Urban bird models data package
Kate E Plummer (kate.plummer@bto.org) 2020-04-15

The file describes the derived datasets and R code that accompany:
	Plummer KE, Gillings S, Siriwardena GM 2020. Evaluating the potential for bird-habitat models 
	to support biodiversity-friendly urban planning. Journal of Applied Ecology


DATASET:  		Urban_metrics_per_site.csv
Size:			483 rows (including header) x 41 columns

Description:	The characteristics of urban sites, derived from Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) 
				monitoring locations, used in the analysis presented in the paper.

	sid					Urban site identity
	easting				Easting (x-coordinate) using British National Grid
	northing			Northing (y-coordinate) using British National Grid
	grid100				100-km grid square where site is situated using British National Grid
	areakm2				Site area (km2)
	xval_block			Spatial block where site is situated used for cross-validation
	xval_fold			Data 'fold' the site was randomly assigned to for cross-validation
	pc_building			% of site covered by buildings
	pc_built			% of site covered by built surfaces
	pc_roads			% of site covered by roads and tracks
	pc_rail				% of site covered by railway
	pc_otherman			% of site covered by other human surfaces
	pc_grassrough		% of site covered by grassland, rough
	pc_grassmanaged		% of site covered by grassland, managed
	pc_verge			% of site covered by verges
	pc_natural			% of site covered by natural surfaces
	pc_gardens			% of site covered by residential gardens
	pc_scrub			% of site covered by scrub
	pc_trees			% of site covered by trees/parkland
	pc_woodbroad		% of site covered by woodland, broadleaf
	pc_woodconifer		% of site covered by woodland, conifer
	pc_woodmix			% of site covered by woodland, mixed
	pc_waterinland		% of site covered by water, inland
	pc_arable			% of site covered by arable
	den_woods			Density of woodland patches per site
	den_waterbodies		Density of waterbodies per site
	sz_buildings		Mean size of buildings per site
	sz_woods			Mean size of woodland patches per site
	sz_waterbodies		Mean size of waterbodies per site
	sz_gardens			Mean size of gardens per site
	nn_buildings		Mean nearest neighbour distance for buildings per site
	nn_woods			Mean nearest neighbour distance for woodland patches per site
	nn_waterbodies		Mean nearest neighbour distance for waterbodies per site
	ric_greenspace		Number of greenspace habitat types per site
	den_greenspace		Density of all individual greenspace patches per site
	sz_greenspace		Mean size of all individual greenspace patches per site
	buf_urban			% of 2x2 km buffer around site covered by urban habitats
	buf_wood			% of 2x2 km buffer around site covered by woodland habitats
	buf_grass			% of 2x2 km buffer around site covered by grassland habitats
	buf_coast			% of 2x2 km buffer around site covered by coastal habitats
	climate				Mean annual temperature in 5 x 5 km around site


DATASET:  		Birds_per_site.csv
Size:			483 rows (including header) x 58 columns

Description:	The abundances of 57 bird species per urban site, derived from Breeding Bird Survey 
				(BBS) monitoring, used in the analysis presented in the paper. 5-letter codes are 
				used for species names, as described in the Bird_species_list.csv dataset (below).

	sid					Urban site identity
	BLABI				Blackbird abundance per site
	...					...
	...					...
	SPARR				Sparrowhawk abundance per site


DATASET:  		Bird_species_list.csv
Size:			58 rows (including header) x 8 columns

Description:	Species-specific information for the 57 bird species included in the analysis 
				presented in the paper.

	species				Species 5-letter code (used in Birds_per_site.csv) 
	code2				BTO 2-letter code
	sp_name				Common name
	sci_name			Scientific name
	dom_habitat			Dominant habitat type, derived from Johnston et al 2014, Bird Study, 61:340
	site_freq			Occurence frequency: number of unban sites where the species was present
	abund_av			Mean abundance within sites where the species was present
	abund_sd			Standard deviation of the mean within sites where the species was present


DATASET:		Bird-habitat_model_results.xlsx

Size:			37 rows (including header) x 232 columns

Description:	Summary statistics and species-specific parameter estimates and significance
				levels resulting from all univariate modelling of bird-habitat relationships
				presented in the paper.

	metric				Urban metric names
	wtd_mean			Mean effect size across all species, using inverse variance weighting
	wtd_se				Mean standard error across all species, using inverse variance weighting
	wtd_95ci			Mean 95% confidence across all species, using inverse variance weighting
	BLABI_est			Blackbird density v single metric GLMM - parameter estimate
	BLABI_sterr			Blackbird density v single metric GLMM - parameter estimate standard error
	BLABI_zvalue		Blackbird density v single metric GLMM - Z value
	BLABI_p				Blackbird density v single metric GLMM - p value
	...					...
	...					...
	SPARR_est			Sparrowhawk density v single metric GLMM - parameter estimate
	SPARR_sterr			Sparrowhawk density v single metric GLMM - parameter estimate standard error
	SPARR_zvalue		Sparrowhawk density v single metric GLMM - Z value
	SPARR_p				Sparrowhawk density v single metric GLMM - p value


TEXT FILE:		Rcode_for_bird-habitat_modelling.txt

Size:			639 rows (including headers)

Description:	R code used to develop, run and evaluate the bird-habitat models presented in the
