Vertical profiles of Doppler spectra of hydrometeors from a Micro Rain Radar recorded during the austral summer of 2016/2017 in the Southern Ocean on the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). Data files: RawSpectra/${year}${month}/MRR_ACE_${year}${month}${day} File header char Time(Record, string_length) ; Time:Name = "Time-string-of-each-record" ; Time:Units = "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss+00:00" ; Time:Zone = "UTC" ; float MDQ(Record) ; MDQ:Name = "Quality-index-zero-to-hundred-of-each-record" ; MDQ:Units = "percentage" ; float NSA(Record) ; NSA:Name = "Number-of-good-spectra-averaged-each-record" ; NSA:Units = "dimensionless" ; float H(Height) ; H:Name = "Height-with-respect-to-instrument-location" ; H:Units = "Meters" ; float TF(Height) ; TF:Name = "Transfer-function-values-of-each-height" ; TF:Units = "unknown" ; float Fnn(Record, Height, FFT_points) ; Fnn:Name = "Raw-received-spectral-signal-power" ; Fnn:Units = "engineering-units" ; Missing values are denoted by NaN.