 allele lacking), 581,N,2016,Windmuller-Campione,PlOs One,"11, e0160324 ","Limber Pine (Pinus flexilis James), a Flexible Generalist of Forest Communities in the Intermountain West",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test the competitive exclusion hypothesis across a broad elevational and geographic area within the Intermountain West,NA,med,"MT, ID, UT, WY, CO, NM, AZ, NV",,,, 582,N,2017,Fornwalt_etal,Forest ecology and management,"385, 214-224","Mulching fuels treatments promote understory plant communities in three Colorado, USA, coniferous forest types",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to examine the effects of mulching on vascular understory plant communities and other ecological properties and processes,NA,low,CO,15,NA ,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 583,N,,,,,Warming and provenance limit tree recruitment across and beyond the elevation range of subalpine forest,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 584,N,,,,,Genetic mapping of Pinus flexilis major gene (Cr4) for resistance to white pine blister rust using transcriptome-based SNP genotyping,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 585,N,,,,,Evidence for foliar endophytic nitrogen fixation in a widely distributed subalpine conifer,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 586,N,,,,,Mosaic genetic differentiation along environmental and geographic gradients indicate divergent selection in a white pine species complex,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,Y,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 587,N,,,,,Permanent forest plots show accelerating tree mortality in subalpine forests of the Colorado Front Range from 1982 to 2013,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 588,N,,,,,Using among-year variation to assess maternal effects in Pinus aristata and Pinus flexilis,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 589,N,,,,,CLIMATIC INFLUENCES ON WOOD ANATOMY AND TREE-RING FEATURES OF GREAT BASIN CONIFERS AT A NEW MOUNTAIN OBSERVATORY,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 590,N,,,,,Resin duct characteristics associated with tree resistance to bark beetles across lodgepole and limber pines,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 591,N,,,,,Niche Divergence versus Neutral Processes: Combined Environmental and Genetic Analyses Identify Contrasting Patterns of Differentiation in Recently Diverged Pine Species,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 592,N,,,,,Warming and the dependence of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) establishment on summer soil moisture within and above its current elevation range,Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 593,N,,,,,"Late-Holocene response of limber pine (Pinus flexilis) forests to fire disturbance in the Pine Forest Range, Nevada, USA",Pinus,flexilis,flexilis,,,NA,Y,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 594,Y,,,,,Germination phenology of some Great Basin native annual forb species,Plagiobothrys ,tenellus,tenellus,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 595,Y,1993,Mymudes and Les,American Journal of Botany,"80, 351-359","Morphological and genetic variability in plantago cordata (plantaginaceae), a threatened aquatic plant",Plantago,cordata,cordata,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Morphological and genetic variability",0,high,range wide,53,"885 leaves, 503 floral spikes, 18 live specimens","Genetic variation was partitioned mainly between populations. There was a lack of variation in plants that existed north of glacial boundary. ON, WI, MI populations shared genetic identity aloough ON and WI populations displayed different phenotypes.", 596,Y,,,,,"Desiccation, cryopreservation and germination of seeds of the rare wetland species, Plantago cordata Lam.",Plantago ,cordata,cordata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 597,Y,,,,,"EXPERIMENTAL ECOLOGICAL GENETICS IN PLANTAGO .3. GENETIC-VARIATION AND DEMOGRAPHY IN RELATION TO SURVIVAL OF PLANTAGO-CORDATA, A RARE SPECIES",Plantago ,cordata,cordata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 598,N,2013,Paul_etal,Conservation Genetics,"14, 195-204",Conservation genetics of an endangered orchid in eastern Canada,Platanthera,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to investigate whether reduced population sizes have led to low genetic diversity and inbreeding + to which extent hybridization with Platanthera psycodes may be threatening the genetic diversity of P. leucophaea populations,NA,low,ON,6,15-45,, 599,N,2013,Krupnick_etal,Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden,"99, 