The ManualValidation folder contains the spreadsheet used of the manual validation. Each candidate SATD admitted by somebody else is classified as added (1), changed (0), or false positive (-1) The RQ1 folder contains the data collected, for each project, to answer the RQ1 question (Is Technical Debt admitted by developers who touched the code?) starting from the Maldonado et al. dataset. - legend_rq1_data.txt: description of all columns of the .csv files containing RQ1 data for each project - apache_ant.xlsx - apache_jmeter.xlsx - argouml.xlsx - jfreechart.xlsx - jruby.xlsx - apache_ant.csv - apache_jmeter.csv - argouml.csv - jfreechart.csv - jruby.csv The RQ2 folder contains the data collected, for each project, to answer the RQ2 question (What is the proportion of ownership while adding a TD comment into the code?) starting from the cases where who admitted the SATD is someone else. - legend_rq2_data.txt: description of all columns of the .csv files containing RQ2 data for each project - ownership.csv: ownership data used to create the boxplots - ownership_ant.xlsx - ownership_jmeter.xlsx - ownership_argouml.xlsx - ownership_jruby.xlsx - ownership_ant.csv - ownership_jmeter.csv - ownership_argouml.csv - ownership_jruby.csv