Node,Role,Relationship,Request N0,cooperating witness, N1,,conversation with 0, N2,boss family ''Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto'',, N3,boss family ''Caltagirone'',, N4,enterpreneur,, N5,,sighted with 11 12 and 13, N6,,sighted with 3 4 5 7 and 8, N7,,sighted with 3 4 5 6 7 and 8, N8,,sighted with 3 4 5 6 and 7, N9,,sighted with 3 5 6 7 4 and 8, N10,enterpreneur,, N11,boss Cosa Nostra in Messina,, N12,member family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N13,enterpreneur,nephew of 11, N14,boss family ''Mazzaroti'',,arrest request denied N16,boss family ''Brancaccio'',, N17,,tapped with 16, N18,executive family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N19,,external partnership,arrested N20,,,fugitive N21,enterpreneur,,arrested N22,Pharmacist-member,,arrested N23,executive family,,arrested N24,,external partnership, N25,executive family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N26,member of family ''San Mauro Castelverde'',, N27,executive family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N28,,sighted with 11 13 and 5, N29,enterpreneur,,arrested N30,,father of 30, N31,enterpreneur,, N32,member family ''Mistretta'',, N33,,external partnership,arrested N34,,tapped with 18, N36,,aiding and abetting of a fugitive,arrested N39,executive family ''Batanesi'',, N40,member family ''Mazzaroti'',, N41,member family ''Mazzaroti'',, N42,boss family ''Tortorici'',, N43,intermediator,,arrested N45,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N46,boss family ''Tortorici'',, N47,deputy boss family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N48,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N49,member family ''Batanesi'',,house arrest N50,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N51,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N52,enterpreneur,,arrested N54,enterpreneur,,arrested N55,member family ''Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto'',, N56,,wife of an inmate,arrest request denied N57,,daughter of an inmate,uninvolved N59,enterpreneur,, N60,,brother of 59, N61,executive family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N62,enterpreneur,,arrested N63,enterpreneur,,arrested N64,enterpreneur,,arrested N65,enterpreneur,, N66,enterpreneur,,arrested N67,enterpreneur,,arrested N68,executive family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N69,enterpreneur,, N70,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N71,enterpreneur,, N72,construction worker,,lack of evidence N73,,mother of 74 and wife of 22, N74,,son of 22, N75,member family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N76,enterpreneur,external partnership,arrested N77,member family ''Mistretta'',,arrested N78,,sighted with 22 and 18, N79,enterpreneur,external partnership, N80,enterpreneur,,arrested N81,,sighted with 80 and 82, N82,,sighted with 80 and 81, N83,,sighted with 15 and 79, N84,enterpreneur,external partnership, N85,enterpreneur,external partnership,arrested N86,enterpreneur,sighted with 87, N87,enterpreneur,sighted with 85, N88,,sighted with 25 and 26, N89,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N90,member family ''Batanesi'',, N91,car electrician,in contact with 36, N92,lawyer,in contact with 91 and 36, N93,,sighted with various members of families, N94,,sighted with 89 and 45, N95,member family ''Batanesi'',, N96,enterpreneur,,arrested N97,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N98,,,arrest request denied N99,,external partnership, arrested N100,farmer,external partnership, N101,,phone tapped with 14, N102,,,arrest request denied N103,,phone tapping with 18, N104,enterpreneur,, N105,land owner,in contact with 37, N106,,phone tapping with 107, N107,bar owner,phone tapped with 106, N108,walking fishmonger,phone tapped with 18, N109,on-existent enterpreneur created during a scam,, N110,,external partnership, N111,,phone tapping with 109, N112,,external partnership, N113,,external partnership, N114,road haulier,external partnership, N115,road haulier,external partnership, N116,accountant employee of 113,accountant employee of 113, N117,,phone tapping with 37, N118,,external partnership, N119,,nominee owner of the phone number used by 15, N121,,nominee owner of the phone number used by 147, N123,,Common-law wife of 47, N124,,phone tapping with various members, N125,member family ''Batanesi'',, N126,,sighted and phone tapped several times, N127,,phone tapped with 37, N128,enterpreneur,,arrested N129,,phone tapped with 37, N130,,phone tapped with 37, N131,,phone tapped with 37, N132,,phone tapped with 18, N133,City employee,phone tapped with 37, N134,,phone tapped with 37, N136,,common-law wife of 27, N137,enterpreneur,, N138,lawyer,in contact with 27, N139,enterpreneur,, N140,enterpreneur,, N143,member family ''Mistretta'',, N144,member family ''Mistretta'',, N145,,mother of 13, N146,,phone tapped with 18, N147,,phone tapped with 44, N148,,wife of 149, N149,Co-founder of family ''Batanesi'',,in jail N150,,,in jail N151,member family ''Batanesi'',,arrested N152,,phone tapped with 15, N153,,sells a car to 34, N154,,,arrest request denied