180-198",THE STATUS AND FUTURE OF ORCHID CONSERVATION IN NORTH AMERICA,Platanthera,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to present 9 of the 16 targets of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation,0,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 600,N,2013,Ross_etal,Applications in plant sciences,"1, 1200413 ","MICROSATELLITE MARKERS IN THE WESTERN PRAIRIE FRINGED ORCHID, PLATANTHERA PRAECLARA (ORCHIDACEAE)",Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to characterize the population genetics of P. praeclara,NA,low,ND,1,8,leaf material was collected for DNA extraction, 601,N,2013,Fox_etal,Biological Conservation,"167, 316-324",Pollination of a threatened orchid by an introduced hawk moth species in the tallgrass prairie of North America,Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to study interactions with hawk moth pollinators in one of the three remaining metapopulations of P. praeclara,NA,low,ND,NA,NA,do not specify # of populations and replicates per pop, 602,N,2015,Knudson_etal,Ecological Indicators,"57, 536-545","A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) for the Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (Platanthera praeclara) on the Sheyenne National Grassland, North Dakota, USA",Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to construct indicators of landscape suitability and an overall Habitat Suitability Index (HIS) for the orchid,NA,low,ND,NA,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 603,N,2015,Bleho_etal,American Midland Naturalist,"174, 191-203","Effects of Weather and Land Management on the Western Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera praeclara) at the Northern Limit of its Range in Manitoba, Canada",Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to assess effects of weather and land management on P. praeclara species,NA,low,MB,61-227?,NA,"vegetation survey so there are no replicates, sampled sites to assess metapopulation but do not specify if each site corresponds to a population", 604,N,2015,Fox_etal,Annals of the Entomological Society of America,"108, 1000-1013",Nectar Robbery and Thievery in the Hawk Moth (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae)-Pollinated Western Prairie Fringed Orchid Platanthera praeclara,Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,"to survey potential nectar larcenists, including hawk month thievers and bumble bee robbers",NA,low,ND,NA,NA,"set traps to capture the moths at orchid sites, do not specify if orchids at each sites are different populations", 605,N,2015,Adans abd Lym,Invasive Plant Science and Management,"8, 268-275",Quinclorac and Aminocyclopyrachlor Movement in Sandy Soils,Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to evaluate movement of quinclorac and aminocyclopyrachlor in 70 cm soil columns that simulated field conditions from five ecological sites,NA,low,ND,NA,NA,"evaluated the movement of the substances without plants, then with indicator species, but not with natural populations of P. praeclara", 606,N,2016,Ross and Travers,Conservation Genetics,"17, 69-76",The genetic consequences of rarity in the western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara),Platanthera,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to investigate the genetic diversity and genetic isolation of P. praeclara ,NA,low,"MI, ND",8,max 30,used a maximum of 30 leaf samples per population, 607,Y,,,,,Crossing effects on seed viability and experimental germination of the federal threatened Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae),Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 608,Y,,,,,"Mycorrhizal fungi and cold-assisted symbiotic germination of the federally threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera leucophaea (Nuttall) Lindley",Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 609,Y,,,,,"Mycorrhizal Fungi from Protocorms, Seedlings and Mature Plants of the Eastern Prairie Fringed Orchid, Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Lindley: A Comprehensive List to Augment Conservation",Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 610,Y,,,,,ON THE OCCURRENCE OF PLATANTHERA-LEUCOPHAEA IN LOUISIANA AND ARKANSAS,Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 611,Y,,,,,"Platanthera lacera leucophaea, a new cryptic natural hybrid,and a key to northeastern North American fringed-orchids",Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 612,Y,,,,,"Protocorm mycobionts of the Federally threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid, Platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) Lindley, and a technique to