Light Curves of Pan-STARRS1 SN-like Transients
This is the Zenodo data release of the supernova (SN) light curves associated with the paper SuperRAENN: A Semi-supervised Supernova Photometric Classification Pipeline Trained on Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey Supernovae.
This data release contains 5,243 SN-like light curve files, in the SNANA data format. Spectroscopic and photometric classifications associated with this dataset are available in Villar et al. (2020) and Hosseinzadeh et al. (2020).
SNANA Header
The SNANA header contains 9 keys:
- SURVEY: This will always be "PS1MD" (Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep)
- SNID: This will be either "PS0" (if the event was discovered before the official survey) or "PSc", followed by a six digit integer
- IAUC: This will always be "UNKNOWN". IAU names are listed in Villar et al. (2020)
- RA: Event RA in degrees
- DECL: Event DEC in degrees
- MWEBV: Milky Way reddening, estimated using Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011). Error will always be listed as 0.00
- REDSHIFT_FINAL: Spectroscopic redshift measurement. Error will always be listed as 0.00. Users are urged to check Villar et al. (2020) and Hosseinzadeh et al. (2020) to determine which redshift measurements are reliable.
- SEARCH_PEAKMJD: Discovery date of event
- FILTERS: This will always be "griz"
SNANA Columns
The SNANA data contains 7 columns:
- MJD: MJD of observation
- FLT: Filter of observation (g, r, i or z)
- FIELD: This will always be "NULL"
- FLUXCAL: Measured difference flux. Users can convert this to AB magnitudes using a zero point of 27.5
- FLUXCALERR: Flux error
- MAG: Magnitude. Note this uses a different zero point (32.5).
- MAGERR: Magnitude error
If you have any questions about this dataset, please reach out to V. Ashley Villar at (before 2021).