File description for manuscript Le Moullec et al. 2020 Oikos: doi: 10.1111/oik.07059 A R script is available on request: # 1. Files to build chronologies .rwl - rwl_petuniabukta.rwl # rwl file from Salix polaris chronologies (at the plant level) published in Buchwal et al. 2013. Polar Biol. - rwl_Semmeldalen.rwl # rwl file from Salix polaris chronologies (at the cross-section level) published in Le Moullec et al. 2019 JEcol - rwl_svalbard_new.rwl # rwl from 6 new sites, 30 Salix polaris individual chronologies (at the cross-section level) - plant_info.txt # Cross section's radius and ring to pith information of file "rwl_svalbard_new.rwl", for possible standardization e.g. BAI, RCS # 2. Ring-growth information at the plant level formatted for linear mixed-effect models or synchrony analysis. - Salix_ind_BAIrcs_RAWpetunia_MeanCenter # Individual shrubs' RWI (standardized = BAI + RCS + Mean Centered). NOTE that ring growth from Petuniabukta are ONLY Mean Centered - Salix_ind_RAW # Individual shrubs' raw ring width (micrometers) # 3. Climate data - climat_raw_Oikos # Raw climate data for each station across Svalbard, provided by Note that data from Hornsund are provided by the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences and meteorological staff of the Polish Polar Station Hornsund - climat_estimated_Oikos # Each climate variable is an estimate at the Svalbard scale: from a linear mixed-effect models with year as fixed effect and (1|Station) as random effect - climat_estimated.se_Oikos # Standard error of each climate variable estimated at the Svalbard scale: from a linear mixed-effect models with year as fixed effect and (1|Station) as random effect # 4. GPS coordinates for distance matrix - site_GPS # Each Salix polaris' subsite UTM coordinates