prompt leaf elongation in seedlings",Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 613,Y,,,,,"Relationships between soil characteristics, distribution and restoration potential of the federal threatened eastern prairie fringed orchid, platanthera leucophaea (Nutt.) lindl.",Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 614,Y,,,,,The cost of inbreeding in Platanthera leucophaea (Orchidaceae),Platanthera ,leucophaea,leucophaea,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 615,Y,,,,,A survey of mycobionts of federally threatened Platanthera praeclara (Orchidaceae),Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 616,Y,,,,,"INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL-FACTORS AND PRELIMINARY DEMOGRAPHIC-ANALYSES OF A THREATENED ORCHID, PLATANTHERA-PRAECLARA",Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 617,Y,,,,,Observation: Leafy spurge control in western prairie fringed orchid habitat,Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 618,Y,,,,,Quantifying suitable habitat of the threatened western prairie fringed orchid,Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 619,Y,,,,,"SEASONAL VARIATION IN THE NECTAR SUGAR CONCENTRATION AND NECTAR QUANTITY IN THE WESTERN PRAIRIE FRINGED ORCHID, PLATANTHERA PRAECLARA (ORCHIDACEAE)",Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 620,Y,,,,,SEED CAPSULE PRODUCTION IN THE ENDANGERED WESTERN PRAIRIE FRINGED ORCHID (PLATANTHERA PRAECLARA) IN RELATION TO SPHINX MOTH (LEPIDOPTERA: SPHINGIDAE) ACTIVITY,Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 621,Y,,,,,Symbiotic seed germination and mycorrhizae of federally threatened Platanthera praeclara (Orchidaceae),Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 622,N,,,,,A 20-Year Record of the Western Prairie Fringed Orchid (Platanthera praeclara): Population Dynamics and Modeling of Precipitation Effects,Platanthera ,praeclara,praeclara,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 623,N,2015,Bartgris_etal,Southeastern Naturalist,"14, 158-186","Rare Plants of Canaan Valley, West Virginia",Polemonium,vanbruntiae,vanbruntiae,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to confirm on the presence and conservation status of the rare plants of Canaan Valley,NA,low,WV,NA,NA,"compilation of multiple studies and results from field work, do not specify the number of populations/replicates because it is a vegetation survey", 624,Y,,,,,Mating strategies and pollen limitation in a globally threatened perennial Polemonium vanbruntiae,Polemonium,vanbruntiae,vanbruntiae,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 625,Y,,,,,A Phylogeny of the Genus Polemonium Based on Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Markers,Polemonium ,vanbruntiae ,vanbruntiae,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 626,Y,,,,,Deer herbivory and habitat type influence long-term population dynamics of a rare wetland plant,Polemonium ,vanbruntiae ,vanbruntiae,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 627,Y,,,,,Pollen source affects female reproductive success and early offspring traits in the rare endemic plant Polemonium vanbruntiae (Polemoniaceae),Polemonium ,vanbruntiae ,vanbruntiae,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 628,Y,,,,,POLEMONIUM-VANBRUNTIAE (POLEMONIACEAE) IN MAINE,Polemonium ,vanbruntiae ,vanbruntiae,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 629,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of Lemmon's Holly Fern, Polystichum lemmonii, a threatened fern in Canada",Polystichum ,lemmonii,lemmonii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 630,Y,,,,,"POLYSTICHUM-LEMMONII, A ROCK SHIELD-FERN NEW TO BRITISH-COLUMBIA AND CANADA",Polystichum ,lemmonii,lemmonii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 631,Y,,,,,OBSERVATIONS OF POTAMOGETON-HILLII MORONG IN NORTH-AMERICA,Potamogeton ,hillii,hillii,,,N,,N,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 632,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of the pacific population of tall woolly-heads, Psilocarphus elatior, an endangered herb in Canada",Psilocarphus,elatior,elatior,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 633,Y,,,,,HOP TREE (PTELEA-TRIFOLIATA) IN CANADA - POPULATION AND REPRODUCTIVE-BIOLOGY OF A RARE SPECIES,Ptelea,trifoliata,trifoliata,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 634,Y,,,,, PTELEA-TRIFOLIATA SSP TRIFOLIATA (RUTACEAE) IN DECIDUOUS FOREST REGIONS OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA,Ptelea,trifoliata,trifoliata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 635,Y,,,,,A COMPARISON OF POPULATIONS OF PTELEA TRIFOLIATA SUBSP TRIFOLIATA (RUTACEAE) IN