This data is licensed under CC-BY. Contact: Five CSV documents are included in this folder. ***** ES_MWEs ***** List of Spanish MWEs along with identification-oriented data. Meaning of columns: (1) MWE identifier (2) MWE entry (canonical form) (3) MWE code, consisting of: verb lemma, pronominality (pron|-), syntactic relation, preposition, determiners (*|?|-), noun lemma (4) Morphosyntactic pattern (5) Priority group (specified for verb-noun pairs which are part of more than one MWE) (6) Verb lemma (7) Noun lemma (8) Preposition (9) Determiner-related data (* always present; ? optional; - no determiner) (10) Syntactic relation ***** EU_translations ***** List of Basque translations of the Spanish MWEs. Meaning of columns: (1) Translation identifier (2) Translation entry (canonical form) (3) MWE code, consisting of: noun/ajdective/adverb lemma, case/postposition, syntactic relation, verb lemma (4) Morphosyntactic pattern (5) Verb lemma (6) Noun/adjective/adverb lemma (if existent) (7) Case or postposition (8) Syntactic relation ***** ES-EU_equivalence ***** Equivalence between the Spanish MWEs and the Basque translations. Meaning of the columns: (1) Identifier of the Spanish MWE (2) Identifier of the Basque translation (3) Level of analysis (1 manual; 2 manually supervised; 3 automatic) ***** ES_patterns ***** Description of the Spanish MWE patterns. Meaning of the columns: (1) Morphosyntactic pattern (2) Pronominality (3) Determiner (4) Number (5) Definiteness (6) Acceptance of modifiers (7) Acceptance of order alterations ***** EU_patterns ***** Description of the Basque translation patterns. Meaning of columns: (1) Pattern (AdjV adjective+verb; AdvV adverb+verb; V single verb; rest of patterns are of the noun+verb kind) (2) Definiteness (3) Number (4) Determiners (5) Type (1 noun+verb combination; 0 other)