Dissolved inorganic nitrate, nitrite, silicate and phosphate concentrations of seawater sampled during the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE) during the Austral Summer of 2016/2017. Data file(s): ace_uw_nutrients_20200527CURRSGCMR.csv ACE_Sample_Number [string]: unique sample code from ACE, formatted as follows: shipname/ACE/legnumber/projectnumber/julianday[UTC]/eventnumber/PIinitials/projectsampleID project_sample_number [string]: ACE project 1 sample ID code Leg [string]: leg of ACE voyage during which sample was collected, 1-3 Sampling_DateTime_UTC [YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM]: date and time at which the underway seawater sample was collected in ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DDTHhh:mm:ss+00:00 [UTC] Latitude [decimal_deg_N]: latitude of seawater sample collection [degree_north] Longitude [decimal_deg_E]: longitude of seawater sample collection [degree_east] Depth [m]: depth sample was collected from [metres] NOx [uM]: total oxidised nitrogen concentration [micromolar] LOD_Flag_Nox [string]: flag indicating if derived concentration of NOx was below the limit of detection [no units] Nitrate [uM]: nitrate concentration [micromolar] LOD_Flag_Nitrate [string]: flag indicating if the derived concentration of nitrate was below the limit of detection [no units] Nitrite [uM]: nitrite concentration [micromolar] LOD_Flag_Nitrite [string]: flag indicating if the derived concentration of nitrite was below the limit of detection [no units] Silicate [uM]: silicate concentration [micromolar] LOD_Flag_Silicate [string]: flag indicating if the derived concentration of silicate was below the limit of detection [no units] Phosphate [uM]: phosphate concentration [micromolar] LOD_Flag_Phosphate [string]: flag indicating if the derived concentration of phosphate was below the limit of detection [no units] Missing values: NaN