DIFFERENT REGIONS OF UNITED STATES AND SOUTHERN MEXICO,Ptelea,trifoliata,trifoliata,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 636,Y,,,,,Bottomland hardwood forest species responses to flooding regimes along an urbanization gradient,Quercus ,shumardii,shumardii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 637,Y,,,,,Controls on Shumard Oak (Quercus shumardii) Establishment into the Cross Timbers Ecotone of Oklahoma: Implications for Restoration,Quercus ,shumardii,shumardii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 638,Y,,,,,The effects of flooding on bottomland hardwood seedlings planted on lignite mine spoil in east Texas,Quercus ,shumardii,shumardii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 639,N,,,,,Advancement of tree species across ecotonal borders into non-forested ecosystems,Quercus ,shumardii,shumardii,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 640,Y,,,,,"SHUMARD OAK, QUERCUS-SHUMARDII, IN ESSEX COUNTY, ONTARIO",Quercus ,shumardii,shumardii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 641,Y,,,,,"Status of the Water-plantain Buttercup, Ranunculus alismifolius var. alismifolius (Ranunculaceae) in Canada",Ranunculus,alismifolius,alismifolius,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 642,Y,,,,,"Recent discoveries of southern vascular plants at their northern limits in the granite barrens area of Lennox and Addington County, Ontario",Rotala,ramosior,ramosior,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 643,Y,,,,,"Breeding system and early stage inbreeding depression in a Nova Scotian population of the global rarity, Sabatia kennedyana (Gentianaceae)",Sabatia ,kennedyana,kennedyana,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 644,Y,,,,,"Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on the reproductive ecology and pollination service of Plymouth gentian (Sabatia kennedyana Fern.), a lakeshore plant species at risk",Sabatia ,kennedyana,kennedyana,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 645,Y,,,,,"LAKESHORES IN THE TUSKET RIVER VALLEY, NOVA-SCOTIA - DISTRIBUTION AND STATUS OF SOME RARE SPECIES, INCLUDING COREOPSIS-ROSEA NUTT AND SABATIA-KENNEDYANA FERN",Sabatia ,kennedyana,kennedyana,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 646,Y,,,,,SEED BANKS OF A RARE WETLAND PLANT COMMUNITY - DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND EFFECTS OF HUMAN-INDUCED DISTURBANCE,Sabatia ,kennedyana,kennedyana,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 647,N,,,,,"RETHINKING REFUGIA: TREE TOPOLOGY, DIVERGENCE DATES, AND DEMOGRAPHIC HISTORY TRACE THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE ENDANGERED PLYMOUTH GENTIAN (SABATIA KENNEDYANA) FROM THE PLEISTOCENE GLACIATION TO PRESENT DAY",Sabatia ,kennedyana,kennedyana,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 648,Y,2012,Lamb and Guedo,Ecoscience,"19, 161-169","The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Salix,brachycarpa var. psammophila,brachycarpa,psammophila,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 649,N,2015,Robinson and Hermanutz,Journal of environmental management,"150, 157-163",Evaluating human-disturbed habitats for recovery planning of endangered plants,Salix,jejuna,jejuna,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to determine the impact of human disturbanc eon the endangered endemic S. jejuna to provide science-based protocols for future restorstion of disturbed habitats,NA,high,NF,NA,NA,vegetation survey so there are no replicates, 650,Y,2012,Lamb and Guedo,Ecoscience,"19, 161-169","The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Salix,silicicola,silicicola,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 651,Y,,,,,"The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Salix,silicicola,silicicola,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 652,Y,2012,Lamb and Guedo,Ecoscience,"19, 161-169","The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Salix,turnorii,turnorii,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 653,Y,,,,,A comparative epidermis study of the Athabasca sand dune willows (Salix; Salicaceae) and their putative progenitors,Salix ,brachycarpa var. psammophila,brachycarpa,psammophila,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 654,Y,,,,,"Comparative evaluation of vessel elements in Salix spp. (Salicaceae) endemic to the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada",Salix ,brachycarpa var. psammophila,brachycarpa,psammophila,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 655,Y,,,,,"Leaf thickness of Salix spp. (Salicaceae) from the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada",Salix ,brachycarpa var. psammophila,brachycarpa,psammophila,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 656,Y,,,,,A comparative epidermis study of the Athabasca sand dune willows (Salix; Salicaceae) and their putative progenitors,Salix ,turnorii,turnorii,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 657,Y,,,,,"Comparative evaluation of vessel elements in Salix spp. (Salicaceae) endemic to the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada",Salix ,turnorii,turnorii,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 658,Y,,,,,"Leaf thickness of Salix spp. (Salicaceae) from the Athabasca sand dunes of northern Saskatchewan, Canada",Salix ,turnorii,turnorii,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 659,Y,,,,,"Status of the Purple Sanicle, Sanicula bipinnatifida (Apiaceae), in Canada",Sanicula ,bipinnatifida,bipinnatifida,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 660,Y,,,,,"DISJUNCT ATLANTIC COASTAL-PLAIN SPECIES IN NOVA-SCOTIA - DISTRIBUTION, HABITAT AND CONSERVATION PRIORITIES",Scirpus ,longii,longii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 661,Y,,,,,GENETIC EVIDENCE OF INTROGRESSIVE INVASION OF THE GLOBALLY IMPERILED SCIRPUS LONGII BY THE WEEDY SCIRPUS CYPERINUS (CYPERACEAE) IN NOVA SCOTIA,Scirpus ,longii,longii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 662,Y,,,,,"GEOGRAPHICAL-DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY OF LONG BULRUSH, SCIRPUS-LONGII (CYPERACEAE) IN CANADA",Scirpus ,longii,longii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 663,N,2013,Clements,Botany-Botanique,"91, 293-291",Translocation of rare plant species to restore Garry oak ecosystems in western Canada: challenges and opportunities,Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to present the challenges and opportunities of the restoration of th Garry oak ecosystem,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"not an experimental study, it's a review", 664,Y,,,,,"Micro-propagation of White-top Aster, Seriocarpus rigidus, a threatened species from the Garry Oak ecosystem in British Columbia",Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 665,Y,,,,,Mounding as a technique for restoration of prairie on a capped landfill in the Puget Sound lowlands,Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 666,Y,,,,,Consequences of patch size and isolation for a rare plant: Pollen limitation and seed predation,Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 667,Y,,,,,The relationship of reproductive biology to the rarity of endemic Aster curtus (Asteraceae),Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 668,Y,,,,,"Endangered, threatened, and sensitive plants of Fort Lewis, Washington: Distribution, mapping, and management recommendations for species conservation.",Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 669,Y,,,,,EFFECTS OF HUMAN DISTURBANCES ON PRAIRIES AND THE REGIONAL ENDEMIC ASTER-CURTUS IN WESTERN WASHINGTON,Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 670,Y,,,,,"REPRODUCTIVE-BIOLOGY OF ASTER-CURTUS (ASTERACEAE), A PACIFIC-NORTHWEST ENDEMIC",Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 671,N,2012,Dobrowolski_etal,Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology,"87, 1354-1359","Laser biotechnology for more efficient bioremediation, protection of aquatic ecosystems and reclamation of contaminated areas",Sida,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,NA,Y,N (no wild pop data),N (no wild pop data),NA,4,NA,to increase the bioremediation efficiency of contaminated soil and water with the application of laser biotechnology,NA,NA,,NA,NA,"used duckweed to test their method, so did not use natural population of S. hermaphrodita", 672,N,2014,Stevens_etal,Botany-Botanique,"92, 677-677","Biology, habitat requirements, and distribution of Sida hermaphrodita (Virginia Mallow) at the Taquanyah Conservation Area, Haldimand County, Ontario",Sida,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,N,NA,4,test germination and growth rates on soil from existing populations vs other areas,NA,NA,NA,,NA,NA,conference abstract - sounds like was a green house experiment using wild seeds but not stated explicitly, 673,Y,,,,,"Status of the White-top Aster, Aster curtus (Asteraceae) in Canada",Sericocarpus,rigidus,rigidus,,,N,,N,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 674,Y,,,,,"SIDA-HERMAPHRODITA (MALVACEAE) - VIRGINIA MALLOW, A COMMON RARITY",Sida ,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 675,N,,,,,Phytoremediation as an effective method to remove heavy metals from contaminated area - TG/Fr-IR analysis results of the gasification of heavy metal contaminated energy