############################# #OVERVIEW # #This dataset contains all files to produce analyses presented in the associated manuscript, with the exception of the tourism data, which is available upon request from IAATO (https://iaato.org/). # #The code associated with these data can be found here: https://github.com/Penguin-Watch/penguin_watch_model # #All files are located within 'data_files.zip'. 'PW_data_2019-10-07.csv' and the files within 'precip_data/' were generated as a part of this research. The .shp files contained within 'peninsula/', 'Sub-antarctic_coastline_low_res_polygon/', and 'ssmu-shapefile-WGS84/' were obtained from other sources (links below) and were used in the analyses. 'AggregatedKrillCatch.csv' was obtained as part of the CCAMLR 2019 Statistical Bulletin Volume 31 (link below). ############################# ############################# *PW_data_2019-10-07.csv -Penguin chick classifications (i.e., number of chicks observed for each nest) derived from time-lapse camera data. Images were manually annotated by domain experts and checked for quality. See associated publication for methodological details. These data were used as input for the capture-recapture model. Entries were filled with NA values to create a complete time series. FIELDS -imagename - image name from the camera -site - site same of the penguin colony -camera_letter - camera identification letter for that site (if there were multiple cameras at a site) -view_letter - the view identification letter (if memory cards were swapped mid-season) -season_year - season-year for this row of data (where the 2015/2016 season is noted as 2016) -imageid - image identification number -col_lat - colony latitude -col_lon - colony longitude -moon - moon cycle -tempf - temperature (not available for most images) -datetime - timestamp from camera -year - calendar year -month - calendar month -day - calendar day -time - time of day -nestX - the number of observed chicks (0/1/2) for that row, where X is the nest number for that site/year (where NA indicates no data collected) -nest_X_x.coord - the x coordinate of nest X in the camera image (where 0,0 is the top-left of the image) -nest_X_y.coord - the y coordinate of nest X in the camera image (where 0,0 is the top-left of the image) ############################# *precip_data/ -Precipitation classifications derived from camera trap data. Precipitation was scored by two individuals independently as rain (R) or snow (S) on a scale from 1 to 3 (small to large). Each file represents scores from a different site/year. See associated publication for methodological details. FIELDS -imagename - image name from the camera -score - precipitation score -datetime - time stamp from camera ############################# *peninsula/ -.shp files for Antarctic Peninsula. Obtained from: GADM (gadm.org/) ############################# *Sub-antarctic_coastline_low_res_polygon/ -.ship files for South Georgia Island. Obtained from: The Antarctic Digital Database (add.scar.org) ############################# *ssmu-shapefile-WGS84 -.shp files for CCAMLR Small-Scale Management Units (SSMUs). Obtained from: CCAMLR GIS (gis.ccamlr.org/) ############################# *AggregatedKrillCatch.csv -Monthly commercial krill catch data aggregated to CCAMLR Small-Scale Management Units (SSMUs). Obtained from the CCAMLR 2019 Statistical Bulletin Volume 31. See the associated CCAMLR webpage (https://www.ccamlr.org/en/document/data/ccamlr-statistical-bulletin-vol-31-data-files) for details and metadata.