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								<h2>Capital Bikeshare Analysis</h2>
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										<h2>Overall Ride Patterns </h2>
										<p> The graphs below show the total amount of rides that were catalogued by Capital Bikeshare in March through June 2019 and for March through June 2020.  </p>
									<hr />
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig11dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig10dc"></div>
									<p> The number of rides picks up as the time period goes on in 2019, likely due to improving weather patterns more suitable for biking. Compared to this 2020 line-graph of 
									the same time period, we can see that the overall number of rides is much lower than the previous year, 
									particularly during April which traditionally is a popular time to ride bikes in DC.  </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig31dc"></div>
									<p> If we compare riders who ride during traditonal commuter hours versus noncommuters, we see that although noncommuters are more frequent in both, the spread is larger during  
									the pandemic.  Note, that pandemic rider types are down across both categories.  </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig32dc"></div>
									<p> Next comparing riders on weekends versus weekdays, we see that weekday rides are more popular for both groups.  However, unlike the commuter hours graph,
									the spread is smaller for the pandemic time period. </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="doublehisto"></div>
									<p> Next comparing the hour in which each ride started we see that nonpandemic has a bimodal spread which roughly matches to commuting hours. 
									Pandemic has a slight peak for the morning commuting hours but has a greater share of rides around noon and early afternoon.  </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig5dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig50dc"></div>
									<p> These graphs, displaying how many rides occurred on each day of the week, 
									show that during the nonpandemic timer period the days did not have a lot of spread between the number of rides occurring.  
									The pandemic ride numbers show that many more rides are happening on the weekend than previously were occuring.   </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig9dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig8dc"></div>
									<p> Next, looking at the differences in riders between these two time periods. Comparing these two pie graphs which show the proportional breakdown of members vs casual riders, 
									we see that 2020 has a higher percentage of causal riders. </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig98dc"></div>
									<p> This animated bar chart shows how startng hour of rides differed among Members and Casual riders during the pandemic. Casual riders are taking most of their rides around midday or early evening. 
									This suggests that they may be using rideshare for exercise. </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="figboxdc"></div>
									<p> This shows that the age ride time in seconds increased during the pandemic.  This combined with the other findings further suggests that riders may be using 
									Capital Bikeshare for exercise.</p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig19dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig18dc"></div>
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									 <div id="fig17dc"></div>
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									 <div id="fig16dc"></div>
									 <p> These graphs show the total amount of rides at the different stopping and starting stations for the two time periods.
									 In the nonpandemic map we see that Union Station (a major commutting hub) is the most popular station by far.
									 In the pandemic maps, riding hotspots are more diffuse and pop up in more residental neighborhoods and areas associated with 
									 recreation such as the National Mall. </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig100dc"></div>
									 <div id="fig99dc"></div>
									<p> The animated maps show the amount of rides ending at each of the ending stations for the two periods. 
									Scroll through to see how the patterns change from day to day.  </p>

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										<h2> Ride Patterns Compared to Covid </h2>
										<p> The graphs below show how ridership changed as Covid cases increased in the area.  </p>
									<hr />
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig21dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig22dc"></div>
									<p>Despite the regulations imposed, the Corona virus continued to spread.  
									In the combo chart above, we see the relationship between the total rides versus the total number of Covid-19 
									diagnosed in the area. THe bubble chart shows that although there was an intial drop in rides as the virus cases increased, eventually rides went back up
									despite increased virus cases. It is important to note, that numbers are still down from last year.</p>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig12dc"></div>
									<p> Although the virus continued to spread rapidly through the area, when the regulations and closings were first announced the 
									number rides dropped substantially in DC. </p>
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										<h2> Black Lives Matter Protest Related Pattern Analysis </h2>
										<p> On May 25th, in Minneapolis a man named George Floyd was killed by police officers. 
										Although, Covid-19 related regulations remained in place in NYC and DC, many outraged citizens showed up to demonstrate together. </p>
									<hr />
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig14dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									 <div id="fig13dc"></div>
									<p> This line graph of the total number of rides in the days after the death of George Floyd shows a marked increase.  Whether this was due to protests or other factors is not directly known.  However, it is interesting to look at the data in light of the mandatory curfews imposed on the city.  These histograms show the distribution of rides each day so 
									a noticeable decrease in rides appears later in the evenings.   </p>
									<div class="align-center">
									<div id="fig26dc"></div>
									<p> This map shows the end stations for May 23, the last Saturday before the death of George Floyd. The ride patterns show some spikes around the mall but
									nothing near the White House.</p>
									<div class="align-center">
									<div id="fig23dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
								<div id="fig24dc"></div>
									<div class="align-center">
									<div id="fig25dc"></div>
									<p> On Friday June 5, a little over a week after George Floyd’s death, large scale protests continued in DC. With the curfews lifted and major parts of downtown shuttered to car traffic in anticipation, 
									many of the protests centered around the White House. The next day, June 6, the mayor closed large portions of downtown for first amendment activities. Again, many protesters convened 
									in front of the White House and the surrounding area. This pattern is borne out by the giant spike of rides ending at the stations closest to the White House seen in this June 6 map.  
									 These patterns continued the following day but not to the same extent.  </p>


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