crops,Sida ,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 676,N,,,,,Perennial crops as renewable resource - a good choice concerning climatic risks?,Sida ,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 677,N,,,,,Phytoextractive potential of Miscanthus giganteus and Sida hermaphrodita growing under moderate pollution of soil with Zn and Pb,Sida ,hermaphrodita,hermaphrodita,,,Y,NA,Y,N,N,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 678,N,2016,Lesica_etal,Conservation Genetics,"17, 1041-1054","Can physiographic regions substitute for genetically-determined conservation units? A case study with the threatened plant, Silene spaldingii",Silene,spaldingii,spaldingii,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to determine how genetic variation is distributed across the range of the species and how well physiographic regions reflect population structure within the species,1,high,MISSING,,,, 679,Y,,,,,"Effects of fire on the demography of the endangered, geophytic herb Silene spaldingii (Caryophyllaceae)",Silene ,spaldingii,spaldingii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 680,Y,,,,,Patterns and influences of exotic species invasion into the grassland habitat of the threatened plant Silene spaldingil,Silene ,spaldingii,spaldingii,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 681,N,,,,,Low recruitment not mortality limits growth of peripheral populations of Silene spaldingii,Silene ,spaldingii,spaldingii,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 682,N,,,,,Prolonged dormancy interacts with senescence for two perennial herbs,Silene ,spaldingii,spaldingii,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,3,,,,,,,,, 683,Y,,,,,"POLLINATION IN AN UNDERSTOREY VINE, SMILAX-ROTUNDIFOLIA, A THREATENED PLANT OF THE CAROLINIAN FORESTS IN CANADA",Smilax ,rotundifolia,rotundifolia,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 684,Y,,,,,Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Suggest a Complex Single Origin for the Threatened Allopolyploid Solidago houghtonii (Asteraceae) Involving Reticulate Evolution and Introgression,Solidago ,houghtonii,houghtonii,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 685,Y,,,,,Nuclear and Chloroplast DNA Suggest a Complex Single Origin for the Threatened Allopolyploid Solidago houghtonii (Asteraceae) Involving Reticulate Evolution and Introgression,Solidago ,riddellii,riddellii,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 686,N,2013,Atkinson and Lacroix,Botany-Botanique,"91, 293-299",Evaluating reintroduction methods for the Gulf of Saint Lawrence aster (Symphyotrichum laurentianum) on Prince Edward Island,Symphyotrichum,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,NA,N,Y,N,NA,4,NA,to evaluate reintroduction methods for S. laurentianum,NA,low,PEI,1,40,10 plantlets were transferred to each of the 4 reintroduction plots, 687,Y,,,,,"Effects of salinity and temperature on ex situ germination of the threatened Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum Fernald (Nesom)",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 688,Y,,,,,"Estimation of seed bank and seed viability of the Gulf of Saint Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, (Fernald) Nesom",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 689,Y,,,,,Evaluating re-introduction methods for the Gulf of Saint Lawrence aster (Symphyotrichum laurentianum) on Prince Edward Island,Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 690,Y,,,,,"Floral development, fruit set, and dispersal of the Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster (Symphyotrichum laurentianum) (Fernald) Nesom",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 691,Y,,,,,"Follow-up protocole on population of asters of Saint-Laurent, Symphyotrichum laurentianum, in the Iles-de-la-Madeleine",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 692,Y,,,,,"Germination potential, updated population surveys and floral, seed and seedling morphology of Symphyotrichum laurentianum, the Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, in the Prince Edward Island National Park",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 693,Y,,,,,"Impacts of salinity and simulated herbivory on survival and reproduction of the threatened Gulf of St. Lawrence Aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 694,Y,,,,,"Population genetic structure of the Gulf of St. Lawrence aster, Symphyotrichum laurentianum (Asteraceae), a threatened coastal endemic",Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 695,Y,,,,,Predispersal seed predation by a coleophorid on the threatened Gulf of St. Lawrence aster,Symphyotrichum ,laurentianum,laurentianum,,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 696,Y,,,,,"A quantitative study of variation in the bracts, rays, and disk florets of Aster shortii Hook, A nov ae-angli ae L, A puniceus L, and A prenanthoides Muhl, from Yellow Springs, Ohio",Symphyotrichum ,prenanthoides,prenanthoides,,,N,,N,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 697,Y,2012,Lamb and Guedo,Ecoscience,"19, 161-169","The distribution, abundance, and environmental affinities of the endemic vascular plant taxa of the Athabasca Sand Dunes of northern Saskatchewan",Tanacetum,huronense var. floccosum,huronense,floccosum,,N,,N,Y,N,4,NA,2,,,,,,,, 698,N,2016,Stuhler and Orrock,Oecologia,"181, 463-473",Past agricultural land use and present-day fire regimes can interact to determine the nature of seed predation,Tephrosia,virginiana,virginiana,,,Y,NA,Y,N,Y,NA,4,NA,to test the hypothesis that past and present-day disturbances that alter plant communities can subsequently alter seed predation,NA,low,SC,27,07-Jun,, 699,N,2015,Nowell_etal,Applications in plant sciences,"3, 1500050 ",DEVELOPMENT AND CHARACTERIZATION OF 11 MICROSATELLITE PRIMERS FOR THE SEDGE TRICHOPHORUM PLANIFOLIUM (CYPERACEAE),Trichophorum,planifolium,planifolium,,,Y,NA,Y,Y,Y,NA,4,2,to explore patterns of population genetic diversity and differenrientation in the species,2,high,all states and provinces it is present,12,NA,do not specify # replicates per pop but total of 96 individuals, 700,Y,,,,,"Conservation evaluation of the Small-flowered Tonella, Tonella tenella, in Canada",Tonella,tenella,tenella,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 701,Y,,,,,The genus Trillium (Liliaceae) in Virginia,Trillium,flexipes,flexipes,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 702,Y,,,,,"Status of the Bearded Owl-clover, Triphysaria versicolor ssp. versicolor (Scrophulariaceae), in Canada",Triphysaria ,versicolor ssp. Versicolor,versicolor,Versicolor,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 703,Y,2007,Yakimowski and Eckert,Conservation Biology,"21, 811-822",Threatened peripheral populations in context: geographical variation in population frequency and size and sexual reproduction in a clonal woody shrub,Vaccinium,stamineum,stamineum,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,2,"Geographical variation in population frequency, size, and sexual reproduction",2,high,"core to northern range limit, northeast arm of range",51,20,"measured number and density of ramets, and the number of flowers, infrutescences and mature fruit on 3 ramets Towards the range limit, population frequency and size declined, ramet density increased, and seed mass increased (potentially indicating adaption to stressful environment). Sexual reproduction did not decline towards range limit. Peripheral populations were as productive as central populations.", 704,Y,2008,Yakimowski and Eckert,New Phytologist,"180, 534-544",Populations do not become less genetically diverse or more differentiated towards the northern limit of the geographical range in clonal Vaccinium stamineum (Ericaceae),Vaccinium,stamineum,stamineum,,,Y,,Y,Y,Y,4,NA,1,"Genetic diversity and differentiation between core and peripheral populations using ISSR polymorphisms (demographic and genetic?)",2,high,range centre to northern limit,21,20,"Within population diversity did not decline towards the range margin. Genetic differentiation among populations increased slightly toward magins in small populations wth high clonal reproduction and low seed production (increased isolation)", 705,Y,,,,,"Status of the deerberry, Vaccinium stamineum L (Ericaceae), in Canada",Vaccinium,stamineum,stamineum,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 706,Y,,,,,"Floristic diversity, stand structure, and composition 11 years after herbicide site preparation",Vaccinium,stamineum,stamineum,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 707,Y,,,,,"Status of the Yellow Montane Violet, Viola praemorsa ssp. praemorsa (Violaceae) in Canada",Viola,praemorsa ssp. praemorsa ,praemorsa,praemorsa,,Y,,Y,Y,N,3,NA,,,,,,,,, 708,Y,,,,,Does lack of available suitable habitat explain the patchy distributions of rare calcicole fern species?,Woodsia,obtusa,obtusa,,,Y,,Y,Y,N,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 709,Y,,,,,REPRODUCTIVE CONSEQUENCES OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN YUCCA-GLAUCA (AGAVACEAE) AND TEGETICULA YUCCASELLA (LEPIDOPTERA) IN COLORADO,Yucca ,glauca,glauca,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,, 710,Y,,,,,VEGETATIVE REPRODUCTION AS A STABILIZING FEATURE OF THE POPULATION-DYNAMICS OF YUCCA-GLAUCA,Yucca ,glauca,glauca,,,Y,,Y,N,Y,4,NA,,,,,,,,,